Divine Mercy Adoration Live Today | Conrad Kitt | 02 Mar | Divine Retreat Centre

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now is the time to [Music] now is the time to give your heart [Music] just as you are before [Music] [Music] just [Music] just as you are before [Music] still the greatest treasure remains for those who will gladly choose one day every child will confess your god one day every knee will grow still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose now is the time to [Music] just as you watch are watching oh god just as you are before you go [Music] about still the greatest treasure remains for those who will gladly choose [Music] still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly [Music] now is the time to wash [Music] just as you are before you [Music] now is the time to [Music] now is the time to get your heart [Music] just as you are before [Music] one day really still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose you now one [Music] still the greatest treasure remains for those [Music] [Music] just as you are just as you are [Music] before you [Music] the lord is waiting for each one of us [Music] inviting you and me [Music] on this day [Music] to come to him [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] just as you are [Music] come my brothers come on bended knees come with a heart [Music] of repentance [Music] as we hear the word of god today the church announces [Music] the prophet joel chapter 2 verse 13 says rend your heart [Music] rend your hearts not your garments [Music] and relent for the lord your god is here for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger rich in abounding steadfast love and this god today on this day of ash wednesday [Music] turn away from all wickedness from all your evil worldly desires this is the calling by christ himself another chance to bow down and say lord i am sorry because the word of god says come repent and the lord will turn towards you and me [Music] return in arms giving in prayer and in fasting [Music] this is a calling just like the israelites as we read in the old testament 40 years in the wilderness god has been merciful to us and given us 40 days that we turn to him leaving every area that is not of god renouncing [Music] repenting relenting [Music] a time to seek god to do good in prayer in alms giving in fasting the whole year we've gone through it without arms giving in a right way without prayer in a right way without fasting in the right way and this is the time let us recall a sad ways that we have turned away from god [Music] and this time we bring ourselves into the presence of god giving jesus a spiritual purified humble selves [Music] yes my brothers my sisters ourselves that we give to god need purification it's only by the precious blood that we can acknowledge the righteousness of christ living in us in humility in fasting in prayer in arms giving and this helps us that we die to ourselves in all the pleasures [Music] for the word of god is alive during this time of lent which reminds us every day to proclaim we adore you or christ and we bless you because by a holy cross now has redeemed the world [Music] the world has been redeemed by the cross the blood stained cross jesus it was your sacrificed life you gave us dying on that cross to give us life as the word of god says in acts chapter 3 verse 19 my brothers and my sisters repent therefore and turn to god so that your sins may be wiped out so that times of refreshing may come [Music] yes if sincerely we repent we will be refreshed we will be strengthened [Music] we will be filled with wisdom to know god and his ways because we need to take a step closer to god during this lenten season and here we are bow down before our god as we sing once again it's a call to you and me come now is the time now is the time my brothers my sisters now is lent in season the rejoicing is gone but come with alms giving fasting and prayer for these 40 days will fill you spiritually will lift you up every day for the day of good news is here and the good news is good friday where god gave himself that you may live for all eternity with him in him and for him come now's the time [Music] now is the time to look to him and worship god [Music] as i am [Music] god [Music] now is the time to give your heart just as you [Music] watch it [Music] one day [Music] remains for those [Music] still the greatest treasure remains for those who will gladly choose [Music] just as i am [Music] praise you lord praise your god praise your wonderful name for choosing us to calling your call we have heard lord your call lord we come to love you to praise you to worship you to adore you and this time lord we want to lift you up to the most time we want to come with a repentant heart we want to come to you god as we are in all our weakness brokenness in all our faults of failing our sins lord that has taken us away from you but we look to you god because you know you are a god [Music] relent in punishment lord you do not want to punish us but with open arms you want us to come running to you that you will embrace us that you will love us that you will care for us god every need lord those who come to you with a humble heart lord you will lift him up because your word says humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up and the sight of the lord is every moment of our lives every moment we are in your sight lord you look at us every moment of our lives to care for us to pick us up whenever we stumble jesus what a wonderful god you are so gracious so merciful lord jesus jesus and god in all this humility in all this nothingness within us we want to praise you and glorify you jesus we want to exalt you we want to tell you jesus i love you i need you i need you more than ever lord i need you lord i need your precious blood i need your cleansing power i need to kiss jesus blood stained cross the cross that i look unto you god is where i know that is where you gave me life by dying to yourself you gave me hope lord to live when you died you gave me eternal life to be with you for all eternity what a wonderful god you are so precious so priceless where can i find this god jesus but you come searching you come living in us you come to tell us i am with you all the days of your life and you tell us so many times do not fear do not be worried do not have anxiety because i am with you my brothers my sisters what a wonderful message god is giving us this time fear not for i am with you do not be afraid have no anxiety for i am your god i'm a living god alive and active jesus my word will penetrate and cut every area of darkness away my word is power my word brings victory my word brings healing my word saves this is what christ's message for us is my brothers my sisters live by the word cling on to the words read the word proclaim the word because god's word is god himself we read it in john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so it's time we praise and glorify god for giving us his word for giving himself for bringing us back during this time of lent as we begin today and this time we take the opportunity my brothers my sisters together with the whole church we lift up this country ukraine we ask the lord at this time you and me join together the entire catholic church joins together to pray for peace [Music] on this country ukraine we ask the lord for his forgiveness on to russia we ask the lord as we lift up even our own country india that the lord will protect that the lord will guide this country towards him that this country be washed by the precious blood of jesus ukraine be washed by the precious blood of jesus russia be washed by the precious blood of jesus because the blood of jesus gives life protection peace and joy my brothers my sisters we need the lord more than ever we need the lord more than yesterday we see the turmoils going on everything going wrong lord people are sick and dying because they do not know you lord yet they don't repent countries doing wicked things god evil things they do not know you christ jesus but lord on their behalf we repent and we pray for them god and i want to tell you god jesus the church that you have initiated that you gave peter the keys to the church this catholic church also repents god for the mistakes we have done for this is the time we can call on to you and say we are sorry because this day reminds us you are dust and unto dust you shall return and the proclamation of this in the church resounds from pole to pole reminding us you are dust and unto dust you shall return but our souls lord is in your hands to guide us to protect us to lead us lord the church needs you we need you lord and i cry out to do to you lord yes my brothers and my sisters telling jesus lord i need you i need you much more than anything god i want to make you the first in my life the priority in my life the first thing before anything i want to make you fuss but i do not know how to lord teach me lord i need you oh i need you i love you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guide [Music] oh i need you lord [Music] [Music] sing along my brothers and my sisters [Music] oh i need you [Music] was syndrome's days is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i [Music] raising our hands and telling the lord lord i need you lord [Music] i need you my one defense my righteousness oh god [Music] teach my song to rise to me rise to you [Music] when lord come my way and when i cannot stand i fall on you and i cannot stand i fall on you lord lord i need you cry out to god and tell him [Music] you're the only defense [Music] lord i need you lord [Music] my righteousness [Music] my righteousness [Music] my brothers my sisters cry out my one defense my righteousness look to him [Applause] i praise you lord i bless you lord i glory by your lord i thank you lord for you are my god and you have given me this grace lord to cry out to you that i need you more than ever more than before lord quran i just want to praise and glorify you i want to love you and exalt you i will bless your holy name jesus for your name is above all other names lord you are so righteous in all your ways god you teach us lord holy ways god you draw us closer to you you give us so much of understanding wisdom and knowledge in you god when we come to you god you are the one that teaches us you are the one that shows us you are the one that prompts us lord i need you more than ever lord and this is the time lord what a beautiful day to come back to you god to come back to you saying that we are sorry [Music] lord we are sorry lord let the wickedness be driven away by your word by a cross by your blood lord give us that life to live a life every day in harmony in unity in humility jesus we need that oneness the catholic church needs this oneness to be with you god [Music] because lord if we have strayed away the word says that the lord will come searching for the strayed one the sheep that strays away will be brought back by your power by your holy spirit by your love by your concerned lord and in your forgiveness god you will hold us in your mercy you will take us back in your arms [Music] jesus this is what we need to understand god the church is crying the church is bleeding with pain with sorrow lord we need your touch once again we need this world to live in harmony in peace lord the message your mother gave us [Music] to the people of ukraine to pray too fast this time lord give us the understanding to fast and pray and almsgiving that we may help the needy the poor god this is the grace we seek in you god and we know lord that when we call on your name jesus when we ask you will provide because you are a god who provides who looks after that children who looks after the church yes lord as the psalmist says in psalm 51 that you have mercy you are a merciful god you are so gracious abounding in your mercy have mercy on us o lord for we come to you god during this time this hour of mercy and during this hour of mercy we lift up the entire world every child we lift up a holy father he needs to be strengthened to strengthen his church all the bishops all the priests all the clergy all the religious and every child that belongs to you god no matter what race what creed no matter where they are your mercy will penetrate into every heart a day where we can cry out forgive for we belong to you my brothers my sisters as we begin lift up your intentions especially those who've asked us to pray the divine retreat center receives so many so many petitions intentions requests we will all lift each one of them into the hands of christ our jesus lift up what is in your heart the desire to be a better person to be a forgiving person to be a merciful person to walk in christ who is merciful you expire jesus but the souls of life gush forth for souls and the ocean of mercy open up for the whole world o font of life unfathomable divine mercy envelope the whole world and empty yourself out upon us o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fount of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gush forth from the heart of jesus as a font of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus has a font of mercy for us i trust in you our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil hail mary full of grace the lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without an amen i believe in god the father the almighty creator of heaven and earth i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord he was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father the almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your daily beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement of our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world eternal father eternal father we offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and not the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your daily beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement of our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the of sake sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world [Music] for the sake of a sorrowful [Music] passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world eternal father we offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and evinity of your daily beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement of our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake [Music] of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake [Music] of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world holy god [Music] almighty one [Music] and on the whole world [Music] holy god holy mighty one holy immortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world holy god [Music] have mercy on us and on the whole world eternal father in whom mercy is endless and a treasury of compassion inexhaustible look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we may not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is love and mercy itself amen jesus king of mercy i trust in you yes lord we are yours we belong to you we come to you god in your name jesus and through your holy spirit to fall on up on each one of us now wherever we are your spirit your holy spirit your powerful spirit can reach holy spirit come fall on us now we need you we need you we need you come holy spirit fall on me now i love you holy spirit love you holy spirit you're captivating my soul captivating my soul every day i grow to love you more i'm reaching out tell the lord i'm reaching for [Music] the holy spirit is throwing each one of us closer [Music] i'm reaching out i'm reaching [Music] i feel the power of your embracing [Music] where i can see you face to face [Music] cry out to god and call on him come holy spirit fall on me now call on the holy spirit and fall on me now [Music] i need your help come with your power holy spirit i love you holy spirit i love you gentlemen [Music] reach out to god you hold my life in your [Music] [Music] when i can see you face to face i worship you is spirit and in truth i'm reaching out to you my brothers my sister reach out to god the holy spirit will come upon you that is for sure that is guaranteed because god said i give you my holy [Music] spirit the spirit of power and peace and love and joy i worship you reach out to god and tell him i'm reaching out to you [Music] i'm reaching for your heart for your heart i'm reaching out [Music] but i can see you face to face [Music] i worship you i worship you praise you jesus praise you lord glory to you god i love you jesus i thank you jesus i thank you for this awesomeness that you have blessed each one of us a reminder that we are yours you come to us god you reach out to us you are the one that gives us the strength to be renewed in your holy spirit to be embraced in your holy spirit to love and forgive and have mercy in your spirit lord only through your holy spirit can we forgive can we have mercy can we have compassion can we have peace lord because your spirit is power your spirit is genuine your spirit is peaceful your p your spirit is merciful and we want to thank [Music] jesus jesus i love you i praise you i need you i glorify you lord you are the king of our heart lord you're the king of the glory lord you're the king of the universe lord your king of the earth lord everything belongs to you lord we praise you and thank you and glorify you god thank you jesus thank you lord glory glory glory glory is yours lord thank you jesus thank you master my life yes lord and as we ask you for for every area of our lives our families our children our parents our relatives our enemies lord and everyone that dislikes us we pray for them god and we ask you for your blessing lord to come upon them and come upon us lord that you may bless us lord jesus come and take your place in our heart hum take your place in our lives control our minds control our thoughts control every area of our lives control us lord and bless us bless us bless us [Music] so let's all kneel down [Music] as we the holy spirit falls and bless each one of us [Music] let your blessing fall on each one of us let your blessing fall on everyone [Music] all [Music] [Music] god [Music] all praise [Music] [Music] me [Music] all praise [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Divine Retreat Centre Goodness TV
Views: 5,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divine Retreat Centre, Gospel, Jesus, Catholic, Eucharist, Praise, Worship, Adoration, Preaching, Word of God, Anointing, Fellowship, Goodness TV, Goodness Tv English, Fr Augustine Vallooran, Divine Mercy, Fr John Prince, 28 August, 3pm, Hour of Mercy, Divine Mercy Adoration
Id: JiidX4OafSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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