Divine Healing Training: Session 1 - 3/8/20

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it's good to see everybody here how how many of you are here local from from local we see your hands all right good deal how many of you are not from here local all right all right I will find out hopefully during this time where you're from it's good to be back here in Louisiana again we were here well let's see where were we we're in West Lake I think it was about a year ago something like that so we've been here couple times but our last time there our most memorable time to date was when we got here in 1980 we actually came into sulfur in 1980 we were we launched out as myself my wife our daughter and our son who was just a couple of months old actually and we left Tulsa we'd go into a camp meeting at Tulsa and drove straight from Tulsa down to sulfur and it was all by faith that was our probably our most miraculous year of faith because we launched out no promise of anything really all we had was hope and faith in God that was it and we launched out didn't know where we were going I just knew we were supposed to head this way and that whole year was just really an amazing year so we had a great time our memories of sulfur have always been really good and so we look forward to creating some new good memories here amen so well a couple of things I want to cover with you tonight we will love since this is a rather unusual slightly unusual setup of starting on the Sunday evening like this we want to get someone done I'm gonna get some of the preliminaries out of the way how many of you are going to be here tomorrow okay most of you good deal okay the reason I'm saying is because what I want to do tonight even though this is a DHD the divine healing technician training most of you are here either to receive healing or to learn how to minister healing and that's what we're gonna do but I really feel that tonight I need to start with and actually what we're gonna do is probably say this we're guessing at this point we're try to do this in two sessions we're gonna go about an hour maybe 45 55 minutes and then take a few minutes break and then come back and do another roughly about a 45 minute session and so in doing that that would give me an opportunity to minister to separate things to you these are what I consider probably the two most important messages that we can deliver we've done it all over the world and if you get this these two messages and you see it then everything else would just naturally flow out of that and everything will start to come together for you and so I really hope that you would take notes we probably won't be using the manual tonight directly but if you do have a manual I would suggest you go in and look at all the all the preliminary in the manual because the preliminaries there if we can get those out of the way then we can also move on faster the rest of the week and so the preliminaries I'm talking about would be starting here yeah you can see in your manual pages one through four just the contents page five endorsement system some of the nice things that people said about us page six it's where I usually ask people who have attended a DHD before let me see your hands how many of you have been to a DHD or heard it online you've heard it okay somewhere okay how many of you are sick and you need healing that's why you're here you came to get healed okay all right good deal how many of you're not sick you don't need healing but you came because you want to learn to minister healer let me see your hands good all right well then that's you got the right heart because it's never enough to go just to get you need to go and get so you can give it away that's the key now one of the main things to remember is that you'll see about halfway down the page and page six I said I wasn't gonna get in the menu I am a little bit obviously but first off you'll see the big bold letters that Jesus never taught healing technically he never taught it now you can we can glean a lot from what was said about healing but he never said okay here's how you get healed here's how you does but yet we can watch what people did we can see how you ministered but there's a difference because you have to realize Jesus never dealt with a Christian there were no Christians till after he was dead and resurrected amen so no matter what we read in the Gospels and it's all good and you can get healed by doing what it shows there and we'll talk about that but technically you cannot connect yourself to the people in the Gospels because you're not them they were not born again matter of fact the way I usually tell people is this there's in every healing in the New Testament or at least in the Gospels there's usually three people involved three or four okay the first one that's a sick person now the second one is usually Jesus the third people you see they're usually the disciples and then the fourth people usually see there are usually the Pharisees now almost everybody will identify with one of those four groups well automatically we don't want to identify with the Pharisees can we all agree with that all right so we want to knock that out now but the thing is you number one if you're a Christian now you shouldn't identify with the sick because that's not who you are even though your body may be sick that's not who you are Jesus didn't consider you the sick you shouldn't even identify yourself with the disciples because they didn't have what you have all they had at that time was the spirit with them but the spirit was not in them Jesus and they were not recreated they were not born again and jesus said there's a lot of stuff I want to share with you but you can't bear it right now one because he said the carnally minded in 1st Corinthians he said the carnal mind it cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God amen so okay so you can't identify with the Pharisees can identify hopefully you don't can identify with the disciples can't identify with the sick person that only leaves one person for you to identify with Jesus why because you've been recreated remade into the his likeness and image so whatever you see him doing the goths that should be you seeing yourself do that and so I want to show you why that's true tonight we're gonna try to get there I'll try to get it all done but he never taught healing he came and he taught the gospel of the kingdom of God the gospel of the kingdom of God if you take those words sometimes we hear things so much that and we've heard different definitions that many times you don't even know really what it's talking about but you kind of have an idea but it's your own idea or an idea that somebody gave you so when it says that he preached okay let's just start with preaching first off the Apostle Paul said I have fully preached the gospel all to this area and he said with signs and wonders and they're right so you've not fully preached the gospel until there are signs and wonders secondly he said when you read the word preach the word preach especially the way that it tells us to preach the word in Timothy says preach the word be instant in season and out of season and they're right and that word preach is a particular word that literally means to proclaim now the closest we have to it is Jesus in Luke chapter 4 he said he had been that he was anointed by God right and the spirit law was upon him because he was anointed to do what at one point he said to proclaim Liberty to the captives if you'll notice every time Jesus ministered healing that's what he did he proclaimed Liberty to the captives he didn't offer Liberty he didn't say if you want it come get it he just proclaimed it if you'll notice the woman would be with the that was bowed over it said that he was preaching in the synagogue and she's a woman came in that was about over for 18 years and could have no wise lift herself up so he or she has bowed over couldn't see anybody anything but anybody's feet for 18 years she walks in and says when Jesus saw her not when he heard the voice of the Spirit say healed that woman not when he said and the spirit led him to him it doesn't say that now we know he was always led by the spirit but it was not a special thing of God pointing her out and saying fix her it was just the general idea he saw a problem he fixed it that's what I hope you get this week that wherever you see a problem you fix it right and as it is in heaven so should it be on earth so how do you know who to fix and who not to what if they don't look like they will in heaven fix them till they look like they would look in heaven it's really just that simple if you look around in heaven you're not gonna find crutches I'm not gonna find wheelchairs not gonna find people with tubes you know sticking out of them or machines and all that kind of stuff why because that's not the way it is in heaven and if God's will is gonna be done on earth as it is in heaven it won't be that way here amen so you pretty much whatever it is if it doesn't look like it would look in heaven just fix it till it does right now that word proclaim or to preach let's go back to then because in Timnath it even even tellings has preached the word and literally the greek word there's amazing work of the word preached literally means to proclaim with an authority a solemnity and a gravity that it must be listened to and obeyed now think about that in other words you haven't preached the gospel until you have preached the truth of the Word of God in a way that is so has so much gravity authority solemnity right meaning very solemn very still reminded not not just an emotional hype but one that says my god I have to change when you've heard that you heard the gospel right and the problem is you don't hear that a lot anymore you hear people offering things you hear motivational speeches you hear all kinds of things but you don't hear the gospel proclaimed in a way that makes you stop and think I've got to change my life right now the problem is most people when they hear that they got two responses I'm gonna change or I'm not gonna change if they're not gonna change then well let me start with if they are gonna change I start with the positive first if they hear it and they said you know what I'm gonna change then what happened was when the word was preached they were convicted and they changed now when you're convicted and you change that comes from the conviction of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to the word that is preached but if you hear the word and you are convicted by the word by the Holy Spirit with his bearing on the word you might say but you decide not to change that conviction changes and becomes condemnation see I've had people tell me before well you just preached me under condemnation no I preached the word you decide if it's conviction or condemnation you decide that right so he said we are to proclaim now what he did and you'll see this matter of fact throughout the teaching that when he said to proclaim the word proclaim the Word of God with the gravity authority and solemnity that must be listened to and obeyed Jesus said I've got was sent he said I'm anointed the Lord is upon me because I've been anointed to do what to proclaim Liberty to the captive so when he saw the woman that was bowed over he didn't offer anything if the Bible just clearly says he called her to him he said when he saw her he called her to him and said woman you are loosed from your infirmity now notice notice what he didn't say he didn't say woman how much faith do you have let's see if you have enough faith to get this off of you he didn't say woman do you think I'm anointed woman do you think I can do this now there were times he actually did ask people do you think I can do this so I'm not saying it's wrong to think that but I'm just saying notice and here's what a lot of people miss they will take one incident ok let's take two different camps you cannot say if healings there's a bunch of them there are some camps that'll tell you before you can get healed you got to go back into your past you got every sin get rid of every sin make sure there's nothing there at all and you got to break these things and break them off and find them and you know somehow break them before you can get free and before you can get healed right no and there are people that that's how they what they teach they get some results some here's the thing if they say you have to do that then if I come along don't ask any of those things and get somebody healed then that proves you don't have to do that they meant and so I actually had this happen when I was on Sid Roth and I was there with some other people and some were teaching different things and one of them didn't like the fact that I said that we ought to walk in authority and do what Jesus did and so they came to my room later and threatened asking me questions and trying to convince me that their way of doing it was right but I wouldn't budge off the Word of God and so finally they said well you know but I get good results I said then good then why are you here why are you in my room just go get your good results if that you I'm not I'm not doing anything to you why did you come to my room right if it's working for you god bless you problem is it ain't working for everybody and so this man looked at me said well the problem is I got this back problem and I said well did you I what I wanted it what I said in my head was what did you go through and pull out all the sin have you examined yourself that's what I wanted to say to her that's yeah I'm just thinking that's what he put everybody else through right but I was nice instead I just said all right if what you're saying is true I shouldn't be able to help you but if what I'm saying is true I should be able to set you free right now and he said yeah that's all right but my hand was back commit his back to me he'll said now do what you couldn't do before and he bent over and touch the stones when he came up he was smiling and he said how'd you do that I just spent two hours telling him exactly how I did it now so I told her I said Authority Dominion through Jesus Christ and so when Jesus what he taught what the Bible says he came preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God the gospel the good news of the kingdom the word kingdom many times we think of a place we think of a land we think of something and the word kingdom simply means the the supremacy of God if it's the kingdom of God the word kingdom simply means somewhere where a king reigns Prine and has absolute authority that's what it means so Jesus came preaching proclaiming not offering but proclaiming right the superiority of God of what over sickness disease sin everything he was proclaiming the superiority of God that's what he preached and then he demonstrated it by setting the sick free amen so no so he did what he taught was really Kingdom Authority and what he really taught was relationship with God and that out of that relationship the same Authority should flow now I will tell you this if you especially if you're a Christian most Christians have a real problem in that they think everybody else's relationship with God is better than theirs it's just like prayer if you ask anybody do you pray enough nobody ever says oh yeah I pray more than enough no and I've never heard that all the times I've ever asked it they would say well you know I could pray more well probably not I mean it's just yeah I'm like do you or do you not I mean how do you feel about it how do you think God feels about it right and so it's amazing because if you start talking about these things people will automatically and if I if I came here in here and I said alright tonight we're gonna have healing service anybody yeah okay good okay now and and this is what God told me everybody here tonight is gonna get healed except one person and everybody would sit there going that's probably me know you should be going sure pity that poor person but that's about I'm getting mine okay I'm getting mine so I don't know who that is but I'm gonna get mine amen that's what we should be thinking what because he died to give us us if he died to give it to us we ought to be first in line to get it amen it's not greedy to take all that God has offered right it's actually false humility not to take it right so all right keep for notice here at the very bottom Galatians 6 15 for in Jesus neither circumcision avails anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature it's this new creature now what you're going to learn this week is you're going to learn what the Bible says about healing and in that you're going to find out that because you're a new creature it works better if you're not a new creature you can preach healing and people will get healed why because the word works and if they believe the word they'll get healed even if the person preaching it doesn't believe it but if the person preaching it believes it and has a relationship with God now it's not and you know contrary to what a lot of people think God is not measuring your relationship with him and waiting to get to a certain point before he heals you or before he uses you to heal somebody else the minute you get born again the life of the vine flows through the branch he's the vine were the branches amen and so it's not a matter of well if you get close enough then this will happen if you get if you draw in close to God strong enough if you press in enough all these things that nobody can measure but you're always told what to do and yet you never know if you're doing it right or not because they can't tell you how much of it to do so the real key is just realizing that once you're connected that same life flows you know we have plugs all around the wall here and the electric company does not care if we plug in lights cameras blow dryers they they could care less matter of fact we else did they love it the bigger the device you plug into it and they're right God's the same way he doesn't care whether you're believing for a stubbed toe or a headache migraine headache or cancer or HIV or her own about her anything up I'm trying to stay away from that because trying to stay away from because I got some very strong beliefs about these things all right we have well just things that I believe God has showed me about it that I don't want to get into this week but I'll tell you how to beat it okay and today I had a little free of it and we'll stay away from how and why it was created and who's doing it and all that kind of stuff I will try so anyway no but but there's really only two things you really need to know about healing they write their own page seven number one is healing always God's will and number two did God command believers to heal the sick so really if those two things are yes and you just said they are then really there's nothing left to do but get after it now the Bible is clear no and I actually have it written here for you if you remove past experiences and other teachings you might say that negates the scriptures there would be no more hesitation or doubt about healing and deliverance than there is about salvation see the only reason you're so solid on salvation is because you've had it preached to you preach to you preach to you even before you received it yet it preached to you it's drilled into you that you can come to Jesus at any point and he will receive you if that same viewpoint had been drilled into you about healing we wouldn't even be here tonight it's just that simple because you have to remember whenever Jesus preaches it's one of the things that stands out is how opposite the church is how backwards is what I used to call it but if you look at Jesus's day it was funny because they really didn't have any problem with him healing unless he did it on the wrong day yeah if he happened to do it on the wrong day there's a big problem but healing they never questioned that he could heal they got upset when he started forgiving sins when he started saying your sins are forgiven you that's what got them set on fire right and then notice in an amazing today we can talk about forgiveness of sins all day long nobody says anything but you mentioned healing novice in the whole blood that's topped with the Apostles that's often in the Apostolic age I Got News for you this is the Apostolic age this is still the same time right only two covenants and we're in the new one and that started with Jesus and it's still going right and you can we can prove and you know we will show you as we go along but the whole key to this is just simply realizing that we have been trained wrong over the years and it's usually because our theology has not been based on Bible but on failure every time we pray for somebody and it didn't work we had to come up with the reason why it didn't work and then that reason becomes the gospel to us and we start adding reasons why people should fail to receive now there's only two reasons for failure and Jesus only gave two reasons and the two reasons are real simple number one he said because of your unbelief we'll talk about that specific scripture and limit later on but that's the number one reason the first reason he gave was because of your unbelief so now how many of you are believers okay how many of you are unbelievers okay so unbelief shouldn't be your problem if you're a believer I mean what what sense is there in being an unbelieving believer I mean that's oxymoron in it I mean so so we shouldn't be that now however because no and this is the second reason Jesus said by your traditions you make the Word of God of none effect that's the main reason why we have the problems in healing that we do today is because we have built up these traditions we usually call them sacred cows but there are these traditions that we have built up that are contrary to the Word of God but we believe they are the Word of God and because of that our traditions make the Word of God of none effect so my job over the next couple of days is real simple it's just to take all of those sacred cows those traditions that we've built up and kill them all and just remove them because when you remove the traditions that make the Word of God of none effect all this left is the Word of God and it works and they're right so it's really simple it's just we have to point those things out so that's what we're gonna do now page none actually page 8 gives you the answer to the first two basically that I the questions asked just a minute ago but on page nine gives you some basic information about the ministry and I want to tell you I may be talking a little bit of history here probably won't do it tonight maybe I'm trying to stay away from it tonight and I don't wanna get too far into it because this isn't a history lesson if I share some history there's a point to it there's a principle that I want you to get right but the main thing is that first and foremost I'm not here in the name of John G Lake alright I may be over general oversea or the ministry but I'm not here in his name he didn't hang on a cross for me he wasn't whipped at a whipping post for me he didn't you know come out of the grave for me so I'm not here in his name I'm here in the name of Jesus amen and I represented him and I will speak for him now to be a representative of someone you can only say what they would say if you say something other than what they would say at that point you ceased being a representative of that person that makes sense so what I have to do is I just simply have to say what he has said to make sure that I'm a representative accurately of what he has said and that makes me a good representative of him amen now what that means is this if I am here as a representative of Jesus as a representative of God now see if you even from the physical how we're facing each other okay you're facing this way I'm facing that way now let's say for a minute you're looking toward God not at me obviously before God past me now that means that I come my job is to come from God and to speak for him to you amen now if I was to speak to him okay for you then think about that okay I'm either gonna speak for him to you or I'm gonna speak for you to him that's the only two positions can we agree with that so I have to decide what am I going to do am I going to speak for him and - you are not going to speak to him for you well my job as his representative is to come to you and speak to you for him that means I can only say what he has said that means that if I talk like a man I mean whose representative Emma I'm supposed to be gods the Bible says if a man speak let him speak as the Oracle of God right so if I'm gonna come to you then I can only say what he said so the minute I start sounding like a man I have stopped being a representative of God that makes sense what that means is because remember what they said about Jesus no man ever spoke like this before right so why because he spoke like God to the people and so our job is to represent God and to speak for him so I have to say what he has said and I can't just talk like a man and make excuses God never made excuses amen and I will say it is good to have a gospel that works it's good to have a gospel that you don't have to make excuses for amen because I had another kind of gospel at one time and I had to learn all the excuses and usually you have to go to church to learn those or you have to go to Bible School turn those excuses and get them down right but thank God I found the truth and we'll talk about why here shortly now the this - a little bit about the ministry notice on page 11 has an important notice and you can fill that out page 12 important notice number two number three on page 13 404 4 and 14 and 5 on 15 so just read through those between now and tomorrow sometime and then we will collect those from you if you don't mind and so now if you look on page 18 it gives you the two reasons for failure that I just talked about unbelief and traditions of men right now look at the bottom and it says the only hindrance to healing is that you believe there are hindrances to healing now the minute you stop believing that there are hindrances to healing your success rate is going to shoot through the roof it's just that simple what because whatever you make is a whatever begins as a we save as an exemption right it all of a sudden it becomes the rule as soon as you believe let's say as soon as you say something like well you know if there's sin in your life God won't heal you well since you say that then guess what forget getting healed right because automatically now that'll become the rule rather than the exception so and that's why it works with all these things now it's amazing because if you go back and look at who jesus healed number one the people in jesus's time they were not born again so they were not considered righteous they were they were not new creations is that right so if you're not a new creation you're a old creation right okay and if you're an old creation now see the new creation is recreated in righteousness and true holiness after the image of him that recreated him right and so when you're born again you are recreated in Christ and you are made righteous in him now at that point you're not just made will we become the righteousness of God in Christ the Bible says is that right so if we become the righteousness of God in Christ now we are B well we're told that we are righteous but before you're born again I'm not talking about religious duties or activities or anything like that but before you're born again I don't care how good you are you're still sin you don't just sin in action your nature is sin do you get that that's why your spirit your nature has to be recreated to be changed from sin to righteousness see because well because of sin in the center the sinner sins amen even if a sinner was pretty good okay and didn't do things their nature is still sin well the Christians nature is righteousness so the people Jesus dealt with were not righteous now they did all they could to live righteous but that righteousness which was of the law did not get them born again amen but notice the righteousness of the law is not considered righteous this because they were still sinners and still were the essence of sin and in their nature so everybody jesus healed I'd make the long story short as much as I can everybody that jesus healed were sinners and they didn't just sin they were sin in their nature so if you said well I'm sorry there's too much sin in you I can't heal you did Jesus ever say that no and as a matter of fact he couldn't say that because they couldn't get the sin out is that right they could do what they what they could do to try to live according to the law but even if they did they would still in their nature be sin so if the sin is there in their nature they could never get all the sin out so every person jesus healed were sinners so the idea of sin being in a person stopping the power of God cannot be true amen as a matter of fact it's usually used according to mark 16 as a son for sinners to turn to God whenever God healed them through means of laying on of hands or something along those lines amen so we have to start knocking these traditions out now but I want to show you I'm gonna move ahead here quickly I want you to read these preferably between now and tomorrow page 19 what the Bible says about divine healing and this is just makes it simple we break it down and we give you these 9 points and if you kind of internalize these 9 points it'll really help you get see things and it'll it'll change how you see people so that you don't see them as well I wonder what they did to get that well I wonder what they did wrong today I wonder you won't even think that way you just what you start to see is remember what Jesus said he said he was sent to proclaim Liberty to the captive right and if when you start to realize who you are in Christ and who he is in you and God's real view of healing and health and these kind of things when you see that you start to look at people as prisoners of war you started look at them as captives of the enemy that you're just set free you don't think in terms of well what did they do why do they had this because then you start thinking where they probably deserve it and say well you know they're you know thing I'm sure they did something wrong but it's sad because then we started look at them and we instead of being deliverers we become judges and we're not called to be judges were called to be delivers amen so we're gonna look at some more of these things that go but please read these through now and then page 20 this is just I put this in a manual because these are the principles that we operate by so everybody would know and anybody that works with us this is how they operate so it's pretty easy real quick to see if somebody has veered off the path and so you'll see it gives you a good idea of it now but I want to get to the main thing tonight I want to take you there we go - we're gonna go to Scripture and we're gonna go quickly okay we're gonna look at and what I want you to do if you get this I'll be honest with you this is a little different than what I'm used to doing but I really believe that the Lord has shown me that if we do this first the rest of this you will grab hold of quicker and it will function quicker in you I mean how many these are ready for that you want it to function quicker right man all right because that's see that's what I when I when I Drive I Drive four hours at a time riding praying talking to God meditating on things all these different things in when I do that my goal is the moistening of God how can I get this into the people faster so it works faster and it works better and they can get it and they can run with it because I don't believe it's God's will for you to have to meditate or confess the scriptures for 30 years before it works for you I believe God wants you functional and effective as quickly as possible and that's my goal and so I'm constantly open to him to show me better ways to get it across so I hate to admit it but you're my guinea pigs tonight all right so we're gonna head in it and we'll see where we go tomorrow and we'll just launch normal tomorrow but if you get this maybe some of you can't come back - all right if you don't if you get this everything I'm teach yesterday's it'll function in you you'll see it right because there are certain things I was blessed to spend time with dr. Lester Sumrall you know that I read John Lakes letters and his sermons I'm not gonna go too far in the history of it but I had a need and when I recognized my need I saw I started looking for healing and I knew God could heal I knew he healed me as a child but at the same time I was always looking for okay how do you get him to do it you know I knew he could just wasn't sure how to get him to do it especially not consistently and so I started heard about this name this guy named John Lake and I knew he knew he was talking about because not only did he do it but the people he trained did it and if you can do it that could be a gift but if you can train people to do it that's the Word of God and so that's what I started looking at but as I read his letters I saw certain I'll say letters there were letters and things that really impacted me but his sermons and as I read even the sermons I mean obviously he had been dead since 1935 so I couldn't hear him but as I read them I could see the truth in it but the the underlying theme and everything he did was really Authority or dominion over and over again a Dominion over sickness and disease and demons and you know just all the elements of life basically and I saw that but I didn't know how to walk in it and then God amazingly allowed me to go to South Bend Indiana and spend time with dr. Lester Sumrall and when I was there I saw a man who walked in Dominion the way John Lake talked about it but not really so much focusing on healing but more along the lines of deliverance and things like that so what I saw in dr. Summerall was this man of how.what Dominion does whenever you get it when you start to understand Dominion and authority I saw how to affect you and so I was watching him and I imitated him and I listened to them and asked questions and all this and then I started seeing the words of John Lake sermons through dr. Sam raw and thought wow this is how if John Lake were alive today this would be his mannerisms this would be his demeanor and yet it would be along these lines especially in healing and dr. Sommer I saw some tremendous healings don't don't get me wrong but it was it was just a little different so as I started studying this and started putting it into practice and I'll maybe give you the process later but the whole point was and the reason if I tell you history the point is this most people think of John Lake is this man that was highly anointed of God meaning in their mind he was walking down the street one day and God looked over the balcony of heaven I've actually heard somebody describe it this way and saw John Lake and said there's John Lake I'm going to anoint him with healing power and just dumped it on him and he was just walking along and all sudden now here he's got this healing power and he was just destined for miracles and they said the same thing about Smith Wigglesworth and they said the same thing about everybody that's ever done anything but then I started looking at John Lakes life and I realized he didn't start out that way he started out as one in a family of 16 brothers and sisters and before he was 21 years old eight of them had died of sickness or disease and when that happens to eight of your siblings you learned to develop a hatred for sickness and disease right and that was the one thing God was looking for in a person he said I want to find somebody that hates sickness and disease somebody that wants the answers and will go after the answers and I will reveal it to them right and that's what he did and he saw that in a man named John Alexander Dowie and he had five brothers and sisters that were also dying not he not out of the eight five out of the eight that were still living were also dying and they went to John Alexander Dowie search in Chicago a few hours away from where John Lee lived and when they went there they all came home healed so John Lake said I'm going there I'm gonna go there but he didn't need healing right at that time but he said I'm gonna move to Zion his word they were at near Chicago so I'm gonna move to Zion so that I can study divine healing so that I can practice it and teach it and that's what he did so it wasn't just some special anointing like people talk about the John Lake man told to John Lake anointing oil John Lake didn't have a John like anointing right there is no named anointing right it is just Jesus living through a person and I will tell you every time you mentioned the anointing as though it were some special thing gifted our attitude you are stealing the glory from Jesus because you're putting that glory on a man and the idea is to realize that every one of these people were simply men and women that decided to trust God's Word to take him at his word and do what it says and whenever they did it worked amen so now take your Bibles and we're gonna run here probably gonna run a little bit over so we're good all right go with me to Genesis so we're gonna go very quickly but I want you to get this tonight because like I said if you do I guarantee you this will change your life I wish I had started with this in my Christian walk I wish I had known this if I had only one message one chance to talk to a person for an hour maybe or less and they said what's the one thing what's the most important thing you could give me and I already knew they were born-again maybe already knew they were baptized in the spirit that kind of thing this would be what I would tell them this would be it so in Genesis chapter 1 starting in chapter 1 in verse 20 we'll start in verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth notice let man have dominion over the earth and everything on it everything that flew everything that crawled everything that swam everything is that right there what it says all right so and just again I'm gonna kind of go back and forth here that means that originally God's plan for man I know if I to come in and just ask those people okay what what is your purpose on this earth what is our purpose here most people have been pre-programmed to say to know God and to make him known or we are here to worship God that's we're here to worship and glorify God okay those are all true answers but they're not the truest answer the truest answer to your purpose on this earth would be God's original purpose for men which is for men to have dominion over all the earth it's the first commandment that he gave is that right when he created he said let us make men so when he made men in his mind the purpose of his making men was so that man would have dominion you got that he does not say so that man will praise me so the man will worship me should you do this eh absolutely and believe it or not if you learn what I'm telling you tonight you will worship Him praise Him and a whole nother level and a whole nother degree because you realize how truly good he is to where he put you in a position that is amazing and you didn't even have to work for it amen and you start to understand what real grace is all right so then he says in verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them you notice there it says let me go back to verse 27 in the middle in the image of God created he him male and female created he them you notice it doesn't say male and female and undecided just go ahead in there just something learn and verse for me and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth every living thing that moves upon the earth now the time he said that there was only two people here right so the one thing you'll never see here is where God said have dominion over other people he never said have dominion over other people a matter of fact every war that's ever been started was started because somebody to was trying to you know pervert this idea of Dominion see in every human there is birth in every human living born again not born again doesn't matter every human has in them technically a spirit of Dominion it's in them to have dominion why because man was created for Dominion and it's in them unfortunately whenever it is perverted instead of having dominion over the earth and serving mankind instead they turn it to where they want dominion over mankind and when they do that now they've moved out of the realm of what God intended because the idea is reverted all right no notice here to that he said let them have dominion over everything that crawls everything that moves upon the earth do you know that viruses crawl they swim right and they fly so we have dominion over them do you understand that right I have a testimony I got this morning right hadn't really told anybody else yet but it's from a person that is connected to us they were connected through a church out of Malaysia that it was connected to a pastor and the intercessor in Hong Kong and I can't give the name because the underground Church and the stuff but they're in Wuhan Province there was an entire community that was locked down under quarantine because every person there talking about a person and when they said community they met in their church community every person had been diagnosed as infected with coronavirus so everything's locked down so this one pastor began praying began praying as the way that I'm teaching you this week and now every person as of this morning every person in that community is no longer in fact they've all been healed and apparently locally the Chinese government have taken notice and has started because as they tested their blood they realize that now they started asking that church for blood donations because they say now there's healing power in the blood that they're giving the people amen now that that's the power of the blood of Jesus flowing through the branches amen and so I'm following up on this as we get more details I'll share more of it different ways but this this was I just received this this morning so again any time the enemy is trying to do something this massive just watch for God he's going to do some things they're going to draw attention things that can't be ignored say a lot of things we do something you know in a building you know if every person here had HIV and they all got healed somehow the media would ignore it but when it's already out there in the media and these things start happening you can't ignore it it will come to light amen so now so we were created man was created to have dominion over all the earth you got that no go with me to Psalm 115 115 now if it's in the Bible where you believe it okay let's read it and see psalm 115 and we're gonna look about verse 13 verse 13 says he will bless them that fear the Lord both small and great the Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children you are blessed of the Lord which made heaven and earth the heaven even the heavens are the Lord's but the earth had he given to the children of men near that the God made heaven and earth notice he said then he said the Lord the the earth the heavens are the Lord's and that right but it but now notice first off he says God has made the heavens and the earth then he differentiates and he says no the heaven that belongs to him but the earth he has given to the children of men right so now you've got heaven and earth heaven as God's earth as man's you got that now that doesn't mean that God doesn't have anything to do with the earth but now he has put somebody over the earth just subdue it Adam right the first Adam now watches in verse 16 notice but the earth hath he given to the children of men so who owns the earth we didn't man right but now notice God still wants input into the earth but he no longer owns the earth in this sense but now man has been put over it this would show you why well let's just move on here I'll show you this go to me to second Corinthians go to second Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians I can get there there we go 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and we're going to start in verse 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in other words if it's not understood and then they don't receive it it's because they're lost and they don't understand the things of God in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them now notice notice what it says there it says that the god of this world has blinded the minds of people that have not received the gospel now we know that that that's not talking about the God of heaven and earth right well how do we know that well two ways number one it's a little gene not a big G right that's the first way I know and that's to just in English but understand to that the way we also know this is because God has not blinded as right but he actually opens eyes and he's trying to reveal the gospel he's not trying to hide the guy amen and so now we know that here Paul is talking about somebody other than God and we know if you read what he talks about here we know that he's talking about Satan so here he calls Satan the god of this world right now notice Satan wasn't created to be God of this world but now watch this go with me now to Luke chapter 4 so we will see this is super simple easy to follow right not hard in Luke chapter 4 starting in verse 1 and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being forty days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing and when he when they were ended he afterward hungered and the devil said unto him if you be the Son of God command this stone that it be made bread and jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God and I'll just stop right there for a moment notice what he said here the way the devil always attacks it's always the same way what do you say first if you be the Son of God let's see notice his first attack was on Jesus's identity trying to get him to doubt who he was he said if you're the Son of God that's the same we attacks you people around you you do something maybe that you know wasn't exactly right well I thought you were a Christian I can't believe you would do something like that what is that that's an attack on your identity that's why I said well if you were real Christian you wouldn't talk like that he's you a real Christian you wouldn't do that I'm not excusing whatever was right I'm just saying that's where the enemy attacks right now notice here also how Jesus responded it is written if Jesus had to respond with it is written you're probably gonna have to respond with it as written amen you can't go out here say well in that devil let me tell you you can't bother me because brother curry said now that only works and brother curry said exactly what's written there may be in so why put me in the mix right don't throw me under the bus I got enough battles I'm fine no mom right but what you need to do is look at the devil let me let me set you straight here it is written but to say it is written you got to know where it's written that means you got to get your nose in that book amen now notice he says here verse five and the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and can you imagine what that must have looked like and the devil said unto him all this power Authority right well I give you and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I give it now notice here he showed him all the kingdoms of the world he showed him all of this glory all this power all this authority and he says listen if you just bow down and worship me I will give you all of this and he said because it was given to me and I can give it to whoever I want think about this this is you know I always hear these stories I've never been a gambler as far as cards and you know diaster in that kind stuff I've never I've never even played cards or in that's don't know anything about it but always hear these stories about these guys that were bet just huge amounts you know I mean in in one game you know one hand I guess they they would lose everything I mean I mean I'm talking major things and you know you always hear about people you know throwing their car keys on the table and their bet in their car would that's nothing to what I'm talking about now I'm talking about massive fortunes being lost in a moment and yet that's exactly what Satan is doing here is that he is offering everything think about that and he says and but he says this was all given to me it was delivered to me and I can give it to whoever I want to I mean it's like he has the deed to the earth and he can just sign it over to whoever he wants to it makes it seem so simple that he can give the whole earth away and that's exactly what he's saying well he said it was delivered to me and I can give it away why because I received it and I can give it right when when did the devil receive the earth Eden and there right What did he say to Eve everybody said to Eve when he came to her the first thing he said did God say and what was it about why would you say did God say see Satan's attacks always come along and try to get you to doubt God's Word if he can get you to doubt God's Word he's beat you and so he always comes along and says did God really say that you can't touch this tree you can't eat this tree you can't don't even look on it and all the stuff he said it's amazing the devil actually quoted God better than he did did you go back and read it because God didn't say all the things that she said but here he says at that moment now think about this because man was created the earth was created for man man was created to oversee the earth so technically if Satan was called the god of this world and he is and this is in Corinthians so this is still the same time period we live in so he's still technically the God of this earth God this world if he was made that that happened whenever Adam handed everything over to him and notice he didn't say Satan I give you all of the earth he didn't do that he just obeyed him what does that mean Satan became God whenever Adam chose who he would make his God by obedience that's just something to think about that your God whoever you serve that's who you belong to and they're right and so we have to realize it's not just a matter of just saying something the devil doesn't care what you call yourself what he cares about is how you act how you live what is your life like right he could care less what you call yourself so notice here he says all this power will I give to you it was given to me and I will give it to whoever I will and again it says if that will worship me all will be yours in jesus answered him and said get behind me Satan for it is written you will worship the Lord thy God and him only shall you serve no the whole key to this is this point say Adam handed the world over to Satan God gave the world to Adam and God has as we said before the heavens belong to the Lord but the earth belongs to children of men and then what happened was that Adam handed that over to Satan so that he became the god of this world but now notice man still had dominion and gotten now Satan was trying to work his will through man's Dominion on this earth that's why the problem is people mankind started trying to exercise their Dominion through the Fallen nature but he's still there people looking why'd you climb that mountain because it was there I had to conquer that mountain I have into having there I didn't whoa what does that mountain ever do to you why are you after concrete right but he says I have to conquer this well we've conquered the the ocean we've conquered space we've got there is a spirit of Dominion the spirit of having to conquer in mankind as a whole and he's born with it now the good thing is once he's born again that should be shifted to where now he has a comforting God's will on this earth and no longer Satan's will but until he's born again he's going to be accomplishing Satan's will now you can see this again when Jesus was dealing with Peter he told Peter okay I've got it way too long as disciple said I'm gonna have to go back to Jerusalem here's what's gonna happen they're gonna take me they're gonna excursion me they're gonna kill me and all that and Peter says no Lord no no we're not gonna let that happen and Jesus said get behind me Satan no thing but just he said get behind me Satan and he said because and then he tells him why he called him Satan he said because you don't save her you don't relish the things of God but a man now notice so Jesus called him Satan that said the reason I'm calling you Satan is because you think like a man why because fallen man's thoughts are the devil starts his way of thinking is the devil's way of thinking so you've only got as we even heard this one there's really only two families on this earth the children of God mature of the devil it's just that simple we're not bad-mouthing people when we call him a child of the devil we're just stating the fact that of what their DNA is you understand so we're not putting him buddy down we want them all to be set free and healed and brought over into the kingdom of God it's not but the first thing you have to do is be able to diagnose something and say here is the basic problem Amen now you do have to look at what is in the Bible there are three different types of people that journey talked about and that is the Jews and the Gentiles and the church right so those are the three kinds of people in these two families right so now don't have time to go in that tonight we might get chance over here but now notice you go with me to Matthew 21 now the reason I'm bringing so many scriptures because I try not to usually hit this many scriptures but I want to show you the overall picture are you with me so far what has happen God made the earth right gave it to man and then he said that God is the the heavens belong to the Lord but the earth belongs to Children man and then we can see all this and now we go and find out how Satan got ahold of this world how he became the god of this world was because Adam gave it over to him right now look at Matthew 21 and we're gonna look at verse 12 start in verse 12 and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves and he said unto them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you've made it a den of thieves now the main problem he had with that was that they were charging so much for these things that were supposed that they were required for the worship of God and so they were charging them outrageous prices you know it's like buying food at the airport okay anything like that okay so then it says in verse 14 and the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and He healed them they came to him and He healed them notice it didn't say healed some they came he healed him anyway they came got healed right and when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did so now we know that healing is wonderful it's a good thing right okay and the children crying in the temple and saying Hosanna to the son of David they were sore displeased and they said unto Him hearest that what they say and jesus saith unto them have you never read out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise and notice they got upset because we're saying they were trying to say get these kids to stop that because that's admit only meant for the Messiah they understood what that was from out of the Psalms and a matter-of-fact turn with me over to Psalm 8 this is where Jesus was quoting from when he said have you not read out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise notice Psalm 8 verse 1 Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set that glory above the heavens and this is where Jesus was quoting out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have ordained strength now notice Jesus said you have perfected praise but he as we would say he miss quoted it but since he's the author and the word personified I don't think we can say he miss quoted it right but we do have to reconcile these two things because here he said you have perfected praise here he says you have ordained strength which means if you take both of these together that when you begin to praise God correctly you are releasing the strength of God right now watch what he says because of your enemies that you might still the enemy okay and the Avenger now notices what do you send of notice that word that you might still that you can stop the enemy and still the Avenger now notice you could have an enemy and do nothing wrong you can do everything right and have an enemy and they're right but now notice and here he says because of your enemy's perfected praise you begin to praise correctly according what the Word of God says because about says we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth so there is worship that God doesn't accept God accepts worship in spirit and in truth okay let me throw this in there just so you're thinking about it it does not say we must worship Him in Soul mo not most could be most I don't know I have not done an experiment to know the percentage okay but I guarantee a lot of what people call worship is not in spirit but in soul and its purpose is to rouse up the soul and to excite the soul and not to exhibit the spirit and truth right it has nothing to do and talk about tonight so I'm not gonna take off on it but notice he says because of the enemy that you because even to me that you must know what what he actually says hears that you might still stop the enemy and the Avenger and see an Avenger you can have an enemy and do nothing wrong but if you have an Avenger that means you did something wrong and they are to avenge you get that that's why they used to have these places in the in the Bible you read about on called cities of refuge and if you killed somebody then you know if you were contesting about why you did it if you could get to that City of Refuge then that family because back then when you killed somebody the family came after you but if you got into that city they could not come into the city as long as you stayed in the city you were safe did you get that or he's kind of see in the picture of what God was saying so even if you did something technically wrong you could get to a City of Refuge and the Avenger couldn't get to you okay so you would have to tie that to God being our fortress amen and so when you start to realize that it just says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they're safe now notice it says that through through perfected praise through praise accurate praise done in spirit and in truth you have you you ordained strength to release the Spirit of God so as you praise God correctly then automatically you can stop the enemy and you can even stop the Avenger from bringing I'll just put it in common church service you don't always have to reap what you soon amen now I'm not saying you know try to do this okay because it's not the way to live but whenever you have messed up haven't even know that it's good to know that you can turn to God and you don't always have to suffer all that was done or that you should have caused amen now notice this is what Jesus was talking about this was what he was quoting now again go with me to Hebrews Hebrews quickly hebrews chapter two and we're gonna start in verse 1 he says therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip so if you've heard the truth of the word of God that's what he's talking about if we've heard these things we can't let them slip I mean I've been around church all my life I've been serious about God really since I was 17 got saved when I was 9 but 17 started walking with God and got more serious as it went along I heard a lot of things early on now some things I'm glad they slipped because they weren't Bible but the things that we've heard that are Bible I've even I recognized at that time some of those things start to slip because it's really easy to get focused on the here and now and you forgot sometimes what you heard last week and every Sunday we're used to coming to church and hearing a sermon and we think it's here and now and we forget that all of this this Sunday last Sunday the Sunday before all of that has to fit together why because he's trying to build into us the truth of the word of God and so it's not disjointed it is all connected amen and so and that's one of the things that you can tell you if you're here in the Word of God do you hear in the Word of God what you hear this Sunday won't contradict what you heard last Sunday amen but try that sometime you know not here because I know no all right but I'm telling you go some places you hear opposite messages from one son to the next why because they don't underst and the very basics of why we're here and what God has done right now he goes on he says less than any time we should let them slip for if the word spoken by angels were steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense a reward in other words pretty much everybody you know if they let it slip they got what they had coming I'm just saying it common English how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation in other words you've got to realize there are times you have to go back and go okay wait where am I am I forgetting anything am i leaving anything out I might do it I'm not talking about being over critical and constantly analyzing yourself I'm talking about you saying okay I just want to make sure I'm putting all the pieces together and I'm walking this out and when you do that it says which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him God also bearing them witness with both signs and wonders and with divers and miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will for under the angels hath he not notice and carefully under the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come so he didn't put the world to come under subjection to angels right but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that you visit him now what just he says you made him verse seven a little lower than the Angels we're gonna talk about that in a minute thou crown the stem with glory and honor and did set him over the works of your hands you have put all things in subjection under his feet now we're gonna matter of fact just hold your place here I should've told you hold your other place too but it didn't sorry but go back with me to Psalm Psalm eight right we were just there a minute ago okay yeah go ahead and put Psalm eight I'm eight and two yeah all the way through actually look at all yeah yeah out of the out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of your enemies that you might steal the enemy and the Avenger now to go to three when I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained first for what is man that thou art mindful of him never to see the psalmist is and we see this in Hebrews right but as a psalmist is simply saying when I look at all you've created the earth the moon the starting huge things and then I look at man and I think what is man compared to all of that why is it that you're so mindful why why is man always on your mind God but that tells us right there man is always on God's mind all these other amazing works the earth the moon the Stars the Sun all this stuff but yet man is always on his mind and then he says and the son of man that you visit him so why do you visit why do you even care about God your God which means you're bigger than the things you create and here you got this let's just say what how maybe Satan would look at us and these puny humans whose life is just a wisp you know most of them 60 70 80 years or something like that just a short period of time in eternity and I can imagine even Satan himself would be saying that to God everything why why do you care about these people look at him their puny humans they're here one day gone the next you know and and why do you even care about him and then he says verse 5 for you have made him a little lower than the Angels and if you look in the original Hebrew the word angel there disagree it's a Hebrew word Elohim which is the word used in Genesis for God it's actually a plural tongue right this one he said let us make man in our image and so he said that you made him a little lower than God and in the several other versions actually going to even say for a short while right and he said and has crowned him with glory and honor now watch this go to verse 6 you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet now where is this from this is Genesis you you gave him no even the same word Dominion you gave him dominion over all the works of your hands he is simply repeating Genesis 1:26 to 28 right and this is in Psalm 8 now then he says and you put all things under his feet and this is now originally this would refer to man but you have to also remember Jesus was crucified from before the foundation of the world and their right so he already knew all is going to happen he put it all into play and even whatever he was saying all of that through Adam he was speaking to Christ do you get that to man and to Christ right which would come eventually right now go with me to let's see we're at 6 yeah look at verse 7 all sheep and oxen yay the beasts of the field verse 8 the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea and whatsoever passes through the paths of the Seas Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth now notice this is exactly again well he is quoting over here in Hebrews chapter 2 and Hebrews chapter 2 verse 8 he said thou has put all things in subjection under his feet but now watch this for in that he put all in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him now we know that all of this was spoken to Christ who was supposed to be well he's representative of all men right and so what happened was and God knew was going to happen God made men men fell past the earth to Satan then he knew that Jesus was going to come and basically start a new race that's what he did he came to the earth and started a brand new race and this new race would be of Christ and so all of this now he made man originally with all things under his feet but now Christ comes along and now he's talking about Christ at the same time and he said this is what man was supposed to be all along so Jesus came along and if nothing but this if Jesus had not had to die for us then Adams that would have meant that Adam had turn the world over to Satan and they're right and this is how man would live in Dominion and wouldn't have had to toil the field and all that kind of stuff that he said and he would have would have had dominion over everything over the earth and he would have exercised that Dominion through words right and so just as he did when every God called the animals to come by and for Adam to name it was all done by words the earth was formed framed by words and they're right so all of this is going on and so this is how man was supposed to live but now notice he said and he says in verse verse eight there you have put all things in subjection under his feet man Christ now for in that he put all in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him here that nothing is not put under him there's nothing that's not put under him amen so everything is under his feet yeah this sounds kind of like Matthew 28 doesn't it all authority in heaven and earth has been given unto Him and they're right so he says but now we see not yet all things put under him what does that mean and it sounds almost like a contradiction well all things are under him but yet we do but see the key here is he says but now we see not yet it doesn't mean they're not legally there it just means we're not seeing it done yet do you give that now when you start to realize this I want you well I'm gonna have to try to hurry and I want you to get this because this will change the way you function in everyday life right I was getting I was understanding authority over sickness and disease I was understanding these things and starting to walk in these things and you know but then I started seeing the overall picture and really what I'm teaching you here tonight and when you get that you start to realize we don't just have authority over sickness and disease we've got authority over everything that touches our life and everything that touches anybody else's life we have the authority to step in and fix it make it right for them do you get that whenever okay I'm trying to jump back and forth I'm really wanting to get into this that's true we do absolutely that's true that is true that's good that's good now it said that through Abraham that all the nations would be blessed is that right well and it also tells us that if we are believers in Christ then we are the true children of Abraham is that right so if that's true that all the nations all the world is going to be blessed and it's going to bless through Abraham and now we are the seed of Abraham then all the nations has to be blessed through us as part of this world that we are to be a blessing to this world is that right so then we are to start exercising that blessing to people and meeting those needs of people and start well I'll show you two because even talks about in Romans chapter eight and I'll tal these things together for you but in Romans chapter eight even says that the whole earth groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons plural of God what does that mean that the whole world right now the world is groaning it was put under subjection it didn't do it itself it was done so by Adam it didn't ask to be put under subjection to the god of this world it was supposed to been under Adam but Adam gave it away so now the earth sits groaning waiting for the new sons of God you might hate to use that term that way but who it's waiting for now for us to start to step up and act like sons of God and when we do the earth will be relieved of its curse in that sense that it won't have to suffer some of the things that is going on even right now and I can tell you just like what we're seeing all over the world we're seeing people that get a hold of this start to walk in it everything changes in their life all of a sudden you notice that like people say well you know well how you doing well I'm doing pretty good under the circumstances well what are you doing under the circumstances you're supposed to be above the circumstances amen circumstances have to have to bow their knee to you not you to it right now watch because there's all kinds of scriptures that we're will be bringing out hopefully tonight we'll probably them done but he says in I want to go to verse yeah verse 9 Hebrews 2:9 but we see Jesus we don't see everything yet under his feet but we see Jesus right who has made a little lower than the Angels a little lower than God for the suffering of death crowned with glory excuse me and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man for it became him for whom are all things right in other words it was right it was good for him you know what for whom are all things and by whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings now over and over I want to get on over here yeah we're going to stop right then because we could go on into it but I'm trying to get you to just to see what Jesus did was he came along and has restored that dominion now under God for everyone who is in Christ so now we are back in that position that was we were supposed to originally be operating in do you get that because now we're in a new race no longer under the Dominion of Satan no longer under the Dominion of the law of sin and death but now we are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and now we are in him so now we are to function the same way Jesus did which was exactly think about this Jesus functioned exactly how Adam was supposed to function but Adam gave it away so Jesus shows up in this world that now has been messed up by Adam so now think about this Adam would have never had to deal with a sick person he would have seen a lot of people because he would have lived basically eternally so he would have seen a lot of people but there wouldn't have been sickness or disease because sickness and disease entered when death entered and death entered when sin entered right so Jesus had to come along and fix Adam's mess Adam was the first Adam Jesus and listen Jesus wasn't technically the second Adam he was the last Adam so there's a difference between being a second and the last and now understand he's called the second man in that sense but I want you to realize that what happened was there's not gonna be another one so we're not in line we're in him do you get that say he wasn't the first Adam wasn't the first Adam and then Jesus coming along being the second Adam and then you're somebody was a third Adam and then someone else was a fourth Adam and fit no it was Jesus was the last Adam and everybody else is in him so our life is in him just as all we're dead were in the first Adam all in the last Adam are alive amen now watch this go with me to first Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 15 I know this is a lot of Scripture but if you'll write these notes down go out study them out read them focus on a little bit you'll be amazed at some of stuff you'll see through this in yeah first Corinthians chapter 15 then we're gonna start in verse 45 now remember you could go back and study and you should always go back and study before and after to make sure that what I'm saying is in context don't just take my word for it amen study this out and but read it in its total context to make sure that when I was pulling it out and making it say something but in verse 45 it says and so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul and the last Adam was made a quickening spirit howbeit that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural that would be the first Adam of course and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and now watch and as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither does corruption inherit incorruption behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed and then he talks and says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed so there is a change taking place but now notice notice what it says so when this corruptible shall have put on well I guess it's gonna go back to verse 20 53 yeah verse 53 for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal should I put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory now we know this now notice what it says it's going to happen corruptions gonna put on incorruption her more talent is gonna put on immortality is that right notice what it does not say it does not say that the unglue fight is going to become glorified is that right it does not say that stupid is going to put on brilliance do you get that why because he expects us to grow up into him in all things Ephesians 4:15 and 16 says they were to grow up into him in all things which is a head even Christ right so we are to grow up into him now and it says he is seated until his enemies are made his footstool what does that mean that means there are some things that aren't yet they've all been put under him but everything hadn't been put under him and in the in the sense that they're all listening to him so it is the job of the church to take these other things that have not yet submitted to him and put them under our feet because as we put him under our feet we're putting him under his feet do you get that in all things have been put under his feet but we don't see all things under his feet but one because the church hadn't done its job and so the whole world is waiting for the sons of God to manifest and grow up and act like him and when they do they're gonna start putting these things under their feet do you get that and he is seated until all his enemies are made his footstool amen so there's a there's a job we have to do yet now understand well I want to get back in the scripture veer off to far go to me to second Corinthians second Corinthians chapter five and these are verses you know verse 10 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature when translation says a new species that never existed before right like I said well ago a new race of being you can call it it says he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of God do you hear that so when you become a new creation in Christ old things are passed away all things have become new and all things are of God excuse me is that right now notice what got born again when you got born again your spirit and their right your body didn't get born again and your soul didn't get born again amen your spirit got born and now notice God REIT went when you came to Christ you gave God permission to recreate you he did that when he recreated you he recreated you perfect and complete in His image in the spirit you are just like Jesus do you get that now what that now this is huge this is this brings a lot of ramifications with it because what that means is this that means you technically don't need anything new did you get that you don't need this new anointing that new anointing this thing that they know you have to realize it says that you are in him you are complete is that right you are complete it says in him and what does that mean complete for instance when a baby's born okay my wife and I we've had four children we now have seven grandchildren my youngest is about five and my oldest will be turning 18 this year and so we've got a wide range every one of them right as soon as they're born first thing they do you know they bring them out and let you see them and they close the curtain and all that kind of stuff generally speaking and so they really what the first thing you do you look at everything you count everything and all right yeah two hands two legs ten toes yeah and they're right you know the ears are there the nose everything everything and what do you say oh thank they are complete and there right now they're complete in other words what that what that means is this when they're born they're born with everything they're ever gonna have and they're right now they're not mature so what's the difference between being complete and being mature because the minute you got born again you were born again complete but you weren't born again mature the difference is see being mature means you learn to use what you were born with that's maturity when you start to learn you start to grow see when you're born you know two arms two legs and you don't know how to use them you just lay on your back and flop around right but then at some point you start figuring out these things and you and you start hitting yourself in the face and sticking your hands and your feet in your mouth do that the rest of your life pretty much - sometimes another whole thing there but so at some point though you don't have to roll over and pretty soon you start crawling what are you doing you're learning how to use what you were born with well when you got born again you were complete in him everything you need is in there now you still have to develop it you still have to learn how to walk in it you still have to learn how to use it but it's there you are complete in him you got that now when you get born again now think about this when you get born again your spirit is recreated and it's recreated in the likeness in Christ and by faith you can meet any need you will ever have right and people say well what about the Holy Spirit well he recreated your spirit he's in your spirit now is holy in you and they're right but then people say well what about your the Holy Spirit you know why don't we need the baptism spirit well he said very clearly he said that you will receive power miraculous ability after that the Holy Ghost come upon you acts 1:8 right and he says and you shall be my witnesses so you need the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses and to walk in miraculous power now your faith can meet any needs you ever have but if you're going to meet the needs of others you're gonna have to learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit that makes sense to be a witness and do be able to perform things may your faith all things are possible to him that believes and they're right so your faith will work for you and matter of fact your faith will even work for you for others yeah I learned a long time ago over 20 years ago now that if I cuz I found out that God will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus in their right you'll meet all my needs and when I started seeing that and he started meeting my needs I realized he will meet all my needs and then I started thinking okay how can I help those people well is easy I made their needs my needs and when I took them on and I said their need is now my need now God meets their needs because he meets my needs and so I learned now I will give you just a real quick secret here and we'll probably finish up here in just a while back I was able to go spend a week I've just been a week by myself just me and the Lord and just thinking and praying and reading and writing and doing different things and during that time they it was a house that somebody provided for me to go stay in and so he picked me up at the airport and they took me to this house and then they brought me we go out they would come every afternoon and we'd go eat and then I would come back but that was the only contact I had with humans was this man that would come pick me up and we'd go eat supper together and he didn't know anything really about me he had heard a little bit about me but it didn't didn't know that much and so we would talk and discuss things and so he was very wealthy I didn't notice at the time but he's very wealthy businessman and so he was asking different things about finances well I didn't know why he would really ask me that but he started asking me about him and so as we were talking about these things I said well I said well I haven't prayed for myself or any of my needs in years he said well how did hire your needs met and I said he said he would meet my needs I said so there's no need for you to pray because the Bible doesn't say pray for your needs it says your father knows what you need in there right but and when ever talks about prayer says pray for whatsoever things you desire well I don't desire my needs I need my needs and they're right there's some needs I have I don't desire and they're right and so I don't those are not things I pray for so I trust you I expect him I expect him to meet my needs why could he said he would so now I fulfill the requirements for that why because what the people who said that too in Philippians were people that had partnered with Paul and were actually helping him further the gospel and so I've filled that in the sense that I helped fulfill the gospel and I give and I do these things but you have to understand I really don't I really don't use sowing and reaping I don't sow for something I give right and now I understand I know when I give it is it is sowing I get it but I don't think in terms of I need something so I'm going to give something I don't do that I think in terms of that person needs something or this it and I give it to him and so in that sense now but I started realizing and when I told him I said well I didn't pray for my needs and years and and he actually pulled over we were driving down the road and he pulled over the side of the road any but we were in a truck and so pulled over and he stops and looked at us what do you mean you don't you haven't prayed for yourself in years that's why I don't God said he meets my needs wait that's not free for my desires he said all okay so you pray for the money I said no no you understand my desire is Bible schools be implanted my desire is the gospel being preached my desire is churches being planted that's matter that's what I pray about that's what I'm seeing the people of God receive the Word of God seeing people get a hold of this road that's what I pray I don't spend my time of community with the father asking for stuff for me right but I realized I don't have to now the difference is this can you so and you know is the law of sowing and reaping a law yeah absolutely but it's an earthly law technically speaking it's inherently law heat because there will be an end to it because he said as long as the earth is Sun and Moon he said there will be harvest time planting and harvesting you know right so that's an earthly rock that's not a kingdom law so the kingdom law it is the father's pleasure to give you the kingdom amen see I know I've heard this before cuz well I've heard it but you technically can't sew yourself out of a crisis right because sowing and reaping means plant and then there's a time and then there's harvest and usually harvest and planting don't run together right that's why they're sewing and then there has to be a period of time and that time can be drastically shortened but there's still a time period now the time between sowing and reaping or as week sometimes would say the time between praying and seeing it okay that's called the mean time what does this mean that's why it's the mean time that's the real mean time extension that's what remember so but you know so you can't sew your way out of a crisis that's when you need a miracle right and so the miracle is understanding that you walk in the kingdom and that whatever you need whatever I need will be there when I need it right do you understand that because whenever I realized that okay just like when I Drive to say to California if I'm gonna try to California I don't sit down and say okay here's how many miles it is and my truck gets this many miles per gallon so I'm gonna go by this many gas cans I'm gonna fill them all up and I'm gonna make sure I have that many gallons of gas on the top of my Tahoe that I'm driving I'm gonna have it on top and because you know I've got to have prepared I mean I got a good prayer it all the way well nobody does that what because somebody almost had somehow almost like the mind of God and said you know what why don't we make provision for people to get gasoline along the road and all they have to do is get where they need to be and when they get where they need to be they'll have the gas the gas will be waiting for them to fill up again and that's pretty much what it is so a lot of times the Parliament most people is the reason they don't have the provision they need is because they're sitting on the side of the road saying I need provision any provision and no your provision is at the gas station get to the gas station if you get where you're supposed to be your provisions there if your provision didn't there you're probably not where you need to be just something to think about amen all right but I'm telling ya see this way I don't I don't spend my time fellowship room with the father ask him for stuff for myself I spend my time talking about the Word of God us talk about him talk about how awesome he is a praise and worship these things which are two different things obviously and so in living this way one I'm starting to learn how to walk in this Dominion in every room in every area not just in you know healing but healing is just a demonstration of it but when if you see how Jesus walked it didn't matter what he needed and the thing is he didn't he always started with something but he never asked for it for himself when he fed the five thousand it wasn't for him matter of fact it doesn't even say he ate it he just said he'd blessed it broke it and gave it away right and that it was multiplied through the hands of the disciples as we know so no notice here I'm gonna get back on this I want to go too far there but he says here when you got born again it says that all things are become new and all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and has given to us the Ministry of reconciliation that's the ministry you have right then he says to it our to know to the end that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation now look at verse 20 now then we are we the ambassadors for Christ now you get that now are we ambassadors for Christ what because now we are born again we're we're Kingdom citizens were not born of this world were born of heaven our citizenship is in heaven we're to think on things above not on things on this earth and they're right and when we think on things above what are we gonna think on things that are pure and holy and good good report and they're right why because that's what's in heaven so we live from there see if you go to Haiti Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world you go there if you when you land on the plane there and there land at the airport you're gonna get off the plane and you're gonna sleep poverty severe poverty all the way to the u.s. embassy when you get to the u.s. embassy when those Marines open that gate and you go inside guess what there's going to be no lack none whatever you want is in there food drink whatever comfort everything you need is in that embassy one because the embassy does not take on the nature the country it's in the embassy takes on the nature of the country it represents that's why we as the Church of God should not take on the nature of the area we're in but we should take on the nature of heaven and reveal that nature to the people around us where we live we should be embassies of the kingdom of God amen which means listen if Haiti goes through I don't know how they could go through more recession but if they went through some type of recession the u.s. embassy wouldn't even notice why because it doesn't go by the economy of Haiti it goes by the economy of the United States amen and when you learn to live by the economy of heaven rather than letting circumstances dictate how you live God will meet what you are expecting from now just one more one of the things in yeah thank you for them in the name right now what just in Ephesians go with me to Ephesians real quick figure out where I'm going here yes Ephesians if fusions chapter 3 and look at just Jason this yep okay go with me to verse that's all good okay you know what just go to verse 1 yep we're just start there first one for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is given me to you were no words for you how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote afore in few words what does that mean that means that we're reading ephesians but really this should be second ephesians because he's already written the letter to them says right there i wrote afore and he's talking about writing a letter to them so we don't have that one probably had too much paul in it not enough holy spirit verse 4 whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ which in other ages was not made known under the sons of as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit and now he's going to give us what an understanding of that that the Gentile should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel where of I am made a minister according to the gift of grace of the grace of God which given unto me by the effectual working of his power unto me Who am less than the least of All Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ notice he's to preach the unsearchable riches he's to preach things that you can't figure out why by revelation means that it comes out of the Spirit of God and to make verse 9 and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of that mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ why to the intent that now under the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God so in other words the church is to dissipate the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers to show them because these principalities and powers they were made by God have now fallen and they're no longer serving Jesus and we are to display that wisdom now here's one of the things we have to realize as that whatever church starts talking about principalities here and so the enemy's job is to blind the eyes of people that have not received the gospel so the first thing he does is he hears oh that's where the church is going okay we got to get around ahead of this and we got to create a second thing now what that is is this did God promised Abraham Isaac did he promise was Isaac the promised child okay now let me ask you this you have Isaac you have Ishmael which one was born first Ishmael alright which was not the promised child is that right Isaac was so now notice as soon how did Ishmael come back because of the flesh they tried to figure out a way to to do God's will right but they did it in the flesh rather than waiting for it to be done by the spirit so usually what you'll always find is whenever God is getting something done in the earth usually the enemy hears about it when I say the enemy I'm always referring to Satan the devil principalities powers demons that kind of thing okay Jesus common adversary Paul calls an adversary okay which means enemy same thing so when the enemy here is worth see the enemy listens and when the enemy here is where the church is going he will try to look ahead he'll get around it and he'll try to produce an Ishmael before the Isaac can be born in the church and so as that Ishmael is born now it's tough to draw the attention and unfortunately most of churches so well most of church is not led by the spirit but rather by the booksellers and bookstores and so the enemy will start having things put in the bookstores that will actually cause the path of God to be veered off and will cause the move of God to be aborted before it's ever grown to full strength right now this has happened with the manifested sons of God for years and years and years it was even a move back to the 1940s called the manifested sons of God and they were really good up to a point and then they started thinking that there were levels and they certain thing because I'm I'm a mature son and you're not you must listen to me and I'll dictate your life what were they doing they were exercising dominion over people when they weren't supposed to I mean and when they did that they got off of sonship and now they started moving into religion and they started moving into these things and the the plan of God the move of God was aborted and sons were not fully manifested and didn't get to grow up because people started seeing the wrong and sort of saying I want nothing to do with that same thing happened in the 70s with the discipleship for shepherding movement their discipleship discipleship is a biblical principle and a biblical practice but when it moved over into shepherding to the point where what they called shepherding where they started dictating what you drove what car you bought who you married where you live what houses you goodbye what were they doing they moved out of the sonship which is servanthood and moved into dominion over people's faith which even Paul said we don't even have dominion over your faith Amen do you see this and so God what end about used about every twenty to forty years God does it again he tries to bring it around again to see if the people are ready to receive it and walk in it well we're at that actually the forty year mark of that again and now it's time for us to actually grow up do it right and not try to exercise dominion over everybody but to learn to serve and if we learn to serve how do we serve well to serve first off you have to be a son of God you have to be born again if you're born again you're a son of God okay now you can be a mayde son of God you can be a brand-new son of God you can be a carnal son of God or you can actually be a spiritually minded son of God those are the base of the four areas or we would say three that are actually in the son right the first one is represented out of book of James and that's for brand-new Christians brand-new right and then if you wanna go beyond that you see 1st 2nd Corinthians which is written to the carnal church and so that carnal those are sons of God but there Carl there there in the kingdom but they're just calmly minded right and whenever you're currently minded and not spiritually minded then what ends up because to be carnally minded is death what does that mean that means you don't learn how to actually exercise dominion over the things of your own physical body right because currently mind it means fleshly minded body minded you let your body tell you rather than let in the Word of God tell your body and so but when you become spiritually minded and now you start to walk by the spirit and you say what this book says is the truth so body line up and you start to walk in that and you don't you you you consider not the body but rather you consider the Word of God amen now you'll see this as we go along and so now God is trying to bring that back around to all we start to serve and as I said to truly serve men there's three parts you will not say okay you have to be number one you have to be a son of God if you're gonna serve man just serve man you also have to be a master over the devil all right and then number three you have to serve man you actually have to serve man right so you have to be man's servant to be man's servant you got to be the devil's master and to me the devil's master you got to be a son of God that simple so the whole idea about being born again and being a Christian is that we have to learn how to serve and you listen you cannot make the devil get off of a person you can't heal a person get a person healed get them get the sickness or disease off of them if you're not a master of the devil so to be a master to actually serve man and set them free you actually have to be have Dominion and authority over the devil right and you get that by being a son of God amen now to as many as received him John 1:14 tells - as many as received him to them gave he power authority to become the sons of God so the minute you get born again you're a son you just have to grow up amen now the minute you got born again you were born again in your spirit your spirit is recreated but your soul and we would even say your mind is case right your body and your mind were not changed but the Bible says notice God changed your spirit recreated you in the likeness and image of Christ then he says now I want you to present your bodies a living sacrifice right completely to God and then he says and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so the only way your life is transformed now if you are sick somebody can lay hands on you you can be blessed you can be healed but that doesn't transform your life a lot of people get healed and they live for God for a little while and then they go back to living like they did before right so if that does not transform your life the only promise of transformation that we have is to have your mind renewed to the Word of God now how do you tell if your mind is renewed to the Word of God it's real simple when your mind is renewed to the Word of God you do not think what does the word say you think what the word says you see the difference see I know a lot of people that they have to say okay what are the words okay I'm having this problem what does the word say about that their minds not renewed when your mind is renewed you automatically think what it says see it's not even that matter of what does the word say it's just one cuz this is your nature does you know what it says it is written it's been written in your heart and in your mind and now it is in your mind to the point where you have the spirit of your mind renewed and now you are walking with him and you think this way now the dead I'll give you an example years ago I was in I was traveling along actually long tin came down to Houston came across and was heading toward Florida and as I was going across ten I think I was in Mississippi yep I stopped two Mississippians as far as I got that evening and he was starting to get real foggy and so I was getting out and if you know if I'm driving her to stay overnight if I'm gonna stay a few days I might stay in a better hotel but if I'm especially back in that day man if I was traveling like that first motel 6 that's where I stopped I'd drop off there as quick as I could because that was the only type of hotels usually I could find that I could back up to and unload straight out of my car right in the door right and admitted they were usually very cheap and not usually too nice it's just but it was easy and I'm only going to be there a few hours and usually five or six seven hours and then I'm gone again so I pull up to this motel 6 and as I go in it's getting really foggy out and I don't think I had a phone that would tell me what the weather is gonna be like or anything and I wasn't really thinking in terms of dictating how the weather should be at that point I'm still learning and so I pull up to the back unload my car and funny as I go in I turn on the television because I want to see if I can find the weather and what its gonna be like so then I go back and I'm unloading and you know and have to turn on the TV and I'm letting it warm up it shows you how old's the hotel was and the TV you know remember remember when they used to have to the TV had to warm up here okay so a few years back okay as I'm unloading my car and about this time the TV actually comes on when I'm carrying I had some tubs and stuff with me with my books and stuff and so I'm putting them in there and the TV comes on and right when it came out you know back then when you turn it on you don't know what channel is gonna be on when it comes on right and so I come in and there's right when it comes on there's a woman crying and she's on I couldn't really tell it to number she was on a witness stand kind of thing and she's crying and so I'm carrying this tub and I heard this woman crying I stopped and I said lord help her Lord and I didn't realize it was a movie and so I put my and I'm thinking lord help her and I realized that the movie and I'm like you know didn't anybody see me do something stupid like that and so I'm just ended but then the Lord said why are you embarrassed and I said cuz that looks stupid I'm trying to pray for a person in a movie and he said no he says it shows that your mind has been renewed to your first thought was to help and that made a change in me amen so the real key is learning when your mind is being renewed to the Word of God the degree that your mind is renewed is dependent upon how how much you don't have to think to do it it's a net thing you know I always hear people say well you know this thing hasn't become your your second has become second nature no it has to be your first nature see you didn't have to stop and think about how to sin you just did it in there right you ever noticed that whenever you served the devil come Friday night you weren't your pro devil please tell me what you want me to do this weekend well devil do you want me to get drunk I'll go get drunk if you want me to but I don't want to do it if you don't want me to them yeah you never did that you just went and did it why because it was your nature then why do you think that you have to pray to go lay hands on the sick that's your nature why would you have to pray why would God not want you to lay hands on the sick why would he not want you to feed the hungry see what Lord if you want me to I'll do it but you got to tell me I need three sons two witnesses and a prophecy no you don't you got a book right here that says whatever you would have done to you do to others there's your Commission right there well I'm supposed to lay hands on the sick well would you if you were sick would you want somebody come lay hands on you yeah well there you go there's your Commission he said well no carice yeah well I think we have to be led but that is being led it says as many as are led by the spirit of they are the sons of God well what's the Spirit of God I thought this was written about spirits and they're right he says my words are spirit so if you're led by his words you're led by the spirit I meant see these are the things I learned from dr. summer oh I started to realize and ask some questions and things but we have to realize that this should be your first nature not your second nature you don't have to stop and think and work through it no you just it's this should be who you are but if you don't know who you are if you never had your mind renewed it won't ever become first nature it'll always be second at your clutch because you've got it in your spirit but it has to work through your spirit out of your spirit through your soul and then your body has to be engaged right so God recreated your spirit then he said okay now if you want to walk with me get your mind renewed so it's in alignment and present your body so that whatever your mind tells it to do your body will obey it's real simple amen listen Jesus did not come to start a new theology he didn't come he didn't go to Jerusalem and start you know the Jesus seminary he didn't commit he came to teach us relationship with the Father he came to show us the love of God and told us to love others the way he loved us and then we turn it into this theology and now and then the silver do that well let's start dividing let's start no you know you don't believe like just forget you I know love if they don't believe like if you if you're sure you're right then work with them until they get it keep sharing it with them right man yeah if they don't want to listen you can't make them but you shouldn't be the one to cut them off does that make sense we're just to love one another if we do that then we're just sharing you know one of the things I've learned you keep feeding as long as people are eating when they quit even quit feeding right worst thing you can do as a preachers keep talking after youth not when you're not saying anything okay so back in their visions that canopy we're almost done here okay look what he says there in verse 11 according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him wherefore I desire that you faint not at my tribulations for you which is your glory for this cause I bow my knees money's under the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named you hear that that name that we use the name of Jesus is not just his name its earning right that he would no watch us here's what he's praying that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man now watch what that means that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that you being rooted and grounded in love and is the only way you're not to do it is to be rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend so if you're not rooted and grounded in love you're not gonna be able to comprehend do you that to come free and what with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge you're supposed to know something that's beyond knowing now think about that that's a deeper knowing than just knowing right that you might be filled with all the fullness of God now that's exactly what it said about Jesus that in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and they're right he says that's his will for you but you only do that if you know the love of Christ which is beyond knowing you got that now watch in verse 20 here's a big one now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us now think about this when I when I've got this man it is amazing the highest form of faith is not asking and believing the highest form of faith is expecting in other words see I expect God to meet my needs one cuz he said he would so I don't pray about it and fast about it and does he know if it's a need and he knows he knows what I have needed that's what Matthew 6:33 tells me now right seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you what why because he knows what we have need of even before we ask him right so to expect without even saying they understand I'm a firm believer in saying okay you speak and Dominion and authority is released through speaking first and foremost first and foremost but I want to show you something if you get this it's how you turn this round because you can spend okay you can spend the rest of your life putting out fires that the devil starts to keep you running in circles or you can get ahead of him and expect have faith in God that he is guiding your steps and that he is going before you and that he is making things right so that by the time you get there you're the problems already solved do you get that now watch this look what he says unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think is they I know very few Christians that actually walk there almost every one of them only get what they asked for and say you can only ask for what you can think you can't ask for something you can't think so here he says he can do exceedingly abundantly above what we can even ask her think so if you're gonna pray you got to think before you ask in there right but here he says he can do exceedingly abundant even above what we can even ask or think so that means that that he can do beyond what we can even think to pray about that means that he can go before you and raise these things up so that your way is is provided for even before you said now when that happens so you're expecting say I expect things to go my way expect blessings I expect things to happen good I I don't expect trouble yeah I don't expect it well you know cuz I go overseas a lot and all over the place and I laid my hands on all kinds of people with all kinds of diseases and all this kind of stuff and most of its contagious I've never caught it never brought it back home all that kind of stuff and you know it's funny because the first time I started over my mother-in-law she was so nervous she you're gonna go over there and catch something bring it back and kill us all I'll never forget it I said I'm not gonna catch anything I'm going over there to kill some things right so but that was just the way she thought about it right but the the key is I expect and it's funny because when you expect things to go your way when you expect God's blessings to be part of your life see I've never understood most Christians because it said even though the Old Covenant is that all these blessings will overtake you it doesn't say you're gonna chase them down and yet you got most Christians are chasing blessings everyone I'm gonna do that I'm going to so for this but I'm so for that blessing I'm gonna get this busing I want to confess this busting bliss and I'm gonna confess and confess and I believe in I don't even call it confessing what I do is I agree with the word I agree with God what he said he said by His stripes I'm healed I agree with him by stripes I'm healed right I don't go around convey I'm healed on the meal I agree with God by His stripes I'm healed there you go now and what second do I not believe that well I believe it every second so I believe in divine health right so if I believe that I'm always healed then I can't get sick because there's no gap in there to get sick so you get healed you gotta get sick and it's it's awesome to get healed every time you get sick but in it I'll make up a word it's even awesomer okay to not need healing because you live in divine health amen now in in what I do I have to believe in divine health why because I'm touching sick people every day amen and then people ask what do you say bro Tobias I don't what aren't you afraid you might catch it if I do I'll kill it you know I'm trying to catch it so I can kill it and it runs from me what because it knows I'll kill it amen but when you learn to walk this way you start to realize again things happen before and it's a manual things happen that you hadn't even thought about but you know and you and yet and when they happen you're like god you're awesome I don't even ask you for that and you did it but you know I needed it and here it is and now I got it right when I need it and thank you for it and you now my whole life is lived in gratitude I spend my time thanking him and just driving on the road think and think you're awesome you're just amazing you know I just bust out laughing sometimes it meant because in what really when I really laughed the hardest is when people are not necessary people around me but when people will say I don't know why God did that for him you know I mean I'm a better Christian than he is like that's because you know my god is better I guess I don't know what it is yeah like Jesse Duplantis says God just likes me I thought of that you know he can't help himself you know he just likes me so I don't know but I expect him right but because of that I don't limit God to what I can think or ask I'll let him be gutted I mean think about if I can only limit him to what I can thinker asked then he is limited to my finite mind and where I'm at any given time but why not let him be God and let him do things right and even thought about yet and then whenever I catch up to him I cool that was awesome you know and just living the blessing of God and it's amazing you know I don't have problems it's amazing people around me have problems and sometimes I get drug into their problems but I don't have problems my life is amazing my life is blessed I'm a blessed person and yet you see people that always got this stuff going on and you're like why do you live there it's so much better to live here you know and and then they try to drag you in there and you're like no I got nothing to do with it well you know how it feels whenever you feel no I I don't understand that know what that's not who I am anymore amen I'm not saying I can't remember ever saying I choose do you realize when God said about your sins you know what he said he said I will remember their sins no more he didn't say he'll forget him he said I will not remember what does that mean he has set himself not to remember so you ever see somebody they start talking you know where they're going you know you know right where they're going right and you know where they're going down the road you ever thought until them whether what was suffering I hear what you're saying I know where you going I don't wanna go there thank you bye what cuz I'm not going down that road there's things I don't there's things I don't want to remember and they're right and I choose not to remember them what because if I remember them I might have to forgive somebody as it is I just live dead to it and it's a whole lot easier because I don't take offence right but when you don't take offense when people do things against you then if you don't take the offense that offense goes toward God if you're walking the gun and then that's why we have to pray for those people that despitefully use us people that come against us those it curses we have to bless them well because if you don't that that'll that'll resonate in their life they reap the not the benefit but the consequences of it amen so we have to forgive we have to eat one not because we're bearing this you know this offense because your eyes it's wrong to take an offense right so that when you take an offense the first thing you have to do is get forgiveness yourself so just don't get offended how do you not get offended die real easy dead people don't get offended amen you know you ever go to the funeral walk up there and there's that dead body you look getting in there and you go wow you're just as ugly everywhere and that person's just laying there they don't even don't even flinch what can they don't get offended they're dead if you don't get offended you don't have to live you don't have always walking well is there anything is there any unforgiveness in my life if there's no one there is no unforgiveness in my life why because I refuse to get offended amen now how do you how do you not get offended easy don't expect anything from anyone but in that something see when you don't expect anything from anybody but God makes it easy he will never let you down man he's got good for you amen he knows the thoughts he has for you thoughts of good not of evil amen all right well we can't close this done that we did pretty good there we got that most of it we'll pick this back up in the morning now did you get anything out of this tonight because I'm trying to give you some of the principles that I don't always get to and in a lot of the dhts that we do and I'm trying to get these personally because if you understand this is the last thing we'll stop right now when you understand the original position and then you understand the position that Jesus put us back into and now we walk in the position that he walked in and because we're in him and all that authority he has all authority was given to him guess what that's the authority you have what because you're in him it's no longer you that live but Christ who lives in you so don't think about well I've been a little good so I got a little Authority now I've been a little bit better this week so I got more Authority this week no that's not how it works it's his all amen and you walk in his all authority when you do that it doesn't matter how big the mountain is in front of you his authority works you don't matter how big that sickness is no matter what that disease is doesn't matter what the problem is no you just stand and speak and agree with God's Word and when you do you will walk different but you realize when I'm best I know God orchestrated that because it taught me when I got up in the morning I was curry I walked across to that locker when I put on that uniform I wouldn't curry anymore I represented the United States Air Force I walk different I talk different I knew that there were actions I couldn't do because I would be bringing disrepute onto the branch under the Air Force I knew things I would get in trouble you know conduct unbecoming right I understood that and so when I saw in the dr. summer I realized all of that that God was doing was geared toward getting me to functioning in this Dominion and in the authority of Jesus Christ and you start to realize what what can the enemy do to me nothing he can't kill me if he could he would have done it right he would have done it right before I got born again he couldn't kill me he can't take me out amen it's just like the song I was singing last week I can't be defeated and I won't quit well the only way you get defeated is if you quit so just don't quit if you don't quit you can't be defeated if you can't be defeated all of a sudden you get this whole different way of living because you realize I don't care how bad it looks it'll turn to my favor because I know how to trust God amen and then you start to speak and you start to command and things will line up according the Word of God and according to your will because your will is God's will when you make God's will your will then you can command according to that will and it will be done amen he said very simply I'll tell you how to do that real simple if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask whatsoever you will and it shall be done get this in you abide in this let him abide in you then whatever you say will come to pass amen it's a good life to live you gotta jump in amen amen all right god bless [Applause]
Channel: Wisdom Church
Views: 25,138
Rating: 4.8634148 out of 5
Id: Ap0V2bqeqRI
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Length: 131min 35sec (7895 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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