Divine Cactus Huachuma

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as we speak we are racing towards the most crucial point in human history in which our future will be decided we need sane voices to speak loud and clearly about the crises that we have collectively created and the issues that need to be resolved urgently political instability conflicts and Wars ecological and social crises and mental health issues many of us can see that we need a change but how exactly can we bring that change about we are some of the most privileged people that have ever had the opportunity to live on this planet it is truly an amazing time to be alive and we have so much to be grateful for [Music] we have fresh clean water on demand huge quantities of food machinery that can transport us to destinations across the globe technology that enables us to communicate and share information with one another regardless of location at a moment's notice everything we could possibly need and far more is within our reach [Music] even with all these things that we have we still find that we are discontented and unhappy with our lives our consumerist mentality leaves us wanting more and more as we try to fill the void of happiness we find ourselves addicted to drugs alcohol entertainment and gambling porn and food in order to escape from reality and to try to feel better depression stress anxiety and a whole number of mental disorders are more prevalent than they ever have been this way that we are living and behaving as consumers in this fast-paced world that constantly pressures us to conform to its expectations is leading us towards the edge of a cliff [Music] all change starts within in the way that we think and look out at the world and the way that we live our daily lives moments a moment all of the seemingly small and insignificant actions that we make as individuals all add up to one collective reality that we experience together only by changing the way that we think and act as individuals on a wider scale can we change the world that we experience around us we need to reconnect with our roots and with the planet that we live on so that we make more clearly see what is not serving us what is not abuse there are certain tools that we have available to us on this planet that are here to assist and help us make these interchanges and profound in powerful ways these tools come in the form of sacred plants that can be found in Peru ayahuasca and watch uma it is essential that we protect the sacredness of these plants and ensure the survival of this ancient knowledge for future generations both ayahuasca and watch uma are lawful to use in Peru and its cultural roots allow for a warm legal climate this attracts a number of tourist and spiritual seekers from across the world to come and experience them for thousands of years the shamans of Peru have used these plants traditionally for healing purposes to create a stronger sense of connection with South and community archaeology can trace this back for at least 3,000 years to the chopping culture but intuition tells us that these practices evolved around the use of plant medicines over a much longer period of time I stumbled across their gaze article on Graham Hancock's website where he recounts his experience with peyote a psychoactive cactus that grows in Mexico where he spent three days on the edge of death after being stung by scorpions several times during the peyote ceremony having had several experiences with peyote myself his experience touched me the genuineness of it and the transformation that it brought about in Serkis life I was compelled to reach out and connect with him to let him know how I was sharing it impacted me and soon after that we connected again as I made my intentions clear to come and visit him at his home in Peru this is why I made the decision to travel halfway across the world in complete trust having never met Sergey there was something much deeper within me calling me to come and now that I'm here it feels very much like home I was drawn to the authenticity with which he speaks and that is reflected in the way with which he works with the watch yuma cactus he has had an adventurous interesting and difficult journey that has finally led him to his home in peru his genuine spiritual search for truth life experiences in a decade of working with the watch houma cactus are remarkable sergei believes shamanism is the key to personal and collective change that we want to see in the world while respecting other healing plants he has dedicated his life to serving this particular medicine and this dedication becomes apparent through the experiences that he shares with those who come to visit there are many people who offer shamanic retreats in Peru but how do you choose who to work with and where to go when you first meet Sergei you don't see a stereotypical image of a shaman there's no headdress no outfit you just see a person that looks like you but from the very first look you begin to feel something real about him his grounded confident reasonable and clear answers disarm you of your doubts a strong feeling of being in the right place at the right time rises from within you that's my book I born in the Ukraine back then I was Soviet Union I was nearly 13 years old we go to Israel basically grew up there I kept searching for my path you the shamanic experience that's what I and I found people who ruined that was spirit quest founded by our lovely years [Music] so it's Ruth in here where we talk so I decided to go see him and work with ayahuasca what you five weeks we'll say life-changing experience [Music] what you were first time me so [Music] segi believes that the ceremony begins long before you hold the cup in your hand it starts when you make a commitment to take the medicine so he prepares his own medicine a medicine man must prepare his own brew this is a process where you infuse yourself with the medicine and put your intention and love into it this is done openly and often those who are staying at the watch Shuma Wasi are invited to join in with the preparation the purpose of the ceremonies to bring conscious awareness to what it is we are doing is an expression and act of respect and gratitude so that we can be reminded of the care and attention with which these tools must be handled with compassion with love with a true heart and clear intention [Music] [Music] these plants have a huge capacity to expand and accelerate the growth of our conscious awareness and life-changing ways should we choose to fully open up to and receive the healing and wisdom that they have to offer the cooking process is very important this is where I fused myself with the medicine I visualized the healing that people receive when they come here I see their smiles the brightness the clarity I understand [Music] it's an intimate process this is when you really make the connection with the spirit of the plant it takes many days to prepare it and this is where I stay here and just concentrate and contemplate and bring all my experience into the process of cooking [Music] [Music] [Music] the ceremonies run during the daylight for two reasons the first is so that you can see the beauty of the natural world all around you the second is that surgery reserves the night time for his family each time we drink we go to different places in nature where we can find the necessary silence that is required for healing and understanding segi believes as I do that nature is the true source of healing as it is where we come from and what we are the purpose of this work is to help you reach shamanic ecstasy and let you bloom like the flower of the watch yuma cactus as well as having an immediate and direct spiritual experience the medicine also has the capacity to unlock your creativity and artistic abilities and enrich your life for example if you have an inclination for writing or a passion for thinking this can be magnified and manifested which could result in the creative expression of yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] throughout the day we take part in what circuit called spontaneous conversation which serves as gentle guidance as the experience unfolds Sergey is flexible and willing to talk with you about whatever is relevant to help you make progress deepen understanding and discover your own answers Sergi has crafted his altar over the decade that he has been working with watch Shuma it serves as an energetic anchor throughout the ceremony every object on it has significance and meaning to him different attributes of life including birds animals and ancestral connections which is the core of the shamanic tradition of Peru [Music] at the end of the day we return to the altar to connect and provide a certain level of grounding that allows a smooth transition into the period of relaxation that follows the ceremony Sergi goes back to his family and we return to the main house to relax make food music and share our experiences and insights with each other [Music] what Yuma is a really wise plant and it completely changed my life it deconstructs you and it pairs you down to your fundamental elemental self it brings me closer to me and my family things that I've been neglecting in my life what room is P romantic that allowed me to finally live life what Yuma brought me back to life I've been searching for this medicine all my life and I've been trying all kind of other medicine to try to to see the inside of me which Emma for me has brought me right back there and I've struggled with drug addictions for my whole adult life and coming to majima it's saved my life it's usually I took drugs to escape myself with wajima there is no escape from yourself it's just ye and yourself and going inside it's been very very profound very strong yet gentle at the same time and for me it's been an agent to connect my divinity to all that is and source and it makes everything so much more beautiful that you just feel this tremendous gratitude our society has this kind of functioning like robots we're just oblivious to everything around us but watch rumor helps you to see in a way where you take time to notice things that you would never notice right now in this moment in our existence on earth I feel it's all the more important that what Yuma joins with the human spirit to connect to the moment and to nature it allows you to become the core of who you are it was an alum spiritual path five years of doing all kind of things and it isn't until RA I found what Yuma that I could really make significant changes because it makes you understand yourself on a deeper level it keeps clarity and I believe by understanding things deeper you can already change them so happy I spent a month here it's been a life-changing thing for me why Schumer kind of helped put all the pieces together of the different things that I was getting out of the plant medicine it's a guide it's a powerful guide that allows you to to go through the difficulties that you have experienced and to grow within them every time I'm I'm having a ceremony I put an intention and somehow everything works out the way and I get the answers I need and I feel it's giving me what I need to get at that moment it's not giving me more than I can handle so that's why you need like more ceremonies to go deeper until you get to that point that you're really in your subconscious where you are not ready for in the beginning it strips you you're naked you're a baby but you've also had a life and so you you can examine it in an honest loving way it shows you a path in an honest and honest look at your life I could feel it in my heart it just helps you think about life and just love it you know I would I would recommend this medicine to anyone on the planet where I came from it's lot a lot of war a lot of hatred a lot of stress so you look in the eyes of the people and you see fire you don't see love so I wish I can take this medicine and like spread it like rain on everybody to understand the real meaning of life which Jay Mohr is very connecting to everything that's around so they have made a slide down to the Spade of nature and live a life from love come back into my heart space which emma is medicine you'll find a lot of compassion and empathy for yourself and for others and in that compassion you find forgiveness and in that space of forgiveness you find you find love and love is what heals which really intense healing that can change your life forever 20 years of therapy are the same like three sessions of what Yuma like the first time I heard about this medicine I remember saying I've been looking for this whole entire life and now I'm here and I love it and I know it loves me my experience in what human was he is encountering new friends a new family and feeling completely respected honored as a as a human being and it's a beautiful Communion and it's a completely safe environment for experiencing this beautiful medicine it's for me it's the best to come home after the ceremony and to have a fireplace and you have to share a meal with the other staying in the house and sharing our experience at the fire so I think this is a very important part of the ceremony you're kind of coming home and what you're more watching you feel very welcome it's laughter it's wisdom it's camera dream it's um it's a fantastic feeling it's kind of like a womb you know it's been very pleasant it still is I really like it I have a nice room I get to look out the window and see the mountains everyone here has such a peaceful positive energy so it's almost like being at home but a little more peaceful because I come from the city yeah it's a great location and it's easy to get to the markets and explore on their days off and have a lot of fun hiking and all that so I've been being able to you know getting a lot better shape you know the watch of mine was seized at 10,000 feet so you know it's it's a nice challenge during my old saying I have been feeling very supported and loved and and this is what is for me for me what my wife is family the great Finland is a warm filmin and it just it's beautiful to actually be amongst people like yourself that are seeking to make their life better you know through this plant medicine and I just love being I mean this is like my home [Music] Sergi is continuously stressing the importance of trusting the direct spiritual experience versus blindly following ideologies he believes that this alone can provide you with the understanding and truth that you are seeking saying that we have had several important conversations that are worth hearing on different subjects [Music] and I was reading history philosophies for many years and I was seeking for a method that could help me to connect myself and experience reality the way I experienced that when I was a kid purely deeply magically and I saw was a wisdom in Eastern traditions but I also felt that these are mostly words and words can lead to the experience but the experience is the ultimate issue so there are a lot of good words but it's just words so I knew that I need my experience which is the key for understanding the key for seeing reality lives and I had secretary experiences before so I already knew that higher states of consciousness are real and what was missing is the guidance it's the sort of framework to put it in so this is when I start thinking that combining the energy of the plans and the wisdom of these ancient teachers with a certain philosophical frame can be very beneficial for us to understand ourselves and the world we live in so essentially this is what I do and this is the path I share I encourage people to read and study and filter that through shamanic experience [Music] this medicine is the medicine of truth and it has the power to make you rethink your ways which is a good thing if you're a spiritual seeker because you don't want to fall and the ideology and if you following an ideology or a teacher a certain way this medicine allows you to revisit it and see it for what it is and if you see holes in it then you know on the dark this medicine will help you to revisit your thinking your belief systems your path and help you see what really matters in your life this medicine brings you here and now and these are not just words this is the fundamental experience of life which is natural but for some reason with an experience that daily life so this medicine brings you back to that point where you have an opportunity to touch the heart of existence [Music] that's the message I'm trying to get across unfortunately people confused sacred medicine with drugs when in reality sacred medicine is exactly what this is medicine and a sacred because it has the power to cure a soul as the power to give you your life as the power to get you off addictions and drugs and alcohol so destructive behavior so you use a sacred plant in order to become a better person and live your life easier and happier drugs is what you buy in the pharmacy and on the streets and they have a different function some of them are good some of them are bad and you know when you have a headache and you take an aspirin you just take in the drop that's a good drug which is help you with the hand again just feel better but if you go on street and buy heroin or cocaine well there's going to fry your brain eventually these are bad rocks but medicine is a whole another category there is a teaching in it that is coming from somewhere you can attribute it to the spirit of the plant you can attribute it to the higher self you can ascribe it to divine inspiration and all this is correct but that's the essence of this work is to come to that place within you which feels sacred and you know from that place you see live a city and this view point in itself inspires and heals you and makes you want to leave a more alive [Music] the ancient world was marked with the Christian era so many traditions came under attack organized religion took over and turn this into certain monopoly where you don't have a direct access to divine anymore when in fact shamanic traditions based on that connection this medicine for me in particular is my direct access to divine and I'm not only one who feels that way and this is not the only medicine that makes you feel that way so there was a big confrontation between organized religion certain dominance in control over divinity with direct experience of it over the centuries just made a little suppressed and eventually nearly forgotten but you just cannot make nature illegal we can try but can you make this truthfully that's absurd it's a ridiculous notion that we fall into believing nature is legal and that is my main message not only nature is legal nature is the Cure that we need as humanity so banning the Cure it's no less than a crime against humanity what it depends on the depth that you have established here if the connection you made is strong and deep then you carry that home you don't need to have medicine there the connection that you make here with yourself that feelings things and you take it back with you and the insides of course and the understandings that you experience here these are yours to carry these are your gift these are the gifts of the Spirit so for example if you feel like you were not living your life fully or in the right way and there is certain things that have to change that this is how you stay connected to the medicine and to your vision and to the teacher you make the necessary changes that you have seen necessary here and by making them you create more happiness in your life you heal yourself you get rid of the self-destructive behaviors and toxic relationships and you know whatever that is on your path that has to be healed and taken care of but this is how you stay connected by following the guidance by making the changes that you have understood that are needed in your life and of course spending time in nature and silence and through this this experience will come through [Music] well our world is in crisis and if we don't come to our senses as humanity very soon we'll have a world to wake up to this medicine is the antidote for the madness we see in the world this is the cure for personal stupidity and cultural this medicine is the end of in your life it makes you take your life seriously and leave it consciousness I think it's time to wake up and revisit our values relations and come back to nature where we came from nature holds the key to future nature that is now been destroyed we need to wake up and live life consciousness when you are present when you are living the moment you appreciate it you understand that this life is all you have and this is the message you want to share with others so they can have the same appreciation for love and that's how we evolve as humanity we transmit our knowledge to our kids and grandkids but in order to transmit something you have to have something so this medicine is the gateway to wisdom true wisdom comes from your heart [Music] we better one of my favorite quotes of sergey's is in his saying that the watch Ummah cactus is in fact a beauty detector and that it allows you to see beauty and meaning everywhere even in a drop of rain if this medicine is calling you answer the call [Music] is the leader chameleon bow when I win a win are Calibri when I will I will in a beaker floor when I when I when I when I winner bumper when I when I wear up on the widow [Music] is the leap [Music] we're a ball of stumbles even though neck but a nice morning when I when I when I don't be when I win a winner because lore when I when I when I go leery when I when I winner come the winner [Music] when I win I win our cold evening when I will die when I pick a floor when I when I when I don't baby he will when I will come to where [Music] you
Channel: Huachuma Wasi
Views: 14,437
Rating: 4.97995 out of 5
Keywords: Huachuma, Wachuma, San Pedro, HuachumaWasi, Mescaline, cactus, psychedelic, Ayahuasca, Peru, Machu Picchu, Cusco, Calca, Urubamba, Pisac, Sacred Valley, Sergey Baranov, healing, awakening, spiritual growth, spirituality, presence, being, knowing, knowledge, intuition, connection, divine, ceremonies, shamanism, shaman, healer, spirit quest, don Howard, mckenna, hancock, path, mescaline confession, maps, research, spiritual life, health, mental health, spirit, now, nature, plant teachers, plant medicine, gaia, expirience
Id: AkiEK97mEn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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