Distributed Systems 7.1: Two-phase commit

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hello everyone and welcome to lecture seven of distributed systems today we will be talking about consistency of replicas now consistency is a bit of a terrible word unfortunately because it means so many different things depending on who you're asking and which context you're talking about so just some of the things where some of the context where you might have seen consistency is in the context of transactions so an acid transaction the c stands for consistency and in this context the meaning of consistency is a property of a database state so we're saying that the database is in a consistent state and if you apply a good transaction to it then it moves the database from one consistent state into another so here consistent really means that the state of the database satisfies certain invariants or certain constraints that the application has set as one example if you have a university database you might have a consistency requirement that whenever a course has at least one student enrolled in it then it must also have a lecturer so it must not be without lecturer for example you could have those kinds of consistency properties but this acid consistency is not actually what we're usually talking about in distributed systems we saw a different model of consistency a few lectures ago read after right consistency which was that if a client makes a write and then reads back what it has just written it should be able to see what it has just written that has got nothing to do with the consistency in the sense of acid it's a very different meaning of the word so in the context of replication what we often say is we want one replica to be consistent with another replica which again raises the question of what exactly we mean so does that mean the replicas are in the state in the same state but when exactly do they have to be in the same states they could be in the same state at different points in time for example or in different states at the same time we could express consistency in terms of what the results of read operations should be what we expect so i'm just saying here there are lots of different forms of consistency and no one true definition of consistency there are in fact a whole bunch of different consistency models and in this lecture we're going to look at some of those consistency models and see the context in which they are useful and how they are defined so what i want to start with is distributed transactions so you've covered transactions in the first half of this course on concurrent systems and if you recall the acid properties the a stands for atomicity which means that if a transaction makes a bunch of updates to the database then even if the database crashes or something goes wrong either all of those updates are applied to the database and they are made durable in which case the transaction is set to commit or all of the updates none of the updates take effect in which case the transaction is said to be aborted so we have this kind of binary choice of a transaction either it commits uh order aborts but we don't end up with this kind of half state where some of the transactions updates have happened and others have not have happened and this is very important because if you want to ensure something like consistency in the sense of acid you do have to have atomicity as the foundation of that because otherwise you could end up with two changes that need to be coordinated in some way and if only one of the two happens then you end up in an inconsistent state so that's why we need atomicity now in a distributed system we might have a transaction that involves more than one node in a distributed database for example and in this type of system uh we have to ensure atomicity across all of the nodes that are participating in the transaction so all of the nodes on which data is being read or written in the course of a transaction and so we must ensure that the transaction either commits on all of the nodes or it aborts on all of the nodes um so that would then give us atomicity for the transaction as a whole across all of the nodes moreover if one of the nodes involved in the transaction crashes then we also have to make sure that we abort the transaction on all other nodes because the crash node cannot complete the transaction it cannot commit the transaction and this is known as the atomic commitment problem in distributed systems so you might think this looks kind of a bit similar to consensus because what we want here is all of the nodes to agree on whether to commit or abort the transaction which kind of smells like consensus now yes superficially but if we look at it in more detail actually atomic commitment is quite different from consensus and so let me just explain why with consensus the way i explained it previously was that you have multiple nodes or 101 one or more node may propose some value and one of those values gets decided by the consensus algorithm whereas in atomic commits we're a bit more constrained we have to have all of the nodes voting on whether they are able to commit or a transaction or not and we have to take all of those votes into account so while in consensus it's okay to simply pick any one of the values that has been proposed in atomic commit it's very clearly defined what must happen if all of the vote or if all of the nodes vote to commit then the transaction must commit if any one of the nodes votes to abort then all of them must abort so atomic commit is much more constrained in the decision that the algorithm has to make and finally with consensus we've seen that we can have algorithms like raft which can continue working as long as a quorum of nodes is reachable and responding to requests whereas with atomic commit because we have this requirement that all of the nodes must uh must vote and we must get um consensus across all of them this means now that uh even just one single node crash will cause the entire uh transaction to abort so atomic commit is not able to tolerate any faulty nodes whereas a consensus algorithm a fault tolerant consensus algorithm like raft is able to tolerate a minority of faulty nodes in the system so this is atomic commitment and the way we typically implement atomic commit is using an algorithm called two-phase commit now two-phase commit sounds a bit like two-phase locking which you've seen previously don't confuse the two they sound very similar but they're very different things so two-phase locking is around serializable isolation whereas two-phase commit is around getting atomicity very different area so the way we start two-phase commit is that the client wants to open a transaction begin a transaction on multiple database nodes and it just starts a transaction as usual sends some transaction identifier t1 to those nodes and then does its usual thing so the transaction may read and write arbitrary objects in the database and do whatever it needs to do any any kind of logic two-phase commit only starts when we're ready to commit the transaction so rather than the usual form of transaction commits where the client just sends directly to the database hey commit now please with two-phase commit instead the request to commit goes to a new node in the system called the transaction coordinator so this commit request goes to the coordinator and the coordinator then sends a prepare message to all of the database nodes that are participating in the transaction and the purpose of the prepare message is it's kind of like commit except it doesn't actually finish the transaction yet so what prepare does is when when a database node receives the prepare message the database node has to write all of the changes all of the updates from that transaction to disk and it has to check any constraints to make sure that we have consistency of the database because in response to that prepare message the database node now has to reply with either yes or no whether it's willing to commit that transaction or not and so as we said any one node response to this will cause the transaction to abort but if all of them vote yes then the transaction will commit so this means that once the database node replies saying okay i'm happy to commit this transaction it is promising that it will definitely be able to commit that transaction in the future because there's at this point the um the database node has abdicated its its responsibility now it's up to the transaction coordinator to make the decision whether or not to commit the transaction so the database node just has to promise that if it is asked later by the coordinator to commit the transaction it will definitely be able to commit it so it's not allowed to back out and flake out afterwards and say oh sorry i don't want to commit this after all because by that point it's too late so by the time that the prepare message is telling the uh trade-based notes that it must get everything ready to be able to commit but without actually ending the transaction yet and then if the coordinator says in phase two of two phase commit if the coordinator says okay now we're going to commit then the individual database nodes go they do the actual commit they end the transaction they release all of the locks and everything is done so this is the uh model of two phase commit and the key moment in this protocol is here so after the database nodes the participating nodes have replied to the coordinator saying whether or not they're willing to commit this transaction at this point the coordinator makes the decision whether to commit or abort and this is really a key moment in the protocol now we can think about what happens if some of these nodes crash so if the database node crashes then we've discussed that that means the transaction coordinator will timeout and it will say okay we're going to abort the transaction for everyone so that's fine the question is what happens if the coordinator crashes so if the coordinator crashes well first of all it has to make this decision on whether to abort or commit the transaction so it can write that decision to disk and so then when the coordinator recovers from its crash and starts back up again it can read this decision from disk and send the decision that it made to to the replicas that were participating in the transaction um or if there was no decision record on disk then the coordinator can just abort but it has to be even if the coordinator crashes if it made the decision before the crash to commit then it must honor that decision after it restarts because it might have already sent the commit message to some of the nodes but not all of them and so some of the nodes may have already committed and released all of their locks so now everybo we have to ensure that everybody else commits as well and likewise if one aborts then all of the others have to abort as well but this leaves us in a problem because the coordinator is now this linchpin in in this protocol um because if the coordinator crashes just at the moment after the prepare requests have been sent out but before the coordinator sent out its decision on whether to commit or abort the transaction then all of the other nodes don't know what the coordinator has decided it they are simply stuck they cannot end their transaction yet they can't abort their transaction because as i said earlier they have promised that they will be able to commit it so if they abort it then they wouldn't be able to commit it anymore so they can't commit or abort their transaction they're all stuck in this state of being uncertain of what the state of the transaction is and so the individual nodes can't just decide for themselves to abort or commit because that would risk violating atomicity so the entire algorithm is blocked until the coordinator restarts and recovers its state from disk so this is not great because if a quarter into crashes it might take a while to come back up again if the machine where the coordinator was running on experience the hardware failure it's even worse because you know somebody has to go and take the hard disk out of that machine and put it into a new machine and so on so the whole system could be down and locked up for quite a significant amount of time fortunately there is a way around this and there is an algorithm a variant of two-phase commit that is tolerant and it relies on what we talked about in the last lecture on total order broadcast iea consensus algorithm and it works like this this algorithm is just two slides long um and the idea here is that we use a total order broadcast algorithm to disseminate each node's this each node's vote on whether to abort or to commit and so for each node we're going to have some state here so for each transaction we're going to have a set containing a set here containing the replica ids that have voted in favor of committing a certain transaction we have the set of all of the replicas that are participating in a certain transaction and for each transaction we have a flag telling us whether we have decided yet or not and so uh now when we want to commit a transaction we do the same as we do usually the the coordinator what the coordinator would usually do which is it just sends a prepare message to all of the nodes participating in the transaction okay that's just a regular prepare message as before when a node or a replica receives this prepare message it's now okay it knows it now knows the set of replicas that are participating in this transaction called r so it remembers that this is the set of replicas participating in transaction t and now as before the replica needs to check whether it is able to commit the transaction and it will reply to the prepare request saying either yes or no and if it says it yes it promises that we'll definitely be able to commit this transaction in the future so this okay will simply be a boolean here saying true or false whether it is able to commit a transaction or not and now rather than sending this vote back to the coordinator we use total order broadcast to send this vote to all of the replicas that are participating in this transaction so now all of the replicas find out about each other of who is able to commit what uh and this gets us most of the way there the question is just what if one of these replicas has crashed and so if that replica has crashed then it is not able to broadcast its vote so all of the others would be stuck waiting forever until this vote never turns up so what we have in addition is a failure detector and this failure detector this this can be running on any node for example on some of the other database replicas or even on the client and it just checks whether it suspects any of the replicas to have failed so if it has sent the prepare request to some replica and the replica has not broadcast its vote yet after some amount of time some time out then this other node is just going to broadcast a vote on behalf of the replica that it has suspected to have failed and it just votes false so it votes to abort on behalf of this replica now what could happen as you can see here is that actually it could be that the replica uh here that is suspected to have crashed hasn't actually crashed it might be fine it might just be a bit slow and so it could be that just around about the same time we get two conflicting votes for the same replica that is one genuine vote from the replica that the replica itself is sending and one vote or maybe even several votes from other replicas who think this particular node has failed and so now we are relying on the property of total order broadcast which is all of the participants all of the nodes in the system will deliver the same messages in the same order and because of that this race between the different votes for the same replica is no longer a problem because we can ensure that the first vote that we see from a given replica will be the same for all of the nodes and so this means here whenever we deliver one of these votes here by total order broadcast we can just consider the first vote from any given replica and ignore any future votes and this will ensure that all of the nodes then come to the same decision as to whether to abort or commit the transaction so first of all here if the replica that is voting is not already one of the votes that has committed and if the replica is one of the replicas in the transaction t and we have not already made a decision for transaction t then well okay it depends whether we voted in favor or not so if we voted true which means vote in favor of committing then we add the replica id to the set of replicas that have voted in favor of committing this particular transaction and if this set of replicas that have voted in favor equals the set of all replicas participating in the transaction that means now we have the unanimity that we require we can decide to commit the transaction and do the actual commit at this node on the other hand if the uh vote was false it was in against uh committing that means we can immediately abort because one single vote against is already enough to discover the whole transaction we can set our flag to be decided to be true and then we're going to abort the transaction at this node and if you think about this the logic that we have here ensures that we only count the first vote from any given replica and because all of the nodes will agree when they're delivering these votes they will agree on which the first vote was from a given replica this will ensure that all of the participants see the same and come to the same decision as to whether to commit or abort this transaction isn't that nice we have this total order broadcast algorithm and we can use it to solve this quite different problem in a reasonably simple way
Channel: Martin Kleppmann
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Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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