Data Consistency and Tradeoffs in Distributed Systems

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Hi everyone. This is GKCS! Today's topic is a very important one. It comes up often in distributed systems and it's called consistency. So consistency is usually related to data. That's what we'll be looking at today. And you'll hear this topic come up often, whether it's the cap theorem, but C stands for consistency, or you might have heard it in transactions. Database transactions. C again stands for consistency. So what is consistency? Well, if you have multiple copies of data, those two data pieces should match each other. The content should be the same. That's the general idea. Let's take a simple example. Initially, let's take Facebook in their initial days. So we are in the Harvard campus right now, and we have a single server and we have a single copy of data, which different students from all over campus connect to. Now, the idea is that if a user creates a profile, then the database system that we have, whether it's a database or a file system, doesn't matter, but a single copy of data. So this profile will be created in this space. And if another user wants to actually see this profile, so there is user A and user B. B wants to see his profile profile. B has been created over here. When B says, get me profile A, all you need to do in the server is to check your database, check for profile A and return that as a response. So this is perfect. It's giving the right information. What's the problem. The problem is that you have a single server, which means that this is a single point of failure. What if there's a network outage, whatever (tsunami hits the server), you're going to lose all the data. And even if that doesn't happen, even if you have something like a power loss, then your system is down. So that's a problem. And that's called a single point of failure. You just need one strike to take out your entire system. Facebook is out, but these are the initial days. So maybe it's fine. Um, what, what else are the problems? The second problem is that you might have a lot of users coming here, so you might need to scale the server. But up to what point do you scale this over? I mean, how many boxes do buy for a single box? If you increase the capacity of the server up to what point do you go soon enough, you'll hit the supercomputer range. So that's going to cost you a lot. It's not like you can get super computers at the supermarket. So the cost of vertical scaling is going to be high. And after a certain point in time, it's actually going to hit a limit. You cannot handle that many users in a single computer. The third one is that you might have multiple users from various parts of the world connecting to this database. So today was open for Harvard tomorrow it's open for Oxford. So that's on the other, other continent. And for them to actually connect this, this database takes a lot of time. So the latency here is very high. That's, let's say about 100 milliseconds. You want to cut this down? You want to bring it down to 10 milliseconds. It's impossible because the amount of time it would take to hop from the Oxford sobered through the routers, and finally hit this Howard server is going to be something there's something like latency. This is highly latency. Okay. So how do we mitigate these problems with the single silver? We cannot, because we are, we have seen that there's a vertical scaling limit, so we'll probably need to add more servers. And that's, I think exactly what Facebook did. Let's have two servers, one in Harvard and one in Oxford. So this is the Harvard server and this is the Oxford silver. Okay. And there's no communication between them. That's that's exactly what Facebook did. They didn't have any communication between these servers. They just had data copies relevant to the students here. So all the Harvard students would connect here and all the Oxford students would connect here. And then they would be able to see each other's data, but only limited to the campus that they belong to. Of course, there's a problem here. There's no data sharing. So what makes Facebook Facebook is that you're able to share data and that's not happening right now. There's no way to share that data. Uh, why would you choose this? Well, you might choose product wise that people don't care about sharing the data. Maybe this is all about events in that particular campus. So there's no way a Harvard person is going to go that distance. But eventually this is not going to be good enough. You will need to share data. And that's where the problem comes in. Let's say we try to avoid this problem as much as possible. We say that if you need any kind of Oxford data as a Harvard student, you connect to this server, cross continental that's okay, but you connect to it. We are not going to keep any data belonging to Oxford in any other region. That's one way to start, but the older problems are still alive. For example, if the Oxford server goes down, then it's still a single point of failure. The other thing is that latency, if a Harvard student needs to connect to an Oxford server, it needs to go all the way from the us to UK, which is going to take time. So latency is still bad. The single point of failure is still real. Um, what else? Cost of vertical scaling. Well, yeah, you can argue that, uh, the, the number of Oxford students can become huge, but, uh, that's not, that's not really a concern anymore. So we have kind of solved this use case by spreading our data, according to where it belongs, but we still have problems with latency and single point of failure. So what can we do well to reduce latency? We can kind of cash some of the information, Some of the Oxford information right here in the Harvard solver. So maybe there are some popular profiles that you want to see on Facebook from Oxford. Well, you have it cashed here in Harvard. So you fetch it once and then you cash it here and then you keep getting a response back. So the way it's going to happen is instead of connecting directly to the Oxford server, you actually talk to the Harvard solver. The Harvard server sees that does this profile exist in my cash? The one that you're calling for, get it, uh, assume that this profile does not exist. Uh, and it is, it is found in the Oxford server. So you mentioned that in the request to get a from Oxford. Okay. And then it actually sends a request to the server, which gives back a response with the profile. This profile is then stored in the cache, Returned to the user. And now if any other user comes here, then you have that profile right here. So that will reduce latency, but will not get rid of latency. There's still a chance that you are going to have a cache miss, and you might have cash replacement after which that is a cash miss. So these are problems. How do we solve them? Well, there's only one practical way to solve this kind of stuff. And that's to get rid of the, the shyness that we have with sharing data. So if you're going to have multiple copies of data, it's going to solve a lot of your problems. Firstly, the single point of failure that we were talking about, if you have multiple places where students data has been stored, let's say a student data E B, and C's being stored here and you have the exact same copy here. A, B and C. Okay. And let's say, this is being stored in Europe. And this is being stored in the U S no more single point of failure. If this server this data, which is being stored in this silver crashes, that's okay. You can always connect to this one. So that takes care of single point of failure. Also, what about network issues when they are solved now? Because if you need to connect to a user C and C actually belongs to Oxford, they belong to Europe. That's okay, because you have the data here. Also, you have a copy of the data. If you need to make changes, if you need to make an update to see, you just mentioned that C gets updated over here, maybe C plus plus, uh, and then over here, eventually there needs to be some mechanism by which you can send this update, which makes this also C plus plus in Europe. So the latency problems are also fixed because you have quick responses. The moment you say update, see, once this is updated, you actually send back that response and users are happy. The latency is low. So we have a solid, the, and, uh, everything's good. Isn't it? Except for one thing, that's this big monster over here called consistency. Consistency says that if you have multiple copies of data, they should be the same. So these two copies of data should be the same C plus plus should be C plus plus, that's fine. It seems like we can do that, but how do we do that? So when you make an update over here, how do you propagate that update to this point, let's start simple. You can do this manually. I know you might feel like it's a waste of time to even mention it. But the reality is that if you have very infrequent updates in a product, you can make that decision that, Hey, you can keep it as C plus plus here and see here. You know, maybe the Europeans don't need to see this change for awhile. So this often happens in bank accounts. You actually make a change to the ledger. You just noted down. And eventually you make that system consistent by spreading information all around the world. So it's a bunch of pluses and minuses for every account. Eventually you're going to be showing that in the bank statement. So they even mentioned that it's going to take us a few days for it to reflect on your bank statement in the worst case. But of course, in a, in a real time response system, you can't afford that. If you have something like Facebook, you can't afford that. So we want to propagate this change quickly. We want to make this a C plus plus, how do we do that? We can use some sort of electronic message or network protocol, like TCP seems like a good idea. Why do I say TCP? Because TCP is reliable delivery. You also have ordered delivery. There's a lot of good stuff that comes with TCP. So let's try to understand how does this protocol work in this case, when you send an update from C to C plus, plus you're effectively saying change C to C plus plus, okay. That's the update that you are propagating from USC to Europe. When Europe gets this message C to C plus plus internally in their database, they have C which they change to C plus plus. And that's it. That's all you need to do, right? You had a message transmission and you're good. However, what happens if the message transmission fields, if there's a network issue or maybe the Europe server is down, what do you do then? Well, you will never get to know unless you get an acknowledgement, right? So the European server should send back an acknowledgement. That's again, quite simple. If you get an acknowledgement, you know, that the update has gone through and you're sorted, all right, what happens if you don't get that acknowledgement? What happens with Dr. Wiseman fields or the server is done, but you can retry. You can keep praying as the force over the us silver to make this update till it succeeds. How many times do you retry? You can make it in finite, which means that every five seconds you're going to be retrying. It makes the C plus, plus it makes C plus plus, or you can, uh, you know, just five times and then eventually you can give up. Uh, and you can also mark this record as maybe a, maybe a wrong record, or maybe you can afford these two data points to be inconsistent. This actually brings us to a fundamental problem with distributed systems, which depend on acknowledgements for consistency. The idea is that if you send an update to one of these solvers, then it has two options. Either it locally commits the update, either it makes a change or it waits for its peer to give acknowledgement back. If it makes the change locally, then it's already committed and it cannot depend on the PO to actually make the commit to, because this message might fail. So unreliable network, and you'll be surprised by the number of times this failure happens. It seems like electronic systems should not have these mini failures, but they're hardware failures. They're failures in software. There's lots of stuff that happens. So let's, let's assume this unbillable network and B may not be able to make the comment. If you wait on beat to make the comment, this is basically giving responsibility to be, they have the same problem. When you ask them to update something, you are effectively a client for B. And if B makes the comment, then B has no idea whether their acknowledgement is ever going to reach you. You can try to do something fancy, like sending the acknowledgement of this acknowledgement, but that's an infinite process. If you know, if he has already made the commitment, they're in trouble. If B's waiting for this special acknowledgement, which is Ackoff act right of this and acknowledgement of this, then when it makes a comment, it has no idea whether this is ever going to reach. And the problem is gotten the two General's problem. You can look it up on the internet. You can, you can study about this, the two journalists problem, but that's the basic idea. You can never be sure if you're making a commit, which is based on the hope that the acknowledgement actually goes through. So we can't have this in our distribute system. If you are hoping for consistency, what can we do? We can give them a special role, a leader role. So let's make a, the U S server a leader. And it's the only person who can come in. So the only person who can actually do rights on a database, which simplifies the system a bit. If you send an update, you cannot send it to be, you can send it only to eight. So firstly, that update comes here and he says, alright, change the data. He'll make the comment. Good. What about B B gets regular updates from Abe because it's the only place where you can write information. And B's a place where you can read information from. So this is a follow and the follower has the change in the data. Assuming that this goes through and things should be fine. Now to read operations are going to give you the same data. But of course it could be that this data doesn't go through. In which case, what do you do? If you read the data without the change, you have inconsistency. So this becomes an inconsistent system. Again, you are having dirty deeds. If you wait for the update to come through before you give it a response and that time the system is actually not available. If you hit the system, you're not getting a response. It's as good as the system is dead. It's waiting. Yes, but it doesn't matter. I mean, for you, you're not getting a response to this. So that's one fundamental problem with our, this root system. If you have pure consistency, then your system is not available. And if you have some sort of availability, then your system will have to suffer three inconsistencies. Okay? That's the reason why consistency is such a big deal. People talk about, Hey, can we have a totally consistent system? Or how much consistency are you looking for? But this is the general idea. I'll just expand on this a little more with one final example, which is called the two phase commit protocol sounded similar to just two systems and the, and the thing that we saw with acknowledgements. But the idea is that you have a leader now and you have multiple followers, like lots of followers, right? You might have BCD many. You might imagine these followers to also be services. You can have a profile service, which is asking the session service and the document service to wait. Okay? But we don't care. These can be gender systems. You can also have, by the way, this is a server and this could be Kafka a message queue. So if you want to ensure that a message or the event is pushed into multiple systems, definitely. Then you can go for something as strict as a two phase commit. Let's see what that is. Two PC. Okay. The general idea here is that as a leader, when you get an update, you send a prepare request to your followers, your followers give you an acknowledgement that, Hey, yes, I got the prepare request. And when you get these acknowledgements, you ask your followers to commit. So this is effectively committing a transaction, right? That's a consistency mature. Once you ask them to commit, I'm assuming that life is really nice and they give you a college Mintz and this system works perfectly. So what happened here is a transaction happened, maybe some sort of an operation. This might be a complex update, multiple statements. Uh, the leader asks its followers to do that in the pipette. And then finally commit that operation, which is effectively hitting control S which is saving in the database. That's when the data will start reflecting and things should be fine. However, there's a lot of edge cases in this. Let's see. Firstly, if you send a prepared statement, what actually happens when you have a bunch of statements in this update. So in the database what's going to happen is you're going to begin a transaction. And then you're going to write down these statements statement one, two up to N the number of statements required to complete this update, but there's one thing missing. And that is a commit. When you commit, you actually tell the database to reflect these changes to everyone. Who's trying to get this data. Okay. Two phase commit. The first phase is prepare and prepare is basically do all this stuff, but wait for my finding. Go through. Okay. So that's a prepare when you send an acknowledgement, you basically say that I have done this stuff and I'm ready to come in. The last statement has been meaning if a leader does not get all the acknowledgements back, it assumes that some of the, some of the systems, which it was sending a prepared request to has failed, there might be a time out, or there might be just, you might give a negative response. Also, whatever, be the case. The leader feels the transaction. So would hear you ghetto rollback as a followed, you can keep a time limit, which is, let's say five minutes or six minutes. You know that within five or six minutes, the leader's message should have reached. If it doesn't, you just do a roll back and the system is consistent. Why is it consistent? Well, if you have some sort of an update, let's say again, see Jenny, the C plus plus, uh, the leader first is holding this information. It's logged this role. When you did a begin transaction, you first logged that rule C and then you made it C plus plus, and it's still not right? Um, after some period of time, you saw that this transaction is not going to happen. There's no way it's going to happen. So roll it back. Convert C plus, plus to see again. And now if someone doesn't get that's okay, they're going to be able to see, see the same thing here. I mean, after the rollback has happened, once a leader has rolled back, you will be getting a get with C on the other hand, if things go well, then the leader will be sending a commit message to everyone. And once you receive this commit as a follower, you just commit this transaction. This transaction is complete. Things are fine from your side. The data is reflecting. It's no longer see it is C plus plus. Now here, and let's assume that this also went through properly C plus, plus, if someone does a get operation, now they're going to get C plus plus, which is exactly what we wanted. Even before that, when the leader sends a commit message, before that it actually commits to the database, okay? It's own database because it's the leader. So this is C plus. Plus, if someone does a get operation, now it becomes C plus plus here, once the commit operation teaches you, they get C plus plus in the coming operations. I mean, in the get operations, let's assume that one of these commits actually failed the one of the commit messages that you sent failed. What happens then? Well, after a certain period of time, this system is going to assume that the transaction has failed and it's going to roll things back. So there's a problem. If you, if you do that, then it's going to be C and this is going to be C plus plus. And if someone doesn't get operation, now, then we are in trouble. Okay, get we'll give a C. So we can't allow this. Where's the problem. The problem is the back. Usually in transactions, you are easily able to roll back. Great. Uh, in these places, you can't, you cannot roll back by yourself. Based on time, you have to wait for the master or in this case, the leader to actually send messages off, roll back in case someone sends a negative response, or there is a timeout, the leader actually tells them to roll back. The transaction. This statement of rollback is not going to be done by followers themselves. They are effectively brain-dead. They don't have a brain model, not brain dead, but the leader actually tells them through all back. If an acknowledgement has failed to reach, okay, that is, that is fine. So if, if you send an acknowledgement things go well after that, if your commit fails, what happens? Think back on TCP, you do a retry, you keep retrying commits. So it might be that the follower actually gets the commit message, but it's not able to send you an acknowledgement because of which you are doing reprice that's okay. You have a transaction ID. Uh, and once you do a commit for the same transaction ID, if you get to another commit message, that's okay. You're just going to say, okay, fine. I acknowledged as long as the acknowledgements keep failing, the leader keeps retrying and the commit messages keep going through. Once the commit message is actually acknowledged, the leader is sorted. It knows that the data that it's showing is consistent with the data that you are showing. Okay. Uh, is there any problem here? Well, if you make a commit of C plus plus here, and your commit message, doesn't go through, then you're going to get inconsistent data. Okay? So what you need to do is either block or read operations. Here, you take logs here, and all of your patients here are blocked. Um, and you pick a lock. So read operations and write operations on this rule. The CRO is blocked. So if anyone does a get request, they get nothing they're waiting. This is a problem. Of course. Uh, the problem is that your system is not available. It is consistent. Now your system is totally consistent when people are able to see, see here, they're also able to see the same data here, uh, when there's a change, they're also able to see that change being reflected to all of your followers, because you wait for the acknowledgement in the end and you keep retrying with no side-effects because you have something called the transaction ID makes this an item potent system. You can have a look at this in one of the other videos that are made, but the idea is like, this is a good idea. If you need absolute consistency, if you have a financial system, this is a good idea, total consistency, but the cost is that your system is down. Any get request is failing because this law is locked. Okay. So the general idea of all of this is to see what happens when you have a perfectly consistent distributed system. The costs are usually high, not just for the availability, which is one factor. There's also performance, which is a factor, uh, in certain cases, the cost of the system, like the physical cost of the system increases. So may not want to do that all the time. Instead, you might go for something which is a lot more sensible called eventual consistency. This is an extremely important concept in distributed systems. It comes very closely tied with isolation and these in engineering guarantees for reading and writing data. I spoken about this at lent and the integrated course, but the next video will be on eventual consistency. So if you want a notification for that, make sure you hit the subscribe button. If you have any doubts or suggestions on this, you can leave them in the comments below. I'll see you next time.
Channel: Gaurav Sen
Views: 53,257
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Keywords: system design, interview preparation, interviews, software interview, coding interview, programming, gaurav sen, system design interview, grokking the system design interview, cracking the coding interview, consistency, distributed systems, eventual consistency
Id: m4q7VkgDWrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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