Using sagas to maintain data consistency in a microservice architecture by Chris Richardson

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furgus you play do it make sure so thanks for coming to my talk about data about how to maintain data consistency in a micro service architecture so going to in the talk I'm going to cover a sort of three topics first I'm going to explain why there is a problem with maintaining data consistency in a micro service architecture there's actually problems are doing querying as well but that that's sort of like a whole separate talk I'm going to explain why the traditional distributed transaction mechanism two-phase commit XA whatever you want to call it is not really an option in a micro service architecture and I'm going to show how this concept of a saga which is actually a concept that was first showed up in a paper back in 1987 that was kind of the title of the paper with sagas how that is a good transaction model for applications that you're building with the micro service architecture so those are the three topics but before getting into that I want to talk a little bit a little bit about me so if you don't know me obviously Chris Richardson I live in the San Francisco Bay Area though I actually grew up in Cornwall but I appear to have lost my accent along the way and yeah it meant that I flew here on an American airline so I sort of risked lose not having a seat and apparently I might not be able to take my laptop back if the news stories are to be believed anyway so yeah I live just in a city called Oakland when I can sort of see San Francisco from my house I've got my start in programming back in the mid to late 80s building Lisp systems so everything from sort of the runtime garbage collector compilers all the way up to stack Lisp of course being an early functional language then it became object-oriented eventually programmed in Java wrote the book pojos in action it's all about spring hibernate was ten years ago we're revolutionizing how we did enterprise Java development started tinkering with this obscure service known as Amazon ec2 just pretty much before the term cloud computing or at least I think I'd heard about the term cloud computing back then and created Cloud Foundry there was a past for deploying Java applications on ec2 and then that got acquired by SpringSource back in 2009 right before SpringSource was acquired by VMware so I was part of SpringSource VMware and then pivotal for four plus years and since then you know that was three years ago roughly you know since then I basically been focusing on the micro service architecture so I do consulting and training until like I spend my time flying around the world to get from one consulting or training gig to another and then I'm also working on a start-up and we're building a platform to simplify the development of transactional business applications that use the micro service architecture so in fact many many of the concepts I'm talking about today actually relate back back to talk to what the startup is doing and then I'm also writing a book called micro service patterns that is out like the first four or five chapters are out in you know Manning early access program so if you want to know more about that go to learn micro services at the dot IO where there's links to the book links to articles links to code videos everything you need to know about the micro service architecture so here's the agenda first and I want to talk about why you know acid transactions you know something that with which we're very familiar and love is not really an option in a micro service architecture at least not when you have transactions that span multiple services within a service you can obviously use asset transactions but not between them and that's when SOG has come into play so you know most of the talk is about that what our saga is how to kind of implement them some kind of design considerations then I'm going to finish by talking about how the sort of the underlying foundations for us the sagas is this sort of transactional messaging mechanism so you can imagine that you in your architecture your services collaborate primarily by exchanging messages which is sort of interesting given that there's so much talk about using rest and so on okay so that's the agenda you know let's get going so imagine that you're you're working on an online store and actually maybe it's sort of a b2b kind of online store because perhaps customers have a credit limit and so you know very basic idea namely that the if you added up the open orders for the order totals for all of the open orders then those orders cannot exceed the credit limit you know that's like kind of a golden rule in the system it's an invariant that must never ever be violated right you can never set never allow a customer to place an order that will cause that credit limit to be violated and really simple right and you know and then it seems simple because you know we're pretty much used to building monolithic applications and so you know in in a traditional architecture you just make one of your service you you make the appropriate service method transactional so you know if you're using the Spring Framework you stick an annotation on it or in some other framework you begin a transaction do what you need to do and then you commit the transaction and then during that transaction you just access the data that you need so you go look at the you go to the order table and you find the existing orders you go to the customer table and you make sure that everything works and then you commit it create a new order and you can you commit the transaction and it's really simple so you know the sequel that you end up executing would look something like this right find the existing orders find the credit limit make sure that the total doesn't exceed the the credit limit insert a new order and commit really really simple I mean that's the kind of thing that we do in our applications without really thinking about it you know that's because we're just so used to the acid programming model that gives us certain guarantees in particular it means that if there are concurrent transactions that attempt to create orders for the same customer the properties of acid transactions will guarantee that that invariant is never violated conceptually these transactions get executed one after another now you know that if you if you're familiar with the intricacies of isolation levels there's a whole bunch of fine print associated with what I just said that makes it potentially a little more linear a little more complicated than that but at least given the classic definition of acid transactions this is brain-dead simple you know in a monolithic application but the problem you know as we know is the sort of monolithic applications sort of have a habit of growing and they have you know over time they just get bigger and bigger and bigger at least the successful ones right if you're unsuccessful the company dies and the application just you stopped developing it but you know successful monolithic applications given enough time will become these huge monoliths and they get to the point where any notion of agility become becomes impossible and you're in this place which I call monolithic hell any any kind of development testing deployment of that application becomes incredibly slow and painful so this model that act comes with this wonderfully simple transaction mechanism sort of breaks down and that's you know kind of a big motivation for the micro service architecture right instead of building something that is way too complex for us to sort of develop to test deploy etc we just functionally decompose it into a set of loosely coupled services and the services themselves that simpler each one contains you know codes it's not that can still fit in a developer's head and we can you know everything about it has become many aspects about the micro service architecture become a lot easier among other things it lets us parallelized software development you have a team working on each service and they can develop and deploy and so on in parallel so one teams working on a customer service and other teams working on an order service and so on and it also lets you in adult new technology much more easily each service can use a newer better technology stack so there's a whole bunch of sort of drawbacks that you know basically you end up outgrowing your monolithic architecture and there's a whole bunch of draw benefits with a drop with adopting the micro service architecture but you know they're in those silver bullets and as you're going to see there's some issues with transaction management that cause some really interesting challenges in the micro service architecture so anyway if we would apply the micro service architecture to our online store we'd have something that looked like this right bunch of services customer service order service and so on you know sitting in front of that would be an EPA gateway that's doing request routing and an API composition and so on so that's all pretty good but there's this interesting characteristic namely that each service has its own database or at least its own private data there might just be one database I suppose but within that server each service has its own private schema or private tables the actual details don't matter but this is that this notion of having encapsulated data is really central to the micro service architecture because if services communicate via the database they are no longer loosely coupled you know classic example right is to imagine that you're working on the order service and you want to change the schema if you're the only one accessing it it's really simple right but if there are five other services and five other teams who are accessing your table you're going to be in meetings for a really long time right coordinating exactly when you can make those changes and how they can adapt their application to fit to the point where it really gets in the way of I mean it basically the amount of coordination and the communication that's involved in order to change the schema just slows you down and start and defeats the purpose of having the micro service architecture in the first place the whole goal is you know parallel is parallel development by autonomous teams and as soon as you share data you're no longer autonomous you're tightly coupled and slowed down so the anyway services can access one another's data is through API but then then the question is well how do we maintain data consistency because I've broken apart the data yet there are still requirements for transactions like the one I just showed for input doing the credit check when placing a new water that will span multiple services so if we revisit that sequel that I just showed write classic simple you know set a sequel statements in a micro service architecture this is really problematic because orders belong to one service customers belong to another so that's not going to work except well unless we had some form of distributed transactions oh well it's sort of a bunch of problems but you know in theory you could use some form of sort of two-phase commit or distributive distributed transaction management mechanism that spans multiple services but it turns out that you know distributed transactions although they work have pretty much fallen out of favor you know just sort of modern applications and simply don't use distributed transactions anymore there's sort of a whole bunch of problems and you know with sort of distributed transactions coordinators for the single point of failure potentially chatty with all the messages that potentially locks are being held so in theory it sounds great there's also a bunch of fine prints about what kind of isolation levels you get with distributed transactions as well and then there's sort of really minor detail namely that many modern technologies like no sequel databases and modern message brokers actually don't even support distributed transactions so even if you wanted to use it you could you could not and then there's the cap theorem that basically says you have to pick between consistency and availability and people prefer availability so it's sort of like oh this two-phase commit things not not an option so in order to maintain data consistency across a bunch of services we actually need to do something different and that's where this saga mechanism comes into it's sort of the kind of the new transaction model when you have transactions that span multiple services so the big idea is really sort of simple so instead of having a distributed transaction that spans a bunch of services you use a saga that is a sequence of local transaction so in this case you know instead of a transaction spanning three services a B and C you have a sagar and this there's a sequence of three local transactions one in a1 and b1 and C and it's as I mentioned this this concept was introduced back in 1987 by a paper and actually their motivations were somewhat different it was sort of like well if we have these long-running transactions they're going to hold resources and locks and for a long long time and it's going to have terrible sort of consequences for the behavior of the system so let's break it up into a set of shorter transactions and so this is kind of a concept of a saga adapted to a slightly different scenario but to sort of address sort of different but very related concerns so the way this would work in the case of of creating an order is as follows so you know request comes in to create an order that would be the first step of the saga it creates an order and then somehow that once that has completed the next step is triggered and so a transaction will then occur in the customer service in which K in this case it will attempt to reserve credit so you know an order gets placed for a hundred and hundred thousand pounds the reserve credit operation will then be performed in the customer service to try and reserve that much of the users of the customers available credit and then when when that has completed another transaction takes place back in the order service to then either approve the order if there was sufficient credit or reject the order if there wasn't enough credit so we sort of changed things slightly we're creating the order and then verifying that we can actually kind of our head with the order and as you see that has some implications in a little while about sort of API and design and so on but that's the idea I mean it's obviously I'm sort of there's some interesting details like what are those arrows mean how does the completion of one stack trigger the next step in the saga and I'm going to get to that in a little while by this whole saga coordination mechanism but that's the general idea break up a distributed transaction into a set of local transactions or sequence of local transactions because you know they have to be ordered but there are a few complications with this model namely well first first complication is what do you do about rollbacks you think about an asset transaction you can make arbitrary changes to the database and then at some point decide that oh I'm about to violate a business rule and you can just abort the transaction and everything that you have done just sort of magically gets undone but in this model each of the local transactions is committing changes and so you could be ten steps in and decide that you have to rollback except that there's no automatic rollback and you have to explicitly undo what you have done previously so there's this whole notion of compensating transactions so it sort of you know conceptually this kind of kind of comes from the original paper you have you know the sort of the forward transactions are cool teas so you got t1 t2 t3 t4 and so on so those are sort of the success cases though the success steps so conceptually every one of those four transactions has a corresponding compensating transaction that undoes what it did so that's kind of going forward and then these are the young dues so then that means let's imagine that you know step - fails where you have to undo step p1 and so you execute its compensating transaction so you go you kind of go forward as far in and then you do n steps forward and then it's the N plus 1 steps fact n plus 1 step fails you then have to undo the proceeding and steps but you have to program this this is unlike without the transactions this no longer happens automatically so that's a bit of a complication you actually have to think about kind of what all the possible scenarios and actually how to undo them in the case of reserving credit or creating an order it's pretty straightforward if the attempt to reserve credit fails you just reject the order you know so you create the order I guess strictly speaking you could delete it but that would be weird so the you you market as having been rejected due to unsafe issue credit so that's not you know not too complicated if you think about what a bank would do Paula G's joining one who actually works for the bank because I have no idea what they really do but imagine that you're transferring money between two accounts right you debit the from account and then when it's time to credit the to account you know it's sort of step 2 of the saga you find that the to account has been closed so you and then you then have to undo the debit which in this scenario would mean doing a credit so the customer would see two transactions on their bank statement interestingly at that point you might discover that the strom account has been closed and so you're sort of in this weird limbo where you can't actually credit the to account and you can't undo that you can't undo the debit of the from account so yeah some whatever business process high-level business process has to be kind of kick off at that point so there's a whole bunch of scenarios that you have to think through in order to come up with these various compensating transact so that's one challenge another challenge is you know this actually complicates they'll potentially complicates the design of the API you know the request initiates the saga and then the question is well at which point do you send back a response and there's really two options so one option is that you could not say as HTTP you don't send back the HTTP response until the saga has completed now the good news is is that even though we're sending messages around so the latency is likely to be you know pretty low so the response is likely to come back really really quickly and that this is nice because you haven't changed the semantics of the API you know the fact that the implementation is asynchronous has no bearing on the API the downside is that this act this kind of design reduces availability because in order for the response to be sent back all of the participants need to be up especially the service that's sitting there waiting for this to complete before it can send back an HTTP response so the availability of this approach is sort of theoretically less so another option which in some ways is preferred is to return a response back to the client as soon as you've created the saga you know and that's nice because the client gets a response so it like gets the order ID and you and it's and the and you're no longer dependent on all of the other components of the system being available or being even but they don't have to be up they don't have to be capable of responding in a timely way that order will still get verified the complication of course is that you're telling the client that say in this case the order has been accepted but all he's been create but we can't really tell you whether we're going to allow this order or not and the client is like going to have to pull to see the order status or maybe you could use some event based mechanism to tell the client that that order has been been been processed but interestingly I think from a sort of system design point of view option number two is somewhat preferable right you just want to have loosely coupled highly available systems so in the case of orders like yeah I could say create order will create an order which in and kick off this saga gives you back an order ID but doesn't really make any strong guarantees about the state of the order at that point hasn't been fully validated and the client would have to cool to get order API in order to find out the the final outcome of that order so that's sort of a nice nice from a sort of highly available design perspective but it complicates the client now doesn't necessarily have any impact on the user experience right especially if you know you're building a rich client using angular or react or whatever the you know the fashionable JavaScript framework is you can hide all of this from the user you know among other things you know provided that something completes within a hundred milliseconds because our brains are so slow it will actually appear instantaneous anyway and even if it does take longer you can just display a dialog but you know pop up the gist you says you know like when you're placing a credit you know it's charging your credit card right it says this might take up to 30 seconds and press the back button or something like that right so you can you can communicate that yeah with the system is processing your order and they you know in a nice case the server can use WebSockets to push a notification down to the UI so there's some interesting of interesting issues there but it's the the UI the api's might be a little different but more asynchronous but the UI the user experience can be the same the other issue is that the business logic is a little bit more complicated for a similar reason right each step of the saga commits its changes and that means that other transactions will see data that's sort of in this inconsistent state so whereas before an order just appeared in the system in an approved or a jet way let's say in an approved state right now there's this more complex state model where the where the order is in this pending state and that means some other transaction has to know what to do with that water when it's in that state but just means that your business logic is a bit more complicated right so for instance like you might some well if the UI is hiding this it's a little different but let's imagine that the order gets created and immediately a request comes in to cancel that order you're now in the situation where the order is in a pending State and what does it mean to cancel the pending order because others is a saga that's going off and actually interacting with other components of the system so canceling is a little complicated at this point you know you somehow interrupt the existing saga and tell it to give up somehow well maybe or does the cancel operation wait for the create water saga to complete and then go and cancel the order so there's some really interesting design issues around kind of the around that sort of a rise from the fact that this inconsistent data is actually exposed to other transactions while while sagas are completing I mean I once again I think it's doable but there's there's some challenges okay so that's kind of introduction to sagas next thing I want to talk about is sort of the coordination mechanism you know so far I've drawn sagas is sort of a bunch of boxes with arrows between them and now it's sort of time to talk about the nature of those arrows right so the idea is that when one saga step completes one of these T is complete something some piece of code has to run to figure out what to do next you know so as if that sagas that was complete was successful which of the next steps to execute because there might be some sort of branching model well conversely if there's a failure step how to undo what what's been done so far and there's two different models one of them is choreography where the saga participants sort of figure out what to do amongst themselves and then there's an orchestration model which is where there's a centralized component that's deciding what to do next saga Orchestrator so in theory if you look at choreography there's some code running in each service that sort of figures out what to do next so you know so in theory the order service after it's done one thing tells the customer service to do something and then the customer service tells the order service so there's sort of logic is like about this particular saga is scattered throughout the system arguably you could do it that way but it kind of couples things together so sort of a nicer I think a cleaner model is to really have some centralized decision-making components so you can imagine that there is something cool to create while conceptually at least a component corresponding to the saga telling the participants what to do so and I'll sort of show more details of that in a minute but it's nice because in a way the components the services are no longer sort of tied in with the sagas and so so there's actual coordinate component you can kind of model it as a state machine so this is like classic UML state machine model so you know that when it's when the sagar is created it performs an action in this case it's telling the customer service to reserve credit and then it's in the reserving credit state waiting for the response to come back and then if the credits reserved it tells the order that it's approved if the credit limit is exceeded it tells the order to reject itself and then the saga transitions to either the approved or rejected state so these coordinators like little state machines that responds to where they send out commands will they invoke participate they invoke the saga participant and then when the response comes back they transition to the next state so it's a nice simple model you know we can code those up in a straightforward way but there's two different models one is what I'm calling the implicit Orchestrator where you're using an existing domain model to sort of orchestrate the saga and you're going to see an example of how the order can kind of drive the whole coordinate that drives the saga mechanism that's kind of nice because you're just leveraging an existing class the downside is that the order is doing what it has to do plus this coordination responsibility or as I kind of hinted in the picture you have a separate object that's solely responsible for orchestrating a single saga and that's kind of nice it's much better separation of concerns but where you've got another component in the system so this is an example that I've used a lot in it in a talk on events or thing that's a related map sort of very tightly related to this saga mechanism and that's where the order is responsible for coordinating its own validation so in this model which is very event based an order is created and it emits an event saying I've been created and then the customer service will get that event Reserve Credit emit events indicate that indicate the outcome of the credit reservation and which then causes the order fire its event handler to change its state and in this case the order is basically acting as this little state machine interacting and what in this case is just with the customer service but you could imagine that if there was an inventory service in there as well the the order would be waiting for the inventory reserved event to come back from the from the inventory service as well so this works pretty well except that you know the orders kind of got overloaded responsibilities and there's sort of some some other subtle issues the around cyclic dependencies because services are consuming one another's events which gets a little where it works but yeah you know you hate sight depends cyclic dependencies so another approach is to have an explicit coordinator object which I sort of just refer to as the saga even though sort of is kind of the saga is it's more general thing but I call them sagas so in this case you know request comes in to create an order the create order saga is created and that actually immediately turns around and creates the order so we've got this order in existence and then the create water saga tells the customer service to reserve credit which it does and then it sends back a reply which then and then you create water saga then approves the order so in a more complex use case this create order saga is telling like five different services one after the other what to do so it's sort of a much more complex state machine model so that that's so that's kind of this notion of a explicit saga Orchestrator got a little bit of code so this is very much working I hope to open-source this really really soon probably during a plane flight over the next few days so so this is the saga framework so the create order saga implements some interface and the the saga itself is purely behavior it's this stateless singleton and actually in the spring version it's just a spring beam and the state is separate and the state is comprised of two things one of which is an enum whose values represent these the actual states of the state machine and then there's a data object that has the persistent data for this saga so it's important to remember the saga is some is this object that resides in the database because it's this long-lived thing so that's kind of at an abstract level you've got this enum and a data object and together they define the state of your saga and then in terms of the code you know the critical part is the definition of the state machine so I'm working on this simple little DSL for describing a state machine so you specify it specifies like the initial method like what methods to invoke when this saga is created so that's the initialize method and then for each one of the states how to react to replies coming back from whatever participant got sent a response or got sent a request so here it's saying you know if we send it when we're in the reserving credit state and a reply comes back from request from telling the customer service to reserve credit if it's successful invoke handle credit reserved otherwise if it's unsuccessful invoke handle credit limit exceeded so it's just declaratively specifying what the state machine model is then if you look at the initialization model it's actually method rather is creating the order it's actually initializing its data object actually putting the order ID into it and then it's sending a command or it keeps sending it come on I haven't actually said that it's using messaging yet but it actually uses messaging it sends a command to the customer service proxy so it's like reserving credit at this point so that's an exact that the initialization method and then the corresponding method that handles the successful outcome just updates the order to say oh the credit has been reserved and then it changes the state of the saga to be approved at which point it's done so simple state machine with various transition handlers that either in this case update the order domain object as well as updating the state of the saga and then on the customer side there's a command handler that that gets invoked in response to receiving the reserved credit command and that just invokes retrieves the customer from the database and invokes the reserve credit method and it this is some annotations to say where to send back the the reply to as I hinted this is underlying all of this is some messaging infrastructure so that's the kind of code that you write to orchestrate this so it's fairly sort of simple mostly declarative kind of kind of you know a little state machine that's telling various services what to do then the underlying mechanism for this is what I'm calling transactional makkad messaging so if you think about what's going on right the orchestrator has to tell the participants what to do the participants have to reply and send back a message and all of this has to be reliable right the in the fit in the presence of transient failures of any the participants right like in the same way that we rely on database transactions to sort of you know be a hundred percent reliable you know this transaction model also has to be reliable and a lot of that comes down to the particular communication mechanism that's used between the between the participants and it turns out that if you just think think this through the only thing that really makes sense is to use some form of asynchronous messaging using rest or some other RPC approach just doesn't give you the right kinds of guarantees right because the nice thing about messaging is you put you send a message you give a message to the message broker and assuming that the message broker has durable at least one delivery that message broker will deliver that message eventually right and you don't have those kind kinds of guarantees with rest right both clients both ends have to be up at the same time and there's a whole bunch of issues around guaranteeing that things really happen so underlying this or a bunch of message channels so every saga participant like the customer service has it has a command channel and so the customer service is reading commands from that channel processing them and then sending back replies and then obviously the saga Orchestrator has to just know I want to invoke service XYZ I have to I have to send a command to the to that services command channel and then I then it needs to read the replies from that participants reply channel so in the case of the order service customer service example looks like this you know where we've got in the message broker the customer service has a request channel and a reply channel and so the commands flow from here through that to this where they're processed and then the replies flow in the inverse direction back back to the saga Orchestrator so some level it's just simple messaging underneath but there is this kind of complication namely that the message sending and actual receiving and processing all has to be transactional right so the actual so for instance if you were to commit a transaction and then send the message there's always a risk that you could crash in in between right right after committing the transaction of sending the message and if you try to send messages inside a transaction or if you sent a message inside the transaction you could crash or the transaction could get rolled back and you've now in either case you've got this sort of broken behavior so basically set sending a message and updating the database has to be this atomic transactional thing and ironically if you were using sort of traditional Java EE technology that would mean using JTA + JM S Plus JDBC to make sure that would happen right but this is exactly the kind of technology that we're trying to avoid at this point so we're using sagas to avoid - PC so we can't use - PC as part of the implementation of a saga so the good thing is is that this is not too challenging to solve and the trick is to use a database table as a temporary message queue so when some service that wants to send messages is updating its data so the customer service or the order service as part of that local acid transaction it inserts and it inserts the message into the message table and because that's the local acid that's guaranteed to work right so we just got so step number one get puts a message in sort of this outbox table you can think of it as a set of messages that we need to send these messages that we need to publish to a message broker and so that's all wonderfully atomic so the only question is how do we get the messages you know out of that database table and in into the message broker it turns out that there's actually a couple of different options so in theory you could poll right periodically the message publisher just issues a select star from messages table the interesting thing is what the where Clause is right like how to identify new messages and one option actually is to just delete them after you sent them so in theory you could just periodically poll and this is this works reasonably well at high scare at low scale there's sort of potential latency issues and so on and performance related issues and if you're not deleting messages out of the message table then keeping track of which messages are new is actually remarkably tricky because say it says you know that you could have multiple transactions that are say generating if message IDs so they can actually commit in a different water so transaction a could generate message ID for transaction B could generate message ID 5 but transaction B could appear could commit the for a does the message number 5 will appear in the database before message number 4 and if the polling mechanism is keeping track as the highest messaging ID that it's seen it could actually skip over messages so it's a really irritating little problem so this approach is has has issues so another option is which is sort of my preferred one though there's some tricky issues with that is to actually tail the database transaction log or commit log so you think about how relational databases work or most databases changes get written to a commit log and then applies that to the data data tables right so if you just monitor the transaction log or commit log depending on what it's called you will see all changes to the event or to the message table and you can then publish them to the to a message broker and this works pretty well I mean the only complication is is that the actual mechanism on how you do this depends is very very database specific so like system I'm working on it uses my sequel and you can just plug in to the my sequel master/slave bin log replication mechanism to see these changes it's fairly straightforward dynamodb has tables have streams MongoDB has the off but it's very very database specific and you know not universally supported but it's kind of a very straightforward mechanism so that sort of kind of like so you've got the saga mechanism and underneath that is transactional mechanism is the transaction transactional messaging mechanism and supporting that is some form of transaction log tailing to get the messages into out of the database into a message broker so that kind of sort of pretty much it for my talk which is good because I only have three minutes remaining right so kind of the key points all right you know so having a database / service when other words encapsulated data is really important and a micro service architecture to ensure that every you know the services are loosely coupled you can't use two-phase commit as the inter-service transaction mechanism and instead you want to use sagas and then underlying the saga mechanism is some form of transactional MCing transactional messaging system in order to make this execution of the sagas completely reliable so that that's my talk you know thank you for listening and you know here's all my contact info and everything so I hope that you found this useful so thank you [Applause]
Channel: Devoxx
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Keywords: DVUK17
Id: YPbGW3Fnmbc
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Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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