Weird Cartoons You Probably Forgot About

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so earlier this year I decided to go on a bit of a nostalgia trip and watch a nice cartoon for my childhood and the options were endless I mean I grew up on classics like spongebob Fairly OddParents Powerpuff Girls Teen Titans and so many others but in the end I decided to go with everyone's favorite childhood classic sixteen i watch sixteen a show that first aired when I was 12 yeah not really most people's first choice in fact while I was binging the show that Jonesy how's he gonna mess this one up I started thinking about the shows I watched as a kid and realized I had kinda weird taste in TV for most of my childhood I straight-up refused to watch anything with real people in it you hear that full house with your freakin feelings and humans humans suck I want drawings and of course I watched standards like ed ed Nettie and Jimmy Neutron I mean if I didn't how else would I be able to do this I wrote our life song is it about llamas no yes hey I got a name it's great llamas no yes but as you can imagine I also watched a lot of random and kind of obscure stuff some of which I don't even know if anyone remembers like take the show I just mentioned 16 this was a Canadian sitcom that followed a group of six teenagers who legit seemed to spend their entire lives inside of them all and I I i don't know if i'd recommend that lifestyle now I first saw this show in 2008 when it made its way to the u.s. via Cartoon Network and good lord I thought this show was the absolute stupidest thing I'd ever seen I thought the characters were dumb and I thought the show was honestly kind of cringe I mean like half the problems in this show are caused by no one wanting to just talk and be honest with each other legit every episodes like wow I can't believe my girlfriend likes country music which is dissimilar to the music that I like oh this is such a disaster what should I do I talked to her about it I mean it's honestly not that big of a deal I tell you what you're gonna do you're gonna dress up like a cowboy speak in a southern accent and be completely dishonest about who you are to your girlfriend in the hopes that she'll like you even though you're already dating why do i watch the show again yeah the show is kind of dumb however a few years after the show ended I stumbled upon some totally legitimate uploads of the show on YouTube I hadn't seen 16 in a long time at that point and decided to take a bit of a trip down memory lane yep here's a quick dramatization of my experience binging 16 back then Wow remember 16 I haven't thought about that in ages that was kind of a cringy show but I guess I'll check out a few episodes for a laugh four seasons later but but Nikki can't move fine yeah I got invested I don't even know how it happened but suddenly I was super into this show in a guilty pleasure soared away but then I decided to watch through the show a third time earlier this year and where my first time watching 16 I thought it was dumb and the second time I decided was a guilty pleasure watching through it the third time made me realize you know what screw it I love this dumb show and I don't know a single other person who's watched it but while 16 is a bit obscure it's not super weird and I know you guys want something a little more out there so let's jump to another Cartoon Network show that pretty much defined my childhood the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy this one I'm sure a lot more of you guys remember a billion Mandy tells the classic family-friendly children's tale about two kids who tricked the Grim Reaper you know death himself into being their best friend for all eternity and this this is one of my favorite cartoons of all freakin time Billy and Mandy was the definition of a surreal show in just the first season you had episodes about the Grim Reaper wanting to be a swimsuit model a Billy entering Mandy's brain and possessing her body and a giant alien creature eating the brains of the entire town through song and as a kid I knew that absolutely none of this was normal but that's kind of why I loved it it's also the reason I loved invader zim back in the day - for some reason baby pho fee was really into these surreal absurdist shows and of course and that meant I was an insufferably annoying kid who thought random equaled funny a phase that lasted way too long but on that note super robot monkey team hyperforce go super robot monkey team hyperforce go it's the Power Rangers but they're monkeys and robots ok I remember absolutely nothing about this show in fact I'm pretty sure I only ever fully watched one episode and yet I had like three of the toys and I do remember being into it I guess I just liked the character designs baby foe fee had a weird obsession with monkeys in elementary school because I was also way into Curious George Donkey Kong and my gym partner's a monkey another pretty weird cartoon from my childhood but really I just wanted to say super robot monkey team hyperforce go in a video moving on any of you guys remember choc zone this was a Nickelodeon cartoon about an artist named Rudy who discovers this crazy alternate dimension where chalk drawings come to life he and his friends go on adventures and blah blah why didn't really care too much about the specifics I just loved the premise of this show as a kid who was always drawing the idea of there being an entire world where anything you draw becomes real was the freaking coolest I'm pretty sure I asked my parents to get me sidewalk chalk exclusively because of this show baby faux fee used to walk outside with his big bucket of sidewalk chalk draw one big ol circle on the ground and jump straight into it hoping to go to chalk zone I was a pretty stupid kid but ultimately chalk zone itself not that weird of a show what was weird was the fact that every single episode ended with a random music video performed by the main characters these songs aren't bad but like look at this was this got to do with chop the answer is nothing what is soo bahk speaking of things that have nothing to do with chalk let's talk shouter now this was a Cartoon Network show from 2007 about a bunny cat bear hamster kid thing who was learning how to be a great chef that simple explanation really doesn't do the show justice honestly but the story really doesn't matter because chowder is infamous for its extreme fourth wall breaks and surreal humor and I mean it was everywhere there was an episode where they ran out of animation budget and the voice actors put on a car wash to raise more money there was an episode where chowder got really really smart to realize they were all living in a cartoon and then altered reality to make the show more educational they freaking shook out the entire screen like a towel just to clean the kitchen and that was in the first episode the show was just straight-up weird and I loved it but with the show starting in 2007 I felt kind of alone and watching it by that time I was entering middle school and suddenly most of the kids around me weren't really interested in cartoon network or Nickelodeon anymore out of nowhere everyone was just talking about Family Guy I don't know maybe I was just way behind but it felt like no one around me was watching kid shows anymore but even so I freaking loved chowder and I watched it like every day even if everyone else around me was moving on to other stuff now I've got one more cartoon I want to talk about here and I've saved it for last because it might be one of the most important ones to me personally while also being the one that I think people will remember the least seriously if anyone watching this actually remembers this cartoon I will be shocked so who here knows about Edgar and Ellen like anyone at all Edgar and Ellen was one of those series of animated shorts that they would run during commercial breaks and not on Nickelodeon but on Nicktoons Network it was about these two twins who live in a giant 13 story mansion and pull pranks and all the normies around town but what interested me more than anything else were the character designs I mean being a kid who loved crap like corpse bride and Nightmare Before Christmas suddenly seeing of this pop-up in between episodes of Kappa Mikey and corneal and Bernie definitely caught my attention fast-forward to one weekend out shopping at Target with my family when I suddenly see this in the book aisle huh they made a book series out of those Nicktoons shorts god I was a stupid kid yeah turns out those shorts were based on a series of kids books by a dude named Charles Ogden long story short I started checking them out and my Tim Burton loving self fell down a serious rabbit hole I loved these books so much as a kid and that's a huge deal too because I never read anything as a kid still don't in fact I'm actively refusing to read my own script right now yeah figure that one out but not only did I read the entire series I also have the spin-off books I spent hours a day on their web site looking at fan art playing flash games I watched all the animated shorts I owned the board game and I freaking had an Edgar and Ellen birthday cake Edgar and Ellen was my Harry Potter you do understand now if any of this is looking even vaguely familiar to you then chances are you probably went to Target around Halloween 2007 when they decked the entire Halloween section out with Edgar and Ellen stud otherwise known as my personal freakin Disneyland so now knowing all of that imagine my reaction when it's announced that Edgar and Ellen is getting a full-fledged animated series nothing else in the world could have made me more excited and I know for a fact that I loved it when it premiered I didn't get to watch it too often because only one TV in my house had Nicktoons Network but anytime I got to see it was an event but unfortunately now that I'm older I can't say the show was very good like at all it's not really that funny it's got some charm but that's mainly just because I was already invested in all the characters before the show even started plus it's one of those typical mid to late 2000s cartoons that was made entirely in flash probably on a pretty small budget because it looks kind of cheap everything's just super flat and the movement is so stiff but I mean the shorts look like they were also made in flash on probably an even smaller budget and they were way more appealing and could actually get some laughs out of me you know what it is the Edgerrin Ellen animated series took Edgar and Ellen and freaking Johnny tested it and I'm not really a fan of johnny test at all and while we're on the negative end of things here I recently found out that Charles Ogden author of the edgren Ellen books and personal childhood hero of mine doesn't exist not real fake man you know that episode of The Simpsons where a group of people in Springfield all band together to ride a kids book under a fake author pen name yeah that's what Charles Ogden was and thus my childhood was ruined all joking aside I still have heaps of nostalgia for everything at Grinnell and it's always gonna have a special place in my heart as will all of the shows I've talked about today so in conclusion if any of those giant at Grinnell and Target displays still exist please let me know because I kind of want to use it instead of a tree this Christmas thanks for watching guys and dftba [Music]
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 830,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billy and mandy, the grim adventures of billy and mandy, chowder, chowder fourth wall breaks, 6teen, 6teen theme song, 6teen full episodes, 6teen reunion, chalkzone, chalkzone theme song, chalkzone songs, Edgar And Ellen, edgar and ellen full episodes, edgar and ellen theme song, cartoon network, nickelodeon, nicktoons, nicktoons network, weird cartoons, nostalgic cartoons, cartoon, animation, animated, storytime, storytime animation, footofaferret, A Brief History, ABH, Ryder Burgin
Id: qZ215lrgSeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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