Russian Wasteland | Super REALISTIC Cinematic GRAPHICS Gameplay [4K 60FPS] Metro Exodus DLC

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get lost you idiot watch out for don't get hit don't [ __ ] kill him shoot his legs if you mind I'm warning you next time I shoot to kill come on with your hands above your head what else what you have me do I guess that's all I'm not greedy don't worry we ain't going to kill you the Kingpin wants you alive and how do you know what he wants I have my sword Es as for you stop wasting my time and command Mar of lives you [ __ ] K got our boss boys the [ __ ] got help watch the [ __ ] out I think we got all of them thanks for your help come up here and let's talk all right got you you [ __ ] what the hell why don't you take a Time hey put your gun down hey take it easy I just helped you put it down right now you first I'll be dumb all right what now look if I wanted you dead you'd be long since dead by now I'm looking for a ship that could take me home you know any good ones we only have one ship here and she's a looker come I'll show you careful over here it's a long fall you don't want to join those poor bastards they keep chasing me trying to earn favor with the cat at least they want to get me alive get your spy glass you can see her perfectly from here she's right over there okay wow a submarine it's freaking huge nice ticket home speaking of your home where is it your accent seems Vaguely Familiar San Diego damn another American seriously talk about coincidence another American danu looks like you really don't know anything I'll tell you later H we've got to scrum what the hell is that the bswing let's get out of here before it gets us follow [Music] me get out of here a oh he [Music] a [Music] get a hands in the air come and take it you bastards come and take it you're coming with us take him alive take this [ __ ] off got hell stay down I'll [ __ ] kill you all you [Music] [ __ ] piss off just die get off my case not so tough anymore huh [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] did you hear him swear when we got it [ __ ] you all bastards I kill you that's American for sure how do you know it's American when you're not good at Russian well I did hear American in the movies before the war he could have seen so too by the way he's up hey where are you from pal from Moscow look are't you an American B no I'm a buat all right you got me I am an American there you have it no [ __ ] duh no wonder you gave us so much trouble before we met it's just not my day looks like well you might still change your opinion hey guys turn up we got an American we better call C now report ma delivering you patch me through to K I got news for you all right standing by kill the engine guys we to stand by speaking of this not being your day see what's over there do it's clouds clouds this is a storm pal yep a storm and storms are not your regular storms they can ruin your day like nowhere else you're lucky we took you in when we did delivery is back on the bridge switching over got it rev up and head to the sub so what have you got did you deliver the offer to the captain nah he got spooked by some small fries we have the guy was with him though turns out the guy's an American please boss he swore like you on a bad day oh I see pass The Rao to that American Vol okay considering [ __ ] inside just in case are you Lance corporal Samuel Taylor US Marine Core wow wow yeah I have trouble believing it [Music] myself enough here J he is my guest do you get that bring him over quick yes boss well didn't we make a splash not tell me who of us knew he was a the medic and all along HH wow impressive huh it's all ours impressive look it's the boss is that him yeah it's me well hello there why are you still tied up huh love it please come on aboard take the guest to the gangway yes boss [ __ ] we pissed the cat off we should have taken the loop off then you get you that right now yeah this is no making the cat happy it's not outd well your highness we've arrived come [Music] aboard come up here we better get inside before the storm starts damn am I happy to see you haven't met another American in 23 years name's Tom by the way nice to meet you too Tom is a ship yours can I book a ticket that's a good one follow me let's talk so where did you want to go San Diego One Way California oh truly a heaven on Earth save for the traffic in La of course that was hell look man remind me what was the name of your baseball team Padres right oh our team used to play them often I'm from Seattle you know Mariners if you think any further check is in order nothing personal Lance corporal these are tough times of course trust but verify exactly by the way Sam this is Clen my right-hand man he's in charge of the applied force Department of my business here hello Sam PRI clim clim boys couldn't invite you here at a better time the doctor Flex the wind somewhat but still just look at that yeah had I stayed there I'd be halfway to Kansas by now not that I want to go there where do you want to go though wait how about we have a good smoke and hear your story first Sam won't say no to a smoke even though there isn't much of a story really Middle East Afghanistan then Moscow I was on the embassy guard detail happened to be in the Metro when [ __ ] hit the fan quite a lot of people survived there and then we just sat in the tunnels for 20 years thinking we were the last people alive in the world how come a perimeter of Jammers leaders were in the know but kept it under wraps for 20 years but why haven't got a clue really friend of mine learned the truth and with him the whole Squad I was with we had to run across the continent we had a train at Lake by call we split I went further east and kept going until I ended up here if my dad is still alive he could still be waiting for my return he'd be over 70 now I haven't got much time I see so you're looking for someone to take you home yeah people don't just sail across the Pacific nowadays unlike the old times but I can take you there on this sub it's rather good than Canon you're right Clen could I help somehow Tom and how did you get this submarine in the first place it's a long story perhaps just an executive summary well just a summary if you want to save time summary it is I've been doing business here the locals had lots of money and opportunities but no Connections In Style whatsoever that's where I came in just before the war our Enterprise was starting to gain momentum but then the bombs fell it was tough but quite recently our company has finally had its Lucky break we found this there's just one slight problem the sub's all right but its reactors need to be refueled but only the ex Captain knows where to get the fuel rods and can control the procedure regrettably we had a falling out of sorts and our partnership broke up he left and wouldn't even talk to us no matter what yeah a lot of things starting to make sense now great then I can offer you a deal Sam I'd like you to be our negotiator make that fossil understand if he helps us get the fuel we leave the settlement to him we'll find a better base in no time anyway of course he's also welcome to have all crew members who won't follow me and once we get the fuel San Diego will be our first destination deal deal Sam you'll need some protection as our Bly man I'll send my best guys thanks Clen but I prefer working alone that's some True Grit right there leave Sam B Clen he can handle it whatever you say boss so we have a deal still if you are going to represent us in negotiations we'd better equip you to our standard clim please set Sam's radio to pick up our frequencies sure here now for the important part the map of the area it's as exact as it can be all things considered plus it shows all the captain's hideouts we know of you should check those first done spaceo clim well radio's taken care of as for the rest of your gear drop by the shooting range you'll be issued everything have some rest first though you had a long day thank you but I'd rather go now I prefer to strike iron while it's hot well your choice thanks Tom guess I'll be going now the storm's already over after all good luck we'll keep course just Leo sh let leave her [Music] bye tell me Tom why why what why did you not let me send my boys with him they the old know howy Uncle Sam you're expected at the shooting range boss's orders it's that way cross the bridge hi American okay I think I got this time to check ignition this is Grand control to Major Tom n your circuit's dead you should go to the range damn it I knew I was forgetting something let's see ah I've been expecting you my name's danila I'm Tom's gunsmith the boss want you geared up ASAP Sam so I'll cut straight to the chase first your Universal detector there are mines all over the ruins so never leave home without it it can also detect spare parts weapons lots of things actually nice indeed now you're new rifle this looks familiar but different it's a local make optimized for our home brand of incendiary ammo it accepts regular ball all right just not the standard mags don't want our idiots ruining their old rifles with the hot stuff thanks I'll take good care of it ah glad to hear that I guess you're all set now you can test it here my assistant has a couple of mags ready here's your ammo good luck this one should not just feel familiar it's The Real McCoy a 45 automatic straight from Tom's premium stock so did you get geared up weapon zeroed in and all that stuff yep everything's fine great good luck to you then come on we've been here 100 times already all right finally didn't they have AOL or something recently they but the guy in charge now is okay I doubt that he screws one man he scre everyone else compare to the the bandits outside take it all in if they feel generous you get to die quick the C once he takes his gut we'll see the deal to the end and make sure the final hello there our American guest how do you do we're still checking but yes there's definitely some missing for you don't like Tom's New Direction look I know you're trying to provoke me damn I still can't believe we got one more American here sorry none of us really expected to see any American safe it's up there to yeah I said it now piss off hello again American nor feelings right no hard feelings great the boss told us to find your nice boat and here she is looks nice enough [ __ ] that was close that was a US wake it up that's to gave you a need loud and clear time good I forgot to tell you all my people know you're again now there's lots of random characters roing the areas and if anyone is H you AFE to Sho the back thanks Tom I'll keep it in mind you're welcome out [Music] great Dum Beast a h [Music] [Music] yeah one need less aha I could use this no ah h [Music] [Music] PA [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] in this world there's two kind of watch movies and those who outside I wonder where this leads I hope we not going to need this [Music] [Music] anymore [Music] damn I just get to see it maybe just a little oh don't be such a kid hey what's that [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] guys you like a [Music] fu [Music] fu get ass you [ __ ] here you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] too much TV is bad for your eyes listen up Bo this [ __ ] still around find him before he [Music] the we are so making you our bch you [ __ ] bet my guys I got a CER here we are so making you our [ __ ] you [ __ ] bet M too you bastard P off [Music] what too many of you guys around [Music] back C [Applause] h ah [Music] n [Applause] could be of use hey [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] get down much better beast out oh my rifle got jammed you again yes me Lance corporal Samuel Taylor US Marine Corps well thank you Uncle Sam Edward baranov ex Captain glad to meet you Ed how'd you end up in this mess this is one of my ports usually the tra downstairs were enough the fogli here know well enough to stay away let's go before some more arrive stupid beasts you kill a bunch but they just keep coming help me move this Sam you got it come on oh we did it G I hurt all over which is a good sign means I'm alive so where was I ah yes then the bandits from the SE Cinema decid to throw a party for the local gang bosses a think far enough ahead to chase a pack of fuglies away from the ruins next door for extra security so the poor mutants arrived here and got sandwiched between the bandits and the other parks in the vcinity the only way open for them was op I could beat them but that gem you're welcome I've been looking for you did you talk to Tom yeah He suggests a deal yes see is fond of [Music] those damn I hate being W we're almost there all right my own personal savior let's set sail Come Aboard we have a long way to go tell me Ed what happened here during the war doesn't look like the city took any direct hits so why is it in such a state yeah there were no direct hits the WarHeads fell into the sea all in a neat little line my sub didn't even shoot all the targets were destroyed without our care we called the base for orders but there was no reply the base was hit naturally so we sailed here that's where the HQ was when we reached the city we couldn't recognize it it was even worse back then of course just a smell alone there were very few survivors and frankly we were surprised to find any we picked them up from the roofs organized somehow and ended up settling in the dock the place ended up pretty pretty Coy at least we had no problem with electricity with the reactors running and by the time they ran out of fuel we had a floating Power Station ready all this luxury ended up generating rumors so the Bandit started coming by to check us out finally one day Town arrives with an offer of uniting our forces and setting up an effective defense perimeter that bust Bard sniper get down did he get you I'm fine keep your head down looks like we're safe did you see where he's shooting from I'll handle the sniper you stay here are you sure go get him then I could use is [Applause] that Ry loss [Applause] he is is that hurts I'm [ __ ] dying meet Knuckles this you [ __ ] you're not going to need this anymore the [ __ ] got him hey did you find the bit yet take do you know who your in the opening in theing B is [Music] there fight the [ __ ] people have your nothing have gone far sh I'm down y people what's down there got to find another way I'm going to [Music] [ __ ] there in that window what the [ __ ] is got to Hell listen up boys [ __ ] [Music] around listen up why is this [ __ ] still [Music] around just stay that way get [Music] this catchup sh need a [Music] Reload [Music] [Music] easy easy man I give up no I I see you are serious people going about your business so I I won't give you any trouble [Music] anymore Ed Sam here sniper neutralized great job Sam get down to the Gantry I'll pick you up from there ain't opening this one [Music] so did he give you any trouble Nik problem
Channel: MathChief - The Best of Gaming!
Views: 1,292,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: realistic graphics, cinematic gameplay, graphics, ultra graphics, cinematic, game, new game, russia, metro exodus
Id: TE2R2q1UKbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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