Dishonored: 1776 Edition

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today we are playing one of my favorite games dishonored now you might remember from a long time ago this came out this game is about the american revolution you play as a guy named connor fighting against the british for freedom you're thinking of assassin's creed 3 no i'm pretty sure this assassin's creed 3 was the one about the guy who has like the robot mask in the plague city so there's the white house i'm coming back after my mission to report into george washington about my findings on the british because i'm playing as like an assassin spy guy now you might notice this guy in front of me he's got some red on his clothes that means he might be part of the british gotta look out because blue is the color of the colonials which is what we are but red is the british so this guy you know he he might be on our side but he could turn evil because he does have some reds i gotta watch out for that guy the white house looks suspiciously like a european castle now this is before 1812 because they burned the british burned it down in that war so this is what it used to look like before they remodeled it and there's lady liberty hi lady liberty uh oh what is this two more enemies of america we've got lord [Music] cumber patch yeah he's part of the british army why is what's he doing in the white house and we also have sokolove who you know he made communism so he's definitely not on our side and here comes the man himself george washington that's what he looks like without his wig by the way that's why he's bald hello george how you doing how's martha doing hey martha do you like my pistol tossing skills check it out i can like throw it and catch it over and over again pretty cool right oh hang on i probably should have been guarding you instead of flipping my pistol around that's probably fine oh no he's wearing a red jacket it's the british uh oh okay this is fine we can fix this and they kidnap lady liberty okay awesome what no george washington i swear i didn't do it it was the british look here it looks into the guy in the red coat he's the british guy right there he did it george washington i can't believe this you ally with the british you betrayed america how could you i should have known actually because look he has red on his shirt i should have known he was british the whole time i must find lady liberty defeat george washington in combat and save america and it all starts by killing this innocent guard oh no the bridge well looks like i'm gonna have to jump crossbow not bad new sword not bad i need a musket though and a tricorn hat uh two american soldiers who have betrayed us and work for the british well you know what they say about the british they're not my cup of tea can you kill a searchlight you can't okay bad game actually i always thought dishonored was good but turns out it sucks hello there my name is samuel adams i'm here to give you a really crappy lager and also to take you to the resistance this entire river is made of samuel adams boston lager so these guys right here this is abraham lincoln and that's benedict arnold they are going to help me find lady liberty and retake the throne another throne retake the presidency yeah conor would you like a boston lager um i'm gonna pass on that hey there ben franklin how you doing making me a cool skeleton mask oh he's screwing me he's screwing me ben franklin you are living up to your reputation if you see what i'm saying hello corvo connor my name is desmond miles from assassin's creed i'm coming to you from the future with my computer to give you super cool power-ups ooh a book ah just kidding i'm not gonna read that i already own a print actual irl copy of all dishonored lore here it is uh-oh a guard accosting an innocent maid die scum don't worry my damn i will save you oh no don't worry i'll get you out of here yeah we got to leave keep running oh don't oh nope that's not hang on whoops ooh explosive dart oh i disarmed it nice that was on purpose overseer i hardly know her oh i got a grenade cool hey catch oh he's the mission guy no i need him don't worry alexander hamilton i saved you from your jail now you can back me up in our quest to take down george washington just like real history there he is benedict cumberbatch himself well i've got a nasty surprise for him i'm gonna make him drink samuel adams oh i believe i'll take a sip of this oh god no oh no it's boston lager how could i be tricked into drinking this swell my uncle's been killed hasn't he yeah i don't know why i expected anything else me neither neck oh no jabba don't do it ah the right core what then oh yeah the dow assassins i forgot about these guys i played this game like 50 times and the ambush actually worked on this one of course all right man so uh no hard feelings right mind uh reattaching me to my body i don't think so no no no no no if you guys will excuse me i gotta use the bathroom real quick ah there we go wait a minute where's the sink there's no sink in here what the heck what is wrong with you british people no sink in your bathroom no wonder we rebelled are you gonna have any british subscribers left after this series is over i hope so because we it's all in the past now like we used to be enemies and then we had the whole hitler situation so now we're best buds i tried to betray cicero i will never betray the dark brotherhood again are you lady liberty nope are you lady liberty nope jeez what's a guy gotta do to get lady liberty around here are you lady liberty oh yay i found her hey dude what's up think i'm supposed to kill you i was told i was supposed to meet with some american sympathizers down here is that you oh yes it is they're wearing blue oh i can't tell you how glad i am to find a fellow american ah man that is lit a nicola tesla i hear you like electricity oh that's good oh god he really does like it hang on no no no no no no that's not what i wanted i was trying to make a joke dude you made it weird get away from the railing up too late i warned them i call this one operation market garden come here you communist fool communism wasn't even made in 1776 dummy and now for my levitating sword magic trick [Music] why is dishonor the best game ever made good question let me show you your home oh drop him on the ground bye-bye and he blows up that's why here comes connor from downtown never gets old ah yes the party mission the stuff video essays are made of the goal of this mission is there are three of her in different colors and only one of them is a real target you gotta make sure you kill the right one wouldn't want to get any innocent blood on your hands so we found a bunch of clues as to which one is the real one but i didn't read any of them so we're just gonna go ahead and do one of these and now we're guaranteed to have won the mission oh i got to sign the guest book got to be polite see there it is conor kemi i told you this is assassin's creed 3. take your best shot ow rude wow i sure am getting to know this hub world good should be a shame if i had to stealth through it later when enemies invade what here we are at last time to take down the tyrant king george washington himself he turned the white house into the slightly darker like grayish white house and for this he must be slain there's a blue light signifying his old ways on the rock crashed up there because he doesn't care about it and there's the red light signifying his new british allegiance who would have thought george washington wouldn't betray us good thing we have some true patriots like benedict arnold on our side washington is time for you to pay for betraying america i regret that you have but one life to give when i kill you congratulations connor you have truly done it you have saved us from the tyranny of king washington now we can finally celebrate here take a samuel adams boston lager on the house oh god that stuff is disgusting wait a minute i don't think that was a boston lager oh my god they made me drink keystone light connor it's me samuel adams i only gave you half of the keystone the rest was water oh really i couldn't taste the difference yeah i know hello there connor i am haytham kenway your real father as you're no doubt aware i am working for the british as was washington before you offed him haytham this guy has magical powers are you sure one wouldn't pound stuff to hold him inside of our tank oh yes it should be fine i don't see how he could possibly get out uh oh i asked for my life nope please no yes oh that was a good guy crap let's try that again shall we please no maybe what the ben franklin what are you doing talking to this communist dog oh my god is that das copy towel have you been reading that well i have no choice ben i'm sorry hey connor how about one more boston logger for old time's sake ah sam adams absolutely not pistol power pistol power wow guns are really strong no wonder we found a great nation upon these principles sorry guards but i hold these truths to be self-evident i'm a man of many names to abe lincoln i'm john wilkes booth but to alexander hamilton i'm aaron burr everybody's favorite character and dishonored one is of course the guard who's peeing off the cliff but what if i told you i could actually play as him pretty cool right oh wait a minute this guy's got a small wiener i don't want to be him bye bye unhand lady liberty this instant benedict arnold i've come to rig my vengeance against you and save america eat this got him oh wait no lady liberty don't worry i'll save you i'll pick you up oh hang on i just got a text that is a pretty good meme anyways what are you saying oh whoops uh oh decapitation come on give me your head give me your head give me your head not the hat i want the head i want the head for a funny joke give me i want to throw your head at somebody this game sucks
Channel: oboeshoesgames
Views: 57,216
Rating: 4.9368105 out of 5
Keywords: dishonored 2, dishonored 2 gameplay, oboe shoes games, oboe shoes borderlands, oboe shoes games borderlands, oboeshoesgames ace combat, dishonored, dishonored review, dishonored 1 trailer, dishonored 1 gameplay, funny, montage, assassins creed 3, assassins creed 3 remastered, corvo, emily kaldwin, sam adams cousin from boston commercial, dishonored perfect run, dishonored high chaos ending
Id: tskze_umEaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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