Discussion with Eric Metaxas on Martin Luther and Psalm 2 | Francis Chan & Mike Bickle

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drew eric come on up francis i love it i love it well the first thing i want to say i want to say a couple things before we get started the fact that you five men i'm calling you our guests here are so busy because i know your schedules all five of you you're super busy that you came here for this extended period of time it blows our mind that's called bad stewardship that's you know don't wink at that sin just because it redounds to your benefit brother i'm usually at home reading but uh [Applause] i took a break for this thank you you're reading his books at home typically right no i was feeling guilty last night because okay at first because you know andy bird is talking about oh i read bon offer and 600 pages and i wish there was 300 pages more i couldn't put it down and i'm going okay i put it down but then i thought well that means i have self-control i can just put it down and walk away and andy can't this is evidence that apostolic humor can be imparted right here it's just right that's right can it be unparted okay there you go okay so go on to serious now we'll have some fun but we'll mostly be serious so last night we talked about bonhoeffer now in just a simple way in my uh the way i sum it up simple bonhoeffer to me is a man the picture of the man who stood against people being oppressed and stood against oppressors he did much more than that but that's what he means to me he rose up against oppressed people and against the oppressors at the risk of his life and luther a little bit different he stood up for biblical truth that the church was distorting and he was speaking against it taking a stand for truth at the risk of his life and so both of them overlapped but that's how i kind of like simply made them different in my mind and so that's why last night i was talking about bonhoeffer in that view it's a very narrow view but tonight i want to talk about luther and the biblical stand for truth so some of the areas we talked about last night we need to bring up again now just a quick i got a couple things written here the famous uh stand where where uh uh luther said here i stand i can do no other god help me that's the famous phrase here i stand in 1521 on april 18th 418 he made that famous stand 500 years ago this april that stand changed human history then that's everybody agrees with that nearly i mean you can't argue with it that it changed human history and here's what one historian said in the libraries of the earth there's more space occupied by books by luther or about luther than any human in history besides jesus and i read that go what he goes yes let me say it again in the libraries around the world there's more space occupied by his books or books about him than any other human being in human history besides jesus christ does that sound right i just want to know what francis thinks about that does that impress you i'm still trying to understand it sorry i i mean i do i do but i'm i'm like trying to grasp it no actually i in my book you know because we don't have to joke all the time but in my book one of the things that i kind of took away from because you know i'm not a scholar i'm not an academic who spends decades stud studying stuff i'm more of a popularizer right and so you know you always have to ask yourself why does the lord want me to write about this or what is and what i do i've seen in retrospect is sometimes because i'm not an academic a professional academic historian i can see things in a way that others miss because they're so in the weeds and one of the things that i saw as i was writing about luther was just this that it's impossible to discount the importance of this man he's probably literally the most important person who ever lived outside of jesus not the best but the most important in terms of changing human history in terms of changing human history and it's not like he wanted to change human history or was aware of human history he was simply doing what he did but by god's grace the lord used him almost like a lever so that everything changed as a result of what he did he never set out to do that but it's kind of like what the gospel does right we don't understand the gospel's magic the gospel when you apply god's truth into situations stuff changes and luther i mean wilberforce did the same thing in a different way but luther was appointed by god really to to be the vehicle for a number of things that inadvertently changed so much that it created the modern world and i can unpack that but i guess the point is it's not surprising that people have looked to him because even though there were many reformers there really was only one who did what he did and functioned uh as he functioned so he is a giant in history whether you hate him or love him uh it's just inescapable that he was a giant in in history and excuse me because of when he lived you could never write that much about aristotle or about a lot of people but luther lived fairly recently it's weird for us to think but that so much that he wrote and so much that was written about him and so much it was captured because the printing press existed so you know we don't have a fraction of that kind of information on jan huse because there was no printing press a hundred years before luther and one guy said just real quick he said that that uh luther was the last medieval man and the first modern man it came together because the printing press just got invented and he was the first media star in the world definitely that the media made him famous the very first one because the gutenberg invented the printer press there in germany and they had this great printing press but they didn't have any material that people wanted and so when luther came on the scenes they grabbed his stuff because you have it and it's sold like hotcakes everywhere and it filled all of europe so he's the first media star so to speak well yeah and the other thing too is that the reason he's such an anomalous figure in history is that like a few very very few people he was academically a super genius at the same time that he was able to come communicate with the common man and he did that he was super smart oh no he was super smart but what's weird is some people like super smart eggheads and they can barely talk because they're so smart right some super smart people are funny could could be could be but the thing is that he was he was academically brilliant academically brilliant but he also had the amazing ability to speak the language of the common man to joke in a course way and to speak normal barnyard german at a time when there had only been elites speaking to other elites speaking in latin usually so he kind of bridged that divide at a perfect time in history and it really changed absolutely everything because he had the means to do it in the in the very cheap pamphlets because of the printing process was the miracle invention and he was the first one that became famous around the world because of it and yeah going back to our go ahead and then okay since you're talking about intellectuals i want to bring something up um because i i think there are people here and when i pray i go god why am i here you know why would you pick the one guy that hasn't read his books to interview him about those okay and i think it's the lord's way of keeping me humble yeah right it could be or me and uh you're a powerful tool okay thank you um but i'm thinking you know what i've loved about this time and it has been fascinating it has been outrageous um is sometimes a person like me i am not an academic and i have tried and i studied and i've worked i didn't mean to joke about not reading them i try and i read book i actually do read but i forget what i read it's it drives me nuts um it really does and wait a second how many people in the room relate to what he just said raise your hand up thank you okay and people like us often get into a room with a lot of intellectual people and we just feel like we are worthless to the kingdom and we never know enough and it's been a frustration in my life been in so many circles where i'm in a room just feeling like oh no and even made to feel that way and i am telling you being with you guys and everything that's happened this week it just really feels i i don't feel any of that i don't i don't feel this inadequacy [Applause] then we're not doing our job brother exactly we're trying to make you feel that way and we've failed and we uh you came close now it's just no but i i say that because i think there are times like and you get in some of these academic institutions you go gosh that's you almost feel like you're less a part of the body and i mean that's what's been so refreshing i mean honestly mike from the day i met you and and everyone here is so much encouragement um and it's it's like no no your gift is this your gift is this and to distinguish those things and so it's just i wanted to say that right off the top and and i was praying about what is it about luther himself and why we were talking about him tonight lord in the midst of this unity in the midst of us coming together and these different streams coming together because even what you're saying about all these books and all the people are influenced by luther i want us to be careful and he hasn't pushed back on this um but i'm right because i love it okay there are a lot of people in the name of luther that will do the bonhoeffer luther like i'm going to stand for the truth you guys are all wrong that's very popular in the church today every 20 year old with you know an instagram is is doing that already and then praise god it's a free country do it all you want okay and you can bash any christian leader whatever on and on and on and on and on and on and and you can almost feel like i'm doing that in the name of luther you know or bonhoeffer because i want to be one of those people that stands against everyone and we love some of that attitude a little bit a little bit okay the the caution though is we're a body we are a body of christ fantastic okay and that is what has been happening this week with us is we in that room have been functioning as a body and the reason why it's possible is men like this who aren't out to make a big name for mike pickle or eric mataxis you know i mean who can even spell that right and you know our friend it's just who it's the idea of you know andy bird who was all these guys in this room no seriously guys this is a new thing i've been in many place there was a time when i wanted francis chan okay i didn't want to be crucified with christ there's there's something but i got to get that you know i got to sell books i got to do whatever it is there's there's that selfish ambition that the bible says will lead to every vile practice and it has happened in the church and then there are other people that say oh i know how to become famous i'll bash my pickle or i'll bash someone who is a christian speaker or singer or whatever and now suddenly everyone knows me because they didn't hear my jesus loves me sermon but they heard my i hate john piper's sermon it gets more clicks you know and so there's this mentality that is destroying the church and as i think about luther the what i understand is it was never his desire that was his fear is i don't want to divide the church and yet in the name of luther and that and then that spirit they think is the spirit of luther and a reformer they're going i'm doing my thing you guys are all off you don't get it and the church has fractured into these thousands and thousands of little denominations and independent churches that think they're right and everyone else is wrong and what we felt this week was the power of actually coming together which you never hear about people from different streams coming together we're really six different streams yeah and and and now a mighty river you know but uh it's it's the whole idea of man this is i want us to be these bonhoeff or luther but somehow it's become a divisive thing which is i want to comment on that but i won't dignify it with a comment all right i will no everything you said i agree with but what's interesting just factually you said it but we want to repeat it luther never intended to be a reformer to break the church in half or whatever it he never intended it and he's always portrayed as i mean this is what i was going to say earlier was one of the things god uses me to do sometimes surprises me but it's to discover things that everybody says over and over and over and and i realize it's completely not true and i have enough humility to say i know i don't deserve to be the guy to bring this out because i haven't spent you know 25 years studying this but somehow by god's grace he shows me stuff and one of those things is exactly what you're talking about the fact that when we see a picture of luther nailing the 95 theses to the door okay he's got a hammer and he's boom boom boom and it's kind of like you know he's punching the pope in the head boom boom he stands for truth he said do you know what really happened you want to know what really happened here's what happened that 95 theses was not thundering against the pope or the church or anything luther noticed some things and he was a humble theologian and he said the right way to address this problem is to have an academic debate none of you are invited it's for the elites who speak latin and the 95 theses were debate points meant to be provocative to put them in latin and to post them so that all the scholars would pass by and go oh that's interesting oh there's going to be an academic debate he's going to be active because nobody spoke latin except the educated people right so he makes a list and it was kind of like saying like there's going to be a debate you know uh and you put up a uh uh like a mimeograph sheet on the on the bulletin board in the faculty lounge and then you go to the laundromat down the street and you post it in there next to guitar lessons and there's a cat missing and that kind of thing and you po smokey this guy uh and and you post this stuff and you're just saying like here's the kind of a debate we have a debate and if you can't read latin you're not invited okay so imagine using some paper clips or a stapler and putting this thing up it doesn't have that thundering boom boom boom because a lot of the reformed guys today they're like we're about truth luther was just about posting a debate coming up because he assumed that the process of the church was going to work correctly that god is going to bless his humble effort and that reform is going to come on this issue in a godly way nobody's going to leave the church it's unthinkable not only that but we know almost certainly he didn't post it on the day that we say october 31st 15 17 probably didn't happen could it happen week before two weeks later we don't know he might not have even done it himself he might have given it to the church sexton and said could you please post this for me uh he might have used paste now can you imagine that big engraving of luther slapping paste on the door like that's not as heroic right so in retrospect we look at this but we're looking at it in retrospect in the wrong way it was a humble man of god who loved the catholic church and wanted to be the best catholic imaginable and he's humbly posting this stuff but we uh project on that this kind of heroic you know a man's man i'm gonna grow a beard i'm gonna drink scotch and i'm going to read spurgeon and john mcarthur and anybody else i don't know if they're saved right you know those guys yes so am i right so the point is that was not luther luther was a humble man putting this stuff up there and we have put that back even when he said here i am i can here i stand i can do no other that never happened that way wait well here's what happened when he said here i stand right but what do i say in the book oh yeah if you'd read it more carefully um that's the advantage that's the advantage of not reading it you can't make those kind of mistakes no honestly i mean i in all seriousness mike you said when i read it when he said here i stand i can do no other he didn't say here i stand i can do no other it was almost like i get the impression he said it meekly like oh you know as a new yorker he would say something like hey that's how i see it i don't know what you want from me i i you know that's that's that's it here here i stand i can do no other like i i'm kind of stuck you know your move what do you want like he he could not give them what they wanted because he said based on what i see that's it but he didn't say here i stand i can do no other knowing that history's going to remember him that's baloney we project that hubris or that stance backwards on a man who at that time he might have been brave but he wasn't cocky so anyway that was just it seems to me like that's a big part of it because when we talk about truth a lot of young men especially and that's why you need older men to smack them in the head because young men and i used to be one extremely recently i young men have a lot of testosterone a lot of attitude it's why they send us to fight wars uh it's why because that's how god made us but you need older men to say hey hey you know how you know everything you need to shut up and sit down and check back with me in 10 years that's that's what discipleship and the body of christ is supposed to look like so when you have all these young men going off half cocked you know telling everybody how joel osteen should go to hell that's really not that's not jesus and that's not the body of christ but that's there is a lot of that and when you're talking about the reformed guys especially luther whatever there's a lot of that attitude oh well said i'm afraid so i don't know i mean i think that's where you were kind of that's exactly where i'm leading and and i know he made some statements in his life because i did watch the movie um okay okay funny story about the movie and first can i i first if my wife is the most beautiful wonderful amazing i love her so so when you get that preface you better duck here comes yes okay but i took her on a date i already started so and i have to finish it's i love her isn't she great okay but what i took her on a date to go see luther all right because that's like a christmas thing just to be clear i'm gonna take you to a movie we go to the movies luther she goes honey after the movie she goes it was like 45 minutes into it and the whole time i'm going how's this going to transition to a black guy what what i'm not tracking well you know what and i have a dream speech that's uh oh oh i can tell i can tell you i can answer that i will i can make i can make it watching the movie for like 45 minutes how is this going to go to him oh and this is why the honey i love you statements anyways that's beautiful a lot of people confuse catherine van bora with coretta scott king it's you're not the only one you're not the only one i love it but that's but actually there's a here's here's something i discovered which is in my book which i almost nobody knows and i was again like lord how did you allow me the honor of discovering this just to connect martin luther king jr and and martin luther no joke when martin luther king jr was about five years old okay we're talking about the black leader in 20th century his father was a famous baptist preacher and he visited the holy land uh with a whole bunch of other baptists this is like would have been i don't know 1920 or something i'm not gonna write and on the way back he went to germany and visited wittenberg and stuff and was so blown away this is the black father martin luther king jr was so blown away by the life of martin luther that as an adult he changed his name from michael king to martin luther king he changed his own name as an adult he changed his name that's how big of a deal luther has been in history and his son michael jr changed his name to martin luther king jr until the day martin luther king jr died his close friends called him mike let's see you feel better honey yeah you feel better okay but i would like you okay that was fascinating martin leroy so um i i've heard statements and i think it was in the movie um about luther saying some things uh that really about his own fear of the church dividing can you speak to or his concern that they put a lot of that junk in movies it's not true oh it's not true you know when you get a chance read a book pal because your brain is so full of this bad information i'm scared for you let's lay hands on him no no seriously like you don't i don't i don't remember the movie i didn't really like the movie i'm not saying that from the movie i'm talking about real life now no no but but the point is he's remembered for man we you can see we love each other a little too much almost up here we can't get serious all right seriously though luther part of what happened part of what makes the story interesting it relates to bonhoeffer and it relates to what we were talking about yesterday with cultural issues or gay pride or whatever what happens in the life of bonhoeffer and the life of luther is circumstances change and they are forced to change with it so in other words luther was a humble man of god a man of the cloth a monk a faithful catholic and he humbly says i want to change some things he was not a firebrand anybody who thinks he was some hotshot firebrand that's nonsense he was not he was humble i thought that he was the firebrand right everybody does because he sort of became and i thought he hammered it and yes because that's that's this you know the cartoon version of it but no offense to cartoons i'm just saying so you know what i mean we need to shut this down these people uh they didn't pay for this so so but what i'm saying is that in that kind of version no but that kind of if you really think about it that's how history is told in cartoons that people they get these caricatured versions of real men and women and so the luther version is you get that version of him and he's doing this and so all these legends that built up and one of them in a way is that he was an outspoken guy i mean listen he visited he was born like 1483 we don't know 82 83 but here's the thing he visited rome which is a like a zillion miles like 900 mile walk from germany when he was a monk because he was starting to get a 900 mile walk is what it was yeah and if you drive it's only 200 miles that's a joke i got you um they didn't have cars in those days so it's a moot point but the point is that those guys like taking a horse or they couldn't do that so they he he and a brother in the monastery they walked there and it took him like two months or something like that but the point is um there's there are these legends that he gets there to rome as a very very young man and he observes all the corruption and stuff and determines i'm gonna reform the church that is total baloney total baloney but people tell that story over and over and over again and it makes sense right but it's not true it's just not true so one of the things that that happened with luther just to get to the issue of how he ended up saying these harsh things is that at first he starts out very humble he posts to 95 theses and this is again this is how life works folks like not everything goes according to plan but god is sovereign so he posts the 95 theses in latin it's not supposed to be read by everybody at all he doesn't want it's incendiary board announcement it's a bulletin board oh yeah that's the other thing where does he nail the 95 theses if he did on the church door it's kind of like sticking a sharp stick in the in the pope's eye right on the church door well guess what the bulletin board was the church door everybody goes in and out of the church it's a gigantic wooden door so if you're missing a cat or you want guitar lessons you're posting it on the church door so it people act like it was a big statement it was not it's just that was the bulletin board right so anyway he does this and he wants to have a debate he doesn't want people in the streets to be arguing about this because he respects the church so much that he knows for the common men and women to start arguing about if the pope is wrong that's scandalous we don't want that and there's a point to that right because we could see how that goes wrong like in america sometimes you have so much populism that every idiot on twitter or instagram like they their their position is equally valid and you go like well you know what that's there's an unhealthy thing there right like some people got to pay dues to say what they say whatever so in those days he never wanted people to be debating about this but god ordained it that somebody read it and said hey this is pretty hot stuff i'm going to translate this into german they didn't ask his opinion he's the printing press there's no copyright laws for business they did it they go hey we can make money on this that's right luther didn't even know it he made no he didn't make a penny from any of the stuff he wrote like they just printed it there was no copyright laws but so the fact is that somebody finds it they print it in german next thing you know everybody's talking about it and luther's thinking oh my goodness now what do i do this is bad news like people in the church think i'm attacking them i'm not i don't want to attack the church so then he says in order to correct it this sunday i will preach my sermon on this issue to make it clean and because the debate points of the 95 theses were intentionally incendiary and provocative because there for these latin scholars to read and and to read these sharp points that we're going to debate this so he needs to make a measured explanation of here's the issue with indulgences and whatever so he preaches on it he has the sermon printed up and distributed but of course this is what's funny and this probably happens to all of us that happens in our marriages right you you try to explain something in the course of explaining it you say something you shouldn't say that makes things even worse that's never happened in my marriage but my my wife claims it has but i i've never seen it but the point is luther in trying to clarify says one more thing and makes it a little worse then he decides to clarify the clarification and he makes a way and it begins to snowball and people but they're turning it like crazy because the printing company is a business that's thinking we can capitalize on this this is getting hot right so he has no control it gets out of hand but what i find funny is that the reaction and this is a lesson for all of us the reaction of the church couldn't have been worse they could have neutralized this whole thing by saying you know you're you're making some good points you're a faithful son of the church you're trying to serve the church and we want to bless you and we want to discuss this instead somehow flesh enters the picture people get offended and they're thinking we're going to take him down a notch and they write a nasty diatribe against him so he reads the nasty die tribe against him his back goes up and he decides i need to correct that and it goes back and forth and it gets crazier and crazier and crazier the printing company is making a lot of money right this is selling like hot cakes right over europe so there's a good side and a bad side because the argument went out and everybody in germany and beyond germany is now debating this stuff which fought a century earlier virtually the same thing happened with john huss the hungarian reformer man of god he saw a lot of stuff that luther said and he starts trying to bring it out but because there was no printing present because this stuff couldn't get blasted out to the population the elites were able to crush him like a bug they burnt him at the stake game over no more dissent and you actually could say there's a strange parallel in our time like 40 years ago if you couldn't get your stuff on the network news you got no voice so you need to sing to the tune of the elites who run media and who you gotta be gotta be their friends and go to those cocktail parties right and if you're not in on that group you have no voice the internet for good or for ill in this case for good change the printing press of the figure right and and if i can use a kind of a scandalous parallel in a weird way and i say this i don't i don't say in the book but i noticed this when i was writing the book i said this is bizarrely like the phenomenon of trump using twitter to do an end run around the cultural elites he's like i don't need you i'm going to say exactly what i want to say 80 million people are going to read it and i can actually communicate and i'll communicate kind of in the barnyard way that that we do in america where i'm not going to commute uh communicate on this level up here as other presidents have done now there's good and bad in that but there's a parallel that's really striking because the people of luther's day like a lot of the people uh who supported trump i mean i'm one of them but i i gotta say what happened is they saw somebody who spoke their language and you kind of was saying what they're thinking but they they wouldn't dare say publicly they have a guy who speaks latin who's a genius who's up here at this level saying what they're thinking so he became their champion and their hero so for the first time in human history you have a kind of celebrity a man who has a voice and everybody's thinking i can't believe he's saying we all talk about this you know at the shop or you know in the backyard we we took but we would never i never get to talk to royalty or to to archbishops or priests or i never i can't i'm not on their level but this guy's on their level and he's saying what we all know all this hypocrisy that we see he's talking about it so it kind of got carried away with itself and he became more and more outspoken because they kept telling him shut up you need to revoke everything you said and the nastier they got in the way they dealt with him the more he said i can't shut up i'm not i'm not free to shut up i fear god you can kill me but god can cast me into hell and there are millions of people who depend on what i say i am no longer free to just say okay whatever you want i can't he suddenly realizes i respond to god and so it was a weird social phenomenon i would say was the first time in the history of the world that this kind of thing the first media giant yes yeah it's blowing me away right the parallels of what's going on right now and and how we're supposed to learn from history and go wow so the church had a chance of staying together i mean don't you hate the fact that when you try to tell someone about jesus they're like well you guys don't even know what you believe you got the baptist here you got the presbyterians you know like ooh like what was the mistake back then it's not wrong to stand for truth but there's a way to do it right and i even think about this like we we've talked about this like i'll get hammered for sitting next to you for some reason you'll get amber's right next to me we'll all get hammered and say next mic it's just like what wait we're bringing that up again no i'm kidding no but and and i want to say this in light of last night okay two two thoughts one i want to be bold and loving right now for those of you watching this that you you you're zealous for truth and you really believe you know that you're right and i i thank you for that and we're great we need the body of christ needs people like that but i'm just warning you in love but directly that you you need to be very very careful okay i i i don't know if i ever use your name directly but i've said things about you and your people um whoever those people were way back in the day and had no idea i was attacking a beloved son of god a member of the body of christ no different than seeing jesus walk down the street and grabbing his arm and chopping it off it's it is it is just it is we need to be careful with this with our free speech to use this but in the bi i said some of those things as a young man like last night i said i think i have said things and i thought i was being loved or i didn't say things i thought i was being loving or humble when really i was being a coward and then there's other times when i thought i was being bold but i was actually harming the church of christ i was being arrogant and unloving and and so to speak the truth in love and care about the unity of the church because that's our chance of reaching the world man yeah be so careful you're not attacking that it's a we it's a funny thing because even as you're saying that like i agree one thousand percent and then i realized and there but there are times when you have to draw a sharp distinction and that's what so that's why our faith is a living faith we worship a living god and his holy spirit is in us and we have to be sensitive to that and that's why i would say the muslim faith or certain kinds of christian faith they're very rule oriented it's very black and white and we all appreciate like you know that we can't say we don't care about theology we don't care about morality of course but at the end of the day it really is more than that it has to be more than that and you have to be sensitive to the situation and there are people that they don't know how to do that all they know everything's a nail and they they crack it with a hammer they don't know uh when to not do that and and i think that that's part of the christian walk is knowing when i have to take a stand for truth and let people vilify me and i don't care and other times when i would say no it's not wise to do that you know and and so that's to me that's the kind of the trick right is that how do you how do you do it when do you do it and when i look at bonhoeffer and when i look at luther like there's no right answer they both evolved because circumstances evolved and luther for example just to say this again he when people punched him in the head he punched back and i don't mean actual punching but the point is he he felt he had to correct what was said some people might have just let it go but he had this personality and so i think some of that is good and some of that is bad but you can see this weird dance of how this thing got out of hand and out of hand and the next thing you know yeah you you have the situation actually there's one case since the three of us are here there was one case that i don't remember my own book but uh i i remember he was with zwingli and who else i can't remember but they were arguing about well he was with his buddy melanthon and zwingli and and zwingli's uh whatever number two man or whoever he was with and they were arguing i think it was the marburg colloquy it was called or something but they were they were debating about the eucharist a communion yeah and what's funny to me is that luther was such a fire brand that when i and i'm embarrassed that i remember this but i i think it was wingley that wanted to reach out an olive branch and say like well we disagree on this but i love you brother right and luther was like nope like i'm not gonna no nope i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have anything to do with you type of thing yeah and when i read that he was almost as angry as wingley as he was the other yeah and i was shocked because i thought wow he is such a champion for truth that i think he's missing something and the way i put it i don't know if i said this yesterday but i often see there are people who make an idol of theological purity they're not worshiping jesus they're worshiping an idol of theological purity because if you're worshiping jesus when you see somebody go astray it breaks your heart but if you're worshiping an idol of theological purity you see somebody go astray you rejoice that like you're out you're bad and i'm going to denounce you and you take this kind of pride in saying like you know you're you're wrong or you're right and so it's that that spirit of of does it break your heart if somebody's off you know at the end of the day it should so well i'm gonna go in a little different direction here for a moment is that i was going to say this at the beginning but the context of what we're doing here is that these two books bonhoeffer and luther they correspond with these two days april 9 and april 18 418 which the lord highlighted in our midst and i'm not going most of you know that story i'm not going to say it and then your two books are connected to those two days and those two men and bonhoeffer the standing up for the jews which is going to be a critical issue in the end time church and then luther standing up for the word of god in the presence of hostility of governmental authority and church authorities and so i want to just go 90 seconds or so on the on the psalm that this is about that i want to take off from there but i want us braced because we got some really intense things coming up in the future in the future there is going to be a outrageous demonic attack against the jewish people and the lord is requiring the body of christ to take a bonhoeffer-like stand and many the lord will protect and some they will be martyred and he's saying you must that's another another subject for another day but in our community here i'm wanting to we're noting that and this these uh two weekends in july we're actually looking at that a bit and it's like yeah and your book has been so brilliantly laying out those two men those two dates and the thing about uh standing for israel but psalm two is i consider it the most uh accurate relevant prophetic psalm for a whole chapter for what's happening in the earth right now today 2020 2021. i'm going to say it again psalm 2 is the most accurate description of what's happening in the earth right now today and luther is like one of the clearest pictures of history and you wrote the book on him and and i'm bonhoeffer so i'm going to give you the quickest synopsis of just an inch of psalm 2 which many of you in this room know that but some of you on the web stream you're thinking now what are you guys doing here so if you would look at psalm 2 if your bible's right there you got your iphone whatever you or your phone there i'm going to give you the super fast reader's digest of about three verses and i'm not going to read it i'm just going to describe it but those of you that say i want my bible in front of me when you do this 3 000 years ago which was a thousand years bc david prophesied about our time of history which is now and it was never relevant in a major way till now a little bit relevant for 3000 years but never a global conversation till right now and i mean david you i mean you really hit this number one he starts in verse one he says the nations will be raging angry raging right now the nations are ridiculing the word of god but i'm telling you this thing's going up a notch they're going to go beyond ridicule to rage and the 10 other passages i won't go into it's going to come the scripture says they will make war against the word of god and against jesus so we're at the ridicule stage now we're not at the rage stage but i'm wanting us braced and that's why these two books are so important that's why these this time is the lord is saying hey i'm highlighting it as a gift to you pay attention gird yourself then he goes on to describe verse two he says the kings of the earth not just a few kings in acts four it was two little minor kings barely i mean pilate wasn't quite a king but two little minor kings in acts 4 but the kings of the earth david's talking about a global thing it's never happened before the heads of state there's about 200 nations not quite the heads of state of the nations are going to be unified in something they've never been unified in anything ever and it says the rulers of society the rulers of the culture i'm talking about the in the media athletics academics all of these areas the leaders of the culture not just sub political leaders but the rulers of society the opinion makers of culture and the heads of state they're going to come together that is an inconceivable idea but it's happening at a radical escalated pace right now and they're going to come together in unity and here's what they're going to come together to do they're going to stand against the god of israel david said against the lord the god of israel not god generic they don't mind god generic because god generic didn't get in your space the god of israel and his anointed jesus christ that is going to be their definitive focus of rage then in verse 3 here it is almost done with it he's describing their attitude towards the word of god he says here's what they're going to do they're going to say together we're talking 200 heads of states thousands of leaders of culture media stars athletic stars academics scholars marketplace billionaires they're going to come together and here's what they're going to say verse 3. they're describing the word of god in verse 3. they're going to say let's break god's bonds off of us they see the word of god as bondage they're describing the word of god let us cast his cords off of us let us liberate the human family from these old archaic biblical values that is hindering our sexuality our spirituality our freedom let's get together and drive the power the influence of the word of god out of the culture entirely and beloved in the last five or ten years i mean we're all catching in the last year or two it is escalating so rapidly so now what's the response and there's a bunch of responses oh by the way i wrote a book on it anyway i read it yeah what what uh what's the title i actually did god's answer to the growing crisis and it's all about psalm two i wrote the whole book and it's more than his hundred pages little thing just so you know i mean it's not sick so it's a real book what is that anyway but i'm gonna so i'm not gonna get into all the because the father responds the son responds then king david prophetically responds i'm only gonna say one thing the father in verse 4 says he looks at them as they are emboldened by their global unity this multiplied source they got more military power more public support more economic power more internet you know ai everybody is on board and god in heaven verse 4 says you're challenging me because you got millions of people and billions of trillions of dollars on all the military force he says in verse four he goes i laugh at it that you could challenge the genesis one god because you got this human strength are you kidding me he goes my son i've already determined he's king not you guys but here's the thing i want to end with verse 5 and then the lord speaks to the kings of the earth and the leaders of culture he speaks to them and shows his displeasure here's my point when god speaks to show his displeasure to the kings of the earth and the rulers of the culture how does he do it well every now and then you know you got nebuchadnezzar you know he gets a dream where god speaks almost doesn't happen very often he almost always speaks through the redeemed community through people like you and me he speaks to his servants so the lord says i'ma speak to them and tell them i'm very unhappy with the stand you're taking and the lord right now i look at the body of christ so few are speaking up the lord says i am speaking body of christ you are my beloved you will be my voice because it's my justice to warn them it's my tenderness to woo them because some of them will return or come to the lord so but you have to speak the body of christ has gone silent and they're just staying in the safety zone and the lord says how will my justice be established if i don't declare ahead of time because god never releases judgments then he does not declare ahead of time first he says that name is he goes i will always say it first as a matter of justice so they have a chance but it is a matter of mercy many of them will respond many of them won't but they must be spoken and the lord's looking at the global body of christ saying i must speak through you but the body of christ many have gone silent but then when he speaks he wants to speak tenderly he wants to speak with humility he wants it to be biblically based he wants it bold he wants it bold but not angry he wants a tinder to win them because he is humble that's who he is he goes speak my he wants it biblical not just her ideas and our opinions you know conservative right radical left he goes no make it biblical make it tender make it humble make it clear don't get so in the weeds nobody even knows what you're saying and i want you to take a stand and i want you to say this and i want you to to be my voice and so you two guys oh a bunch of you but i'd say you said you know a half hour ago or whatever it was i don't know why i'm here you are a faithful witness when i've looked at you over the years and you i love your humility so i need to do this better and you mean it you mean it but i think there's not that many guys speaking as clearly as you are francis you are a faithful witness you're very different but we need faithful witnesses because the father's saying i want to speak to the kings and the rulers will you be a voice i'll be the voice the lord says no no here's i i want you to do first he told to john and ezekiel and i'll be done with my little sermon he tells ezekiel and john eat the scroll i want you to eat and devour it so you assimilate it don't read it in somebody's idea and just echo it i don't want an echo i want voices but you've got to eat the scroll you've got to digest it and it's going to be biblical and it's got to be it's gotta you gotta let it settle in you to where you can speak with tenderness and humility but boldness with no intimidation because you've digested the word of god you've eaten a scroll and that's the challenge and that's what i've been telling our community over over the period of time whatever and so these two weekends is about some of that to us because we want to be peacemakers but we want to be prophetic voices some of it's just justice they're not going to turn some of it will turn many people are in the balance and confused and you guys are in last night was brilliant i believe you were talking we have to speak in our house today because we're having these meetings these the six of us and we're hours together the last number of days and and and what you said was so i loved it today and you talked to gorbachev so you say that one in a minute and the power of that and how even bonhoeffer if with the confessing church the other winner is up i mean if you want to comment on those two that was brilliant today but the thing you said that was new to me you said if we will just speak it demons will tremble i want to get because i thought if we speak it demons will attack well they'll do that too but i won't wait a second till tremble that's a new idea i never thought about that part and you know it's so because i know the attack part but i never thought about them trembling i'm thinking of the other the people hearing it trembling but the demons tremble so talk about the courage that happens and you did it last night for 15 20 minutes and you were stealing my tonight message for you guys but it was brilliant last night but jump on that the gorbachev the speaker well i think i mean again because we're right now we're live in this satanic cancel culture and i think i said yesterday it is it's genuinely satanic it wants to shut you up it wants to find the worst thing about you and hold it over your head and beat you over the head with it it's the antithesis of the grace of jesus who looks at the worst of you and loves you you know it's completely antithesis and you we have to reject it on biblical grounds it's wrong and we shouldn't do it and maybe we do it sometimes we have to guard ourselves that we don't get sucked into that but i guess um we were talking about say it again you said yeah okay that's right that's right i've become convinced that part of the cancel culture to shut people up in other words we know this is the enemy right if you know anything about the scripture and you know the lord you can smell the enemy the way he works right he intimidates he bullies he wants to threaten you if you do if you open your mouth you're going to pay a price right well that's we know that that's because he's scared to death of you're doing the right thing or speaking the truth he's scared to death because the power of truth is unbelievable it's god's truth so if you want to do spiritual warfare against the satanic forces when you speak truth you're doing warfare we just have to do it in the spirit of jesus which is humility and that's the hard work yes and but i i say this just because there are always you know uh status quo people who tell you well you can't say that you can't do that you can't do that and you know sometimes that's right but you have to have a discernment and for me the classic case is when reagan was in berlin this is before the the wall fell so it's like 86 or something and all of the folks in foggy bottom in the state department all the experts the deep state these are the people that they're administration after administration they're kind of running things behind the scenes and a fire brand a hot head like reagan comes in who has actual ideas he's lived in the real world he's not some bureaucrat he's not a career politician he hasn't been in there for 40 or 50 years he he believes in america he believes in truth he believes in god he wants to have an effect he was elected for that so he's going to go to berlin and in his speech he says to mr gorbachev mr gorbachev if you believe in tear down this wall that's the berlin wall right now everybody in the state department all the experts they're way smarter than reagan he's an idiot as far as they're concerned he's an amiable dunce he's an actor what does he know we know and we're telling him you absolutely cannot say that that goes against protocol they took it out of his speech as far as i heard seven times seven times the smaller guy said take that yeah no they didn't even take it out they they cut they crossed it out they they took it out they didn't suggest they took it out and he gets up there and you know this is again you know you elect the leader to represent you not to represent them in the state department who are accountable to nobody i mean it's really a horrifying thing the government has grown to grow underground there's no accountability it's un-american it's wrong so reagan comes in there and he says no i'm the guy that they elected and i believe firmly i need to say this so he says mr gorbachev tear down this wall and it was such a powerful thing and i say that when he spoke those words whether he knew it or not he was speaking prophetically he was speaking something so true and powerful it was god's truth spoken in history and i do believe that the demons trembled because when you think of the suffering that people went through if you ever read solzhenitsyn's gulag archipelago i mean the suffering of people in the soviet union under the communist regime it is so evil so cruel so sick and we kind of act like oh well we're bad too folks that's garbage that is garbage you need to know your history just because you've done something wrong doesn't mean you're a mass murderer like you need to understand that what the communists did to human beings is satanic and it was part of what they did it wasn't an anomaly it wasn't like yeah that was terrible we got to fix that no no like you know we we abolished slavery in america we abolished it and we celebrate that we abolished it we abolished jim crow we celebrate it right we could do stuff that's wrong but then we can correct it and never do it again communism lives to do these wrong things and if you dare try to oppose them they are not interested in correcting anything killing people torturing people that's what they do they don't believe in the dignity of the human individual so reagan speaks this thing and i really believe that it was a rare case of a public leader saying god's truth in a way that was so powerful that the demons trembled and it makes me think of when somebody says you can't say that no you don't say that don't say that why are they saying that they're scared to death that not just you but it might catch on maybe a lot of people will say that maybe a lot of people will say bruce jenner and they're like oh you can't say that you can't say that you're like lighten up folks like he was on the wheaties box when i was a kid like okay like you that's your biggest problem but we're living in a culture i was like no you can't say that does it and i'm not saying that we should be rude but i'm saying like we have to understand that when people tell you shut up don't talk about that that may be the hint that they're scared to death that you're going to speak and when they said a few years ago on the same sex marriage issue oh that's been decided don't don't talk about it when people try to shut you up because you know when you bring something up theoretically you bring it up because you love other people because you want truth to prevail not because you're cruel and a bigot they're trying to put that in your head you're a bigot i'm not a bigot i love people if people are struggling with something sexually i want to weep i want to do anything i can to love them but you're told shut up shut up you can't say it you can't say it because if you do say if you have the courage to speak the truth god is gonna bless that and other people are gonna hear you speak the truth and it can lead to something beautiful and so all the enemy can do is intimidate you and i really believe that we're at a time in our culture now where everybody's being told you can't talk about this can't talk about that i mean i was saying i have interviewed people on my program to talk about the vaccine to talk about vaccine passports to talk about the election to talk about all kinds of stuff right it's a free country we have conversations youtube wiped us out say what you said at our house she said people are in a mindset and i've never heard such a thing you go i want to punch their brain to wake them up not for them to believe everything i'm saying to think it through for once on their own i don't think i said it that way yeah you did but that might have been very early in the morning i love the punch that are broken so what i'm trying to say is you want people to think so sometimes you say something harsh as a way of of you know bonhoeffer would do that bonhoeffer said every good sermon has to have a shot of heresy in it what did he mean he didn't mean real heresy but i mean you need to be so zealous for truth that you're willing to go right to that edge where people say you can't go there because you're trying to make a point but when you say these things because you want people to go like what what and that's your point is that right that was exactly it what but i guess my point is that i need a drink of water here you drink water yes thank you what i what i really mean though is that no right now in culture if you're trying to discern things people are trying to tell you shut up and i and i'm here to tell you that is the worst thing you can do if you stop talking about whatever you want to talk about you want to talk about the election you want to talk about it didn't look right to you you want to talk about i read some stuff about vaccines that they look dangerous i don't think i would get them or whatever like that you could be wrong but you have a holy right to speak in this country and to debate and to converse with people and if you allow yourself to be silenced i'm here to tell you there are people practically dying for you to use your voice okay there's a 15 year old boy who's sexually confused and he might not even know it but you're speaking the truth and the love and the message of the bible on sexuality could be the greatest blessing that that unknown young man will ever know but most people will never have the courage to go there because they don't really care about that young man but the lord commands us to care about that young man and so when it's hugely unpopular to bring that up you say you know what life is short i'm gonna die and by the way i don't believe in death jesus defeated on the cross so i'm just gonna say what i think is right and if you get a problem with that that's on you and if the church doesn't live that way as though we actually fear god we don't fear death we don't fear that if we don't live that way folks we are not being the church we are not being obedient to jesus and we've come to a time in american history where we must live like that we must live like that we must push back and if we don't do it what will happen is exactly what happened in germany the germans decided no tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow i'll do tomorrow it's unpopular and they lost the opportunity never to come back to them again i really believe we're here now and this is incredibly important for us because when they cancel me on youtube that's nothing but what about everybody else what about you what about all the stuff that can happen if we don't stand up for each other we are we're already in enslaved and uh i i get let me let me bring it down to a really stupid note uh because uh of the way the web has just gotten so dark and so stuff that a lot of people don't even want to buy my books because we don't really have any more here but they don't want to buy maybe at amazon or they don't want to buy them at barnes noble and whatever but i'm trying to put most of my books at mystore.com which is mike lindell's website mystore.com and if you use the code eric you get an amazing price but i'm not saying i'm just telling you like we are finding new avenues but we have to be really involved in this folks because this is our battle our children's lives will be dramatically affected by how we behave today yeah last comment and then and then we have actually one more we gotta say real brief but we gotta talk about it you do for 90 seconds i'll be up at 30 you give it 90. the uh anti-semitism of luther at the end of his life we cannot ignore that that has to be declared we have to acknowledge that we'll get there tomorrow and then this might be a good thing no you said you're going to yeah i'm saying this may transition perfectly into that there's something that's bothering me in my spirit and i got to just say it because in the spirit of boldness of what you said yesterday uh and i think it's a perfect illustration of what we're talking about um we made a comment earlier in jest and this is why the bible says be careful your tongue is a fire and the worst thing you can do is say something and then it's responded to and just the back and forth and everything else and right when it happened my spirit wasn't right but i kind of smiled kind of laughed and we made a comment about john mcarthur um and uh and spurgeon and i don't remember what was said but i said it and i was i am when i say stuff like that i actually love john mcarthur yes i really love spurgeon yeah but i'm saying but there are people who get in kind of a it's almost like a tribal mindset right yeah like these people are my guys and if you're not in on that culture of smoking cigars and drinking scotch and reading those books and then you're out and so i don't i didn't mean to dis jump exactly because i love jumping i felt it came across you know like we're laughing and i was enjoying a little bit of that because we've all been attacked by him and so there's this part where you're like okay you know and that's it's not okay it's it's you know then it's like oh they're not right i mean and i just want to go gosh no no no i'm so grateful um for what he taught me in the scriptures and loving the scriptures and everything else i love him he's a brother in christ and i thought wow i i participated a little bit and just you know enjoying the attack the the the hypocrisy of that when i just said that's what we don't want to do and and so it's it goes back to that line of like man i want to stand for truth and i want to be one who is courageous in speaking but then there's also this biblical mandate to be slow to speak um you know quick to listen slow to become angry and you know when others curse you you're to bless them back and it's it's there's so much you know and so i just want us to be careful with that in our boldness and everything else and i think that's what luther teaches and then you do look at some of the things that came out of luther you know but again it's this i don't want i don't want people to miss everything go oh but they did this you know it's almost similar to that so many great things came out of this time that i don't want any little thing to knock it out um because that's just what our culture does which it shouldn't do but they do and so i just want to clarify that and then and then i do think that's a segway yeah get into this last one yeah and then we'll go right there let's take a minute father we ask you me i want to say yes to what francis has said and some others out there lord we giggled we laughed and i just want to say lord forgive us and i want to say lord just take that out of the just the storyline out of the family anywhere in our family spirit we don't want that and we say lord we're sorry and we thank you for your graciousness to us to the others that we talked and we laughed about even in just in fun but still you said no i'm not laughing and so lord we say forgive us and just take it out of the complete conversation of this family in jesus name amen no that's important no i'm going to talk about uh luther for just a second luther 20 years old about 21 technically but 20 years old he he's in the ministry-ish and he dies when he's 62. and for 40 years luther's ministry is this and he said quite a few quite positive affirming things about the jews particularly in his 20s he wrote them said them when he's 60 to 62 particularly when he's 60 one year and i'm not making light of this because it's demonic and it's evil and it's bad he wrote two papers he's a very i'm not getting him off the hook but he's sick and broken in his body and i'm guessing and martin don't be mad at me if i meet you there and we talk about it he seemed bitter to me and the bitterness opened the door and it was demonic inside and he hit the jews on two papers when he was 60 and died when he was 62 and i'm not willing to look to wipe out 40 years of what he said because he got bitter i'm i think he did maybe he didn't i think he did but i'm taking that you know that's my age i'm looking i'm going lord i don't want to be that i don't want to be that i take that as a warning and then you know however many years later 400 years later the nazis grabbed it they didn't take any of the stuff he said for 40 years they took those two papers he wrote in one year he said ha ha we can use this and then two steps down the way people say we can't even take anything from luther because of those evil two papers he wrote and lord we just say we don't want those papers in the body of christ we're against them and they're demonic and evil but we want to say it because we love luther and we love what he stood for but we hate that part go ahead you spent 10 pages on that in your book yeah well it's we're living in weird times right so in other words we all of us say like oh we've got to address the luther uh anti-semitism thing right which we are going to uh we just mike just did and i will add to it but at the same there's another side we don't have to address it addressing it is falling into the trap of this cancel culture that says who did you read that did you no i didn't read it can we talk about what i read oh you got to be responsible we're living in a sick culture folks you bring up george washington george washington was the greatest man who ever lived some people want to cancel him and say he was a slave owner you want to say excuse me there was no landowner in that part of the world a large landowner who was not a slave owner so we know it's wrong but talking about that is just stupid it's like saying you wore a wig yeah they all wore wigs like they all did stuff some of which is okay some of which is bad but if you focus on that you're really kind of missing the point he was not some big apologist for slavery if anything just the opposite so it's context and it's where's your heart is your heart just angry i want i want payback i want to want to hurt those people because you know the slavery is still evil and they had that part of darkness in his heart but there's a bigger story to this one but if you know you're a sinner and i hope you do you're gonna be a little more careful because five minutes from now somebody's gonna be talking about that thing you said and did do you want to be judged on that i don't want to be judged on it i don't want to be judged i don't want to be judged on that i don't want to be judged on the things that i said wrong or did wrong because there are plenty of them you know but if you're arrogant and you act like well i don't have anything like that but he does there's something fundamentally unchristian about that we're supposed to love our enemies we're supposed to forgive we're supposed to have grace are living in a time now where there's none of that right and so when it comes to hitler uh sorry not hitler well it comes to hitler's using what luther wrote luther wrote a ton of stuff that was incredibly gracious and loving to the jews a ton of it in those in those early in the early days and he got more and more nasty and cranky as life went on and a lot of his friends hated it they were begging him you know you don't say that please don't say that and he had the he became a you know like sort of a big shot he was famous and he did he was just left do you think he got bitter oh yeah he got better yet i also think and let's be honest when you get old you know you're going to get aches and pains you're going to get whatever there's a reason people get cranky because if you're in pain you know if you're in pain it's hard not to be cranky and luther was in pain he had an incredible illness he had a raft of unbelievable anguish in his body so he became cranky so does it make what he said okay no of course not but if you don't take it in context that here's a human being and and and you have to put things too i mean ignorance uh a lot of people have accused me of stuff either in my bonhoeffer book or this or that and i just realized there's no way they could say that unless they're ignorant if they knew more about the history they wouldn't say that but they don't care they just want to take a shot so if you know the history you go back to 1543 there was no such thing as religious liberty when he's 60 years old or either on this side or on this side or on this side or on this side so luther rejects the catholic church and he does nothing but nastily trash talk the catholics and say the most vile things about them he says the most vile things about the muslim turks he says the most vile things about the protestants that he now disagree so there's four he's hitting them all with this vile language in those last two years which is a warning to us it wasn't just the jews and the folks that get well really so which i appreciated he talked that way about the catholics about the reformers right about the muslims so when he says about the jews what's the issue like did you think he was going to skip them for some reason he did it for him it doesn't make it right no but notice what happens we read it in light of what happened 10 minutes ago called the holocaust okay that's a thousand years in the future i mean luther is writing in 1546 and we read it in light of oh the holocaust and luther was german and he did it well it was the satanic nazis folks who took what he said and used it to show everybody in germany your hero luther this is what he believes this is what he believes we could even make a case does he really believe that like that's what he believed at one point in his life but there are thousands of pages that he wrote but if they were honest they would have to say this is what he said about lutherans this is what he said about catholics that's what he said about that the nazis are not interested in truth so you realize that no matter where you look we are challenged as christians because we i actually believe we can be over gracious right and another way to put it is casting pearls before swine you know if if somebody accuses you of something there's a time to respond in love and address it and there's another time to say like you know what i'm not going to dignify that i don't owe you my answer bonhoeffer writes about that too that he says if uh in his book ethics he writes about let's say uh an 11 year old girl is in the school room and the teacher says your father's a drunkard isn't he she doesn't owe the teacher an answer and i'm not going to go into what what bonhoeffer says about the ethics but there's some questions even though it's true you don't owe someone an answer and we have to agree and understand these things and we have to understand what's my business what's not my business and so when somebody asks something about luther or whatever are they really interested in the truth or do they just want to shut you up or do they just want to win a point we have to look at that we have to look on people's hearts because when jesus says cast ye not your pearls before swine who would say oh no i want to go to the ends of the earth to to to bring somebody to jesus well yeah and so does the lord want you to do that but there are people they're not even interested they're just wasting your time in god's time and you have to by the holy spirit have to have discernment so a lot of times when people say stuff like that about luther it's debate you into a conversation and whatever so it's a tricky thing to know when do i own up to it i mean that's why i gave it 10 pages in the book because i want to say look here's the context yeah you acknowledged it and didn't sugarcoat it no i mean it's it's horrifying but again find me somebody in 1546 who was not a jew who would be so forward thinking that he'd say but oh but they have a point of view that's like we figured that way of thinking in america 10 minutes ago like the world is not that way so expect somebody in the 16th century to be generous toward people with whom he disagrees it's just it's really expecting a lot especially from a fire brand like luther so it doesn't make what he did right but if we don't give grace to people and again i'm not saying making excuses but give grace to people knowing that we are screw-ups and we're gonna want grace now tomorrow that's for sure in 10 years we have to be a culture of grace and a culture of grace means not wanting to win and constantly being like that guy's a jerk and that guy's a jerk that guy even if that guy is a jerk you don't need to say it you don't need to celebrate it and i even think that as believers sometimes we we need to we need to fight but we don't the lord doesn't want us to fight in a carnal way so when we're called to fight we're supposed to fight in a in a godly way so that if if i have to shoot somebody coming into my home you know to harm my family i at least eventually realize that's sad that i had to take a life so this is complicated yeah amen and amen one last time real quick as we move into worship team come on up if you look because i know we're moving into a ministry time and i i want god to bless it and i think maybe you by the sovereignty of god some of the things that happened even on this stage may stir in you a desire to look into your heart and go gosh have i said some things with this mouth that oh good work were i didn't mean to at the time but wow did i bring some division into the body of christ because god doesn't take life look in the scriptures of when when people speak against godly men what what god does to them it's it's it's really an interesting study and how much look in the scriptures how badly he wants unity in his body and so i know some of us we we we say things and some some of you maybe talk a lot and the bible says when you talk a lot sin will not be absent and and i want you to think and repent and take it as a serious sin sometimes we have this list of sins that we think are so bad and gossip or slander is not on that list but study the scriptures that is crazy high up there and and and because i want to see the spirit of god move in here and amaze us as he's done these last couple of days would you take a few moments right now and just say holy spirit bring to mind if words have come out of this mouth that god brought harm to your sacred body i mean think of someone said something about your son or your daughter men that moms think we're talking about the children of god and we're coming before the father and say did i say something about your son did i did i add you know to the fuel of you know what people are thinking about your daughter your daughter that's terrifying god forgive me forgive me forgive me so let's just god show us right now careless words that came out of our mouth come holy spirit please father we don't want to do that we don't want to bring further division to the holy spirit manifest your presence this was a time of unity these last here we are days i have loved being with my brothers and sisters here we are loved it thank you god for that precious gift and the power that comes from that and so god right now we confess these words that have come out of our mouths and maybe a sibling maybe a spouse maybe some on your worship team maybe somebody in your office maybe it's your brother and sister your siblings i mean it might be five or ten it doesn't talk about national things and it's because i could go oh lord oh yes lord here i am i'm asking you to forgive me and i'm not just saying this because you guys are listening lord i ask you to forgive me this is a good moment right now lord you know what i mean i ask you to forgive me for some of the ways i've spoken and hinted and forgive me lord for recently recently take a minute let's not lose this minute kristen k come on up and get ready and then forgive me for the times i didn't speak up when someone else slandered a brother and i was i laughed or i just listened or i was a coward and i did not speak up and say hey be careful with your mouth because that's a brother or sister in christ and there are a lot of people that listen to gossip and slander and think oh i'm a safe place no you you're a divisive person again often think oh i'm a safe place everyone tells me what they hate about this guy and this guy and this girl and all people that hurt him i'm a safe place no really you're you're a divisive person you listen to that slander of brothers and sisters in christ and you don't love them enough to confront them on the things that are coming out of their mouths and that's a sin on our that's what we've been saying this whole time there's a sin when we don't speak up you know you know when someone attacks a brother in christ and you're you're too scared to offend them even though you no no that is my brother in christ you're talking about be really careful you know god loves that man god loves that will be very we need to that this is some of the speaking up that needs to take place and so confess some of your silence that has been sinful in the sight of the lord yeah we're talking about in our world the worship team and the one guy on the team the other two are talking about say no don't tell me about the drummer i don't want to hear it no don't do that you talk to the drummer don't tell me about the drummer so let's get real personal about it it's our little world [Music] here we are holy spirit we ask you to touch us the lord says i i'm the cleansing god i'll cleanse you day after day after day after day if you ask me here we are lord cleanse me isaiah 6 of my lips my unclean lips cleanse me lord thank you for your forgiveness god even a crime so heinous i'm gonna have you stand if you would thank you jesus thank you for the cross thank you so much for the cross lord even these times that we attacked your children and listened to attacks of your children and said nothing god it's painful on the cross god so that we can rejoice right now and not keep living in that shame but we lay it before you and we walk in freedom now thank you jesus thank you thank you for forgiving our sins thank you that your word promises that that confession of them are so gracious brings righteousness that is outrageous that is truly outrageous that we just confess it to you and because of the blood of christ we're forgiven thank you jesus i was gonna worship for about five minutes to get somebody to slip out real quick maybe go to the restroom make a phone call and get right back we don't want to have a social time right now we're just gonna stay in the presence of the lord ken come on up chris and we're gonna shift gears and then tomorrow night is we're going to worship for a little while and then chris reed's going to give a full message and then do ministry time then sunday morning myself and and isaac we're going to interview andy bird and francis about their life their relationship what's happening in the body of christ gonna do a part one and a part two in the two services not cover the same material there's some dynamic things happening in them together and in our nation that they're stewards of but we want to draw that out for the benefit of the others above the body here go ahead
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 1,960
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Id: OaaQcpTKOp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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