Investing in the Next Generation | Francis Chan at the Send Pre-Rally

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[Applause] i was just thinking about this uh passage while we were worshiping it's out of john 14 which some you may or may not know that john 13 through 17 has been the key passage um that has brought this group of the six of us together this week um but there's this fascination i've been having with this entire discourse and in john 14 verse 21 it says whoever has my commandments and keeps them he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and i will love him and manifest myself to him verse 23 jesus says if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him man i hope that never gets old to you okay you're talking about almighty god saying i will come to you and make my home with you so i think about that as i walk up onto a stage it's like god has made his home in me god almighty the god of revelation 4 somehow abides in me and loves me that's what the whole cross was about was to bring us together so that we could be one i just want to take some time before i do anything else and just thank god for our union with him made possible by the blood of jesus christ father we are so humbled right now that you would choose us to be one with you that you wanted us to be one with you and you sacrificed you suffered to make us one with you god i pray i would die before that truth gets old to me please lord may we grow in that fascination even right now this second may your spirit fall on us so we are fascinated that we are one with you what is man that you are mindful of him we praise you almighty god for what you did to make us one in jesus precious holy wonderful beautiful name we pray amen as i prayed for tonight i had some uh some thoughts about the send but before i even get to that uh i was thinking you know this is this kind of wraps up this kind of six night thing that we've had with the six of us and i i want to say some words about that because uh first i want to thank the ihop family because of the love that you've shown how much love you've shown us as leaders as and the way you've hosted us and loved us and loved our families crazy things have happened in my personal family because of this week i it's just been it's just been too much to explain there's there's no way on earth i can come up here and even try to summarize what has happened during those six days it's just i i i there's there's no way i don't think i've ever had a time in my life where i had an experience for such a period of time and go i can't explain it to you i just can't it's it's too much as i said one night i go i feel like my whole life has been like i've been studying this book for 40 years i became a believer when i was 14 years oldish you know in high school and studying every year and there was always like just this gap between what i would study and what i'd see in scripture and then what i experienced and while i was kind of closing in on the gap a little bit it really wasn't until this week that everything really came together for me where i'm going we are living out this book being with this great it's you guys i am not exaggerating listen to every talk i've ever given i mean don't do that but i've never said that okay something crazy happened something fascinating happened and there's no way i can summarize i want to read a passage from ephesians 4 and i've just been thanking jesus for these last couple of weeks but ephesians 4 verse 1 says i therefore a prisoner for the lord urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called with all humility and gentleness with patience bearing with one another in love eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace i feel like this passage was so real these last couple days this last couple weeks when he's urging us to walk in a manner that's worthy of the calling to which we've been called with all humility and gentleness and with patience bearing with one another in love i love that that phrase bearing with one another in love is followed by eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace he says here here's how if you want to live a life that's honoring to to god then in patience put up with each other put up with me because i'm going to let you down put up with me because i'm going to sin against you and he says be eager to maintain the unity of the spirit spirit fall on us let it rain [Music] let it rain is let it rain lord please may this really be about your spirit god i don't want to speak words of the flesh god may this be a blessing from you god empower the words that are about to come out of my mouth to bring people to unity with you and with each other in this room in a miraculous way in jesus name amen when we're in orlando at the first send conference there was a moment when we just felt like god's power was going to fall and it began to rain at that moment and the whole stadium started singing that and so i don't think it's coincidence um if you listen to everything that has happened leading up to kansas city and the send if you can listen to all those miracles and stories and say i think it's coincidence i would say you are irrational seriously for me to for me to take everything that i've experienced just in these two weeks i mean i would have to just i i it's it's like it there's there's no logic whatsoever it would take so such a ridiculous faith to believe that it's all coincidence you you don't know everything that i've experienced these last two weeks right here it's blown my mind and at the end of it i'm expecting something more even tonight i just i believe that and i have some words and i believe they're of the lord um i've been thrilled about the unity of these streams coming together like we talked about and god blesses unity okay but i also want you to understand because i mean we can get all excited oh yeah we're one we're one we're one we're unified but there r there's a reason why it says bear with one another because you're eager to maintain the unity there's a reason why it says bear with one another because there is a cost to unity there is a cost to unity and i am not oblivious to the cost of unity because we live in a time especially now when i decide to join myself with these five guys the moment i commit to uniting with them i inherit something i inherit all of their enemies seriously think about this the moment the moment i decide i love mike bickle he is my brother in christ you know what happens at that moment everyone who hates mike bickle sees me affirming him and they turn their rage towards me so i understand the cost of friendship in this generation but i'm going to do it anyways that that's what this is about [Applause] so why would i do this and i i say this to some of you gen zeurs who are obsessed with popularity if you do that you will you will betray your friends because your generation is all about becoming famous and getting followers whether on instagram facebook whatever and so so there's a very because it happened to peter it happened to peter wait aren't you one no why because he didn't want the enemies of jesus to suddenly look at him and so he betrayed him at that time it broke his heart that he was a betrayer at that moment that's why jesus had to come after the resurrection and then and pay special attention to peter i believe because he betrayed him three times denied him why because he didn't want jesus enemies to suddenly be his enemies there's a cost and so if you're out to become popular you're going to have to betray people and that's what's going to happen in the end times and there's that type of culture but i've committed to your leader mike bickel um number one because i fear god i fear god i i i and according to those passages i read in john 14 just now god dwells in mike pickle okay that's that's a that's a terrifying thought that god okay what sometimes we we say things as christians so often that we lose the weight of it oh the spirit's in me oh the spirit's in do you understand the weight of that statement okay there's a being in heaven that that he says you can't even look at me or you would die no man would survive that to see him he's a being who says earth and the entire earth appears and then that god says i will come into your human body and so when i look at mike and i think whoa oh mighty god has chosen to abide in him and he is a a part of the body of christ i don't dare divide from him when i see the spirit of god in a man it's out of my fear of god it's out of my love for him and it's out of my need for him because that same passage in ephesians 4 goes on to say in verse 11 that he gave well let's go back verse 5 one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all who is over all and through all and in all but grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of christ's gift therefore it says when he ascended on high he led a host of captives and he gave gifts to men and saying he ascended what does it mean but that he also descended into the lower regions of the earth he who descended is the one who also ascended far above the heavens that he might fill all things and he gave the apostles the prophets the evangelists the shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the body of christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to mature manhood to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ so it talks about this jesus who gives gifts to men and then a couple verses later he explains what those gifts are it says he gave us these apostles prophets teachers evangelists shepherds it was a gift and when i look at mike's life i go wow he's a gift to me the other day in the prayer room i'm just watching him well god thank you for that gift in my life i i don't want to take a see what we've done for many years is we've taken you know how first corinthians 12 says the eye can't say to the hand i don't need you but the body of christ has done that they go well you're a little different from me so i don't need you i'll do my own church i'll have my own independent thing where i can lead because i don't need you rather than realizing no that's a gift from god and i need him you see when we divide we miss out there's another reason why i've committed to mike i don't want to miss out on 50 years of committed bible study and teaching that he's shown i don't want to miss out from all of his stories the lifetime of experiences and stories i've never seen anything like that i don't want to miss out on the fellowship with a guy whom the word of god was not just studied but he was implanted in his heart to the point where he sacrifices who wants to be say i don't need you to a guy who has led a movement of 24 7 prayer for over 20 years it's like i want that with me i want him on my team so i'm i just want to speak to this is an ihop this is for other people who might be watching this because i know some of you have ditched mike and some of you ditch them because of something you think you might have heard someone say that may or may not be true and so you're going to ditch all of that 50 years of prayer teaching you know a lifestyle and i thank god for a simple lifestyle he could have made so much money and be living this lavish life but he lived this way for all of those years you're going to teach all of that and all the ridiculous stories because you heard something from a friend i would say you are so foolish and also you better be careful because the spirit of god dwells inside of him and you so easily depart from a son of god i just can't do that i get it i get it there's differences but aren't you eager to maintain the unity i just met chris reed your gift in the prophetic and uh i feel like there's a there's a movie that when i think of you i think of this movie um that's uh it's it's it's not prophetic but it almost feels like it and it's about this wrestler uh named nacho and uh but in the in the movie oh some of you familiar with it okay but in the movie okay there is a point when he scales this mountain to get to these eagle eggs right right because he thinks they're going to give him power and so he eats of the eagle egg right which was it was amazing feat to get up that cliff and uh but then he goes to his next wrestling match assuming i'm gonna have these eagle powers you know i was told and he loses and he gets so mad he's like all those eggs have no power you know and but okay you may or may not have caught this but at the end of the movie i didn't catch it the first five times that's why i have time to read but at the end of the movie when he remember when he actually defeats ramses okay he dives and he die he flies far and the sound of an eagle right oh i didn't catch it till later ah the eagle powers did hit him i don't know if you guys caught that but okay the reason why i bring that up there's a point um i when i started studying the scriptures about the holy spirit i would expect this power you know and even as i was diving in the more i cycle no there should be more power and i wasn't seeing it and sometimes i i'd get in more charismatic circles but it almost felt a little forced or not quite there and then no i mean the way god has used you this week not just here in the evening meetings but throughout our time together i'm going wow that's that's the power i was looking for the power of god and the way that you always couple it with the scriptures um i haven't seen that before your knowledge of the word of god coupled with that and it's it's weird though it's i think you know sometimes when you're young you're and maybe somebody goes oh i wish i had that gift i wish i had i'm not even i don't i'm not jealous of the gifts what i what i marvel at when i when i think about it as i go whoa so at those moments god almighty speaks to you i'll be honest i'm a little jealous of that it's the relationship of god trusts you to speak for him and he talks to you and he tells you something out of his love for you and i get it some of you watching you'll see him do the prophetic thing and because you don't believe in the gifts you'll distance yourself from him and again i'm telling you you're crazy because he is a gift from god to the body and i get it there are differences that maybe we bear with okay i'm not used to some of the things you do i'm not used to even the way you talk and scream sometimes i i'm just being honest like it's that pentecostal and i'm like ah i don't really do that and uh you know and sometimes you know some of the things i i'm not saying i agree with everything with these guys okay but i'm going i'm not gonna let go of all of that then humble power of god i want him on my team i go i need you right why would you go well but but he yells oh yeah so i don't need you anymore let me distance because you yell really and i heard something about mike's okay yeah just distance yourself yeah just see how it works out for you but i'm like i don't dare separate from these guys the spirit of god in them let's move to eric i'm just i just want to say god has given him a gift um and i know it's given you a gift with words that is outrageous there are so many times you say something and i go i wish i could say it like that i wish i could have that's you put words exactly what i wanted to say now there's other times where i go i'm yeah there's times i cringe when you talk i now no let's let's just lay it out there right right i'm sure your wifey cringes did right there okay he's that but that's it that's it but you know what i've learned you may have impacted me most of anyone this week as far as courage and boldness and and restoring something in me a boldness to say you know i'll stand with you and i'll take all of your enemies i'll take it because every time i take these i lose you gotta understand i lose friends every time i commit to one of these guys and that's just that that's just it i mean it's it's it's really not that funny it's actually sad you know where we are at but it's it's just what happens suddenly he's like whoa francis you were you were with that big profit guy from you know you know yep i'm not into that stuff and they start to question you you you sat next to eric you said he yep i get it maybe he's more republican than than i am just laying it out throwing out there but that's not going to make me distance and the more i understand him he is fighting for a freedom of speech and he's exemplifying that for whether you're a democrat or a republican he wants us to be free to voice and then he exemplifies it he feels very free to voice no i and i i admire that and if i'm going to war i want him on my side i want that mouth on my side [Applause] can fish of our group i mean not of everyone but i go of our group i think we'd agree that that you are probably the strangest um i mean would you guys agree like the it's okay thanks eric i knew i i knew i had you for sure um no here's what i have so admired about you ken is you you keep pretty quiet and you'll let others defer to others smart people don't usually do that um if you've met many intelligent people and i believe the six of us in a room would all if we had to vote who was the smartest guy in the room we would all point to you and yet there's a humility about that but here's what i really love about you is when i look at your children you know your your your daughter who's married prophesied over me today in such a beautiful amazing way that doesn't just happen okay the way you've raised your kids and i know the struggles that you and your wife must go through and the integrity and and the perseverance in everything you have and i don't even know all of your gifts other people here have experienced them but i'm just saying for you as a man and what you've done and i and other people are so quick to just go you're done you're done because of this or that or whatever it may be and i'm going man i've loved standing with you and i'm sure there's haters out there of you um are there yeah okay and uh it's good it's all good and i feel like i i get that from you eric like you just go i'll take it i'll tell you what what kind of man you're going to be that every time i might hurt your reputation you're going to betray and so you won't stand with that person that you know has the spirit of god in them that's how little your fear of god is that that's crazy to me and then there's andy he's the only one i think that has no enemies so right i i i'm being honest here like how do you not like andy bird okay so that one's easy i don't have to worry like oh no people are gonna be mad i like andy bird you know everyone likes andy bird so we'll just skip him um but he there's a there's just a uh there's a power about him and and he's probably the one i'm closest to and uh um if you ever doubt whether god's blessing is on his life ask him to show you his wedding picture it is the most ridiculous thing there was no i you know i partially i noticed something when i was a youth i noticed like the most homely looking youth pastors would have these gorgeous wives and i thought i'll become a youth pastor you know [Applause] but in 40 years i've never seen a bigger gap than your wedding picture seriously i should have brought it tonight it is outrage it is it is the weirdest thing you go no no no no that's not real that is not real god has blessed him um [Applause] so i i say this i just go you know what um we've had such a great time together this week and i believe it's a picture though that was supposed to be for the church to understand that there's a cost to unity we all think it's all beautiful but the reality is i really have lost a lot of friends by deciding to unify with other streams in the body of christ and i know that there are some that are listening right now and watching that you're going to distance yourself from me after these two weeks and and i'm okay with it but what i want to say to you is i don't think you really want to do that i don't think you really want to distance yourself from me either not just these guys because you know what despite how whatever is said i'm a child of god and he loves me he's shown me that my whole life the way he's answered my prayers the way he's put me in places i don't belong i feel so blessed and loved and secure despite what the accuser tries to say to me in my own flesh despite what others try to tell me i am i see what the word of god says about me and god has shown me that he loves me and i'm okay personally with you distancing yourself but i'm just saying you know is mike is a gift to the body of christ and as these other guys are a gift to the body of christ i'm just going to say it i'm a gift to the body of christ [Applause] because god tells me that i am and i'm not going to listen to anyone else but i also want to say to you guys that i just mentioned um i want to exhort you please please don't let me down don't let pride change you don't get cocky if god starts using you in greater ways because it it it it affects me too and everyone says oh see look you were partner with ken fish oh you were your advice with my taxes and look you guys don't do that okay because now you're hurting us okay don't don't chase after the glory don't don't get greedy too eric if your books do rise and start to sell like mine do don't um [Applause] like in all seriousness i'll bring it back no but i'm serious like that's something that happens where the greed and suddenly you start living this opulent lifestyle because you can rather than caring for the needy and using those resources for them like when you start living that way now it doesn't just affect you because i've committed to you okay and if there's any if there's any of that stuff where you guys are looking and considering anything that would break the bond between you and your wives any seed in your heart any look in your eyes any addiction to pornography you're looking at man seriously you guys man it's not just about you anymore can we take a hit for you guys okay i get that and i will take it but i'm telling you seriously don't screw this up i'm i'm i'm being serious right now because it affects the body okay so we live holy lives i want to be fear of god and that's why i am joining with you guys i see the fear of god i see the humility but don't lose that and don't ruin this thing because it happens i i there's been power this week because of the unity and i don't i'm not trying to put a damper on things i'm trying to be realistic about what the enemy wants to do he hates what's happened these last couple weeks and if we're not aware of the warfare that's coming our way because he hates this so much we need to wake up to it okay i'm getting serious i have gotten so much more serious this week we joke about the reading study thing but i'm serious like i'm i'm i'm getting into it i'm getting my kids into it i'm preparing them for this i mean it's it's a shift in mindset which is what i wanted out of this we're headed into a serious war and i want to be together with you because you guys have loved me so well and loved my family so well and that's why i exhort you because i'm saying the same things to myself i don't want to let you down i don't want to fumble you know it's it's that same football analogy we used this week earlier about we're about to score but any one of us could screw it up you know and everyone's got to play their part and i want you to understand the thing about us this week that we found is we have a common goal we have a common goal that ken is not out to lift up the name of ken eric is not here to lift up the name of eric mike is not here to lift up the name of mike and he's we're all together going gosh we're not even thinking about ourselves we're thinking about the next generation how can we come alongside of them how can we lift them up how can we all be behind the send how can we figure out how to get this next generation to live differently how could the future church actually be unified and bear with one another and be eager to maintain this unity how can we exemplify this for them how do we teach them to be humble and to care for the orphan and the widow and to not live lavish lifestyles but to be simple so that others can live how do we do this how can we build in and protect them see i got a word the first time i went to uh ywam over to andy's thing and again andy was in that whole y-wham group was a group i was taught to distance myself from you know because there were some different theologies and things like that so so stay stay away from them but then when i finally went and got to know them i was blown away and the first time i stepped into one of their meetings it was like if it wasn't the audible voice of god somehow god spoke to me and i'm walking to my seat and god says these are your children protect your children like my child what are you saying i've spoken to hundreds if not thousands of places and i've never heard god speak to me as i'm walking to my chair and i'm telling god did you just say these are my children and protect my children and i'm sitting at my seat like what just happened i don't know if lindy was leading or someone and worship's going on and i just had to close my eyes and i apologize to god go god i'm sorry i've asked to hear your voice now that i think i hear you i'm questioning whether it's really you and going god did you just say these are my children and that they that i'm supposed to protect my children i'm just having this private conversation as we're worshiping and then the guy next to me sitting next to me who i don't know whispers in my ear francis these are your children okay first of all why are you talking right now i'm having like a time with the i've never interrupted when someone's like this in prayer during worship i don't go hey but he does and he says the exact words that god spoke to me these are so i just bawl my eyes out one of the next times i go to kona crazy thing i'm reading through the scriptures because in our church we read through the bible every year and uh we're in numbers chapter 8 and so i read numbers chapter 8 and i never noticed numbers chapter 8 before i've read it but it just i don't get it and i i get it but it has nothing to do with me i just kind of browse through it i mean it's one of those books you kind of fly through and um but numbers 8 verse 23 the lord spoke to moses saying this applies to the levites from 25 years old and upward they shall come to do duty in the service of the tent of meeting and for the age of 50 years they shall withdraw from the duty of service and serve no more they minister to their brothers in the tent of meaning by keeping guard but they shall do no service and i thought what and reason why it jumped out to me was i was 50 years old that year and i'm going to wait from 25 wait and i wrestled with the lord i go so you're telling me that if i lived in old testament times now that i'm 50 i would have to retire from my service and i seriously had this battle with the lord i go that's crazy because i feel so strong i mean honestly physically at 50 that was the best shape i believe that was the best shape of my life honey would you agree i was ripped at 50 no i was pushing it hard crossfit lifting i mean i was like i was impressed with myself i'm just going god i feel andy what i wasn't i okay thank you specimen i like that word i mean i'm going god physically at 50 i feel strong i feel like mentally i'm there i've got all this background in ministry so why would you have me step down for some 25 year old and now all i'm supposed to do is is kind of protect him and god revealed to me he goes look what are you going to do if you wait till you're 75 then that kid doesn't get a chance till he's 50. you wait till you're 100 if you live to be a hundred that guy doesn't get to start till he's 75. he goes there's a pattern here i wanted you while you still had the energy at 50 to guard the next generation to protect these are your ch and i realize whoa he says guard that was a word from the lord these are your children protect your children and god has been revealing to me this last month remember the word i spoke to you out of numbers eight in fact when i went home to the elders you know in san francisco of my church i go echo man when i read numbers eight god was clear to me i need to step down you guys i think god's telling me to step down as elder and i just kind of support you guys and then one of my elders go oh i forgot to tell you when we're in kona some old man i don't know who he was said tell francis to read numbers chapter 8. aren't i going you forgot to tell me that that's pretty significant too um this is why we don't want these 25 year olds that you know but uh i go whoa that was a word from the lord and so i'm trying to heed and it was actually i think it was isaac uh when you um at one of the meetings here you said something about uh stewarding when the lord speaks you stewarding those words well and my wife actually confronted me after hearing you say that thanks and uh saying hey that word from why wham did you steward that well i go you know you're right that this next season isn't about you francis it's about you while you have the energy building up this younger generation and guarding them and leading them and making sure they they avoid some of these pitfalls of pride and lust and greed so they can actually let them lead but you be right there guarding them that they don't fall into some of these traps because sometimes we've heard guys like me that will preach till we're 90 years old and now suddenly we're saying things that don't even make sense boring people to death but we're not going to let go because we want to stay in charge and that's hurt the church because we didn't pass it on at an age young enough to where we would actually protect them and guide them and guard them and lead them you know i think that's what a lot of this is about this week i've got these two candles these candles represent me and my son i love my son they represent me and my son and i know your initial thought is okay there's you and there's your son nope i'm the candle that's been burnt down to almost nothing i've lived my life what is the point of lighting me and putting this up on it you know some candlestick holder you know it you know and mike is like i don't know way down here it's just no but but i want you to think about this like i recognize the wisest thing i can do is take whatever light i have and enlighten some of you 25 year olds you've got a whole lifetime of service ahead of you and i seriously this next season of my life because before this month i was saying god you are going to show me what i'm supposed to do in this next season of life and he's revealed it to me over this month and he's shown me so clearly this is you it's not about you you've done what you need to do and now your responsibility is to protect these children to build into them to start a new generation of power that's united and so if you're in this room i want you to think about this next season of life man i've taken this seriously see i i took my kids before i came here i took them to alaska and i told them look no telephones we're not using cell phones we're not using any screens no ipads no movies nothing because i want your mind to get clear again i i see what's coming and now more clearly i understand what's happening at the end and it's my responsibility to get my kids who have a full life in front of them strong enough to survive what's coming you know and so my 15 year old son isn't with me here in kansas city you know why because at the end of the trip to alaska i thought man i want him to be strong i need him to know how to how to sacrifice and and i talked to him like hey if i could talk to one of these alaskan fishing boat captains and and if they agree to take you on one of those ships to where you learn how to work like day and night and keep up with like five grown men on one of those crazy fishing boats i think it'd be good for you to learn how to work like that and sacrifice like that and be strong like that would you do it he says yeah dad so he's in the middle of the gulf of alaska right now on a fishing boat these last two weeks hardly steve you know and then we'll facetime i've only gotten through them once and i'm just so proud i'm going man you're becoming a man dude this is it because i i'm thinking about your future i'm doing this because i love you man i want you to know what it means to endure and persevere because our times are coming see this is the role that we are in okay so i hope if you're 50 60 70 you're not just thinking oh how come there's no retreat for me or there's not enough are you still thinking about yourself no the send is the retreat for you to build into the next generation to light these candles with everything you've learned it's time for you to invest and protect this next generation and so i'm pumped about it i know this is a thing of god i've heard all the stories seen all the signs and everything else and he's put it in my heart i i i must decrease you know and even as a father i'm telling my kids i need to decrease and god has to increase as your father there needs to be a shift now he's your true father and i can get you closer and closer to him because he's the one you can depend on it's not about that anymore it's not about us anymore that's what the send is about man most of you know most of us grew up in a generation and a youth group that was not thinking about seeking the face of god and i've been blown away not just here at ihop but other churches in kansas city and youth groups that i've been to where i see teenagers that are praying till like one in the morning just to seek the face of god the teenagers groups of them a couple times a week because they want to i go no one talked like that when i was in youth group i'm seeing a generation that is seriously saying i'll go anywhere that was not my thinking as a teenager as a christian teenager and youth group i was not considering being sent but there's a generation right now and they're serious and so what are we going to do with our lives with what's left make more about ourselves buy stuff for ourselves or pour into the next generation and go you know what i want my kids to grow up in a different kind of church than what i grew up in want to grow up in a church where people don't betray each other and slander each other and divide over every little thing i wanted them to grow up in a church and form churches where they could stand and they speak out against injustices in the world they don't just hide i really this whole bonhoeffer spirit that we've been talking about we believe in this and we see god has begun something here and i'm just begging you all jump in with us protect this next generation don't fumble this don't blow this don't get so focused on yourself i had to tell my whole family you guys have followed me around long enough you followed me to san francisco to hong kong and back and you know what now it's my time to build into you what is god calling you to do and i'm going to support you it's not about francis chan anymore it's about zeke it's about ellie it's about mercy it's about rachel it's about peter and justin claire it's it's about them and that's what i'm devoted to and that's what i believe the message god has called me to send to you is set that example let's not betray one another anymore let's set a new example let's not be about ourselves anymore and let's be about the next generation and so with that i want to bring andy up because i said you know what god's given him a gift i he says okay you just close it as a spirit leader and no it's better it's better like god's given you a gift i don't every time we've been together we've experienced god in crazy ways right more than when we're alone that's why it's like i don't want to be apart from this i don't know what the future is going to look like i just know i want to be by your side buddy seriously i'm serious man i don't know anyone i'd rather be with wow seriously and mike your example to us man it's like i don't want to ever divide from you okay or body and my i fight for purity more now because i know you guys depend on me to do that and will fight for my humility and simplicity in my life because i'm not going to let the team down i'm not going to turn my back on you and i know what kind of tiptoed into this thing but i'm in it now so andy whatever the spirit is leading you and mike to lead us into you
Channel: Crazy Love
Views: 30,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nGTIlPZbQ68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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