Discussion on the Resurrection!

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[Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen hello everyone salaam lokulakamu peace be with you this is our black television and this season we celebrate the power and the glory of the resurrection of our lord god and savior jesus christ jesus death his brain and resurrection are the most important event in the human history the resurrection is the heart of the gospel and the main teaching and the central teaching of ethiopian orthodox tawhado church today we have a discussion about the resurrection i have special guests here with me we'll be right back stay with us god bless you all uh defense welcome please introduce yourself for our ability television uh audiences okay hello my name is yamlak andargi i'm a diakhorn at deborah against medanya i am 16 years old and i am in ninth tenth grade thank you hello my name is dark on lulu uh the open orthodox church i am currently a junior in college i serve in the mahalit the sadhat and the kadasi i am 20 years old and in my future i would like to be an engineer in it field and also with god's willing will become a case also hello my name is diagon salmon i have been a diacon for five years alongside my brothers that who are here at this table together at dubrovnik i am in 10th grade i am i'm 17 years old and one day i would like to be a kahin of course and i would also like to be an engineer as lul said but not in the i.t field but also in the civil field as well great salaam my name i am is years old and i am in the 12th grade i'm a senior uh i am also a deaf one here at deborah ganett madana ethiopian orthodox christian um i serve not only in mahadeva also in dossier and other services we provide i'm also just like my brother said in the computer field it field i would like to become a computer programmer in the computer science field and then diabetes with god's permission i would like to be a priest as well here at our church good to hear that let's begin with the first question what is fasika or tunsai resurrection for you and how do you celebrate with your family or what's your reflection about the our fastika celebration uh the computer um thank you remember for me falcika is um divided into two parts the first part for me is the remembrance of the suffering of our lord savior jesus christ during this time i like to look back on how our lord perfect and sinless died for our sins and how for his um love for us how we've been saved and the second part is the joy and um the first part especially the the passion week or the whole life the whole length and especially more uh on the passion that time is the most time for me that i do the most reflection um and the second part would be the joy and the happiness of his resurrection and how he has beaten death and how he's beaten humanity and satan and how he has died for our sins and resurrected and has taken us to heaven with us that's for me the loving part of fasika okay because hobby for me fasika is a day of remembering and praising jesus christ for not only his miracle but well yes for his miracle the miracle that he did where he resurrected three days after he was crucified on the cross it is also a day that we praise jesus christ on tensai where we do like mahalith right now like two weeks ago where we did the program the tinsaid program we were standing here for seven seven hours praising jesus for what he did for cleansing us requesting us from adam's sin and so how do i celebrate the classica well first what i do well before farsika comes on saturday i fast i do not eat food or i i don't drink anything at all float and then that's actually yes yeah and then when uh the pro then then i don't do anything for the rest of the day because when i do do something it makes me more hungry and so then the tensai program comes i come to church i come clean of course i take a shower i brush my teeth yeah yes i come to church and then i stand i that's one of the instructions you know uh before coming to the church yes you know cleanness yeah yeah clean then i come to church where i participate in the program here at the cadassi the mahid and then i go home the first thing that i do when when i go home is i call my grandfather who is in ethiopia i say malcolm fasika i say how are you doing and then i go home where i eat dora wet is it spicy and then i go to sleep yeah and then yeah yes yeah oh good quiet okay yeah and then on fasika the day of flashy like in the morning like after i go to sleep well before 19 came my uncle my aunt and my cousin we would come together for like a gathering yeah cultural celebration yes yeah we cut dapo we eat dabo we talk a little bit and we thank god we thank jesus for what he did yeah yes yeah by the way peter how do you celebrate with your family how did the cultural you know celebration for me the celebration is very big just like my brother sami said yeah i celebrate not only the day of but also the day before after um the good friday um that day is more of a friction and celebration day for me that day my mother and me and my family we are helping out in the kitchen allah getting ready for the next day our family members they're coming over and they're we're getting ready to celebrate the holiday then especially when we come to church it's full joy with all my brothers and our fathers here we come here and we are we are just so blessed and so grateful so after the um like our brother sami said after the preparation and the liturgy is done here we are just in happy smile to smile going home and then we go home and celebrate the sacrifice that jesus christ did for us and at home the my parents they wake up really bright early in the morning and you could smell like the child and you could smell the italian yeah you can smell the bunna yeah that's how you know you put on your haggard lips you put on the ethiopian traditional clothes and you go downstairs and you celebrate the fussy cup with your family yeah that's for housing still you keep the tradition here yeah yeah yeah that's great glory be to god yes yeah now it's lultan yes so yeah the meaning for fastikaf for me is the celebration of our lord against here with jesus christ when he had when he has resurrected from all of the pain that he has gone through through passion week after being crucified and um what's very meaningful to me is the whole passion week definitely um thursday and friday thursday shows how he taught us to be humble just like him how he had bent down and washed the disciples feet and we showed that on thursday yeah and as the priest they sit down and they wash our feet also and now moving on to friday is the day is called good friday when our lord and savior was crucified after he was beat 666 times yeah and it's more of a personal you know affectionate towards like a personal reflection for us that day to see how our lord and savior use himself as an example for us to be in the future and to follow his footsteps to be beaten that many times and it's and it's sad but then three days later we see that our lord and savior has resurrected and it's very joyful yeah and uh just like my two brothers pedro sansami i also do aqualutes i don't eat the whole day i try to rest up but yeah i know yeah so later on we come to church it's so beautiful for me to see my brothers and my fathers it's just during the whole month it's the hymns we sing the whatevs and everything it's just so beautiful when you see in the eyes and like when i look back to see the videos it's just sometimes like it makes me like tear up you know it's amazing and uh after that we stay until three a.m after we finish kadashi yeah we go home and for me unlike petros and uh sammy yeah without sleep i can't eat so i make sure to get my sleep so after that i get my sleep and um i go to my grandmother's house and me and my aunts my father my mother we all come together and we do the cultural the cultural things eat our what drink and yeah that's that's what it means to me means so much to me it's one of my favorite holidays in the year of course it's for me yeah yeah very beautiful yeah thank you thank you so much uh yeah i'm luck thank you ma'am and so for me it's a time uh of happiness of peace of joy and even like after after tensai yeah all the things that are going on joy yes reveal joy and peace yeah happiness all the things that are going on in this world we need to remember that you know that time of peace yeah especially for our country for our ethiopia you know yes yes we need we need peace you know yes and so after that um so the way i celebrate fastika is that just like my brothers i do ocfalot on saturday and then throughout the day i try to rest and then later in the afternoon i come to church it's so beautiful i see everybody in white and the whole atmosphere just looks so it screams happiness and joy and then we participate in the mahalet and the hymns and the waddup as lulu said and after that around midnight is at 12 we go into kadasi where we participate we do kadasi and after that we uh we leave when we get to see our family uh most of the time i get to eat like dora like sammy said with my family and uh after that um you know we rest up and in the morning we're preparing uh not this year well it's kurokovit and it's paused a lot of things but before this we'd prepare for family to come and most of the time they would come to our house to my house and you know we would enjoy we talk you know and uh cultural practices and we just reflect we just thank god for what he did for us you know the sacrifice that he made for us and he taught us to be so humble he he had his power and his greatness to resurrection and death we saw he's conquered death it's a time of reflection yeah and to thank him for what he did for us yeah my next question is for the petros how do you explain that christ died for our sins thank you mohammed um the way i explain how christ died for our sins was on the day of good friday jesus christ perfect and sinless he sacrificed his body by taking on our sins and shedding his blood on the cross in order to take take us from the bonds of sin where we are for 5 500 years of satan's ruling that day was the day jesus christ had died and he had died for our sins in uh the old testament it's been um written down here in [Music] genesis god told adam and eve when they did their sin with the serpent he told them that in their descendants there will be somebody that comes and that will step on the head of the serpent but in return the serpent will bite back and wound the heel and this is actually uh for sure that's genesis chapter 3 verse 15 chapter 3 okay okay okay this is a foreshadowing of jesus christ because god came in the flesh god himself came in the flesh of uh the descendants of adam and eve and he offered on that day she said his blood from you know holy virgin mary holy virgin the descent of adam and eve yes yeah holy virgin mary he came yeah that itself is a miracle on its own but he came and he um died on the cross for our sins that is um how he defeated satan for dying for our sins in return though he got bitten in the heel that is the suffering that he accepted on our behalf so how did he die for our sins when we come back we see without blood like paul says in hebrews 9 22 and uh without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin so to forgive us from our sins and to take us back from the bonds of sin that we were originally chained in jesus christ died and shed his blood for us and that's how i can explain how he died of our sins for ourselves yeah everything is for our benefits it's not for him exactly yeah the world became flesh for our benefit he died for our benefit and he resurrected for our benefit yeah thanks so much peter uh so what is you know the main importance of the resurrection the significance of resurrection what is the significance of resurrection well um firstly our lord jesus christ's resurrection it showed his almighty showed his power he was able to conquer death and another thing is uh even jesus's birth his uh uh his demcat everything it fulfilled prophecies in the old and new testament and his resurrection did too for example in the new testament in uh john in the gospel of john chapter 2 verses 19 uh it taught he said destroy this temple and i will rebuild it back in three days in three days yes yeah and uh he was that temple he was talking about his own body yes his own buddy yes he was saying he will die for us on the cross for our sins and resurrect in three days and then on in the new testament you can also see it in uh numbers chapter 21 verses uh starting verses four it talks about the copper snake that copper snake was an example uh what happened was um there were venomous snakes that were biting and killing the israelites and when moses prayed to our our savior jesus our god god told him make a snake out of bronze and then put on a stick and when the people when people were bought that were bit by it and then when they looked at it they lived that showed jesus christ that showed his resurrection it fulfilled that prophecy he died for us on the cross and when he resurrected when he cleansed us from our sins we were able to live we came from death from our sins and we were able to live and one of the biggest significance i see is that in our faith as christians we believe that we too shall resurrect one day we believe death is not our last i mean if if that if that if jesus never resurrected then if resurrection never existed then our beliefs is as saint paul says futile meaning it's empty and uh if i could see the yeah yeah in in the gospel of john um chapter uh 11 verses 25 jesus said to her i am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die when he's saying this he means that even though we might die physically we will have an eternal home with him if we follow his teachings if we follow the way he lived and if we obey his rules we shall have a home with him we shall resurrect one day too so those are the significances of our lord jesus christ's resurrection thank you i love you explanation jesus appears to his disciples yes do you have some biblical evidence for that we have some biblical evidences yes i do how do you explain you know his post resurrection thank you for the question um before i get to the biblical um examples i just wanted to say we actually celebrate his post resurrection in the ethiopian orthodox faith it's called dogma inside which is the week after it's inside which means again risen in english and uh one of the post resurrection one of the post resurrections yes you know mary magdalene he happens to the peter john yeah yes okay and um one example i would like to bring is in the book of luke chapter 24 from verse 36 it could be to end to the end it says now as they said these things jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said to them peace to you but they were terrified and frightened and supposed they had seen had seen a spirit and he said to them why are you troubled and why do doubts arise in your hearts behold my hands and my feet that that is i must myself handle me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as i see you now after the razor after jesus christ had resurrected he had came to disciples disciples had 11 of them some of them were in this cave and they were talking about our lord and savior jesus christ and he had appeared unto them like you said in the bible and they were fine because they were shook they were saying how how is he alive is this could this really be jesus christ yeah also the resurrection is a bodily resurrection yeah it's not an illusion yes yeah it's a yeah yeah sweet so they didn't believe them so when for proof he had showed his hands yeah and his hands had the holes where he was nailed on the cross the scar the scars yes and when they had saw that they they were they were in shock so then after jesus had asked them is there any food is there any meats so then he began to sit down with them and eat fish they had even fish and they began to sat down with them and he had told them i am back and i'm gonna need you to um spread the word and spread how the resurrection of of my life and go be an example for others now uh my final question is for dick and sami uh who is jesus christ according to ethiopian orthodox belief and teaching who is jesus well according to the bible and to our to our scripture to our teaching to our beliefs jesus has been referred to by many names and we refer to him as xavier god the son he is he is the son of god and uh in revelations chapter one he says i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end yeah yes and also that also he is the son of god on matthew chapter 3 when jesus was being baptized by john the baptist in the referer jordan when he was baptized the holy spirit came that descended like a god was being heard he said this is my beloved son yeah and so jesus is also our savior so as a young luck and as we said before he cleansed us adam's sin he made it so that the righteous would be able to inherit the kingdom of heaven he made it so that we are able to enter the kingdom of heaven so that we will not die as sinners as die as the evil will do before he resurrected and so jesus was also our teacher throughout the new testament he taught the disciples and he also taught us about the word of god and what the word of god meant in john chapter 3 it tells us a story about how jesus was about baptism if you are not born again you will not see the kingdom of god by born again he means to be baptized baptized by the spirit and spirit and water yeah exactly yes yeah also in luke chapter 11 he taught jesus taught the disciples about how to pray to god he taught them about a prayer that we use every day almost every day in the holy liturgy and when we pray at home our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name he taught him that prayer and so as whenever we say jesus name during the or during prayer we say our lord and our savior jesus christ we're giving him that title because that is who he is so who is jesus christ the most one of the most the most important answer to that question is that jesus is god he is xavier he is our creator he is the one who created us and this world and everything in it he is the one that we pray to during whom we pray to every day for it to be thankful for and for everything else that he has done for us i like your explanation thanks so much di khan sami uh before we finish our discussion if you have a final words a few words for our fabulous television audiences uh it's your time um okay so what i would like to say is that during this time like i said before it's a time of happiness and a time of joy but we also have to think about the less fortunate the ones that that it might it might not be such a good or great place that they were in we have to pray for them we have to think about them too and we have to be able to keep peace with one another like said like jesus taught us in the new testament we have to keep the peace we have to be happy and we have to celebrate his resurrection okay i like to also add on behalf of my brothers i think we also will hope that this this discussion will help the young younger generation and also we can also be a leader for the younger generation in order to become more into the ethiopian orthodox church and we pray that what more happens happen more great you have someone oh yes okay our brothers my brothers have said that we want the younger generation our generation to understand who god is and to believe in him as well so yes we have to be thankful for what he has done as we are thankful for all my brothers and sisters i would like to wish uh this time of happiness and joy to be upon all of you guys i'll also say that this time should also be not just uh happiness and joyous time but also a reflection of what's going on in the world and how as christians we have to be better than the average person in the world and we have to be our role models and examples for everybody else so i would like to our as our brother said we would like to hope that this uh teaching with our teacher our father we want you guys to just like us also advocate for your religion and also stand up for what is right in the world and be peaceful beings thank you for your coming here and for your wonderful explanation and your teaching god bless you all thank you for having us thank you for having us thank you so much have a blessed night welcome god be with you all of you thank you
Channel: Ethiopian Christianity
Views: 5,059
Rating: 4.9801488 out of 5
Id: QT13aNhSDus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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