Discover Warsaw: Old Town Charm & Enlightening Uprising Museum | Vlog |

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[Music] welcome to the capital of Poland vsha welcome to day one of my time in the capital city commonly known as warsa to many I'm going to go visit some castles I'm going to see some history the Old Town basically the older parts of the city so come along with me and explore but first I am starving and Poland does the best baked goods so I'm going to have some of [Music] [Music] that [Music] well well how nice is this underneath the tall skyscrapers of the city is ug saki which means Saxon garden and actually that makes sense uh it's very much something like we would have in the UK now obviously it's winter time at the moment so there's not a lot it's still quite gray and and drab however lots of people out here sitting down relaxing just walking through uh what I've noticed is obviously because it's winter time a lot of The Fountains aren't actually active at the moment but check this out we just about to come to lots of statues and a really big Fountain so let's check this out there are a lot of these statues and they are called the personification of Music in essence it is the beauty and emotions of Music in human form I think they're pretty cool right and the real Center Point to this park is Fontana Vela I'm going to try and put up some pictures of this when it's springtime or summertime so you can see the real beauty of it and when for example the fountain is actually working with water in but this just a lovely little spot isn't it this is this is what you need in a in a big city full of well Tall skyscrapers and industrial areas you need these spaces for people to relax to walk through just to bring everyone a little bit of calm and down to earth on from the G Gardens is pilsudski square but in between is the Tomb of the unnamed Soldier I'm going to try and say that in Polish Gro and this is for all of the soldiers that are fought for Polish Freedom that haven't been named you get these all over the world and there are these tombs there's a special changeover happening today so you've got polish soldiers here but it's a really special place where people can just remember I think that's the main thing remember the people that aren't named this structure was originally a part of the Saxon Palace and now you've got the eternal flame in the background and it is guarded by ceremonial guards at all times oh wow amazing right it's just a real hot spot for just showing that respect we're watching [Music] [Music] how special was that this was not something I expected to see today moving right it's really really moving because I think we should all remember the sacrifices that other people people have made so we can have our freedom as they say but that was incredible I just a little bit moved by it a little bit moved by it and Poland does this very well and you've got to think Poland has been through so much over the years they have been The Hot Spot motorbike they have been the hotspot of War water has basically been destroyed we'll get into that later on you can see we're starting to get out of the main city now uh with all the modern we're coming into what is a little bit older here behind me is the statue of Adam mitz evich and he was a Polish romantic poet now when the Germans came they destroyed this but in the 1950s it was re-erected and now it's a symbol of the Polish strength and their resilience to everything that they've suffered Riv is going to cry when you're [Music] going where will you go won't you miss the ones you know I'll be here hanging on waiting for your call seems like time as a wave passing by be Mark in our minds to turn the memories River's going to cry when you're going going going going River going [Music] when this is a nice atmosphere here we are just about to head into the old town which is just in front of me there are all these beautiful buildings there are street performers and I think there's going to be more in the old town in a [Music] minute hey I was hoping you would stay but I've always known that you would go find your own way I still see when we climbed up in those trees 12 years old feel the wind and watch the river run and the sun would always shine when we sat there you and I the river's going to cow when you're well I've reached the rck The Market Square it seems like they're already just packing away from Christmas and it's the start of March anyway in the middle is the symbol of vsha and that is the mermaid the Serena in Polish now she was swimming from the Baltic Sea and decided to come up the Vistula River fishermen saw lots of splashing around and they realized that she was caught in their Nets so because of her beautiful singing they decided to let her go and freed her however a rich Merchant decided to capture her again and try and make profit but because of those fishermen who were Enchanted they let her go they freed her they rescued her and because of that she said she would protect the city and the people of vsha there are a few of these statues around and it doesn't just show the myths and the legends of vsha but it also shows the resilience of its people and it's a brilliant reminder of that vara's reek is a lot different to the other two cities kov and vav's Market squares that I've been to is a lot smaller this doesn't seem like the main Hub of the city unlike those other to kov and VAV where everything centers around their inex that's not the case here I think the more of a center point for tourists and things is back in the older town uh where we came in from by the palace let's go and explore some more down these back streets yeah this part definitely caters more for the tourists with overpriced Foods uh such as zaners uh lde which is ice cream uh Pio which is not cheap uh but they know that the tourists are sort of coming through here sort of on route to different places so yeah don't get food from here it's it's a bit of a trap I feel well surrounding the old town is the bararan now this was constructed in the 16th century to defend the Oldtown but obviously it needed to be reconstructed in the middle 19th century because of those bloody Germans well I hope you're getting the idea that Vara was really flattened and needed to do a lot of reconstruction after World War II because of those pesky Germans and then the Soviet chaos that they caused afterwards but there we go we've left the old town it's quite an impressive barbarin though looks really really good and it's just surrounding the re and the palace but it would have been a lot bigger a lot longer but things aren't as they were but vva did a really really good job of trying to rebuild exactly how it actually was originally which is impressive and actually if you didn't know the history I don't think you would know that a lot of ARA is reconstructed as it was which is quite impressive right but it's busy I'm surprised how busy it here that it is here considering it's the start of March it's not really a season it's not summer it's not Christmas time but this is a place that tourists come to and I think you've got to it's like going to London you have to go to London I don't think London's very good but it's something you have to do you have to visit the sites and the the main cities right in 1940 the German occupation authorities created a ghetto that was separate to the main city it housed over 300,000 warsa Jews and then another 990,000 Plus from outside the city around 100,000 Jews died of hunger and then in 1942 the Germans deported and murdered 300 plus thousand in the gas chambers of Treblinka then in April of 1943 an uprising took place but the Germans ended up murdering the remainder of the Jews this part of the wall is left here and this is a reminder of what happened [Music] almost a year and a half after the ghetto Uprising on the 1st of August 1944 there was the Warsaw Uprising it was horrific and we've come to the Warsaw Uprising Museum to find out a little bit more about what happened briefly explain the Warsaw Uprising the German Nazis had control of vsha but the Polish home Army the resurgents wanted to take it back but after 63 days they had to surrender because the Soviets didn't help them at all and after that the Germans took them to the concentration camps murdered thousands and thousands it was a it was a disaster the Germans destroyed the city and it was in Ruins and that is when the Soviets came in a few months later and controlled Poland until 1989 before World War II Warsaw had a population of 1.3 million as of January 1945 the population was 1,000 that is the devastation that was caused by the war and the [Music] Germans [Music] the Polish government were underground they were in sewers they wanted to be the rightful legitimate government of Poland they created operation Tempest or in Polish operaia B to coincide with the red Soviet Army coming West they organized the water Uprising as well as other cities in Poland but when it was time the Soviet Army stayed on the east side of the Vista River they put their arms down and they didn't help so it was a disaster there was success but overall it was a disaster for the polls and then obviously as we said earlier when the Germans had left and the population and city had been destroyed that's when the Soviets decided it was their time to come in and take Poland for themselves it wasn't just men fighting in this resistance it was women and it was children it just shows the widespread National commitment to get rid of the German [Music] occupation [Music] [Music] on July 21st 1944 Moscow radio announced the formation of the Polish Committee of National Liberation which was actually formed by polish Communists based in Moscow under Stalin's orders after taking control of the so-called Lublin Poland they created real terror and oppression of the underground resistance by April 1945 over 100 home army officers were murdered in lubling C Castle which actually was formerly the home of the Gusto and on December 31st 1944 the Polish Committee of National Liberation was converted into the Polish interim government but it was only run by polish Communists in the aftermath of World War II on June 1945 the leaders of the underground home Army movement that were involved in the Warsaw Uprising were under false pretenses invited to Moscow to meet with the Soviets now it was under false pretenses because they were expecting a Polish Soviet agreement to work together when they got to Moscow they were arrested and they were tried now a lot of them got long sentences some of them got death sentences which actually never actually took place all of them ended up dying though in Soviet prisons unfortunately World War II to did not end at the same time for Poland as it did for the rest of us that was truly incredible that visit if you are in Warsaw then make sure you go to the uprising Museum it was just fascinating and it has so much history about during and after the war that most people don't know about it's the hardship that the polls had to go through just to be Poland it's it's mad to think and the SA sacrifices that so many men women and children made it's unreal but I am going to head back to my apartment and I will see you when it's time for dinner to see what is going into my belly well it's about 4 hours later and on the way back from the museum to the apartment I stumbled across something amazing it is called Food Town yes uh I was thinking where am I going to go for dinner tonight and I found it I had a look inside and is a food C but oh my god there are so many different types of food is incredible the food looks really good quality so I'm going to show you inside and we'll see what I choose for dinner tonight I can tell you waiting in serious anticipation for what I got I have gone for beef udon noodles looks delicious uh 38 what it which is about 8 which is pretty good for this let's give it a try M that is really good the thing the thing I'm noticing about this food hul is that the quality of all of the food places looks really good yeah there might be some that a little bit dingy but 90% of them are really good quality looking annoyingly I wanted to go for ramen and I wanted to go for dim suum together cuz I love dim suum I love ramen they didn't have any Ramen so I thought let's let's change the plan but this is not the only food I'll be getting I've got to go some Polish right so I'm going to eat this and for dessert there's a dessert it might be a little bit more polish dessert has arrived we have got perogi Visa so Cherry perogi uh I'm going to try this it hopefully it is delicious oh God hang on it's quite I think they put butter underneath it not a fan of butter but let's give it a go [Music] anyway it's a little bit different to the sweet perogi I had at home cuz the Cherry it's almost like there's two full cherries in there but obviously where they've been cooked they go a little bit squishy there's not really any syrup in it which is a shame however I do have some cream type yogurty can't U what you call it I can't remember now anyway see if this helps oh the sharpness of the Cherry the sweetness of the cream delicious now I'm going to finish this up that is day one in vva complete thank you so much for joining me hopefully you learned something new maybe when we went around the uh W Uprising Museum it was fascinating but there is more to come because I will have day two as well so make sure you like And subscribe and stick around for the next video do Virginia
Channel: Charlie & Rob - As We Are
Views: 23,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warsaw travel vlog, Uprising Museum, Poland travel guide, Warsaw history, Warsaw attractions, travel Poland, Warsaw tourism, Warsaw Old Town tour, Warsaw Uprising Museum visit, Warsaw exploration, European city guide, historic sites Warsaw, visit Poland, Warsaw adventure, sightseeing Warsaw, Polish culture, city breaks Europe, Warsaw city life, historic Warsaw, exploring Warsaw, charlie and rob, warsaw old town, things to do in warsaw, warsaw travel guide, warsaw poland
Id: IZeDpZms3-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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