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it's very very very cold but we are in lash no today and yes I'm still alive thank you for caring about damush about Damian I thought everybody forgot about me but when I disappear from the YouTube for a week somebody remember of you very nice thank you so much either way when is feelings cold yesterday was so warm today it's already so cold I don't know it's like 10° or something or even less and anyway this is LNO small town about 1 hour drive from posan with has to do some paperwork in the government buildings here uh so we going to little bit explore the city there's small town not much to see actually but the font is nice the church in the background is also nice we it is very very cold though uh so we have to walk yes let's walk so we going to show to you guys little bit from the small town called tno nearby posan wow look at that of a that it like it looks like you know there are a school kids from the very young age they are teaching you how to be a very strong walking in the cold yeah it's very cold when is already like really cold and the kids going from the school trip right okay but let's focus on the on the church cathedra is in the background or something with the nice Fountain and the nice flowers the birdies and everything and I think is the city over there so we will have a look but what do you think it's first impression except that it is so cold so cold and then you know whenever we come here people saying you coming from posan and going to leso nothing to do here but we are we are the monkeys we showing everything right right so one thing that I see is that it is very very enjoyable actually you know going to the this one is called suburb right like a smaller City or something like that right something like that but it's really like you feel and you know you experience how is the Poland in terms of its authentic city with the less modern one and you know you will surround it with the buildings the old buildings like this but what I can say then it's it's less modern but it's very nice look at this beautiful to live so cute actually very nice shot Isn't it nice and who is that gentleman next to you yes on this side I don't know there is no name of the guy but he looks so gentle I know he's the name actually sanis uh groak maybe he was the Polish poet from 1934 1976 shame on me I don't know him but well that's life the the vibe is totally different you know when when in posan when I walk people don't care just like walk like this but here people looking at us looking at me like you first Asian inal look at that people looking from the car for us nice Alpha okay let's go let's go so we are somewhere like Old Town some sort of thing looking for the city hall rout we need really cold actually even for me it's little bit chilly I'm not going to lie maybe not super cold but it's definitely chilly I don't know what's happened really the weather was so beautiful and suddenly Chang into really like a chilly cold weather for you it's really cold H where is your it's like it is just like a seven or 8 degre but it's it's very cold no it's 10° 10° where is your hat why you I love it at home oh no you should take a hat next time and uh but uh we're going to show that's a very nice uh post office building actually uh we'll show you a little bit around ooh nice pay over there m one thing whenever you walk on the reck something like that it's it's re right Kan right kind of know there are so many shop and there are so many bakes or past shop the smell of the bread is just like make me like this is like a Georgian Bakery so it's not a Polish Bakery it's Georgian Bakery but the Georgian stuff is so cool huh look at this you want to try this one actually so cool the pizza this is how they making the bread so cool huh Georgia look at that in front of me you see many people watching at me who look at you everybody but in Pand they don't really care but here they just like well small town and this is the post office building looking nice and like Old Town we used to drive here looking for the parking lot okay let's go to the City Hall that R right right next to the Georgian Baker and this is the information map of the LNO City this is how does it look like it's pretty small town though but uh but it's cool as we here at least we enjoy something new right right and then uh what I can see then it's clean I mean that there is not much uh gravity on the building and right correct actually that's a good point it's pretty clean though here and enjoyable maybe they are old looking buildings this is like on somebody moving out that's different story but the balconies and everything the old architecture but uh literally it's like old but clean have to say that and it's very very quiet feels like my hometown you have a little bit smaller and there is the Bureau P let's see if they sell Bala let's go bet hundred has no Bali on it no all right what we have it we have it uh Spain Tanzania Zan zear of course turkey uh Bulgaria graia Tunisia Morocco Greece Egypt cor Croatia nobody sorry S no b no Bal on it I think that the Polish people have a not really much interest going to Bal right not anymore anymore look at these two guys in front of me this is how they keep the city the reck clean right something this how it's supposed to be isn't it right that's nice the bank have a nice building though here no advertising for any company here by the way but uh this is like our lifestyle of vlogging traveling lifestyle vlogging we talking about everything and nothing at the same time right that's at least we have fun wherever we go always have fun exactly okay let's see the city hall at the end it must be somewhere here I wonder if there are many restaurants with the you know restaurants put on the floor like uh I mean on the ground something like can start right all right let's go hey put your hoodie on don't want you to get sick honey the smell of Pon Che oh my God Pon let's have a p p o huh okay let's buy Pon check here and pon pon I look at this one we buy some Pon I already want to have a strawberry one or the or with the pl one and you want a Kinder or what you want advoca can cannot drive with the blueberries there huh let's have one all right let's go all right we got our pwn check always good time for p Che o' P Che o' or coffee o' mine is with the blueberry you know blueberry hot yours is Kinder Bueno right mhm right so it's nice always good to have a pwn check it's like cost you five six seven water depend where you are but if you lucky you can get a warm one and it's good actually it's really nice you can see that and I didn't know the cars are here a lot actually I thought it's not and then the city hall is behind us actually as you can see uh over there so it's actually cool there are so many nice shop and restaurants around us so when and they preparing for summer the parks exactly when people saying there is nothing here is actually more enjoyable I mean like uh it's quieter yes but when you walk around on the left on the right it's it's really feel like you are not in the big city life right you can feel the vibee of the small town actually that's that's for sure Al architecture on the other side is also very nice so as you can see that's the very beautiful the city hall here in leau uh I don't know how old is it but it's old for sure over 100 years old like everything in Poland uh and also everything here as you can see the restaurants and everything and they opening like a Gardens for the summer just simply here little bit slower later than in posan because smaller town it's still little bit cold but everything here will be actually Lively very very soon everywhere here as you can see and also behind the ratush which is the city hall over there everything will work out soon so oh you can hear that so cool what time is it 1 uh 1:00 actually exactly so every one hour is like a Gong uh so cool small town but cool I think actually during the summer time it's like a nice little gate away from the big city of posa you know right and you can already feel like it's not the tourist uh spot only people who you know yeah like want to escape from hustle and bastle life of the big city life they will come here but not much tourism here no taxes here at the that's the first thing what I noticed there's no taxes here so you have to come here by your own transfer or something so I recommended using my services of pres POS I can bring you here by the way little advertising but my channel and my company so I can promote myself now at least after so many years of making a YouTube but generally it's like this one right there will be some action during the summer for sure ijy McDonald by the way so good and looks around even they have a sushi restaurant here where our Malaysian friend Lily love you see this is for you and there are so many Turkish restaurant Turkish restaurant interesting Pub Burger so many restaurant wow and I'll show you 300 uh 30 360° I already get cold so yeah some restaurant viava here with the statues also of the guy linski Stanis I think was the famous person here and overall like old Cobblestone Road here like a little Ali Kebab ice cream but it's too cold for ice cream I guess some banks and everything looks like this on little town but uh Little T but enjoyable isn't it right and then it's totally different you know like the big city5 but compare again but here enjoyable really much en enjoy small clean the most important thing is very clean that's the most important thing oh and they have a barber here as well cool and uh oh this is the bench of love you can sit here and kiss but no kissing when it's so cold okay let's go and the flower shop actually nice small but nice and what is it something church or something but uh also here is some um Church actually some old looking Church well actually this part of Poland is one of the oldest first part of Poland like a vsk state uh so yeah so many kids huh yeah I can hear the kids everywhere you want to get enter to this church little bit have a look yeah let's see you have a sugar on your this one still after this so many kids and the church also looks pretty decent I don't know if you can get inside actually but uh looks cool and the kids over there see people looking at me like alien everybody looking at you look look you [Music] see now you but but at least now you know how I used to feel so many years in Asia huh I think it's close bab you cannot get inside oh you see sha sh okay we at the front of the church so yeah it's nice very old though and kids likes you babe I know not sure about the history of this church but you have uh still Latin language here written uh and the oldest year what I found here is uh 1695 so you know this is old stuff like everywhere in Europe actually uh so it's actually cool all right but we cannot get inside okay let's go home slowly yeah oh look at that what's that building W what is it actually I don't know I don't know actually but we have to have a look then actually there's some sort of very old graveyard here I don't know if I want to go to the graveyard babe ah let's go let's go and magical thing happens again right right right oo you see why they are not flying away because over the places like they are flying away look seems like they used to with the human right they are not afraid of you baby and they are big and fat maybe they eat lots of pun maybe but they looks nice actually they chilling they feel cold look at this birie he hide his head you see right they feel cold right but they are nice actually nice nice nice and clean nice bires they used to have human huh right see so much P they not flying no no okay let's have a that's the nice natur with the birdies now I show you something cool what you never see okay let's go let's go wow we just stopped for a break little bit five minute and look at this suround with the nature and it is spring basically and look at this one is the uh yeah something like that it's very hard to say for me it's just like flowers spring flowers yellow everywhere look at that wow wow I know some of you doesn't like my wow but for me this is my wow this is called zapak and Damian said this is uh used for the oil M for me it's like a beautiful flower look at this can I pick maybe one to take home K maybe yeah maybe the the farmer will be not mad at you it's very hard oh my God smells so good okay I think that's all my video from leso this is how we just Escape for hustle and bastle City Life in posan thanks for watching and see you next time the
Channel: TheMonkeys
Views: 1,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bali vlog, travel bali, balinese in poland, poland, polska, exploring poland, poland first impression, poland first time, visit poland, visiting poland, poland tourism, is poland safe, is poland good country to live in, is poland worth visiting, best of poland, poznan poland, poznan nightlife, poznan vs warszawa, learn english, travel vlog, poland guide, polish, exploring poznan, cytadela, poznan, poznań, living in poland, IS IT REALLY NOTHING TO DO HERE ?!, leszno
Id: -jszVZcODHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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