Discover Commercial Diving with Deep Dive Dubai.

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[Music] Discover commercial diving is a brand new and unique concept that we recently launched at Deep dive Dubai commercial diving is where diving meets industry commercial divers are construction workers who operate underwater and diving with commercial diving equipment has until now been a restricted privilege however thanks to a collaboration with Maritime oceanics and deep dive Dubai and our world-renowned safety Concepts we can now make this experience avail ailable to all certified scuba divers the biggest difference between normal recreational scuba diving and Commercial diving is the independence from a surface team that scuba divers enjoy the s in scuba stands for self-contained and scuba divers can swim freely around commercial divers are supported by a surface team of tenders dive supervisors and safety crew when we deliver this experience at Deep dive Dubai you will first watch a video that explains the individual steps and then you will receive a briefing from the commercial dive supervisor he will ensure that you are familiar with the equipment and its functionality you will also receive instructions on the collaborative task that you and your dive Bud will work on during your dive the experience will be conducted at our 12m platform and you will climb down a ladder at your own pace so you have a chance to equalize your ears and adapt to the unfamiliar sensation of Di without fins and with a helmet the diving helmet will supply your breathing gaps and it also supports a video and a radio system that allows communication with the surface team the surface team will give you instructions and assist you with the task in the same way a real commercial diving operation works you will have a unique and exciting experience that can only be delivered by Deep dive Dubai along with cool footage that you can share with your friends and family there you have it Discover commercial diving with deep dive Dubai join us for an experience like no [Music] other
Channel: Deep Dive Dubai
Views: 8,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RmutwwwWYvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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