Discover Colored Gemstone Engagement Rings

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hi everyone today I am going to be talking a little bit about something a lot of y'all have been asking for and that is gemstones so with me today I have a couple different gemstone rings both engagement rings and wedding bands and we'll be able to talk about the different colors and a little bit about each different stones so I'm really excited a lot of you guys have been asking for this to give give the people what they want moment so let me kick it off I'm gonna start with a morganite a morganite is a peach or pink stone that looks somewhat like this it's been very trendy recently you've probably seen it on things like Pinterest all over Instagram so a morganite has this really soft rosy color this is what it looks like if we're getting a little bit on the closer and you can see next to this rose gold it almost has a similar hue so that's something that pairs really really nicely together and then for reference this is the Saline which is a three stone ring with too dainty accents and this is about a nine by seven millimeter oval morganite and it is specifically peach we do have pink morganite as well which will have less of that rosy hue and more of a light pink tone so a morganite is going to be something that you can wear every day but you're gonna have to be a little bit more careful it's not a diamond so it's not like a ten on the hardness scale it's more on that 7.5 to 8 range so if we're talking about durability it is a little bit less so I wouldn't personally get something out that's this low on the hardness scale but if you're taking good care of it it'll totally be fine for day to day wear and then this is a rose gold band 14 karat to be specific give you a little Suman on the Saline with this 9 by 7 peach morganite we're gonna eat well have a little bit of sparkle to them it is less refractive than say a diamond so keep that in mind but it does have this gorgeous peach color so can't not can't not love that I really like when Morgan i'ts have accent stones next to them it tends to like brighten it up a little bit light like plays off each other it ends up looking really pretty it's why you see a lot of morganite Zin three stone rings see a lot in halo rings as well okay I'm gonna transition over we'll come back around a look at it one more time I promise the next ring I have is our willow diamond ring but it has a aquamarine center stone so here is the willow and aquamarine aquamarine is gonna have a nice really beautiful light blue color so it's gonna be similar to the morganite in the hardness it's about 7.5 to 8 and then the willow is a nature inspired style so you can see it has this twisting detail right here and then these little marquise diamonds right here and those kind of have a nature inspired leaf-like feel to them so an aquamarine does have a reminiscence of an ocean so it kind of pairs really nicely aquamarine aquamarine is also in a similar morganite in the sunset it is a little bit less refractive than a diamond but it will have still a beautiful light shimmer and we do tend to like to talk about gemstones in millimeters carat is a measurement that's specific to diamonds so it's talking about how much of diamond weighs if we put let's say an aquamarine and translate it it might come out a little bit differently so you wouldn't necessarily get the same millimeter measurements when you're doing a translation so to keep things really nice and consistent we usually talk about it in millimeters an 8 millimeter is gonna be really close to a 2 carat if you're translating to diamonds I know that's helpful for a lot of you guys so keep that in mind and then for reference my finger size is about four point seven five or five depending on the day it's a little colder out today here in San Francisco so it's a little bit more than four point seven five side um to kind of translate I have a willow contoured band for us to look at as well and this has lab-created emeralds in it so I'm gonna put it on by itself for a quick sec but it is a contoured ban meant to go with the willow that I just had earlier so I'll put that one on in just a second - so emeralds are known for their beautifully green color this one is specifically lab-created emeralds because they tend to be significantly more durable for everyday we're trying to give you just a little bit of summary about emerald stones they are naturally included meaning they have internal characteristics in them significantly more than let's say another gemstone those internal characteristics make the damage more prone to cracking if it were to say be hit against the wall that's something I would do cuz I'm a total klutz so when you have a lab created emerald they tend to have less of those internal characteristics meaning that even though the hardness might technically stay the same it's gonna be a lot less prone to any cracking or any chipping like so we tend to use accent stones if we're doing emeralds in a lab created form okay so I'm gonna pop this on with the willow so like I said this is a willow contoured ring meaning it's meant to go specifically with the willow this will be contoured with a slight change based on your specific engagement ring so it'll fit a lot nicer and this is fun to kind of switch up the different gemstones let's say you have you know just a diamond here you could still get let's say this one to go with it have a little pop of green get up close awesome I'm gonna translate over and we're going to talk about sapphires for a little bit so the ring I have for us that is a sapphire is the Waverly and this is about just under a six millimeter in terms of the stone size but it does have a halo so it'll physically look a little bit bigger when we're talking about it from like a fall so this is another great example of when diamonds are next to gemstones how they really play with each other in regards to the light so you can see the color of the sapphire is bouncing off the diamonds and vice versa they really play really nicely together I personally noticed that I think sapphires tend to be a little bit more sparkly than the same orgonites emeralds or aquamarines they're refractivity it's just a little bit higher not quite as high as a diamond but the light just tends to balance around them really nicely sapphires are super different stone to stone they all have their each individual characteristics and personality that kind of comes through so you'll see sapphires that are way different saturation levels meaning some will be a little bit lighter this one I would say is on the slightly lighter end some can be like a true bright royal blue some can be like a dark almost navy color so you really can get all different saturation types with one color and fun fact sapphires do come in every color of the rainbow so you could hypothetically get a peach sapphire a lot of people end up with peach sapphires if they really love morganite but they're wanting something with a tiny bit more durability there's all kinds of colors I think my personal favorite color right now it probably changes week to week is teal this is the way really so you'll see it will have that really beautiful gallery detail so right here kind of hard for me to what time sapphires are also cool in the way that they're formed it's based on a lot of mineral deposits so you'll notice even when you're looking at a sapphire it can have pockets of saturation so some parts of the stone will be like a little bit darker and some parts will be a little bit lighter this is a small way that you can tell the difference between a natural sapphire in a lab sapphire lab sapphires do tend to have really consistent color so if you like the consistency that might be a reason to opt for a lab sapphire and lab sapphires are similar to that of a natural versus lab diamond they are going to be optically chemically and physically identical you will notice the pockets of color that are a little bit of a different differentiator there and lab sapphires will be a little bit less expensive based on the resources and then the last thing that I have for us today is the Versailles and it is the wedding band version with sapphire of course so I'm going to slide that on with the Waverly I love the Waverly and the Versailles together in any type of combination we're doing the sapphires it's doing diamonds they just pair really beautiful together this specific sapphire I believe is sri lankan you'll notice here this is a kind of a good example of what I was talking about earlier in regards to different saturation levels these are a lot darker than say this but something you'll also notice is that as sapphires get smaller their color saturation starts to look more dense so when you're doing tiny stones like let's say we swapped all of these for sapphires they will look almost Navy I'm gonna put this on my middle finger so you can see it this is a good fun ring there's too many rings that I want to buy us five rings you've probably noticed that and there are real a couple really fun rings that have sapphires in them that are in our wedding band collection the Sienna the petite share prong to kind of name a few also the Aria which is one of our most popular settings can be done with sapphire pairs so that's really cute if you want to incorporate a sapphire but stay still keep a diamond Center or maybe even change it up and do mix colors you do a ruby center there's millions of different combinations okay to kind of go over a few oh end to mention sapphires hardness is a little bit harder excuse me it is an ayah on the hardness scale so it's a little bit closer to a diamond similar to that of a moissanite so it does have a really nice durability which is why they've been so popular for so long all right I'm gonna go over all the rings that I have for us today to kind of just gloss over one more time keep in mind this will be uploaded at a later date um so you'll be able to view it once again they're not they don't disappear into the abyss thankfully our first ring that we talked about was the Saline in 14 karat rose gold with a nine by seven millimeter peach morganite our engagement ring style right here is the willow diamond ring and 18 karat white gold with an 8 millimeter round aquamarine and then our last set that we talked about was the Waverly also an 18 karat white gold with about a six millimeter round sapphire with a slight lighter saturation the wedding bands that we have paired the willow with lab emeralds contoured ring and then we have the Versailles with sapphires awesome that's all I have for us today if there's anything else specifically that you guys want to see please let us know we're happy to try to accommodate as many requests as we can I've had so much fun talking to you guys as always thank you for playing around with some gemstones with me bye have a great day
Channel: Brilliant Earth
Views: 5,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engagement ring, jewelry, sapphire, diamonds, aquamarine, morganite, emerald, birthstone, sapphire ring, sapphire jewelry, gemstone jewelry, gemstone
Id: M4t_41nkleE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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