Sapphire Stone Prices By Color: Blues, Teals, Padparadscha, Pinks & More!

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hey guys my name is dominic flex today i'm here with benedict lavroa she is a fj geminologist and we're gonna go into a deep dive of all the different prices for every color sapphire obviously for every single sapphire there are different saturations there are different hues you know you can have light pinks to vivid pinks and so these will all have different prices so today we're going to really break it down and show you concrete examples with real life market prices so you can be better prepared when you're going to buy your engagement ring obviously by us so uh let's jump into it for all of these we tried to pick the same carrot so the same size relatively all excellent cuts and all i clean so they're kind of within the same standard which means we're going to be fluctuating the price depending on the color also make sure you stay till the end because we are going to be showing some eye candy so we're going to be showing much higher carrot and their price points at the very very end so we'll take the first example is the blue ones yeah so you have one that is it's not quite royal blue it's like maybe one shade lighter and the reason is that because we're in montreal and royal blue in montreal it looks too dark so it will look amazing in miami and bangkok or like where the sun is super strong but here royal blue it's kind of it's it's like new york you don't want a royal blue it's it's just the sun is just not there i wonder if it's also actually just preference like i know like for example like brazilians love a much more yellow gold like 18 karat then we love like no more than 14. yeah i mean is it a preference yeah maybe it's like a cultural too or like i know sometimes people they will go with the price point they just want it to be a sapphire and they will not care about the color their inclusion they just want to say it's a sapphire so here you have like the medium dark blue and the light blue so the darker one is 1.10 carat and the lighter one is 1.03 carat so it's fairly same category usually the price will jump if we go above like 1.2 or 1.5 carat it kind of goes like exponentially but now we have two similar stones like they're both well cut they're both eye clean they don't have color zoning and so the darker one goes for 3300 and the lighter one goes for 800 dollars so that's almost like a quarter of the price yeah i don't have them but sometimes there will be one like even darker and it will be a similar price to the lighter one because it once you go too dark the price also comes down usually we try to compromise with lighter colors because they're more they keep like the liveliness and they'll have a little yeah the next ones the two blues here they're two carat range so the round one is 1.98 carat and the other one is 2.07 carats the darker one is seven thousand seven hundred and the lighter one is three thousand six hundred and fifty i mean personally i mean and these are always aesthetics just because it's more expensive doesn't mean it's necessarily better i feel like these you have to just fall in love with it yeah i like the lighter one i feel like it pops a bit more but i usually like the lighter ones more than the darker ones all right so that's for the blue uh i have some other examples here so like let's say these one they're both 6.5 millimeter cushions the darker ones they come to around 7 000 each and this one 2 700 each yeah so like that's a big it's more than like half the price for same size uh same for these ones so these ones not only they're lighter but they're also more included okay so these ones are like 700 each these one are 3 000 each they're the same size they're yeah so it's a big difference but you see that these ones are like does this have color zoning and it's got color zoning it's got inclusion it's like kind of sleepy it's not as crisp yeah color zoning is when there's gonna be areas that have more saturated or you know streaks or this one you can see it that it goes from a darker blue to a lighter blue so that's not his desire no and it's very common in sapphires the color zoning but usually when we cut them we kind of try to find the way to like kind of hide it or have like an even color when you look at it from the top if ever you are curious you can just send us an email send us a dm the links are down below you just let us know your price point we're gonna find like a selection of sapphires for you to choose from within that price point so you don't have to stress out about it too much if you like something in between we'll always find it for you so we can go with the pinks so pinks are here and then there's pat paratcha but we'll come back at the end those are a little bit of specialty stone so we're going to save them for the end so make sure you stay so uh you have the three shades of pink like the hot pink medium pink and the light pink so the hot pink and medium pink they're kind of the same price point it's usually more of like a preference so the hot pink so they're all one carat range the hot pink is 1.17 carats then you have 1.14 carats and 1.13 carat the hot pink goes for 1400 the medium pink is uh 1 300 and then the light pink is 780 so that's like half of the price of the of the hot pink but they're funny i prefer it that's it for yeah because it also goes with like supply and demand if everyone wants pastel colors then the price might go up because that's that's what people want also another little fun thing that you can't always do if you don't have the budget for a more saturated stone for pink stones and for yellow stones we can always make the prongs in either pink or in yellow gold to help saturate the stone that's always a little thing if you're on a tighter tighter price point so now we have the yellows i didn't have so many so i went with so the two here they're one carat but there's one that is very bright very nice the round one that one's milky the cushion is kind of milky the question is uh yeah it's got color zoning it's got inclusions but we're still in the one carat range so the round one that is a lot more like sparkly or nicer goes for 650 yep and the cushion that's kind of sleepy and included it's 260. so it's still a big difference so in this case we have the cushion here and this one so this one is natural color it's been heat treated but with nothing added and the large oval has beryllium so they're both in the three carat range the cushion is 3.08 and the oval is heavier so 3.66 the lighter one is more expensive so it's 5 300 and then beryllium treated is 3 000 800. and if you look at this nice cushion up close i mean if you want a diamond replacement you don't want to pay the prices for yellow diamond this one is just stunning it has such a nice brilliance to it so you can always consider that yeah yellow and orange they're tricky colors because usually when you get the most saturated colored they're um treated with beryllium so little papayas for treatments 95 of sapphires are heat treated so all of these are heat treated when we talk about sapphire prices we assume that we're talking about heat treated like when you get a no heat stone it's not that the heated stone is cheaper it's the no heat it's got a premium so like the market price is for heat traded if it's not heat treated then it will be it's gonna have this like premium of like it was mined like that yeah that's the color exactly it's like when you have such a fantastic blue that was naturally found it's going to triple the price versus them just heating it to acquire that that look so and so the orange and the yellow when they heat treat them they add beryllium and this just it's such a small element that with the heat treatment it goes in the stone so even if you recut it or whatever it's gonna stay the same color so it really actually not just naturally absorbs it and it doesn't stay within like a coating almost no well like the blue sapphires they will diffuse it with some elements that will kind of not penetrate the stone okay it's gonna stay on top so if you recut it you can end up with a white sapphire so green and green is also a color with so much like it can be bluish green yellowish green forest green seafoam green there's a lot of greens uh so i took this one for example because it's quite it's it's nice it's got some blue and then next to it you have so these are two also two different greens the middle one is a little bit more blue yeah and then the left is a little bit more yellow so this is also kind of like a trend thing but right now the teal is more expensive than a yellowish green the teal one is 1.54 carat this one the green one is 74 karat and so the teal one is at 2980 and the green one is 2 400. so it's not a huge difference but it's still a difference and it's just due to the color nothing else then we have white and purple so the white ones white one is also a nice alternative to diamonds it's a natural stone it's hard it doesn't have the dispersion that like the colors you'll see the flashes as diamonds but it's still i mean they're very well cut yeah i i think when when you're thinking about a white sapphire you do want to focus on a nicer cut because the cost of material like the raw stone it's not as expensive as like diamond for example so you can kind of up the quality elsewhere yeah so and that's that's the thing for us like the cut with white suppers and the inclusion and the color because white can be very light blue very very light yellow so i have the round the one carrot it's 1.13 carat this one is 1500 so i don't know how much like a very high quality diamond one carat would be but i mean high quality yeah like at least nine to twelve thousand yeah just for the diamond so so it's like it's a lot cheaper yeah and then i thought it would be interesting to show a little emerald cut here it's got some yellow in it if i could do that and the pear shape it's very very white the pear shape is 1.72 carat and it's 2 000 for the stone the other one so it's 1.69 carats and this one goes for 1450 dollars so just because there's just that little hint um of yellow it has an influence on the price so purple also fun fact about purple sapphires they're not very often heat treated okay because the heat treatment will either remove the pink or the blue so if you've got a purple sapphire you want to keep it purple if you remove the pink you end up with a blue stone oh no these ones not so they're heat treated this one's heat treated this one is not okay but see this one is pinker so maybe yeah a little more blue it's more like a lilac color now and then this one you'll see when we uh do the close-up but it's it's gotta have some inclusions okay it's not eye clean okay definitely not eye clean i can see them with no loop nothing this one is very clean so the more included one they're both also three carat range the more purple blue more included goes for just under 2000 and then nice one goes for six thousand dollars so that will bring us to that paradigm i was like no we forgot okay so paparazza they're like these legendary stones that the definition is kind of broad and can be very much stretched and there's no true definition that's my true definition it's a sound that will be so it's orangey pink pinkish orange if you put it next to an orange sapphire it's going to look pink if you put it next to a pink sapphire it's going to look orange okay so we have these three examples these two are the same price per carat and the cushion to me the cushions got kind of a nicer color the ovals got a little bit of brown in it but it's lighter in weight and they're both the same price so it depends on the taste so the they're both in the 8 000 range for 1.5 and 1.8 carat and then you have the lighter one that is at 3 200. so that's also when you go lighter but it's still considered a better pressure okay so yeah she just mystified this for me but i always thought that paparazzi was the more expensive than the royal blue but it is not it's so yeah it's the most expensive of what we call fancy sapphires so all the colors except the blue i mean if the trend continues and everyone keeps buying the peachy and padparacha then maybe it will be more expensive than the blue but yeah the royal blue is always like the top one and if you were wondering why we don't have red it's because as soon as a sapphire turns red it becomes a ruby so just just in case yeah so that's for how kind of color will influence the price um so what will what happens it's either trends uh i mean a few years ago the morganites were extremely popular and people realized they can have sapphires the color of organic well i think you have one right there but this is we may show it now but so this is what we buy if we want something that kind of looks like a morganite it's kind of that peachy pink color very feminine look i love it yeah and i think that even just it's like it's big but it kind of looks like a pink diamond like the radiant cap makes it very like crispy and and nice so and i think a lot of people who buy morganized often complain about everything sticks to it yeah like grease what not um this will probably keep cleaner longer um if you don't like maintenance yeah so yeah mark and knives after marines like you put it on and it's dirty so so we talked about a heat treatment a little bit and how it it's going to have an effect on the stones so we have these two stones the top one is 2.6 carats and the one at the bottom is 2.5 so this the 2.5 is considerably lighter than the other yeah but they're the same price because this one was mined this color this one was heat treated so for 2.5 carat you're looking around 9 500 for either a nice unheated kind of medium light blue or like a really nice and blue sapphire do you have the same color as this one heat treatment yeah so yeah i was able to find this one so see it's kind of similar color maybe a shade lighter yeah so that will have impact but um so this one is 1200 per carat and this one that is no heat is 3700 per carat so it's a third third of the press yeah if it's heated and then this one which would be kind of like the top desired colored is the same price as the non-heated so it's interesting for this part of the episode we are going to just be doing some eye candy so we're gonna go into higher carrots like easily over three carrot for different colors so you can also see because you know one carrot is one thing but once you hit that two to three carrots the prices you start to double so if you are somebody who does want a larger stone this will hopefully give you a price point yeah so we'll start with the blue ones because i think that's what people kind of know the more so i pulled four um example here of there are all stones over at three carats so we'll start with the smaller one oh it sounds gorgeous look at that blue oh wow oh that said in yellow gold yeah so this one goes for 22 545 it's expensive but it's still a lot less than a lot of other stones at this size this is more of the royal blue color yep 3.89 carat and that's 24 thousand dollars yeah and just a little side note because i i do know from filming uh sapphires they always do come out darker on camera than they do in real life so if they seem a little bit dark they're much nicer here and then we have this big oval so this one is a 4.24 carat and it's 29 680 so it's big but it's nice it's very nice and then i pulled this one because it's big it's almost six carats so i think it's 5.81 yeah 5.81 but it's a little lighter than the other ones i showed so it's thirty thousand dollars so a lot heavier than this one it's more than a carrot heavier and it's around the same price and now for like trends the two colors that are the most uh requested these days are the teal yeah greens and kind of like peaches and pink yeah so i think these ones are just they they're so nice wow they are very nice this one is teal sapphire at 3.23 karat 11 000 yeah oh wow i love it it has like a little bit of blue to it yeah i love it that's it you know when people want peeled do they want more green because there's everything there's this one that is a little bit lighter that is not actually like the most expensive one it's 5 600 for a three carat but i just thought the color was like yeah interesting to show there's also this round 3.52 carat that's 600 and six 6 600 dollars yeah i was going to say 600 wow okay deal i also this little weirdo just to show the what we mean by color zoning so this one it's like it was painted like a blue line in the yellow so yeah it's just it's very cool it's very cool i love this yeah wow this one is kind of a raspberry color i think it would go well with this one even though it's not the same color it's just like this rich raspberry kind of color and this we get requests more than the like bright bright hot pink it's still a dark finger you know it's still like it's kind of there's something more rich about it than the standard pink i feel yeah and then we have this big oval uh 2.61 carat and it's 13 000 yeah so i think like if you're looking at like a ruby or emerald in that size it's going to be very expensive so that's the great thing about sapphire is when you go in like the fancy colors usually you have so many price points so many colors so many options exactly yeah yeah beautiful beautiful all right guys thanks for watching if you have any more questions obviously leave them down below if you are interested in buying this ring or for sourcing a gemstone just send us a message thank you benedict for doing this video and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Dominique Flux
Views: 64,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine jewelry, how it's made, ethically sourced diamonds, Diamond jewelry, Montreal artists, wedding bands, engagement rings, jewelry designer, sapphire prices, sapphire price, sapphire cost, sapphire price 2022, sapphire stone price, blue sapphire price, yellow sapphire price, pink sapphire price, padparadscha, padparadscha sapphire, padparadscha sapphire price, white sapphire price, sapphire price per carat 2022, how expensive is sapphire, sapphire color vs price, sapphire
Id: dmaGtVBqNEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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