Discord MATH COMPETITION! (Very hard)

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hello everyone this is sound route and I just added this intro while editing because I felt the video would be strange without it so without further ado I hope you enjoyed this epic math competition okay someone just left the server why would you leave the server the event hasn't even started yet what the heck and I'm gonna kick flex cuz he still hasn't joined the VC okay gosh technical difficulties aside we're ready to begin this math challenge okay so the rolls are actually pretty simple make sure you listen okay if you can't hear then you're kind of screwed you might want to fix your discord so that you can actually hear me imagine you're getting a pop quiz how do you feel tell me tell me in chat it's a pop quiz and it's on math terrible terrible bad you guys don't like math anyway so I hear you guys really hate math well you're in luck today because today we're actually gonna be doing math isn't that great you guys must be so happy alright so I'm gonna explain the rules now okay here we go so there will be questions I will ask in chat basically just math questions and the math questions will be very simple okay because if they're not simple you guys could just use a calculator and boom you win but if they're simple you could actually do it faster than a calculator so you know using a calculator is pretty much useless skip the instructions what the heck but the instructions are super important okay all right so this is the big thing about this game when I asked the question in chat the first person to answer correctly you will be able to choose someone to be kicked from the server and then I'll ask another question and this will keep going on until we have one person left in the server the prize okay here we go is discord Nitro oh my god that's crazy isn't it I know discord Nitro this is the math battle royale here we go I'm gonna be deleting the VC because we don't actually need it since it's all gonna be in the chat okay all right I'm gonna ask the first question of these guys now this is gonna be the hardest question in the entire quiz but don't tell them I said that all right okay we got a lot of two's okay angie was the first person now they can choose somebody to kick oh boy who are they gonna choose now the first choice is always the hardest because everyone is here so hmm who are they gonna choose Homer goodbye Homer Simpson goodbye it was nice knowing you all right here's the next question okay okay elite nitro all right good job elite you got it right okay he's chosen this person oh they said he okay that's not intimidating at all oh no ten plus ten hmm okay we got a ton of 20s here all right dark agent was the first person to say 20 so who will they choose all right goodbye cat you've been nominated move okay next question here we go all right captain toad was the first person to say 20 all right I want your money is gonna be kicked because he wants my money that's a good choice actually sure thing goodbye well this guy is so rude what the heck ng why would you say that Wow okay there we go a hundred breach e lits if i who do you choose sir okay he said ng so goodbye all right this is gonna be a hard one 2/2 oh man is so difficult all right dark agent all right dark agent got it again oh he's chosen captain toad goodbye captain toad it was nice knowing you all right we have ten people left in the game oh this is getting intense I can't wait to see who gets the top two and then they have to battle against each other ooh all right this is a bit more difficult all right elite nitro elite nitro got it first who does he choose hmm I'll rip the awesome taco he was a personal favorite all right goodbye it was nice knowing you man All Right see you later dude you've been good all right PewDiePie got it first who does he choose always chosen dark agent to be kicked goodbye goodbye and nice knowing you man all right we have eight people left in the server this is getting very intense now well look at that someone said of 550 boop C's all right das da who do you choose to be kicked from the server eternally ooh who may it be oh this guy sound routes gold pig goodbye farewell all right the questions will get harder now yeah PewDiePie got it right all right he's chosen breach eel it's if I difficult name to say but goodbye my friend okay we're using decimals now oh boy okay das da you get the choosing all right he's chosen CJ chilly probably cuz he's offline and he hasn't said anything there we go next question we have five people left in the server ooh okay cage got it okay Caves gets to choose one of the top five to be expelled literally expelled from the server PewDiePie rip GG goodbye PewDiePie it was nice knowing you man thanks for sticking with us farewell okay 15 plus 15 plus 15 it's 45 by the way yep dog got it dog is getting a lot of them jeez okay Tigger Oh No rip goodbye next question this is 12.5 by the way da is getting everything right now okay goodbye cage now it's the top two this is gonna be the most epic question ever last question okay this is the question the answer is zero obviously cuz look there's a zero right there nobody's answered yet oh my gosh nobody's answered yet one eternity later who's gonna get it he's gonna get it uh I'm actually concerned now why is nobody answered are they actually actually putting it into their calculator no way [Music] Elite what are you doing it what why did they take so long I don't know oh my god alright GG let me just give give him some nitro real quick alright there we go buying a gift you're welcome epic there we go there's the gift for you enjoy that nitro alright GG well that's pretty much the whole event thank you all so much for watching the video I hope it was interesting to watch this epic mathematics battle royale oh thanks for the notification iPhone alright see you later guys see you in the next video bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SoundDrout
Views: 140,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord meme, discord memes, discord servers, discord song, discord trolling, discord funny, discord server, discord vs competition, discord art competition, competition, discord meme competition, discord drawing competition, discord server meme competition, discord chat, discord roleplaying, discord funny moments, discord chat funny, discord math competition, discord competition for nitro
Id: rtA7llSC-5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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