Discarnate (FULL MOVIE) Horror, Supernatural, Thriller | Thomas Kretschmann, Nadine Velazquez

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(dramatic music) (trees rustling) (window creaking) - Daddy. Daddy, I'm scared. - [Andre] Benny. - [Benny] He's coming! - Benny! (thunder cracking) (muted screaming) There's nothing. Look at this, won't you? Nothing. See? There's nothing. - Promise you-- - Benny, please stop it. There is no monster. - Yes, there is! - Benny, we've been talking about it so many times. - He's right outside! - Just stop it. There's nothing to be scared about. (dramatic crescendo) (Andre shouting) (Benny screaming) (glass breaking) Benny! Benny! (Benny screaming) Benny! (ghastly growling) Benny! (ghastly screeching) (gentle instrumental music) (children laughing) (children laughing) (children laughing) (panting) (brambles rustling) I was told you could help me. (match striking) I'm Dr. Mason. - Who did you lose? - My son. He had an accident a few years ago. My wife couldn't live with herself after that and now they're both gone. And I'm trying, I try to remember every day and it's getting harder and harder. (steam blowing) Like those dreams that always end right before I can resolve them. I would give anything to see my family again. - I can't guarantee you'll see your family. The tea works differently for everyone. But I must warn you, don't stray too far. You can get trapped on the other side like a fly on a web. (winds rustling ivy) (screaming) (ghastly laughing) (growling) (panting) (crickets chirping) - You shouldn't be here. (echoing) - Who are you? Wait! (water splashing) (ghastly moaning) (growling) (screaming) (screaming) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're okay, you're okay, look at me, look at me. You okay? (panting) (monitor beeping) - What happened? - We recorded remarkable brain activity. You're not gonna believe this, man. - His heart rate is stabilizing. His blood pressure is 110 over 70. (laughing) He's gonna be okay. - Am I alright? - Oh my god. You're good, you're good. - Where is she? - Whoa, whoa, okay, okay. Easy, easy. (monitor flatlining) Whoa, whoa. (panting) (knocking) Miss Sanchez? I'd like to talk to you about your tea. - There's sodas in the fridge. The sugar helps with the headache. - The girl in this picture, I just saw her. - What did you say? - The girl in that picture, this smaller one. I just saw her. - Oh my god. That's my baby sister, Isabel. - Miss Sanchez, something in that mixture you gave me has a profound mind-altering effect. I would like to analyze the sample in a small trial. - I can't. This is a passage between two worlds not a recreational drug. It's sacred. - Look it would be a small trial with my own team and we'd have funding. Might help you with some of these bills here. - Excuse me. - Just give me a call if you change your mind. What do you have to lose? (door slamming) (sighs softly) - What'd she say? - She'll do it. Can you get me Dr. Weissman on the phone? - Yeah. - That's great. I mean, we could conclusively prove that life exists after death. (dramatic music) (birds chirping) - Wow, you weren't kidding. - We're really excited to be working with you on this. Thank you. - How did you find it? - Well. It's a long story. Apparently some silent movie actor lived here once. - What about the family that you got it from? - Obviously they didn't live here long enough to restore it. I don't know much about them. Serious Addams Family vibe. - [Andre] Maya, this is Travis's brother, Shane. - Hey, doc. - Shane just got back from shark diving. - Cape Town. Great whites. - Brave man. - Travis? - [Travis] Yes. - Can you take them? - Put them down. - Looks fool you. She went straight from kindergarten to Harvard. - This may surprise you to hear, but I'm really not a rodent person. - I will never understand you. - Well, take a look around. Pick your bedrooms. First come, first serve. Main base is gonna be here. - Hey, whoa, Trav. I think he meant the people, don't ya think? - Oh, I know. I'm gonna take 'em outside. - Come on rodents. Let's go check out the rest of this bad boy, huh? - Dinner's at eight, guys. - Then fasting the rest of the night. Injections start tomorrow at nine. - [Shane] Copy that. - I wonder what the listing price is for a mansion with a history of murder? - Is the pool heated 'cause I feel like that might cancel it out, right? - Dude. (dramatic music) I didn't see a pool. - Yeah, here. - Really? - Yeah. - [Travis] Water in it? (laughs) So just put 'em on that table right there. - Alright. Hey, guys. (dramatic music) - [Travis] So hungry. - [Shane] These are so good. - The closest thing we have to these back home are like those soggy microwave-- (door creaking open) - I love those. - Oh my god. Mm, it was a long night. - Hi. Sorry, just to walk in but the front door was open. - I feel underdressed. - Didn't know you were coming. Janet said it was still undecided. - Yeah, it was last minute. Don't let me interrupt, I'm just here to observe. - Everyone, this is Casey Blackburn. He's going to observe the trial for the Milford Foundation. - The Milford Foundation? - Of Neuroscience. They fund all of our research. - Scientifically speaking, we are pushing boundaries here and so far Milford has been nothing but supportive so let him do his job, we do ours, right? Have a seat. - Please meet my team. This is-- - I'm actually familiar with everyone's files, it was a long flight. Except for Miss Sanchez, a surprising addition. Still trying to understand the necessity of her involvement in this scientific trial. - Necessity of my involvement? - He's off to a fabulous start. - Miss Sanchez has access to unique botanical compounds we have used to create our serum so. - You just seem pretty cavalier with an untested mind-altering substance, Doctor. - Okay. - I mean, how sure are you that it's not just gonna get everyone high? - How about 99%, actually? If we wanted to simply get high there are far cheaper ways of doing it. - Very true. - Listen, I'm not here to diminish anyone's work. I'm just here looking out for the interest of the foundation. So I promise to make this as painless as possible. - We have a big day tomorrow. Let's all try and get some sleep, huh. - [Travis] You still have to fix the infrared camera. - Don't get your panties in a twist. I'll take care of it. - What do you know about my panties? (crickets chirping) - Let's try this again. I don't mean to be a dick. - Too late. - It's my job to be a skeptic. I'm sorry. - Now, you're apologizing to me? - Yeah, I read your file. I have a feeling you're someone I want on my side. - That's a little creepy. - I realized that as I was saying it. (laughing) Yeah. - Uh huh. - Speaking of creepy, this is a shithole, huh? - Do you think it's haunted? - I believe in what I could see. - You do realize that all that we can see is infinitely less than all that we cannot, right? - You're a philosopher, huh? - No, I just choose to have faith. It's like Pascal's Wager. If you believe in God and he does exist, you go to heaven. If you don't believe and he does exist, you go to hell. So why not believe? (glass breaking) - Who's there? - [Travis] Oh, hey. (Violette laughs) - You know, for a guy who doesn't believe in ghosts you're a real -----. - I thought you said you weren't a rat person. (rats screeching) - You know what, bro? I wanna show you how to feed 'em in the event that I'm preoccupied. (clears throat) Okay, so, only a tiny bit right in there and only at night. They're nocturnal. Hey, do you understand? - I got ya. - Okay, cool. - So you dosed them with this serum and they're fine? - Yeah, man, yeah. They're fine. For now. - So as long as they don't have any side effects then we should be good? - Yeah, that's the plan. Ah! - What? - You smiley ratted Kravitz. - Who? - The black rat, he's gone. Oh, outside, outside. Outside, outside! - Oh, okay, come out here. Got you. What are you doing Nicodemus? Don't you wanna be here when Dr. Mason makes history? - History? Jesus, I'm surprised his bosses are even letting him do this. - Huh, oh, no. Dr Weissman trusts him, man. She knows his methods are unorthodox, but he's made her a shitload of money. (sniffs) - Oh! - Oh, don't, don't, don't touch that! (shouts) Don't, dude. (clapping) You probably have hepatitis from touching that. - Wouldn't be the first time. - That's so gross. (rats screeching) (dramatic music) (birds chirping) (wind blowing leaves) - [Andre] Morning, everyone. - Morning. - We'll start with half a milligram per BSA to assess side effects. Would you like to say anything before we start? - The world you're about to experience on the other side. - The other side, huh? - Can look very much like our own, but make no mistake, it is not. - Spirits? - Uh, yeah. - Awesome, but we're gonna need way more data. - Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. - So I read here that you think that this serum will reactivate the pineal gland. How so exactly? - The pineal gland is only active when we're children. At the onset of puberty it begins to calcify. However, in Dr. Mason's studies on patients with near-death experiences we notice that the gland started secreting various hormones again. Which is weird. - You see the dark spots? That's what we are trying to replicate here. - Gland is that powerful? - It's not anything new. Buddhists believe the soul enters a human fetus 49 days after human conception, which is exactly when the pineal gland starts to form. - Even Descartes believed it to be the part of the body most associated with the soul. - Anything weird, find a partner, use your walkies, give it 30 minutes to kick in. (dramatic music) Trial Log Day One. Team in good spirits. Violette Paich, administering, participating. Dr. Travis Sherman, Shane Sherman, Maya Sanchez, myself, participating. This may be the last medical study I conduct. Everybody wants to find out if the afterlife exists. I already know. Some tension in the house. Casey Blackburn already causing problems. (recorder beeping) (door creaking) (child giggling) (recorder beeping) (birds chirping) (door slamming) (gas blowing) (window slamming) (dramatic crescendo) (gasps) - [Travis] Just concentrate for once. - How are you guys doing? - So far it matches the baseline we set on campus. - Blue star. It's a nude descending a staircase. It's a gold fish. - Have any experienced purging? - I just feel alert. And focused. - That would be your side effect, Trav. - What exactly is the next step? - Um, EEGs and reviewing of camera footage. - Exactly. Come and find me immediately after. - I wanna be there, too, for proper documentation. - Sure. (door slamming) (dramatic music) (humming) (rats screeching) - Sorry, my minions, it's not dinner time yet. (rats screeching) We'll see about that. - Dr. Mason chose this site due to the elevated levels of electromagnetic radiation. (device beeping) - And all we're doing is mapping it out. Flags go where the energy drops back down to normal. Right here. - What purpose does this serve the experiment? - In the lab, high levels increase the effectiveness of the serum in the rats. - What do you think causes the energy at this location? - [Violette] It could be the geology of the hills or it could be something else. It's unclear. (dramatic music) (shards rattling) (wood creaking) (girl laughing) (dramatic crescendo) (children laughing) (dramatic music) (soil rumbling) (clicking) (scraping) (flicking) (dramatic music) (shouting) (crashing) - Oh---. (panting) Doc, I mean, I've taken a ton of drugs, right, so, I mean, I'd know a hallucination if I saw one. I'm just trying to say that this was something different. It was like. It was like real. It's not-- - Hold still. - Sorry. - Yeah, about the same. Slightly dilated. - Is this something you expected? - Yes. - It was caused by the serum. - Our minds are just starting to open. It's only the beginning. - Yeah, but that does not explain what I saw. - Sure, buddy. - Any idea what could've triggered it? Something from your past, maybe? - Yeah, when you do too much blow. Goddammit! I'll be right back. Pulling too much power from that breaker. - Headache's a pretty normal side effect? - Yeah. - Not feeling great. (dramatic music) (dramatic crescendo) - So, Blackburn, what's your story? - You don't wanna hear that. - Oh, yes we do. Unless it makes you uncomfortable, of course. - Especially if it makes you uncomfortable actually. - Well, I come from a long line of New York cops. I was interested in the FBI. - Well, that explains the suit. (chuckles) - Well, obviously that didn't pan out very well so Dr. Weissman hired me at Milford. - And you got assigned to us. You lucky bastard. (laughing) (retching) (gasping) (toilet flushing) (water running) (dramatic crescendo) - Lisa? - It's coming! - Lisa. - [Lisa] Maya. (echoing) (girl screaming) (panting) (screaming) - Maya, are you okay? (sobbing) Are you okay? Maybe you should skip the next round. - I'm fine. I'll be fine. - Are you sure? - Yeah. Yeah. - Maya, I really appreciate what you're doing for us. - They're always with us. - Who? - People we've lost. It's like, they never wanna let us go. - Maybe we can't let go. - My grandmother used to say that life is a dream and our bodies are just vessels for our souls. And on that final day when you close your eyes for the last time, your soul is released. - [Andre] So she taught you how to make the tea? What happened? - [Maya] She died after Isabel. - [Andre] I understand. It's impossible to overcome. - Death is just finally waking up. I saw my sister just a few moments ago. And I had hoped that if I came here to help you that maybe I could finally let her go, but I can't. - I know. (dramatic music) - [Boy] Benny. - [Benny] Where are you? Can you hear me? - [Casey] Dr. Mason? Dr. Mason? There you are. - Can I help you? - When would you like to report today's findings so I can communicate 'em back to Dr. Weissman? - I think we should wait. We need more solid data. I don't wanna waste her time, you know? - Tomorrow then. - Okay. - Alright. (dramatic music) (female ghost singing softly) (clicking) (dramatic crescendo) (dramatic crescendo) (child laughing devilishly) (music box music) - Benny? (child laughing distantly) (rocking chair creaking) (banging) (music box music) - (reverberating) Uh oh. Don't tell Mommy, okay? - I won't, I promise. Who are you? - I'm Ava. - My name is Andre. - What are you doing here all by yourself, Ava? - I just wanted to play with somebody. Will you stay and play with me? (girl laughs) - Ava? - Yeah? (echoing) - Have you seen a boy around here? - No. - No? He would be your age, with brown hair. - I said no. He wouldn't come here. (echoing) I'm sure he's scared. - He's scared of what? - The Smiling Man. - Who? - He used to come out when he's hungry. He's been in the house, watching all of you. He's never seen ones like you before. I don't like him, the Smiling Man. - What will he do? - The same thing he did to that little boy. - No, wait! (girl laughing sinisterly) Ava! Wait! (Ava laughs) (door slamming) (recorder beeping) - Trial Log Day Two. Participant tolerance of serum excellent. First I will mention the Smiling Man. Possible correlation to Shane Sherman's encounter in the basement. Whether it's hallucinations. Increasing to 1.5 milligram per BSA. (recorder beeping) - What the ----? (typing softly) (slapping) (dramatic crescendo) - [Benny] Daddy? (echoing) - Ben. - Hey, Dad. Can you hear me? (sinister mumbling) - Benny! (birds chirping) - [Lisa] You shouldn't be here, Maya. It's not safe. - Lisa. - [Lisa] He's hiding somewhere. - Lisa. Lisa? - This looks promising. It's working exactly as we expected. - Yeah, but the side effects are getting really uncomfortable. - Anyone wanna quit? - Good. - Alright, that's my team. - Guys. The serum doesn't work like the tea. We're not simply visiting this other plane. We are coexisting on it. - What? - I specifically asked for that yesterday and he hasn't given me anything yet. I was just going through the inventory and I noticed there were a few bottles of serum missing from Box Six. I'll give him his space, but I can't do my job if he's not willing to work with me. (wind blowing) (radio waves adjusting) (dramatic music) (dramatic crescendo) (groaning) (infant crying) (music box music) (crunching) (screaming) - Maybe the serum is inducing some kind of shared psychosis, right? - I'm telling you, doc, it looked exactly like you! - Are you sure? - Yeah. - Well, subconsciously, yes it could have-- - How is that possible? - Could be a shapeshifter. - Yeah, many possibilities. - What are you thinking? - Let's run a scan on her, compare it with Shane's, and then we'll take it from there. - Done. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Guys, guys, did anybody see this? Come here, come here, come here, come here, come here. - This is what I saw in my room. - What's, um, here? - 560 MT per millisecond, what is happening? - Whoa, whoa, whoa, the energy field's going nuts. - Get an emit, let's go. Let's go! - Okay. - Guys, it's up this way, come on! (chains rattling) (growling) (rats screeching) (growling) - Did you hear that? Someone in here, hello? Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. What the ----? Jesus Christ! (retching) (spitting) - Oh god! - You alright? It's okay. - [Casey] What I miss? - [Travis] I don't know, I locked the door. I swear to god I locked the door. - [Shane] It's alright, it's alright. Alright? - What happened? - I don't know, man. - [Casey] Alright, I want everybody in the living room. Come on, I wanna see the cameras, everybody. - Nothin' over here, guys. - [Casey] I wanna see the cameras. - [Maya] You guys, come on. - Everyone! - It gone in here. - This is not a discussion. I want everyone in the living room, let's go. Come on! - [Maya] Where's Andre? - [Casey] Mason! - [Maya] Andre! (sinister laughing) - Stop, stop, wait, um, right there. Go back. - What the hell is that? - What is it, a spirit? - We can't ignore this. This experiment is on hold until we find out who killed those rats. - Hold on, what are you talking about? - Without those rats, we have no gauge of the serum's danger. - Yes, we do. - Did you do this? - What? - To try to stop the experiment. - Don't you ever question me. I'm calling Dr. Weissman. - Oh, good, good, yeah. Do you run to her for everything? - I do when half the participants in our trial just up and disappear. - Casey, please. You are going to compromise all that we have worked for. Just wait and let us try to find out what happened. Please. - I'm sorry, I can't. - Hang up the phone. - I'm making the call. - Give us 24 hours to evaluate the situation and make a judgment call about the viability of this experiment. - Who the hell do you think you are? - I'm the man whom Weissman has funded and trusted for over 10 years. - And you are just a plausible deniability, some peon they sent so they could say they covered their asses. (laughs) Now, who do you think they're gonna listen to? - Alright, I'll give you 24 hours. - I'll make it as painless as possible, I promise. (water running) - How you feeling? Listen, I need to talk to you. - I heard everything you needed to say. - No, it's not that. Do you think that, uh. Do you think that Dr. Mason's been acting strange? - What? - I think that he's taking more serum than the rest of you. - You are incredible. - I found empty bottles in his room. - He is the doctor. It makes sense for him to have serum in his room. What the --- are you saying? - Listen, I'm just trying to do my job, alright? - Yeah, well, stop. (dramatic crescendo) Hey, guys, come in here. - What's wrong? - There's someone in here with us. - What? This is ridiculous. - Well, Casey-- - [Casey] This is bull---. - Uh, it's. - You got her in on this, too? - How did you get here? - It's been a long time since I've walked with anyone. Especially anyone alive. - It's okay. Don't worry about it. He's not gonna hurt you. - How do you know? - Because. - What is she doing? - Don't touch me! (echoing) - Maya. (electric shocking) (screaming) (shelves rumbling) - What the hell is that? - Stay away from me! (glass breaking) - Are you okay? (sobbing) (sniffling) Jesus Christ. Okay, trial is advancing faster than anticipated. First physical contact with a paranormal subject. It appears that the pineal activity is altering our physio. (dramatic music) Ben. (ghastly groaning) (water bubbling) - Daddy? - Ben! (growling) The Smiling Man. Ben! Run! He's coming, run! (growling) Benny! (ghastly screaming) (rattlesnake rattling) - [Benny] Daddy! - Benny! Benny! (water splashing) Ben! Benny! - Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Don't worry, I'm almost done. - Whoa, what's that? - Relax, it's empty. Not too shabby for your first ghost encounter, by the way. - What, the shaking? That was an earthquake. - An earthquake? No, no, no, he was yelling. And Maya went right through him, but Andre pushed him right before the cabinet exploded. - He did? - Mm-hmm. Thank you for that, by the way. I'm glad you're okay. (laughs) You're just saying that 'cause I took a glass to the face for you. - Not gonna lie, that's about 99& of it. - Yeah, I knew it. Hey, Violette. - Yeah. - If there was really something there tonight, Dr. Mason's been taking the same amount of serum as Maya, why was he able to touch it and she wasn't? It's just a thought. (spitting) (water running) (dramatic music) - No. No! No, no! Rebecca, no! No! No, stay with me! No! (echoing) No! Rebecca, no! No! (panting) - Andre. What are you doing? (echoing) - Oh my god. I knew you'd come. I knew you would come. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. - What the hell is wrong with you? - I'm sorry. I thought you were my wife, I. - Look at me. How much have you taken? It's changing you, you have to stop. You're opening up a door that you can't close. I already told you, I warned you. - Question me again, you're off the team. - No, this isn't about you. You're putting all of us in danger. - Get out. - [Shane] Trav, this is getting way weird. - [Travis] Mm-hmm. - Bro, hey, don't you think we should be thinking about getting the --- outta here? - No, what, what are you talking about? Now that we're actually making history you want me to quit? You're the one who like my whole life has been like don't give up. - History? Dude, we came her to study---. not be attacked by it. - Right. - We're not going anywhere. It's not happening. - Well, if this works we're gonna have one hell of a story, right? I mean, shit, we could write a book or something. I mean, you could write a book. I'm not gonna write a book. Whoa. - Yeah, Camera Two's freaking out in the greenhouse. You know what, I'm gonna check that out. Hey, hey, hey, hey, I don't want you goin' out there with everything that's happened. - If you're not gonna do your job or if you don't want to, that's okay, I'll do it. - Come on. - I just don't wanna miss anything is what it is. - Okay. - I lost something really important to me and I'm not gonna-- - Bro, bro. Alright, listen. Go to bed, I will take care of it first thing in the morning. I swear to God. Scout's honor. Let's get some rest, man. We're both tired, yeah? - Mm-hmm. Do you remember when Mom was backing out of the driveway and she ran over Samson? And I locked myself in my room and you broke in and you had painted a dog on your face and you had those tube socks for ears? - Yeah. - And I like brushed you out of my room? The truth is is that meant a lot to me, man, and it helped. - What are big brothers for, man? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Imma go to bed. - Yeah, go to bed, man. - Hey, don't forget though. - I won't forget, first thing. I love, bro. - [Travis] I love you, too. (dramatic music) - Daddy? (echoing) I can help you, Daddy. It's okay, Daddy. It'll all be okay. Another. (echoing) - I can't, Benny. - I know you can. I know you can. Daddy, protect me. I'll make it better, okay? It'll all be okay, Daddy. Come with me. Let go, Daddy. I love you, Daddy. - Trav? What the ----? (groaning) (cracking) (bulb buzzing) (panting) - Can't sleep either, huh? - I got a lot on my mind after today. What are you up to? - Can't stop thinking about that thing that I saw in my room earlier. Have you ever heard of a nokken? - No, what is it? It's a Norwegian bogeyman, a shapeshifter. (groaning) It seems like most cultures have these insanely similar legends of creatures that can change form. (groaning) Run around, cause trouble, steal gold, take kids. - That sounds like a really bad thing to research right before bed. - I just find it fascinating how completely isolated cultures can come up with the same imaginary monsters. - Maybe because it's not imaginary. It's all usually based on some sort of fact. My grandmother used to tell me stories about El Disencarnado, a being without flesh. (cracking) - I don't know that one, is it a spirit? - Maybe it was once, but not any more. The dead aren't the only ones beyond the grave. (groaning) (cracking) - So what is it? - A being deemed unworthy to leave the Earth after death. It longs to be alive. It hunts, hoping that if it eats enough flesh of the innocent it's own flesh will be returned to it. (screaming) - So do you think it's out there? Good luck going to sleep now. - Goddammit, Trav! I told you not to come out here. (crickets chirping) (dramatic music) Trav! Come on, man. Trav! (panting) Trav, are you there? Trav. Oh. Oh my god. Oh, oh shit! Oh, Jesus Christ! (grizzly screams) Come on! Oh my god. (crashing) Oh my god. Please God. Oh! (glass breaking) (crashing) (hissing) No, no! Please God, no! Oh, shit! No! (screaming) (ghastly screams) (coughing) (water running) - Shane! - [Violette] Shane! - Shane, come on, man. Shane! (dramatic music) - What are you doing in here? - You gotta see this. This was his house. - What are you talking about? Oh my god. It's him. - It was his son who died here! These are all missing kids. - Unbelievable. - From everywhere. - This is my sister, Isabel. - These are photos. - [Travis] Shane! - Why would he be up here? - 'Cause I told him to fix the camera. Oh. Uh, uh. Shane? Oh my God! No. - Travis? - Shane! - Travis. - What? Look at this. - [Maya] Andre! - That's enough. - Andre. - Guys, help. - What kind of scientist are you? - We found blood in the greenhouse and drag marks. We gotta find Shane. - If it has taken Shane, we are all targets now. - It's time for you to tell the truth. That's his real research. - What the --- is this? - He's been obsessed with death for years. That's what he thinks killed his kid. - This is him with his family in this house. He didn't acquire it for the trial. - Maya, please. - This is the real reason why he came to me. Because of what happened to Isabel. - Who is Isabel? - She's my sister. She was killed in the middle of the night. Something took her. - Like my son was taken, I was there. He had been drawing these for weeks. Something attacked him, I couldn't see it, but he could. - [Casey] You've been taking more serum than the rest of them, haven't you? - He's right. - He thinks that's gonna help him see it. - Your sister was taken the same way. It fed on them. In the woods. - Wait, wait. Why? How could you do this to us? - It's taken so many children, not just here. Not just my son or Isabel. - This has nothing to do with the science, not even the experiment. - He was hunting it the whole time. - Now we can stop it. - I trusted you. - It's time to go. - You have no idea what we've done! - Travis, let's go. - I'm not going anywhere without Shane. - Travis, come on! - I'll help you find him. - Good. - Guys, wait up. Casey, I am so sorry. We should have listened to you to start with. - We gotta get outta here. - [Violette] What are we gonna do about Shane? - [Maya] What the hell is that? Shane? Shane, what the hell happened to you? (dramatic music) - Oh my God, that's not Shane. (growling) (screaming) - How the hell can it see? (panting) - You were gonna shut us down and I had to do something. (growling) - What the ---, that empty syringe! - I'm so sorry. (growling) (cracking) - Stay down. (growling) (screaming) (exploding) (glass breaking) (hissing) (growling) (Violette groaning) (Violette groaning) - Casey! Casey! What? Hold on! - What the ----? - Take it easy, it's okay. Take it easy. - Take it easy. - It's okay. - Casey, calm down! - We heard screaming, we came as fast as we could. You alright? - No, where's Violette. - We don't know, I don't know. - Did you ever take an injection? - Yeah, apparently one. What does it matter? - What if all this time it wasn't about the kids? They were simply the only prey it could see. - El Disencarnado. - What? - The Discarnate. When we started taking injections we made ourselves visible to it. - The pineal gland. - We've got to get help. - This thing, the more flesh it consumes the more human it becomes. It's changing. - Becoming human means becoming mortal. - I injured it. So there's still a chance. - Yes. - You better shoot me up because I'm not walking to this thing blind. - All of us. - Yeah. Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Oh, oh, no. (dramatic music) - [Maya] Violette. - Shane! - Violette! - This way! - Oh shit, the trees. - [Maya] Casey. Okay, come on. Let's go. - Oh my god. - Slow movements. - [Casey] They're everywhere. (groaning) (ghastly whispering) What the --- is this? - Casey. - [Casey] I can't breathe. - Casey, look at me. Remember where you are, okay? Hey, let's go. Let's keep it moving. Come on. - I can't move. (dramatic music) - What? You okay? - Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no, guys help. Shane! Shane, Shane, talk to me. Hey. - Where the --- is Andre? - Dr. Mason! - We did this! We gotta go! - Go, leave! (ghastly screaming) (shouting) - No, no, no, no, no, no! (growling) (screaming) - Oh my god. (whimpering) - Violette. It's okay. It's okay, I'm here. You're safe. You're safe. It's alright, shh, shh, shh. (screaming) (panting) - Andre. Wake the ---- up! Oh my god. What did you do? Casey! Casey! - [Casey] What? - We're gonna get you outta here. - Get away from her. It's not Violette. - What, what are you talking about? - [Dr. Mason] It's a trick! - Oh my God, no. I just found Andre's body in his bedroom. That's not him. - What? - Andre is dead! - Stay away from us! - [Maya] I don't know what this is, but this isn't him. - [Casey] What are you talking about? - You don't understand. Maya! - No! - Please, Maya, tell me-- - Casey! - Run! - Stop! - Guys, what the ----! That's not Violette! (hissing) Run! (Maya screams) (growling) Hurry. (screaming) Casey! (smacking) (groaning) - [Andre] Maya! Kill it! Kill it! Casey! (groaning) (screaming) (screaming) (howling) (screaming) (smashing) (panting) Why did you do this? You coulda just told us. - I didn't know how. I just had to be with my family here, see my son. - What's it like? - Your grandmother's right. It's like returning. Coming home. - Well, you came back. Why did you come back? - What I did I cannot make it right, but I had to try. It's over now. Just go, live your life. It's gone. - But what if it wasn't the only one? Andre. Andre. (dramatic music) (dramatic instrumental music)
Channel: FrightPix
Views: 246,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discarnate, discarnate full movie, discarnate online free, discarnate 2018, discarnate free movie, discarnate full free movie, horror movies full movies english, horror movies online free watch, horror movies full movies, full free movies, full free horror movies, free movies online youtube, free movies youtube, free movies, free movies on youtube, complete movies, complete movies in english free, horror films full movie, horror films full movie english, horror movies
Id: 2bNThDWUrWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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