Disc Golf Frisbee Goldmine Found While Scuba Diving Pond

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Corian I made this have you actually lost in this pond here up to three over the years or so but we just left them so over the years I probably found about 300 discs in the pond here any disk that we find with phone numbers and names on them we do what we can to track guys like Cory down any disk that we like we actually end up keeping and the agreement that we have with the pond owners here is anything else that we don't want we donate back to the school so that way they can use them in school program with that being said I mean go suit up Cory's gonna keep on playing disc golf with his buddies here and I'm gonna go see what I can find here we go I'm used to nice dress and I keep saying nice and dry and dry dry dry dry dry I just don't like getting wet you can find treasure it's interesting for me so the good news is my cold is almost over give me a couple more days I'm gonna back the old mr. logic hey how's it going the type of herself my throat will be completely back we'll be back in the swing of things hey I like that one it's like a big a full rubber band just snapped me right on the nose tweeting the legs look like this whoop whoop just like that I'd actually don't even know if this little strap does anything I mean I don't know why it's there all I know from start to finish takes me about 15 minutes to get ready so we're swing dry suit hose over this one plug it right in there listen this is what inflates my dry suit look at like the marshmallow man oh I'm no mush little moon we got air we got air before we get in let's find out from these guys how many distances they've lost so doesn't matter if you're a good disc golf player back disc golf player everybody's dropped two discs in this pond before I just tailed our audience chair doesn't matter if you're a good disc I'll player bad disc golf player everybody drop a disc in this pond before over the years how many disagree you guys lost in this pond I'd say at least three myself check this out this guy's a pro he's got like the full or on double decker disc golf bag so he's bad and I've lost a few in there for sure how about you guys you guys lose Ernie got to back you got phone numbers and names on there if I find him I'll give you a call on the ones that are in there what color disc is gonna be the first color that I find today how many discs do you think I'm going to find I believe I'm ready [Applause] so doing pretty good fighters from disk I think what one two three four five six seven eight nine I've got ten so far normally I would fill this bag up but normally I come in the wintertime when all of the moss is dead in here right now it's July all the boss is throwing like 10 to 12 feet it's actually like kind of creepy like it's an alien planet down there kind of scary at this point I'm just gonna do one more Luke you said I got ten right now we'll see if we can't pick up another three two five four we'll come back in the winter time once all of the mosses died with that been said we'll see you in 20 minutes intermission time before we get back to the show Evo Gibble's check them out Evo gimble's comm they are the ones responsible for allowing my wife and my daughter to get all these amazing super smooth shot go ahead move the camera right now look at that super smooth yep any other camera I'd be like it's not so check out evil gammas calm and they'll hook you up with some Gimbels for your super smooth footage huge gratitude to all those who sponsor and watch the show let's get back to it right now [Music] I'm asking five three five more only found one more I gotta get out of the dry suit here cuz I gotta pee like really never pee in your dry suit I think carry you oh no place in my disc golf with me let's do it that's a good disc today here which is good because I've lost a lot of my desk or giving them way over the years but we'll donate some of them to the school over here to you find that one person I found a white beast disc I didn't have any cm on it I call him anyway and told me I found a white one and you can have it a few months but those of you that don't know what disc off is it's like the free version of playing golf like out in the woods and the bushes will play a round of it in just a few minutes and I'll show you what it is the different discs are kind of like clubs they do different things you go like on the in ANOVA website look up the champion or you'll see like sometimes it'll like fly straight and the curve at the end where some of them are like curve curve and land that's what these difference discs aka clubs will do for you any of them that have the star on them are really good discs champion beast that's a really good disc sloshed normally those are just like free discs you get when you do like little golf competitions we got Karate Joe we'll give him a call a few minutes give his dis pack no idea what that when I think that's an ANOVA the way that it's designed it is shipped over there so I'll probably turn this into a dog frisbee or donate it over here this is that beast that Corey was mentioning another in ANOVA distance drivers there's distance drivers medium drivers and then like putters don't look at my password here hey this is a Jared the S scuba diver what's going on I found a white Beast it doesn't have any initials on it for CM but if Corey still in the area he's welcome to come meet up with me real quick and grab this disc if you want all right sounds good we'll donate it to the school here you're welcome oh my all right so they're already gone no initials so it's probably not even here's good disk will donate it to the school the slug here will probably throw that back in the water next up let's call Joe karate Joe and see if he's in the area if he wants to diss back five four one five nine eight we're looking for yeah Karate Joe hey I'm looking for a karate Joe I found a disc in the pond over here I was scuba diving today I did the champion groove [Applause] yeah sweet you still in the area let me let me grab your address I'll just swing by and drop it off okay so that was one of that I grew before Karate Joe we found his disc was there any other so with names on them here's a Nate Nate Jared Isaac hey what's going on hey I'm a scuba diver and I was overhearing sisters diving the pond found your disc your champion or if you don't want to I'm getting donated at the school here if you do want to let me know if your central organ we see what we can do to get it back to you any other ones with the numbers Ottoman we got a I don't even know who this is junior maybe two zero three hey this is a Jared I was scuba diving over here in the pond and sisters and found your disc 2015/16 hey any disk that I find that I don't want and I can't return I donate to the school here you want me to donate it or you wanna you want this puppy ship back to use have meaning to you alright sounds good I'll donate to the school still go to a good cause over here alright hey we got another one Stevie here man we got a lot with phone numbers any of you guys that play disc golf it pays to actually leave your number on here cuz if I end up finding it I'm gonna call you hey Stevie Jarrod logic I was over here diving the pond overhearing sisters found your disc in there give me a call let me know if you want it back we can meet up if not I'm gonna donate it to the school over here we're under an agreement that I've got with them and yeah put it to good use so anyway I'll hold onto it for a couple days my phone number is five for one and last one oh look here we go we got a phone number on their son for Grady it looks like a Portland phone number so I don't know if he's going be in the area or not hey Grady Jared Liza how are you I'm overhearing sisters and I was scuba diving today and found your disc in the pond are you in a sense you in Central Oregon or you got a Portland number where you located yep yep I do I've actually live here in Central Oregon so I'd dive the pond every once in a while under agreement with them that I try to return any this I can and those that don't want them back then I donate into the school for a good cause I actually live in Redmond so I'm more than happy to swing by and drop it off if you if you'd like it there yeah won't you text me an address now I'll do that in an hour or two today all right I'll do that all right are you working for me sounds good so uh look sounds like we're returning to disk for sure karate Joe's getting his dis back and great he's getting his discs back waiting on phone calls from the other ones in the meantime let's go through some discs and see if we can play around sound good excellent do you look like close right down the hole Ali here we have a basket that's out there and that's what we're gonna aim for so I'm gonna go try to try to go straight between those two trees with this disc in the wind and it usually hooks back to the right here here we go see if you can track this cure oh that's how it usually goes I smack the tree every single time you're up here [Applause] wait we're late for those either don't know here's my camera girl she doesn't like to be on camera the only thing she ever likes is her thumb or her hand right Kiera I appreciate her for being my camera girl hanging out with me she's my daughter oh good throw oh no I hit the tree and it came around it did exactly what I wanted it to all right Keith you're up so now that we're closer I'm going to throw this way instead of this way and we have to hurry too because there's a group of four or five that's right behind it here we go and getting closer you should be able to get it in after that all right miss Kiki you are up make them chains rattle rattle you go normally when you're playing disc golf you have like putters also so once you get this close you change this there you go you play nine holes 18 holes it's a fun game the sound of the chains so that's another fun day of diving for mr. lies I feel good about donated into the local school here each one of these like worth 10 to 15 $20 on some of them also feel good about return some of these discs to their rightful owners be sure to subscribe to mr. lies 8 turn on the little Bell notification that way you get notices any time I upload a new video other than that you know what else to do follow my socials mr. lysing on instagram mr. Lessing on twitter mr. liza go on facebook we'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 100,548
Rating: 4.7961926 out of 5
Keywords: disc, disc golf, found disc golf, frisbee, scuba, scuba diving, treasure, treasure hunting, pond treasure, pond treasure hunting, found disc golf frisbee, padi, padi scuba diving, lost disc golf, innova, donating, parks and recreation, school donation, innova discs, disc golf discs
Id: SIY3Pvm9m1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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