Dirk Nowitzki - The Defining Moments of Dirk

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Always feel like crying. Thank you for the material

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Twice_As_Nice 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m saving this. Too much to handle today.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cens337 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
ninth in the 1998 NBA Draft dirk nowitzki from verse what defines a legend triumph enjoy moments of struggle and growth Nowitzki for 20 seasons the Dallas Mavericks have been defined by one man a skinny German kid who rose to be an all-time great legends are created by memories born of effort and passion these moments connect us to our heroes once were we are lifted beyond the ordinary 20 seasons that's a long time to play in the NBA only seven players in the history of the league of played that long and only two have accomplished that feat with one team one of them calls the city of Dallas home Dirk Nowitzki has been the face of the Mavericks for a generation during that journey Dirk has had some truly great moments memorable games incredible finishes and fantastic plays that have established him as one of the all-time greats in the history of basketball over the course of the next hour we will sit down with Dirk and talk to him about some of these moments and get his thoughts and opinions about why they were so special let's begin with a look at the defining moments of dirty dirt let's talk about when you first came over to Dallas drafted back in 1998 Dirk Nowitzki here you are coming into Dallas what were your first impressions when you got your I was a little scared or not scared I mean really anxious didn't really know what to expect so I got in the airport and there was all these fans with signs waiting I thought back there and man at school there's a bunch of fans here I found out later that all these people mouths employees Ross Perot told him all to go out there and give me a welcome Kelly made it all comfortable for me you know how easygoing he was and how nice and always joking and having fun with everything just making me feel comfortable on you know there was a little bit of a language barrier viously and it was a little shy at the beginning and my press conferences getting to meet Steve and Mike was big that trip you don't only had a little barbecue at his house that we gots got to meet some of the players and they were super nice and kind of made me feel welcome and then said hey let's let's try this let's do this getting to meet Steve was was big so I was a nice trip and then at the end my last best groans I was like okay I'm coming I'll do this so it's a big step for me [Music] you said a minute ago that meeting Steve was really important and we know how influential he was did you know that day when you met him at the press conference this is gonna be my guy not really but he was it was really nice love soccer so I believe we clicked on that area and start talking you know he just had gotten traded here he was he played the Phoenix so everything here was new to him too we ended up living in the same apartment complex and then just who knows those were the good old days and all that some fun you know he always took me out apartment took me he took me movies Dallas Mavericks one fan at a time mitts and his friends on the road all his college buddies and stuff too dude and I'm not only sitting in hotel room and think about home him and Mike were both fantastic true pros and really you know taught me taught me the right way in this league your first game in Seattle and Detlef Schrempf happened to be on the Sonics that particular night what do you remember about interacting with him he was super sweet to me I didn't really know you know what to expect there either I know it was a very nervous first game you stage and then against the the German who's made it you know all-star Sixth Man of the Year I think twice I mean he's had a amazing career in the warm-ups we took a picture together and so I was it was super surreal tons of German media there in the locker room before which wish I wasn't used to you kind of getting dressed and there's tons of cameras there and just everything was just so new and weird yeah the point being changed my shrimp Detlef was super sweet I met his wife afterwards who gave me his number is like anything you ever need any questions give me a call I'll help you through it and it was he was super nice I couldn't couldn't ask more was there anybody else that stands out early in your career that was a mentor for you elly and donny were great you know Donny was the guy that was coaching the hoop summit so he he kind of knew me the longest and you know he was an assistant at the time so we must have watched countless hours of film that year you know just trying to get me better and help me out and in all sorts of areas where we're all struggling so I spend a lot of time with with Donny a lot of people trying to help me get through the first first step December of 2004 American Airlines Center Houston comes to the town and you and tracy mcgrady have one of the great one-on-one duels ever you scored 53 he scores 48 you guys went in overtime what do you remember about it I remember actually that game that I was not shooting the ball particularly well in warm-ups so I didn't really quite know how this is gonna go my teammates kept finding me we wants you in the rhythm and unig rules some shots fall that you know usually don't go and that's part of it but it was just a fun night fun atmosphere and t-mac was on fire the best thing about high scoring nights it's always to get to win you know I had another fifty point of the game we actually lost which makes us 650 is a big number it's a special number did you ever think about the possibility of doing something like that scoring 50 points in an NBA game because it's been done by so few relatively speaking yeah not really especially after the start that we talked about earlier the first year was rough and I wasn't quite sure if I'm made for this I figured hey fight through the first contract if it doesn't work I can always go back to Europe and play the air play close to my mom and dad which they wanted anyways the second year was already better and then I can see a you know maybe you can play in this league and then kind of just kept working you know I think that's that's the main thing every summer you know played national international ball worked with Holger only took a few weeks off and always always try to get better always try to add new things and then the team should start to get better with Steve and Mike and also we blew thoughts playoffs back here in Dallas it was just just a fun fun time to be around here and building this thing kind of from ground up [Music] the youngster taking the ball to the basket where you came into the league there weren't a lot of players like you dirt bigs who get step outside and shoot one of the first stretch fours did you ever think I'm so much different than the way people play in this league at this particular position well I think there were some that uh that paved the way for me I think we mentioned that the friends was it was a big guy who could step out Kukoc was a big guy who can who can move and shoot so I think there were some euros before me that little bit paved the way [Applause] [Applause] I always say I'm not sure if there were a lot of coaches at the time in the late 90s that would have had a 7-footer you know get a rebound dribble it up and in Jack up three and and Nelly just always let me play my game gave me the confidence and always saw that up I was never gonna be a traditional big you know so that was his vision for me as as being a perimeter shooting driving a lot I'm just glad at that that I came here and it worked out and he's supported me fully [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for years you dreamed of the chance to get the triple double and here it is your first one what do you remember about it you know I always like to think I was know I've never got paid from up passing you know I always got paid to give buckets what I have to triple Delos in 20 years that's not a lot you know on that particular night I was played well offensively and you're in the NBA it's always a dream to kind of get a triple-double because it's so filling the stat sheet it's always a fun thing to do I didn't really think that I was gonna achieve that since my past and like I said isn't isn't called Malone esque somehow got it done and the guys were great making shots that night Dirk the 2006 playoffs were a pretty special run San Antonio game seven you guys have a big lead on the road you have to win in overtime you get over the hump everybody remembers the three-point play but you had a 37 point 15 rebound game what do you remember looking at post card seven games span this was probably the best series of I've ever played in my life I was in my prime you know I like like to think 27 to 30 is your prime in hoops because you you experience you have a few years under your belt and but your body is still ready and primed and that serious was a great series against an unbelievable team can sell rivals that always beat up on us and to go down there and beat them in seven on their in court ourselves an amazing feeling just just a rollercoaster ride as it always is we're up big we're rolling and how they always you know play hard and get back in it and then she no Polly makes the three on the wing [Applause] I already thought that was it I'm gonna somehow get to the basket here and then lay it in [Applause] and we're down one we could foul and maybe they missed the free-throw and that's what I did just kind of put my head down and try to drive and Sergeant nobly there in the lane but I never thought he would actually try to go up and block it cuz I thought he's just gonna let me lay it in and we had the foul and he really went off and all that just try to hang on and try to go as strong as I could and when the ball bounced in I was like oh man we got we got four stood there and then they actually had a chance to win it and to nobly drove and kind of missed it and that was filled so today one of the greatest wins I think in my career down there just the magnitude of the game and beat them and on their home court was amazing feeling was there anything special about it because it was a rival and you already lost to them twice before in the playoffs yeah I mean there there were always like I've mentioned our big brother you know they always kind of beat up on us and sort of for us to go there and you know grinder them the entire series and then find a way at the end just grind it out and I have to Ginobili made that three it was as loud and as crazy as you can imagine and be a reader to be so it was that was those unbelievable for us to come back been really steal it and ot and I'm member stack had some big plays think he had two big shots in overtime so I was uh yeah I was I'll never forget not only a Game seven but that an entire series was probably the best possible up lived my life in the Conference Finals we've already talked about scoring 50 points in a game but in a playoff game with the season basically on the line that's some super special stuff Phoenix was always special games not only because cuz Steve went there and you know there was always a little friction there when he came here he wanted to show mark that we made a mistake as a franchise so he was always super hyped to play us and really stick it to us so there was that going and then their style of play was always they're never out of it and they always in it and that down up they always play the same they keep coming and keep shooting and so there was always fun games fun matchups I knew coming in that was gonna be an incredible series with some incredible play making we're up early in that game and they did come making Iran Tim Thomas make threes they all make threes and we're kind of falling behind and I'm thinking you don't want to go to Phoenix down 3-2 you know all this great work was done we beat San Antonio and in their place and this could all be forgotten so I just kind of said hey it's it's not whenever you got to go for it and make some stuff happen picking my spots being aggressive the guys could find of me in hookah spots and I was kidding doing hot at the right time and that was that was a huge win and then we we closed him out there and his six so that was yeah it was another special night you spent your whole career with the Mavericks a special night against the Nets March 2008 here's to play fourth-quarter you become the franchise's all-time leading scorer pass a little longer [Applause] yeah I mean crazy spending at that point already been been a crazy ride and in one franchise which you know I've never really expected anything like it may be a career that I could stay I'll make it to the first contract and then be here so long as some of the Dallas great so everybody knew what was on the line there and then I think I missed the one before and they gave me the ball again I had like four minutes left to kind of get it you know just keep the ball getting given to me and somehow make it happen so shove it a little turn around over over RJ and just I'm just happy I went in Derk when you came to the NBA I remember you talking about one of your dreams was to get Germany to qualify to play in the Olympics you guys did that in the summer of 2008 you went to Beijing to represent Germany and you had a chance to carry the German flag for the opening ceremonies when the entire Olympic team made the walk into the stadium what do you remember about that experience yeah I mean it still that experience still gives me goosebumps you know is one of the greatest experiences ever and I'll remember it for the rest of my life it was always a dream of mine and so my international career started in kind of 99 and we were trying to qualify for Sydney and we missed it by like a couple points then we're trying to go to Athens we missed that by a couple points and it's always like just it's my dream and I want it so bad so then in ou age you know we were a lost last spot to take away had to go through this pre Olympic qualifier that summer and we had to grind through like two weeks we were in Athens and then we we actually BJJ in Puerto Rico and in the final game winner goes loser stays home so it was a huge game and somehow we got the job done it was it was amazing I mean um running off the cord with with tears demise and I couldn't I couldn't hold back was just so happy and then a couple weeks later we went to Beijing and on one day we're gonna could do a little sightseeing and the head of the German Olympic Committee is like hey I want to talk to you today this afternoon like what so so I couldn't go to the sightseeing tour and I go in his office he's like I think we want you to carry the flag and I was like what are you guys crazy like you know usually it's these old guys that have done been like four five six Olympics and so that was I was kind of breaking the habit and the routine so I said listen if I don't want to step on anybody's toes but if it's okay I'd love to do it it'll be an honor for me and then yeah they really gave me the flag and I was I'll never forget the moment you know you wait around forever as all these nations that walk in so we actually waited in there I think of the gymnast Stadium was something just sit there for hours and hours and then this moment finally comes and we walk into the stadium they kind of hand me the flag and we're standing in this little tunnel it was literally a hundred and twenty degrees yeah so humid I was sweating through my collar was all mist though I mean I was a mess and all of a sudden I'm just standing there waiting and then I mean in this tunnel of the entire German Federation start stinging like der show me the flag so I'm up there I'm just waving the flag and all for filing in Germans behind me or singing the song and I'm just I'm just starting to sweat I'm just trying to get her starting to get emotional I was just such a surreal moment that there I'll never forget and then actually the round I can't remember at all it kind of was a daze it was hot sweating you know that the whole round kind of went by way too quick but I'll always remember that that those 1015 seconds in the 30 seconds in the tunnel were over the whole Federation singing that was unbelievable special moment we had a blast just in the village getting to know some of these athletes you know just everything around it was an amazing amazing experience I'll never try this later November of 2009 29 points in the fourth quarter against Utah what a quarter that was yeah that's another thing that won't forget the rest of my life really had nothing going to three quarters you know Utah was a tough physical team there they were talented and they really took it to us there and we were kind of down big there in the fourth we talked about in the huddle before the fourth let's try to make it one more Ron just happened to get hot [Applause] that's enough some good place got into a couple times with some with some layups at the beginning I had an and-one right right out of the quarter and we've kind of got me started I don't know just kept rolling from there that the wrist is kind of like whatever just to throw the ball towards me I somehow make it make a play for us and that was just that that kind of night either I'm getting fouled or I'm making this basket that's that's the kind of night I was going there before [Applause] and once you're in the mixer I didn't even know how many points they had at the time I was just trying to keep going keep going trying to get the swing and then when I subbed out I think I'm member singled to know somebody told me you just had 29 in the forest what else that was ridiculous and but also great great 9 a great wind when you go to that place where you just got hot can you share with us what that feeling is like it's just the ultimate confidence there's some doubts once in a while you miss a few when you're on it's just zero doubt that the next shots going in you just want to competition we want the ball you want to make it happen you don't even think about misses or anything you just you know you're on you know the next shots going in so you're just trying to chase the ball Thanks this is a mindset of I'm making this happen nobody can guard me out here and no matter what happens I'm trying to carry us and get this win one of your great individual performances in the playoffs game 1 Western Conference Finals Oklahoma City 2011 48 points what a night you had against the Thunder that was great you know we had just swept the Lakers so we were sitting on I think over a week loss you know you know holger is he literally gave me maybe one day off and the rest we were in the gym every night every night in the gym so I couldn't wait to get this ear start around I'm like I gotta go away from Hobart I gotta get this hair started you know just was so anxious to get get going and get the Western Conference Finals started made my first couple shots and then I had a great groove weather for the rest of the night put some smaller fitness on me yet some matchups was able shoot over them some bells a great night something I'll always remember from that series was after you won the series in Game five at American Airlines Center your celebration for the Western Conference championship trophy was very very understated can you take us back to that place and why why your demeanor was like that that night so Doris Burke interviewed me right after the game so I thought I was done with the interviews with her and so I did the interview now we got a bunch of veterans that want a way to play off each other's though what's the odd goes we got the the trophy and it was it was great and then I was like okay you know I want to get ready for her for the next series and we already have a Western Conference championship thing and that's run not really what we're here to play for you know we'd love to get a layer of brine trophy in here so I was kind of done celebrating and just walked off the floor and then I found out later that Doris weren't here with me live on the mic for the fans which I didn't know if I would have known that she wanted to do that I would have stayed out there so there was kind of like a weird look I guess she was looking for me I had already left so I did not do that on purpose trying to make a statement hey we're not celebrating that would obviously state if I would have known to me at us this is a great win but the end of the day is still just another series we want and we wanted to get one more serious so that that's how that happened [Music] [Music] 2011 came to the game-winner this is when you tied it against Miami you know they were really good they were really athletic and I think they kind of took us out of our games the first first game and the second really they were all over us they took some are shooting away with their quickness on the perimeter with their athleticism and so really we had nothing going the first two games and and then d-wade made the three in front of our bench I think they go up fifteen or sixteen [Applause] and it's just one of those nights we didn't really have it you know all we said last five six minutes hey let's try to get some stops maybe get around now get a couple easy ones and somehow get it to ten and see if we can make one last one and if not come back to AC hopefully to a rockin crowd and get on the board and then that's what you try to do [Applause] those last couple minutes were magic for us I mean we're just scrambling up the game where we were we were kind of you know hard playing through some mistakes defensively and I got some good bounces and then offensively finally got some easy ones I remember jet had a lay-up in transition he had another pull-up and then somehow that got us going there got a got our offensive swag back a little bit and started to make some shots and in some big plays [Music] in just and finally I think that's when we have really arrived into the finals you know before that we're kind of like oh they're so good not sure where we can beat them and in those last couple minutes who are really hey we're we're here we're here to play and that was a huge comeback win you know down fifteen with a couple minutes to go that usually doesn't happen but we made it happen by scrambling together but by fighting and getting going offensive waiting then I tied in our layup and fast-break he kept rounded this one of the same place which was like a double screen and then they really show it hard and then Tyson kind of screen his own man that's why I got so open and I was able to knock the three down and like yes you know some sort of 27 seconds to go we're up three you know now we in great position and she had just had a complete brain fart on the other end kind of like you know Dwayne cuts to the high to the high post and you know he kind of completely leaves leaves this guy in the corner didn't even think about him and sure enough LeBron skips it over from out of balance and it's a tie game again and just like how in the heck did you get so open I remember Jake kid looking around and we didn't really know what happened and she is kind of looking at us so that was that was a weird situation from kind of like being completely up on a hide to kind of like are you kidding me and then but we were still in a good spot you know it's a tie game you know it almost can run the clock down and you know that's that's the position you want to be in you know if you miss worst thing that can happen is go to overtime if it if you lay it in or make a shot you can win it so it's kind of like an oppressive pressure situation they had Bosh on me and you know just got the ball there had ran a little down pick and I came up to the elbow area where where I've lived basically in my entire career [Music] [Applause] you know boss chooses lengths really well that serious all's trying to do get him off me a little bit and I'll spawn you know once I spawn I just saw a gap there you know usually I think it was Haslam under there would have come over maybe try take a charge of something but once I spawn I think their vivid Elaine was just open and I just saw it and I took it and I was able to get to the basket lay it in and then it was kind of like scrambling they didn't have enough time out left and they had to push it up and and wait had a he's hit actually almost went in [Applause] I was a big win and then and really showed us that we we can we can beat this team we play with team where we we had arrived in the finals for sure what you remember about game for the game he wanted American Airlines Center but you had to play through being very very sick that night we were so frustrated given the home court advantage right back that we had just earned so that was that was frustrating I was the hey we're still right here we're right here and then the night before big game for you know I knew our season was sort on the line if we lose again we're down 3-1 this might be it and so I'm worked out with Holger in at night and not go home and heat and oh right the level 12 o'clock it's like I'm not feeling that well I'm sweat a little bit I'm getting hot and then the entire night you know I'd have had a fever and just did not feel good at all I think it was just so frustrated I was like not now you know get sick and preseason or whatever even in the first round but not right now you know it's just maybe your most important time of your career right now maybe his last shot at an NBA title you know why now you know so it's so so frustrated coming in the morning not feeling well and push my fluids that day I even did the oxygen chamber in the afternoon kind of laid in there and I think that helped me get some rest and I gave it all I had you know just I was able to knock a few shots in but it really was not great I was not great but I was there was out there we were battling and at the end I just thought remember that was kind of my my last burst of energy I think we're up 1 and I had the ball again this time on the right elbow and I'm kind of looking at the clock and I'm just like he's kind of it hasn't was giving me right a lot because he knows I like going left so I went a little early but I just saw that opening saw that opening I took it and I was just hoping in my body would have enough strength left for me somehow to stumble there and then lay it in and and I did get there yeah and I think Wade came on the weak side and almost almost got to it but it somehow snuck in and I was just so happy afterwards that we got that win we got through that that game and we tied in and I didn't feel well but it was summer I got the job done [Music] that gave six I was lawful no I just I try to force it a bit I think I was like this is such a big moment go make it happen and I try to will it and it just wasn't working for me you know everything was a little long they contested it well forced through some tough shots [Applause] that was 1 for 12 at halftime and just just being frustrated but you know the great thing is the guys were playing great I think Jett was unbelievable that night and we were still up at halftime so I'm coming there halftime I'm sort of obviously ticked off and nothing's going my way and I just see Cardin like yeah I remember like this not like what what are you doing is a you get no you misses out of the way I love it you know our Cardinal was it he just made me smile and they kind of just I guess they're trying to just relaxed me and I went out there and was able to make a few shots or a few plays there and in the second half [Applause] I totally thought it was a great team series that that we played and some of the guys played to play great to get us over to Hampi [Applause] yeah when I put my hand over the head I think we had it we had any out of reach so I kind of knew then yeah just this was it this is the moment so I remember just going like this and I was just really happening and I remember jet came over and I gave him like a complete one coke slow weird hug but I was just I didn't really saw tapped nothing on the head it was just so bizarre but I think you know if we had wanted you know six I think the party would have been a lot bigger I think there in eleven we had an older team I think everybody was just so exhausted you know you're we're all you know a playoff Ron takes a lot out of you two months you know completely always on the edge win or lose you know you don't want to lose the momentum when you win you don't want to regain it when you lose so you don't sleep for two months and I was just I remember I was just being exhausted I was being happy but that moment yeah for sure I know this was out of reach and just being exhausted and happy at the same time [Music] and winning it always was sort of surreal [Music] I just wanted to get off the court for a second I wanted to run in the back I ran into the shower area there was no bench when I laid down and I remember you know Tim Frank's from the MBA PR got followed me in say hey you got go out there you got to go out there and I was like I can't I don't want the trophy give it to somebody else I need a couple minutes and then finally after a few minutes he convinced me I came out there and I'm happy I did I mean this pictures I'll never forget either razor the trophy you know having marked there the whole team family onstage I was incredible moment were over six years removed from it but I would imagine that the relationships with those that you fought with your teammates your brothers still have to be amazing and always will for the rest of your life yeah they always say it's sort of a bond for life and it's yeah it's true I mean every time you see one of those old warriors it just makes you smile you know we saw page a couple weeks ago in Sackville throw your no way see Corey Brewer Tyson from but Louis said what up champ when I see him it's just it's it's always great to see some of these guys with you know he's fought through so much and so much adversity and I was that was a special year special bond we have with that group it was a group that was anything but favorites going in but it was a group that wanted to play with each other that that sincerely loved each other and played well with each other and shared the ball and wanted to win with each other and it was just that was a special girl for sure you've passed a lot of people on the scoring list let's look at the video from November of 2014 this was a special night Sacramento's here at American Airlines Center [Applause] and I was watching basketball in the 90s was a huge dream fan you know this is footwork makes place to no other just just an unbelievable player and you know to me sort of still surreal pass through somebody's all-time greats legends that that I've watched it up adored for so long that I've idolized so it was it was another surreal moment you know that the kids from from wurtzburg the lanky kid you know 16 17 18 years later past as some of these greats it was another surreal moment and I think that really is gonna sink in once my career's or in 10 20 years and I looked back and show some of my kids and grandkids hopefully and then it will be they slide jab step up fake burner I felt that the buzz in the crowd every time I touched it they were like shoo shoo shoo make something happen they were standing up and I just I just said let's go for it let's go forward tonight early and often and then I made I remember back-to-back threes and it was just kind of awesome there [Applause] and then I was sitting on a team after the first quarter and Carlos obviously as we're breaking this now and the first play was a nice little play where I said of a down picking to get across being into a shot of a run to play a thousand times the moment was just awesome and I turn around and I was like here it is Dirk gets three basic jumper it was way long and was an airball so the entire crowd like only got so but they kept standing and then the second player I came down they were like this just punched it to him easy play call Devon brings it down punch it in and make something happen on the little block as I've been doing for a long long time and I wasn't sure should I back down or what should i do should I do that this flamingo shot or should I do that or this thing also stuff going through your mind and now just end up facing up all like score let's just get this over with he was kind of close to me but his hands were a little down and I was like let's just just just shoot it and let's see what happens [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it went in and there was there was incredible the crowd went nuts I saw my bench over there I was completely almost running on the court that was a fantastic moment than in the timeout after sitting there watching someone attributed have one in German and one in English and then seeing halt were up there with tears in his eyes had a couple friends of Germany in town and I looked at them across they were kind of crossing the bench they were going bonkers over there absolutely loving it and that they witness stats so there that was a special moment now I'll never forget all the players of all the great players that have played to scam that that didn't mean a lot to me and that was a special night one of the really special moments from that night one of the poignant moments was and you just mentioned it how emotional Holger got that night he's a very stoic man he doesn't show his emotion very often but to see him emotional and to reflect on the journey that you two have had together what did you feel that night seeing the pride that he had in the path that you two have traveled yeah obviously made me a little emotional you know if we've been through a ton together on and off the courts we've had some times where he annoyed each other I mean like in every friendship and relationship and but he's been there every step of the way you know supporting me and sometimes I have to remind myself hey he only wants the best for you you know he was always there pushing me through thick and thin and you know it's probably fair to say I would have never gotten here without him I was happy for for him to be there in that in that moment and you know I've only seen him emotional a couple times and in whatever 25 years I've known him now and the championship was won and in the 30 K was another so great great moments here every words he talks about this and he embraces the fact that his methodology of teaching is unique in terms of what we're accustomed to seeing the sport taught like here in America has there ever been a time whenever he was saying I want you to do this and your reaction was you want me to do what yeah I think when we first started off I was like 15 16 and the stuff that he was saying was just completely absurd I've never I've never heard some of that stuff it is his terminology about about certain things no Germany is a soccer country every time at the beginning somebody would shoot is that goal it would scream goal of some reason and we're all look at him like who is this weirdo standing over there this leather coat in the gym so it was like us young guys as we are teenagers we thought he was a little bizarre is a good word and then we got to know him got to work with him more and we just saw basically is his stuff works his technique stuff works he knows what he's talking about we all got better you know it wasn't only just me he was working with he was working with some other young guys and the rest of the team so we kind of embraced his methods and his his his terminology of stuff and and just go close to Eman you know the rest is history became became great friends who's been a mentor you know I've traveled the world with him you know there's not a lot of guys that would travel the world with those 60 year old man what I did and he showed me unbelievable places in the world and just a great friend and a great mentor over over a long long time why did this relationship between dirk nowitzki in the city of dallas texas materialize the way that it do I don't know if if I brought some some hope Nowitzki fires for three baby I'm not sure if they like the shy skinny kid that came from Germany it's not really supposed to make it my first here it was obviously rough retirement it'd come off the bench I remember the crowd was giving me standing ovations [Applause] they want me to succeed you know I got to do everything in my power to kind of make that happen to pay them them back their loyalty their love what would you want people to say when they speak historically about what you meant to the NBA into the Mavericks he's a big guy that could shoot that can move that changed the game in a way helped pave the way for some of the younger Europeans now love playing the game and helped his team up for City up this franchise win games that's really it'd always try to be out there and help my help my team win games over the last hour jerk has told us the stories as some of the amazing moments in his career it's hard to boil down 20 seasons into just a few memories and we could have spent hours maybe even days revisiting all of the games and plays that have made dirt into one of the all-time greats thanks for joining us for the defining moments of dirt you
Channel: Dirk
Views: 244,016
Rating: 4.9524579 out of 5
Keywords: Dallas Mavericks, Dirk Nowitzki, NBA
Id: u21qe3z8ehw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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