Dirk Nowitzki Top 50 Career Plays
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Channel: NBA
Views: 1,191,123
Rating: 4.9331379 out of 5
Keywords: nba, highlights, basketball, amazing, big, sports, Dirk Nowitzki, Dirk, Nowitzki, Top 50 Plays, Top Plays, Best Plays, Top 50, Top, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas, Dallas Mavs, Mavs, DAL, Top 50 Plays Dirk Nowitzki
Id: BfixJPEky1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
He was so fast and agile, like a 7 foot shooting guard who could kill you inside and out.
Whenever I watch vids of young Dirk, I'm always tempted to play as the 2003 Mavs on NBA 2K17, but then I remember how slow and unathletic they made him -___-
Damn it's crazy he has dunked on so many famous big men
Lmao after the 3 at #1 I was like WHERE IS LEFTY LAYUP...
oh there it is!
Well, that was fun.
Thanks for posting this!
I was there at MSG for #21....Twas awesome.
This is honestly my favorite Dirk video. You'd worry that someone putting together a compilation now would have a lot of one-foot-fadeaway-late-career bias, but no. It has everything. Mid-rangers for days, transition dunks from Nash assists, creaky old man moves, turnarounds no one was ready for (seemingly including Dirk, the man in charge of his body), transition dominance, BIG moments/clutch performance/being THE guy, a surprising number of totally-called-bank shots that Dirk seems to get more than anyone, shocked announcers not sure that they just witnessed a seven foot white man do what he just did, and of course...OF COURSE the big time, fun time, did dis dude just do dis move -- the lefty layup over Bosh in the Finals.
Give this compilation an Oscar. Or at least a fucking Webby or some shit.
Was there at the AAC for whichever # was the one he hit the last second 3 against Utah.
So cool to see that in his top 50.