Directorist WordPress Setup with dList Theme

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hey guys allowed in here and in this video i want to cover a directory plug-in slash theme for wordpress uh these guys are have been around for a couple of years i think now and overall the teams that they've come up with are actually really nice looking and and that's why i'm a little bit excited as i have couple of uh local directory domains that that i've been wanting to build but just never got around to it because i didn't like all the options that were available in wordpress universe up until now i know geo directory is probably one of the top ones out there but you know last i looked which was probably over a year ago i did not like what i saw back then so i just kind of put it on hold but this looks really amazing so i wanted to share that and they also have a special going on so you know directorist has actually three themes that you can look at and the one that that i'm going to be reviewing is called d-list so let me go to the home page the home pages you know with the static image and then you have different options with the video and whatnot here is the overall layout which is really nice and modern looking so i like this theme a lot and also the fact that they have the map options that's pretty cool to have but something you have to keep in mind if you are planning on using let's say uh google maps instead of the open street map is google is going to be charging for using this service so that might be something that you have to look into but just a simple grid layout i think that's what i'm going to be using defaults kind of standard expected uh look and feel but just looks really clean so uh what i'll do now is go to the main page and show you like the main plugin itself is free and then they have a bunch of extensions 20 as of today and i think they're going to come out with a few more and these are the premium extensions and then the three themes that have some of the premium extensions built in so if you are looking for just say one website that you want to get started with then going for the theme and then buying any additional plug-in or extension that is needed would be the way to go because if you just look at the extensions for one single license you know one domain license they start at 29 each and that the theme itself would be you know like 60 70 dollars i forget what it is so it would make sense to go for the theme and then you know get the extension as needed so let me show you the d-list theme has these 12 extensions already baked in so i would buy the theme and then you know if you need any of these additional extensions just go buy those separately or if you want to just get the lifetime deal you know it's currently available so what i'll do now is i'll show you how easy it is to get started with this so right now i have a demo site set up the whole thing is already imported with demo data so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually reset it and then set it all up so let let's actually reset this demo site and we'll start from scratch so i'm gonna go to the reset option and i'll do a nuclear reset that means it's gonna blow out everything that i have in regards to themes and plugins and everything so you can see uh that you know we're literally starting from scratch all right so let's do that so even our core theme 21 is going to be gone so and let me just show you how that looks so if i go to appearance it will say that you know it's missing the 2021 theme we'll just go add new we'll get that back in our system and now if i go to the website front page we're back to a default installation all right so that's what i wanted to show you guys so now if i go back to themes what i can do is upload the dlist theme that i've purchased so i'm going to go to upload themes and just drag and drop the file here and click on install and we'll activate here it says you know that there are a few required plugins so we'll just go with the begin installing plugins that are necessary contact form is something that i don't use i recommend you use something like fluent forms or something so that's something that i'm not going to install even though this is a demo it's just a habit i guess so i'm going to undo that and click on install and apply so what's happening is it's downloading the directorist plugin itself and then there are some additional you know premium plugins that are included in the theme itself and for demo purposes that they have this plugin that does the demo so let me activate all of these so we've literally just taken the one file for the dlist theme and then activated that and then through that installation process we've installed a few additional plugins all right so now that we have the plugins and the theme installed and activated we'll just import all the demo data so we can work with demo and they have three demo examples and the one that i had shown earlier was the static one import that and there you have it you have the demo data pulled in into your website and now if we go to the dashboard and let's update the database this one's the notice there and now if we go to the directory listings plugin info will be able to manage all the listings and also the settings so what i want to do now is actually give you a brief overview of the plugin and how to set it up the listing itself all the fields that you want for for your listing are right here the form fields and and you can configure those and now depending on the plan you know like uh you might have one plan to show video and then another plan that doesn't have video right like the free and you know upgraded versions so you you would have all your fields managed here which is in your listing and then the form fields and then in the pricing plan you you go this is something that i like where you can actually go and edit the plan with this is a premium plugin and you you can enable and disable the features per plan so th this can become challenging if you were trying to do it yourself or try to code it but here with this plugin you're able to define the feature set for each of your plan and then once you go to uh you just take the plan short code and and just show you know show the different plans that you have so here if you look at pricing plans uh this demo setup has three plans in it and if we were go to if we were to go to the front end of the website you'll see that when i go to add listing it will show me uh the three pricing plans and you can pick one that that you're interested in so that that's really nice feature that that i like and then the other one the other feature is the dashboard itself the the front end dashboard that your users will see this is really where this theme i think really stands out the the dashboard looks really modern and uh the front end aspect of editing if i were to click edit to edit this listing you'll see the form which is again a nice looking front end visual form and once you submit it you can you know have it auto approve or have it go independent so all those settings will go back in into your plugin settings so those were the two things that i wanted to show you like how things are configured in regards to the settings and the fields for for your listing which is the form fields and then the pricing plan which is your you know different plans that you have and payment wise last thing i want to cover payment wise is if you enable monetization uh you you can use the pricing plan and that that will use your paypal and stripe gateway or you have the option to use woocommerce i haven't tested this but you know if you have woocommerce for other things on your website or if you plan on using woocommerce for other things then this might be the way to go where you don't use the built-in stuff and you just use the woocommerce stuff so uh these are again plugins that you would have had to purchase separately so stripe paypal woocommerce three payment gateway plugins i guess but within your d-list theme those are all included and if we go to the extension settings this is where this is a little bit clumsy uh i i think from a ui perspective but you know i can understand that they're building fast and implementing new features the ui will probably improve once you have the functionality working so i'm not too concerned about that but you know it just takes some getting used to so these are all your active licenses since it's part of the theme you don't have to do anything here these are already activated for you or you can turn it off if you don't want like business hours to be displayed or if you don't want claim listing option where you know the only option is to buy your listing or purchase your listing then maybe you don't want that claim listing so there you go hopefully you found this helpful and i'll be doing more videos on the individual settings as i dig deeper into it again i'm pretty new to this plugin but i'm really excited and i want to document the stuff that i'm learning and sharing with you guys as well talk to you later bye
Views: 3,121
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: WordPress Directory Plugin, Directorist, Plugin, WordPress Directory Website
Id: PW3VfEsctus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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