Dinosaurs Will Return to Earth in 5 Years

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Dinosaurs will never return again

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Subject-Funny 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] do you have a million dollars then you may be able to invest in a very unique pad a real dinosaur this is about how much paleontologist Jack Horner estimates it will cost to bring the long extinct reptiles back to life just imagine how in five years the characters of the legendary Jurassic Park will walk around modern megalopolises alongside of their owners but guess what the implementation of this incredible idea has already begun so what are we missing to clone dinosaurs just like Dolly the sheep of course a DNA sample back in the 1980s a certain jaunt catch from the American city of Bozeman Montana founded a secret science project called the extinct DNA research group project members believe that somewhere in amber the body of an ancient insect preferably a mosquito was preserved which right before its death bit a reptile so in the digestive system of these bloodsuckers from the past could be the remains of a stranger and ideally dinosaur DNA this fantastic hypothesis formed the basis of the best-selling book by Michael Crichton Jurassic Park alas even having studied millions of samples of insects frozen in amber resin the researchers recognize the complete folly of this venture so scientists proceeded for 15 years to search for traces of DNA in dinosaur fossils paleontologist Mary Schweitzer managed to find blood cells blood vessels and some proteins one of which was collagen in the remains of these ancient red but it turned out that this find was not enough for the resurrection of dinosaurs a team of experts from Manchester analyzed the traces of collagen in the remains of a Tyrannosaurus and came to the conclusion that the isolated collagen bears similarities to the collagen of ostriches and it makes no sense to use this organic material Australian scientists finally put an end to the dream of cloning dinosaurs making a sensational statement the complete destruction of genetic material occurs after six point three million years given that dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago there's no chance of finding their genes but scientists didn't let this get them down for very long Jack Horner a paleontologist who worked on Jurassic Park and the rest of the Jurassic Park series suggested resurrecting the dinosaurs in a completely different way his bold design is called chickenosaurus all that's needed to bring his idea to life is to wake up the preserved but inactive dinosaur genes in the chicken embryo so you might ask our Birds really dinosaurs Horner will tell you yes of course therefore we just need to change them so that they look like dinosaurs the first step is to start with the modern descendants of dinosaurs it's known that birds and alligators are evolutionary descendants of theropods bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs which include the Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex the only thing left is the three basic genetic engineering problems that will lead from an ordinary chicken to a creature similar to a miniature philosoraptor this is the formation of a long tail the development of a beakless toothy head and the creation of limbs with fingers and claws instead of ways the scientific community did not take corners venture seriously at first his project was more like a fantastic plot for a new dinosaur saga am a serious initiative but in 2015 his followers are hot opsin off from harvard and bart on john bull er from chicago were able to grow chicken embryos with reptile faces instead of the usual birds beak they sought to understand how at the molecular level the process evolved for turning snouts into beaks and reptiles or future birds the scientists introduced chemicals into the chicken embryos that block the activity of special proteins responsible for the growth as a result a broad rounded snout without a beak formed in the embryos at this stage the experiment was concluded since the point of the research was not to create any mutants scientists figured out tooth development even earlier in 2006 Matthew Harris in his laboratory at the University of Wisconsin found a way to stimulate a gene that is responsible for the appearance of teeth activated it and bred chickens with teeth and now according to Horner we can make teeth however without enamel since that gene was lost by birds to make real dinosaur teeth you'll have to create several trans genic individuals and bring the gene for enamel back in 2016 the scientific world was again shocked by strange news Chilean scientists managed to grow a chicken with dinosaur legs a team of biologists and geneticists from Chile had grown the embryo of an unusual transgenic chicken whose legs resembled the hind legs of dinosaurs the main difference between birds and dinosaurs as the researchers explained is the arrangement of their fibula in dinosaurs the tibia and fibula are approximately the same length well in all birds except for penguins the fibula is much shorter than its big sister the team of dois Botello of the university of chile tried to turn back the clock and return the bones of bird legs to their original state turning off a special gene that suppresses the development of the fibula this discovery became the next piece of the genetic puzzle for the resurrection of dinosaurs and the transformation of the chicken into chickenosaurus so the scientists managed to solve two of the main challenges to recreate the dinosaur but the issue of the formation of the tail has not yet been solved in modern Birds the tail bone called the PI ghost aisle with short fused vertebrae and muscles attached to it is hidden under the feathers it serves as a support for the steering feathers but the most interesting detail is that at the early stage of development of the chicken embryo the embryo still has a tail at some point a genetic switch flips and the tail disappears Horner's team studied all the available information about the mechanisms of till formation in vertebrates and brought out 23 mutations they cause a similar tail shortening in mice it remains still to be determined which among them gives the birds short tails turn them off and then uh feed chicks with long tails like a dinosaur will appear so far this is only in theory all that's been done up to now is to attach artificial tails to chickens to recreate the dinosaurs gate during the experiment the researchers found that in a chicken with a tail attached the center of mass is shifted back which causes a more vertical position of the femur when the chicken is standing and a greater displacement of this bone during movement but Horner considers the return of four limbs to the chickenosaurus the easiest step an x-ray of the chicken wing shows the same bones as are found in the four limb of a dinosaur they don't need to be produced apparently the paleontologist has left this final stage for dessert the team working on the high profile chickenosaurus project believes that a little more research and the chickenosaurus will be born Horner himself estimates the finishing touches will require about 300,000 to a million dollars and one year of painstaking work says Horner I don't see any difference between a dino chicken and a chihuahua this is just another genetically modified animal the paleontologist connects the future of the project with the development of the CRISPR casting system for targeted genome editing in just a few years this system has demonstrated such potential that it can change almost any living organism including humans of course there are risks CRISPR still encounters errors when changing the genome nevertheless the system remains the best tool for gene editing and according to Horner this is exactly what scientists have been waiting for in order to finally resurrect the dinosaurs but not all of his colleagues agree that the project needs to be brought to a successful conclusion they asked themselves what will the consequences of such a gross interference in the genome of a complex organism be can we take the liberty and spin the wheel of evolution back and there's some truth to this we're so preoccupied with the creation processes that we forget to ask ourselves do we have a moral right to do this in the future how will similar genetic experiments turn out for Humanity write in the comments if you'd like to go for a walk in this Jurassic Park when the video gains 15,000 likes we'll tell you how our scientists have come in resurrecting mammoths in the meantime the instructions are like comment and subscribe
Channel: Ridddle
Views: 1,921,687
Rating: 4.8485203 out of 5
Keywords: Ridddle, riddle, what if, what, if, what would happened, What Happens If, sci, science, smart, experiment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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