Dinosaurs Cartoons For Kids To Learn & Enjoy | Learn Dinosaur Facts - HooplakidzTV

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[Music] whoa I'm a shock asaurus you say like this the late cretaceous period looks 68 million years ago was a total blast yeah I'm a theropod like the t-rex so I eat meat but check these out okay I look like an either go to the dentist but seriously these teeth were made for fishing hey why can't we all just get along because Maciek a source needs to eat soda fish fish food I mean Maciek asaurus often what's now called Madagascar and stay out thrown out of a lake by a fish how embarrassing don't they know of a theropod like a t-rex whoa there Rex we had help to know is that he's not much bigger than a dog I wasn't talking to you t-rex but fish isn't the only thing I eat jackpot hmm time for lunch see you guys later [Music] hey there come here closer closer too close ah that's better my name is Dilophosaurus that's dialogue bose aris i live here in the early Jurassic period that's 200 million years ago whoa look at that - saccades one - I love the number two Dilophosaurus means - crested lizard see one two two crests ha I'm a theropod that means I run on two legs - and it also means that I eat meat - dinners to go YUM and yummier I live in what is now known as Arizona in the u.s.a i am the great great-great great-granddaddy of modern-day birds but I'm a lot bigger in fact I'm the biggest meat-eater alive here in the Jurassic period and here are my two favorite twos my kids what do you say we play two games of tag and fine - snacks and picked two plants for Mom see you tomorrow [Music] oh don't sneak up on me like that give me a heart attack let me introduce myself oh and the Baikal Soros and yes I have feathers I was flying there a second ago looking for some plants to eat did you see ok ok well maybe it was more like I fell out of the tree but I did feel lift on my wings just before I hit the ground hot did you hear something because I definitely heard something all right you say excuse the interruption you don't have to hide bring it out I'm the micro spiritus but if the smallest dinosaurs ever what can I possibly do to you it should have been named chicken not after by Pio the city in China where they found the vodcasts arose fossil I am NOT a chicken just careful besides what a chicken try to fly again huh it's just mind over matter I can do this whoa that's a long way down okay so my feathers aren't made for flying they're more like downy fibers but they're still feathers right and I'm not super huge or anything I'm only a little bit taller and heavier than a man all I have to do is think positive [Music] [Music] greetings welcome to the Late Cretaceous period 67 million years ago in what is now known as North America ah we're all waiting for the eggs to hatch hi I'm Troodon true da it means tooth that wounds that's because of the very sharp teeth that I have we're also the smartest dinosaurs around hey mister Troodon my friend and I have a problem we had five seeds I ate two and now there's only one left how many did my friend eat your friend ate two I knew it hey Percy I told you you are me two seeds see see were smart I'm pretty much half the size of a human being but since I'm a theropod like a t-rex I am at the top of the food chain mister Troodon my friends and I only have this one seek aid but both wanted what do we do awesome you're the coolest sharp teeth and very sharp toe claws oh [Music] they're going to hatch what it looks like we're going to have a big birthday party tonight but tomorrow they have to start learning maths if they're going to be smart like me [Music] Oh hi everyone I'm a woolly mammoth you can call me woolly my name says it all I'm big I'm fuzzy and I'm lost I mean really how could I find my herd of everything's covered No welcome to the Ice Age 100,000 years ago I guess hey what's the big deal my long shaggy hair and my thick layer of under wool keeps me dry and warm so throwing snowballs won't do anything plus I have special skin which oils up the hair to make me even warmer aha I have an idea I use my super long tusks to shovel the snow to uncover this yummy grass how will I ever be able to eat it all by myself haha I'm a little bigger than the biggest elephant but my ears are much smaller than an elephant I come from the cold northern part of the world where scientists have found entire woolly mammoths hair and everything frozen in the ice people usually get mixed up and think I'm a dinosaur but I'm really an ice age animal if okay wise guy he got me all right but at least he knows where the herd is I thought you knew where they were oh hi welcome to the Late Cretaceous period about 140 million years ago I [Music] live in the land this is now known as Argentina Chuck that stuff tastes like well grass okay as you may have guessed I'm not a herbivore a plant eater like those Jabalia I'm gigantosaurus the log is meeting Donner who ever lived you say my name like this Jake and Oh Soros it means giant southern lizard I'm as big as a boat and I'm just as happy at age metric tons you're looking at the biggest head of any theropod that ever lived but I have the smallest brain it's about the size of of a banana I found you ahh the only thing that really terrifies us to get to sources little sisters ok sis want to go hunting yes sure sis [Music] yeah she likes it when I do that [Music] whoa hey hi welcome to The Late Jurassic period 150 million years ago I'm Austin Elia you say that off neatly yeah and I'm in the best game of tag I've ever played right behind us nah he'll never tag us way too fast I mean look at me I'm built for speed my stiff tail gives me balance to make super sharp turns you can't tag me come here you little herbivore I'm not playing I need to tell you something Yeah right why are you chasing me if you're not playing he's right about me being a herbivore that's a plant eater but I'm not that little I'm about the same size as a big dog but with my tail I'm much much longer sorry ow you'll have to be quicker than that to tag me I have lots of room to run around here and what's now known as Wyoming USA come back here I just need to tell you something hey why'd you stop okay fine what did you want to tell me well it's very serious it's very very serious tag you're it I can't believe I fell for that ready or not here I come [Music] be very very quiet I'm on the hunt how am I being hunted I'm Nick Webb asaurus that's Nick Webber Sarris the first Dino ever to have a tongue click in his name hurry we must keep going I'm being followed I may not be big but I'll have you know I am the great uncle to the powerful and famous t-rex in 50 million years t-rex will be crowned king of the dinosaurs and he'll have me to thank dinos like me have been found in what is now known as Africa though I'm not as large as a t-rex I'm still all carnivore I eat insects and small lizards my hands help me a lot because though I have only three fingers one is like a thumb making grabbing much easier and these claws razor-sharp they help me climb when there are no branches my talents are hiding and sneaking around I'm SuperDuper being quiet and well invisible really but sometimes bro so very very jumpy those guys make me laugh [Music] ha beautiful view isn't it hi I'm Pteranodon yes say it Pteranodon and it means winged and toothless that's right in my beak I have no teeth do you want to know a secret hey turn it on I'm going to the picnic now oh the Dino picnic really do you think I can come yeah sure every Dino can remember that secret I want to tell you well the secret is that I'm nada okay let's go I'm from what is now Kansas in the USA but that's not the secret secret I love secrets I have hollow bones to make me light and I have a huge wingspan about ten meters wide that's as wide as a hand glider that's not a secret Pteranodon okay fine do you want to know my secret well here it is I'm not a dinosaur that's right I'm not a Dino at all I'm a flying reptile I'm related to the dinosaurs but not actually one myself I guess I can't come to the dinosaur picnic now by the way dinosaur means great lizard as far as I'm concerned it also means friend thanks t-rex you're the best my best friend and I are going on a picnic see you later [Music] their sinus optics that's I know softer X it means Chinese lizard wing [Music] unaccounted the fact that I'm from China and I am one of the first bird-like dinosaurs from a hundred and thirty million years ago my arms are covered with the meat the little feathers but I can't fly the feathers are just there to keep me warm however I can run really really fast with my powerful legs hey what are you doing it's super cool I have to do is tuck and you slide all the way down it's awfully far down and though I may not be very big I'm all carnivore come on let's go [Music] oh well I have the longest tail of any theropod I know sometimes it gets in the way yeah well it's my turn now see you later [Music] that's faux stars it means nimble or wait lizard watch me hey I'm gonna race with that Brachiosaurus back there what a nice Rock so fast I can even take time out and Sun myself I can turn faster than he can run I have no worries that's alive oh yes I'm so fast and that's got a lot to do with the way I'm built you see I'm a carnivore so I eat eat I'm perfectly built for chasing smaller animals out here in the plain and now my don't you ask see I'm lonely and these long legs may be perfect for running and my tail helps me stay balanced when I turn and I'm lat I weigh about 210 kilograms which is why I don't have to worry about where do you do and don't believe this Brachiosaurus would this be I'm Way faster than Brachiosaurus fine I suppose if I had done this talking about running I would have won the race okay you yeah I challenge you to another race [Music] hello I'm the arrogant dinosaurus that's argentino Soros I'm trying to hide [Music] you see I'm playing hide and seek with my friends but I don't think I'm very good at it I I'm from what is now known as Argentina that isn't South America [Applause] this is hopeless I am too big to hide that's what you get for we know we're 70 metric tons and 23 meters long I am even longer than three school buses I love eating plants that Bush looks too delicious what are you doing I am sorry I get so hungry I need to eat 45 kilograms of food a day and all this running and hiding well it just made me hungrier AHA got you both you two are really bad at this game I think I'm just too big for this game but maybe we can play something else [Music] oh hi I'm Karissa Soros that's core right though Soros do you know what that means hell my lizard it's because of this thing on my head my hurt and I use them to make amazing sounds listen okay that's not exactly what it's supposed to sound like it must be all the dust from the volcanoes over there wow that's awesome how come I can't make a big sound why can't I do it did you hear that it's my earth calling I'm gonna answer them if it's the last thing I do what am I doing wrong [Music] there's mired I wonder if they want to play with me hey guys what do you say we play a game oh did you hear that did you oh joy I wonder if they heard it oops sorry to wake you I was just so excited that I finally made the same sound as you guys I'll be quieter [Music] setting a source here let me say it slowly for you set yo Soros Satya source means well is it and I am pretty big alright I'm a herbivore like other sauropods such as a pata source and Diplodocus sometimes being heavy has its advantages but unlike other dinos I'm really heavy it's because my bones are solid not Hollow I lived along what is now known as Europe [Music] hey did you hear that hardly any other dinos can eat me but you don't want to meet the ones who can well gotta go find my herd safety in numbers you know goodbye [Music]
Channel: HooplaKidz TV - Funny Cartoons For Children
Views: 1,932,428
Rating: 4.055038 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaur, dinosaurs, dinosaurs cartoons for children, dinosaur facts, dinosaur cartoons for chldren, dinosaur cartoons, dinosaurs movies for children, dinosaurs movie, dinosaur videos, dinosaur videos for children, dinosaurs for kids, dinosaurs song, dinosaurs tv show, dinosaurus, animation, nursery rhymes, tyrannosaurus rex, Trex, I'm a dinosaur, hooplakidz, hooplakidztv
Id: cosvZDhFuzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2015
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