DINO STORY | Collection Of Best Dinosaur Episodes | Educational Video | I'm A Dinosaur!

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[Music] all righty here we are in the late Jurassic period 150 million years ago you know me I'm coach Stegosaurus you can say my name [Music] that's herbivore spirit ok let's go over our equipment in line great let's see those plates now that's not really enough Arbor but they do make the carnivorous style sick twice about taking bite out of us these plates actually let's be warmer or colder depending on how much we point them at the Sun and Allosaurus [Music] let's see those stagger vices yes those Sega boys you set the end of our tails are the real deal drop the water point two metres long and we need some where we're from what's now known as the Midwestern United States in fact we're Colorado State fossil all right team no it's gone that's with us right we're pretty big the size of a bus are you ready stegosaurs that's great team whoa that was weird hi I'm torva Soros and welcome to the Late Jurassic period 144 million years ago you say my name tour foe Soros it means savage lizard gee what is going on with my roar box I'm a theropod which means I walk on two legs and I eat meat a meat eater is called a carnivore I am the largest meat-eater in these parts I'm one of the biggest theropods ever over ten meters long and these some claws they help me hunt for food I'm from what's now known as the Midwestern United States yeehaw mimimi mimimi mimimi all me that's better now let me try a good one oh yeah welcome to the Late Cretaceous period 70 million years ago I'm a gorgeous Oris that's Gorgosaurus mom now they're gonna think I'm just a kid I can't wait til I get big I'm going to be even scared that my mom over there cuz that's what my name means fearsome lizard I'm not as tall as she is yet but one day I'll be 9 meters long I'll be as long as a house gorgosaurs like me Tyranno sore it's whew that's a big word but it has to be big just like us imagine we're in the same dino family with t-rex see all the sharp teeth we're meat eaters and our teeth help us chewy even the toughest meat I'm from what is now known as Alberta Canada so when I get fully grown watch it if you want to get big you have to eat a good meal and I've already called you for lunch four times yes mom gotta go eat see you later [Music] [Music] Carcharodontosaurus here in the Late Cretaceous period 110 million years ago car share Oh donto soros it means jagged shark tooth dinosaur and for good reason these teeth are 20 centimeters long pretty scary huh well they will be anyway I've got a loose tooth when it's out I'm gonna be the happiest theropod ever theropod means beasts feet and there are lots of dinosaurs that belong to that family believe it or not birds are in my family of course t-rex is the most famous theropod but guess what I'm just as big if not bigger than t-rex I'm 13 meters long [Music] [Music] but I live in North Africa maybe if I don't wiggle it it'll fall by itself maybe it won't be today it came out this is the happiest day since I hatched out of my egg and that's pretty Cyrus the frightful lizard did I scare you oh yeah I'm the Dino that was a close one let me help you say my name nice little Soros that's Lea Soros 75 million years ago as a horror show of coniferous monsters but you're never going to find another scarier than me see these teeth these are daggers sharp curved and they have the same edges as sir si sir get it huh these teeth are huge only smaller than my future concentrate asaurus rex but they're still big like I said before my name means scary lizard and there's nothing scarier than me let's think of some scary animals a lion is scary all right what else a great big grizzly bear those are totally scary I'm telling you it's my choppers as much as my size I'm one frightful lizards all right I'm also hungry now that is scary [Music] I'm penniless Oris that's pan Oh blow Soros I wonder if you can guess what my name means welcome to our game show guess the meaning of my name number one I live here in the late cretaceous period 74 million years ago [Music] okay I'm from the family of dinos called ankylosaur eeeh that means I have body armor I have a stiff Club with tail and look at all my spikes I'm built like an armored truck any ideas this is an easy clue I'm the same size as a dump truck and I weigh three and a half metric tons the same as an elephant of course all of this armor is to protect me from meat-eaters like these to t-rex's okay this is the last clue and then you'll have to answer I live in what is now Alberta Canada so can you guess what my name e does it mean delicious no panel blue source means totally armored lizard look at all the armor on me sheesh do I win something No [Music] Hey play nice I gave you easy clues oh well see you next time hi hi I'm Zuni Sara tops you say it Zoo me ser tops my name means Zuni horned head and my eyebrow horns come in handy especially since I have an itch in the middle of my back where I just can't reach and this is my home here in the middle Cretaceous period 90 million years ago see my fossils are found in what's now known as New Mexico a tribe of Native Americans lived here called the Zuni Zuni Zuni Cera tops I'm the first ceratopsian that means dinosaur who likes to eat plants that has eyebrow horns and I have another horn see at the tip of my nose I'm not very big just about the size of a cow ooh so itchy wait I know could you please scratch my back a little to the left lower yes that's the best thing about being in a herd you always get a helping head bye for now [Music] sorry about that I thought that he might be hiding in there oh by the way I'm a megaraptor that's mega wrapped or you may have noticed that I'm in a bit of a rush so I haven't got a whole lot of time to chat I'm as tall as a diving board [Music] [Applause] um excuse me I'm wondering if you can help me with something it's Mother's Day and I have no idea what to get my mum do you have any ideas a bag of nuts that would be a great idea but nope she hates nuts word carnivores and we don't eat plants that's a great idea happy Mother's Day mom hi there I was just saying hello to the Sun you wait right here babies mom is just gonna go talk to these folks for a minute I'm Gallimimus that's Gatley mm mus my name means chicken mimic a mimic of someone who copies someone else but I don't think I copy a chicken at all [Music] [Music] I'd like to know what chicken is as long as meat from the top of my head to the tip of my tail I'm almost as long as a big car hey where'd you go oh sorry I didn't see you there you see even though I had these really big pretty eyes I can't tell how far away things are or even things right in front of me I have to look sideways like this this is so exciting I wonder what they'll be baby Gallimimus is just what I wished for well I better start feeding them bye [Applause] [Music] hi my name's min me it's very easy to say min me and welcome to the early cretaceous period 150 million years ago these these are my friends Larry ammo we're very special dinosaurs called ankylosaurus ankylosaurus a dinosaurs that eat plants and have armored plates on our backs and today we're gonna have a race what are you trying to pull oh come on with all that body armor on your back now we got a race or not sorry all of this racing is making me hungry what are you talking about we haven't even raced yet nimmi's aren't very big we're about the size of a full-grown lion [Music] [Music] hey we could have race to Australian back by now that's where fossils were found what's now known as Australia a place called Mindy's crossing get ready get set yeah I don't feel like racing anymore you we're not very fast anyways let's just go for a slow walk then besides we all know who would have won yeah whoa hi welcome to The Late Jurassic period 150 million years ago I'm Austin Elia you say that off me Lee yeah and I'm in the best game of tag I've ever played - nah he'll never tag us we're way too fast I mean look at me I'm built for speed my stiff tail gives me balance to make super sharp turns you can't tag me come here you little herbivore I'm not playing I need to tell you something huh yeah right why are you chasing me if you're not playing he's right about me being a herbivore that's a plant eater but I'm not that little I'm about the same size as a big dog but with my tail I'm much much longer [Music] sorry how you'll have to be quicker than that to tag me I have lots of room to run around here and what's now known as Wyoming USA back here I just need to tell you something hey why'd you stop okay fine what did you want to tell me well it's very serious it's very very serious tag I can't believe I fell for that ready or not here I come ahh beautiful view isn't it hi I'm Pteranodon you say it Pteranodon and it means winged and toothless that's right in my beak I have no teeth do you want to know a secret hey turn it on I'm going to the picnic now oh the Dino picnic really do you think I can come yeah sure every dino can remember that secret I want to tell you well the secret is that I'm not ok let's go I'm from what is now Kansas in the USA but that's not the secret secret I love secrets I have hollow bones to make me light and I have a huge wingspan about 10 meters wide that's as wide as a hand glider that's not a secret Pteranodon okay fine do you want to know my secret well here it is I'm not a dinosaur that's right I'm not a Dino at all I'm a flying reptile I'm related to the dinosaurs but not actually one myself I guess I can't come to the dinosaur picnic now by the way dinosaur means great lizard as far as I'm concerned it also means friend thanks t-rex you're the best my best friend and I are going on a picnic see you later sinus off tricks that's I know sock directs it means Chinese lizard wing unaccounted the fact that I'm from China are covered with the meat the little feathers feathers are just there to keep me warm however I can run really really fast with my powerful legs what are you doing it's super cool all you have to do is tuck and you slide all the way down it's awfully far down and though I may not be very big I'm all carnivore me come on let's go don't rush [Music] oh well I have the longest tail of any theropod I know sometimes it gets in the way yeah well it's my turn now see you later honey I'm velociraptor yes the famous Voss Raptor the Lawson Raptor emits Beauty thief see my long tail it lets me run really fast [Music] but not for too long didn't know I had feathers huh I need them to keep me warm because well 85 million years ago it sometimes got pretty cold around here and where is here it's what is now known as northern China I'm not very big either if you compare me to my cousin's like the t-rex but like them I'm a meat-eater and I will go two legs but I'm just about the size of a big turkey I hunt in a pack in fact this whole time my pack has been watching us nothing like spending a day playing with your friends eight nine ten ready or not here I come bye [Music] hi everyone I'm a woolly mammoth you can call me woolly my name says it all I'm big I'm fuzzy and I'm lost I mean really how can I find my herd of everything's covered in snow welcome to the Ice Age 100,000 years ago I guess hey what's the big deal my long shaggy hair and my thick layer of under wool keeps me dry and warm so throwing snowballs won't do anything plus I have special skin which oils up the hair to make me even warmer I have an idea I use my super long tusks to shovel the snow to uncover this yummy grass how will I ever be able to eat it all by myself I'm a little bigger than the biggest elephant but my ears are much smaller than an elephants I come from the cold northern part of the world where scientists have found entire woolly mammoths hair and everything frozen in the ice people usually get mixed up and think I'm a dinosaur but I'm really an ice age animal ok wise guy he got me all right but at least he knows where the herd is I thought you knew where they were ah ha it's the later recipe a hundred and fifty million years ago I'm so dead say like this sword is I'm a Tercel that's a prime renter but I don't know how to fly it if I'm gonna catch those bugs I have to I don't have a bit crest on my head like those two oh I should really stop five so like a warm up even bird feathers covering me I'm cold I'm for what is now Kazakh stink and a shark can get cold I know I do I know I can do have no Atkins blood [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I'm supersaurus and welcome to my home here in the late jurassic period 150 million years ago my name means super lizard because i'm so big one of the biggest dinos ever you gonna eat those yes Charlie I'm going to eat those we have to eat all day long it's the only way we can grow this big huh I feel faint I'm wasting away I need to eat something but right now I have to find a pond or river so my herd can have a drink after we mow this field I'm 43 meters long and 16 meters high that's super-sized all right so thirsty I'm delirious mother is that you no Charlie I'm not your mom she's back there with the rest of the herd my neck is really long but I don't lift it up high as it's too heavy but it's perfect for pushing through the trees to find more food or hey hey don't take it all took my turn come on move over don't worry charlie there's plenty for everyone I'm gonna tell the herd I found water we live in what is now western Colorado in the USA hey everyone there's water in the conifer forest over there you gonna eat those no it's not sounding right come on I thought you guys wanted to be in this band oh hi I'm Pina kiss Oris say it with me Pina Cole Saurus that means plague lizard because of our armor plates welcome to the Late Cretaceous period 78 million years ago this is my bed we don't have a name yet but that's yeah that's yang did I'm PIN wait not until I say go we're a class ORS that means we're armored dinos we also have big clubs on our tails for defending ourselves or making music I wasn't starting the song I was showing everyone how I defend myself against a carnivorous dinosaur when our ban goes on our first tour we're gonna leave from what is now China in fact we're the best snow and dinosaurs from China will soon be the best-known Dino band to funny these spikes and armor help us to defend ourselves but they can make it tricky to get around we're medium-sized at 5 meters long we're much longer than a golf cart but we're only 1 meter high same as a mailbox like other ankylosaurus we have a beak which helps us cut low growing plants we're like Dino lawnmowers hey what a great name for our band let's show them what the Dino lawnmowers are made of so enjoy the show [Music] [Music] hello welcome to the early Jurassic period you haven't seen three if I heard around here have you my name is scutella Soros that's scoot Allosaurus but you can call me scoots my friends and I like to hide from each other my name means little shield lizard my shield is made up of all these little armored plates they help to defend me and hide me I'm a bipedal herbivore which means I eat plants and walk around on my two back legs but I am top-heavy hmm now where did those guys go I'm from what is now Arizona in the United States of America I have a beacon specialty which allows me to eat all these tasty plants oh no not the Dilophosaurus again come here you little morsel jump in my mouth whoa where'd he go ah that's better I'm safer here with you right see I'm just a little guy now if I was my herd where would I hide hmm oh well maybe if you come back later you'll see them but you'll have to look closely bye [Music] aren't they precious hi I'm pleased asaurus you see that plea so Soros my name needs near lizard and this is the early Jurassic period 180 million years ago I have to gather up the babies and get them to school ok it's time for school you three are four flippers let us move through the water as easily as flying through the air it's our best defense against predators bigger than us here in the water oh my now where did he go and this is the other defense we have against predators we blend into the underwater scenery I'm a medium-sized please a soros as you can see I'm only slightly larger than a human being oh and please a source are not actually dinosaurs we're big reptiles who live in the water the way you can tell us apart from dinosaurs is what our legs look like mine are springing like this and dinosaur legs go up and down like a human's anyway please asaurus eat lots of fish and our teeth are meshed so when we grab a fish we never let go our fossils have been found in many places because a lot of the earth was covered with water in the Jurassic period see I got you to go to school after all I think it's time for recess don't you let's go to the top for some air setting a source here let me say it slowly for you set yo Soros Satya source means well is it and I am pretty big alright I'm a herbivore like other sauropods such as a pata source and Diplodocus sometimes being heavy has its advantages but [Music] [Music] unlike other dinos I'm really heavy it's because my bones are solid not Hollow I lived along what is now known as Europe did you hear that hardly any other dinos can eat meat but you don't want to meet the ones who can well gotta go find my herd safety in numbers you know goodbye hey there come here closer closer too close ah that's better my name is Dilophosaurus that's de la voz Aras I live here in the early Jurassic period that's 200 million years ago whoa look at that - saccades won - I love the number two Dilophosaurus means - crested lizard see one - two crests ha I'm a theropod that means I run on two legs - and it also means that I eat meat - dinners to go YUM and Amir I live in what is now known as Arizona in the USA I am the great great great great granddaddy of modern-day birds but I'm a lot bigger in fact I'm the biggest meat-eater alive here in the Jurassic period and here are my two favorite twos my kids what do you say we play two games of tag and find two snacks and picked two plants for Mom whoa I'm a Chaka Soros you say it like this the Late Cretaceous period looks 68 million years ago it was a total blast yeah I'm a theropod like the t-rex so I eat meat but check these out [Music] okay I look like I need to go to the dentist but seriously these teeth were made for fishing hey why can't we all just get along because Maciek asaurus needs to eat soda fish eggs fish food I mean Maciek asaurus are from what's now called Madagascar and stay out thrown out of a lake by a fish how embarrassing don't they know of a theropod like a t-rex whoa there X we had help to know that he's not much bigger than a dog I wasn't talking to you t-rex but fish isn't the only thing I eat oh hi there I'm Annabel Authority one of the most ferocious of all the dinosaurs excuse me anyway I'm one of the fiercest of all the carnivores that's a meat-eating dinosaur even though you probably haven't heard of me this is the Late Cretaceous period about 75 million years ago by that point the northern dinosaurs had already established their reputations like Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops Allosaurus you know the really famous guys it's harder for me to get noticed but that's not because I'm not ferocious I have a pretty wicked raw want to hear it you'll have to pardon me I've got a really really bad cold one of the things that's unique about Abela sources is that our heads are mostly empty you see our heads are really big with large holes all through it called finestra which is great for smelling things like afternoon snacks but it also means that my head is like one giant nasal cavity and so when I get a cold it's a whopper we Abela sources are found primarily in this part of what is now South America I hate it when I get one of these coals because there's only one thing you can do and that's take my mom's advice get some rest and drink plenty of fluids I have to get well food because I want the whole world to know about a Bella psalmist hello I'm the Argentine Soros that's Argentina Soros I'm trying to hide you see I'm playing hide and seek with my friends but I don't think I'm very good at it I come from what is now known as Argentina that is in South America this is hopeless I am too big to hide that's what you get for being over 70 metric tons and 23 meters long I am even longer than three school buses [Music] I love eating plants that Bush looks too delicious what are you doing I am sorry I get so hungry I need to eat 45 kilograms of food a day and all this running and hiding well it just made me hungrier ah ha got you both you two are really bad at this game I think I'm just too big for this game but maybe we can play something else you [Music]
Channel: Dinosaur - I'm A Dinosaur
Views: 1,643,478
Rating: 3.6997328 out of 5
Keywords: dinasaurs, cartoon dinosaurs, ancient, dinosaur for kids, learn dinosaur, velociraptor, dinosaur story, dinosaur park, giant dinosaur, cartoons for kids, dinosaur episode, dinosaur, prehistoric, Home School, dinosaurs names, dinosaur facts, extinction, kid friendly, prehistoric creatures, dino, dinos, dinosaurs, raptor, prehistoric animals, funny dinosaur, dinosaur channel
Id: LlCAj2DW1u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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