Dimensions - Square One

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[Music] hey guys i'm aaron and this is sketchup square one where we take a look at the fundamentals of sketchup and teach you how to use the basics today we're going to take a look at a command called dimensions let's hop in okay so we'll start with how to pull up the dimension command it is under tools it's not on the default toolbar it's about just past halfway right here dimensions when you click into dimensions you don't get a special cursor using the same arrow cursor that you use for select the big difference being as you start hovering over things it's going to try to jump to those points it is also in the large tool set if i go to view tool palettes on mac toolbars on windows i can click large tool set and you'll see it's right here next to my tape measure command all right so first things first what is dimensions for dimensions is to place a dimension between points that is going to be persistent and stay on the screen so we've shown with tape measure even with the line tool how you can check how far two points are how long a line is that kind of thing the difference is with dimensions i'm going to come in here i'm going to click my first point i'm going to click my second point and then i can take the dimension that shows the disk between those two points and place it somewhere else right like that and that dimension as i orbit around it's going to stay there in 3d space so it's going to disappear behind this box when i rotate over here this is what a dimension does now a dimension is not on the screen it's not out here it is part of the model so as i move around like i said it's going to sumely's going to cover it up from this view i'm not going to be able to see it if i look straight down like this it's going to just show up like a regular line so it is a three-dimensional chalk line basically inside of your model this often gets used for things like dimensions that are being called out because there's a problem in the model or a dimension that i have to keep in mind as i come back and model another piece or maybe i'm going to do a print screen and just print this image out and i want to have one or two spots dimensioned call out what you don't want to use dimensions for so much is dimensioning your entire model if you do that you're going to have a ton of dimensions they're going to be all over the place and like i said since they persist in 3d space it's not like i can just turn off my 2d space and and have it go away you could group them together put them on a tag together but generally speaking dimensions of this sort are just for tagging information or putting information on the model temporarily let's look at a couple ways to add dimensions so the first one i just did click a point click a second point drag the dimension off so these are on lines but i could go diagonally too i could actually go from here to here if i wanted to and that's going to give me the when i do that you can see i can pull a dimension straight up showing corner to corner rather than along a line if i do want to pull dimension from a line i can do point to point or i can hover over the line until it lights up it is important i do want to make sure i'm on the line and the lines light it lit up i don't want to go over a mid point or an end point because this won't work then i do want to get that point that that line and then i can just with a single click drag it out and a second click to place it you'll notice as you do this i'm going to pull this one out right here i'm going to pull the second one out and just click and release when i move out here it will it is dimensions are aware of each other so it does snap to that last one so creating a quick string of dimensions is pretty easy click and click dimensions can be edited so if i come in here and grab move i can actually grab this dimension and i can move it to a different location not only can i drag it along its line like this but i could actually put this into you know slide all the way on the other side i can move these around significant amount i'm not constrained to just be up against the line it's dimensioning what i'm looking at here is the default dimensioning type if i want to i can actually change how these dimensions are drawn on the screen by going to window model info in model info there is a whole section dedicated just to the dimensions in here i can change the font change the end point type and the align options for each of the dimensions individually or for all of them so if i want to if i want to just change a single dimension i can pick on it so i'm going to go in here to select pick on this dimension and i come over here and change something like well i want it to be let's make it bright red and then i can say update selected dimensions and it's going to turn bright red i can do the same with the font so here i'm going to grab this one and change the font now let's say let's just make it like huge make it 36 point bold font and then say update selected dimensions that's excessive you'll notice when you change the font that the arrows on the end change also so my end points also change along with the font so it is kind of a package deal it all goes together let's grab another one let's grab this two foot four down here let's see what happens when we change end points down here i have closed right now but i have options for slashes or dots or none let's change this to a slash and say update selected dimension see how that changes right there it also you'll notice that i had red turned on and i have my font turned on and i have slash so this is actually i'm kind of accumulating changes so i step down here all right that looks pretty cool now here's a question what if i want to do all of them i want them all to change there's a shortcut because i can say select all dimensions and update selected dimensions and it will change everything all at once all right so one of the things that's happening here too as i move this around my screen's getting crowded here as i move around see how the dimensions always face me that is align the screen so again with everything selected i'm going to say a align to dimension line and say update and then i get this which is kind of a true 3d dimension in space and that's everything i can think to say about dimensions i did mention before that generally speaking dimensions is not for going through and dimensioning your entire building you can absolutely do that not a problem but using something like layout where the tools are a little bit more powerful to go in and input and edit dimensions might be preferable generally speaking if i use dimensions it's to do something like oh i got to make sure that i maintain a head height of this amount or oops i moved this piece i want to make sure i remember to comment on that i'll throw a dimension on there just so i don't forget or if i'm just trying to explain something so i have an rfi or something like that and i want to make sure somebody understands that this is a two foot box over here i might put a dimension on there and then just print that image regardless how you use it dimensions are pretty easy to put in and pretty easy to edit and remember you can change the way they look using that model info box if you like that video click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week including one of these square ones every single thursday you'll be notified of each and every one of them if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below most if not all of our content nowadays is created based on comments and questions from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot but we like it even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 10,862
Rating: 4.983707 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Dimension
Id: zrQtFlm6JH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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