Digging A Walk Out Basement Day 1

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they'll almost beat the Sun up this morning a little foggy I've got the uh skid steer here and left my lights on uh to well the rest of this week's goal is to get the road put in over there in the basement dug uh for that house over there stockpile dirt and spread all that out in the front yard so I brought the skids here I've got some pipe don't need a huge pipe but I needed a uh at least a pipe under the driveway so that it'll drain I'll show you that later but it's really foggy this morning and a lot of dew on the ground let's walk to the woods here and see if it got inside the woods wet or down into the woods because I think I'm gonna go over there and stack the fire up again burn what I can I don't feel good enough to set the whole pile on fire but we'll go out here because it's always it'll always get wet by the tree line but that wouldn't set on fire it's not drenching wet but I think it's wet enough where uh the Ember will land on it and not catch it on fire so I'm gonna start the excavator go over there and rake my ashes out pop some more brush on it and uh go ahead and start I gotta square up the basement over there and get some grades start digging foreign well I can't complain that the fire doesn't burn down good because it's literally just a pile of Ashes there put some dirt from the stumps in there so I'm going to uh rake that around and uh I guess see which way the wind's blowing I could probably do that real quickly you see the fire shootout when I did that that's kind of cool sparkling hot giant pile of charcoal is literally what that is [Music] looks like it's blowing in that direction so towards the woods but I think it's wet enough I'm gonna go ahead and stack some on there cool and uh get some more burning so I want to try to rake this out squeaky tractor uh this way that way I can start moving the fire pile down where I kind of need I got more stuff to burn look at that glowing that's kind of cool [Music] glowing hot axes [Music] [Music] until [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] probably need a little small stuff to get going [Music] foreign [Music] much rain in the forecast so I'm gonna take advantage of every morning I guess [Music] try to get some more of this stuff burnt [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome to uh keep piling a little more on here and then go over there and lay out my basement and I will get a video of that I'm gonna put a fair amount on there so I am getting rid of brush slow but steady but there's a lot over there whenever it does rain I think I'll do another or I don't know how much I'll keep burning before it does rain but uh maybe another fire right over in there or something that way I don't have to move that stuff so far I think it might be back down in there we shall see but uh that's cooking pretty good I'm gonna go out go over here and lay out the basement now so I'm getting everything laid out on the basement here I think I got it Square it was Square in that direction let's see what this one is so house itself is 30 feet by 60 feet so you square that off and you're uh diagonal should be 67 feet now my tape measure is broke and it's a foot off so it should be at 68 that's 68. all right so house is square now what I've got to do is let me uh wind the tape measure it real quick all right so house is square now we decided that the other day that the garage starts right there um 20 feet space and then uh 30 by 30 garage pretty much with a Breezeway connecting them so I got the house square that really doesn't matter that's not going to be dug so um that's not critical what's critical is I get the elevation so I know that the garage is going to be roughly 50 feet away from the corner of the house and that's got to be level with the house so what I've got to do is get an elevation of right here because this is where that's going to tie into so let's just let's just use six two that's within a quarter of an inch good even numbers so what I've got to do is that's six two I've got to see how much it tapers to right here because this is where front corner of the house is going to be so seven that is uh eight tenths so that's around about 10 inches or so all right so that's got to be level which means this has got to come up almost 10 inches and then we want the foundation about two feet out of the ground above that on the high side so I can backfill because everything as you tell drains this way I can get some taper away from the house so I'm going to come up another two feet let's just call it three feet so if that's at seven all right if that's the elevation of that is seven feet uh if I go three feet higher that's going to put that at four feet which is not on the grade Rod but I know my basement needs to be 10 feet deep so that when they do gravel and concrete it will end up with a nine foot ceiling so if that's at uh four feet add 10 feet to that I need to pull the grade Rod out to 14 feet and that will be the grade that I need to start uh cutting the basement to so right there I best I remember it it tied in somewhere down there flushed to the woods that's why I had to clear that corner out the other day I got to go back there and start cutting that dirt out I'm going to scratch what's left of this topsoil off some of this clay can come up here because I've got to fill this in almost 12 inches and probably let's see if that was six two this has got to be level the garage got to be level at the back of the house so this is probably going to be two feet of fill right here let's just do it the cheater way here oh that's almost uh two and a half feet so I can waste some dirt right in here all this dirt I can throw up here and put in put in there and kind of level that out and then the rest of the dirt is got to go I've got to I'm going to raise the front up right there and then stockpile dirt over there and then I've got to go over there and build the road so a lot of dirt to move but uh I got a good place for it and I'll stockpile that over there so because I got to dig the basement about I'll probably dig it at least two feet bigger so if they want to shift anything they have a little bit of room to uh do so and uh then that will be used to backfill around the foundation so let me uh paint a couple marks to find find a kind of paint can of paint in the truck and go ahead and start digging I got my laser receiver for the machine so I'll get started and uh then I can put that on there once I get to grade [Music] I figured out where my grade started down here came down here pulled that out got it level checked it with the laser now I've set up my receiver on the boom up there so now pretty much I had to bring the uh laser down so I had to get my spot originally and then sit the bucket down once I got it degrade there and then lower that and my new grade is now uh 11 8 instead of 14 feet if not that receiver was over top of the boom up there so uh should be good to go now I've offset those about two and a half feet or so and I'm gonna go ahead and start digging lay a little dirt up here and then start transferring everything back that way we'll make them pretty good progress I think got that dirt over there starting to get a good pile right here I'm gonna go down there and check it with the stick just to kind of make sure but everything looks like it's uh shaping up pretty good I got to come over here and pull this corner out from uh this angle that's pretty much the depth of the house then I got to go back and pull them in there there's a lot of dirt right there that's pretty much everything from that end of the house I kind of figure is gonna have to come up about four feet three feet three feet yeah three feet of taper and then it'll taper down so what I'll probably do is go ahead and start cutting that right there and laying that back because if I cut that then I got to put dirt back where I've cut out and that really doesn't make sense but beforehand I'll come up here with a skid steer and level this off and make sure I don't need any more dirt up here because if I do I can very easily sit right there and throw it over here and put that where it needs to go let's go down here and check and see I mean it's going to be within a couple inches can trim that out with the skid steer and get it a little more closer than that I was just trying to hog majority of the dirt out of the way [Music] oh there's a there's a pile of dirt right there in the way so if anything gets a touch low which isn't going to hurt anything that'll give me a little dirt to grade around there will be pretty much need to be all right I'm gonna go get some lunch and come back move some more dirt working on the actual basement now don't mind that flag uh I'm right there on the edge and I just wanted a reference between where the house was and where it actually started daylighting out so what you can do if you forget your American Paint like I did this morning is take your track and this is a really long version of the square but I got my track right here on the edge of where that flag is and where this one was right here and as you drive it creates a line and take your bucket right down it you line up with the track we're making it bigger regardless so it's not the end of the world but it'll keep it somewhat uh square and in line [Music] and down to this uh red clay and I'm piling it up right here and what I'll do I'll come in here with the skid steering with all that out and just track that in because that's fill in between where the house in the garage is going to go just to kind of level everything up waste some dirt in there because this had to come up you remember almost about three feet I'm Gonna Keep It full back so that they have uh as mushroom as possible to work but go ahead and put as much dirt kind of where it needs to go right now [Music] foreign [Music] that down [Music] there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign degree Point green light's flashing grade is good so actually this is flat all the way out that's why I kept that reference once I get in the basement dug I'll go in there and kind of with the Dozer and blend that out so that I have drainage from here to uh running out because it's going to be a few months before this house is built and uh don't need it really holding water in there saturating everything I'll grained it out real good I probably put an inch or two of fall on it under the house just so that it will drain out and whenever they dig the footings they could just kind of trim that out level all that up make that work out [Music] touch but I got this good scare running here this gets here when I'm done and really trim it out there right there [Music] and that's how I make it work so I'm gonna keep digging and uh I'll spread some of that dirt out just kind of check some grapes fire still burning right here put a little dirt in there but really majority of the dirt is going from here great stuff all right let's go ahead and cut in the first corner here I'm trying to take all the dirt and put it in the most logical place so I don't have to move it as much so this needs to go to the front of the closest and that over there is going to get transferred back to that corner there now this front edge right here ain't the most critical because if it's a little bit off they can just slide the house back a foot uh but the width definitely have to have the width so this nerd's going to be going pushing up that way to go in and build the driveway up a little bit fill in that edge over there on the edge of the wood line I guess I'd say we're going to fill out this corner right here kind of level it up so that there's not uh there's three feet of taper across the front of the house I'm gonna make it even that makes sense by filling it in foreign [Music] take that corner nice and nice and square I'm going to pull as much dirt out as I can pass and laid them there and then I can come in there with a noser place it around once I kind of get the basement dug I can kind of eyeball it a little bit better and see where dirt needs to go push that around fair fair amount of dirt's got to come out [Music] kind of still wish I had an off-road truck here but I'm not going to bring it all the way back up here to haul a little bit of dirt plus it's uh not currently usable thanks Mike as well the aftermarket parts and then that is my fault hopefully I'll get those into this week I don't know if I'll have time to work on this weekend or not but she'll see [Music] good nice grind their doors with Just Gonna Let the Fire die down every little bit I burn is that much less I have to burn one when I finally do get up grain to burn them if it's all nice and dewy and foggy again tomorrow I'll probably put some more pressure on there learn what I can foreign [Music] well as you can tell I have a lot of dirt to move and I'm Gonna Keep On digging on so I'm gonna go ahead and I brought the skid steer over here and level this dirt off I need to come up about 10 or 12 inches right here about two and a half feet right there so I'll level that off spread that dirt out in there and uh make sure that I don't need any more laid over and then I'm going to start digging that piling it up there so let's go ahead and spread this out thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign all right Bing Bang Boom that is level let's get back in the excavator I don't think I need any more dirt over here I think I'm good so everything else starts getting transferred over here bailing dirt out of here now and then transfer it over one more time probably spread it out of the Dozer just so it kind of gets tracked in a little bit most of that's going to be stockpiled to backfill around everything you think about it two feet around this whole Foundation that's going to be a fair amount of dirt so I need to leave a plenty for that waste whatever's left so I mean there's gonna be a knock bit it's all going to go up in that direction foreign make sure I don't bury that yep [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign that really does make it nice I mean I can get it you know with an inch or two of really where it needs to be at most about the ends if I really sit here that you do it but if I get it that close I'm coming there for the skid steer and Slick it up in no time right out it's just really you know six inches off that's a lot to cut out with the skid steer when it's this hard all right well I'm going to keep moving this and flip that over and then start digging some more foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good progress I'm gonna go ahead and come down here with the skid steer I got a little rough spot right here where I was leaning a little more than I wanted to and uh grade that out still got all that corner to dig out probably tomorrow and take all that dirt spread it out that's probably enough dirt stockpot over there I may add a little bit more but then the rest of that has got to take all the way up there and fill all that in so I'm going to well I'm going to come down actually I'm going to go over there and cut that corner out and then go ahead and jump on the skid steer and Slick all this up foreign foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign so made uh really good progress today fires uh burning down nicely and uh it's getting pretty late in the day so I'm going to wrap everything up got a lot of the basement dug got the dirt piled up up here and then uh spread that out for the garage right here trying to get that leveled off I started raising this up because this was 12 inches lower than the garage that need to come up and then we'll do another two feet over top of that to get the foundation height and uh I'm going to start wasting this dirt in here and filling all that in over there uh tomorrow still got to dig all that out and spread all that dirt up there and put the road in with that so it's going to take quite a while but uh yeah shaping up pretty good I need to probably end up cutting that down a little bit more to get a little bit more drainage and uh everything but all in all a basement is coming along pretty good
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 149,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, lake, pond, farm, farmer, drain, pipe, fix, clearing, land, tree, heavy, construction, equipment, skid, steer, compact, loader, mud, dredge, water, pump, dump, truck, grading, bucket, muck, clear, dead, trees, stuck, mats, swamp, jcb, tractor, logging, logger, bulldozer, dozer, crawler, log, loading, hauling, chainsaw, acre, build, lot, driveway, culvert, cutter, fence, line, fire, brush, pile, burn, burning, flame, digging, pushing, dirt, dam, topsoil, stripping, off, road, dozers, spillway, concrete, basement
Id: J1nRbsMDNd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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