Difference Between WordPress Pages and Posts Explained

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today I want to go and explain the difference between WordPress post and WordPress Pages because for especially beginners it can be very confusing so let's get right into it WordPress pages are mainly for static content that doesn't need to be changed that often so let's take a look at few examples okay this is official website of New York State and we can see this is their home pick as you can see it doesn't need that many changes regularly okay for example you have a government inside here you doesn't need to go and change this on a daily basis okay so let's take another example this is side of Disney and you can see this is your whole page probably one of the most popular Pages they're gonna be whenever you want to go and see Pages they are usually going to be displayed in two places first one is gonna be header you can see it inside here and the second one is gonna be footer okay so once again those are pages that doesn't need to be changed that often for example contact us page privacy policy page service page refund policy page if you have for example eShop it doesn't need to be change that often we can go and categorize them through WordPress in two categories we have parent page and we have child page so we can see it for example inside here we have bugs and travel which is one big category and under it we have smaller Pages for example Walt Disney World Resort the Disneyland Resort we have Adventure by Disney but now you may be confused because like what is it because as you can see here are some pages and some content like this okay so let's explain it we're gonna go and hover over more which is one page and we have three child Pages inside I'm gonna go and click on Disney news okay so we can see inside here this is Disney news page and you can see this is one big page but this specific page consists of many posts okay so we can see those are all individual posts inside here usually we're gonna go and display them in chronological order just for our readers to make it easier for them and here's the difference first off if you will go to this website for example in six months you're still gonna see one big Disney news page but the content of it the blog posts are gonna be different because they are usually updated there are more time sensitive we can say Okay so let's click on one specific blog post okay we can see it inside here this is how your regular post gonna look it's basically something you're going to advertise you can go and share this on social medias for example and you can display many stuff you can go for example display right or you can go give them the picture you can go and display for example date and all of this stuff and it can also be shared on social media but you may be asking yourself well okay but what do I need for my website okay so let's take a look at it this is website called pinch of ham and this is basically one big recipe blog and you can see once again this is a whole pave we can see they have some another Pages inside here and all of those are your posts okay so for example if somebody want to go into Google let's see how it's gonna differ so somebody is searching for spicy true attackers and what they will actually go and want to look at is post okay so I'm gonna go click on spicy shrimp tacos and we can see it took us to post so we can see there for example reviews they have some introduction who is writing it and this is one single recipe One Singular post but they also have one big page dedicated only for tackles and you can see inside here that recipes inside here are parent page and they have many many subsections so in this case it's gonna be child page Packers and now some of you may be confused and asking this well do I need them or which one do I actually need well let's take a look at this example let's say we are looking for photographer okay let's say we are looking for Peter McKinnon and where are we gonna go and click on his website he doesn't have blog post on his website because he doesn't need it this is specific case of website when he just want to go and show off his work or in this example also sell some of his stuff for example Lightroom presets he doesn't need to go and write that much about he just need few benches like shop collapse about us page and contact me page let's take a look at different example let's say we are looking for this artist called David Milan and I won't go and see his work now ask yourself this question do you want to go and read about it or do you want to go and see because you have to think about stuff like this whenever you are creating website so I'm gonna go and click on his website and you can see this is one big page this is your home page he has only three pages on this whole website homepage about page and contact page and you can see in Nissan is very very simple he only needs to show off his work he doesn't need to go and build a specific Pages for it okay so you just want to go scroll and look at how creative his work actually is so there are differences in using them okay and for example if you have eShop like the only inside here you also don't need that many blog posts you don't need any blog post you are going to be focusing on product pages which is something completely different okay now here is the big tip whenever you are working with WordPress post and definitely start organizing it for day one and use categories and text in order to go and have control over your content because for example if we're gonna go to website side like this we can see that all of those recipes are categorized inside WordPress as Tangos so when you are rebranding your website or you just want to go and show for example your taco recipes you can simply do it by a few clicks you don't need to go and manually select or from hundreds and hundreds of recipes you can do it once and that's it okay so I hope now you understand the biggest difference between it and you can go and see it okay so don't forget Pages you're gonna go and find them usually in header or footer and it's more static content on blog post you're gonna be writing a lot more and it's more time sensitive and usually it's displayed in a chronological order and definitely keep in mind you want to go any kind of Quran step and use Stacks from the day one if you find this explanation Excel useful definitely subscribe for more videos like this and also like this video to show another people looking for exactly the same problem that this video can answer list everything from today have a nice day and goodbye
Channel: Luka Knows
Views: 4,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, wordpress for beginners, wordpress tutorial, wordpress pages, wordpress posts
Id: LjccJLWRj9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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