Dietitian Reviews Daisy Keech's Diet (We Really Need To Talk About This...)

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oh god people are still eating charcoal what the hey everyone i'm abby sharp welcome to abby's kitchen [Music] today's video is sponsored by talkspace and we will be reviewing fitness and lifestyle youtuber daisy keach so i know i am all over the place right now i'm just trying to get settled in a temporary filming situation as there's some work going on in my studio but let me tell you about my sponsor talk space you guys know i have been pretty open about my mental health struggles throughout my life and i am a huge proponent of therapy for anyone who has access like seriously who doesn't benefit from a supportive empathetic person to talk to so i was really excited when i learned about what this new app talkspace is doing to make therapy more accessible and affordable for everyone so talkspace is an online platform for connecting people with a licensed therapist that best meets their goals and needs you basically just fill out a quick online survey get sent a list of recommended therapists that best meets your needs and then you can access sessions securely online from anywhere you can do live video sessions text and audio messages whatever is most convenient for you and as a busy person i really love this flexibility it just makes finding a therapist and actually going to therapy that much easier so if you've been thinking about prioritizing your mental well-being this app is an amazing place to start and you can check out my link in the description and use my promo code abbytalk to get a hundred dollars off of your first session but first my disclaimer that you can see on the screen or in the description including a trigger warning as i will be discussing calories and macros so feel free to skip that section if this does not support your journey all right let's get into it i also want to mention i am not a nutritionist by the way this is just what works for me always here for a disclaimer like this so thank you so much i usually intuitive eat so i don't have like a strict suit i don't know i kind of like intuitive eat mixed with counting macros so like i listen to my body and what i feel like it needs but i also try to stay within like a certain guideline so not intuitively eat you know i used to be a little bit salty when folks were co-opting the intuitive eating language because you know if you're counting macros and staying within a guideline you're not actually intuitively eating as it was conceptualized by its creators so intuitive eating is actually a mind-body framework that goes far beyond just listening to your body and even if it was just listening to your body i would say it's not accurate to describe what daisy is doing as eating intuitively when we count macros make sure that we're staying within a caloric guideline or carefully follow a meal plan uh we're really eating in response to external cues not internal ones so intuitive eating at its core is really grounded in the idea of eating by internal cues hence the word intuitive now daisy didn't go into a whole lot of detail on how she eats but i do get the sense that what she means by intuitive eating is that she's not like starving or going hungry or even weighing or carefully measuring her food like a lot of folks in the fitness industry often do so maybe because she's like eyeballing it or she's allowing herself to eat a bit more if she feels you know she's working out or she feels super hungry that she sees this as the intuitive way and i think it's actually a really great step i really do so i'm not poo pooing this effort here but that to me could be more accurately described as like flexible dieting not intuitive eating and if flexible dieting is what works for daisy great flexible dieting works for a lot of people and i don't think that there's anything wrong with it but intuitive eating as it was conceptualized isn't really compatible with the idea of intentionally trying to get a flat tummy and a big booty like her video title suggests obviously this can happen for a lot of folks who eat intuitively if that is what their body is genetically destined to look like but manipulating your diet to achieve this look really does miss the mark on that regard anyways you can eat however you want and you can call it whatever you want to yourself but i just don't want daisy's 1.5 million subscribers walking away thinking that this is what their intuition will inherently accomplish it's very clear that most influencers using this terminology just don't really understand it at all themselves and that's okay i mean we're all learning right so i just want to provide that education all right let's see what else she has to say right now i'm trying to get a little bit leaner in general just because i feel a lot better when i'm leaner so like i said i've been incorporating some cardio and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to eat a carb before my workout and then a carb after my workout that i've been cutting out one carb throughout the day a case in point cutting out one carb throughout the day to get leaner not intuitive eating again i have nothing against dieting or manipulating macros or counting calories to meet a goal if that is what brings you joy everyone is entitled to body autonomy and you can do whatever you want to try to achieve whatever aesthetic goal that you have i'm not here to judge daisy on that but this is blatant diet culture so you know please let's not pretend that it's not i want to see what she's eating though i have my sourdough toast cooking in the oven so cute and yes i eat sourdough toast i don't think it's honestly that bad if you just have one and you're about to go workout so you're gonna go burn it off anyways oh okay well you guys know i love my sourdough i just think it's like the most flavorful bread and because it's a fermented food it's naturally lower in fodmaps so it's easier to digest so i love her choice in morning carbs but obviously i don't love her choice in words so fyi folks contrary to daisy's assertion it's also not bad if you have two slices of bread or if heaven forbid you have bread and you don't work out afterwards to burn it off for the love of all that is holy bread is not the devil please let me put this into perspective for you so two slices of sourdough bread contains just 170 calories 3 grams of fiber 6 grams of protein and just under 30 grams of carbs 30 grams of carbs is just like 10 to 20 percent of your carb needs for the entire day it's nothing and daisy's suggesting that you know she can only have one and only because she's exercising that day friends eat the damn bread eat it jim eat it phyllis and know not just if you're going to work out anyways i'm getting a little unhinged here but let's see what she's having with said bread i am cutting up an avocado and i'm going to squeeze a ton of lemon bacon this is just organic uncured turkey bacon just a little bit of this vegan butter on my sourdough toast and this is what my beautiful meal looks like okay so this looks like a tasty albeit relatively small breakfast um but we have a little carbs in the sourdough some protein in the turkey bacon and some fats in the vegan butter and avocado now i looked up that uncured turkey bacon and despite what the label of these natural nitrate-free bacons may suggest they still do contain nitrates so food manufacturers still cure their nitrate-free bacon or turkey breast but they rely on natural curing agents like celery powder in lieu of synthetic sodium nitrate it says so in itty bitty letters on the label right here and while we don't have any quality research to suggest that natural nitrates are healthier than synthetic ones most experts think the effect is likely the same and actually there is some concern that you might even be getting more nitrates in nitrate-free foods since synthetic nitrate amounts are regulated and capped whereas the amount of celery powder a food can contain is not having said that i don't think that we need to sensationalize or demonize anything here there are naturally occurring nitrates in all sorts of foods we consume most notably in vegetables and if you're consuming processed foods in moderation it shouldn't really be a huge concern so this turkey bacon does have about half the sodium of most bacons i've seen so it looks like a pretty good choice assuming that it tastes okay but ultimately i say that there's always room for moderate amounts of ultra processed foods like bacon in your diet when the bulk of your diet is from whole unprocessed foods overall diet quality is much more important to me than any singled out ingredient when it comes to achieving long-term good health so if daisy loves this bacon great turkey baking it up but it's just worth pointing out that if you're trying to avoid nitrates it is still a prominent source but anyway back to the breakfast if there's a snack coming up then this is totally great and fine but if this is daisy's only fuel until the afternoon with a workout in there i would probably want to see this bulked up so maybe another slice of toast or some eggs in there or some yogurt with fruit anyways let's keep going i also have this big giant jug of water i've been trying to drink more just because i feel better it's better for your skin this is my energy drink i don't specifically drink ilani new um sometimes all celsius okay so all water is good water in my books i mean assuming it's clean and safe to drink but i am pleasantly surprised to see that she drinks her water plain and without a side of pseudoscience on the alleged benefits of lemon water but anyways whatever you like lemon water lime water water water it's all good but she is also right that water is important for your skin and while one large systematic review of the literature suggested that the evidence we do have is weak at best it did find that for those who were dehydrated drinking more water did reduce skin dryness and improve elasticity as for her energy drink this one has zero added sugar and about 200 milligrams of caffeine which is the same amount as about two cups of coffee now it's important to note that energy drinks have been the subject of countless public health campaigns there are over 20 000 trips to the emergency room in the u.s every single year from energy drink use alone now the biggest risk however is in younger kids people with heart or anxiety issues and folks who mix energy drinks with alcohol now the other thing to consider is that a lot of energy drinks are regulated as supplements and if you watch my video on the supplement industry you'll know that that means they are not really regulated well at all so yeah it's kind of just like buyer beware out there for sure let's see what else she has to say my skin has been through some you guys so i started seeing this new lady and she's putting me on these like vitamins and stuff vitamin d3 drops it tastes really good so i try not to do like put the whole thing on just like a drop or so maybe two so i am a huge believer in the power of vitamin d i think i think we're just scratching the surface with our understanding of all of its important roles but we do actually have some early evidence to suggest that vitamin d supplementation can improve acne particularly in those who are deficient in vitamin d and since so many of us are legitimately deficient it's definitely worth speaking to your doctor about your unique vitamin d needs and that's true whether you're suffering from acne or not i am going to have some of my coconut charcoal this is good for your gut and i've been told a lot of acne comes from your gut sometimes and then i just chose that because if i have anything else with charcoal like i will literally die like my stomach will rip apart oh i thought the activated charcoal trend was dead wishful thinking on my part but if you are wondering about the efficacy of consuming burnt coconut shells wood and bamboo let me give you a quick 101 so activated charcoal is traditionally used to pull toxins out of the stomach in the er when someone comes in having poisoned themselves it's unpleasant stuff and really only something that you would normally want to take if you were desperate and maybe dying but of course wellness culture made it cool again with the belief that it will help bind toxins in your gut and flush them out now the research in this area for gut health hasn't been so clear it's possible that it has a very slight benefit for bloating and gas for those with an overgrowth of hydrogen-producing bacteria but the research is poor and study results have been mixed what we do know is that activated charcoal doesn't discriminate what it binds onto so even if it did theoretically bind so-called toxins it also could bind and excrete things that we would actually want to keep in our body so things like nutrients vitamins supplements you're paying money for and medication that you actually need so imagine you're taking the birth control pill to prevent an unwanted pregnancy you take a charcoal pill because i don't know an influencer said too and well you know the rest [Music] so activate charcoal can also cause dehydration so it's very important to up your water if you do decide to take it ironically water on its own is likely a more reliable and safer detoxing tool than charcoal supplements and it doesn't cause diarrhea constipation vomiting and digestive blockages that supplements like these do so obviously please always speak to a doctor before trying them yourself as for daisy's assertion that acne comes from your gut we do know that like virtually everything skin health is often somewhat of a reflection of the health of our microbiome we also know that what you eat may have an impact on your skin this is a really complicated area of research and one that we are just still starting to really learn about but for example research suggests that the typical low fiber westernized diet is associated with changes to the intestinal microbiome which in turn can result in inflammatory skin conditions like acne i have a whole video about diet and acne so if you are suffering from regular breakouts i definitely suggest watching that right here so if you want perfect abs just do this okay guys i will say like look at my abs like they have been coming in so much more lately i really think it's because i've been doing more cardio and more ab exercises um probably not i'm sure what daisy's about show us is a very good workout but there is no one exercise or exercise program that will give everyone perfect abs in reality one's ability to get a six-pack is largely genetic and also depends on achieving a very low body fat percentage which is unlikely to achieve from crunches alone most women need to get down to 10 to 15 body fat before they can see those abs appear and for a lot of us that is just not only not sustainable but it's not necessarily even healthy to maintain either experts suggest that 11 body fat is the critical level for menstruation and anything below that is likely to cause amenorrhea and while some folks might think well i hate my period so that's kind of nice it's not when the long-term risk is osteoporosis and endometrial cancer so yeah i do feel strongly about this one because this look might come easily for some women but it could require very dangerous behaviors for others so let's focus on what is actually healthy here and that is exercising for core strength so daisy's workouts look awesome and are no doubt beneficial whether or not they result in perfect abs let's see what else she's eating frozen spinach a whole banana and i'm doing a whole banana because i just worked out usually i do half if i didn't just work out some almond butter some almond milk whey protein powder some l glutamine for recovery okay so this looks like a great post-workout smoothie we've got carbs from the banana protein in the protein powder healthy fats in the nut butter and even some veggies in there but since there is some banana shaming going on i do want to point out that the carbs in one banana is not even what i would consider optimal for post-workout recovery there's about 30 grams of carbs and 30 grams of protein in this smoothie which is about a one to one ratio of carbs to protein when we actually ideally would want to see about three to one carbs to protein obviously this is no big deal and totally fine if this is what tastes really good to her but no need to talk about the poor banana like it's some kind of indulgent treat bananas are nature's exercise bestie they're packed with easily digestible carbs plus potassium and the perfect vessel for driving protein into the muscle stat and even if you're not working out it's okay to eat the whole thing half a banana has only like 50 calories and like 15 grams of carbs not something to ever stress about ever even if you sat on your ass and binged netflix all day so personally i would add some more carbs either with some more fruit maybe some oats a side of bread oatmeal dates something to beef this up because yeah this does feel kind of limited for a post-workout snack that is also a meal as for the addition of l-glutamine the evidence suggests that it doesn't necessarily affect body composition but it may help with strength recovery from resistance training so if she feels that it's working well for her it works for me just of course a reminder to always look for a third party tested supplement and again i've got a whole video to help guide you on that right here anyways let's see what's next we got some chicken rice green beans and a little like a nut glaze on top this meal looks delicious so yeah it definitely looks like the girl's mom knows how to cook i don't know what a pecan sauce nut glaze is but it sounds so good so we've got protein in the chicken carbs in the rice healthy fats in the pecans and some veggies in the beans so that to me is textbook balance and i'm here for it okay so before we get into the stats a quick trigger warning that i'm about to talk macros and calories so feel free to skip ahead if needed to the next section on the time stamp below so based on my calculations daisy's consuming just 1470 calories with 27 from protein 43 from carbs and 30 from fat considering that this is just not enough food she's also coming up short in most of her micronutrients as well most notably a bunch of the b vitamins iron fiber and even vitamin c which honestly i don't think i've ever seen outside of my review of maybe this guy i also watched another one of her wedding days from a few months ago and i think there was even less on that day so it does feel like this is maybe her usual routine now what i like about daisy's diet is that it's pretty simple and accessible her meals while sparse are easy to replicate and relatively accessible so even the dinner that her mama made looked pretty simple and inexpensive to make which i always am here for but i want to switch gears and offer a few gentle nutrition tips specific to her current intake so for an active young woman working out most days of the week daisy likely needs at least 2000 to 2200 calories for weight maintenance alone now considering her goal of maintaining a big booty i would think that she wouldn't want to cut her gains so significantly with over a 500 calorie deficit i know she mentions wanting to get leaner but i would be worried that a caloric deficit equivalent to about a pound of weight loss per week may interfere with muscle maintenance required to stay lean and keep her metabolism working well i have no issues with weight loss goals or body composition goals this is her body and she deserves the autonomy to do whatever she wants with it but just as a nutrition professional this protocol does seem at odds with her goals now with that in mind i would love to see some more substantial meals and snacks in her day so if we really break it down daisy has had a relatively small breakfast of one piece of avocado toast a post-workout smoothie with just 30 to 40 grams of carbs and a modest size yet balanced dinner that was it honestly i had to go back and watch the video like a bunch of times because i was sure i must have been missing something but alas she was the one missing out if she's legitimately not more hungry on a diet like this i might suggest cutting out the energy drink altogether a lot of people use energy drinks diet drinks coffee and tea to blunt their hunger cues and to provide them with an experience of energy when the real true energy from calories is lacking also considering there was very little produce in this day and her fiber intake was a little bit low i would love to see a little more veggies and fruit in her meals or snacks she did mention the importance of gut health and that she was taking an activated charcoal supplement specifically for that so i am surprised that she isn't prioritizing good quality fiber sources throughout her day having said that here's what i would suggest breakfast we can buff this up we could simply just add another piece of avocado toast or maybe throw some eggs into the mix for some extra protein or she could serve that up with some greek yogurt if she eats dairy and some fruit lunch well i don't know a protein smoothie is just not lunch in my books so if she wanted to time her workout to have this immediately after great but i would suggest serving it with some additional carbs to help replenish those glycogen stores so that might mean adding a bowl of oatmeal a small sandwich a simple wrap or pita a hearty grain-based salad or some veggies pita and hummus i think this could also serve as a really good opportunity to sneak in some extra veg now her dinner looks great maybe a little bit small so i do definitely think that there's room for a snack before or after if she wanted even like a fun food just to make this diet a little bit more enjoyable and sustainable for the long run so now let's switch gears and talk about daisy's relationship with her food and body and i'm really going to try to be succinct because i feel that there could be a lot to unpack i think my biggest beef is the title of this video what to eat in day for a flat tummy and a big booty yes what you eat how you eat and how you exercise can absolutely change the shape of your body but your genetic predisposition plays a much more significant role just consider the fact that like every influencer i've ever reviewed has eaten avocado toast and protein shakes and every one of them looks different this is not like a magical combo of food that's going to result in a kim k hourglass body for everyone there are other videos on daisy's channel with a similar issue i would say honestly the one called wedding a day for a small waist should likely be retitled what i in a day to keep my body fat low enough that you can see some abdominal definition and i was naturally born with a low waist to hip ratio but sadly i don't think youtube allows that many characters now i'm not body shaming the girl i think she's beautiful and obviously this is a very desirable body composition so girl i say work it but i'm just pointing this out because apparently i have to remind a lot of young impressionable viewers that even if you replicated this diet to a tea and i really don't think that you should for all of its shortcomings but your body wouldn't magically look like hers i also want to reiterate that i am all for aesthetic body composition goals everyone is entitled to want to change their body or look a certain way and whether that requires a committed exercise and diet regimen or surgery you do you no judgment from me i definitely don't have an issue with any of that but i do want to just correct the misinformation about her comments on intuitive eating because what i've observed right here is not what i would call intuitive eating there was a lot of moralizing language around food particularly around carbs like only allowing herself small amounts of carbs when she's exercising because she's going to burn them off anyway and cutting out one carb a day to get lean so let's just call this what it is this is a diet maybe it's a flexible diet for her but it's a diet no less i don't know her diet history so this may be a relatively good moment in her relationship with food so i would say let's just try to be kind to daisy as she continues on her journey and folks that is all that i have for you today if you like this video be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below on who you'd like to see me review next subscribe to the channel and i'll see you next time on abby's kitchen bye and for more great videos like this check out the link right here you
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 965,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abbey sharp, abbeys kitchen, daisy keech, dietitian reviews, dietitian reacts, what i eat in a day
Id: uAQ6MsVrTs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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