Dietitian Reacts to Everything Kelly Ripa Eats in a Day (Harper's Bazaar *DELETED* Video...Oh Boy)

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this is making me really anxious hey everyone i'm abby sharp welcome back to abby's kitchen [Music] today's video is sponsored by squarespace and we are back with another harper's bazaar celebrity what i eat in a day review this time i'm going to be reviewing the queen of daytime television kelly ripa and side note for some reason literally the day i went to go film this the footage had completely disappeared this video had dropped off of the search engine on youtube but thankfully i still had the link and i realized they actually unlisted it so you're welcome now before we get into it a quick note about my sponsor if you're not familiar with squarespace it's an all-in-one platform to run your business whether you're looking to build a website blog online store or use their marketing tools and analytics as a busy dietician and blogger myself i love that squarespace has features that allow you to schedule appointments through an online calendar and to set up email campaigns for a mailing list it's also easy to seamlessly pull content directly from instagram or twitter i mean when everything in your digital presence is working together like this it makes it so much easier for you to really just focus on your actual business you can check out for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to abby sharp to save 10 off of your first purchase of a website or domain okay so super quick before we dive in you can pause the screen or look at the description to check out my disclaimer including a trigger warning to those with current or previous experiences with disordered eating we will be hearing some potentially triggering sentiments from kelly and i will be evaluating her meals based on nutritional merit alone which as you know says very little about their overall value it's also worth just saying that this format follows a celebrity's description of what they eat and it ultimately tells me very little about its accuracy portions brands cooking preparation etc not to mention their overall relationship with food so take this more as general education to the masses not necessarily as specific recommendations to kelly and of course don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you aren't already and ring that little bell so that you never miss out on a video all right folks let's get into it i take a glass of water and i have something called get off your acid daily greens which is spirulina spinach kale all ground to a powder that you mix into water and it is for alkalining your digestive system kelly's intense energy is already making me feel a little anxious like i can feel the short breaths and like these tight muscles it's like she's like existing in this perpetual muscle contraction even when she's just like sitting down to chat and it feels pretty exhausting so yeah i feel like this is already going to be a little triggering for you watching so just a heads up as for her first drink i have no problem with green powders if that helps you get in your antioxidants or if you're not a fan of vegetables or fruit but i often find that the type of people who use these types of products are the kind of people who really don't need them because they're already getting a lot of greens in their diet am i right but anyways i mean for something with so many green ingredients i actually looked it up and it supplies pretty insignificant amounts of pretty much every nutrient except for maybe vitamin k and vitamin c which if you get any real green things in your day or you eat things like eggs and fish and meat you're probably good anyways the bigger issue i have is with kelly's suggestion of why she uses it namely because it's apparently detoxifying and alkalizing yeah so the website also suggests that it will help you gain energy lose weight improve digestion grow stronger hair nail skin improve mental clarity and rejuvenate skin now notice the little asterisks which leads us to the oh so familiar disclaimer that the claims weren't evaluated by the fda of course not because green powder while totally nutritious cannot inherently do any of these things now i know that i've talked about this whole alkaline diet ad nauseam but it's actually impossible to change the ph of your blood through choosing more acidic or more alkaline products i mean your kidneys actually keep your blood ph very tightly regulated if they didn't we would literally die from eating an orange so if there are any health benefits to eating foods that are alkaline in nature it's not because of any alkalinizing magic impact on blood ph but rather because these typically are just inherently healthy foods like fruits and vegetables so again drink your green powder because it's a source of nutrients if you're low in those nutrients or because you like the taste but not because it will alkalinize your body next then i have a large coffee with ghee and i blend it in the um bullet and while i'm having my ghee i have my persona morning supplements which is my foundational vitamin my multivitamin ginger and my probiotic okay so i thought we were over the whole butter coffee trend i mean that was so 2018 but anyways while most of the alleged benefits of putting oil or fats in coffee comes from mcts found in things like coconut oil theoretically adding butter to your coffee will also slow its absorption and give you a more stable caffeine high however evidence suggests that even if this is a legitimate effect it's likely a pretty insignificant one as for kelly's choice of coffee fat ghee is clarified better with the milk solids removed that has been used in aerobatic medicine for its alleged health benefits but ghee much like regular butter is predominantly a saturated fat now whether or not that is a legitimate issue for heart health is definitely up for debate as i discussed in my saturated fat video right here one 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis with a total of over 600 000 participants found that there was actually a small to neutral effect of consuming butter on things like heart disease type 2 diabetes and all cause mortality however other studies have shown that saturated fats like butter do actually increase ldl cholesterol so this means that while there may be no clear indications that butter is the main or sole contributor to these diseases it can potentially impact markers of heart disease like cholesterol now while this study found little to no effect of consuming butter it also mentioned that including more unsaturated fats do have positive health benefits so does that mean that you should go to town and eat more butter or more ghee probably not i mean too much of anything isn't really good for you and eating more saturated fat which has either a negative or neutral effect should not really be the goal rather according to the research it may mean that enjoying a little bit of butter or a little bit of ghee in your coffee or wherever may not have the overwhelming negative health effect on heart health that we once believed as for the ghee versus better debate while gui may have a higher smoke point and be lower in lactose since you know the milk solids have been filtered out there isn't really any quality research to suggest that it's a much more healthy fat compared to typical butter or to cream for that matter which of course is more commonly added to coffee as for kelly's supplements she's taking a probiotic multivitamin ginger and omega-3 no major red flags there however a lot of people think that you can't take a probiotic with your coffee because the heat from the drink will actually kill off the good bacteria and while there isn't actually a lot of strong evidence to determine the effect of drinking coffee with probiotics the general consensus is that by the time that the coffee or tea is cool enough to actually drink it's close enough to the internal temperature of the body in which the bacteria is really accustomed to anyway so it's not really a big deal anyways let's see what else she has to say a green apple cut up and then i take two tablespoons of almond butter and a teaspoon of cinnamon i blend it all together and i put the apples in there and i eat that like a porridge if you will and that is my first chewable food of the day i can just kind of imagine kelly like meticulously measures all of this out you know like making sure she gets every little microgram of nut butter out of the measuring spoon and like weighing the cinnamon like a chemist um just my just my my gut feeling from this interview but i don't know aside from the compulsive nature of kelly's first chewable food this does sound like a pretty good snack i guess i mean not really a meal in my books this is a snack but we do have some protein and fiber and healthy fats in the nut butter and fiber rich carbs in the apple so yeah despite it feeling like pretty overly calculated and restrictive it is a nutrient dense choice i work out um usually after i wrap for the day i work out seven days a week okay so there's nothing wrong with having like a regular exercise routine even working out daily if that is what feels good to you and your body i also feel a need to move my body in some way most days of the week and the month and the year but rest days are actually just as important as working out because it's during that time off when our body can build strength endurance and muscle mass i mean resistance training for example breaks our body tissues down and rest days allow those muscles and nerves and bones and connective tissues important time to rebuild so i don't know for sure what kind of activity kelly does but if she did want to do something every single day i would suggest choosing some gentle stretching yoga or low impact walking on one to three days of the week between some of those heavier training days okay let's see some more food big salad of micro greens with avocado and toasted nuts on top sometimes i have pine nuts sometimes i have pumpkin seeds sometimes i have walnuts sometimes i have cashews whatever i'm in the mood for whoa really switching up and being spontaneous for those nut and seeds options kelly we are living on the edge no but i'm just teasing that does sound like a really solid salad delicious i mean we've got lots of healthy fats from the avocado and the nuts or seeds and of course fiber and antioxidants from the greens and the nuts but considering how green this meal is i think it's safe to say that it renders that green powder from the morning kind of obsolete avocado toast kick of 2015 to 2017 it was two years where avocado toast was pretty much the foundation of my diet and i had it with just about every meal sometimes i would fry an egg and add that on top sometimes a piece of cheese would accompany the avocado toast okay so i am glad to see some carbs in the toast to add a little bit more balance to the salad lunch but i would still say that we are kind of missing out on the protein here especially as a post-workout meal now we now know that we don't have a crazy tight anabolic window like we used to think so you don't have to have a substantial amount of protein you know within an hour post-workout if you don't want to but that is if we've had some substantial protein on board before doing the workout and since her breakfast only had like seven grams for breakfast she could still use a good boost post-workout now she did mention that sun is her avocado toast is accompanied by an egg and sometimes by a piece of cheese so that will help out a little bit but in general i would say that this brunch meal of hers is largely just vegetables a little bit of carb and a lot of fat all really healthy stuff of course but it's a little same same especially after all the nut butter at breakfast i have a feeling that this is kind of just how kelly rolls but let's take a look at dinner the smaller version of the same salad that i had for lunch and then i have either mixed grilled greens or whatever's in season i try to eat whatever is in season in terms of vegetables and then i have usually some sort of like plant protein mixed in there like a grilled tofu sometimes i'll have a fried tofu sometimes i have some sort of tahini okay so again kind of same same right we've we've got more of the same salad we had lunch we got more vegetables but hallelujah we do have a solid source of quality plant-based protein so i love tofu i love tahini although you would have to eat a lot of teeny to get like a meal portion of protein but hopefully the serving of whatever she chooses makes up for the lack of protein earlier on in the day let's take a look at snacks i have handfuls of nuts lots of raw cashews lots of raw almonds lots of raw pistachios i never eat more than a handful but i have several handfuls a day case in point more nuts and i love nuts so i'm not i'm not knocking down nuts here but we've had nuts at the breakfast not set the lunch not set dinner and apparently several handfuls of nuts in the day but never more than a handful she says never more than a handful that is kelly's rule but it seems like kelly has like a narrow list of safe foods that she feels comfortable with that she kind of just repeats again and again and again and they're all like super healthy food so i cannot critique her on that but she's missing out on multiple opportunities in the day to get other nutrients in so she could easily swap her nut snack one of the times for like some yogurt berries or crackers and hummus oven roasted chickpeas like you name it there's lots of other great choices out there other than just raw walnuts and pistachios just saying but at my age now i find that i it takes too much effort to get ready so i just stay ready if that makes any sense but in general in general terms i try not to cheat too much what i will indulge in is like a delicious chocolate covered almond or chocolate covered cashew some sort of like so i still feel like there's something healthy in there i also have been making a chia pudding like delicious chocolate chia pudding okay so i assume i get ready she means like keeping her body in top shape and as a national tv host i totally understand why she would feel that desire to like keep herself consistent there really isn't like an off season for kelly so it does make sense not just for kelly but really for anyone to try to avoid weight cycling or yo-yo dieting or building such an unsustainable diet that they feel that they need to cheat every week so i appreciate that kelly isn't necessarily on board with like the whole cheat day lifestyle but i also think it's quite obvious by the rigidity and repetitiveness of kelly's diet that there also isn't really any room for regular mindful treats i mean her definition of a treat is a chocolate almond or cashew or it's chia pudding with some cocoa powder mixed in so she says when she does treat herself it has to be something that still feels like it has something healthy in it so she feels good about that choice maybe this is sustainable for kelly as i think it's just kind of like a type a personality thing but it would probably be really unsustainable for a lot of people long term and those cheat days would probably get completely out of control if you were to ask me this one year from now i will have three entirely different meals but it will be the same rotation of meals for just about a year like the same three meals for a year that's like a whole year 365 days with no other sweet in her life other than a sad chocolate almond and maybe a slice of cake on her birthday [Music] i kind of feel sad for her i feel bad for kelly with this i am in no way diagnosing anything here as i get the sense that kelly's just like got this intense type a personality she likes to control things she likes to be meticulous but i have to also address the elephant in the room and that is that this whole interview is screaming orthorexia an interview that actually got unlisted for whatever reason now if you don't know what orthorexia is it's an unofficial eating disorder described as healthy eating taken to an extreme it generally is characterized by extreme inflexibility perfectionism fear of processed or junk foods extreme routine around meals and foods and like compulsively checking nutrition labels and ingredients i know about it really well because i suffered from orthorexia myself as a teen so as somebody who lived it i can hear my old voice in people all the time now again i am not insinuating that this is something kelly struggles with at all but i'm just flagging this because i don't want viewers to think that this diet while objectively super healthy needs to be the only healthy way to eat because for some people myself included this level of dietary purity and inflexibility would be pretty triggering and potentially kind of dangerous i also want to just kind of remind everyone how important variety is in your diet even more so than choosing exclusively healthy foods in my opinion as a dietitian because when you're only eating a handful of foods every single day for 365 days of the year even if they are like super healthy there's no way you're giving yourself an opportunity to expose yourself to every different micronutrient and antioxidant no one needs to get in every single nutrient every single day but the idea is that if you're switching things up regularly you're much more likely to meet your needs over the course of a week or a month or over time and if kelly did that she probably wouldn't need all of those supplements now kelly closes off the interview by saying that she takes some cbd before bed which is probably the most exciting thing i heard the woman say the whole interview long but also kind of not surprised that she needs to take something to help her relax at the end of the day like that i kind of feel anxious just like listening to her talk so i can imagine that tension probably does take some time to shake off anyways in conclusion i want to remind everyone that this is not a dig at kelly i have been a kelly ripa fan since the early days with regis rest in peace i used to watch their show religiously when i had cable and i think she's adorable and beautiful and so funny but her diet is so intense i think that's the word of the day intense and i want people to know that we can still feel great and even look great if that's your goal without the need to eat the exact same meal or handful of foods 365 days of the year and on that note thank you again to squarespace for sponsoring this video if you liked it be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below with some of your thoughts also do not forget to subscribe to the channel and i will see you next time on abby's kitchen bye you
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 535,885
Rating: 4.7602315 out of 5
Keywords: abbeys kitchen, abbey sharp, kelly ripa, kelly ripa eats in a day, harpers bazaar, harpers bazaar food diaries, food diaries, celebrity diets, celebrity what i eat, kelly ripa meal plan, kelly ripa diet, what kelly ripa eats, kelly ripa diet and exercise, kelly ripa eat in a day, harpers bazaar food, food diaries bite size, harpers bazaar kelly ripa, kelly ripa kids, kelly ripa food, kelly ripa food diaries, kelly ripa bite size, kelly ripa interview
Id: aLhupNxCXFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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