Dietitian Reviews Cheap Lazy Vegan | What I Eat in a Day Youtuber Review

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some omega-3 a la la la la' bet that was really I just heard that I thought up hey everyone i'm abby sharp welcome to Abby's kitchen today's what a need a youtuber review is a rose from cheap lazy vegan so Rose is a fellow Canadian so of course very proud and I've watched a lot of her videos and I like love her personality she's got lots of vegan recipes some vegan meal prep lots of what I eat a day videos she's got vegan mukbangs which I don't love and I find those problematic but I will save that rant for another day but I also have heard that she's just about to open or if she has opened a restaurant called Savage cafe so very awesome so this is one of roses more recent what I need a videos since I started working on this one I saw that she released another one that's kind of a intermittent fasting fitness challenge and I thought about scrapping what I was been working on and and and doing the recent one however knowing that it's a fitness challenge it felt kind of unfair because I know what I know about challenges and diets is that they're not sustainable and probably if she's like everyone else she'd be back to eating her normal way in no time after the challenge is up so I figured that this was a more fair assessment of Rosa's diet so let's get to it first of all can we just say I love the logo because my Elsa loves noodles so [Music] all right before we even get into this I just need to like take a moment to appreciate roses hair because while most vegans I feel really do preach you know the importance of greens Row is like a body screen and I'm liking this I'm I don't I couldn't pull it off that's for sure but she looks great I think it's fun let's do this you holiday you know let's keep it let's keep a healthy today oh girl I hear ya I I just love her I just love her but like here's the dealio on holiday weight gain there is research on this and what it has shown is that most people on average gain a little bit of weight one point three pounds honestly in my books not linked totally stress about but I would say that like if you go into the holiday season with like a cheat meal or like a cheat season mentality you're bound to just overeat past your satiety signals and then spend the entire year after that trying to kind of like repent and restrict as a way to make up for you know what you would just kind of eaten during the holidays but if you would just kind of like listen to your body's cues it would be much easier to have like mindful moderate portions of all your favorite holiday foods without filling the need to completely overdo it so let's keep healthy today hopefully very delicious because I know what she's saying and that was a totally dietician approved philosophy you don't need to skip out on flavor and pleasure in order for things to be well balanced and to fuel your body right had my coffee as usual so when I immediately wake up I don't normally eat breakfast right away well obviously depending on what time I wake up today I woke up a bit later than I usually do a workup at seven o'clock and I had my coffee and I did some work Makapuu tea I'm gonna talk about the more after this because I'm starting to get hungry guys I'm gonna make myself a smoothie and okay so what I'm hearing Rose talk about seems like a really intuitive way to think about food she's not following a crazy restrictive diet she's not fasting until late she's simply just waiting for her body to feel ready to be interested in food and that's great if it works for her it works for me the little jar so smoothies the first meal a day I mean great accessible easy Lisa's not juice which is unusual for you know vegan youtubers I have been noticing so yeah let's take a look what's inside because I'm sick and tired of carrying out like ten bags of things when I am making smoothie so if you like to add a lot of things that your smoothie I suggest Porsche so I cropped like four of these jars when I made a smoothie last time so that anytime I make a smoothie I could just easily put this in and I don't have to worry about all of the things that are in here so in here I've got some protein powder I have greens powder spirulina powder hemp seeds chia seeds and I even have a goji berries and I think I also have some flax seeds in here as well so it's full of a lot of really good things and I like to always add these into my smoothies but quite often I get lazy and I don't want to take every single thing out if you want to make it easier on yourself just prep a portion in it that's like a super awesome idea I have never thought about doing that myself but yeah it's like if you're a smoothie person and you want all these different kind of add-ins to your smoothie assuming they're all like shelf-stable then why not like put them into little baggies put them into jars that way you just like literally grab one every single day throw it into the blender with your you know your your milk or your fruit or whatever else is going in there I think it's a really great time-saving hack and that we don't need to slep all the things out of the pantry I get that that is a big pain in the ass as for this smoothie concoction I mean there's a lot of supplements here some of which are kind of expensive like the greens powder or the goji berries or spirulina and things like that so not so cheap miss cheap lacy vegan but I would say that I'm happy she's getting a lot of you know protein in there some healthy fats lots of antioxidants she's even got iron in there which I know is like a little bit more hard to plan on a plant-based diet so I think that's really great and ultimately in the world of smoothies this is a lot more balanced than all the kind of like fruit only smoothies I've seen on a lot of vegan channels so thumbs up ginger as well cuz apparently Ginger's good for you I've got some frozen berries I'm going to add in I have a frozen banana as always I even have some frozen spinach and I'm going to also add probably some almond milk oh my god look what I've done no all the blueberries hi second roll five-second rule I'm totally okay with that oh when you bury you pick them up them up again and probably wash them a lot I'm also going to add one date because I want to sweeten it up and here's the piece of ginger just one date I can honestly compassion like freely doing a response video on how there's just not enough dates and you need to you need to carb up rose no but seriously from my perspective one date is like a totally reasonable amount of dates to be putting in a smoothie unlike some other youtubers that have different opinions but I think it's dates are a really great way to add natural sweetness and that way you don't actually have to add in any kind of sugar or maple syrup or agave or honey or anything like that so that's awesome I mean can we just take a moment to appreciate a balanced smoothie for once on the internet this is so much better than a lot of the smoothies I've seen on other youtubers channels this one has a lot going on we've got spinach without vegetables we got banana got berries we got almond milk we've got that powder situation so we've got protein in there lots of healthy fats the iron I'm just happy to see a balanced smoothie for once in the vegan YouTube space and because it has that fiber and protein and fat in there I think this one's gonna actually keep rose satiated for a lot longer than the just plain old banana and date smoothies I've seen one piece of toast with some hummus and lots of other sprout now looks great simple honestly very good smoothie looks like I mean it always looks like a bunch of sludge but let's see how it tastes so Real Talk the best smoothies and life look like sledge true story but yeah that breakfast as a whole looks great it's well-balanced we've got you know various food groups represented it doesn't feel overly restrictive we've got some protein we've got some fiber we've got some antioxidants we've got some good fats in there I really like it I think it looks very satisfying and healthy and well balanced also this is so easy no it doesn't look like an Instagram styled video but this is real life so Bravo you can make myself a bit of a salad type situation I have some leftover lasagna but I think I see what I could do all right I love it we're freestyling let's see what's for lunch but some Chinese broccoli but I definitely need to use that I might throw in some baby bok choy as well because I think that's also lady going back 20 strongly that kind of looks like I mean it's not the freshest but you know what I'm sure if I were to stir-fry it and then I have some tofu this is medium firm tofu that let's see what I can make I think I'm gonna do a sope noodle thing okay I'm doing some soba noodles Chinese broccoli tofu and maybe some bok choy let's see what we can make sounds awesome I love just kind of like working with what you have in the fridge and pantry on the fly and that's honestly how I cook as well and it's especially when things are kind of like at the edge of their their life and you need to kind of use them up before you just end up chucking them in the garbage so yay for reducing waste so I get how daunting it may seem to like not follow recipe not follow set of rules and like not follow instructions and just kind of like something on the fly but like everything that's kind of just like a skill that you you kind of develop with practice so the more you can get into the kitchen and just kind of like go for it the more comfortable you're going to be already shrunk down a lot I'm just going to see it then with some soy sauce sesame oil and I'm gonna add a bit of maple syrup cuz I think it's gonna be quite bitter that looks awesome I love Chinese broccoli and bok choy but you know honestly they're a great source of fiber folate vitamin A vitamin K calcium and Chinese broccoli also has some omega-3 ala content so yay I love that Rose is steaming her vegetables here it is like one of my favorite ways to cook mainly because it helps to really retain some of the nutrients better than let's say boiling where a lot of those kind of water soluble nutrients can be leached into the water especially if we like over boil and overcook them as like let's say our grandparents used to but when it comes to kind of cooking versus raw I mean I've talked about this before and I'll briefly touch on it again some fruits and vegetables are better raw from a nutrient perspective others are better when they're cooked some foods are kind of more tough and the fibers are tough so cooking them helps to break them down and make them more easy to digest so that those nutrients are just more bioavailable to us honestly at the end of the day my recommendation is to just try to get a variety of fruits and vegetables into your day because that is the most important thing [Music] right here I'm gonna cook up the tofu I also just want to kind of quickly point out that I like that Rosa suggested using like a hint of maple syrup to counterbalance the bitterness of greens because a lot of people would try greens on their own steamed for example maybe without salt or sugar or fat and think this tastes terrible I've never tried this again but sugar is just another tool in the chef's toolbox there's no need to be completely irrationally scared of a little bit of sugar or salt or fat you know including these things in moderation is a great way to enhance the natural flavors of a lot of these naturally nourishing foods I get that like the joys of being a blogger this is so hard to do with like one hand and cooking this is why I like like I totally fail at my own wedding in the day videos it's too much for me too much coordination believe it or it's a cook I'm gonna leave it on medium high heat cook it for about like four minutes on each side let's see what happens after four minutes in the meantime my water is boiling so I'm gonna throw in at these open arrows and that only takes about five minutes to cook the Chinese broccoli and ibaka Toria looks like it's very much reduced I'm just gonna add tiny bit of sesame oil look a little there it left I'm just hoping these parts are softened all right I'm gonna try and use these it's still pretty soft I think ah but look at that I mean I couldn't leave it on for a bit longer but I'm also impatient so let's [Music] yeah that was a nail-biter folks honestly if it was me I would be tempted just like add some more oil to the pan because I'm just like I could see the tofu wanting to just like hold on to that pan and not let go without a mess so that would I mean my instinct but I'm glad we like got through that so I love that roast is always trying to get like a satisfying source of protein in her diet and in this case we're talking about tofu or soy protein I mean soy has gotten a bad reputation in my opinion unnecessarily there's a lot of people out there saying that it causes cancer and thyroid issues and infertility when Ashley the evidence shows that soy actually has a lot of health benefits even for non vegans in fact for most people sois actually been shown to have protective effects against things like cancer it also has been shown to have a lot of heart-healthy effects and then it helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol particularly LDL cholesterol which is considered the bad cholesterol I have an entire video all about soy so if you're interested seeing that you can check it out right here and then I should be done all right we're also going to make a quick sauce we are taking some coaches our Korean red pepper paste that's what it looks like Korean hot pepper paste we're also gonna take some apple cider vinegar sesame oil maple syrup and so one of the things I really love about Rose's meal here is that she's exploring a variety of cooking techniques she's boiling the noodles she's steaming the vegetables she's pan frying the tofu so if you're a beginner cook who's watching Rose at home just kind of trying to follow along you actually can learn quite a lot and honestly while I personally cannot imagine like dirtying three pants or pots at the same time in the middle of like a workday mommy don't have time for that anymore you could theoretically be doing all of this in batch prep on the weekend for example in like large quantities you can just kind of assemble throughout the week because each component is like very very simple as you can see it doesn't require any kind of like really fancy equipment or really kind of over-the-top techniques or cooking skills to be able to pull this off but not least we're now some green onions these are just chopped green onions and there is the finished Bowl there are some spicy noodles I love a good noodle shot and now I'm like really craving noodles so maybe that's what I'm having for dinner tonight but this looks great and and true to her name cheap I don't know if it's lazy but definitely cheap and vegan but also really easy actually as well so Bravo I love that the floor blueberries are back and they're looking mighty shiny so they've clearly been washed thoroughly so that's great food safety number one but also can't falter on that I mean blueberries are fantastic snack they're rich in antioxidants and fiber they're naturally sweet and I appreciate that she's consuming them in their whole state and in a reasonable portion as well we're not like bringing in like like a literally fruit markets full of blueberries to consume as a snack so this looks great to me I just wash them thoroughly guys I'm going to take my vitamins I am actually terrible at remembering to take vitamins I do try to take b12 as often I can remember and this is just a mixture of different vitamins I know there's b12 in here I think that there is some sort of omega-3 saying I think there's also vitamin D although I could be wrong anyways just like a mixture of different vitamin I'm just going to take them and yeah just remember to take your b12 guys thank you Thank You rose because honestly so many youtubers out there are not talking about supplements and I love that you're explicitly saying hey don't forget about your b12 supplement because b12 is found in animal products it's not naturally found in plant-based foods so of course it is very important to make sure that you're taking a supplement if you're following a plant-based vegan diet also she mentions she's taking vitamin D though I'm not sure that she is just because I know what these things look like and I don't see a supplement there that looked like vitamin D so maybe she forgot that day but we're in Canada we're in Canada and we usually do need vitamin D but of course always speak to your doctor about that in terms of omega threes again I think that's a really important one not just for vegans but honestly for a lot of people there are very few really rich sources of omega threes in the diet particularly when we're talking about EPA and DHA however for your own information we can now find a APA and DHA omega-3 that is vegan in a lot of kind of health food stores and drug stores so speak to your pharmacist speak to your doctor and they will help you find the right supplement for you and if you want to see some of the ones that I like you can check out my Amazon affiliate link below okay so let's see what Rose is having for dinner guys I have been working all day it's been pretty busy so I'm working an hour she just went to the gym and I just got that and I kind of want to do something with cauliflower I always get some sort with like charred cauliflower at restaurants and I kind of want to try making that as part with like a dinner obviously it's not ever gonna be a full dinner who eats cauliflower for dinner like please yeah I kinda want to try making charred cauliflower because I have cauliflower left and I'm like okay should I try and char this even though I don't really know how to char I think I'm gonna throw a weight onto it pan for a bit I just love how real she is and how adventurous she is in the kitchen you know I love taking inspiration from restaurants and meals that I've had while traveling abroad and when I get home I'm like oh I have this photo of this beautiful dish that I had in this beautiful restaurant I want to find a way to recreate it maybe add some more nutrition in it add some more fiber add some more veggies to the meal kind of put my own spin on it and some of my best recipes have kind of been born out of that and when we test recipes at Abby's kitchen let me tell you it is not always easy it's not always a walk in the park they don't always come out perfectly in the first go there are times where we have ten different batches of a recipe before we've said yeah this actually tastes really good it worked out perfectly this is the right cooking time so I appreciate that she has this like kind of like no fear approach to cooking whereas like she doesn't actually know exactly what she's doing but she's willing to jump in there give it a go and kind of walk you through that that adventure in that process and it's really fun to watch [Music] I'm actually gonna use olive oil maybe we've washed the pan for food safety purposes [Music] so I'm gonna make sure this is on high heat I don't know if this is gonna work it might just cook it all right let's oh my god it's like whoa I think it's kind of burnt because I didn't wash the pan but it's kind of looking in my favor right now with my new bathroom labor foam cut whatever I had before you so this meal looks great I mean basically we've got everything you want here we've got lots of vegetables we've got some pan-fried tofu with barbecue sauce looks like some frozen corn and edamame which is a really economical easy choice so it really does speed up the dinner if you can rely on some of those freezer staples so love that as a little tip one of the things that really stands out to me is that Rosa's meals feel like they're appropriately portioned to kind of be satisfied to her probably also would be pretty satisfying to me as well but I find that there's a lot of youtubers out there recommending these huge portions that take up an entire dinner table and that's just not realistic or necessary for a lot of people so I love that Rose is just keeping it real and normalizing her diet okay so let's take a look at Rose's nutritional breakdown as a whole Rose is getting approximately seventeen hundred and thirty eight calories with 23% of her energy coming from protein 42% coming from carbs and 31% coming from fat overall I would say that Rose's diet is like really well balanced and seemingly well thought out even though it doesn't seem like she's actually like thinking really hard or planning or following a set of rules it actually seems quite intuitive and kind of like she just kind of goes with the flow which is awesome Rosa's diet is also really high in fiber she's getting about 50 grams in her day which is amazing she's also getting a lot of omega-3s even without the supplement and getting adequate amounts of calcium iron and B vitamins which can be difficult ones to get on a completely plant-based diet so that's amazing plus with all the different sources of protein in her day she's also getting all nine essential amino acids soy for example is a plant-based source of protein with all of the amino acids so that's incredible if I were to eat like Rose for a day I think I would probably be very happy and very satisfied so let's talk about what I like about Rose's diet number one her recipes are simple and delicious looking I love that Rose is not fussing over these elaborate recipes everything seems accessible easy relatively quick to put together there aren't a ton of crazy ingredients with the exception of some of the supplements that she has in her smoothie in the morning but for the most part this feels like something that even I could pull off on my craziest busy mama working mom days so for that I think she really does make veganism seem very inviting and accessible number two she explores a variety of ingredients and meal ideas so I think when we watch a lot of these youtubers healthy meal ideas and videos we see a lot of the same recipes right smoothie bowls avocado toast juices you know and I'm sure like maybe maybe Rose eats all of those things too and that's great but I appreciate that we actually got to see kind of some of her South Korean roots come through and all these recipes seem really fun and unique and enjoyable I think a lot of us have this kind of whitewash idea of what healthy food is or what vegan food is and we shouldn't be afraid to experiment with all these other delicious cultural cuisines so I'm just really appreciative of all of these great ideas that I feel like I've walked away with and I'm gonna try to incorporate into my meal prep and planning for the weeks ahead and finally she sends out really positive nutrition and food vibes I mean all of the things that Rose talks about makes veganism feel very approachable very accessible even easy so I really think that's amazing she just likes good food and believes it should taste great and that's awesome I also find that it's not overtly preachy in her philosophy she's not cutting out full food groups while still maintaining a balanced plant-based diet so it seems like she's literally just eating in a way that makes her feel good and it makes me want to have a meatless meal so she's doing a great job as for what I don't love honestly I kind of like wracked my brain to think about like was there anything in this video that I wasn't loving and I couldn't really think of much however what I will say is that I just feel she has such an intuitive approach to eating I would hate to see her throw that away and get sucked into dye culture with this kind of like fitness challenge int like entry and fasting diet that she was kind of like trying later on in her in her journey on her YouTube channel just stick with what works and what is working is listening to your body and I think that that above all is the best measure of health so stick to it Rose come back to me so guys I hope you enjoyed this episode of what I in a day you to review if you did be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below with any other youtubers that you want me to review don't forget to check out my entire playlist of some more what a imagej videos subscribe to the channel don't forget that and share this with your friends and I will see you next time on Abby's kitchen bye
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 499,962
Rating: 4.8853922 out of 5
Keywords: vegan, youtube, review, dietitian, diet, nutrition, health, wellness, dietitian review, abbey sharp, abbey's kitchen, youtube review, healthy eating, healthy living, living well, wellness tips, healthy diet, evidence based, nutrition tips, health tips, plant based, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, cheap lazy vegan, food and nutrition, plant based diet, what i eat in a day
Id: -b8hTWIDL-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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