Dietitian Reviews Kate Hudson (Why Am I Not Surprised...)

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oh celery juice hey everyone i'm abby sharp  welcome to abby's kitchen today's video is sponsored by beltbar and  we'll be reviewing another harper's bazaar   food diaries by american actress kate hudson but  first let me tell you about my sponsor buildbar so   if you are new here welcome uh but of  course my regular viewers know that i   very much love these bars because i think they  taste like a chocolate bar and you know protein   bars are just such an easy convenient source of  protein for those really super crazy days and   we are living in a pandemic so i know we  all got a lot of those i have tried a lot of   protein bars in my day and i find most of  them taste like chalk but these ones oh no   they actually taste like a chocolate bar and  i think kate would also approve just saying   all right let's see what flavor we gonna get  into today it's so hard to chew sometimes   what am i in the mood for something super  chocolatey something more fruity i don't know coconut almond yeah let's let's throw  all of my favorite flavors together   this one right here 18 grams of protein i think  i've tried this one before i can't remember took a big bite it's gonna take a while  don't judge me a few moments later tastes   like a vacation and i'm here for it these are  a lower sugar bar for those who are looking   for that but of course if i was having this as my  post-workout snack or part of my post-workout meal   i'd probably pair it with a source of carbs like  some fruit oatmeal some toast etc but if you want   to give these bars a try check out the link in  the description and use my promo code for 15   off of your order also super quick before  we dive in you can pause the screen   or check out the description to look at my  disclaimer including a trigger warning to   those with current or previous experiences with  disordered eating i will be evaluating meals based   on their nutritional mira alone which as we know  says very little about their overall value so if   that is not supporting your food journey by all  means sit this one out and of course don't forget   to subscribe to this channel and ring that little  bell so that you never miss out on an episode   all right folks let's get eating am i gonna get  up 15 minutes from now or am i just gonna go back   to sleep and then i drink water the fact that  there isn't lemon in this water is borderline   triggering for me like could this  day of eating possibly be [ __ ] free i do not eat first thing in the morning the first  thing i do in the morning is i have celery juice   never mind and uh if anybody does celery juice  on an empty stomach they know why because it's   a joyous morning activity so the joyous activity  that kate is referring to is pooping of course it   is joyous gotta love a good poop celery is rich  in a fodmap called mannitol which actually pulls   water into the bowels which can cause diarrhea  cramping and the urgency to go now most people can   tolerate a little celery in their salad but just  two stalks of celery are considered high fodmap   by the monash institute so if you drink a whole  glass of celery juice comprised of an entire bunch   of celery well yeah for some folks you're going to  want to stay close to home it's coming out of me   like lava two soft boiled eggs with some sourdough  and butter and avocado with olive oil and sea salt   classic and a great sounding balanced breakfast so  we got protein in the eggs fiber in the sourdough   and healthy fats in the avocado and the olive  oil i guess there's a reason why this is like   the pandemic breakfast of wellness influencers  everywhere it's just pretty great oatmeal with   like almond butter and banana and maybe some  blueberries some maple syrup cinnamon chia seeds   maybe some walnuts in there so this also sounds  really good if you're craving the kind of sweet   breakfast option so we've got fiber  rich carbs and the oats and fruit   healthy fats and protein in the chia almond butter  walnuts all the good things love it delish so   yeah we've got some options if we're feeling the  sweet or if we're feeling the savory walnuts are   i feel like they're underrated i feel  like more people use almonds or cashews   but a walnut a walnut in your oatmeal is  really i'm personally not a walnut fan   i think they're a little bitter and dry just  saying but they are probably one of the most   nutritious nuts you can eat so compared with the  almonds and cashews that she cited and actually   all other nuts too walnuts have more heart-healthy  omega-3s which is really a unique selling feature   in the nut world so a great addition to a bowl of  oats on the go i'm going to just get a smoothie   lunch ish a smoothie for me would be like  a protein based drink i like the chocolatey   type flavors like banana and almond butter and  chocolate simple but i would say relatively   light lunch option but if there was ever  a three ingredient combo that delivered   in the protein shake category it would be  chocolate protein powder banana and almond   butter or peanut butter i like peanut butter but  anyways we've got protein in the protein powder   fiber in the fruit and the almond butter and  those healthy fats in the almonds as well   solid option but again like i said not a very  substantial lunch if she was feeling like in   the sweet brunchy mood i would personally want  to maybe throw in some veg to that smoothie   and also start with a source of carbohydrates  like some toast or some yogurt and fruit chop   salad that's kind of a go-to for me i do extra  salami no cheese cucumbers no tomatoes basil and   extra dressings so not really a chopped  salad what is this i don't know more   like a charcuterie board with like some  sauce on there but sounds a delicious   charcuterie board with sauce at that now you guys  all know that i'm all about adding in nutritious   ingredients to build a more nutrient-dense meal  so if she want to keep that salami and dressing   even if this did add and increase the saturated  fat and sodium in the meal i would suggest just   throwing in some more nutritious ingredients  to bulk this up so some great nutrients dense   chopped salad friendly options that she could kind  of throw in there to make up for the items that   she omitted would be things like chickpeas eggs  olives bell peppers avocado corn radishes etc and   also pairing it with maybe some pita or throwing  in some quinoa or faro or another grain just to   bulk up the carbs to make it a little bit more  satiating i always try to find at least a half   hour to work out i think it's important to try to  take time to move your body most days of the week   and it doesn't need to be like a strenuous boot  camp but even a walk around the neighborhood or   some youtube yoga for example would be a really  great addition to your day and there are days when   even something like this is not gonna happen  and that is totally okay i think it's equally   important to cut yourself some slack not let it  trigger like restrictive compensatory behaviors   and just carry on with your week as usual just  remember that missing a workout here or there   is going to have zero impact on your health  status or weight it's all about the overall   behavioral patterns is there an animal in my bush  that's what she said i don't know what you're   talking about i had to i try not to be a big  snacker but i love a snack why is the word snack   so triggering to so many health enthusiasts  like why is it automatically a bad word   i think that diet culture has hijacked the  concept of snacking to become synonymous   with like a treat or ultra processed food but  really a snack to me is just like a mini meal   it's just a bridge meal to get you to  that more substantial sit down experience   so ideally your snack includes you know the  hunger crushing combo of fiber protein and   fat it can actually look identical to a meal  but just smaller and maybe a little bit simpler   so there should of course be room for fun  foods too in your diet but this to me is   different than a snack and this language becomes  a lot more important when you're raising kids   for whom snacks are really key but let's see what  her snacks of choice are you cannot stay away   from chips and salsa and simple mills makes an  amazing cheddar almond flour it's like a cheez-it   but healthy okay so we need to vote in the chip  dip trifecta what would you choose salsa guac   or sour cream guac is number one for me and  also it would make the snack more satiating of   course because of the fiber and healthy fats  in the avocado but salsa is a close second   i don't like sour cream i don't know don't come  at me it just doesn't have enough flavor for me   i don't know i i i think sour cream just needs  like some salt or something so i guess if the   chips are salty enough it balances itself up  i'm here for it but yeah let me know below   anyways as for the simple mills cheddar crackers  these crackers are made out of almond flour and   i actually really like them too but if you want to  see how they stack up against a typical cheez-it   let's take a look now the healthier almond flour  version actually has slightly more calories the   same amount of protein and fiber and almost the  same amount of sodium yes it's gluten-free where   the classic cheez-its are not but if you really  want your cheez-its and you're eating almond flour   cheese crackers reluctantly because you think it's  a much healthier choice i'm just here to tell you   that maybe it's not super sound logic so choose  the cracker that you love and if you want   you can make it even more nutritious by pairing it  with a more substantial source of protein fiber or   healthy fats like nuts seeds or actual cheese just  saying i try to get everybody to do five between 5   30 and 6. if that doesn't happen for me i i like  to eat before seven unless i'm going out you know   which nobody i don't do that anymore welcome to  the geriatric dinner club folks but also this kind   of just like comes with the parenthood territory  i think anyways i'm definitely interested to   hear about some of her family meals one of my  favorite meals nutmeg chicken it's shallots   it's lemon fresh herbs brown the chicken in the  oven and you make this like nutmeg gravy and you   and rice that sounds incredible love a good roast  chicken and i'm really intrigued by this nutmeg   gravy situation definitely an unusual pairing but  i am here for it and honestly chicken is always a   really great easy lean protein dinner main to  pair with maybe some rose veggies or like she   does some rice so any kind of starch potatoes  whole grains rice love it this sounds like a   really great family meal sweet corn pasta that  my kids love it's pancetta peas corn white wine   butter and olive oil and cream oh that right there  totally my style perfect summer pasta dish and   while i have no qualms about just enjoying a carb  and cream combo like this straight up if you want   to balance this out a bit you could throw in some  canned chickpeas for some protein or some leftover   chicken and toss in tons of fresh summer squash  and zucchini but yeah sounds really really good   just as it is too i want to mess with perfection  we had the greatest matzo ball soup that grandma   used to make and then mom made this chicken  and dumplings that was my grandma's recipe   that was like it's out of this world and  then mom also makes a biscuit and gravy   as a jewish mama i would describe those three  things as like jewish meets southern comfort food   warm kind of salty hearty and let's be  real kind of constipated but honestly   i am here for it a good biscuit  is worth being a little backed up it's sparkling water all day long okay but let's  talk about sparkling water for a second so a lot   of people ask me what those natural flavors in  sparkling water are and if they're like toxic or   what now this was an especially hot topic after  there was a class action lawsuit against lacroix   or lacroix or whatever around whether or not said  natural flavors were in fact natural so to start   natural is kind of an ambiguous and  controversial term in the food industry   basically anything can be labeled as natural  as long as it doesn't contain any added color   artificial flavors or synthetic substances but  the fda specifically defines natural flavors   as the essential oil olio resin essence or  extractive protein hydrolysate distillate   or any product of roasting heating or enzymolysis  which contains the flavoring constituents derived   from spice fruit or fruit juice vegetable or  vegetable juice edible yeast herb bark bud   root leaf or similar plant material meat seafood  poultry eggs dairy products or fermentation of   products thereof whose significant function  in food is flavoring rather than nutritional that one was a doozy and reading that is enough  for most people to just say what the does that   mean and either just conclude that it's healthy  or it's toxic depending which way you sway in the   absence of useful evidence-based information  so here's what we know these natural flavors   are classified under the fda's category  of generally recognized as safe or grass   and if you look deeper at most of the popular  sparkling water companies like lacroix   and bubbly most specifically do say that their  flavor is coming from extracts or essences from   fruits and vegetables but as a general rule of  thumb on this manufacturers don't actually have to   reveal their sources so we don't really know where  these natural flavors come from not to mention the   fda's definition of natural flavors suggests that  while these substances do have to have natural   origins they can be chemically altered to create a  desirable flavor so how you interpret this really   is up to you but we do have no evidence that these  flavors are doing any harm so until that changes   i'm gonna keep drinking my beloved bubbly and  kate you can too i could do this forever i want   to talk about food all day long anything from  the foie gras to the chicken to the shoestring   potatoes how much time do we have because i  could keep going oh oh my god i am having major   foodie wanderlust fomo right now oh i just  want to travel and eat all the things guys   let's beat this cobit thing all right back to  the food i really try not to late night snack   but i do again you know a late night snack doesn't  have to be bad it's not that food consumed after 8   pm automatically turns to fat but i will say that  research on our circadian alignment does suggest   that insulin sensitivity is at its peak during  daytime hours so if we can align our food intake   with these hours it can have some benefit for our  metabolism and glucose response having said that   for most people this would be splitting hairs and  not likely to cause any major shifts on the scale   so whether you eat 500 calories in ice cream  above your caloric needs at 8 a.m or 8 p.m it's   going to have approximately the same net of a 500  calorie surplus everyone can't seem to get through   a night without having like a big snack at 2 am  so yeah i'm hoping that kind of shifts and works   itself out when i stop pumping in the night  but let's see what she's having for her snack   yeah and my late night snack is always going  to be in the ice cream department same and   you know just know that reaching for foods that  are higher in sugar salt and fat in the evening   is actually incredibly common we don't know for  sure why this is but part of it is likely that   we've been socialized to curl up on the couch with  like a bag of chips and a pint of ben and jerry's   rather than a bowl of celery and carrots i mean an  entire genre of young adult media has been built   on this classic rom-com trope but it  also may have to do with the fact that   at the end of the night and at the end of the day  we are tired you know our inhibitions are down   and for those with tumultuous relationships with  food we're kind of just too exhausted to restrict   anymore and so out comes the ice cream and down  the hatch she goes they do great oat milk ice   creams now so i try to stay non-dairy because it's  a little bit better for me so i'm not sure if kate   hudson is completely dairy-free for a specific  reason and that's why she's suggesting that it's   better for her to go with the oat milk based  yogurt versus the regular but generally speaking   if you're going to eat ice cream i say choose  the one that is most enjoyable to you if we're   to compare the labels of my favorite ice cream  flavor ben and jerry's netflix and chilled which   is oh my gosh it is so good um the dairy-free  version has 10 calories and 2 grams of fat less   but it actually has more sugar and less protein  per serving as well so is it really healthier not   necessarily for everyone depending on your health  goals but if you don't digest dairy very well and   you can still derive that same amount of pleasure  from the dairy free version then of course it is   the better option for you mint chip i love because  it's refreshing but i really like like a dolce de   leche type of and with chocolate chips i think  kate and i are kind of kindred spirits because   i think we like the same ice cream flavors like  dolce de leche is life and mint chocolate chip was   always my favorite as a kid and i still do enjoy  me a good mint chip but leave me a comment below   on your favorite flavor because i don't know i  could read about and talk about ice cream all day   long tell me what's your flavor but  don't tell me you like vanilla because   just know why would you choose vanilla when you  can have vanilla with something else in it i just   don't understand i'm not a big fan of like rice  puddings anything that gets too like i don't know   creamy i know the word she's looking for and  it's gloopy right i mean i love a good rice   pudding i was raised on rice pudding but there  is definitely some interesting textural contrast   going on so i understand that rice pudding is a  little controversial but you know what's even more   controversial raisins in your rice pudding are you  team raisin or team no raisin because i'm a purist   like nothing else other than rice and cream and  sugar and whatever the hell else maybe some egg   yolks or something nothing else cinnamon you can  put cinnamon and rice pudding but nothing else   no raisins no chocolate chips no other weird  ingredients thank you very much okay well i'm   getting a little bit off topic but what can we say  about kate's diet and relationship with food well   i think we're seeing a lot of the classic wellness  culture staples so celery juice protein oatmeal   protein shake and the avocado toast what i like  is that these are juxtaposed against some comfort   soul food options like the chicken and biscuits  and the sweet corn and bacon pasta chips and salsa   and a good roast chicken with a rich gravy i  think it's clear to me that kate loves food   as evidenced by her like waxing poetic about all  of her favorite food cities and foodie travels but   she's also interested in taking care of her body  through daily movement and nutrient dense food   is she influenced by diet culture likely i  mean the woman owns an athleisure line so   this is kind of part of her brand but unlike  other wellness influencers like guena paltrow   i get the sense that she's probably a lot  more chill at least as far as family meals go   i don't think she's like putting her kids on  detoxes or super restrictive diets and it does   sound like she's prioritizing family meals which  i think is so important as for suggestions it's   hard to really get a sense of exactly how kate's  meals come together from a format like this but if   i had any suggestion it would maybe be to bulk  up that midday meal by adding in some carbs so   you know some toast to the smoothie or some grains  to the salad this might help make the meal a lot   more satiating so that she wouldn't feel the need  to overdo it on chips and dip in the afternoon   i would also just remind her and also all of  you that there's nothing wrong with snacking   but we can also make our snack more satiating by  focusing on the hunger crushing combo of fiber   protein and fat so rather than getting  rid of the chips if she loves the chips   maybe pairing them with a source of fat like  guacamole to just balance things out and make   it more satiating and on that note that is all  that i have for you guys today thank you again to   builtbar for sponsoring this video if you liked  it be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a   comment below on who you'd like to see me review  next subscribe to the channel and i will see you   next time on abby's kitchen bye and for more great  videos like this check out the link right here you
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 446,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abbeys kitchen, abbey sharp, kate hudson, food diaries, Harpers Bazaar, dietitian reviews, dietitian reacts, what i eat in a day
Id: b2WpObSQnOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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