Torque vs Horsepower | How It Works

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JFC every time I watch a video on torque vs hp, I feel like I understand it less.

Then someone chimes in with, "It's simple! HP is how fast you hit the wall and torque is how hard it is to pedal a bike" or something, and then someone corrects them, and I spiral deeper into confusion.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I was following along with the video because, even though I know the basics, I find these videos entertaining to watch. At the end, it's proposed that the reason why Diesels make more torque is because the higher compression ratio means that the stroke is longer, which means more torque. That is absolutely not correct. I was surprised that, for the most part, the video was on point, only to be hit with that glaring falsehood.

Just serves as an example to not believe everything you hear/read/see on the internet, no matter how well it's edited or how believable the presenter is.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/MuffinRacing 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

And horsepower is a measurement of work

No it's measurement of power . power*time=work

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I just hate that anyone believes the complex behavior of a drivetrain can be simplified into a single number...although I am in the camp the most useful metric is cascade curves for each gear for rpm vs torque

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

You guys should watch EngineeringExplained, he recently did a video on "hp vs torque" and was very informative. All of his videos are actually.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/KalterBlut 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Same reason I can't watch Chrisfix. So close to being right, but from the few videos I've watched the "why-s" are always just... not quite right. Close enough to sound right, but... not.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/blazefalcon 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Also wrong about why diesel makes more torque. It's not the stroke. It's the fuel itself and the high compression ratio (or boost). Consider that yes a longer stroke makes more torque if the bore is the same size. But if the engine capacity stays the same then a longer stroke comes with a smaller bore. Therefore less force cancels out the longer stroke. A longer stroke does give more LOW RPM torque but not necessarily more torque overall. A diesel has a longer stroke because that matches the power band of a diesel motor and provides low rpm torque, not because it makes more torque outright.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/egowritingcheques 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Donut Media

Well, there's your problem right there.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TacticalFudd 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Torque is hitting someone with a five foot metal bar. Horsepower is doing that 2000 times a minute.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/taratarabobara 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Drag Racing! NASCAR! Rally! Racing! Awesome cars make awesome power. You know how we compare em; with stats. But what's it really mean? We're about to find out. We're talking about horsepower and torque. (trap music) The way Tony talks about it, torque is a grunt, (grunts) and horsepower is screaming. Torque and horsepower are both ways of measuring force. Torque measures twisting force, and horsepower measures work, and work is force over time. So let's start with torque. (grunts) You've probably heard of foot pounds. Pound is a measure of force. If you weigh 180 pounds, that's because your mass, what you're made of is exerting 180 pounds of force on the earth. A foot pound is a pound of force amplified by a foot of leverage. This is Jesse's toolbox, and this is a weird bolt in a board. This is a wrench. (soft piano plays) If I use a foot-long wrench, and apply one pound of force at that bolt, I'm applying one foot pound of torque on the bolt. If I used this two foot bolt buster, and apply one pound of force at this end, I'm applying two foot pounds of torque. If I apply two pounds of force at one foot, it's force on the bolt is the same as one pound of force from two feet. Two foot pounds, or pound feet. It's the same unit because it's math. The distance from the point of measurement amplifies the force through the lever arm. I wonder where it all goes. (yells) Engine torque measures the amount of this force that an engine can produce. Let's get inside there. The pistons drive this crank shaft. You can see that where it attaches turns around the center axis. Just like the wrenches turned around the bolt. Each explosion in the cylinder pushes the piston down with force. That force is exerted on the crank pin, and transferred to the shaft to get it spinning. Torque is determined by two factors. The amount of force on the crank pin, which comes from the piston, and the distance of that force from the center axis, or throw, which varies by crank shaft. Make sense? If the throw stays the same, we produce more force from the piston. Maybe with more displacement we can increase the torque. If the force from the piston stays the same, we can increase the distance of the pin from the crank shaft center to increase the torque. There's millions of combinations and variations that we can tweak to adjust the force exerted on the crank shaft. From the number of cylinders, to the shape of the engine, even to the type of fuel we use, which we can get back to in a minute. Horsepower is a measurement of work, and work is force over time. James Watt lived from 1739 to 1819 and he loved doing math. Steam engines were changing everything during the Industrial Revolution, and Watt wanted to give people a way to measure all of the work that was getting done. Watt was watching work ponies, which are not tiny horses. Ponies are their own thing. You can look it up. Fact: he noticed that a pony took about a minute to raise 220 pounds of coal out of a hundred foot well, and being a scientist he increased that number by 50 percent because a horse is about 50 percent bigger than a pony. Whatever. It's a unit. As long as it's consistent, it can be whatever he wanted. He figured that one horse could do 33,000 foot pounds of work every minute. A horse, exerting one horse power, can raise 330 pounds of coal 100 feet in a minute, or 33 pounds 1,000 feet in a minute, or a 1,000 pounds of coal 33 feet in a minute. That's work. That's horsepower. The amount of force. Foot pounds. Torque produced over time is horsepower. Because torque is how much force an engine produces, horsepower is how quickly it can produce how much force. We can dive into this by looking at how we measure car horsepower on a dynamometer. You can either put the car on a roller that'll measure the force produced at the wheels, or if you attach shaft to an engine you can measure the driving the shaft and it's speed. Start your car. You put it in neutral and floor it. Well the engine would run so fast it'd explode. A dynamometer finds a load to the floored engine and measured the speed it moves. You can hook an engine to the dyno, floor it, and use the dynamometer to apply enough of a load to the engine to keep it at, say 7,000 RPM. You record how much load the engine can handle then you apply additional load to knock the engine speed down to 6,500 RPM and record the load there, then even more to get it to 6,000 and so on. You can do the same thing starting at 500 RPM and then work your way up. What the dynamometer is actually measuring is torque, and because of math, to convert torque to horsepower you just multiply the torque by the RPM and divide it by 5,252. That's horsepower. Why 5,252? Well I'm glad you asked. You remember the horse? from before? With the coal. Okay. That horse moved 330 pounds 100 feet in a minute. So 33,000 foot pounds of work in one minute is one horsepower. Now for my dumb brain Let's use a hundred pounds, 330 feet in one minute, because that's also one horse power. We need to show 330 feet in one minute as revs, so let's think of the wheel. The distance traveled on one revolution would be two pi r, or six point two eight three one six. 330 feet in revolutions is 52.52. Starting to look familiar? A hundred foot pounds at 52.52 RPM is one horsepower, therefore one foot pound at 5,252 RPM is also one horsepower. So you take the torque, multiply it by the revs and divide by 5,252 and you found horsepower. (yells) (breathes briskly) When you plot horsepower versus the revs per minute for the engine, you get a curve like this one. An engine has peak torque where it generates the most force. It has peak horsepower where it produces the most torque most quickly. When you're trying to accelerate quickly you wanna try to keep the engine close to it's maximum horsepower point on the curve. That's why you downshift to accelerate. By downshifting you get closer to the peak horsepower on the curve. You wanna launch your car from a stop? You rev engine right at peak torque then you release the clutch to dump maximum power to the tires. Let's take a minute to talk about why diesel makes more torque but not much horsepower. Think about what torque is. Remember the long wrench? Well diesel has a much higher compression ratio. Which means that the head of the piston can travel further in the cylinder. That means the distance from the center of the crank shaft can be greater. That means more torque but because the throw is greater it's got more distance to travel to get through a revolution so it can't move as quickly and because horsepower is work done quickly diesel engines can do a lot of work but not as quickly as as a gasoline engine when it's cranking at high revs. That's horsepower versus torque. Hit that subscribe button. It means a lot. Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video. Start a 30 day trial and your first Audible book is free. Learn more at Audiobooks are a great sidekick for summer activities like hiking, or running, or biking, or cruising with the top down. Listening is a better way to binge content you love while doing the things you love. Audible's got almost any book you want. Right now I'm listening to Horatio's Drive by Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns. It's about Horatio Nelson who made the first US cross-country drive in 1903. You can get through tons of books hands and eyes free while you do just about anything. 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I love reading your comments. Let me know what you wanna see. Please like the show page. You like horsepower and torque check out James driving the Dodge Demon, or check out this wheelhouse on F1. Follow me on Instagram at @Bidsbarto. Follow Donut at @Donutmedia. Don't tell my wife that's Jesse's toolbox. She thinks I can fix things.
Channel: Donut Media
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Keywords: Donut Media, car science, car tech, science garage, doughnut, doughnut media, donut media science garage, science garage donut, garage, doughnut science garage, Horsepower, torque, doughnut horsepower, watt, horses, dynamometer, what is horsepower, what is torque, horsepower explained, explain horsepower, donut, horsepower vs torque, hp vs torque, how it works, donutmedia, torque vs hp, donuts media, donut media torque, donut media horsepower, torque and horsepower explained
Id: mRROa_plpTc
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Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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