DIE RISE... in 2020?!

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before this works perfectly there's no glitches are we gonna do the grenade Starkel again to determine who gets this liquefier I think it's only fair please do but I play a lot of video games you guys know this about me you've watched me play video games for years you know I like video games one thing you may not know about me is that I actually like to play video games in VR please jump on tapes video is sponsored by the oculus quest an all-in-one all-encompassing VR headset that exists just in this small tiny little portable headset wire-free you take it around play VR video games anywhere now one game that you can actually play on this beautiful piece of technology is called phantom and I'm gonna show you guys what it looks like right now it's a stealth game it's insane as you can see we have a few tools my sniper rifle my chest pistol and back here I should have my mp5 also silenced Oh back it up back it up Falls for the mp5 as you can see I'm very good at stuff I don't think I will so as you can see the game is an absolute blast to play and that's just the first mission there's an entire rest of the game that you get to go all the way through so I feel like what you saw you want to check out more information down below in the description is going to take you to the page where you can learn all about the quests you can play phantom covert ops you can play a ton of other games all the kind of showcasing these over the next few months on my channel over all the different games that they have and the quest itself is absolutely incredible so go ahead help support the sponsors check out the link in the description click on that link and thank you so much again to oculus quest for sponsoring today's video will fire come over here in this corner grenade circle we're just all gonna stand here we're gonna start we're gonna continuously throw the grenades at our feet and whoever dies last gets this local fighter the zombie might spawn oh no I can't pick up so we all get this look a fire it's the only fair game come on okay let's grab all the parts and then we'll I'm actually gonna resign you and Lex can fight over it I'm cool with not having last parts right here whoever does it doesn't have a trample steam right here you mean my god let's jump off and build it stays up there okay elevator it won't go down this way no right now we have to go down to the yellow if you want to buy it we should be good let me spend all my points on stuff with a pistol see y'all can get the make him spend his hard cash out your points from how do you share points to see who opening up the couch top five couches hey hey listen listen I want an A and ninety four just as bad as the next guy before when you have 250 K in the bank dude over here with zilch hey dude I'm down to like 200 K down these I can't find a trillionaire try to kill him okay what oh hey hi sir nice all right there we go Oh bro yo let's go see it all worked out alright that worked out for everybody but thank you Lex for not being a selfish to me nobody just understand we could be done this easter egg by now then nobody gets it Lex come here we're doing another grenade relent for the yeah yeah yeah with these thirty four thousand points no fire if you like you want to buy me an an-94 dude my god she dog here I'll help you build it just cuz I'm such a nice guy Mojang tiles nice yo Chang yo yo they got the new Minecraft update on mine crap oh crap it didn't spawn there this time no that's the only one I know like for sure oh wait if I find it I can build it and get it for myself oh how many parts are on there I was wondering why you were packing that zombie from one foot away okay let's do the net let's see if the nav card table still glitched okay so the other tiles and is like like the duo that are right beside each other it's one of those wait wait you found one like the the circles wait there's no circle right above the aks-74u right on that ledge I saw wow are you talking about this circle no CAD oh no but I can check for a spot it was that me minecraft is on me my beep no yeah I've got one here in our alright what does it look like so it's like it's like a line and then another line right below it so it's just two lines okay so that's the - what color is it black okay I'm gonna go hit the blocks that's all I'm gonna do right now I got that one yeah if you'll see emotion just be sure to call it out well I see one by the tower it's much what some Mojang again I think you like relate them to the other ones yeah yeah yeah cuz there's four of them there right course there's just one there's just one from what I saw hey let me look alright let's make sure we save the zombie that was my bad foretelling last one Oh so this one looks I'll get it I'll get it yeah it's a black letter H yeah there's 11 spawn points for eight now curve for eight Mojang's oh yeah yeah I can't put it in again no way dude are you serious unless it's just again like the spot but nothing's coming up for me I mean as long as we can complete the Easter Egg we can just do the nav card real quick at another game so I fess up I found one of those like circles on the DoubleTap elevator did somebody else already claim out or can I just take this you can just take that okay so yeah I have to upgrade the glowstick knife - right yeah it has to be back punched range strange man this map dude that is north okay so yeah North is number two I think there's a tile over here oh yeah I found one uh okay what is it it's like a symbol you mean you probably just wanna come okay does it have like a U shape on the bottom so it's like um like kind of like an upside-down Trident okay does it have does it have a flat like at the very top is it a flat line going like left from right or is it a vertical line so it's like a vertical line with and then it's like an T and then a little upside-down u underneath it earn-in yeah yeah okay and then there's a little symbol in the middle of the end but it's not connected at the bottom there's a so there's a symbol and then it like the in isn't connected right like it's not a lowercase oh it's a lowercase and right okay here's what it kind of looks like the monster logo with like I'm a little bit like sticking up from it right okay like like it's like an M but the middle of the M has some extra stuff in lines on it right yeah yeah okay what color was that red okay okay I I maxed out the box so it's switched somewhere okay I have lots on me by the way if y'all wanna oh okay I have I have a colouring as well X do crawlers die on this map I can't remember I think they respawn because it's black ops 2 and they just respawn if it's damaged yeah box just went to the other spot right next to it yeah I already got that one Pat all right no oh can I kill the zombie then oh now he's a sprinter f me do you guys want to do the elevators stuff first do elevator first okay I'm standing on line at the moment this is gonna suck training on 105 ping on the elevator but I'm so sorry so me and Noah are in the spawn Tower so lexan no I just know I didn't realize those down there I missed it you guys want to be like on the side with G yeah I'm on the I'm off now cuz I wanna get crushed whatever you need to like yeah just don't once it starts like ringing though don't don't like just hop off once it goes up I'm not buying jug until we're done with the step oh my god I made him a crawler we're good that's what I was trying to get someone quotes no wait Pat did you already leave here no I can try I don't know elevator whatever y'all really just chucking names it's like literally any command Durning did you mean grenade yeah the step this step is just timing we just have to wait for the wait for the time when we're all on it yeah yeah I'm on mine right now just let me know when y'all are named same me and Pat are waiting yeah yeah just don't get just don't get crushed I think it can be the other one as well like where who's who is so it might not be that one I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it's this one I just missed it okay I'm just getting on it we just have to jump on it right yeah I am on mommy you just have to be okay that's fine I still have a whole nother I have a rotation only come out when it starts ringing and then we should be okay I'm about to get online soon I just don't get crushed because then we have to go next round lens all the way back at the top so I had to make up a way to come off all right I'm on mine for now I'm on mine still I'm gonna have I'm offline it started ringing what like a zzzz good luck doing this is dragging a public match there's no way I'm saying I am mine I can get on mine in a sec but it's gonna say okay mines on I'm on mine oh never mind mine went up okay it's about to go down any second now okay I would rather do this anything in transit yeah transit and sucks this double tap machine looks so pixelated I don't I don't know what is wrong anything else likes crystal please I'm on mine alright alright I get online now okay who's not on no we're all wrong except pot okay like it should go down down I think we'll get it okay okay wait okay so now the next step is blessing our souls match the gold symbols on the floor wait oh yeah yeah you're right we're for sure doing the Max's side right this is I think I recall this is Park okay there's one by the m14 one by the aks-74u one by the roof to the left of the simp text grenade and the last is past the SV UAS the capture the same symbols as the elevator symbol so they're the one that was like bunch of squiggly lines on them and they must be stepped on in a certain order yeah there's one right behind you there again the order changes per game so it's mostly guessing and trying different combinations and don't we have to get it wrong the first try oh yeah I just got it wrong and we just need to step on them until it if it lights up that's number one all right I'm at one okay just step on it see if it lights up no not for me okay so neither of ours are first I'll step on line no so wait what does this step is it just stepping on more is it stepping up more than order which one does Lexx need to go to hang on I'm out the box so if there's one near the box then preferably I'll go there it's the squiggly line one where's the isn't there another one down here and for his program which is right here okay above the ak-74 you to the roof to the left of the syntax grenades and the last is past the AE that's the UAS oh I'm not su I'm Annie I think yours is first so press that okay I'm coming kind of has to be right like this wait wait sorry it's a tile on the floor look exactly like the elevator thing okay it's the exact same symbol pasta past the SVU by the cafeteria looking oh okay is it gold bucks no it's not glowing for me okay Tim try yours first again wait wait wait no it does it have to be at the squiggly line not the lion it's the squiggly I got the quote when I stepped on the squiggly line one and it Oh Oh Mia Tim's are Lions oh okay y'all are on the wrong simple scent problem so it's one exact same I think the lion ones are for the later set is the one which one is close to the jug right here I'm saying they don't remember these are okay okay seventy for you and the SIM text grenades are the two and okay so there's one near there Remington down below on top of the quick revive elevator I'm not the one on staff yeah one by the m14 one by the egg easy for you wait maybe maybe know if yours lit up maybe that was it didn't it didn't it's my town first okay cuz yeah I can I can come out if someone wants just take the one in the spot I can I think I know where they are Wow I see the one at semtex I can use this okay yeah I step on it see if it lights up should be a bunch of squiggly lines did not why the last one is first actually I'm just gonna stay over here so small I'm missing one now yeah mine is not lighting up I have no idea why no no it's cuz Patras first for you yeah okay something for you hi guys it was just like above where the semtex grenades are right it's right next to the Sun Texas third mystery box location on this map I forgot like that corner like the no-man's like dead corner on the top of the met Matt back elevator you just stopped hitting the box for a minute and just by the SVU we need a sniper for the next step okay there we go okay you got oh my second okay it's either Alexis or Tim's next I brought in mine mines on mines okay the attempts last time we're good there we go alright sniper rifle there should be a ball in each mouth of the player shoots the ball side of both mouths they should teleport on Lyons oh yeah yeah it's in the mouth right I remember this it's not in in there right now we'll hold on where do I have to shoot I think you need to shoot the I think it's you're fine to shoot both of them but you definitely need to shoot the one farthest away oh I see it I see it yeah I shot it shoot the other one oh yeah where's the other one I have no idea I was tail hole in his mouth oh yeah okay I got the boss okay yeah okay signs in like Joel pick them up cuz if the wrong yeah yeah yeah breaks it screw injure and rustman cannot pick up the balls even if they place them back they do okay yeah so don't break Marlton and misty is need to remove both the balls under the Lions paws okay so whose Marlton and misty i think am i misty I might I might be American unless you're all am i misty yeah okay so we each pick up a ball oh that's grenade you got the ball oh wait no you didn't wait it's still there for me oh okay okay there'll be no indication to have them kill zombies in the direct center of Buddha's room Maxis will say to the player reincarnation will reveal the way forward and the players kill a satisfactory amount of zombies okay so we need to go kill zombies in the Buddha room its next step okay I'm going to the Buddha room but I'm also gonna come back and pack punch okay should I just end the round yeah I don't I don't remember if you have to kill him in a certain way this doesn't say so it just says like in the middle yeah I'm Jenna I think this liquefier counts as explosive kills anyway so I'm wondering if it is I don't think so that I've got upgraded ballistic knife nice huge huge hit okay so just make sure you're listening for a quote that says reincarnation will reveal the way forward Oh oh my gosh no you didn't see that by almost didn't you yeah I chapel seam back here from the back bunch and that was almost not it oh my isn't there a mosaic tile spawn over here I don't see it oh I'm pretty sure it's like right here somewhere but I don't see it oh yeah there is one I think but it might just not be bad it sounds max ammo I only know like for the spawns two of them are not the spawn in the campus I mean look if there's any spawns in here on the corner of the tower we already got that one spawn room same deaths as the compressor for the trample steam sometimes spawns on bottom of the escalator near the m14 on the broken stairs that lead to this vu there's one of the couch like when you straight jump to the box I don't know if that's it okay so slick the fire definitely counts yeah okay just let me let me kill this like a fire cuz I'm not I yeah I remember it being explosive kills but sure okay this obviously counts and see you just killed and and I have to revive a specific layer in here right you just have to shoot it at the you have to shoot it yeah yeah the wiki says you don't even need to shoot it out the Buddha you literally just use it it's crazy dude this might be top five chairs right here top five chairs the Tyrian that is a pretty nice looking chairs I'm a while and in the rubble looks like a chair bro yeah yeah I like that I do like that how funny would it what's Matt if the zombies just flung themselves down planks World War Z zombies on the elevators we're yet there's one up in this window right here door and I'll let them come in here it says bottom middle over the floor Buddha room at the top level in the back of the room the row that we saw that one on the shelf near this liquify arms oh hello table with the sewing machine and the power room lawn chair next to the mystery box spawn on the roof in a kitchen near the mp5 table I got the kitchen near the mp5 table kind of the roof come on there's so many 20 shots if we're getting a free print that one's fine hello I need my freedom at all unearthly encounters bought me kills sit still damn it oh my god take the tramplesteam take the trap will seem rush metal are you sure it's gonna thank Bloodshy but it works ok ok I call out the max ammo but ok mm-hmm I'm gonna go jump off the ledge make sure you don't the dive hey I found a teddy bear nice what's the next step after this the ballistic knife and then the tramplesteam and then we need you to go the four line symbols right ok and then we need to find Buddha we need to find ourselves can everyone hear Max's by the way is that a thing yeah okay so Noah's getting are you to Doyle one that's a lot to get killed right now just to be you can shoot if you're gonna die so I'm running around with starting pistols we're starting this one I got the an-94 oh yeah please do got something I made it all this way wait wait wait really get I'm just I think it's anywhere anyway yo yo you're gonna do it just shoot this is exhilarating yeah actually that's the hardest thing right you always couldn't hear the coach yeah okay everyone needs to pick up their tramples teams and we need to go find the work it let's get one zombie left call me bro you'll have to go fine yeah I know where the tramplesteam is I just can't excited I remember how to get there it's just oh god don't kill that last ami Pat I only played this map for five minutes and then I quit or died so what happened I usually fall off the ledge double tap okay so everyone needs to find their own lion symbol and don't put any don't put your tramplesteam on it yet okay a lot of them are like near the NAB card right I think at least two are make sense a lion symbol and not a zombie symbol because there's two different kinds there's a to Tim that we were on yeah I know where that I know how to get to the tramplesteam now and I know where the you want me to go to the sign come on is Joe on yeah just go to one you know where it is no I'll do elevator pot if you're going there you go there I'm on the elevator Hey okay well you thought we are all you're dead if you die no maybe I'm on the road you have the ballistic knife too I could get him Mike I got him oh it's going on yes just small what are people wait if I jump over here it's gonna fling me right back right just yeah all right promises here ah that was double tap wait wait wait wait wait no what no don't leave there's a there's a monkey there's two monkey symbols here I think they're lying slice zombie symbol Lions there's two on this of this tower okay I think it's two there are two lines worth it were they - that y'all know where they are wait ones that ones wait cause you keep going go to jog go to jug Tim oh you're kidding me well we sit down there we should I were there first you hate this man that is precisely why kids you take this you take this one no there's also another one over there like near mule kick so that's to see you pack mush weapons and that's a harder spot okay Tim this one might be okay this one is uh this one's pretty easy I know where you are this is so whatever whenever it's time you're gonna line up your tramplesteam with the tower and place it like directly onto there okay so you do this that's like just place it right there fair enough I just need a regrab at Randall's I'll come with pot and do the ones on this side yeah I think there's one on this floor maybe actually Timmy should do one of the ones over there so he doesn't have to translate because he won't be able to get back over here round them yeah no we gotta find them okay what so we know where two are on this side where the two on that side I think ones in the spawn on that side justify yeah like literally in the spawn room does anybody actually know where they are I have no clue there's a lion next to jugg elevator on top yeah we got that one we got the two for that building okay so that's wait there's one with a zombie on not that one right okay this won't be respond I don't know where it is yeah no it's not the zombies it has to be in line okay the monkey annoyed you oh I found it yeah line it wait okay no no you say is you say there I think there's one new that's for you man that's what I thought too the ball gets like flung from each of these things yeah I found the other one it's down the escalator pot okay okay so yeah I'm ready are you already dead yeah we can in around and then good gun Oh PDW he needs a trample steam yeah yeah to go all the way around yeah 10 has to go around oh yeah drop down and place your trample seat for me so I can jump over wait wait no Tim Tim can grab that one endings to the second tower go up right like Mila well you know how about here in spawn yeah just grab the sample steam yeah come grab adapt to the one you were at means this the way I fall for the chapel jug was there and I gotcha you're gonna have to trample steam over here yeah okay watch having that ballistic knife actually really nice for this moment actually really nice Tim do you know what you're doing I know what tramplesteam is I just is this the way I'm going back to the bottom and then head back up the elevator to like the one that you were out yeah Tim when you're down here and tell me cuz I need you to trample see me across I know I'm gonna go down the who's who elevator that's the right way okay yeah I need jug I invested in yeah this game with that jog on a hundred ping is no bueno oh this another okay that might be round I have no zombies I have no zombie so maybe I have one wait yeah it's just say why did it it [ __ ] I didn't are you I don't where up going I know I'm going okay okay I need you to just brought me back off there's a reason to have one keep yours no though I'm gonna kill mine yeah till yours I got the left arm be alright alright I'm at mine over here goes to it one more stop thing you want this elevator Sarah Mojang in here it's the next step we're gonna need to hunt Mojang's yeah no you can buy a galvan up with yeah I can now it's the gosh-darn quick revive elevator that guy sorry you just you just run over on this edge where I am and just come down I can pick you up if you down there's one in here oh I think there's one in spawn yeah there's one in the spawn room I think on the desk in the spawn room that was redder now it's red yeah wait this is the one you read off to me Pat yeah I don't see one on that like like the main desk on in the middle I think it's on that main desk let me again I look around but I don't see it there I mean we're only missing to trample some women play to trample seem down here for me and then pick it up cuz I need to go to the other Tower with mine just launch them and then pick it up pick it back up and go to yours let's see okay very sure mr. box fun on the roof okay mine is just kills or just place it on it I forgot it said it's on the desk pat so if it's not there that's the last spot what we don't have yeah I don't see it yeah that's a lot spawn point we don't have them is there a lion or a lion near the trap it's on the escalator where you spawn Tim what do you spawned in like where you saw me yeah yeah you got to ride one of the elevators up a level yeah pretty good pretty good it'll just be low lying on the floor yeah it's at the bottom of the escalator we're like it'd be right up quick revive it's directly in front of you oh I got it I am a die rise noob and I could get it now yeah it should be at the bottom there as everyone ready to play strapless teams are you ready I'm just gonna go up a level okay okay I can just get all this all goes to the same place I'm like bird I want to fly away it's okay mine looks like a zombie it'll be at the bottom at the bottom no yeah yeah not this floor yeah actually yeah escalator yeah oh yeah so y'all find it okay yeah I'm gonna place my tramplesteam on it yeah there's everyone yeah y'all can place your since you don't have the zombies I'm just waiting for all y'all's to have your done make sure you point it at the tower yeah that's the top- point yeah I can't even pick up my trample seem so I must have placed it right you know I have a semi by the way you can kill a zombie okay I think mines good okay does that one's down not my design no sir all right here we go I'm gonna do mine hold on I gotta leave the zombie away first it'll give you a prompt in a second here no don't break it zombie okay so we just need zombie killers on them right now I should give a prompt to place the ball if we did it correctly like on the trampled state yeah I'm pretty sure this big pickup unless I have to put it on a different one I can't even pick up my trap we'll see so I have no clue me and Tim can pick ours that maybe I have to put it on yours left okay you guys need a position it correctly you if you can hook it up you didn't position it correctly okay I'm assuming it's just okay hi I'm throwing a monkey bomb a monkey bomb yeah if yours isn't a good spot just help help whoever needs help he pad yes appreciate you it's like the way the lion is facing pointing directly at the tower if you can pick it up it's in the wrong position I'm just gonna make sure I don't die above all right now close your stuff oh I'm starting black safety if yours isn't a good spot you can just leaving a helpless I'm throwing a monkey bomb I'm throwing a monkey bomb you probably get him though yeah monkeys out I don't think it didn't work okay hold on can I can I see you oh oh wait hold on hold on the gods the god now is sick what dish dude I am gay I hate this match so much like this is mainly my don't get me wrong like I'm not I'm not doing great but guys can you guys see this aids on this yeah what do we need to get them up there behind you I'm gonna throw a monkey bomb over there so they'll be able to hear it yeah that's a nuke but I wouldn't mind grabbing it okay I throw a monkey bomb over there you should be okay oh my god oh my god I keep dominates all right let's save a zombie yeah y'all just y'all just keep placing it down till it's in the current spot do you guys have a zombie okay I did it's good just keep this this Zambia I think yeah I keep them away from the tramplesteam all right I got it I think one more isn't not a good spot can anyone pick there there we go there's the first ball going I can't I can't play small see ya Oh oh yeah and then it's coming and then I think it's going to Tim now and then it's coming to mind it's like it's like oh okay so I need to go to I need to go to the other one Oh keep this on me way yeah it's you have to shoot that shooter back and forth between each other what I've got to write this elevator around um be next to my [ __ ] well not next to it but like butta near the elevators be cool I could've uh I just see a bouncing across the map so maybe like the sbu Tim boom okay this is the other one oh okay geez Jeremy no I thought your zone so then oh yeah now mine is jumping across oh yeah so I think oh there we go okay we need to find three Mojang's three Mojang's we don't already have okay where's the mystery box spawn on the roof I literally can't pick up I got that one no that was like the M okay yeah black pitch is on the tower itself yeah I already got that one there was one of the couch as well just near this liquefier with the couch where yeah like the the couch that you straight jump up I'll go no do you want to come and see it with me you can just describe it to me there's only a 50/50 shot on I'm in there pretty easy to see yeah just keep holding the zombie this one is a blue oh god it looks like a chain yeah it's a blue jay with wings so so the top is the tie is a little T it goes into like a circle symbol and then there's a J at the bottom right yeah and then four wings yeah yeah that's the one that's blue that one's blue yep blue that's yes okay we need to find two more okay I think there's no I think there's one there's a couple underneath you that can spawn in the kitchen yeah I'm trying to get down there yeah I'm gonna look down at the very bottom elevator shafts no like that big one okay oh yeah I don't think so okay and why can they just put PhD on this map why they were just so cruel I'm just teasing out spender gotta oh yeah the maxis yeah the Maxis dragons are all lit up over there okay cool I'm still looking for these mahjong tiles here I can read I can read a few couch you got that one broken stairs that lead to the SV uas from the spawn okay anything at Budo room Buddha room I already checked the spawn there we didn't have it ok ok ok on the shelf near the Swiss prefer I'm there I can check it on a table with the show of a sewing machine in the power room that's one we need to check I'm right there shelf by the fire yeah it says shelf near the circle fire next to a soda can and a basket I'm pretty sure I already check that spot though I don't think the sewing machine what is here has to be here it does it literally has to be here you just passed it oh my we're gonna render in from the red one okay so we need one more target so the last one could be the elevators right here if you want to come up well oh no what's that there could be one here but I'm gonna go up to the SVU I'm gonna go check out I think I think the SVU is definitely gonna be there yeah I get mm point deposit for me just you know keep my points up you're set for the next game bro yeah bro you mm mmm guides on a shelf nanika or an extra soda cannonier's oh no no come on come on that pat yeah flex I know the feeling okay do you have a gallon X Lex fall off the ledge and we need a we need enough oh ah dude backseat gaming this is my favorite look fire a launcher and you're the mystery box but on the roof we got that one in the kitchen near the mp5 and that that's the other one that we got lucky you got you got one in here like this one right here where are you yeah there's one of the kitchen there the last would definitely ought to be an assignment oh yeah we got that one okay yeah SVU there's no way in that same spot you could probably finish this Easter Egg wait as long as we have Galvan X so you already did the ballistic knife thing right Lex yeah yeah that was a while ago you can buy whatever melee weapons you want now on the last level of the elevator shaft the player can stand on above the an-94 the last oh I never that one is okay okay I'll get Galvez okay oh oh I'm a beauty wait I'm gonna step up to the NAV CANADA good luck nice I can very cool she's gonna kind of it's in here somewhere I'm pretty sure yes right here okay that is a green three which means that is uh West okay I have a code we just need a gallon ox okay no nonsense code no nonsense at all these a lot of nods Oh zombies playing games when he right now he's running around a weird circles bro I don't know if it's just me I want Easter eggs to have more steps that are harder but zero multiple spawn points I think I think it like multiple spawn points is my least favorite things about zombie maps yeah I can see that by far like artificial inflated artificially I can plate it time yeah and it's like you come back to a map and no matter how many times you played I rise like I guarantee there's no way you remember every single tile spawn point no exactly I'd rather do another like fun step rather than reading descriptions of where some yeah something tells me you're probably not a dead of the night fan oh I love it where's the fender okay I got the got it all done okay so you just got to put in the code now right yeah you have the next iPad yeah hey we're almost there you're almost there baby watch my desk no I don't think I will zombie died on his own I didn't touch salad waiting for elevators the entire map I can't wait for buried buried is the best one out of these three by four it's the best map by four three everything about it I'm just not miserable the entire time I think busy I'm gonna make my crawler that's it I hate died Oh elevators about to go Oh God okay Pat I'm gonna I'm gonna we need help we need protection I'm gonna tell Pat the exact order that we need to do this it's our okay let's begin we can do it yeah without jog I'm a little nervous getting some sweats I'm buying claymores to protect okay right here is first okay okay okay there's one more coming up there's one more okay and one two three okay right here this one right here and then the opposite side okay it was oh yeah actually mainly the first one place the first one did it because I buy it yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh y'all I'm not you know what just really ain't it I'll go with y'all revelation you believe me girl on the next episode of having an opinion is shitty soon this ping yeah make it a little roof here I don't know where you are but I know at the bottom that earth at the other side through this I'm warding with a b23r let's go go okay yeah so we literally just have to speed run this around the night yeah we'll wait will the tiles change way today well I don't know I'll check next round I'll check next round I can jump down to the couch spot some okay so my dad said no they don't okay I'm night fig that mess it down can't even get likes like a try don't jump across bad stay here gonna say I'm scared to make the job will sacrifice him if he need goodbye like I'm making this easy the order once again is one two three four okay you have an an yeah okay yeah you know got a ton of ammo I'll just turn them off me with that yeah it's like a fire like slides around yeah yeah it's called we can quote for some reason - yeah if you guys want to like not don't don't come to the tower when you spawn cuz alright I'll try yeah I'll try and horde up bro the orientation this is so bad I know it's like diagonal yeah yeah it just doesn't make sense okay yeah give one player all right respect often yeah yeah Shang only gives one player Shang gives one but moon gives them all what you be doing right wait guys you tell the girls going yeah we can we tell the tyrant down with die rise thank elevator shaft with me I don't want to hear it wait not that one this one I'm coming oh no I watch me watch me you guys with cold running around the moon oh this is confusing Amos amazing bad kill yourself before they get to you I love the mob of the dead teaser at the end of that so good that's crazy okay shot or I mean boys not shot why do y'all need to host out because doing is a no-go it's not gonna be good
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 881,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies, tranzit, tranzit in 2020
Id: -11se3r-DgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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