Did the Djed Pillar help build the Pyramids?

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hi guys welcome to my channel I'm Johanna I love ancient history if you're new here then come down come to the front have a little seat get a bevy because today is going to be interesting one of the biggest questions that we have about the ancient past is just how did they cut and move and transport such huge megalithic Stones like the pyramids how were the Pyramids built it is an ongoing mind boggler and no one for sure really knows how so it is a lot of fun trying to hypothesize and theorize what could have happened I met a man called Steven Tasker he came on the Egypt tour that we did I think last September and he was fascinating going around Egypt with this man he is an engineer and he just looks at everything through a sort of through his eyes through a different lens and I thought that his theories on how the pyramids were built and how they could move and transport ancient megalithic stone was super fascinating and I'd never heard it before and I thought you guys should hear it too so buckle up get comfortable get a drink get a snack it's gonna be great thank you [Music] but before we do deep dive into that part of History I wanted to shout out the sponsor of this video I don't do sponsored posts very often I tend to wait until I see something that I genuinely really would like and appreciate and I think that you guys would too so I'd like to shout out historic mail historic mail is a unique gift for history Buffs to connect with the past through the Lost Art of letter writing every week you'll receive an envelope but delivered to your doorstep containing a meticulously crafted reproduction of a letter penned by an important historical figure I love letters do you remember the day like back in the day when you had pen pals and you could find somebody to write to I don't know it's just a lost art like when was the last time that you actually picked up a pen or got anything in the post that wasn't like a bill or a delivery you know what I mean let's open it historic mail oh my God it is like like the handwritten letter now this is where reading handwriting is like a lost historic art as well dear Mrs Lucci loosen oh John Kennedy John it's 11 John Kennedy in 1942. 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featuring letters from the president such as George Washington Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D Roosevelt as well as other historical figures who greatly influenced American life such as Walt Disney Tesla and Twain so historic mail offers 10 weekly letters for 59.99 there are also packs of 25 letters or 52 if you want one for every single day of the year you can pick and choose and I'm just saying it's Father's Day I feel like those two things might go together quite well and if you would like some money off then you can just use my code funny old and you will get 10 off the entire theme where were we trip to Egypt met Stephen Tasker learned a whole lot about the engineering of obelisks and very heavy Stones what I find really intriguing about this theory is that Stephen has looked at the ancient artwork the ancient temples the sculptures and he's looking at things that we've been looking at for thousands of years and he's looking at them in a different way and he posed the question what if some of the artifacts the very famous artifacts that we can see on the temple walls in the in the reliefs these precious Egyptian artifacts what if they have a functional purpose for example let's take the Jed pillar very famous very symbolic artifact thing that they have all over it's absolutely everywhere in Egypt on the temple walls there's the whole there's a whole festival called the raising of the Jed pillar which they do I mean I think they did it up until really recently in Egypt they it was like a huge ceremony that they did to raise this huge dead pillar it looks very bizarre if you've ever developed I'm talking about oh I'm about to get I'm about to get some mail pause for Thought okay uh right where were we Jed pillar what if the Jed pillar that you can see in these reliefs in these images what if in real life as a 3D object it was functional and what if it wasn't not only symbolic and ceremonial but what if it also had a function too I was like the jet pillar as an object has always looked a bit odd to me I mean looking at it from modernize it almost looks like a a battery or some some kind of like electricity telephone pole do you know what I mean it looks it looks weirdly functional it also looks a bit like a spine which makes sense with the esoteric point of view that it was the spine of Osiris and the backbone but what if it was representing that it was literally the backbone of how you would create structures and move Stone and build the society this is a gen pillar right right yeah so you got the gem filler working models a working model what you don't see is the rope that the powers the Jazz and you don't see the Rope for a reason yeah because it's Sacred Stones and because it's really complicated it gets really really complicated so put that one away yeah what holes did you what holds the jet in position on the corner of the pyramid is the crook so the crook will sit around the top of the Dead yeah right and then you get people to pull on yeah so Matthew volunteers and just pull slowly yeah all right okay now that the bottom part is the winch right right so what we need is a third person I'll do it right you keep tension on these rows not too tight but enough so when's your hand and pulls the string but these ropes go back up to the school okay do you pull down okay ready okay boys um we wind it but wind the bobbin back up all right okay and then you walk back with Johanna so this is an experiment straight out the box right so it's it's really easy yeah and so so you tie another rope around the bottom of this and pour the stone towards it so it's a winch so behind this wall or behind this whole store there's two inches this is what was talking to you about it's a table that they now the power outputs of this is two or two point three two point three you divide the circumference or sorry the circumference of the waist of the jet with the spools so you can get 2.3 wines to the one wind of the devil at the top it's like a gearbox right yeah yeah well behind there there's two so I was asking Evelyn because I'm not great on pulleys I'm not bad at working stuff out but it's the mathematics behind it would another pulley that was creating 2.5 mechanical advantage multiply that one so it would 2.5 times 2.5 because this freeze um two Jets but all the freezers in the top right hand corner and top left where there's a higher yeah the six Jets joined together how many depiction of these you see the judge just slightly touch them on them yeah that indicates that one is one's connected to the next now I've touched on these before in previous videos but there are some Stone artifacts in abusir that nobody really knows what the hell they are or what the hell they're used for uh one being the alabaster stone bowls and the best guess anyone has up until now that they are ceremonial bowls for probably for like sacrificial or um religious ceremonies now there is something very odd about them they have these holes in the side of the Basin which don't make sense to be drainage holes because realistically if you were say you were sacrificing a a lamb or something in in this bowl for religious purposes and you wanted to drain the blood out one um the hole is at the completely the wrong it's up it's at the top of the Basin not the bottom so it doesn't really work as a drainage hole also these things are Alabaster and you'd think that after so many years that they would be stained maybe after years of sacrificial blood and I don't think that was the purpose for them also um we can tell that they used to be lined with copper which is very important when it comes to this Theory so the theory being that these alabaster stone basins were actually the bottom block the foundational holding block of the Jed pillars and the basins would have been lined in Copper and the hole that is in the top is not a drainage hole but is an entry hole an entry point for you to slug in oil basically a lubricant that you will need for the jet pillar to turn Alabaster base lined with copper and then on here you would have a wooden base of the Jed uh maybe with like a leather or something that's going to slip and slide beautifully and then you are gonna click your Jed pillar into place like so and then you're gonna have your three-way wire system your pulley system that's going to basically turn this whole thing into a winch what's also interesting about this theory is that one jet pillar can pull an amount of stone but you can also stack the Jets up and the more jets that you use pulling the same Stone the heavier stone that you can pull or the less men you know works both ways all you've got to do is feed them back in you just need a little bit of tension on them because they're going to go back in because they're the rewind ropes these are the powered up so you've got four power Hooks and you've got one total so we're going to police the red and the blue rope put a bit of tension down there pull what right let your fish stuff so you see the principle yeah okay so it's just a back and forth motion yeah so once you've got your stone to where you wanted you'd have another one of these someone else on the plateau so if it was getting pulled this way and you wanted it pulled over all the slightly to the left you this other one would be on this tote open pull it over to the left Sling It Off the Sledge and the only problem you've got you haven't got 40 men and a sleds to get down you've just got one Sledge to get down and running around to take it down and the the drawbacks of this machine it needs a big weight on the top because the load that it's pulling is it's got a lot of friction under the Sledge and the weight of the thing itself it you know a pulley will pull anything but it needs it needs to be fixed so this grounded beam I propose is the other Granite beams that's above the king's chamber I think I'm not 100 sure around about 32 of them they might be 42 I'm not sure but that means if these were the beams the hell this machine in position there was 32 of these on the plateau so if you've got eight ramps two on each corner bring in um all these stones on board you would need a multiple of like 32 32 of these machines to pull them into position as the pyramid gets higher than higher and higher the room on the pyramid gets less and less and less the less you need less of these so placing these Stones above the king's chamber is a housekeeping effect it's nothing to do with stability and strength to the to the to the king's chamber because it doesn't it doesn't happen it just doesn't it yeah you just need you couldn't get them up because the ramps are small right all the stones are built a pyramid all the big round of blocks are put on to start with because we've got we've got machines on board that can pull them up ramp wise up on the plateau all we need are the core blocks which are 95 of them are all two and a half tons or maybe more um the bigger Stones we can you can just take your time and and keep pulling up pull them up pulling them up um I think there may be more grounded beams just past the king's chamber and they probably just left them somewhere as well as housekeeping I'm pretty sure so um a video of some pyramid where you can actually see Granite beams in and around in and around um the coarse layers on the way up so instead of leaving them updated in one big block I think they've distributed them out so that's the the pyramid Theory done gender yeah yeah questions before we move on how would they get the granite up on there would it be a similar way the obelisks I I think so yeah you know did you sand and the way I was trying to explain to you yesterday that they used um a double pivot system is like this plank or this lever's got it's got two pivot Points underneath and you can't really see it there but if we put that on there if I lift one side up the Gap is very very small all you can get under there there's a couple of grains of sand yeah and I think that's what they did a grain of sand like Johanna said it's like a um lasagna lasagna that's the word it's like a lasagna where you put sand and then a matting because then you could get a mat in between the more Sapphires and cheese I've got footage of of actually building an obligator I've built the obviously I'm actually trying to raise it at home now it's about half a ton and a ten foot wide ten foot long I mean but I think that's how you may have raised these 17 70 grams or he could have just thrown them up with upper ramping onto the next stage I think the building stage is only going to be the length the height of this Gap here so once once once the once you say this one is as I've been drawn to its its position and put down this Sledge is going to be on top of that one and then tips off another one so until it gets to the Gap there you'll notice on on a full story you see a roller so you say it's for when they say they say egyptologists uh because assume that it's for um a red curtain I think or a red door which it probably is because you don't want any dust coming in here you know what I mean so um is this made of wood or is this Made of Stone well the old the the the false doors are all painted like as if they're made out of red piranhas so let's be honest I don't really know because I'm thinking like 52 tons on top of wood yeah so it could be like um I actually think it was probably made of granite um but for demonstration purposes obviously needs more research and these are the early early days of this but all the pieces to make this machine the way I'm going to I think is it the last day or the day before the day before so there's there's the pivot going to the yam Square pivot there's two there there's there's one with one hole in now I saw Yousef where when I was there last and he said that in in the side of it was was there cheated with copper yeah so if this is a pivot point it's like any any modern engine it needs some type of sacrificial bearing right so if the first part of it was sheeted with copper and that's wood you would need something that's not like a softer metal in there and something that you could recycle they are tons of gold so if you add the natural I was talking to last night about these net baskets yeah right if they had a NAB type of basket put that in there it would then wear out and then they could collect the gold in the there's the hole collect the hook gold out of the hole and then recycle it and filtered it yeah and I did read a paper regarding um Egyptian red gold which is a mixture of copper which would be that and a gold and the Egyptians use this red gold as a type of um Gold Leaf that they put on top of coffins you know the on top of the faces you see it's it's a bit it's a banished red um so that's um that one that would solve the problem because um the theory that people were saying and they go oh it's a sacrificial bowl and people were sacrificed and this is for the blood to run out yeah yeah this is a slaughterhouse but the problem is is that it's too it's too high you if you were going to fill this with water because it would only run out to some point but if this was had something in it it would push the oil up and that went over the top so that that kind of solves the problem of the why that's so high up and yeah a load of holes around the top I really want to examine as well when I get there yeah um like I put metal pins in in that one I I don't think they would have used metal pins I think they would have been like it like a wooden pin or even something that just forces it into into the leather because it would be a leather seal we did use leather seals around and I'll cook it like yeah like a belly button stunt run of oil in it so the oil would go in there and come out there just keep filling it with oil so the oil changes all the time so you know you so you know you're not using the the rough oil as an abrasive again so that's the data they're the two of the two of the two of the the basins that are at Abu godab has three holes the other has three holes right and that on another nine of nine of them that's the remain in our of one hole and the others are just broken and scattered around that is one or two complete ones and they all looks the all seems were about three holes at one point okay now Stephen has been making mini models and he was amazing enough to make one for me and and send it to me for me to test out and and play with the theory um but he's also been making life-size big size models and uh he's recently been doing experiments on huge amounts of weight and seeing if it works and what is interesting is that the theory does work the physics does work so here we go here's a little bit of footage of Stephen testing out his huge life-size false door and Jed pillar Stone moving mechanism now Stephen has another theory on how you can apply some of this basic concept to create almost a almost a drill it would be a man powered so we're not talking electricity drills here or sonic powered and anything like that we're talking about having a huge man powered rotating drill that would be able to cut stone at a faster speed than a saw could but I think I'm going to save that for another video because that's a whole different concept are you still with me amazing um huge thank you to Stephen for sharing his work with me and I'm very excited to see how it develops and how he keeps trying and testing I've put links below so you can check out all of Steven's stuff um if you want any of the historic mail um sign up you can go there as well now one more thing to tell you some housekeeping I'm going to ancient turkey this when are we going October I'm gonna go and see gebecue Tepe and the under the underground city in Turkey the ancient one that nobody really knows what it's for um we're gonna visit it in person if you would like to join us then I'm also going to put the link there because we have a couple of seats left and if you would like to be part of the adventure you are more than welcome to join us in ancient turkey it's going to be amazing 10-day tour and we're gonna have an amazing holiday and we're gonna see so many cool things so if you want to come with me to quebeco Tepe which I think it's on the bucket list of ancient stuff it is the most ancient Temple complex in the world it is 12 000 years old guys it is it is it is like four times older than some of the temples in ancient Egypt and they were freaking old so I'm incredibly excited about going and meeting all of you guys because there's going to be some old faces that I know from previous tours and there's going to be new people so that's great what do you think what are you thinking um of this Theory do you think that the Jed pillar and these weird Stone objects might have been used together to move Stone let me know in the comments I'm always fascinated by what you guys think and as ever if you've got any links um or uh papers facts I I really do enjoy I can't reply to everyone but I do enjoy receiving scientific papers or YouTube videos that you find interesting new theories send them at me I love them I hope you have a fantastic week and happy Hunting
Channel: Funny Olde World
Views: 189,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient egypt, djed pillar, mystery, giza, megalithic stone, graham hancock, bright insight, unchartedx, cosmic summit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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