Did Shaq Eat at an iHOP!? - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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thank u mr and ms gus and eddy for talking

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Il1Il1Il1Il 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Curse you work! I'm gonna have to wait until tonight.

So what do the boys here do for a living?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/a-government-agent 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I sent the boiled peenz. I wish they could have them hot and not canned but I DID MY BEST.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Spongemage 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Who's gonna draw Shaq as Bigfoot?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mramaa 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Happy late Christmas, boys haha

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ChorrizoTapatio 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have the link to Gus’ gaming video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/djemast 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [ __ ] I mean I guess we're going I guess this is the podcast all right I didn't have kind of lame you know I guess it's pretty lame that people listen to this you're pretty lame if you're listening right now yeah all I could says I could probably beat up about 30% of you I'd say probably 95% for me so for you you think that you could beat up 95 but I could be up 30 yeah are you in the 30% of people that I could beat up though no absolutely not okay so I'm gonna combine my 30th through 95 and say that I have a hundred and twenty five percent just stepped on a hot cheeto oh sorry that's my neighbors he's been crazy lately so you got a hot cheeto bag in this very spot early he'll do that to you so neighbor's cat comes in okay guys we're back it's about Monday I hope and we are on that grind yeah so the sorry about what happened before there's some PC problems there was some regular delays but now we're back to normal okay what's that last week on the podcast we fielded a Q&A question from from a dude that said that his mom put eggs in the freezer and yolk and you seemed to take it very personally because I was like I didn't know the definite science but in my head I was like there's no [ __ ] way you can store eggs in the freezer without them exploding right and it bothered me so much that I went out this last week and I put not one but two different eggs open-faced in a Red Solo Cup very gently and placed them in the freezer they have been in the freezer for two days Eddie okay let's see the results now as I remove it daunted and undone [ __ ] cracked all right [ __ ] that exploded but cracked but this is like it's close to exploding who would use this then yeah like you could you could thaw this out and probably try to like that's how you save time you instead of cracking your egg free friends it for two days and then you hold it until it thaws over a bowl alright slowly just drifts out egg number two also [ __ ] cracked what's your mom doing guy what is wrong with you mom I love you and your son clearly does too you don't need too low in this mom yeah I'm a very forward-thinking person who the [ __ ] okay this that actually outrages me you don't need to keep eggs in the [ __ ] freezer depending on where you're from - I came from Wisconsin and and I I don't mean to speak on the rest of the country but like eggs over there like 40 cents a dozen sometimes at Aldi it's not so mode cheap don't buy eggs and baulkham please good thing I did this I don't know I had no I had no horse in this race I had a big fat horse I had a one horse and Zelda that you get in it's really big horse and breath of the wild yeah I thought the food boy dude he's huge I caught him I named a big Randy I caught him like five hours into the game I don't even know as a quest I [ __ ] love that that quest cuz it's just so funny or there's like here's a big horse out in the woods and then you walk up to and you're like yeah you got me dude I have I had just have to say the special shout-out to the boys over at stress level zero mm-hmm because bone Works has been captivating me like no game has this year except for like old games I've already played like breath the wild captivating me again dude Bowen works is so [ __ ] cool for people that don't know it's what the valve index or you can do it with other headsets but with the valve at index it tracks your little fingers and it's full physics and I'm a gunman in it it's awesome I'm blasting people just like this you'd be ready for me but stop talking you dead but rest up I guess you did know gives these backsies did I already tell uh about running into Brandon no you didn't okay dude by the way so yeah and he's got the new valve index and it's [ __ ] rad he let us try it out when the boys were all here is very dope um one of the big guys over there at what's the studio name again stress level zero stress levels I keep wanting to say like stress level midnight yeah yeah so one of the guys over there is Brandon I think it's pronounced latch I never knew how to pronounce it la la T SCH in my head he's just branded so yes Brandon but by Brandon you might have known him for he's been on YouTube forever doing a lot of stuff with like rocket jump and Freddy W and stuff but yeah Eddie had been it had been hyping up bone works for a long time we knew the valve index was gonna be here when all the boys got back and I'm in line to get through TSA to go home for the holidays and directly in front of me is [ __ ] Brandon and I've never talked to him or interacted with him but I've watched him since I was a kid and I just it was just this cool moment where I just went Brandon and he just went Gus we knew each other's [ __ ] awesome talked for like 25 minutes he's a really just a nice ass boy oh yeah I need to respond to him because he told me he said I don't know if Gus told you but and you did yes and he invites to go over there Brendan's my boy of the week he's my guy he I love I'd love this [ __ ] on YouTube for a long time and I'm [ __ ] thrilled that the bone work stuff seems to be a huge success dude I'm so happy if you go to the top selling and like top being played right now on VR on Steam it's like number two and it was number one for like a month and a half so it's slam they [ __ ] did it man that's so exciting man yeah they have another one too that I haven't played I think it's [ __ ] is it cut the real game is called the old one is duck hunt so I think it's called duck season and it's like themed where you're like a kid who then is playing like a duck shooting game and apparently gets a little scary oh okay I've never played it though I didn't want spoiler for myself you want to get the name right I don't want to [ __ ] up their actual marketing stuff it's called like wabbit season or something like that dude I'm not very good with scary games I like scary movies i I play scary games sometimes but I hate it the entire time there was a old you in bone works there was a sewer level is the first kind of creepy thing I did in VR but I was having such a good time that I the the [ __ ] part of me didn't outweigh the rest like normal yeah I used to be a lot more well you guys some of you guys know I've probably talked about it before too I think it was probably 2014 or 2015 like right at the end of high school I tried starting a let's play channel it was just really bad I was just trying to do what like markiplier and [ __ ] we're doing just free indie horror game stuff yeah I did that uh I think freshman year at high school too everyone never works and I was so over the top animated my intro was so [ __ ] cheesy to what you say I don't I think please tell me you remember I'm legitimately trying to remember it I bet I could find it let's listen to the audio I played penumbra that was the one that I play it was that it was it was like the amnesia ish kind of thing yeah I think it was made by them I think it was like a side game they made it was like in a ice place or some [ __ ] like that I don't remember I think I did penumbra I did they're wolves I remember that oh I don't remember that I maybe I didn't do it I did a couple I just did all the [ __ ] that was free I didn't even want to pay for anything cuz I didn't like I had no money so but but a really fun was like Kraven Manor that was really scary and it was a bunch of like a bunch of mannequins that moved doesn't thing cuz I I had made that channel to try it out but I never really watched like markiplier or PewDiePie or really any of the horror gameplay channels I actually didn't really watch any gameplay people until inside gaming funhouse really yeah alright I'm looking here let's watch my last upload well not watch I want to listen to my what's the date on it before I hear it it is June 1st 2014 moove mmm and I remember it's so high energy because you're a senior in high school at this point I am I have just graduated high school if it's ok in June first yeah yeah I got some graduation money from my family and I used a little bit of it to buy a think was like 50 bucks it was the first blue snowball USB microphone the one that you're still using the one that I'm not well actually I upgraded to the newest blue snowball okay but yeah I still got that thing and then you can see me I look so skinny I got a pair of white Samsung default earbuds in and the nice thing is this is the same camera that I use now for like God's country and like all the ones back home like my yard and [ __ ] like that and I've been using that since middle school but I want to hear my intro I know it's so high energy and [ __ ] fake no especially because you had I ate in high school it was now good it was way it was just very because it was so stressful too because I didn't like any part of doing it but I really thought that like I could get it kind of popping off and then that was the draw their star is that they hated doing it now is what was entertaining watching so yeah yeah I don't think you were wrong to think that at all yeah I didn't like it because I always well first of all I just had no real experience doing it and it was the the from going 0 to 100 of like I need to just procure language and I need to keep coming up with stuff it felt very on the spot and as a result I just tried too hard and it was very over-the-top and stuff and I just hated playing the games because I was like I said before I'd go to my grandpa's house who ran the computer business and I'd have to go down into his basement in the very back corner in the pitch black and just play by myself like horror games and [ __ ] in my grandpa's basement my problem with those games is that there'd be like puzzles and when I would even try to dabble I'm like I'm too scared to go search in these rooms so I don't want to get further into the game yes you have to scare yourself that's what I did too it's such terrible content like I would advise you to not go look at it just because you won't be entertained but with all the [ __ ] - I would avoid doing all the interesting stuff and I'm making content so I was like I know I should go over there but if I only get one videos worth out of this game I could probably just waste time in the safe room just making jokes it was just no good at all but that's everything we did early on YouTube is it was just no good at all yeah I do miss do an old sketchy [ __ ] when I was in middle school and stuff and that's like you can look back on that with fondness but I don't look back at the gaming stuff as it being fun at all the problem is for me it's like there's fun it's for some of it and then there was a point where I feel like I got slightly too old but didn't get it yet and those are the embarrassing ones where it's like I'm too old here to be making not even like it's not edgy jokes but jokes like this bad you know I really yeah I think [ __ ] from then it's like especially like my junior year of high school to my senior year that's like that's the cringe zone yeah that was probably it for me too it's what I got into comedy though so I think it's when I was trying the hardest I remember I even looked back at some of the stuff that I was making in high school for like YouTube and stuff cuz I wasn't really trying to do it it was just you know hey I need to make a project for like the Winter Fest Film Festival or I just wanted to make stuff that looked kind of funny you know yeah and then I think it was like the end of high school like fully when I was talking about like that sub4sub [ __ ] that I started doing like last episode but I look back in some of that stuff and it's like I look on it with fondness even though a lot of it's pretty terrible but at the core of some of those things I'm like I can see sparks of ideas that if I had those now I'd do it very differently yeah that the pieces were there you know yeah that's pretty exciting to see yeah anyway uh [ __ ] add something else for like throwback uShip Oh a couple of good boys speaking of like boys doing good [ __ ] [ __ ] Ethan Esther crank game boy oh boy we still haven't had him on the podcast yet there's a couple of guests I keep mentioning where it's like I think it's just because we're not a legitimate business with scheduling when we ask people to be on the podcast pretty much just always our friends and we're like hey wanna be on the podcast and they say yeah and then sometimes we just like the schedules don't line up for a long time because I think for us as like regular people and not having a job in booking things they'll be like oh I'm busy this day it's like okay and then I'm like wait did I never follow up another date yeah so we'll get him and James and Elise Matt and Ryan these are all people that are are I've already said yes yeah I was trying to get on the podcast girlfriend reviews - they're very lovely mm-hmm yeah dude Ethan especially we were just saying this before we started rolling gotta be probably one of the nicest people I've ever met I think so I think he might be number one yeah he's also [ __ ] lovely and also wait Wow [ __ ] this is coming out after nevermind I was gonna plug Australia charity stream but because I'm also gonna be on it somebody is - hates Australia and now Gus has college friends in town so he can't go to the stream but yeah Ethan approached me about being on the stream I said I disagree with your politics I don't like koalas to burn it was like I know they carry chlamydia I ain't about that I know what the ferry pro getting rid of chlamydia I started undo my life's work anyway I hope the fires are out by now by Monday I mean yeah that's a good thing to hope I can't but yeah I was gonna promote it but it's already happened so duh still go and donate to out the Australia I don't know which organizations I didn't look into it too much I didn't either guys in the comments why don't you do that I don't know if you guys have been able to tell by now a year and a half in we don't have a lot of foresight and we don't plan stuff out and we refuse to do that that's a very solid pillar of the podcast and it's for your benefit yeah you don't know that us not trying is good for you I don't know I like to think that if I make it painfully and repeatedly clear that I'd never prepare and I rarely do research that my level of responsibility remains very low honestly because like I'm not trying to do anything consciously I'm kind of living moment like moment to moment here I don't know if you guys can't see right now the entire apartment is filled with my dumb [ __ ] right now I I'm in the midst of a collective like 200 [ __ ] hour cleaning of my room that I've been trying to do collectively for this whole year I can't get my [ __ ] together and so don't I have no journalistic integrity is what I'm trying to say and your boys are gonna be here in t-minus too many hours they're landing at like 1:00 a.m. I'm excited to see those boys oh yeah with the podcast stuff though I I I'm sure you've had these moments too where I think there's a certain like if whether it's like family members are like older friends that you have where some of them just don't participate in YouTube at all but then they do for podcasts so sometimes I'll have people be like oh like I heard your podcast is doing well I should listen to some of it and every time I struggled to explain like you will there's nothing here for you I don't know why people listen and that's not in the self-deprecating thing it's like I don't know people are here and I'm so [ __ ] honored to this oh I love it it's my favorite because it's such a compliment and the fact that people like being a part of the conversation is fantastic but what a new person's like what should i what do you think I'll enjoy about oh [ __ ] if I know yeah I know what you mean yeah yeah where it's like how do you describe this we're just there's no real theme we open mail and sometimes make people break up but that's about it but we don't even like just you guys know prep for this like Gus and I I don't even have a notepad list of things I should talk about on the podcast we just sit down and start and that's it every time yeah and I'm proud about that goddamn it because I'd like to think at the end of the day you know that we're not really forcing anything like I pull out my laptop here's what I have right now it's just the Twitter scream for the questions I didn't even look at them ahead of time I just sorted by top I would honestly I would be with the way we do things a little bit bothered if you were like like alright next on the list like yeah the lighthouse yes like I don't like I don't want people to think this is synthesised yeah like what's the content for today it's like Eddie and I live ten feet from each other and we don't speak the whole week just just to say I'm walking like to get a drink from the fridge like hey not rolling was gonna say - oh speaking of that just real quick I watched the lighthouse what an experience and that's all I'll say I just found a share watch the lighthouse that's it just watch it that's [ __ ] cool I'm stoked as hell to watch it yep I like it that's all yeah you want to get in some pregunta yeah let's do some freaking pray group oh so furry Oh Tony just cut a bit thank you Tony it didn't sound right it was very bold we'll say that my page crashed I'm reloading it but that reminds me I want to say another special congratulations we had another fella hit a million Trevor Wallace the guy ever clap clap I've never met him both claps I got together with Trevor and Ryan lead insured leaves this last week and we filmed some [ __ ] together so hopefully they come together in editing and I didn't put pressure on Trevor to actually deliver on those sketches because they're not out yet but we just filmed like two days ago all right at Kaitlyn Oh first of all follow us on twitter at eddie burbank and at gus buckets just like my old gaming channel i made them at the same time weight gaming channels called gus boy yes oh [ __ ] that's a that's a nickname that my uncle used to call me and i was a kid all right at Kaitlin Oh Marie says my friends make fun of me because I drink milk with ice in it but I think it tastes the best that way because it won't go sour kind of same concept as freezing your glass basically I need validation that this isn't weird please help I mean that's one where it's like I'm not a milk drinker so I sounds fine I don't care if you like it cold tell your friends [ __ ] off yeah that's very much isn't that an insult in Skyrim like a little milk drink oh I think I've heard it is it really yeah but yeah any friends who are like if you think if your friends doing something super [ __ ] bizarre but it's like anyway if somebody enjoys like drinking or eating something and it's just slightly different from the norm leave it alone yeah that's it let him enjoy it there are some things that would still bother me you don't need to like vocalize them for instance my grandmother puts jelly on her grilled cheese sandwiches that is much different I thought you were gonna say like like she mixes like cheddar American and another cheese with like which is good sometimes but no that's not cool I don't I don't know what it is if it's some sort of like Great Depression mindset where it's like calories first all of reality second wait is it does the jelly go on top of like the top slice yeah so it's like the whole sandwich she grills it up it comes out of the pan put jelly on top I'm not saying no but I'm trying to think it's like maybe it would on some day taste good a little bit it's one of those where it's like it sounds disgusting but then I'm thinking the taste I still wouldn't do it but I'm trying to think of what the draw is because I've never that my life I mean it was so weird I tried it a number of years ago I took like a bite of her sandwich and it it wasn't like puke gross but I'm just like I really didn't ever need these yeah there was some actually I was just listening to Krystal Leah's podcast and he said the analogy he said it's like if somebody said yo dude you gotta eat cheese while getting a [ __ ] he's like I like them both but not together that's a good analogy yeah yeah I don't know I've I'm not the one to ask on the ice question cuz I've said before I've put ice and milk before I don't like drinking drinks especially like milk and [ __ ] if they're not mega cold so it doesn't really water it down too much it's honestly not that bad I've done it before I even put ice and beer sometimes really if it's just like warm and I'm like I want a cold beer immediately there you go again especially dude we've stayed this before if you're a beer snob get over yourself beer is for the working class not for you snobby ooh [ __ ] yeah man that's it that's all I got it's just stop being snobby about beer that's a flaw you have I'm from Sirius that's a flaw if your snobby to people about that I believe so too like you can have your preferences that doesn't mean you have to like it you can think it's disgusting but if you go out and you preach the Word of God and you say [ __ ] anyone that drinks this kind of beer it's a problem get out of here get out of here I will kick you I'll throw a Bud Light can at your forehead here's a good one at Lewis parodia Louisa parodia says in your opinion does mr. Lunt from VeggieTales look like Adam Sandler in you email that to Tony right now say yes dude I used to watch the absolute [ __ ] out of veggie tales and I was a kid I just watched it occasionally I you know what I am surprised that I have not seen more veggie tales in the meme culture or yeah I think it's just harder to come by his is it on any streaming services or do you need to buy the DVDs I don't know stream VeggieTales they changed the art direction for a while it got mega like different and shitty what's with [ __ ] kids shows changing the art style all the time you know no dude one thing though I will say VeggieTales does kind of look like a like a bowling screen track something new all right well you can already tell he's going to hell yeah I think some of it's on Netflix it might just be a little the new version of the series but isn't VeggieTales like weirdly religious too well that's the whole stick is they it is like for kids to learn about God okay the way that they've tomatoes with tomatoes yeah the way that they do it though especially a lot of the older ones like I remember watching him on VHS as a kid when it's just really rudimentary 3d tech stuff and honestly there was some pretty funny adult humor snuck into VeggieTales that's sorry that's what I only watch it was when I was at CCD there's a church group stuff it was yeah see see what a czv even [ __ ] stand for Christian Chris Christ Christ damnit Christ a mutation you know yeah I went until I was 12 and then I was like I'm good and then never again I haven't other than if I was like on a city tour or something I have not stepped foot in a church since and then Eddy ascended into heaven on a chariot of flames like Elijah and Elijah okay oh [ __ ] alright yeah dude I dug VeggieTales own Isaiah when I was a kid I rewatched him like some older ones like even a year ago and I was like okay this is pretty entertaining still though for children and a lot of the stuff was was not RAM and goddamn your throat which is nice it was just value-based things like share [ __ ] don't be mean to the little peach down the street you dumbass I gotcha but the real good one was the one called three two one penguins do you ever watch that one know what from the creators of veggie tale comes the story of four penguins in a little spaceship the idea is that there's these two whiny little [ __ ] kids and they go to their grandma's house for the summer and they wanted to go to Space Camp instead but they're stuck at their grandma's all summer but the valid complaint yeah base camp is much cooler I know and they go into the [ __ ] attic and they find a little spaceship thing and they discover when they like throw it it takes that makes them mini and they get into the spaceship with these penguins and they go into space and solve problems so dragon tails I'm sorry what do you not know about dragon tail I do know about dragon tails same [ __ ] dude I just didn't want to despair I hate it [ __ ] or din that in Dragon 2 I see the big blue boy the main guy he was just wrecking [ __ ] all the time like the kids what is it max an Emmy or whatever I don't [ __ ] remember they'd go into the dragon land and they were they were just trying to keep [ __ ] together yeah you already had like Mac or whatever the two-headed idiot dragon was and then you had big dumb ORD coming in and you just need talk to like yeah I hate it Ord looks like looks like Adam Sandler you took it so he's just like you got so heated from dragon tails people care people at majestic lark says my friend says it's not a beach if it's not connected to salt water this is Lake Michigan what say you guys it's just a picture that's a dumb thing to say a beach is a beach Lake Michigan has beaches of bin deulim there's sand and that's about all you need it's tiny tiny little lakes that you could throw a rock across have beaches if there's like a beach like surface yeah sand or pebbles there's dirt sand or pebbles meet water you got a beach then and then people would be like what does that mean my fish tank is a beach use your [ __ ] head of course it is you know um again didn't pre-screen these so I'm just kind of scrolling here I haven't read this one but at Rachel J bacon says I wear at least one earbud almost all the time and both while doing things like shopping eating eating alone at a restaurant or running errands I listen to music and podcasts and it doesn't seem to get in the way of my work ever would you call this rude behavior no I don't think that's rude absolutely not I think even one headphone you could probably you could keep in and that's fine if you're talking like a cashier or something like that well used to bother me when I would when I was doing concessions as people that would be either on the phone or two earbuds in while they're speaking to you yeah and it's just like especially these new [ __ ] people who I get it's a lot but take your [ __ ] air pods out if you're gonna have a conversation with me I don't care if you're not playing anything it's just rude cuz it's like are they just they playing music while they're speaking to me yeah that's just normal human conversation I'm always wondering how much of my attention like are they actually utilized exactly and it's not hard cuz air pods have the little hooks so you can just and then you're having a conversation with somebody the greatest thing you can do yeah I do like convo is dude that's one thing I just I really don't like air pots I don't like the look of them I don't like that Apple clearly hired people to make it a poor meme so then the people would buy them it was clearly an inside job in meme culture and you [ __ ] bought it not all you but some of you did not me baby I'm an Android guy anyway I only use Mac books though I'm only half and I said it before you can't get better [ __ ] laptop shipped in a MacBook for what yeah for what I'm trying to do and I get [ __ ] from this sometimes because I edit everything ever on a laptop I don't like editing on desktop machines if you got a macbook dude they nailed the trackpad game trackpad game years ago everyone else has been trying to catch up I would agree but I would think I would say nailing the trackpad game is still not as good as a regular Mouse in my opinion oh it depends yeah absolutely dude for pretty much anything else and honestly even most people would prefer just editing with a mouse on a PC station right this way I do yes but with what I'm doing I don't have like unlimited file stuff that I'm doing in each project a lot of the time it's mostly just like hard cuts some like green screen II stuff and then some text effects on there at most and for what I'm doing I can just curl up and everything is little and small you know I don't need to like move the mouse over to resize the timeline on premiere I can just pinch slide whip it around just all the movements are so quick so it really works for what I'm trying to do but if you like something else die um at back out Terry says so my girlfriend claims to have eaten that IHOP when Shaq was there oh okay sorry I just need a sec we're gonna drive I don't believe it because she only has a really low quality picture of him outside the restaurant hold on a low quality picture Shaq is I would argue almost the exact same thing is a low picture quality picture of Bigfoot I don't need to see the details of his face Shaq is Shaq no matter how low res that is Shaq is a giant monster of a man trying to cut a pancake that looks like it's like a little play pancake for him I don't care how low res that is that has to be Shaq or not Shaq it's like agreed it's like in the same poses like the Patterson book Bigfoot it's like yeah right by the checkout of the night anyway wait sir is that the argument well here's what she hears what he tries to say oh you hears the sirens going by Shaq's coming after I said uh he goes nobody eats I hop with Shaq without getting a good picture did she really II that I hop with Shaq please help well if she said I don't know trust your girlfriend maybe or breakup I don't [ __ ] care yeah just I don't know just feel like Shaq's pretty unmistakable for anybody else can you please I will try to see it and if you guys okay this person's name is at back underscore out underscore Terry can you post the picture next week yeah we'll judge to see if it is Shaq because I would this is and I'm being serious is one of my friends said is that Shaq and I turned and it wasn't Shaq I'd be like what you a [ __ ] idiot Shaq is [ __ ] yeah can you [ __ ] together also this goes for anybody pretty much most people including us we absolutely love people just taking photos we're always down to do it yeah come up and take a photo don't do a creep shot of [ __ ] Shaq coming out of I ha yeah go up and say hi I told you I got creep shot at the air and then the guy didn't come up to me because I think he's embarrassed it's like dude we would have had a great interaction if you just came up and talked to me that's the thing is like if I'm at an airport I the only situation where I feel like uncomfortable of people like coming up and saying hey is if like I'm tucked away in the corner of a restaurant with a bunch of friends or family yeah like that or front door if I'm in the bathroom don't wait for me outside the stall yeah oh did I oh I can tell this because it wasn't an actual like fan of ours yeah I was in the bathroom at the Grove and I was with Mike and Jackson our good old boys from the trophy husbands who they're not did their [ __ ] announce I don't think no you're talking about yeah okay then nevermind what the [ __ ] was I say no but I was in the bathroom and I was by myself they were like out we were getting drinks and this guy just like walks right up to me as I'm drying my hands and he goes that's the same shirt from the video I told you yeah I was just like sorry he's like that's the same shirt from the video and I was like oh I'm sorry do you do you like listen to the podcast you watch my videos what's up and he was just like oh no that's this that's the shirt you wore in the video and I was like I'm so so I'm really confused and he's just like Michael Reaves you're in Michael Reaves video you were in that shirt and I was just like oh yeah yeah you watch Michael Reed's like yeah I was just like all right because he's like it was also picture I forgot to mention he was so close to me yeah like I was drying my hands and he just like stepped up in front of me like hey it's like what the that's weird if even if he said it were you into microwaves video yeah good conversation we're done that's it but that was his approach I've ever had it's like the Olas go gotcha - hey I'm sorry yeah we're not sure in what not letting you get away with that dude that's why I got say to also with this [ __ ] floral shirt that I've owned for two years is maybe I wore it a little frequently last summer but now any time I wear it people must be Eddie's favorite shirt it's just easily identifiable okay maybe I've worn a little bit frequently but I'm not wearing on every [ __ ] podcast I checked my Instagram haven't won that [ __ ] publicly on my Instagram in over six months take that you guys haven't said [ __ ] when I wore the same undies on every single podcast sorry have some standards you stupid idiot hold on so I'm talking to them right now it's not really about you oh we get to you in a minute I love the idea of us having headphones of feedback of our voices no matter where you're looking at Chris Hurst ur cartoon master says have you seen that new clip of Wendy Williams making fun of Joaquin Phoenix's cleft palate thing I heard about it I just didn't want to give her any press or views on anything she quite literally references Joaquin Phoenix takes a dig at his looks and then I'm not gonna do it but she holds her lip off [ __ ] for like eight seconds while her dumb why no mom crowd goes like clap and laugh oh they weren't even just like laughing they were like oh it was like it wasn't like a resounding but it was just like you could they're always so confused that's what we said in like the Webby video is just like they're they're like Wendy dude we're with you and we are blindly going into this but I don't know how to feel about this [ __ ] damn so it's like just I guess you know I had a bunch of people saying like do another video do another video it's like she did other [ __ ] that like I didn't make it into the first video but it's like what else didn't II know she's kind of just a dick yeah that's a lot of those do another video things it's like that's actually on that topic I keep getting asked I've mentioned this on my Twitter the Kent State girl the gun girl people she's like way but have you seen like Twitter clips blowing up again yeah where it's like it's but she's back again and I have a bunch of people being like make another video on her guys the point of her [ __ ] is to say things that are disagreeable to have them go viral for you to get mad and then she keeps getting paid because she works for Infowars now so she gets them clicks for doing that and so if you share it and and again this is was part of the point of my old videos I I'm already doing something wrong making this video but I just want to express please stop sharing her [ __ ] I don't want to see it anymore mm-hmm and so I even add it to the problem but can we just stop just let her go away she's fun to clown him but just let her disappear yeah the only point that she has is to just piss people off so it's like once then you realize like oh I'm getting pissed off that's what she wants yeah it's just I can't imagine that's gotta be one of the saddest things ever is just trying to start [ __ ] with people yeah that's one of the things too is I think he kind of masterfully did it in the past but I'm really tired of Kanye drumming up controversy every time an album is coming out that this last this most recent one felt like okay dude this is one was so clearly a stunt you know where it's just like I don't know I'm getting more and more to that I just feel like I just don't want to talk about it because I think that's what they wanted intentionally yeah and Kenny's one of my favorite artists of all time but I'm [ __ ] tired of every time there's new album like oh did you hear what Kanye said yeah he's got an album releasing this week it's being which do you ever do you have any like just interesting things that you found out about like after the fact for any commentary videos that weren't like enough to do a video but maybe an update people might be interested in um I mean there were some interesting updates to the though just last December one but you know I tweeted those kind of I don't really know there's like there's been set for the most part I'm okay with missing some things because nobody can ever be like perfect with that stuff and I'm usually pretty happy with what I had in the video so I'm I never feel the need to make a follow up at least what about you oh no I I've not felt that need to I have done two videos on guava juice but those were just four separate individual things by the way - I've had a bunch of people like taking me in the last like a month or two because I mean you know the sketches aren't great and sometimes people would be like oh Gus is gonna have a field day with this one it's like I understand that approach to it too but now he started going in and being like I would love that he's my biggest hater smiley face and I'm like I'm not now he's doing the gun girl [ __ ] I'm not he just wants that yeah yeah well I mean also cuz for phrase stuff it's like when talked about - there was like some weird advertising stuff in it - yeah I ki had done the old scam but it's like for me personally and I'm sure this is this extends to you for your videos on him at least is like a lot of the time I think people want to see I think there's people that are better at just clowning on people like Danny or Curtis where they're like really really good at making this like really fun clowning on people thing and it's like for for standard stuff at least for me personally it's like I just don't want to make a video on somebody if there's not anything that they're like truly doing wrong but that's because we make things differently like Danny people will people who will make fun of people will be like I love that video and it's like by the time somebody I'm making a video on finishes and we've seen before they're like I want to choke him to death and kill him oh yeah and like especially that second one where I made like the things not to do in a movie theater when I made fun of that one - it was the approach of like I know he's done a like stupid shitty scammy advertising to children stuff I disagree with the piece of the children's YouTube or I disagree with what he does to contribute to like children's content on YouTube right yeah he could so clearly be doing better it's so lazy and I really just it's it's a helping lower the quality of children's entertained I mean that's that's really it and the stuff that you and I have been talking about for such a long time is that like you don't even especially with children's content you don't need to be doing something actively inherently like wrong wrong but if you're not trying and you know kids are watching and you're just doing dumb [ __ ] like you're the opportunity to teach children there's like Sesame Street and then there's like children's YouTube you know what I mean but kids see both of those yeah so it's just like you could you know try a little bit add some education had some emotional education uh-huh do anything also one small thing - with what's like the guava juice thing was when I was looking at like his channel around the time when I was just seeing like has he done any other really bad stuff like and during the same time I found that less than two weeks after endgame was released he just fully spoiled one of the big yes that happened to you I remember you goddamnit I was because you were you were in the mood of that time of like maybe I'm gonna catch up and start watching them and then spoil them Gabe it was like I think it was out for like five days yes and he put a myth if you've seen any end game he put the spoiler for endgame in that video yes now is it yeah it was so blatant I was just like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you dude but I mean if he's just gonna do that like smiley boy and like oh he's my best hater it's like all right well I mean I don't need to do stuff on him it just seems kind of pathetic to do that so I'm not gonna do that I saw recently within the last month I pulled it up here on my subreddit - I did not watch the video but I've had a lot of people trying to check in after I made the crane games channel was one like a year ago and just little developments it's never anything big cuz already it wasn't a huge scandal it just was like look at these people clearly like lying yeah and what you said in the video states any other further update where it's like it's the same thing you know it's like they've always done it they're probably always gonna do it it's obviously against YouTube's policies like they're literally lying like what else do you want me to say yeah but yeah somebody posted one of the channels I don't even have to say it but one of the channels that I called out - just made a video like within the last month apparently that just said like all my videos are fake it's like [ __ ] dog yeah and and remember I remember at the time - when we were watching kind of aftermath of that video stuff and there were a few creators that kind of spoke out like kind of trying to [ __ ] on me and there's one in particular fully remaining nameless that was like going and making big videos about it - and it just it seemed like such low-hanging fruit and I my goal is not to just was it was yeah my goal is not to just just pick somebody who is so easy to make fun of and has really I don't wanna just be fully blown a hard punched I think that's the thing is that with comment commentary stuff the goal isn't to win you know what I mean it's just to make people aware of a problem or did I mean mainly for both of us still is to make it funny still so it's like I want to shed light on this thing and I also want to make it funny and edit it really well and that's the thing it's not like I've gotta beat this creator down until they don't make any money anymore you know I do have this thing I'll have it anonymous too but one thing that I thought was really [ __ ] weird was a a friend of mine was at the YouTube one of the YouTube headquarters when the James Charles [ __ ] was going down and in the YouTube headquarters they were streaming a live count unsubscribing of James Charles to Tottie's channel as hosted by one of the claw machine channels that I called out which I just see that as like there was one person there who did it but then it feels like YouTube is going like yeah yeah it's like you know now what it didn't make any sense yeah it wasn't even one of the bigger channels like it was like well this is the anyway it was weird it's really [ __ ] weird but what say we open some mother fricking man let's start with the good one from Alex ok this is from our friend Alex our Alex we we we met him while ago I think he did an internship for a little while with roosterteeth yeah he did an internship for fun house and then he came to some shows and then also filmed some stuff before - so I met him in person he's a really nice guy he just got a new job and I met him in person - so we could maybe just add that on there gosh kind of weird did not include that let me jump in let me jump in go ahead where to start with my long fruit to it fortuitous relationship with Alex very nice dude I'm so excited what so sure what his job is to rake a well can he say that I don't know but also joining buddy field this is [ __ ] cool wait did he for real give the what is this this is oh no this is ok he works at Nintendo yeah yeah I will I will shoot him a message if he wants that scrub from the episode but anyway look what that [ __ ] is this it looks cool Super Mario Bros x sugarfina [ __ ] this is awesome dude here can you hand me an item - it unwrapped not the one you have jerk you jerk what the [ __ ] here's I don't know what these are but they look really cool I mean it's not really an unboxing so you give me glass boxes it looks like candy right I mean yeah we got two brave mushrooms what shirts do is the other one Luigi or is it also Mario let's see oh it's more are you that's awesome thank you Alex Alex that's [ __ ] awesome dude thank you Chain Chomp bombs we got red mushrooms and invincible stars they're like official Nintendo candies that's [ __ ] awesome dude how many I'm gonna do a whippet and down the entire box one of those and run out in the street to just go get that then do you think if you have the gummy mushrooms your gummy trip sawsan freddy hope you boys had a great Christmas since this probably won't arrive in time in this box you will find a company Christmas sweater for both of you only available in our company store whoa I will actually definitely wear that next Christmas I'll wear it in July and a collectible Nintendo candy bento box hope you like them sincerely Alex Alex love you dude thank you dude and he's got notes for us both off the podcasts off the pot Alex you're [ __ ] great guy I wish that I could've hung out with you more before you left LA next time in your town hit the boy up alright boys boy the boys up both of us Gus I'll be your main point of contact for your journey I think we said it last episode let's just do a full stop on mail for a little bit yeah we're good we're good thank you though but we are definitely good right now so this is a dress to just meet but I've found out that most of the time it ends up being for both of us but if it it's so cool that I don't want to share I won't share okay what is it puts that that one down for psych okay cuz there's GameCube games in this movie okay we got a super bubble pop whoa I don't know what that is that's that is definitely a GameCube game Super Monkey Ball - [ __ ] [ __ ] here you want to read this yeah I think this is Danny's favorite game right here it is yeah that's so happy feet holy [ __ ] is it did Robin Williams do voice for that says he died because of the alright - the boys from some boys yo yeah [ __ ] that's great timing that is good timing I'm sure this was sent before then oh they came to my show in Tacoma thank you look at they edited you onto that - oh there I am it's like he's there with us we got Jeremy McGrath's Supercross world whoa that's definitely software it's not even Jeremy McGrath's like he made the game it's the game is just Jeremy McGrath oh I want to know more information about that really badly and then homerun King Wow is that actually sanctioned by the MLB it's on the bottom dude that's weird there must have been so many more licenses for like sports games and stuff back in the day oh yeah how do drew never made that video that I really wanted like he suggested I wasn't like here's an idea making yeah Doug why would you just wanna get you know here at Gus and Eddie here's some stuff we made some we bought thanks for being such supportive boys see you both in Seattle love Emily and Nick dude it's a little mini twister thing you put socks on your fingers and you play twister let's sit at the table the next episode Eddie and play sexy Nikki mini twisters instead of putting the socks on there's no incentive because you wouldn't even be able to see our genitals beneath the table in this box is it a prize what is it it's a Buster sails pink shirt nice and then there's one what was the [ __ ] it was thinking and what were the other steps think um now I just have my old guidance counseling one away were there steps or was it just think I thought there were steps it was like think procreate this is just another thing shirt good cuz I was like we're gonna fight over that thanks for the Buster sale [ __ ] this one says hi guessing that eat good it is for both okay cool we are three fellow boys although we are women but anyone can be a boy we got you two bears for monster oh my god there's a bunch of [ __ ] also I will say it's it's partially our fault we changed it now but I realized up until like last month when we did give the PIO box it did say Gus Johnson on it so we're just pretty much asking people to officially address it that way so this is an MB M but Jones bear oh my god that's great this is [ __ ] cool let's uh it's got something it'll say I wish I was just fan like you but no yeah damn it it has the paw thing for it but it's not saying anything well in DM it doesn't speak so it's canon there's another one for you here - Eddie's bear is wearing a best friend's bracelet oh wait wasn't that like one episode where we got one we also got some really warm mozzarella oh god dude that looks [ __ ] terrible okay hold up look at like this stick it's all [ __ ] mashed up dude they need us give us a full pack what's they it's a scrap of why did you send this thing so here we got the Bears are on the record so now we legally have to put him in the public education system [ __ ] we're dads now what were their birth dates uh so in gamba Jones was born on July 4th 1969 and yours was called primal passion bear oh ok so it's like the the old scam video the Romantics gambit yeah yeah and the date of birth has not occurred yet on the Christian calendar so they're what they're saying is that I am without passion until February 14th Valentine's Day this year so if we kill that bear now does it technically count as have never existed because it's not born like we're in international waters people sent us so many high shoes and I wish I could say we have too many high twos but shamefully I've been eating the vast majority yeah I like I choose but they're very occasional for me so they're very eternally I'm eating them all to you Tony's fennan jakey [ __ ] them up though and when we were when everyone was here yes thank you boys this is from Maya Sarah and Sophie though very sweet thank you I know the trash box is over there so I'm able to kobe it over you wanna see if there's any southern boy here these are canned not fresh which breaks my heart as roadside boiled beans are the best what boiled bean but I want you guys to understand the love we have here of this dish love you Eric from Georgia I've never been more scared to open a bag well we know it's a boiled peanut ever the [ __ ] that is okay if I open this wrong it will explode you'll get peeing all over your Jean it's still crazy that in the movie jingle all the way so bad threatens that he has a bomb in the mail and then it blows up in a building they're just like it's cuz there's before 9/11 everyone's like whoa this Sinbad okay that's place oh well peanuts okay from the Thanksgiving episode last year I feel like in a can as a little bit less fuel original boiled peanuts we got to eat one of these people say they're great you got a Eddie you're not gonna eat one I'll put you on the spot here we're eating these boiled beans these are [ __ ] disgusting looking are you actually supposed to eat these it I thought it was gonna be disgusting and it's not terrible does it smell like water and nuts it smells like pickles and peanuts which doesn't sound like it would mesh but it also isn't terrible smelling I'm good take a whiff yeah I mean it's it smells like a nice nutty ya pickle smell all right [ __ ] why did you need to keep them in the shell it's part of it baby they don't they smell exactly you know how like smells are one of the best forms of memory yeah it smells like holidays at one of my lake cabins from extended extended family just boil peas everywhere apparently and I didn't know there were they just hit him everywhere the consistency is gross oh [ __ ] what who does this benefit they're very much I'll have one I don't like the sound of first off I mean it's not bad do you want one no I'm good guess I'm the bravest one on Pocket yeah it's not bad it's just this weird that anyone would think that this is necessary at all for some more disagreements or pregunta oh actually Alex asked us one today and I happened to see it cuz he added us yeah which alex is a friend so I'm okay with that but normally do not add us in the questions where I think it was something along the lines of what is the first game that you remember playing ooh mine is absolutely the ps1 demo disc and which included Spyro that's why Spyro will always have a special place in my heart Metal Gear was also on there some [ __ ] where a guy was like I had like fly wings and swam around I don't remember it exactly really I remember I think the first game I ever remember playing was Aladdin for a purple gameboy color really yes nice yeah and it was that it was at a Christmas thing and I remember too cuz I told you when I was growing up my parents actively were like we are not having video games in the house right and I felt bad because I also didn't go to friends houses a lot so every time I went I didn't really go out and make memories as much I was like I'm sorry guys can we [ __ ] out that game for you please I get it dude yeah it's like all I ever wanted to do you know I'd go over to like my buddy Lars his house and he had a Gamecube with double-oh-seven agent under fire and you can play co-op then I was like never played it oh my god it was fun as hell when I was a kid but yeah I remember was that Christmas I must have been like four or five but one of my cousins was like here play this and I just for hours I'm just trying to understand like basic concepts of the game like okay jump oh I can jump on that guy to kill him so fun yeah so that was a good question thanks a little thanks guy I was Alex yeah thank you Alex um oh yeah oh dude I just love that [ __ ] that was um a lot of those early gaming things I remember there was a I think I don't have talked about before there was a Hot Wheels racing game that it was racing for the story but I didn't really like racing games but then you could play a co-op competitive mode split-screen where you'd be driving around this kind of open area but then you'd have a bunch of like Mario Kart style attack things so it's like you were just driving in cars trying to attack each other it's [ __ ] fun as hell that's cool play it with my cousins oh I loved it yeah and Tony as well can you think of any games that you don't remember the titles of but you remember imagery and you're like what the [ __ ] is that game it's the demo disc ones but a lot of them have been confirmed now cuz I've looked back into it like medieval was one of those big ones that they just remastered on the ps4 cuz have you ever played it No medieval it was just this like sort of like third-person but really far-out kind of not not super far out but it was this you play as this kind of Jack Skellington looking dude and you're just like walking around a grave gray yard there's a bunch of creepy things that you're attacking it's supposed to be like fun creepy but as a kid it was just creepy creepy cuz I was four yeah so yeah that wasn't fun trying to think of anything I can't remember if anything it was probably just flash games growing up but you know again we talked about that stuff a lot I also on a previous episode I mentioned I was like I'm trying to find this snow fight 3d game and so thank you for sending me all the links and stuff I don't know if there's just something I'm not very PC literate after I just got a PC you know for the first time a year ago and that's my only PC in my adult life so I don't know a lot I think there's some weird like settings I need to enable I've not been able to play it but thank you for you downloaded it but you can't play it no it's that it's hosted on the web I don't want to [ __ ] with any Exe file stuff and so it's like I can find it hosted a few places online but it's like Java is out of date and I try updating that it's not working and like shockwave it needs or some [ __ ] like that but yeah dude it felt really like it was a huge setback cuz I'm always like yeah I kind of I get out do like some basic tech [ __ ] but I got my PC again and I was like oh this is overwhelming yeah yeah there's a lot because a lot of the Mac stuff too is like they're really good for artists especially photoshopping premier stuff but what you really getting in depth max suck at that I always hear that though but I don't I've never had a problem with Photoshop or for me or on my PC I always hear that it's way better for that but what is better on the Mac Oh with from your Photoshop I think because isn't it the same program yeah I think workflow wise it's I have been told because again I only use Photoshop and Premiere hmm but when I was in art school and a lot of students were using like they're running premiere and they were doing like audition for a lot of really in-depth audio stuff right and running like After Effects at the same time and apparently a lot of like exporting stuff can be really quickened and made easier if you use like the immediate encoder especially for the Adobe suite stuff okay but again I can't speak to that I just prefer the trackpad yeah and just the little accessibility of it but other arts students probably they said it was better okay I don't know yeah I like the max though I was gonna sneeze buzzes a little peanuts at Mel Jews just nurse says I'm pro baths but I've met some people who think all baths even baths for relaxing are gross in that you're just bathing in your own filth thoughts I feel like you could say that about like a lot of things I'm I'm a shower boy but I don't write off baths I tried one like two months ago and I was like not really for me but yeah I don't know anybody who's like it's your own filth it's like yeah but there's like soap and water and [ __ ] you know ain't like yeah what did you do in the bath did you put on music me I like some candles and [ __ ] I didn't like candles but I put on some music and I was relaxing and then I was like that was good I probably won't do that again for a while though I dig them I don't have them as frequently but I've done it a lot here especially you didn't even know no but I like I'll get maybe some wine put on some like a Mac Miller album or something and then get some candles and get a bath bomb dude I'm so even just thinking about that cuz I don't know if people know we have two separate bathrooms I've never had to live in other than like with my family a place where I had a shared bathroom with other people and so I did that all of my childhood but I'm very glad that I don't share a bathroom with any roommate because I don't think I could do that with my brain yeah I would I would when I was living with other people I was probably the bad bathroom roommate cuz I know I just I used it I took baths and stuff and then I just had a lot of [ __ ] and and so I wasn't good I'm sorry past college roommate people well then I'm real glad we have severed bad yeah I'd be [ __ ] in the Savior self-proclaimed the bad bathroom rate I'm pretty glad that I have my own do our last landlords though just [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of us before we left and when Wisconsin yeah I remember that dude especially in like smaller town I'm sure it's probably the same for bigger towns but if you're a leasing agency for college housing probably eight out of ten times your piece of [ __ ] cuz they also get like a monopoly of the area usually too it's just not good yeah so at Eddie not Eddie look at that Eddie okay so when I use paper towels in the kitchen I usually throw them away Oh Tony's calling Tony you're on the podcast hang up if you don't want to be on it that was a slow one Tony's lacking near he slackened honestly I kind of don't you want to finish the podcast if we do one more question and then we surprise these [ __ ] with like a really abrupt one I'll go we're done okay so do one more question okay when are you gonna say that though I'll say it after we answer the question okay some [ __ ] won't accept they're really dumb they really really dumb cuz I hate everyone specifically every person I'm so glad that Tony's gonna cut all this out so these dumb [ __ ] idiots don't hear a single word we just said oh we cut there huh we were just talking about um we do we get them that important at mithy the geek says huge disagreement time I believe Disney being a monopoly of entertainment is a problem but I'll still pay them for things I like eg the mandalorian my friend thinks I'm a hypocrite if I believe that and I should boycott them thoughts i partially believe that too but you just can't stop from watching good art as well so I'm not saying like like mandalorian is high art but it's like Disney doesn't overlord I mean it does overlord everything but they don't overload everything and then make crap content everywhere there's there's nuggets in it of people making the thing they want to make that's why I'm very conflicted all the time oh yeah I don't know it sucks that some of that [ __ ] is just unavoidable yeah like you it is avoidable now but it's like do you want to watch movies totally well that's the thing is cuz Disney owns Fox now and so it's like you can't you can totally believe that like I do and I think you do as well with Disney but like like Atlanta the show that I love is now a Disney product do I have to stop watching it now because Bob Iger bought it yeah I mean likes I mean that like Sony's technically Disney then too and [ __ ] it's all effects stuff oh yeah [ __ ] well well I guess we're done now it's like you said like I said but they don't know ya Tony cut that out yeah turned out worse than what you said I was gonna feel like yeah I thought it was gonna be good and it just count wasn't yeah well well we'll work we'll workshop that what works it's already done so we don't need a workshop at its the thing happened [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 143,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Djf99hLSXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 56sec (3896 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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