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[Music] everybody welcome to another day and another h100 Ros we are at the caner today and I'm starting with Midnight Express I am hoping today is the day I conquer oh my God I thought I conquered it on the first spin everybody you know I'm hoping today is the day I conquer Midnight Express I have I have I have yet to conquer this game and I'm ready for it all right good talk everybody you know here we are here we are how are you guys it's a new day a new h100 inos if that dings again I'm going to two cents I've made that rule right now if it dings again without giving me the bonus we're going to two cents see now it's scared to ding everybody see that it was dinging up a storm and now let's ding it come on how about a bonus right away everybody oh Lord come on come on oh there's the ding $5 I've even up this oh my God that would have been such a great time to get a bonus I would have felt so smart so genius but now I'm down to 45 oh hello oh it's right there I saw it go by with my special eyes oh Lord I'm down at 36 now everybody we're going to conquer this game today I just know it you know something oh Lord two more are you serious right now why didn't you give it to me and went ding it went Ding and then no other dings oh everyone I got $8 oh Lord the minute all right everybody our first executive has arrived in my laugh and it's here it's the nickel T $6 oh it's a lot of dollars oh two more come on now oh fajin fajin ski at the airport you know it's all right come on guys we got to conquer this I'm ready for this 6 to7 it's all right come on Daniel get yourself some midnight Joy I don't know do you get joy at midnight I don't know you know it's Midnight Express got to come with some Joy all right good talk everybody two more one more OH police you know this is missing like a luck has arrived type moment to let me know luck has arrived 2350 let's go oh how you doing H oh uhoh everyone on look at this I have yet to conquer this game and it and the trend continues of me not conquering it two more It's upsetting that I can't conquer it two more jerky face oh Lord I'm starting to get upset everybody did you hear that my rage was beginning to overflow for my body 750 I've done this I ain't afraid of nothing this is when it all turns around see no just once okay come on come on give me give me give me give me what do I need everybody lightning link free games I let's take the lightning link the mnad express you know let's hold off on the free games come on oh Lord you know what I'll take anything I changed my mind I'll take absolutely anything you want four more bro oh Lord oo looking four more please I said please come on man two more everybody is anybody else getting upset is it just me right now you know I'm getting a little upset everybody look I'm out oh my god oh I got so excited I thought Daniel was finally here you know and it wasn't finally here at all damn dollars 10 oh my god I've done this it's $10 time $100 oh how oh Lord how I would love a $100 right now it would be so much good money in my pocket after all the money I've lost so far have you noticed there's absolutely nothing happening people I got to move on I got to move on this is devastating my life look at Midnight Express get the hell out of here guys one last spin oh four more Jesus Louise it's the double Midnight Express everybody calm down I'll be right back with a fresh game fresh Hunter let's go everybody after I got was about to get up I looked at the Double Midnight Express and I said Daniel you got to give this one more shot and I said Daniel you don't got to tell me twice here we go everybody you know I don't know something about seeing that double oh Lord my jets look at this I own a jet now oh it's fantastic two more oh Lord come on come on damn I was hoping for a third come on come on all right now I feel like it's coming everybody I two more right now oo I got the last one did you see it upset me come on baby I even said baby this time it didn't help four more oh Lord I got to make it four more oh you're upsetting me there Midnight Express guys I'm going to keep going I don't know my my stubbornness has kicked in to my to my to my capacity of my mind I don't know what I'm saying you know it's got to happen though we are going to conquer this game whether we like it or not that's just life you know PA come on stop dinging and start dinging better my goodness I'm down to 50 again and four more police I need the police I think it's time I think it's time to get law enforcement involved everybody come on oh I needed one right there instead of up top look at this I got to do it again oh look stop making me put Executives bro Oh I thought that was the moment everybody it's too much money too much money right now all right I'm knocked on it that should help that should help you know when in doubt knock on it here we go I got to give up though if it doesn't want to be nice to me you know I can't just keep sinking money into into a jerky face like this you know you ain't Mr Big you're Mr you're Mr something else that's what you are oh Lord words words are difficult see I didn't even say come on I thought maybe it would help see what I'm saying it's not helping oh Lord I'm bitter oh four Jets $100 I'm rich I'm rich I'm rich oh I love winning a $100 you know so exciting to win $100 here we go my friends I want $100 come on come on one more Daniel Midnight Express oh that's infuriating that makes me so upset and so angry that I could got four in the beginning side and then none on the back side all I needed was one on the back side you know that's not asking for a lot oh Lord down to 50 peoples who knows what happens from here come on oh I'm unhappy everybody I'm unhappy do I switch what do I do maybe I should try diams and nickels again let's try that me that all right I'm trying I'm still trying everybody dance 1250 come on oh Lord come on oh oh is this no no I thought it might be the moment it wasn't four more Daniel oh Lord everybody Daniel is getting his butto handed to him he's he's getting his butto handed to him everybody he don't like it either he don't like having his butto handed to him I'm going to try Nicholls what do you think Nicholls I think Nichols is the answer to laugh and then that's it though and then I got to abandon this this choice and laugh that I've made I've lost a million dollars on this game already everybody all right here it is 1250 the maximum allowable bet at pennis oo stop hurting me bro I came to conquer this game and so far everybody it's done the opposite it's conquered me in my life have you noticed the rejection I'm getting from for more bro oh it's such rejection in my life all right last spin coming up my peoples it's over I'm giving up everybody get the hell out of my face five oh Lord these are nickels Daniel you bet the wrong it's okay it's okay everybody let's move on I'm going to go cry in the bathroom for a minute and then I'm going to pick a new game all right everybody I'll be right back fresh game fresh Hunter let's go everybody you know I like to go a long distance between games I was all the way over there on Mr Big just EXA like at least half a foot this way you know was a long walk you know I'm skipping one cent I don't I can't handle 1 cent right now $5 people let's go you know I'm hoping that my luck was just mismanaged and I should have been here the whole time all right good talk everyone you know excellente talk oh Lord all right this is looking okay I don't know something about this is like Daniel you've come to the right place I think that's what I'm experiencing right now everybody you know I oh Lord I get the sense that I've I've I've come to the right place is why what I'm trying to tell you come on oh lordy lordy now I don't know how accurate this this this thought I'm having is but it's a thought that I'm have oh Lord come on Daniel you got this you got this Daniel you got this buddy oh Lord wo come on Daniel D oh Lord and Lord lordy [Music] lordy come on come on oh I thought come on man should have been mine if you asked me to get a ding and a ding but then no third ding this been that Express you know I came to conquer it and I'm oh Lord why am I having trouble conquering it everybody look at this now I got to go to Nicholls and I'm getting more frustrated and upset you know oh my teeth are so angry right now here we go $6 I've done it oh Lord come on come on baby I'm ready baby two more baby here we go come on Daniel turn your laugh around it's still early Daniel you could do it turn it around turn your laugh around upside down you know what I'm saying come on everybody Daniel's trying to turn his life around but it's looking Bleak you know this damn Midnight Express is is trying to ruin me everybody you know oh of course she give me four why wouldn't you give me five because that would be a bonus oh how terrible to give a man s look at this everybody I'm getting bitter I don't like being bitter you know being bitter sucks oh Lord all right dimes and dollars left there will be no round two on this jerky face right here come on baby 750 come on come on come on I got to turn this around everybody this cannot be the way today happens this cannot be the way today happens baby ooh $30 acceptable come on Hallelujah in the United States of America of the caner here we [Music] go here we go here we go Comm in that Express bab there we go oh Lord $7 get the hell out of here [Music] hello dude what the f is happening right now come on now oh my God thank you goodness you got me all [Music] right come on Daniel land it land it the hell Daniel land it I said guys yes I need some midnight I need some M oh Lord $7 get out of here give me some midnight action give Daniel some midnight action oh Lord hey hey hey midnight midnight Midnight yes midnight oh Lord midnight Midnight midnight $75 much better than $7 now midnight me bro I like it oh I got my first midnight of the moment maybe I will conquer this game after all people conquer it Daniel guys I'm giving myself a strong pep talk conquer it I see big numbers baby oh I see 750 oh Lord I would love 750 or three times come on daniiel 750 three times 750 three times 7 three times all right oh my God imagine if I get $7500 $750 oh oh it's multiplying everything oh my God my pants just jumped off man I'm so excited oh my goodness oh Lord oh my do it again I could get his infinite multipliers I need Infinity oh Lord 750 oh my God jackpot I saw a jackpot people okay okay I have a pretty good chance to 2x right now please in my laugh please please stop I like oh I did it again oh Lord my Wizardry is back come on $450 that's cash money I'm Conquering the midnight everybody oh it's happening oh my God Daniel go again holy crap [Laughter] everybody oh my God oh my God guys another three times in a come on Daniel stop it stop it stop it stop it don't you dare don't you dare oh fudge you could have give me any other multipliers and it would have been a jackpot in my lab goodbye to my train goodbye to my train everybody you know here we go come on land it give me another midnight oh low one more right Hallelujah $7 $7 let's go I don't see it I don't see it I don't see it everybody surprise me [Music] I don't think I'm going to be surprised everybody surprise me guys I had four multipliers if I got just one of them I would have been a rich man oh did I just jackpot myself anyway ladies and gentlemen I do believe I have jackpotted myself I do believe I have conquered the jackpot I do believe believe I made my money back I do believe I'm going to be paying I'll be right back in a minute everybody I'll be right back when they putting cash money in my hand right have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nice right all everybody let the Conquering begin you understand what I'm telling you we got our first jackpot you just sweep this we get paid 0599 oh oh my God I thought I did it back to back everybody you know let's see what happens four more trick face come on come on ding me twice more baby everybody you know we turned it around and now it's going to be magical now the Conquering oh Lord I love that sound you know I love I love thinking the bonuses coming I love happiness oh Lord oh let's go I still got dollars left by the way it's exciting it's oh come on damn I got little Jeeps though jeep jeep do Jeeps make the jeep jeep sound I don't know all right final frontier everybody and then we will move on After dolls and we got to go to 10 that's laugh maybe I'll get one more jackpot before I get up and this will become the greatest all of a sudden hello damn I thought it happened just as I said the words Hallelujah it did happen just as I said the words now I need a one minor and it's another jackpot just one little minor in my la come on midnight come on midnight hello what happened hello come on come on police oh Lord hey I do not like this please thank you now midnight me bro $100 come on midnet I need you come on hello oh Lord don't tease me don't tease me I need your help hello no that very much upset me that very much upset me but I made $200 it's hard to get upset about $200 come on all right I'm okay with this so far everybody I'm okay with this oh you know sometimes you get a jackpot sometimes you get $200 it's just oh Lord damn that could have been a good time what do you think guys ride or die bump it to 15 ride or die the 200 that's in there I think that's right that's what my heart tells me should I do it I think I'm going to do it I'm doing it I did it all right calm down you guys are out of control right now come on Daniel come on come on oh Lord so far absolutely nothing has happened since I've done this and oh my God okay okay sometimes you make mistakes everybody sometimes you make mistakes in life look at this I have hit absolutely not even one line hit not oh my God not even okay okay it's okay calm down it's going to be okay we're going to move on not even cool did you see how it took $200 from me people without giving me even a sense of five Jacks I'm a genius I'm a genius I mean $50 look at this I'm back I got nothing to worry about hello come on come on you know I was worried for a second but I should have remembered how smart I am you know two more come on Daniel ding ding ding ding ding ding ding oh Lord I thought I was dinging it into action uhoh uhoh 7 and5 come on Daniel get some hats bro you need hats you don't have hair your head gets cold oh 45 left oh last two spins my peoples here we go can I do it is the question two more that would have been a great time and final spin everybody let us finally move on to a fresh game with a fresh hun and see what happens baby I shall return everybody I came to the other side you know I was on the other side and this got another Mr Big here so I said I don't know cuz he treated me very poorly but this one we haven't tried yet and you know I'm skipping one cent right now here we go my oh Lord I love the drums it makes me feel like drums are coming who doesn't like drums in their life it goes good talk everybody oh I like that noise too you know do it again do it which one made that noise everybody it's the toucan right yes it is oh come on Daniel I like money and I finally made some of my back most of [Music] it oh do it again bro I like it oh Lord two more Daniel's right oh Daniel's ready everybody he's ready for a second jackpot today you know are you ready to watch him do it yes you are we both know you are oh I'm ready you're ready jackpot time is ready maybe come on oh lordy [Music] lordy yes no all right it's nickel time everybody it's nickel time I'm ready for dickles people $6 I've done this hello come on man two more oh one more I saw it go by and the potatoes in me got upset two more Hello bats you jerky face bats I like that noise it brings joy to my heart oh come on Daniel no no on that one I got I got to be careful where I expect my lul L I don't even know what I'm saying right now come on Daniel you need another midnight is what you need bro one more it's right there I see the edge of it just give it to a man I like it when it oh come on on you just needed three more I just needed three more that's all I needed two more baby oh I even said baby I hate I hate wasting a baby you know oh $112 [Music] people I don't know it's the simple things and laugh that bring you Joy everybody you know oh I'm down to 15 cents that doesn't bring me joy now I got to go to dams and pray for for magicality to return Dam Here We Go 75 three more dude this machine needs luck has arrived so I know what good things has come [Music] in oh here comes another one come on $108 so far is what I got left and I got dollars left if this doesn't work out come on Daniel make it happen buddy get yourself some good stuff some free games another jackpot come on can I do it so far oh it's getting a little upsetting right now that's all I'm going to say about it get it didn't get it $7 that was pretty good three more Daniel two more D what the hell Daniel you know I should have gotten it I like it I'm going to change that to my ringtone you know that way every time somebody calls me I'll be like Oh I'm getting a phone call be real happy oh Lord I bomba stopped it but it didn't help you know Midnight Express I would love another Midnight Express in my laugh everybody oh Lord come on two more I could do this everybody I could do it but maybe not on this 100 you know it's looking like this 100 is Goodbye Oh Lord the final frontier of dolls $10 a 10 happening right now it's happening I can do this I can do it one more jackpot Daniel everybody come on let's encourage each other you know oh midnight Jack all right $82 come on oh one more what kind of kind oh tricked me good remember think it was coming and mm mm you gave it gaps too that was that was interesting I've never seen gaps like that in my life oh uh-oh two more oh FJ jinsky with the midnight too you know oh Lord another midnight everybody I think you already know this has suckered one more 100 out of it for sure you know too many noises are happening towards the end of my la come on come on oh my God oh Lord here we go come on I got this I got another 100 and if it doesn't trick me we'll move on if it tricks me we'll do another one I don't know that's just how life works sometimes you know I get tricked and I'm comfortable with it guys I'm using so many words to fill up T so many I'm not even excited about the anymore you know cuz this is how I'm feeling I don't know oh it didn't trick me at Le wait still didn't trick me here we go my friends all right everybody I'm going to move on oh one more game one more 100 let's go see what happens baby he everybody I said Daniel do you remember on the other side of this when you came back and you went to diam you got a jackpot can you do the same thing and I said Daniel you better believe I can try you know look at you know I think I could do it everybody 1250 let's see if I could do it sometimes I have thoughts you know and I exit two one more one more I thought that was you know you saw you almost saw I was really close to being smart just then I was incredibly close and and I and I liked how I felt you know I liked how I felt being smart so here I am I'm going to try again you know I enjoy feeling smart D here we go oh Lord oh wait I get another one before I put in this 100 then three more here we go my friends you know I'm going to try again I ain't giving up just yet sometimes sometimes I'm stubborn that would have been such a great t two more I don't know if you've noticed everybody but it's tricking me pretty good right now oh I mean I know it's tricking me but I'm kind of liking how it's tricking me is what I'm trying to tell you we're going to do one more 100 at Nicholls and one more 100 at dollas and if it doesn't work we're saying goodbye and I'm going to I'm going to be happy but sad okay good talk good talk everybody happy but sad that's just you know come on come on you goofy looking animals you know all these animals looking goofy now they're upset me now they weren't upset me until just now and then now I'm upset at them goofy looking animals come on I could do this still everybody it's not too late as they say it's never too late till it's too late you know what I'm saying all right all right oh get it Daniel everybody the final Hunter of my life is here and it's going to be a dolls and if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't and that's the end of the line end of the story let's go $15 here we go can I do it that would be a great time right now to get one more jackpot or something crazy come on Dean oh no three more I'm furious I'm furious at this moment in my life oh my God that Hunter went so quick everybody it kind of bothers me but that's life final oh $20 I can do two $10 let's do that instead all right last spin all right everybody that's the end of the land today we got ourselves a jackpot I wouldn't quite say we conquered Midnight Express but maybe one more time and we will all right everybody enough talking I love you all I appreciate you all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: VegasLowRoller
Views: 73,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ocoj4LMaFFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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