Did Mojang Ruin the Cave Update? 1.17's Biggest Flaw

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hello i'm mpx toy cat and for years the cave update has been the most hyped update amongst the community which is why when it was actually announced in late 2020 it was the biggest win mojang could have had as a company which is why it's so weird that when you fast forward to just a few weeks before the release the fan base has never been less excited for an upcoming major update and so just how did minecraft ruin the biggest slam dunk in history is the question i wanted to answer in today's video because i personally love the vanilla minecraft game i love the updates that it receives even the small ones and i think it's been interesting to see the resentment amongst this one brew for so long until it finally reached a boil just a few weeks ago but let's start with the simple basic thing that people were initially upset about and that is the scope so the scope of a cave update was always going to be weird and the scope of a caves and cliffs update was always going to be even weirder but by leaving it open-ended there was always going to be a bigger version of the cave update this massive dream that we've had as a community in people's minds than could ever exist in reality i mean after all there have been tons of mods that had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of brand new ores and biomes and obviously no official minecraft update could ever keep up with that but i really do think the bigger problem rather than lack of content is just kind of not defining very clearly how much there would be i mean after all when underground biomes were announced to be finally coming to minecraft and then they showed us you know free example biomes it seemed as though this was just the tip of the iceberg with regards to that however what it actually was was this was just going to be all of the underground biomes that's going to be your normal underground which exists right now there's going to be the lush caves there's going to be the drip stone caves and there's going to be the deep dark eventually maybe we haven't seen that in actual snapshots yet uh but those three biomes that were underground are the only biomes that are being added to minecraft and i think that initial confusion is not just limited to biomes it's limited to pretty much everything else it was quite a while into the cave update that we realized there would only be one brand new ore the copper ore the one that was announced at minecon live in 2020. uh it was a while into the cave update before you realized there weren't going to be brand new mobs outside of the warden and i guess technically the glow squid is a cave mob you could argue um but the the point is is this update was going to be this huge thing in people's heads and it would have been fine if they'd limited the expectations immediately but instead it seemed more like it was just a teaser of more things to come and this is the problem with almost everything in life when you build up your expectations too much you build your this giant picture in your head even when you get something that's really great if it doesn't compare to your expectations that's when bad things can happen likewise if you build your expectations super small you know you could say if you keep your expectations tiny then of course you're less likely to be whiny but a better way to phrase this one would perhaps be the common business phrase which is that you want to under promise and over deliver you don't promise things unless you absolutely have to and you want to over deliver what you give to people uh even when you promise the exact amount that you do deliver it's going to be slightly disappointing if you have a track record of over delivering uh perhaps you could say so maybe this one you can pin onto the minecraft unit as a whole because some people really don't understand that the vanilla minecraft game is not the place where you add 300 underground biomes 270 different varieties of underground mob and etc etc but instead uh having just four underground biomes one new mob one new ore and then some tertiary features uh was always going to be a bit underwhelming until you realize just how well polished they are and so that brings us nicely into the second point of this because the thing that mojang has always delivered on much better than any mod ever can the thing that makes uh the vanilla game something that everyone is excited for even people playing uh crazy modified versions by themselves is that it is all very well polished and all very well considered in the context of the base game in fact i would say they almost over pressure themselves to do this to the max but we get some very interesting things as a result of this i think uh you could argue that the uh you know the new village trading mechanics would have taken a long time to come up with but are much better than the old ones from a thematic sense as well as from a gameplay perspective it's now a major part of minecraft they really took that part of the game and made it a lot better so of course they're gonna be able to do this to the caves right they're gonna be able to make the caves feel much more thematic and exploring and getting ingredients is going to feel wonderful and yeah there are some really nicely polished features that are going to be coming in 1.17 i really like the tinted class for instance which is taking a glass surrounding by amethyst shard and then getting this glass that doesn't allow light in or out it's a really interesting idea because that's how something works it's a fun mechanic that's going to allow people to make farms it's very exciting same with the amethyst geodes you're going to randomly be digging under the ground and find a lot of new blocks first of all but second of all you're gonna find the source of the amethyst which you can use for your tinted glass or your telescopes or your whatever else and it's going to make mining just that little bit more exciting these are well polished great features that i'm excited to have in the game however the problem is is most of this update because of the nature of caves and cliffs is going to rely on the brand new cave and cliff generation which of course means that if you want to have a well-polished deep slate block and all of the variations that are going to be coming along with that if you want to have well-polished lush cave blocks the moss the azalea trees etc i think if you want to call these blocks well polished for the vanilla game experience by playing in survival they need to not only exist once you place them but they need have a fun thematic way that you find them i mean drip stone being found inside of a drip stone cave yeah that's gonna be a great thing for you to harvest while you're there uh finding the deep slate while you're super low down is a really fun little uh you know story of how deep down you went to mind for these blocks and indeed all of the all blocks that come along with deep slate um even the lush cave things like when you find mossy stones and azaleas and you take them away from that biome that is a part of the game and you know a key part of any block being polished is being able to find it in its natural place and all of the natural places for pretty much every block in 1.17 with very few exceptions like the amethyst and the uh the goat i guess yeah the amethyst and goats they're going to be working perfectly as intended however the vast majority of what's coming in 1.7 scene is kind of just a preview version of it it is just going to be a way to explore those features if you want to in survival and that to me is the biggest problem with the splitting of this update so unlike most people in the minecraft community who say oh yeah i'm perfectly happy of everything that comes out or no they should deliver everything all the time right now i i think it is entirely unrealistic to expect in the exact same time frame that they're delivering 1.17 to have 1.18 because obviously if that's your logic you could just say i want an update that has 50 updates worth of content and i want it tomorrow that's it that's an expectation you can have but it is unrealistic to expect it to be fulfilled however something i do think is that when you look at 1.7 scene and 1.18 when you look at the fact that they have to split it in two for the reasons they gave uh it's going to be a lot more challenging to live those features it's going to take more time to bring in new cave and cliff generation up to six months they seem to hint okay sure when you bring in the fact that a lot of mojang are dealing with serious mental health issues uh we are dealing with as a society some of the biggest mental health issues because did you know that lots of places around the world including where both the mojang studios are have basically said that you know what physical health is all that matters there's no such thing as mental health and we have the the the laws and the policies to prove that well there is a serious crisis going on and uh you know in in the mojang studios not to mention that there obviously is the physical health side of uh this as well i mean i'm sure covid is lowering the staffing numbers and making it harder to work together uh there there are definitely reasons for this to slow down however slowing down and splitting are entirely different decisions and i really can't wrap my head around any good non you know just pure business reason for splitting the update in two because this first half of the update is going to include all of the features mostly minus the warden and minus the deep die you know the biomes themselves and the the new generation basically um but it's not going to provide the context for them it's going to provide uh the opportunity to say caves and cliffs is out and i'm sure there's a ton of exciting trailers and marketing material but then when you play the game it's not going to feel like they're there i i you know as a survival player i know that i can go to an abandoned mineshaft chest and i can find glow berries that's apparently a new thing as a survival player i know that i can trade with the wandering trader because he's been to these new biomes that don't exist yet um i also know that i can go into an abandoned shipwreck and i can find moss and i can i can then bone mill the muscle i can find all of those beaches i you know i i know these things and i'm excited to find them in my survival world however those aren't necessarily well polished features like i was mentioning before those are kind of quirky janky features that just kind of exist most minecraft players will be so excited when they hear about the caves and cliffs update it's finally out i mean the first part of it and oh i'm gonna go look at a mountain and see how much it's changed oh the mountains oh i guess yeah they said something about splitting off the update so i guess if the if the cliffs aren't here i guess the caves must be new and exciting then they get so hyped and they start digging down below the ground and what do they find down there oh the caves look really similar i mean every now and then you find these strip stone blocks in the corners or you find a patch of deep slate and if you're really lucky you'll find an amethyst geode and some copper um but everything is roughly how it was before it feels as though this is going to be the norm that the community gets used to and then in six months time assuming that second part isn't delayed in six months time there will be all of the context that makes these features wonderful and exciting i think what makes twisting vines such an exciting feature to go back to the never update is not just the fact that you can take one twisting vine you can bowmill it and then you can survive any fall from any height straight on top of it that's exciting by itself don't get me wrong but it's really exciting knowing that if you want some of these or you want any of the other super crim you know warped features that are super bright blue you have to go to your nether you have to find the specific place for them that's what polishes right it's encouraging you to do interesting things to get the interesting things that you want it's encouraging uh you know both sides of this equation whereas for six months or so minecraft is going to have half a cave update and you're gonna be encouraged to do all sorts of weird things that you couldn't possibly know about googling and i'm sure watching youtube videos you know there's no doubt in my mind that there's gonna be a lot more people needing to watch things to learn about all these features which i would be lying if i said i didn't benefit from in at least some way however i think the uh problem is is that there's going to be a version of minecraft that exists for six months before being basically entirely replaced they're going to be subsuming all of this knowledge in the future and uh it's an interesting thought because of course this happens all the time anything you learn prior to 1.7 is going to change after all of the biomes change yeah anything you know learned about the never prior to the never update is now useless however this is stuff that they're putting into the game that they're then intentionally making different and you know replacing your knowledge for in six bumps and i guess honestly i see this is kind of an experiment i see this uh as being a potential big opportunity because my impression as someone who is very deep into these updates is this is confusing and of course people don't like what they see is different however i see this as potentially being an opportunity in the future and allow me to elaborate by sharing that with you so the opportunity here is kind of clear right every minecraft update has been getting really big recently and when they try to make small themed minecraft updates i.e the buzzy bees update it just doesn't have as much traction people like big features being overhauled and redone and made exciting etc and so this is their experiment to see for sure if anything else uh can you release half a full minecraft update and get people more excited than if you release a full half minecraft update uh you know the buzzy bees update or the world of colors update they were just small little features that didn't really have the wider context till much later so maybe uh you know releasing half of a full major update is going to be much more exciting because as a community it's clear that minecraft players want to see more than one update every 18 months or so or one update every year even uh the minecraft queen t wants to see more minecraft content uh but obviously they're limited in how much they can put out so why not start putting it out twice a year after the cave update part one in summer of 2021 and then the cave update part two in winter of 2021 uh maybe there could be this then the next update we'll just imagine for now it's the end update which could come out with the end update part one in summer and the end update part two this could resolve a lot of the issues around mental health and the big burden of a huge update i mean i can speak personally to the idea of this giant uh when you have a big expectation on you it's so much harder to work towards it than just knowing that there's something reasonable expected so maybe just shipping a couple of updates a year you know in addition to all of the other ones that they ship every month or two but by making it so that every update becomes two sub updates uh they can obviously not only enjoy the business benefits which i'm sure are no doubt huge uh every time there's a minecraft update more people buy minecraft and more people who are playing minecraft will then check out all of the other little side products whether it's realms or whether it's the marketplace on bedrock uh you know there is a direct financial incentive to put out more updates but also as a community we can start to enjoy the features in 1.17 and that can help to shift the feedback for 1.18 a big problem uh that i've seen non-stop over the snapshot period let's be honest all youtubers are guilty of it i'm sure i am myself as well um is we'll talk about the features having looked around at them in creative for 15 minutes or you know if you're doing your due diligence you'll play some survival um but maybe just maybe uh it's possible that by playing with actual finished features that you can trust on your actual survival worlds that you don't have corrupt because of some random bug in a snapshot or a beta and by playing with these features in a real survival uh then we'll be able to give better feedback on what's happening if you really uh do think the tinted glass is too dark or too light or whatever else uh then you could actually give that feedback without having just looked at it for a few seconds actually having experienced it for a while if you think that copper ore is slightly too common and needs a better uh mining strategy or raw ore is uh you know like not uh is still not fixing the problem finding uh you could fix these you know there's for instance the new veins of ten thousand blocks they seem insane but they're not actually that common so i think there is potentially an opportunity to splitting the update too and that's what brings me into my big conclusion all of this [Music] because the prevailing winds on youtube are the mojang has ruined the cave update or at the very least delayed it by stealth or at the very least done something very wrong and i think that there's definitely an element of if your community believes something it is true it doesn't matter whether objectively this is some great decision if no one sees it as a great decision because there's 200 million minecraft players who just want a better game to play right and you can't fault them for wanting that however i do think there is actually quite some potential here i think uh that even though this is the weirdest update because the big thing about vanilla is meant to be that it is a well scoped out well-polished well-crafted thing and now we're seeing some not necessarily perfectly crafted things uh we're gonna see how the community reacts to that is it going to be a big win do we enjoy this so much that it doesn't really matter um in fact do we enjoy this so much that in six months when it changes to how it was meant to be with the brand new caves and the brand new cliffs we actually don't care and the second half the update comes out and it's not even a big deal i genuinely don't know the answers these questions it's also possible that they intend to add lots of brand new features that second half and make it all worth a while and i think that for now the only thing to say is that 1.17 is coming out soon it's coming out a lot sooner than it would have with all of those features and so my personal uh thing here is a wait and see attitude is this going to be positive for mojang lots in fact the majority of business decisions they've made for the last very long time have gone the wrong way but i always am optimistic i'm thinking maybe just maybe this is the one that sticks and so that's something i'm incredibly excited for by the way you know what excites me more uh not dying in a house fire did you know greater than 99 of housewives having people who aren't subscribed to the ibx toycat youtube channel also something statistics about all of you not being subscribed and wow don't don't you want to subscribe so that number goes up no no you don't okay well i just hope you enjoyed this video i hope you have a nice day and i look forward to seeing you for 1.17 because i'm gonna try and go into this with the most positive buys i can and i hope that you're willing to join me in the next couple of weeks i mean not that you have much choice like how are you going to find out how to get all those new lush cave blocks otherwise you're not going to be able to you have to watch youtube videos obviously i'm kidding but i hope you'll enjoy it because i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 322,665
Rating: 4.8157339 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: L_k2_cTjjEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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