Did Jesus Actually Go To Hell? | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well good morning good morning happy easter we refer to this around the church as victory sunday you know this is kind of our super bowl because everything that we have has to do with jesus death burial and resurrection and that resurrection is the key let me promote something before we get started this morning in july i hope to start a podcast what i want to do is i want to start teaching verse by verse through various books of the bible and i'm going to start in the book of isaiah now to give you a sneak peek of what it's going to be like next week i'm starting a series on isaiah chapter 53 and i'm going to bring out some information i think most people have never seen before and i think it's going to really open your eyes to the power of the prophets and why the disciples and paul were able to prove jesus christ from the scriptures so i'm really looking forward to doing the podcast hopefully you'll join me it's for those who are interested in seriously studying the word of god you know wednesday nights we used to go verse by verse through various books of the bible and that was my favorite time i have to be honest with you sunday mornings is okay but it's kind of surface level wednesday nights for the deep things and so i'm really looking forward to doing that anyways easter is a time that we celebrate the death burial and resurrection of jesus now most pastors will either focus on jesus death or his resurrection in their easter sermon but they really rarely talk about what happened in between his death and resurrection you see the bible says that as jonah was in the belly of the well for three days and three nights so will the son of man be in the belly of the well for three days and three nights turn with me if you would to the book of matthew chapter 12 verse number 40 and i'll show you what i'm talking about but first let me give you a little bit of background information the pharisees were always upset with jesus because he didn't keep their traditions he kept the law but he didn't keep their traditions and they hated that in fact he looked at the oral law and refer to them as the commandments of men so they came to jesus and they said if you're the christ if you're the messiah give us a sign do something miraculous now that's funny to me because jesus had already been doing all of these miraculous things you want a sign just take a look at what jesus has done he's turned water into wine he's made the lame walk he's made the blind sea he's done all of these wonderful things even brought some of the dead back to life and you're asking for a sign so jesus said an even adult evil and adulterous generation wants a sign i'll give you a sign one sign the sign of jonah and that's when he said this all right so follow along with me as i read this for as jonah was three days and three nights in the well's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and of course jesus was talking about the time period between his death and his resurrection so what happened during those three days and three nights in other words what happened to jesus soul after he died because we know what happened to his body it was laid in the tomb of joseph of arimathea but what happened to his soul where did he go did he go to heaven did he go to hell did jesus kind of hang out in the tomb for three days and three nights what happened to his soul well that's what i want to talk about this morning but first we need to talk about death in general you know this is interesting to me but the majority of christians have no idea what happens to a person when they die and i think that's why christians are so scared of dying it's because they don't know what's going to happen honey the bible tells us exactly what's going to happen you should know what happens to your soul when you die so let's talk about that let's talk about death in general and what happens to a soul when a person dies so what does happen to a person so when they die well prior to the resurrection of jesus when a person died their soul went to a place called shaol and it didn't matter whether they were good or evil everyone so went to this place called chao now according to numbers chapter 16 verses through 33 shall is in the center of the earth the heart of the earth that's why jesus said what he did in matthew chapter 12 verse 40 look back at that again when he said as jonah was three days and three nights in the will's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth he's talking about his soul being in chaos for three days and three nights now isaiah describes sheol is a city with gates you'll find that in isaiah chapter 38 verse number 10. job says that it has bars you'll find that in job chapter 17 verse 16 and the king james version job also says that it's a land of darkness look at job chapter 10 verses 19-22 if only i had never come into being or had been carried straight from the womb to the grave wow job was down he'd lost everything and you know what he's saying i wish i'd never been born or if i had been born that i would died in childbirth and then he goes further are not my few days almost over turn away from me so i can have a moment's joy before i go to the place of no return to the land of gloom and under darkness to land the deepest night of utter darkness and disorder where even the light is like darkness david referred to show as the land of forgetfulness because you're eventually forgotten by those who are living and it's true i don't remember who my great-grandparents were i don't even know their names only one of my great-grandparents was alive when i was born and that was on my father's side and i had this faint remembrance of going over to grandma nolan's and my granny's bed was in the living room she was bedridden but she didn't want to miss out on conversations that's all i can remember besides that she actually used snuff and stunk but if you ask me what was her name i don't remember eventually the living forget those who have died and that's what david was saying now in the new testament the hebrew word shaol is translated as hades and it bears resemblance to the hades of greek mythology in that it had two compartments the first was a place of torment where the sows of the wicked were sent and the second was called the bosom of abraham it's where the sows of those who believed in yahweh and the coming of the promised messiah were sent this compartment was also referred to as paradise yeah aka paradise if you remember jesus told the thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise most people don't understand what he's saying they think that he's saying today you're going to be with me in heaven no jesus didn't ascend to heaven until after the resurrection when he said today you'll be with me in paradise he's talking about the bosom of abraham which is a compartment in sha'o so he wasn't talking about heaven as most people think so it was a blissful place of comfort and security as opposed to the other side which was a place of torment in fact jesus gave us some great insight as to what the two components of sha'o were like turn with me if you would in the book of luke chapter 16. we're going to read verses 19 through 26 and i want you to follow along as i read this passage of scripture it says now there was a certain rich man and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen now the reason it brings out purple is because that was a very costly very expensive die only those who were very wealthy and usually just those who were royalty had things that were made of purple that's why it brings this out there was a certain rich man and he was habitually dressed in purple and finally in a daily living in splendor every day nice home up to date chariot anything and everything that you would want swimming pool yeah and a certain poor man named lazarus was laid at his gate covered with sores and longing to be fed but the crumbs which were falling from the rich men's table if only besides even the dogs were coming and licking his sores gross dogs would do that though now it came about that the poor man died and he was carried away by the angels to abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried and in hades that's the greek word for o and in hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment and he saw abraham far away and lazarus in his bosom anyone know why they called it the bosom of abraham because supposedly any jew that died who believed in yahweh and also believed in the coming of the promised messiah when they went to paradise abraham was there to greet them and the first thing he did was give them a big o hug so it was referred to as abraham's bosom so he saw abraham far away and lazarus in his bosom there's him giving lazarus this big hug have mercy on me and sin lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue for i am in agony in this flame but abraham said child remember that during your life you received your good things and likewise lazarus received bad things but now he is being comforted here and you're in agony his life is better off yours is not and besides all this between us and you there's a great chasm fix in order that those who wish to come over from here to you may not be able that none may cross over from there to us now obviously this is a parable it's a fictitious story that's used to illustrate certain spiritual truths that's what a parable is in this case it's illustrating spiritual truths about the afterlife we want to know what the afterlife is like jesus tells us a parable its purpose is to illustrate certain spiritual truths about the afterlife yeah what happens when a person dies now remember parables are allegorical in nature that means that the people things are events in the parable are symbolic yeah now what's interesting is that the characters are symbolic but what the two men experience in this parable in the afterlife is not symbolic in other words the men are fictional but what they experience is factual let me say that again because that's very important the men in the parable are fictitious but what they experience is factual it's what really happened to a person in the old testament when they died in fact the name lazarus in fact let me go a little bit further lazarus represents believers the name lazarus means god is my helper so lazarus represents those who trust in god and depend on him for their salvation the rich man symbolizes unbelievers now that doesn't mean that rich people can't be christians that is not what this parable is saying in fact most of the patriarchs in the bible were very rich abraham and isaac jacob they were very rich job david and solomon they were filthy rich in fact solomon was so rich that silver was despised in his kingdom because gold was so abundant and when you read what his kingdom had and every year how much it increased in wealth it's like who is this guy bill gates was never as rich warren buffett was never as rich as solomon yeah the apostle john came from a very wealthy and influential family to the point that they were a regular guest at the high priest home while john was growing up and many of the disciples came from wealthy families you don't ever hear that because most people just repeat what pastors say who've never really studied it out but i want you to understand something jesus was not dissing rich people but the truth is most rich people don't trust in god they trust in their riches so that's why the rich man represents unbelievers now i want you to notice that when lazarus died his soul went to the bosom of abraham where he was comforted when the rich man died his soul went to the place of torment now both of these places were in sha'a but they were on different sides the bosom of abraham was a place of comfort and it was on one side of sha'o on the other side was the place of torment and there was a chasm between the two and it kept people from crossing over from one side to the other you couldn't get from one side to the other if you ended up in the place of torment there was no way that you could get to the side where abraham's bosom was because this great chasm was fixed and it kept people from crossing over look back at luke chapter 16 verses 22-26 and i'll show you what i'm talking about that came about that lazarus died and was carried away by the angels to abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried and in hades what's hades the greek word for show and in hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment and he saw abraham far away and lazarus in his bosom and he cried out and said father abraham have mercy on me and said lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue for i am in agony in this flame but abraham said child remember that during your life you received your good things and likewise lazarus bad things but now he's being comforted here and you were in agony and besides all this this is the part i want you to see between us and you there's a great chasm fixed in order that those who wish to come over from there to us or from here to you may not be able and that none may cross over from there to us so prior to jesus death burial and resurrection this is what happened to a person who died look at the back wall this is a timeline and it starts with the fall why does it start with the fall because there was no death prior to adam and eve's sin had they not sinned they would have lived forever but once they sinned death came upon this world and death death was passed on to all men so we start at the fall shall oh it's already there someone's already taken to what i want can you go all the way back without the coffins thank you right there is the cross the cross is that symbolizes the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ now before the cross you were in a period called the old testament the old covenant after the jesus death burial and resurrection he initiated the new covenant what we call the new testament now when a person died their their soul went to show so what happened if a person died they were buried but their soul went to the bosom of abraham if they believed in god and the coming of the promised messiah if they didn't believe in god their body was buried but their soul went to a place of torment now in between these two places all of this is y'all but there is a great chasm between the two that chasm kept people from crossing over from the place of torment to the bosom of abraham or likewise i don't know why anyone would want to cross over to the place of torment but that's what happened to people that died during the old testament period so just keep this in mind before the death of jesus christ the death burial and resurrection everyone who died went to show they either went to the bosom of abraham or they went to the place of torment now when jesus died he experienced what all men do at death his soul was separated from his body and it went to sha'o the place of the dead in fact that's part of the apostles creed how many of you are familiar with the apostles creed because you grew up in a church that recited it okay i see a few hands i think more of you than who's raising their hands actually did if you were raised in the methodist church if you were raised in the presbyterian church the episcopalian church or the roman catholic church you recited the apostles creed if you grew up in the baptist church or assemblies of god church you did recite the apostles creed so you probably are not familiar with the apostle street but this is what the apostles creed says i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary he suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to hell his soul did he was crucified died and was buried and when his body went into the grave his soul descended to hell that's what the apostles creed says the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church now for protestants that's really hard to say because when they hear catholic church they think of the roman catholic church but that's not what catholic means catholic simply means universal so what this is saying is we believe that when someone accepts jesus christ as their personal lord and savior they're part of the universal church it doesn't matter what denomination you come from it's one of the reasons we're not denominational because it doesn't matter whether you're a raised baptist assembly of god disciples of christ church of christ roman catholic if you've accepted jesus christ as your personal lord and savior you're part of the universal church and we believe in that so let's keep going i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the community of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting now i want you to notice that the apostles creed specifically states that jesus descended into hell which of course refers to his soul after he died on the cross but what i want you to know is that the apostles creed is based on scripture yeah the reason it's called the apostles creed is because it's traced all the way back to the second and third century and supposedly it's what the apostles believed but the apostles creed is based on scripture and that includes the part that says he descended into hell and when i say that it's based on scripture i don't just mean that it's based on one scripture i mean that it's based on several scriptures in fact let me give you a few of those scriptures turn with me if you would to psalms chapter 16 verse number 10. now psalms chapter 16 verse number 10 is a messianic psalm talking about jesus we know that it's talking about jesus because peter quoted it in acts 2 27 in reference to jesus he's saying that jesus fulfilled this scripture so this is a messianic psalm that's talking about jesus notice what it says for that will not abandon my soul and show this is jesus saying that for thou will not abandon my soul jesus so and shall neither will thou allow thy holy one to undergo decay now i want you to underline that word abandon abandon is translated from the hebrew word za'a means to leave to leave now i want you to think about this if i leave something what i'm doing is i'm allowing it to remain where it was let me say that again if i leave something what i'm doing is i'm allowing that to remain where it was as an example if i told you that i left my keys what i'm saying is that i didn't pick them up instead i left them where they were so what psalms chapter 16 verse number 10 is saying is that jesus went to show when he died but god did not leave him there he did not leave him where he was and where was he well according to psalms chapter 16 verse 10 he was in show you see if i tell you that i didn't leave the kids at the movie theater you naturally assumed that we were at the movie theater because i can't leave someone somewhere unless that's where they are does that make sense if you come in and you say did you leave the milk in the car that means that the milk was in the car at one time say no i didn't i brought it in or you say i did i'll go back out and get it if you leave something it means that you left it where it was does that make sense so if god did not leave jesus and show oh it means that jesus wasn't show does everyone get that so jesus was in show but god did not leave him there and neither did god allow his body to rotten the grave instead he resurrected him but my point is this jesus descended into oh but god did not leave him there now look at ephesians chapter 4 verses 8 through 10. wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men and now verse 9 now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth where the where are the lower parts of the earth show but i want you to notice it says now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first there's a sequential order to these events first he descended then he ascended you can't get him out of order that's why he used the word first to let you know that there's a logical sequential order of events jesus died he didn't go to heaven immediately no when jesus died his soul went to show he descended where the lower parts of the earth first and then he ascended now let's keep reading verse 10. he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens but he might feel all things in other words fulfill all things now i want you to notice two things about this passage of scripture first that when jesus ascended to heaven he lay captivity captive in other words all of the sows that were in the bosom of abraham he took to heaven when he ascended yeah the reason that they're referred to as captives is because they were held captive in sha'o until the messiah came and redeemed them remember the old testament referred to as a city without gay or city with gates and bars and there was no way to escape it yeah and the reason they couldn't go to heaven when they were in the old testament it's because their sins had not been paid for yet but once jesus died and his soul went to show and he paid for those sins once he was resurrected he was able to take those sows from oh to heaven with him the second thing is what i want you to notice and this is where i was going second thing i want you to notice that before jesus sinned in heaven he first descended into the lower parts of the earth look back at verse 9 you see what i'm talking about now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first this is the correct sequential lord events into the lower parts of the earth the lower parts of the earth always referred to it didn't matter if you were a greek or a jew you knew that oh was in the lower parts of the earth so there's no doubt that what paul was talking about is that jesus descended into shaho or what we would call hell in hebrew it shall in greek it's hades in english it's hell but they all refer to the same place so when jesus work was done in hell he took those who were held captive in the bosom of abraham to heaven with him yeah and that's what the apostles creed says it says he suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again from the dead so historically the church has always taught that when jesus died his sow descended into hell in order to pay the penalty for our sins and if you want to verify what i'm telling you all you have to do is go back and read the writings of clement of alexandria tertullian cyril of alexandria origen athanasius and thomas aquinas and what you'll find is that they all believe that when jesus died his soul descended into hell in order to pay for our sin in fact the two greatest scholars of the reformation who were the two greatest scholars of the reformation you should know john calvin and martin luther yeah the two greatest scholars of the reformation calvin and martin luther believe that when jesus died his soul descended into hell in order to pay for our sin in fact let me read a portion from john calvin's book called the institutes of the christian religion this is the one volume set you can also get them in three volumes i have both sets but let me say something about this john calvin wrote this but the reason it's so important today i don't recommend that you actually buy it and read it i had to read it because my degree was in biblical literature with an emphasis in historical theology so i had to learn how doctrines formed through the history of the church how these doctrines came about and what's interesting is this is one of the required readings but the reason this book was so important is because this was the very first systematic theology book of the church yeah no one had ever written a systematic theology book till john galvin came along and john calvin said i'm going to write a systematic theology book but he didn't call it that he called it the institutes of the christian religion yeah now you can find what i'm getting ready to read on page number 331 in fact if you want to come up afterwards you can actually read it here i'm going to read it to you i put it in my notes so that i don't have to hold a book while i read it but anyways follow along as i read this from john calvin's book here's what he says but apart from the creed what creed is he talking about the apostles creed but apart from the apostles creed we must seek for a sure exposition of christ descent to hell why because remember in the reformation it was not we're not basing what we believe on tradition it's scripture so the scripture in other words only scripture will we base our doctrines on so john calvin says hey apart from the creed we have to seek a more sure exposition of christ's entail and notice what he says and the word of god the bible furnishes us with one not only pious and holy but replete with excellent consolation so what he's telling you is jesus descending to hell isn't just stated in the apostles creed you need to understand something the scripture teaches that let's keep reading nothing had been done if christ had only endured cor corporeal death if you're in cherokee county you pronounce that corporeal but actually it's corporeal what does corporeal mean it means bodily death so what he's telling you is nothing has been done if only christ died on the cross if all jesus suffered was the death of his body you're still in your sin that's what john calvin is telling you some of you believe that all jesus did was die on the cross and that was enough i get all these comments all the time because my sermons are out there on youtube and vimeo and all of these different places and most people watch them with an open mind but you get a few that don't and they'll say this is a heretic don't listen to him he believes that jesus descended into hell yeah along with all of the early church fathers and along with the scriptures this is what john calvin is saying he's saying if jesus just died on the cross you're still in your sin let's keep going in order to interpose between us and god's anger in other words pay for this in order to be a propitiation and to expiate your sin in order to do that in order to interpose between us and god's anger and satisfy his righteous judgment it was necessary that he should feel the weight of divine vengeance when also it was necessary that he should engage as it were at close quarters with the powers of hell and the of eternal death he undertook and paid all the penalties which must have been exacted from them the only exception being that the pains of death could not hold him hence there is nothing strange that being said that he descended to hell let me say that again in his words he's saying there's nothing wrong with saying that because that's exactly what he did you shouldn't think it's strange that we say that he descended to hell seeing he endured the death which is inflicted on the wicked by an angry god what is inflicted upon the wicked by an angry god when they die they go to hell go to hell how many of you believe that when a person doesn't who doesn't receive jesus christ their lord and savior when they die they go to hell if you didn't raise your hand i've got news for you you're wrong if you don't accept jesus christ as your lord and savior and you die you're going to hell because you said i don't want jesus to pay for my sins i'll pay for my own sins and you will john calvin here says seeing he endured the death which is inflicted on the wicked by an angry god when a person dies god inflicts this upon them what does he do he sends them to hell then he goes further the creed what creed the apostles creed the creed appropriately adds the invisible and incomprehensible judgment which he endured before god you didn't see what he did when he went to hell it's invisible but let me tell you it's every bit as real as what he died on the cross to teach us that not only was the body of christ given up as the price of redemption but there was a greater and more excellent price that he paid and what price was that that he bore in his soul the tortures of a condemned and ruined man in other words his soul went to hell martin luther believed that too not because that's the tradition of the church but because the word of god teaches that so as you can clearly see calvin believed that when jesus died his soul descended into hell in order to pay for our sin so historically the church has always taught and believed that jesus didn't just die on the cross and that was it no when he died his sow descended into hell in order to pay the penalty for our sin of course today you have those scholars who or people who've been influenced by liberal scholars who don't believe that the bible says what it means or means what it says so they twist the word of god to try and make it say what they want it to and they want to make it sound like well you know really jesus didn't have to do that much to pay for our sin in fact let me show you a video clip of several scholars doing that let's run that video clip he descended into hell actually refers to what happened to jesus on the cross that on the cross he descended into hell in the sense of suffering the consequences of sin penalty of sin as we should have done he paid hell as it as we could say on the cross there and then the descent into hell means the agony that christ suffered on the cross that the agony the spiritual agony that christ suffered in that cry of abandon meant that he descended into the hell that human beings suffer and that the hell was on the cross and that that cry of abandonment exemplifies the pain of hell in other words what they're saying is jesus so didn't go to hell it was hell being on the cross that was his descent people that's not what the scriptures teach in fact that doesn't even line up with the mosaic sacrificial system because when you you would slay the animal the sacrificial animal you had to take the fat of the animal and you had to take certain organs and you took it to the altar where the flame was and you burned it upon the altar and it symbolizes the soul being punished for the sin because that was a penal substitution for the person's sin yeah yeah but scholars want to come in and twist things if they're liberal people that's not true the bible says what it means and it means what it says when jesus died his soul descended into hell in order to pay the penalty for our sin and that's where he was during those three days and three nights between his death and his resurrection but when all of our sin was paid god raised him from the dead and when he raised him from the dead he took captive those in captivity who were those in captive not those in the place of torment they weren't looking for the messiah but he took those who were in paradise aka the bosom of abraham and he took those sows to heaven with them they were part of the first fruits yeah now what happened to the two thieves that were on the cross because jesus said to one of the thieves today you will be with me in paradise well look back at the timeline on the back wall i want to show you something we put two crosses up here those two crosses represent the thieves now we put them on either side of them and the reason we did that is because that's how it's naturally depicted the problem is this is what i want you to see is before jesus death burial and resurrection you were still in the old testament period the new testament period did not begin until the resurrection of jesus christ everyone with me in other words the new covenant is not initiated until after the resurrection so when do the thieves die do they die under the new testament or the old testament they died under the old testament so when those two thieves died where do they go well one was a believer and one was not a believer in fact one's saying well if you're the christ you do this the other one rebukes him says don't say that can't you see he doesn't deserve to die we do deserve to die jesus looks at the one and he says today you'll be with me in paradise where's paradise bosom of abraham so you've got these two thieves when they die both bodies are buried but the one thief goes to the bosom of abraham aka paradise now later on where's paradise after the jesus ascension and his resurrection paradise is now heaven it's where you're comforted but before that you couldn't go to heaven because your sins hadn't been paid for everyone with me the unbeliever so goes to the place of torment now let me ask you another question is jesus god not a trick question is jesus god yes jesus is god if jesus is in god your sins haven't been paid for because he wouldn't have the attribute of infinitude which would mean that he can't die for everyone he can only die for one person but jesus is god now he emptied himself while he walked on this earth that's what philippians chapter 2 tells us it's called the kenosis doctrine but i want you to understand something jesus is and was god so as god jesus is omnipresent now let me ask you another question is god in hell what'd the pastor do today what'd he teach on he stumped us he asked us is god in hell is god in hell yes god is in hell why do i say that because god is omnipresent omnipresent means that god is everywhere at all times if god was not in hell then god wouldn't be omnipresent it would also mean that he's not omnipotent because his power is not in hell therefore he's not all powerful he's powerful everywhere except in hell because he's not there but god is everywhere at all times in fact the scriptures teach that look with me if you would in psalms chapter 139 verses 7 through 8 where can i go from my spirit or where can i flee from my presence if i ascend to heaven out there if i make my bed in sheol behold thou art there you see what david is saying there's nowhere i can go that you're not there i can't flee your presence if i make my bed and show you're there your presence is there let me show you something else that will kind of screw with you look in revelation chapter 14 verses 9 through 10 what happens to the people who took the mark of the beast notice what it says then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast in his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of god which has poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he who's he the one who takes the mark and worships the beast in his image he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lord they're going to be cast into hell but they're still in the presence of the lamb yeah so when he told the thief on the cross he said today with you will be with me in paradise what he was saying is you're going to go to paradise i'll be with you because my presence is there i'm on the present but my soul is going to hell to pay for your sins so you can't be in paradise my soul is going to hell so you can be taken captive to heaven i'm changing locations where paradise is it's going to be it's going to move from the from the bosom of abraham to heaven yeah that's what he's saying now let me say this because this is used quite a bit someone who doesn't believe that jesus went to hell in order to pay for our sin they'll say this well jesus said it is finished in other words everything he needed to do pay for our sin is finished that's not what that means at all jesus is our passover lamb did you know that yeah jesus was crucified on passover but more specifically he died just as the very final lamb was being slain the lamb of the high priest let me explain something to you josephus tells us in fact it's up here if you want to read it afterwards josephus tells us that in 65 a.d over 256 500 lambs were slain it was an automatic process what you did on april the 10th is you picked out your lamp had to be spotless had to be without blemish for your family everyone did that but something else happened the high priest went and he picked out his lamb that was going to be the land for the whole nation in fact when jesus does his triumphal entry he upstaged the high priest because what normally happened is on the eight on on the nissan the 10th when they would take his his hi the high priest would take his lamb he would come into the city and everyone would come out and they would have these palm branches and they're waving them but something upstage is the high priest as he's coming into the city jesus writes in on a coach and all the people start waving to him and boy it infuriates not only the high priest but all the pharisees and they said do you hear what they're saying shut em up jesus of course is the final passover so he's the passover lamb he says if i shut them up said even the rocks will cry out but anyways so he comes in and for four days he goes to the temple because every day when aft on the 10th after you picked out your lamb you had to inspect them every day to make sure there was no blemish on the 14th of nisan you're going to kill it now as i said josephus said over 256 thousand lambs were brought to jerusalem to celebrate the feast of passover and they had to be brought to the temple and people look at that and go how in the world did they do that well people let me just tell you it was like an assembly line all these priests were there and you brought your lamb in and they slit its throat they caught the blood they passed it on you took the lamb out the next lamb's brought they cut the throat they take the blood they pass it on they get an empty one they're doing this and they've got these these got these lines and the one at the very end is taking that blood and he's throwing it up on the altar it starts at nine o'clock but by three o'clock you've got to be finished because the high priest has other duties he's got to go mark the sheaves that's going to be used in preparation for the feast of first fruits that always happens on the first day of the week so three o'clock is over and at three o'clock the high priest is now going to sacrifice his passover land so he walks up to the altar it's not it's in a different place and everyone sees that that's still there and he lays his hands on there he's laying on confessing the sins of the nation they take this passover lamb and they cut it and they catch the blood and as they catch the blood they pass it until the high priest takes it throws and then he takes a step back and he puts up his arms and he says it is finished and what he means by that is that's the last passover lamb to be slain yeah no other lamb can be slain now this is the last one at the very time the bible says at 3 o'clock the very time that the high priest is doing that jesus in john 19 tells us verse 30 is on the cross and he raises up one last time and he says it is finished and he dies signifying that i am the final passover lamb also signify that the old covenant is coming to an end the new covenant will be initiated on my resurrection but when he said it is finished he didn't mean that the sow didn't have to go to hell he meant i'm the final passover lamb slain for the nation but more importantly for the world there never has to be another one because i'm it yeah that's what he meant by it is finished yeah now why is this important in other words what does it matter whether jesus so went to hell or not well i'll tell you why it matters it matters because it's proof that all of my sins have been paid for so when i die i don't have to go to the bosom of abraham instead i get to go to heaven to be with my lord and savior in fact let me show you what happens today in the new testament period when people die okay in the new testament you have two people these two people they represent the categories two categories one categories people who believe in jesus and accept him as their personal lord and savior if you had a category of believers who say no jesus is not my lord and savior so when they die their bodies go into the ground when you die your body's going to go into the ground if you're a believer your soul goes to heaven to be with the lord in his presence if you're an unbeliever your soul goes to the place of torment now one day this is what's great the bible says that jesus is going to come back and those who have died are going to come back with him and he tells us in 1st thessalonians chapter 4 that all those who are in heaven that are coming back with him their bodies are going to rise from the grave and be reunited with their soul and they're going to have a resurrected body just like jesus that's why the apostles creed after he says he is sitted we talk about what we believe in the very end we get to and says and we believe in the resurrection because my mama's dead but if i don't die before the rapture happens when i'm raptured i'm gonna see my mama in a physical body it looks like she's about 28 years old i want to see my dad in a resurrected body yeah we go back to heaven we're going to enjoy the marriage feast of the lamb and then we're coming back with him to reign and rule during the millennium
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Allen Nolan
Views: 1,949,240
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Keywords: jesus in hell, jesus in hell for 3 days, jesus in hell three days, jesus in hell 3 days scripture, jesus 3 days in hell, what did jesus do in hell for 3 days, what jesus did in hell, what did jesus do in hell, jesus went to hell for 3 days, did jesus go to hell for 3 days, jesus in hell bible verse, jezus in de hel, jesus 3 days and 3 nights, jésus en enfer, allen nolan jesus in hell, allen nolan, 9n1a0, p1an8, 9a1n2, n9a1p, a0p1n, allen nolan sermon, pastor allen nolan sermon
Id: P4PbZToFNu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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