Five Resurrection Facts That Occurred by 36 A.D.

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thank you thank you Jim I hope I remember my lecture this is about my only my third time doing this one but I do have a question for you that was serious comment I do have a question how many of you have heard the timeline lecture that I do oh the hands are already going up oh man how many again how many have you seen it how many of you seen the five times or more how many have you seen it ten times or more how many have you seen the 15 times or more or getting down how many have seen that 20 times or more one there is a guy in England I used to go over there every year he had seen it 63 times that's the record right now okay all back to tell you this I'm not doing that today but I'm doing a wee little piece of it but we're going to zero in on a little piece very specifically the timeline argument and I'll be making use of this I usually walk across the whole front I don't need it today it's shorter uh and that would be creation down there and that's 2022 down there and on that chart we put the death of Jesus at 30 A.D and we moved down to the gospels then back to the early years and when you do history generally speaking there's two kinds of data you want up front early data and eyewitness data now if you if you've ever been a reporter or a journalist you know the importance of early eyewitness data and you can have one without the other you can have an early report that's your say and it's not eyewitness you could have an eyewitness report that's not early and my example of that what you said well how could it be if the person's an eyewitness well here's an example I always remember the story of a man who fought World War II so you think in 1940s and he did his Memoirs of World War II in the early 90s that's 50 years later I witnessed yes early no and it's better to get somebody who recalls better he can you can look for look for backup for what they're saying there's a lot of other tests for historicity it's a big subject to how you write history but early and eyewitness are two of the best evidences now here's what I want to talk about today and that is five events from 30 A.D up to 36 A.D so it's just a real small piece of the timeline and I'm going to have a little break in there that's not one of the five but I want to talk about something else that's gone at the same time so that's the whole lecture five things and what's going on when these five started because it's fascinating and it's new and you almost won't see it anywhere unless you know where to look so let's start like this most Scholars Jesus died by crucifixion in 30 A.D the second most popular year is not 29 or 31. the second most popular is 33. and you remember that this time of year when you go out look at the Moon and so on because you have to get the Passover right to get the crucifixion right so 33 is the second most popular year yeah actually some pretty major Scholars who go for 33 but it's irrelevant because you can call it Ground Zero as far as I'm concerned we're going to work from Ground Zero to see what are the early eyewitness sources okay now a couple problems right away a lot of Christians hear this this is the way they argue and this is why critics complain they'll say but Matthew says and Mark says and Luke says and John says and the person goes illegitimate circular argument I'm not accepting you why you're using Prejudice sources how so those are Christian sources you wouldn't like what I was doing if I gave you all atheist sources okay let's start again where's your data and a lot of Christians are frozen at that point they don't know what to do they could say hey how about some arguments that the gospels are reliable well I think that's great you can use reliability arguments but reliability arguments take a long time to develop who are the authors what do you do with so-called contradictions the number one most common critique from 1799 for president 70.99 is the beginning of what was called German liberalism by a book called on religion by Friedrich schleimacher a German liberal and from that time to date and even a little before him the most common objection to Christians is your gospels contain contradictions and our comeback is oh no I've got these books on my shelf that deal with contradictions and some of them are really really good and they are they're really really good but if you start playing that I won't call it a game but if you start going like that they're going to keep going until you don't remember one or one's not in the book or whatever and some of them are quite pithy to be honest with you but here's the question from 1799 until the present how come a lot of people including critics believe in the resurrection and they still believe there's contradictions in the Gospels I'm not saying that's your view but I'm asking and it's not mine you know where I teach so you know My Views but they think there are problems in the Gospels it doesn't keep them from accepting the resurrection so it's not a great objection it's like something to stump Christians or something or they think it's a good objection but it's not let me give you an example if you're doing a report on the Revolutionary War and you go to your favorite Library University library and you're getting all this data and you hear in interviews with people and someone says oh that testimony from George Washington's bogus he never cut down a cherry tree and said he he won't lie that's bogus oh you're are you using you are oh it's bogus too but I bet you can still turn in a good paper on what happened during the Revolutionary War bogus Stories won't take the the pithiness out of the story you'll still have enough everybody has to deal with with problems and so if you have a shuffle of books on the Revolutionary War and George Washington Thomas Jefferson they can have problems in it and you can still get a history art Urban the famous uh probably best known atheist New Testament scholar he says when I use stories about the life of Jesus I'm going to get some things from the Gospels I'm an atheist and I don't believe the gospels are reliable so you're asking me why I'm using this data and I'm using it I'm using these data because they are the earliest sources for this what we're talking about and then he said gives this example if I'm doing a report on the Revolutionary War if I could interview George Washington I would be glad to do so even though he's prejudiced she won that big battle of course he is rated how many of the British he killed of course but we can you know we can study these things and find out what's going on so there's ways to deal with problems and Barbara himself said there's a lot of things in the gospels that are historical even if you think there's issues now just keep these things in mind because I'm going to work through them and tell you why they're not issues okay Barbara myself let me go down here and let's call this the crucifixion we're working this way for Five Points barterman gives 15 independent sources for the crucifixion of Jesus within a hundred years which he thinks is a fair period of time for ancient history a hundred sources for Jesus's crucifixion for over a hundred years now the earliest biographies are of Alexander the Great are just short of 300 years later 300. the earliest biographies and writings about Buddha are mostly 600 to 800 years after he died and I could go on and on but these aren't bad examples these are two of the best examples um Alexander's history and Buddha and religion says no the gospels are a lot closer than that they're only decades away and even the last of them John is within my 100 year limit you could go from 30 to 130 John's way before that so this is good we can learn a lot about and you wonder so you do think there's facts about Jesus even though you think there's discrepancies yeah in fact I think there's mostly discrepancies but I think we can learn a lot about Jesus okay that's where I'm going to start here now next principle I'm going to use what I call a minimal facts argument which says well I play around with my students and I'll say minimal facts argument is a heads I win tells you lose argument but here's how the minimal facts argument works I'm only going to use data today that have two characteristics number one they're multiply evidenced on many many levels I'm only going to use six they're not anything to do with these five I mean these are mixed in with them but I'm not unpacking those six they're multiply evidence in fact we just finished the if some of you know I'm doing a magnum opus on the resurrection right now it's 5 300 pages long the first volume just went to the Publishers yesterday I pushed the button I'm telling you what I'm in a good I'm in a good mood for the first time in several years I can ask this question what am I going to be doing on Mondays so I'm excited but since I just did this volume it's on the evidence for Jesus I spent 400 pages on these minimal facts there's only six of them and most of them virtually all of them I have to stop and think have between 15 and 30 evidences for each one and I'm using the critics rules for finding evidence why do you think the second rule is true nobody argues with them now I'm not talking about guys who believe Jesus never lived but they don't have a college degree and I know you could be very smart and never go to college I know that but but I'm talking about people who have terminal degrees in relevant areas to do Testament research New Testament theology history the classics archeology you talk this language you know the data and even with that group there's 15 to 30ish reasons to believe each of these facts so once again I'm only going to use facts with the critics submit which is a because there are many evidences for them therefore the critics allow them all right I'm only going to use those so we we talked about doing history we want early eyewitness but I'm going to get there the way they get there and I'm not going to use problematic text by definition of what critics call a problematic text I won't even use those I'm going to use the one to establish and I want to argue that from this date in 30 A.D up to 36 there are five events which virtually every scholar agrees to now let me mix something very very clear they're not true because Scholars agree to them how many phds they have how long they've been teaching what schools they teach it they're true because the data say they're true and then as an extra side much less important but it's there everyone allows it in fact many critics whose names you would know have responded to me here or there they'll say I don't have any problem with this facts now someone will say but I wouldn't use the empty tool we'll just I'll say something I've never used empty tomb is great evidence but I'm not I don't use it as any of my minimal facts so if anybody say that they're just misrepresenting my work never has been part of it some use five facts that have many reasons each which critics say is true and here's what I want you to answer how can you hear this much data and not have a resurrection from these facts how do you get out of it now if you're a Critic your job is not to say well I got this problem with how many women women went to the tomb it's irrelevant well how many Angels were there well what are you talking about like where there's 115 40 or what all four gospels have either one or two I mean it's not free you know big discrepancy here not discrepancy at all technically I'm not talking about that stuff but what are you going to do with this evidence how are you going to come up how are you going to come up against this okay that's it all right now I told you before I began the sit the uh the five in six years I want to start with the trend that Scholars are just discovering if you know what books to go to it's been out for a few years some of the latest stuff is this for the longest timing evangelicals don't even kick about this often they'll say if this is when Jesus died and the Gospel of John is written way down there where the seats end because John's written like 65 years later they'll say it is true that John has a higher christology than the other Gospels and and critics would say that's because the story keeps getting bigger bigger over time the evangelicals to say no Jesus was so heavy in his comments that it took them a long time to unpack these things now a well-known New Testament scholar Raymer Brown in the 1990s made a comment and went something like this if Jesus would have returned in the 1990s and read the Gospel of John he would have said that's where I was going in other words I took the church that long to unpack this heavy heavy stuff and we talk about monotheistic Jews who doesn't believe don't believe God has a son and any kind of ontological sense and he's claiming deity and that's heresy and then you realize that Jesus was killed for it the book of Deuteronomy says curse it is a man who hangs on a tree there's a lot of problems here Paul said it's a stumbling block the crucifixion is stumbling block so what are you gonna do with all this but now the field is Switched and most Scholars I think most of the guys who are on The Cutting Edge and they could be critics they don't think we have to go down to John this is a famous phrase that is being noised abroad right now it was sent by a scholar to announce being said more widely I want you to think about this it's heavy heavy heavy stuff Jesus dies and the comment is the earliest christology is the highest christology a what the earliest christology is the highest christology the highest material on Jesus comes out here so soon yep and what does that involve well this High christology includes the following yes Jesus was born of Mary and he lived about 30 years but he was pre-existent he lived with his father from the beginning wow that's heavy pre-existence That's Heavy here's another one many passengers say that he sat on the right hand of God whoa when he's before the high priest in Mark 14 which may be the best verses for the deity of Christ in the gospels Mark 14 61-64. the high priest says to him are you the Christ the son of the blessed one and he's using Jewish language because he doesn't want to mention God's name are you the Christ the son of the blessed one are you the Messiah Christ the son of God and Jesus says now he spoke Aramaic but of course your new testament your gospels are in Greek and in the Greek Jesus says ago and me I am all right high priest probably thinking we're getting somewhere here because remember he brought the other Witnesses in he'll destroy the temple and he made them all leave to think there were good arguments are you the Christ the son of above just monoi mono just just tell me to my face I'm tired of this cutting up stuff do you believe you're the Christ the son of God I am now there are discussions about this whether that Comet was the same as the I am of Exodus 3 that's another loaded comment most people think it's not he's probably just saying yes but the first problem is for the Jewish high priest he said I am second problem and henceforth you'll see the son of man now the high priest should go whoa whoa whoa whoa I ask you if you were the Christ the son of God and you're giving me the son of man language come on haven't you read the Psalms it's not a man is a man hello [Music] what could this do to answer my question by saying I'm a man he doesn't do that you know why he doesn't son of man is as high a title of deity as Son of God is at least arguably so are you the Christ the son of the blessed one yes I am henceforth you'll see the son of man he says coming on the clouds I'm out the only person who comes on the clouds in the Old Testament is God so these guys are getting hot out of the collar in sports you'll see the son of man coming on the clouds and seated on the right hand of God that's a No-No in fact most commentators think that's the one he said that was the most offensive to them see the other hand God remember pre-existent right-handed God and he was worshiped well they don't want that last thing to come so they say he's a blasphemer that you know the story he goes over to pilate he does but that high christology is there a lot of people think that the minute I mean minute I mean it might be a few days it might be a week you know Pentecost doesn't come for for 50 days so it could have been a couple months but pretty soon right after the death of Jesus a high christology is being preached in the book of Acts I know this stuff's heavy but just track with me and I think it'll I'll come out for you and in these early acts sermon summaries that people think not the book of Acts but the sermon summaries date to the 30s A.D 30s A.D critics think Jesus is called lord that's a real No-No because Adonai is the translation of the Old Testament word for Yahweh now I am not saying that as I was accused by a new testament critic just recently of saying I'm not saying Jesus and Yahweh are numerically the same person Christian doctrine is same nature three persons we don't say the son is the father and they'll be hopeless you know it'd be heresy but Lord is a very lofty phrase and it's what was used for Jehovah in the Old Testament I'm just saying whatever that parses out to this is pretty heavy stuff and Jesus said I'll be sitting in the right hand of God and coming out of the gates right here pretty soon we find evidence for the following minimum two things worship of Jesus starts right away didn't wait till John remember they pick up stones and John when he they think he's claiming to be God they pick up stones but see John that would be back there right during Jesus Earthly Ministry so they pick up stones to kill them but in the early church he's being worshiped blasphemy he is he said he would be seated on the right hand of God and the church also believed he existed from eternity past even though he was born to marry at a point in time that's heavy stuff but the church began to teach these things here not there they taught him down there you can find the Gospel of John but notice my language they began to teach it here they didn't begin to teach it down there you all with me so far this is just the intro very high christology a little bit about how to do history early in eyewitnesses and high christology now got a question for you we're starting to five arguments fire departments in six years what shot this message out of the Canon from right here juice is dead now he said he was going to be right-handed God son of man but he died curse it is a man who hangs on a tree he died what good is what he said before that Saturday after the cross if you believe in a Friday crucifixion uh by the way the three days and three nights that's a euphemism it's not something for you to parse off do you know you can never get exactly three days and three nights no matter what day you make the crucifixion but here's a better comeback in the Old Testament there are two texts one says three days later the other one says three days and three nights both examples are the day after tomorrow because Jews County part of the day is a full day so Jesus Is Dead something starts this stuff in a few months it's shot out of a cannon they were bold they said we ought to be God rather man they were whipped and beaten up early on in the book of Acts James with Stephen A Stone he's not one of the twelve but Stephen a stone and a few chapters later James the brother of John the son of Zebedee not the brother of Jesus but the brother John is they think beheaded it says he was killed by the sword which usually is a phrase for he was beheaded the way the Romans did it but the brain of the Romans beheaded they didn't use an ax or Guillotine or anything like that so things were already happening and we learned the early chapters of Acts that everybody's scattered except for the twelve I mean things were going on here and it was heavy but they're carrying a message for him why were they that willing they were transformed to the point of being willing to die and some of them did you can't you can't prove all the apostles died not from early sources but they're willing to you go how do you know they were willing to you can't read their minds I'm not reading their minds I'm reading their shoes uh sorry sandals um here's how you get that if I go into a city where I was beat up the last time I went and I have some followers there and I want to check up on the church and I have what it takes to go back in that City again I'm taking my life on my own hands especially if I have a stone like Paul was at lystra and so something's happening here my question again is what's the Canon that shoots this stuff out revolutionizes christology and yeah it's in the pre-christian Jesus ego on me henceforth you'll see the son of man coming out of clouds seed on the right hand of God and like I said one is they're worshiping him out here a little bit who knows how long they're worshiping him very short time and secondly they're using Old Testament texts that refer to Yahweh and they're applying them to Jesus isn't that blasphemy Isaiah I will not I will not share my glory with anybody else and they're willingly sharing it with Jesus his own disciples what's going on something shot this out of a cannon and here's the answer in one word it's the resurrection I know you know that but picture the kind of Boom this would be he said he was going to rise again he made all kinds of incredible claims I don't know what to think remember Peter Peter kind of had a habit of putting his foot in his mouth a little bit but Peter said no no I'll go with you to the death it'll never happen and of course Peter has a sword in the garden and slices off the ear of the servant and Jesus heals them Peterson I'll be there with you from the beginning they misunderstood him and he thought he meant something else what happened on Friday when he died Saturday is a very bad day in church history it's often called Black Saturday a lot of depression I don't know about you guys I told you I have a decision on what I want to do on Monday the disciples had that decision some of them decided to go fishing I don't know maybe Matthew said I think there's still a place for me tax collecting I don't know but I hate to say it but guys does this seem like a failed profit to you oh don't say that don't say that I can't think about this what was that Saturday like and then they see him on Sunday and their emotions and their message exploded and we have them saying right here he's pre-existent he's Seated on God's right hand and he's to be worshiped we take the Old Testament verses that applied to Jehovah and apply him to Jesus so what five things happened after the Resurrection went off after the cannon went off okay here's number one most of you are going to know probably three of these five they're gonna sound like old hat but I want to put them in a line for you so no these are very hard objections to answer if you're a Critic number one James the brother of Jesus becomes a believer this is important Mark chapter 3 Mark chapter 6 John chapter 7. all say the brothers of Jesus were not Believers in fact John says it explicitly the brothers did not believe it's much harsher in Mark 3 and Mark 6. they the townspeople and the disciple and the brothers seem to agree in the text the townspeople Think Jesus is mentally Disturbed the Greek said says that he was beside himself sort of like I don't know schizophrenic two of you I don't know but it wasn't a nice complaint they thought he was nuts and the God and the disciple I mean the brothers apparently tried to get him out of the way so you're not an embarrassment to the family they're not believers so what happens as far as we know we get to the cross and James doesn't believe now this next point I can only make an inference I don't have any it's just a thoughtful comment I don't have any evidence but on the cross in the Book of John John commits his mother to whom I'm sorry Jesus commits his mother's little okay guess what John why did he give his mother to James now it could be it could be a real simple answer James just wasn't there now it explains a little bit he's embarrassed by Jesus yeah the cross is embarrassment anybody can read Deuteronomy I just don't have any reason to be around it could be that simple but it could be because Jesus wanted to commit his mother to someone who believed now don't know about that but Jesus comes back Luke says he was on the earth for 40 days appearing it's the only place we get that New Testaments in Acts chapter 1. and then Jesus ascends few days later is Pentecost plus 50 50 days and there's an event there in chapter one right after you use the sentence and we call it the upper rule there are about 120 people there trying to digest all of this but they know Jesus has been raised and they've seen him go and presumably he'll come back but we won't see him or at least not for a while actually Jesus told his disciples at one point Luke you will want me to return you will want this and you will not see that day so for those who say Jesus mistake about Timeless return on I mean he says in Mark 13 I don't know that day or hour he tells the disciples they will not see the event and so they're sad because he's gone but they're Overjoyed because he's raised well guess who's in the upper room Mary and the boys I got a hard time thinking thinker at that point but I have a hard time he's going through all this and that kind of about face and he's not a Believer yet he may not have been he might be very close but I got a feeling James's conversion comes between the cross and that Upper Room experience he's got about 50 days there or a little afterwards uh it's not Pentecost yet but we weren't told it's exactly after that point so he's got a over 40 days let's say two be in the fold and he believes because he saw the Risen Jesus the Canon kind of caught him in its fire and he realized if he were raised from the dead all the stuff that I made fun of and didn't believe was apparently false and I'm the false not really Prophet but I'm the false teacher okay so James James's conversion is huge given Mark 3 Mark 6 John 7. this is also scripture okay second point there's a word in the New Testament homologia now logia if you know anything about Greek logia means sayings homologia has to do with the earliest message to which everybody agreed this is the early material that everybody agrees to of the homologia the homologia is centered around who Jesus was and what he did what we call christology and as the some of the best experts on this um have written that these events always include these three he's deity he died he was raised from the dead now you could pack that out theologically his deity how do you claim that was Son of God their son of man and so on there's Lord secondly died you can add for our sins you compact this the object he was raised bodily so you can unpack these things but deity death Resurrection was the homologia homologia means again the earliest message which is most surely to be believed among all of us this is the center of the Christian message and was taught immediately it's used all it's used in the New Testament as this early message okay so we're getting out of the gate here I mean just before it's over Jesus is dead but before it's over the cannon goes off fires everybody up inspires him for the future and James is in the fold number two when they do start preaching they start preaching about the homologia that early material which is of Central and common consent okay third at this time there are some what we call creedal Traditions now this takes a little bit of explaining the creedal traditions think that Jesus's audiences included 70 to 90 percent of his hearers that were illiterate no offense but they couldn't they couldn't write their name they appreciated hearing his oral messenger try to pack it as best they can but they can't write their name so they're illiterate now in education today we know how to teach people who are illiterate uh we start teaching them early right we teach them ABCs you put these in short words put them in a short sentence you can teach them little nursery rhymes they can't write their name but they know secular examples like row row row your boat gently down the stream now it rhymes so when they go home to tell our folks what they learned today they remember this little thing or at least parts of it here's a religious example Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a Wretch like Me I once was lost but now I'm found but was blind but now I see you can be illiterate not be able to sign your name and to be able to say row row row your boat and or Amazing Grace how sweet to sound and not be able to write your name the way you do this is they teach these little ditties that people can remember now for us I dare say Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound is more important than row row row your boat or Jack and Jill went up the hill but they can teach a person to read they're important they have their place but the gospel goes out if you teach it the right way you teach kindergarteners about the gospel or to say the books of the Bible and you teach them these things so the The Next Step there the third step are these Creeds and these Creeds are very very early very very early how early well some people believe these Creeds these creedal statements we have many of them in the New Testament there are dozens in our Epistles rarely in the gospels but many of them in the Epistles here's a great example one of our after John 3 16 one of the next few most memorized verses Romans 10 9. if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God's raised from the dead you'll be saved now notice Lord the word not the same person as Jehovah but this same word that is used to translate Jehovah there's some significance there died well he rose and because he died that's the way the verse runs confess with Jesus the Lord believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead that's one of them how about First Corinthians 11. many of you read it in your church one Sunday every month or some of you do it every Sunday I deliver and you Paul says that which I also receive from the Lord that and here comes the communion he took the bread he blessed that he gave thanks is my body was broken for you notice the atonement in the gospel are right in there just to remember me took the cup after this is my blood shed for you we're still in the gospel this dude remembered to me some Scholars think that that early Creed goes back to Jesus himself Paul says I gave you that's what I also received from the Lord so it could have been credilized from that early meal just before the crucifixion this is exciting stuff but there's many many crazies in the New Testament one of the most exciting ones is First Corinthians chapter 15. verses 3 to 7. and it starts out like First Corinthians 11. and Paul says I delivered unto you that which also receives see if this were modern writing he'd have to put a footnote here he said I got this from somebody else I'm this is an ancient footnote I delivered unto you that which I also received how the Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures there's the gospel again buried Rosie in the third day and appeared to Peter and the twelve and in this list you have two individuals Peter and James the brother of Jesus and three groups the twelve 500 and a group called all the apostles which all all Scholars come up with is a group remember apostles were chosen because they uh shared in the resurrection appearances and but they're larger than the 12. so three groups the best evidenced appearance of Jesus this system aside the best evidence appearance of Jesus is to the twelve so Luke 24 it's in John 20 twice in John 20 feet if you count stage two when Thomas is there it's in the Creed it's in the ACT sermon summaries and we get this data really early so a lot of Scholars think these Creeds were in existence before Paul got to Damascus and he was probably angry the Creeds probably really got him upset it's the stuff that Jesus was killed for back to the days of the draft he's a blasphemer false orthodox jewishly orthodox and he doesn't believe this he's Pharisee the conservatives and he's probably on his way to do something why was he sitting there holding the coach for those who stoned Stephen don't tell me he didn't hear Stephen's sermon go back and read it in Acts 7. don't tell me he didn't hear some of that don't tell me he didn't know what these people believed as Scholars allow whatever you do with the creedal thing statements about Jesus were all over the place prior to Paul's conversion including statements about his crucifixion death and Resurrection they were there and the Jesus some are if you know this group how many know the Jesus seminar is and a lot of you these are the guys that throwed the beads in the Hat red means something happened pink means it probably happened gray means probably not in Black means no way they do this Creed and Paul says last of all he appeared to me you know what color they count that red the Creed starts out he appeared to Peter and the twelve what's Peter pink probably and the and the Jesus seminar guys very very critical Scholars they go you know why Peter's pink and Paula's red because we have Paul's comment he's an eyewitness we don't have Peter say these sodges if we had Peter saying he saw you should be red but we only have the Creed saying he saw Jesus so we think it's probably pretty liable we call it pink and then they added a footnote the women saw him too so right away you have for starters you have Paul Peter and the women saying yes he appeared well the Jesus seminar the same group they voted as a group that First Corinthians 15. three to seven pre at least the material in it pre-dates Paul's conversion so if you're watching Jesus dies in 30 A.D the explosion happens that weekend it's around for 40 days the preaching is being taught Paul's getting angry Paul hears the teaching the disciples are James comes the Lord probably the critics didn't even notice James came to the Lord preaching starts Paul's getting angrier like when he holds Pete Stevens coat and hears everybody talk about it and now he's on his way to Damascus and critics Point put this at unanimously to make a difference you believe or unbeliever just be a scholar and they put this event at two to three years after the cross two to three years after the cross he's on the way to Damascus who knows what he's thinking probably Blasphemous thoughts about Blasphemous people and another Canon Jesus appears out of nowhere to Paul and Paul becomes a believer that's a huge event and it's number four James the earliest preaching get he just passed away recently but a German atheist New Testament scholar who said the preaching of the appearances of Jesus happened immediately after the events that's homologia the Creeds start and this Creed starts Sometimes some of them are pre-paul line I mean there's different senses of pre-paul line but they're before Paul's conversion many scholars believe that by the time of his conversion they're willing to swing and then the fifth event here probably it's a majority several Scholars say it's the consensus New Testament View today it's the consensus New Testament view among critics that when Paul went to Jerusalem he gives you the date Galatians 1 Galatians 1 the critics love the book they'll let you quote it all day long Paul said he went up to Jerusalem Amir three years later and he's preaching now I don't know what happened to my time but my my clock disappeared uh I think that means I probably better wrap this up and I got a right time at a wrong time and one of them's right and one of them's wrong so I'll say quickly Paul goes to Jerusalem and Galatians chapter one he spends 15 days with Peter and James Bingo whose names are in that list Peter and James and Paul says last of all he appeared to me they're all there for 15 days what's the theme of The Gospel of the book of Galatians it's all about the gospel you get it too big it's heresy you get too small it's heresy you got to get it just right minimum deity death resurrection of Jesus that's the gospel facts so what do you do with it if you said I do to Jesus that's the message and they're talking about it for 15 days here's my first question then find Paul hey if you guys tell me what you thought on Easter Sunday morning when Jesus appeared to you and broke that depression of Saturday I'll tell you what happened when Jesus appeared to me on the way to Damascus and I realized that what all these Christians were preaching was true let's compare notes I've not heard this from you guys I've not heard it from your own mouths tell me what it was like to be in that room and you saw your lord I'll tell you what it was like when I was struck and blinded for a few days and almost everybody cancer census to consensus New Testament view it all came together this date at the latest it's all here now Paul goes back to Jerusalem 14 years later Galatians 2 and they specifically ask about the gospel content and all the apostles agreed on the date in fact First Corinthians 15 11 repeats it from Paul's Viewpoint and he said whether it's I or them this is what we all teach we all teach the same thing as support and that's back to the homologia that's what they all taught and it's not what they all taught about Jesus Jesus was born in Bethlehem I grew up in Nazareth no what they all agreed on was deity death and Resurrection Nazareth is fine but deity death and Resurrection Folks by this date we have these five events and they're powerful they're historical critics grant them you're going to have to look hard to find critics who don't admit any of them we've got all five we've got more coming he made another trip we got the later creeds thing we know about the Creeds they were all written before the Epistles that's when they're written down for the first time but they are pronounced orally who can refute these five events you pick a naturalistic theory critics don't pick naturalistic theories so much anymore today Bart Herman said he remembers the days when he was Evangelical he used to like people to pick naturalistic theories because the facts slaughtered them he says so today I don't pick naturalistic theories anymore I just think I just say these things don't happen these things don't happen according to your worldview but this is a world where things do happen just heard today from well-known skeptic that one-third of all atheists and agnostics believe in an afterlife figure that one out I'm not making fun of them I'm saying where does it come from on their philosophy philosophy if you believe in an afterlife why are you dogging my view of the Resurrection which is the afterlife so if I have data and you have none I think you have a personal problem it's seriously it's your world view that won't just well you guys are prejudiced Well everybody's prejudiced that's another way to say we're all Sinners I mean we're all prejudiced but here's the difference we have all the data they have none there are no there are no evidences for it that establish atheism none ask them ask your favorite atheist how do you know atheism is true see what they tell you they usually say I don't have to give you any evidences I only have to tell you that I'm not you that's what I mean by atheism but I'm not you yeah right but you told me you're something and when you make an assertion that you're something you got to give me data for it what's your data I don't talk about this I guess you don't so I'll end with this thought only five of these events from that long timeline that I usually do here concentrated these five they're easy to master and give them any Sunday school class you can give them to a Bible study group but since they had since the Christianity is based on the DD death resurrection of Christ and whether somebody said I do to that view of Jesus and by the way you don't say I do it of the history say to the Jesus about whom the history is true when you get married you don't say I do to good looks smart fun to be with I love the jokes you don't marry those things you marry the person who is those things oh and I'm really glad they're a Christian oh wow well that's huge but you marry the person who is those things and we say yes to Jesus you say yes to a person you're asking yes to history deity death Resurrection what do you do with them that's a facts of the Gospel it's all early five events by 36 A.D compare that to Buddha or Alexander or anybody else folks we have the gospel only those who have a world view without data don't like it and we have all the data thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Southern Evangelical Seminary
Views: 437,524
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Id: wWhIVFJ4xUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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