Did Insomniac Make the BEST SPIDER MAN GAME? - Spider-Man PS4 Review

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well this is it everyone after the long wait the turkey convention is finally here was it worth the wait did it live up to our expectations did they finally get the color of the suit right well if I answered these questions in the first paragraph this video wouldn't be that long now would it it's honestly been a bumpy road getting here and I've been a little afraid to write this review because I know people have been waiting for it for so long I have a lot to live up to I guess no pressure right but after stressing myself out like crazy about it I finally figured out what I want to do I'm just gonna say how I feel and that should be good enough let's hop right in and since there's no fall damage that shouldn't be a problem I've made a lot of jokes about people over hyping this game in the last two years and a lot of them misconstrue that for me saying the game will suck I hear a lot of just because you're not excited doesn't mean you have to mock everyone who is which is the finest damn straw man argument this side of the Mississippi no I'm not making fun of people who are excited because I was excited too I took potshots at people who are being unreasonable and having expectations this game could never live up to when people are on ironically pushing for it to be game of the year 2018 two months before it even releases you know there's a problem however I think it lived up to my expectations which were it'll probably just be like the amazing spider-man games but more polished and with a respectable budget and in that regard I wasn't let down at all well unfortunately this game is not the second coming of Christ that has ended all strife and I should fourth a prosperous Golden Age of man it's still pretty good is it definitive Spider Man game good well I guess that's the question we're here to answer aren't we let's take a look at this thing piece by piece and see how it holds up oh there's a standalone and as an addition to a long lineage of dead uncle simulators be warned that there's so much to cover and talk about with this game that I'll probably be listing it out by sections instead of writing clever transitions if you think you could do better write your own 14 page review maybe it's the game we've been looking for that'll finally make you feel like a poor person would weigh too much guilt in high intelligence that he wasted a dead-end job with several failed relationships and extreme depression they mask gameplay okay so there's a lot to sort through here but right off the bat I'm very happy with the combat it feels like insomniac actually did listen up and take notes from the previous videos I think the perfect Spider Man fight mechanic should be like a cross between Ultimates visceral and acrobatic melee moveset spider-man to spider sense dodge and web of shadows web strikes the punches feel powerful and painful you can dodge an enemy's attacks and fluid motions and you can take the fight to the skies and combine movement with the attacks if I were a betting man I'd say it was just a case of parallel thinking in a lot of ways because why on earth would they take the advice of a schmuck like me have you seen how I dress as I requested the combat feels like it has a lot of weight and impact with spider-man's punches carrying a lot of strength he's not shooting lasers out of his hands like in the old days but it feels very visceral and powerful plus you can do all kinds of neat stuff like swing kick from friend or foe bouncing off walls like ultimate in a strong uppercut like in spider-man 2 it's not just mashing two buttons this combat is fun and engaging and it takes a while a fully master I also appreciate that instead of using a counter button like in the Arkham games they just use a spider sense dodge mechanic to hop out of the way when it looks like you're about to get splattered like Charlemagne's head sorry Charlie remember that time Spiderman accidentally killed that lady why don't we talk about that anymore anywho there's plenty of spider-man slaughter to be had in this game to check out all this nice non-lethal friendly neighborhood street justice okay nothing like a bit of the old ultraviolence the only thing I think they could have improved on combat is the aerial battles there are a couple of flying enemies in the game and taking them on feels a little clunky granted the sky combat works but it won't top the web strike from web of shadows God was that a cool mechanic you could fight pretty much any enemy in that game without ever having to touch the ground throw that in the sequel please I mean there's something kind of like the web strike here but it's just it's not it sucks he just whacks them and goes back to standing on the ground like a punk oh I guess the air throws in web yank and whatnot are okay something I think they finally nailed was what to do with spider-man's damn webbing every game has tackled it and couldn't quite figure out how to fully utilize it in comments since he can do so many things with it some games the web's were just a stream to tie guys up sometimes it was wet pellets to stun enemies sometimes it was to swing them around and throw them off buildings come on you know you did it that game solves the conundrum with a simple solution just to have a weapon wheel to cycle through them plus a few other neat gadgets which you're pretty hit or miss impact webbing is awesome you can send criminals flying with it the seismic blast thing is kind of lame because only knocks them back a little bit and it's kind of redundant come on guys we already tried that stick an amazing spider-man 2 it's not really a great idea I mean it kind of works if you drop a web bomb first and then just shove ever on at a wall I guess - lame gadgets used in succession makes for something cool so I'll give them a pass the antigravity bomb thing feels kind of dumb I can't really picture spider-man using something like that pass but not like like a pass like the other things god I mean like like pass them up and whatever okay now this one I like this spider drone may not seem like much but when you fully upgraded its super overpowered just unleash your swarm of robots and by the time you finish punching one guy the other twelve standing behind them are already on the ground sobbing damn this thing's badass I think I'll name him charlie one of the gameplay elements I felt took a step down from the predecessors with stealth combat it's just so unbelievably easy especially considering the amount of gadgets you can use it's like the amazing spider-man games is stealth except well actually yes just like that but even easier just impact webbing every guy near a wall or ledge drop some tripmines around corners let the Charlie swarm over take the thugs like a plague of fashionable mechanical locusts and of course you can just web everyone up to these posts and support beams while they're oblivious friends aren't looking move my nest of corpses I shall feed upon them with my acidic things for I am The Bone Collector my Charlie's will consume this pitiful earth you know what I think you can do pretty much every stealth segments in a couple seconds flat if you're quick enough the enemy AI just doesn't really match up to something like Arkham they're pretty clueless and easy to pick off after a while stealth even starts to get a little repetitive because of this maybe some extra animations for the stealth takedowns wouldn't hurt what happened to webbing guys well on the ceiling or walls maybe they could have done with more event crawling and give you places to hide - it just feels like insomnia max just threw their hands in the air and said whatever to this section the gameplay my god Otto this invention is amazing we could make a mint with this thing I'll start working on the pitch for the Board of Directors right away what's even worse is the stealth sections where you aren't even spider-man long gone are the days where the alternate playable character in your spider-man campaign is someone cool like venom now you got a walk around as people man and dunce cap the dynamic racially diverse duo who do nothing [ __ ] I ruined my alliteration well anyway you sometimes plays these two knuckleheads and these sections feel really stiff and clunky it kills the pacing super hard like you just got done with an uncharted style explosive action set piece and then they ground you as MJ who dies if any enemy so much as looks at her general direction what was the idea behind that having you play as Marvel's answer to Superman one second and the next you be this paper-mache pushover as these sections go on they introduce other mechanics for tricking guards into looking away or moving around the area a bit more but that hardly makes it more engaging then on the last section is MJ you're finally allowed to do a stealth takedown which well then that makes the mission trivial I get what they were doing with these sections but they feel just like ill placed and poorly timed with the game's campaign makes you wish they put as much focus into playing as these characters a Spidey what if MJ had a Taser or a can of mace for the whole game or maybe miles could use some other gadgets to knock out enemies he'll give me a mechanic to just knock furniture over on top of people anything would have been better than nothing you also have sections of just walking around indoors as Peter which isn't anything new but like some people were pushing for playing as Peter in the open world no boring that would be it would be this it's just this that's what you would get annoyed oh you well that's embarrassing what'd they think no one was gonna look up there while the stealth sequences may lack a lot of thought and polish the open-world explanation is the polar opposite the city looks gorgeous and feels livelier than ever before it finally feels like New York has the correct amount of people and cars the city feels dense layered and crowded but never to the point of feeling claustrophobic you still have plenty of room for web-swinging and constant menacing in fact insomniac apparently made the streets wider in the building's taller to accommodate for the spider themed Constabulary to roam around and they also forgot to include Washington Heights again zero out of ten not accurate they didn't have that crack on the street by Fifth Avenue that I saw in the background of a picture once in 2008 swinging around in the city is also extremely relaxing and fun look at all these spider-man II poses he does in the game's animations look so fancy the swinging is just the right speed he has the right amount of physics applied to it and it never gets old granted sometimes you get some cloud swinging but I think that's okay as long as it's not super noticeable it's one thing to have the webs attached like three feet to the left of the building it's another to have it attached like 40 or just attached to no buildings at all speaking of webs not attaching to things they'll never patch this cutscene Plus unlike most open-world games they actually give you a decent amount of things to do in the city it's not like that stupid operation flashpoint Dragon Rising where you can walk from one end of the game's map to the other in 24 hours but it's all just trees and rocks no one is impressed by the size of your game map if there's nothing to do in it Todd but anyway the side missions are plentiful and you'll have a lot of variation that keeps you going after them be it fighting some lower level villains from the comics getting some really well-written dialogue cutscenes or just feeling like you're doing something spider-man would do a lot of these side missions have their own stories and characters that remind me of those one-off spider-man issues from back in the old days of comics like this one where some bird watcher calls Spidey down for help and tells him that something fishy's going on in Central Park and then he has a lot of interesting back and for with her across the mission is she helped you take down the bad guys this feels just like an 80s filler issue and those are some of my favorite Spidey stories you really get a sense that he's a man of the people and a big-time superhero because while he's fighting threats that want to destroy the city and take over the world he also stops to the little stuff no threat is too big or small Spidey is one of the few heroes who would actually stop and go help out a guy who was inspired by him to fight crime in his costume Ironman wouldn't help this dude he'd be dead the side missions are also charming well written well paced and fun that they distract you from playing the main story in fact I was procrastinating the final boss for ages because I was having so much fun bombing around as a street-level hero with all these more down-to-earth troubles but when you do take on these bigger threats that's when he feels like the type of guy who could beat up the entire x-men all at once remember that they had to erase his memory of why he was beating them up so that they could get him to stop people downplay it a lot but spider-man is kind of overpowered and I think this game does a great job of accurately representing his strengths finally a spider-man who knows how to stop a moving vehicle more than once in a row I could call it the bomb squad bombs I are triggers between bottles the bomb triggers bombs underthings time to find those other bombs beyond the story of the side missions the game also puts in plenty of reasons to explore the city and do the street crimes instead of some dumbass arbitrary point system that's hard to keep track of you just get one token per crime and maybe some extra ones if you stop the crime in a specific way what do you get with these tokens the usual upgrades gadgets and who those mad geniuses finally figured out how to give incentive to stop Street crimes they've weaponized our obsession with alternate suits all they gotta do is dangle a fancy new costume in front of us and we actually want to stop thugs for the first time and well never look at all these kick-ass alternate costumes so many slight variations of the classic suit I can't even choose should I wear torn classic suit additional black lions classic suit cel-shaded classic suit shiny classic suit or classic classic suit hey wait a minute otherwise the rest of the suits are pretty cool whatevs I think they just wanted to make a list of ones we haven't really seen before because all the obvious ones seem to be absent ironically in spite of defending this design and my videos leading up to the game when given the choice I never used it during my first playthrough I think I just associate the image of it with all the rude comments from people with it in their profile pics so anyway traversal the open world the unlockables the combat and the side missions are all great it really nailed all that stuff and in spite of my mockeries with their minor flaws I love the hell out of almost all of it however I would be biased if I didn't list off stuff that I think just sucked and not like a bunch of fake cop-out flawed things like oldest games 19 hours long and it would have been better if it were 20 but it's still great or spider-man's suit is a really orange a shade of red we're talking the real stuff like how the wall-crawling mechanic feels like a complete afterthought and you can't climb around 2 inch tall corners come on how can you not get over that why are you struggling get over it stop treating it like Gwen's death and get over it you SAP God they have all these wall-crawling sections that are ripped straight from the PS games but they only work because you're going up a completely flat surface I thought we had this mechanic figured out guys come on what's with these hacking meaning games it's the most generic minigame ever and they take the game's pacing to a grinding halt like you're doing all this high octane super power to action schlock and it just stops you to play the plumbing game from Bioshock for Doc Ock why am i rhyming for like they give you the option to skip these I guess so just do that if you want to cut your playtime in half pro tip for all you MLG speedrunners out there just cheat I love this game's action set-pieces because they're really intricately planned and well animated but it curd to me that pretty much all of them were in the game's marketing and they didn't really have ones we didn't see before when that helicopter chase sequence have been way cooler if we didn't see it a year ago bro you're not gonna believe this I just met spider-man you know I think they won't ever actually cop to naming Myles his friend because the NED ganky situation would confuse casual viewers so nondescript hat-wearing friend you shall remain sir these race missions are pre annoying and you can't really get the gold and then without performing 3.2 million point launches which doesn't really test your ability to swing at all they're not fun like an ultimate spider-man they're just kind of tedious because they have such high expectations for completion also kind of like ultimate spider-man boy taskmaster in this game sure is Deathstroke these bosses are really underwhelming and undercooked I think this game couldn't quite figure out how to mix the big explosion II action set pieces with the battles the bosses are just your pretty standard pattern punch him dodge throw something at him punch him sometimes they don't even have that you just gotta hit the guy until he goes down Spidey is known for all kinds of creative problem-solving with his enemies but that doesn't really factor in here you won't really need to exploit any weaknesses or use some kind of trick to win you can just brute force it why couldn't they do something like you trick electro into shorting out vultures wings or use the spikes that a vulture throws as a lightning rod to drain Electra's powers why not trick scorpion into melting rhinos armor to make him weaker or like anything more engaging than just punching him also this game selection of bad guys is pretty samey of all spider-man's villains they really just use the guys with power armor just just normal dudes using technology to be tough the only one with honest-to-god superpowers is electro and they even gave him some power armor why not throw some variety into the mix with a guy like lizard or Sandman or maybe Mysterio and while it's very thematically and emotionally hard-hitting I still feel like the final boss of this game is really forgettable in terms of gameplay now it's kind of a letdown man you know what else this game need more of high speed chase sequences with super villains I know they're kind of cliche for this series but when the traversal mechanics are this good why wouldn't you want to go chasing after vulture or electro at 90 miles an hour through the sky you get a really great sequence like that with shocker and black cat of course but the only other chases are with vehicles and obviously they don't pose much of a chance of giving you the slip drug-induced dream sequence and floating debris cityscape Arkham did it finding a series of partial handprints throughout a room to fake out a handprint scanner Arkham did it hell they even poached Lucius Fox this backpack thing makes no sense because the webs dissolve after an hour how the hell did he forget Sandman was trapped in a while in one of these backpacks that's like the most dangerous thing ever and he left it on the top of Avengers Tower plus that's pretty unethical Peter god I can't imagine how sandman feels being stuck in there he doesn't even get to see sunlight he just stares at the lint and notebook paper all day for years Jesus graphics this game is gorgeous one of the most breathtakingly pretty games I've played in a long time it really feels like a next-gen experience and this is the first game with a photo mode that I actually want to use I know a big dividing controversy came about from people arguing about the suppose the downgrades from the marketing to the final product well to that I have to say can you show me any big Triple A game that doesn't look better at e3 it's a lot easier to render the game when it's three percent of the size of the final product of course the graphics were gonna take a hit especially since they had to compact it down for a machine that's less powerful than PC it happens to pretty much every game these days good and bad does it suck that the colors and textures aren't as nice sure but they probably cut back on those areas to help with stuff like load times and frame rate this game loads so fast I can't even read the damn hints that's impressive but yes there is a downgrade somewhat and that's to be expected this game still looks wonderful regardless stop freaking out you cultists are planning on suing the developer over this the changes in most areas are pretty negligible and minor and another is it doesn't look much better or worse just different on the flip side you zombie-like apologists are just as bad with all that no the developer said there wasn't one so there isn't why on earth would they say anything otherwise of course they'd be dishonest about it it's not their job to be honest it's their job to make sure people buy their game you'd have to be pretty naive to believe they openly admit to their product being less than advertised out of the kindness of their hearts you know I feel a pretty big I told you so coming on right now because I said parts of the initial III trailer were scripted and a bunch of people kept going no I thought gameplay the developers confirmed it none of that was a cutscene well I sure enjoyed that trip to Harry's coffee shop in the final game didn't you it's kind of weird how this random inner demon guy and mr. negative switch places from the demos to the final game duffle bag come from who did that was it you characters well this game has a lot of characters waddling around doing things in its story campaign so I thought I'd give special attention to how well I think they adapted these fictional people we all know and love it's a shame Josh Keaton couldn't do the voice of Spidey in this game maybe it's because he couldn't do the motion captured Oh what why he was right there what was the point of that well anyway Ben Tenn did a really good job of voicing Sasuke man and he proved he's a very talented digital actor in the same way that Troy Baker or Nolan North did in those other games you know this game has a lot of references to daredevil Naughty Dog's should make a game about him since they're down a franchise I really like this game's take on Peter it seems like they had a really strong grasp on multiple aspects of his personality he's humble and nerdy but not to the point of seeming overly quiet and weird he's sarcastic and funny but not to the point of sounding like an overconfident jerk he can get pretty reasonably angry bitter and angsty about his struggles in life but without going overboard or sounding whiny and ultimately still retaining his hopefulness he feels a lot of guilt but not to the point of being a self parody he's tough effective and not incompetent but still doesn't feel overpowered and unbeatable he has a tangible passion and love for science without sounding like an obnoxious know-it-all plus he's the right balance of being badass and a loser guy can stop a truck with his bare hands but he also has to do undignified and humanizing stuff like digging through the garbage for his personal belongings that were thrown out after getting evicted this is my favorite mission in the game because this scenario and the awkward phone calls with the Sanitation dispatcher feel so much like Peter Parker this is such a normal and unspectacular conflict in the middle of all this other crazy and epic stuff I guess I just like how well-rounded this interpretation of Peter is he's got a lot of complex and varied emotional states and personality traits that make him feel right out of the comics I think most of the cartoons and movies tend to gravitate only towards a handful of these traits each leaving their versions of him feeling kind of incomplete but this guy is the real deal they did a good job and I like playing as him in some of the calm or and more investigative moments just as much as the action he ones however MJ is just Lois Lane now well Lois Lane with red hair or wait is being an actress not empowering enough is that it I feel like every modern take on MJ gives her a different career personality because of one really crappy adaptation of her even though she shot Green Goblin defeated chameleon by herself saved Spidey from sticks and stone people will always see her as the weak damsel in distress that needed to be fixed MD was never a damsel before those movies that was Gwen's job she mo'fucker takes her up on a bridge he's gonna get cab before her damn neck snap goblins ain't [ __ ] - MJ but whatever I guess her interactions with Peter still feel mostly on point she's the one with the real power in the relationship and they only end up together because she decided it that's all good to me so I guess I can excuse her being rebooted as a journalist for the billionth time as for everyone else miles is fine he's just kind of there I guess I like that we get to meet his dad first and Jefferson Davis is really cool um Otto is actually more likable than he has been in a long time and I really like the decision to reinforce his established relationship with Peter URI Watanabe continues to be the personification of we killed off Jean dewolff too soon so let's replace her with an identical character mr. negative is cool for the first time ever because he's not being written by slotto block Davis and everyone else is just fine I guess they got the most important ones right hey just a heads up in the middle of the video so people can't skip it I'm having a hard time financially right now and it would mean a lot if you could consider supporting the channel over on patreon where we have exclusive videos and behind the scenes stuff and if you want a more short-term way to help out check out our merch okay back to the video story well this game's story isn't anything too revolutionary it's a compilation of a lot of stories throughout the comics both new and old and it does a decent job of building this new universe for future sequels it also seems to use a lot of ideas from the amazing spider-man series oddly enough like Harry being sick Oscorp trying to remake spider-man spiders to cure him we kind of resolve that cliffhanger with Fisk from the last game we got the fake Twitter feed thing except this time it's a little more believable and even blue Elektra was there [Music] hey miles fun fact if you eat that spider you can turn into a sentient high of mine of a thousand spiders that can wear people as a skin suit I know you've been looking for ways to differentiate yourself from Peter so you know just throwing it out there man we start with Spidey finally taking down that guy from Full Metal Jacket and realizing a substantial power vacuum has been left in the crime world this invites fellows like mr. pessimism and the Sinestro Corps to try and take down the corrupt mayor and industrialist Norman Osmond who looks suspiciously like that one guy Wow ain't that some subtle social commentary for you but Spidey is a bleeding-heart hippie liberal who isn't fine with casual public executions and works tirelessly to stop Norman Osborn from getting dropped off a building boys he kind of feel real stupid about this one in a few years oh wow a spider-man game where there's a plague that makes everyone in New York sick that's crazy we haven't had that before something unique to this game is their take on Otto Octavius who is the main villain because dance lots name was attached to this so of course he is however this game reinvents Otto to be more like a longtime friend and father figure to Peter Parker who has a slow fall from grace due to his hubris and longing to be cured of his physical ailments the trash boat cometh and Otto loses his mind making for both a very sad climactic battle and an obnoxious amount of hints about superior spider-man being in the sequel this all culminates in a very emotional ending that just sort of awkwardly cuts to credits you know I feel like it's always really weird when they don't end these on a cool swinging shot exactly why we broke up what MJ no I would up if it was it you know what can we not do this right now please listen I gotta go Peter nice work mr. superhero MJ is not happy we've seen another game that balances Peters normal life in superhero antics pretty well and another game that gave us a gauntlet of bad guys to test our wits it's nothing new but I've noticed the Internet is taken to saying this game is the best spider-man movie or this is the best spider-man story we've seen in ages but that begs the question why is everyone hailing this game is the best adaptation of spider-man since oh what is it about this version of Pietro Parkman that beats everything else we've seen well I think the answer is rather simple responsibility at the end of the game he makes a hard choice and chooses to do the right thing and more than just responsibility it's acceptance of adulthood for context in 2007 we saw a Peter Parker faced with a similar situation where he could either embrace his future or throw it away to save on May and for whatever a brain-dead reason Peter suddenly can't deal with loss anymore and reverts from a married man with a daughter and a decent job as a teacher to a jobless manchild who still lives with his mom and doesn't have a girlfriend beyond just losing MJ this was Peter Parker losing his adulthood and being shoved back into his youth because it felt safer at home without me he rejected the concept of being a man to stay a boy a little longer even though onme had already lived a long life and would have probably been proud of his decision had he moved on then we have one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time tank itself with a shoddy third installment where Peter becomes an overconfident self-absorbed jerk even before he got the black suit only for it to be rebooted with a franchise Bri ignores a man's dying wish to make the sacrifice of leaving Glen out of his life and in selfishly keeping her causing her death now we have a third rendition where this franchise does everything it can to remind you that he's still young at every turn and then we get this nice little game where Peter is just a grown man who just just lets go Aunt May is the only connection to his childhood and he leaves her behind so he can save the city and move on with his life because it's the right thing to do spider-man was never about a kid being a superhero it was about a kid becoming a man because he was a superhero it was about growing up through his sacrifice in his pain molding him into being a better person but in the past 11 years we've been exposed to this new wave of interpretations where Peter can't grow up he can't make sacrifices and he can to be an adult I swear to God if any of the current writers at Marvel had a say in this story beyond just advising Peter would have selfishly saved not may while the whole city burned because none of them get it this Peter Parker is closer to the spider-man we all grew up on than the one in the comics recently even though this ending is just a reverse Last of Us it's still a very fitting ending and gives me a lot of hope for where this series can go assuming they don't make Harry Osborn become venom that would suck I bet you're wondering is Xavier just gonna say ultimate spider-man and web of shadows are the best because he's a nostalgia blind no I'm gonna say this is the best spider-man game because of ultimate spider-man and web of shadows and all the others this game didn't do a single new thing everyone's acting like they completely reinvented the wheel but to me it's obvious that this is the result of a long legacy every piece of this game rhymes with something we saw at least once before every good idea was innovated in a prior game but re-implemented here it's greater than the sum of its parts this game isn't the best because of all those other games failing to get it right this game is the best because all of them did here and there it's a big collage of everything that worked before beautifully stitched together into something that feels new but is actually quite familiar it's the best Spidey game because it's every Spidey game so don't sell any of the classic short and certainly don't leave them behind because we wouldn't have this masterpiece without them it's a love-letter not only to spider-man but also to spider-man games both new and old truly the bomb squad was the memories we made along the way it's over I did what you asked I made the damn video but I know you're not planning on letting me go very perceptive mr. Mendoza the Iraq may feel awkward is finally taken back what we rode my legacy I just want you to let you know people are gonna notice people are gonna notice when I'm gone mmm of course while your hoodie wearing burnout of a brother raised your fridge I've become more ambitious I've taken steps to reclaim my birthright no you don't mean the channel is mine now and I get to reap the rewards for the work you did now I don't have to make the annoying review you really are renegade but you forgot one thing don't tie up someone with masking tape idiot [Music] [Music]
Channel: GodzillaMendoza
Views: 718,202
Rating: 4.8168211 out of 5
Keywords: GodzillaMendoza, Retrospective, Part 10, Review, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2018, Spider-Man PS4, Marvel's Spider-Man, Look back at, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man Web of Shadows, Yuri Lowenthal, Tobey Maguire, Peter Parker, I Am The Bomb Squad, The Arachnid Conglomerate, Xavier Mendoza, Spider-Cop, Miles Morales, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4
Id: zOQV8uhFyEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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