Are Any MH370 Conspiracy Theories True? | MH370 EXPLAINED Part II

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had I known that part one would be so popular I would not have planned to do part two over Thanksgiving but thank you anyway I'm Aiden Mattis and welcome back to the L LOD on March 8th 2014 passenger flight MH370 vanished on route to Beijing from koala lumur this disappearance occurred just minutes after MH370 crossed into Vietnamese airspace and 9 years later there is still no concrete explanation as to the fate of that Boeing trip 7 now if you watched part one of this series we went over the official narrative and some of the issues we found with it but right now what I want to do is recap that just in case you're a little lost or somebody needs to brush up or maybe this is the first video you saw and you don't want to go back and watch the first one I'm not going to be the kind of guy that's like hey go watch the whole playlist the 2018 safety investigation report compiled by the Malaysian government is as follows in regards to the official Narrative of mh37 7 about 40 minutes into the flight shortly after reaching Waypoint igari MH370 turned off its adsb system or something happened to the adsb system this is the transponder that tells Air Traffic Control where the plane is going what the plane's identity is basically everything used for secondary surveillance radar following this it appears Captain zahari Ahmad sha did a u-turn and headed right back towards the Malaysian Peninsula and according to the safety report this was almost certainly a manual maneuver as when they tried to recreate it with autopilot they were unable to do so Malaysian military radar which is primary radar the more simple form that just tells you where something is then tracked an object that they believed to be MH370 as it flew Southwest towards panang and then turned Northwest to head out towards the nicobar islands over the Andaman Sea from there just 3 minutes after passing Waypoint Mar and dropping off of Malaysian military radar the satellite data unit turned back on and began communicating with an inmarsat satellite located over over the Indian Ocean data from that satellite suggested that after the aircraft passed mear it turned directly south and just headed down into the Indian Ocean pinging the satellite once every hour beginning at 3:41 a.m. then 4:41 a.m. then 5:41 a.m. 6:41 a.m. and skipping what should have been a 741 a.m. handshake to reconnect at 8:11 a.m. after that it's believed that MH370 ran out of fuel and crouched into the South Indian Ocean as a result of a deliberate Act of words I can't say on YouTube at this point in the video but we'll get to later now I do not buy this for several reasons some of which are related to holes in the official narrative and some of which are related to evidence that points to a different explanation but for this video we're going to start with the flaws in the official narrative so you understand where I'm coming from now like I said if you want the indepth point foro how we got here version of this that is in part one but in order for the official report to be correct the plane has to have manually diverted from the planned course and nobody has been able to explain why it would do so now one of the pilots would have had to do it but first officer Hamed was never suspected now that's not to say that they never looked into Hamid it's just they looked into it and very quickly established that he did not seem like a candidate initially all signs in the investigation pointed to the captain zahari Ahmad sha and in the immediate aftermath of The Disappearance as Malaysian authorities struggled to explain how and why this happened they pointed to a couple of different possibilities one of which was this allegation that Captain Shaw's marriage had completely collapsed leaving him very depressed and the other being that he was a political extremist in regards to the marriage issue the more bombastic of these claims made by Anonymous sources who were allegedly other pilots in the Malaysian Airlines Community these alleged that zahari sha was kind of a serial cheater that he was sleeping with all sorts of seises all over the place and that as a result just you know his marriage had completely complet completely Fallen apart more legitimate sources citing people with names claimed that they were separated but still living in the same house it is our personal opinion here at the lore Lodge that in the case of Journalism Anonymous sources are about as useful as saying it came to me in a dream if there is no name attached to a source then there is no accountability attached to a source and while that can at times be a good thing in the case of certain kinds of leaks from government sources in this case it really just tells you that it could be just somebody making something up now whether Shaw was just separated and trying to resolve differences with his wife or if he had completely checked out of being married entirely we don't know but there is evidence that something was going on in that he had commented on quite a few posts by a specific pair of Malaysian models now I want to be clear the media erroneously identified these as messages to the models but posting under somebody's Facebook photo is not the same thing as sending them a private message it's not a huge difference but it does show a different level of intent and Obsession because this could just be you know it's a little weird that he's commenting on these girls who are so much younger than him but at the same time he's not in their DMS constantly harassing them these are I I feel that this may have been a deliberate choice to try and paint him as being much weirder than he actually was again not saying I condone a 53-year-old married man commenting when are you coming to quala lumur under 18-year-old models posts but I do want to point out the media dishonesty here additionally he had developed a close relationship with a friend who worked for the same political organization to which he was Affiliated and while he did provide for her to an extent and also was very close with her children she insisted that their friendship was entirely platonic now whether that is entirely true or not it does seem that Captain Shaw's wife was affected by this at least according to her brother Assad Khan and just cuz I failed to work it into the last few lines of what I said said uh his wife's name was fisa kimun but it's in that same statement about how his sister was affected by Captain Shaw's indiscretions that her brother actually gives a very important piece of cultural context here that Western media may have missed polygamy is not only legal but fairly common in Malaysia it's not the most common thing in the world but on a cultural level it is very much acceptable and in fact Khan acknowledged they had some storms here and there but was quoted as saying we are Muslim right so why worry you can marry four women so who cares depending on where you're from in the world that may come across as cold but it seems that this is not entirely out of the ordinary over there and to be clear it's not just men who have this opinion Captain Shaw's sister was quoted as saying he was naughty I admit that but at the end of the day he always came home he took care of his wife she referred to their marital problems as normal she also acknowledged that sha had many female friends with whom he may have been a little bit too close and that she had on multiple occasions admonished him for that however she was clear in her interviews that it was never that serious and I'm that's a quote and she's right according to polling 70% of Muslim Malaysian women believe that men have a right to have multiple wives though only 32% of them say that they would accept it within their own marriage it's unclear exactly what fisa's opinions were but I would air on the side of she was not a fan of polygamy now according to fisa when she spoke to the police sha had stopped speaking to her for a while it had been several weeks and he had kind of become withdrawn they had discussed separation and one of Sha's adult children even said that he had become distant and cranky and this makes sense because Fatima party said that several months before MH370 went missing it had been sha who suggested that they cool their friendship and take some time apart that suggests that maybe he was trying to fix his marriage and while some articles do say that it was in fact Captain Shaw's wife who initiated the separation their own daughter says that that was not the case and that it was her father who wanted the divorce and he believed that their differences had become irreconcilable now in my opinion that throws a pretty major wrench into the narrative that he was distraught because his wife was leaving him in fact it sounds like he was leaving his wife it leads me to question if perhaps it was his association with party and more so the disassociation with party that led him to become so dissatisfied and believe that he simply had to leave his marriage maybe he believed so strongly that he did have right to take two wives that when his wife said no he preferred to not be in a marriage with her any longer essentially he may have said he wanted both wives fisa said no and then he went along with it because he was trying to respect his wife's wishes but eventually resentment grew and the result was that he no longer wanted anything to do with his wife on the other hand both his wife and his daughter said that even as withdrawn and as upset as he seemed they didn't think that he was capable or willing to do something like this and additionally almost every single Western media article has a headline that does not match the sentiment of the people being interviewed it seems as though they've placed all of this in a western cultural lens you know what you would think of as acceptable in North America and Western Europe which is just kind of inappropriate for Malaysian culture of course this is not to say that his marial situation cannot have contributed to what happened but it is to say that we may be allowing our Western sensibilities to cause us to read into it a little bit too much and the thing is the Malaysian government seems to agree or they may have been covering things up but their official 2018 report states that there had been no Financial stress no insurance purchases no behavioral changes amongst any of the crew this is all very clear on page 440 of the report which also states there were no medical behavioral disciplinary or psychological reasons to suspect sha it also detailed that there had been no changes at his lifestyle marriage or inter inter personal relationships but obviously that is not accurate and because we are dealing with a government then that could as easily be incompetence as it could be them trying to cover something up either way what the Western media kind of assured us was the Malaysian government trying to smudge some things under the rug could very well boil down to simple cultural differences the other immediate Theory also pinned the blame on Shaw but for entirely different reasons sha was an open supporter of opposition leader anoir ibraim having attended rallies for that political candidate in the past while also being critical of them prime minister uh najib razak who had just been reelected in 2013 now you can't really blame Shaw on this one because razak was notoriously corrupt in fact in trying to defeat anoir Ibrahim he brought up an old sodomy charge from the 9s and had the courts overrule a 2012 acquittal of his opponent now the initial charge had read that it was a forcible act but later on it was changed to something more of a I was talked into it kind of thing thing is in Malaysia even consensual homosexual encounters are punishable by up to 20 years in prison it may be worth pointing out that this entire episode was extremely embarrassing for Malaysia because to that point they had been viewed as a relatively Progressive nation in the region so it wasn't just sha that was criticizing razak there were a large number of people not just located in Malaysia who thought that this guy needed to go and while the media painted him as an extremist all he had really done was post a whole buch times on Facebook about how much he didn't like the Prime Minister called the guy a and said there is a rebel in each and every one of us let it out don't waste your life on mundane lifestyle when is it enough I do just kind of have to shake my head and laugh at this one because it's just hilarious to me that this is considered extremist especially in the wake of an election like I would hear more extremist political opinions on both sides from other Baristas at coffee shops I worked at this is not to say that I do not understand that there might be a difference in what what is considered extreme or acceptable in public speech between Malaysia and the United States just to say I think it's a little funny that that's extremism and that again Western media of all places latched on to that but still making sha out to be this political extremist who down this plane on purpose as an act of rebellion was extraordinarily convenient to the ruling party it was a great way to deflect from the fact that they were facing all kinds of criticism over the Amir Ibrahim situation you also may see people reporting or suggesting that anoir Ibrahim was a close friend a cousin or even a brother of Captain Sha but none of that is true the two men were familiar with each other they had met but they were not like hanging out having drinks on the weekends and they definitely were not closely related they were distant relatives in the same way that I'm related to Mad Dog Mattis the former Secretary of Defense and commandant of the Marine Corps and I do share a paternal ancestor but we have never met spoken or even had conversations about each other at family functions now before anybody decides to latch on to that relation as a reason that we may be CIA plants or something as some of you did in the previous video's comment section I when I was joining the National Guard I could not even get a waiver for my color blindness to serve in a position that I wanted to so what makes you think that he was getting me a job with the CIA come on guys don't be silly also we hate the ATF so much and in the last video this is what makes me laugh because so many people comment and you know oh these guys are plants these guys are feds blah blah blah blah blah we literally accused the FBI of making the entire thing up to hide United States involvement like I'm not trying to be like you know see we're not plants I'm just trying to be like dude we're not plants also we'd make so much more money if we were but Aiden this denial is going to make people think that we are plants even more well you know make a salad out of it us then I guess but to get back to the subject at hand and stop trying to convince you that we're in fact being legit with you there is really no reason to suspect Shaw anyway the only thing they have is that he was he was kind of a little anti-government maybe just a little bit like you can have a little bit of libertarianism As a treat I say that because he left no Manifesto he made no demands and most of the passengers on the plane weren't even Malaysian on top of that every single member of his friends and family that was interviewed with their name attached said that they had absolutely no belief in their minds that he would kill that many innocent people for his own political opinions and to add to that razak was eventually convicted of corruption specifically charges of abusive power money laundering and criminal breach of trust and he was suspected of being involved in a murder coverup of course there is also the issue of his flight simulator data which the FBI reconstructed and handed back to Malaysia police now what they did was extract seven manually programmed waypoints from an autosave on the flight simulator it was Microsoft flight simulator 10 however assuming that these points actually did ever exist and that the FBI didn't make it up the same way they made up everything about Ruby Ridge Waco MLK anything they've ever talked about in their lives they were unable to prove that all of these waypoints all of these flight routes were even from the same session in fact the FBI could not even confirm the dates that these were added into the program all that they could do was show that they were in an automatic backup file dated to February 3rd 2014 add all of this into the fact that the Malaysians explicitly denied that anything odd was found in the data from the hard drive and the fact that the FBI normal Asian police said anything about these waypoints in the actual year of the event it was 2 years later that a report in New York Magazine written by Jeff wise claimed that they had obtained confidental documents that in fact showed these waypoints existed and that the Malaysian police were covering it all up now if you've seen the March 8th 2023 documentary on Netflix about MH370 you'll see that to this day Jeff wise is insisting that that plane diverted and flew to Russia for some reason it is a claim that is so out there that even the other people he was working with over the years to try and determine what happened to this plane threw him out of their group also at this juncture since Russia came up I I do want to address something I said in the first video which is that I said that the Russian forces shot down mh17 over Ukraine 4 months later I was wrong it was russian-backed rebels in Ukraine who shot down The Airliner now several of you said in the comments that it was in fact Ukraine that did it and FL uh framed the separatists but I went and I tried to find a good source and when I say good source I I do mean a good source I don't just mean Reuters or CNN or the US government um I mean legit information I could find nothing that actually in any certain terms could show that Ukraine did it some people claimed that the missile came from Ukraine uh that it was in the Ukrainian inventory and therefore it must have been launched by Ukraine uh some some sources I found said that it was a stolen Ukrainian rocket launcher unit now of course rocket launcher is not the right word but I guess a a Sam turret maybe is the right term here uh anyway the point is it may have been Ukrainian but the claim was that it was stolen the missiles were supplied by Russia that said if somebody has a source that definitively can show that that is wrong I am happy to read it and I am happy to make a correction in a later video now of course all of this alone is not enough to definitively prove that Captain zahari Amad sha cannot have downed that plane himself but it does call into question what his motive would have been what we can say is that the Malaysian government absolutely had motive to scapegoat him and on top of that there's no concrete evidence that he did what they say he did all of this comes from single sources there is no way to corroborate any of it independently but if that's the case and it was not a deliberate Act of murder suicide those are the words I couldn't say then what did happen now one of the first things to come out of this case was the sighting of some debris in the South China Sea the first Theory I want to address is something that I'm calling the South China Sea of debris as military and government agency efforts to find m 370 were ongoing users of a now defunct satellite imaging site called tomnod were scrolling all over the South China Sea looking for any evidence of where MH370 could be now when people started doing this it had not yet officially been released that the Malaysian military claimed they had tracked the flight on radar now one of these users was a woman by the name of Cindy Hendry who is a customer service representative for the Lee County Clerk of Court of Clerks in Florida according to her she has a background in photography and she felt that her eye for detail could possibly help her to locate this plane and provide some sort of closure to the families and perhaps she might even be able to show that they were alive out there somewhere and on March 16th 2014 she came across several white objects in the South China Sea that she believed could be parts of a Boeing Tri 7 observing the images myself it's pretty easy to see how she came to this conclusion as they do appear to match the dimensions of the cockpit and the f fuselage and one such piece even appears to possibly show the M from the Malaysian Airlines logo located on the fuselage of the aircraft however I will say we're looking at pretty zoomed in satellite imagery here so it is not out of the question that that is simply image artifacting as they upscaled the image and according to Cindy she put them up on Twitter which is now of course and they were retweeted or now reposted thousands of times yet her complaints her allegations her suggestions fell on deaf ears from the governments of the world at the time over 40 aircraft and over two dozen ships had been patrolling the waters in the South China SE along the flight path of MH370 to try and see if they could find anything to suggest the plane went down that was until March 13th when the search effort shifted into the South Indian Ocean based on the alleged data for an inmarsat now keep in mind inm Marat is a British government contractor they are obliged to say whatever the UK government tells them to or they lose a lot of money that's not to say that they definitely did lie it's just they're not the most reliable person to ask additionally I've been able to find no independent corroboration that the data was real all of it comes from inmarsat but as a result of those claims the search in the South China Sea officially ended on March 15th 2014 one day before Cindy Hendry claims she found everything the decision to move the search away from the South China Sea was stunning to Cindy Henry and a number of other people using Tom nod especially considering that two Cafe Pacific Pilots claimed that they saw debris in the same general area on March 9th naturally that strikes me as odd too now that said something about Cindy's claims didn't look right to me either and that was more in regards to where she said she found the images she claims the debris was in the area of last contact between the aircraft and any ATC controllers or ACC controllers but that's kind of a Hal truth in the Netflix special on The Disappearance of MH370 there are a couple of frames where you can actually see her screen in tomod and the coordinates on that screen aren't quite right for Waypoint igari the point of last contact of course we also think that the point of last contact May well have been bodd because the hoochi Min ACC and the quor ACC it it's just it's a lot but either way those two things are five minutes apart on Cindy hendry's screen in the Netflix documentary the coordinates given are 9.44 5484 comma 106.4 91072 which is actually 6 Mi southeast of the coast of Vietnam that is 10 km now of course as far as where that is from Waypoint agari it's a whopping 263 Mi or 424 km Northeast of the plane's last known position and that of course should be compared with the fact that the cafe pacific Pilots reported it at 92 km southeast of Vietnam and over 520 km Northeast of MH 370's last known location I also did reach out to Cindy and while she did provide a lot of context and information she did not give me the exact coordinates at which she found everything that kind of slipped through the cracks and to be clear I did ask specifically for the coordinates it is possible that Netflix just kind of had her do a general like idea of what she saw for the documentary but if she did willingly say that it was near Waypoint agari when in fact it was much closer to Vietnam that strikes me as weird too because her case is actually a lot stronger when you have the cafe pacific pilot seeing it in almost the exact same location as I said I do think it's possible that some of the stuff she saw may have simply been the effect of image upscaling and the artifacting that resulted from it but it is bolstered by the cafe pacific pilot story problem with that is that's really hard to find despite being reported by two separate journalists at CNN on Twitter now there there was nothing on CNN's website in 2023 however the National Post and the guardian which are a Adan and UK paper respectively do retain stories that involve those tweets now the specific CNN reporters who put this information on Twitter were Polo Sandoval and Von Sterling and Sterling reported on the 12th again on Twitter not on CNN's website that suspected floating objects measuring in meters 13 by8 14 by1 19 and 24 x22 were reported by China the problem is no location was given for those objects however those do not match the dimensions of the objects China allegedly found in the South Indian Ocean via satellite about 10 days later to add to some of the weirdness here the National Post confirmed that a vessel what kind of vessel is not uh explicitly said it just says a vessel did find the debris and did say it was there but when a Tai cargo ship got there later on to check nothing was found and their story also fit with another piece of alleged evidence which was two oil slicks located off the Southeast coast of Vietnam measuring 10 or 15 km each as well as what was reported as a plume of smoke also just to be abundantly clear when I say South Vietnam I mean Southern Vietnam it's just coming out of my mouth wrong I am aware that Vietnam is a unified country now the Malaysian government analyzed those fuel slicks and came to the conclusion that they did not contain jet fuel but rather ship fuel however so far as I can tell once again this was never independently verified additionally I can find no stories that say where these slicks would have come from if not from MH370 because it doesn't appear that any ships reported having any fuel leaks now that is just I I do have to say the lack of corroboration does not necessarily mean that they lied about it but it does make me add a degree of caution and suspicion it is also possible that I missed something I am only one man one man with great hair but only one man people are going to take that way too seriously oh extremely all of this is to say that there is evidence that the aircraft could have gone down in the South China Sea and it does seem to be independently verified on a few occasions and if it did go down in the South China Sea there are a few possibilities as to why that might have happened and the two that I think are most likely are as follows one possibility is that after Communications went down this was an unresponsive jet headed straight for hoochi Min City and Vietnam did what any post 911 society would do and intercepted it if MH370 didn't respond to any attempts at Radio video contact or any other form of signaling then unable to ascertain if this plane had been hijacked or not they may have out of an abundance of caution for their own people shot it down in this case given the large number of Chinese nationality passengers 153 of them it may be that in order to avoid rupturing the only recently positive relationship between Vietnam and China which has been tense for a very long time a coalition of governments may have come together to find a way to cover this up and avoid an international incident by placing the blame onto the Malaysians either via incompetence or something more Sinister the Chinese could avoid their own people looking to their Vietnamese Partners as the problem and instead the Malaysians who already had a fairly positive relationship with China and maybe could stand to lose a few points that said I don't want to assign too much intent around this I do think it's far more likely that it was a a disastrous mistake on the part of vietn Nam due to this lack of communication and they tried to cover it up and that Malaysia being scapegoated was just kind of an accident that is possible alternatively there's the cargo Theory along with its 239 Souls MH370 was carrying a commercial cargo including 2,453 kg 5,48 lb of lithium ion batteries and accessories as well as 4,566 kg of fresh mango steens the batteries themselves made up 200 121 kg or 487 lb of the electronic shipment that Electronics shipment came from Motorola which is the former parent company of freescale semiconductor which is now part of nxp and yes there are theories related to freescale semiconductor we're going to get there but for now let's focus on the lithium ion battery fire that we're talking about now lithium ion batteries were not listed as dangerous cargo back in 2014 due to the way that they were packaged because it was not listed as dangerous cargo it was never reinspected upon reaching koala lumor International Airport it was only inspected upon being packaged and then put onto a truck to head over to where it was going to reiterate this package was not scanned nor was it manually opened and checked when it got to the airport or when it was loaded onto the plane that means had anything accidentally happened to the packaging or had the packaging been tampered with on the way to the airport nobody would know and those inspecting it were employees of mas cargo which was the uh mostly government-owned cargo company that worked with Malaysia Airlines and later in 2014 the Malaysian government bought out the remaining shares of mas cargo coincidence now the Motorola cargo was loaded into cargo sections a in the rear of the plane and E kind of towards the middle of the plane and it was just on route to a logistics company in Beijing as for the battery section of the shipment that was specifically located in cargo section A right next to a shipment of mango steens mang mangoes are a tangerine siiz fruit native to Malaysia and I I mean I don't want to I really don't think this is connected but I feel it's necessary to say it anyway mango steens were not in season nor was there a recorded mango Steen harvest in the area that these mango allegedly came from within that season of that year as for why the mango came from a place where there was no mango Steen Harvest it was claimed that they were just packaged there and they come from a farm in a different part of Malaysia but this proximity between the oddly out of season mango Ste and the lithium ion battery package LED some people to suggest that maybe Mango Steam Juice leaked into the battery compartment and caused some sort of chemical reaction which either started a fire or released gases that would have incapacitated people on the plane or taken out instruments any number of things there were a bunch of theories related to the mango point is testing was done and nobody could find any way to make lithium ion batter batteries and mango Steen juice take down an aircraft and this one was in fact independently verified but just because the mango steens weren't necessarily part of the issue does not negate the possibility that the lithium ion batteries were because lithium ion batteries are very very very flammable and they have been responsible for aircraft crashes before namely UPS Airlines flight 6 and possibly Asiana Airlines flight 991 and those were in 2010 and 2011 respectively in both cases only the pilots were killed now the reason that lithium ion batteries are so much more of a problem than your standard like AA alkaline battery is because when an alkaline battery overheats it just kind of melts it might it might flame a little bit but it mostly just melts a lithium ion battery on the other hand catches on fire and that fire doesn't just stay with the One battery if there are other lithium ion batteries nearby it will immediately spread in what is called a thermal runaway and in this case with this packaging there was no insulation between the individual batteries which means if Just One battery overheated somehow the entire shipment would catch on fire in an enclosed space now as I said lithium ion batteries had been responsible for plane crashes in the past but they were cargo planes cargo planes typically only have a very limited crew often just the two pilots in situations involving cargo planes you're going to have to send your condolences to the Pilot's families and you're going to collect the insurance claim on all of the goods but when a passenger plane loaded with 239 people goes down you got to you got to make some bigger adjustments you can't quite sweep that kind of thing under the rug and say oh well this is you know some sort of freak accident look how many planes fly with lithium on batteries and nothing bad happens because the moment one takes out a passenger plane that's a problem the people are no longer going to trust the airlines they're no longer going to trust the regulators and there's going to be a lot of lawsuits and that's an important thing to keep in mind because the legal liability could be very different between the plane going down because of some sort of really freak Act of God like being shot down by the Air Force because it lost Communications or being driven into the water by the pilot because he has a death wish this this is just oversight this could be a much bigger lawsuit and cost a lot more money now I am no expert on Aviation law so I'm not going to say that that's for sure It just strikes me as possible that you might want to cover up a am ion battery and call it something a little bit more outlandish if you want to avoid paying out a lot more money if I am wrong about that I apologize I'm just I I'm not saying that that is what happened I'm just thinking out loud and part of the reason that I have those thoughts and that I wonder about these things is because just two years later in 2016 the UN civil aviation Authority decided to change their rules without explicitly citing MH370 as the cause a number of Airlines and a number of regulator agencies between 2015 and 2019 started to change their rules about lithium ion battery shipments on passenger planes restrictions would include how much charge the batteries could have how many batteries could be loaded and even what kind of insulation there had to be between battery packages and if it's kind of percolating in your head well don't most cell phones and laptops and things like that use lithium ion batteries aren't those flammable why can you bring those onto a plane well it's because a single cell phone like on fire is very easy to handle with a fire extinguisher whereas a 450 lb shipment of batteries located in the cargo hold is a lot more difficult to mitigate and one thing that I do find particularly interesting is that of the first two major airline companies to ban lithium ion batteries one of which was United Airlines the other was in fact Cafe Pacific but all of this I will admit does not acknowledge a solid half of the story here which is that according to the Malaysian military they tracked that aircraft flying back over Malaysia and then out over the Andaman sea ladies and gentlemen I present to you the part of the theory I call the friendly flyer now unlike the Vietnam intercept Theory the lithium ion battery fire Theory does not necessitate that plane going down over the South China Sea so it is possible that the Malaysians were in fact not lying when they said their primary radar did pick up a signature flying Southwest over Malaysia and then out towards the nicobar islands after crossing over panang and there was a civilian primary radar station that said that they also saw an object so if MH370 did make that U-turn and head back down towards Malaysia I find it odd that the Malaysian air force would not scramble any fighter jets to intercept a rogue unresponsive airliner heading towards an island with 1.5 million people on it while flying at a low altitude well once again something really weird comes up in the safety report from 2018 they identified it as a friendly aircraft now the problem with that is that whether or not they were able to infer that this was in fact MH370 they canot possibly have known that it was friendly just from primary radar so while secondary radar takes the plan's GPS coordinates and transmits them directly to the ground crew primary radar Works differently it simply emits radio waves waits for them to bounce off of something in the sky and then calculates how much time it takes and then using the time between how long it took the radio waves to get there and back calculates the location of the object it can't tell you anything about the identity of the aircraft it can really only tell you where it is and where it may be going based on the various radar pings tracking it so in order to know that this dot on their radar was in fact friendly they must have either had communication with NH370 or expected it to be there it is also possible that they had visual confirmation that it was MH370 and not some other plane but even then they they would have to have radio communication or expect it to be there in order to not think it might be hostile I I just cannot imagine that they would be that stupid now of course the other alternative is that they lied about it being on radar in the first place but again there was that civilian radar station that did say they saw it too and while secondary radar uses the adsb system to communicate information the actual calls the communications the verbalizations between the pilot and the ATC controller those are just radio frequency that is a totally different system this means that a plane could theoretically disappear from secondary surveillance radar while remaining in radio communication with anybody on the same frequency as them and while no record of MH370 being ordered to change its radio frequency exists Beyond them being handed off to hoi Min ACC that does not preclude the captain from doing it however any order to change radio frequency for that specific plane would have been heard by anybody on that radio frequency As We Know no another pilot did say he established contact with MH370 and that he thinks he heard first officer Hamid and that means that they were on the correct radio frequency so had the order come down anytime between 1:30 when that contact was alleged to have happened then other Pilots would probably have heard it now it also is worth mentioning that MH370 according to this other pilot sounded really staticky and they could really only hear mumbling but had MH370 turned back it could actually explain the static connection between the pilot that was 30 minutes ahead of them over hoochi Min City and of course their connection they would have been flying very rapidly in entirely opposite directions all of this is to say that if sha and Hamid were in contact with the military as they were flying over Malaysia they appear to have changed the frequency unprompted and while one explanation was that they were seeking an emergency landing that would more likely involve them contacting qual lumor ACC or ATC rather than the military and to be clear while there are are other airports in Malaysia that they could have tried to land at quala lumur ACC controls the entire region of Malaysia there of course Malaysia does have several disconnected Parts it's a confederation it is not a singular Nation kind of like Thailand that's probably not the best way to put that but it Malaysia formed in I think the 1960s as a Federation of at the time non-connected territories with similar cultures and it used to include Singapore and then they said no actually I'm pretty sure Malaysia kicked Singapore out another possibility is that the Malaysian air force knew ahead of time that MH370 was going to divert back over the country and they also may have known that MH370 planned to turn off its systems but of course turning off all of those systems is a little bit more complicated than flipping a single switch while the adsb system can be turned off from the cockpit the acar system which communicates with the satellites has to actually be turned off directly from the engineering Bay in the Boeing trip 7 the engineering they is accessed via a hatch that is not in the cockpit but rather between the cockpit and the first class seating area you know that little part you run through in the plane on Terminal to get between the cockpit and the the cabin yeah right there if it was shut off deliberately that implies that at least one pilot was involved because somebody had to turn it off from the cockpit and then as for the acar system well it could have been that the co-pilot if he was in on it took over the controls while Shaw went down there or that Shaw continued to fly the plane while Hamed did it it also could just be any member of the the crew it's also possible that they could have put the plane on autopilot and done it but at the point in the route where the acar system turned off they probably were flying the plane manually it is entirely within the realm of possibility that the flight could have diverted from its planned path on the orders of the Malaysian military so it is entirely within the realm of possibility I'm not necessarily saying this is what happened but it is within the realm of possibility that the Malaysian air force knew the plane was going to divert and that leaves the question of why well at the center of most of this is one specific company freescale semiconductor originally a division of the American tech company Motorola freescale semiconductor was divested and then given an initial public offering in 2004 to become an independent publicly traded company two years later it was purchased outright by the Investment Company Blackstone for $17.6 billion for reference Google offered itself to Yahoo for 5 billion in 2002 I cannot imagine there is anybody who kicks thems more than the guy at Yahoo who turned down that buy now names like Blackstone always get a lot of people talking but it should not be confused with black rock while Blackstone does control a substantial $1 trillion dollar in assets it pales in comparison to Black Rock and Vanguard at 9.42 trillion and7.7 trillion respectively and full disclosure I use Vanguard to manage my investments but due to blackstone's owner ownership of the company a lot of people started looking for financial reasons behind The Disappearance of MH370 allegedly four of the free scale employees on the flight that night were co-owners of a patent for a breakthrough in semiconductor technology a patent which was approved just days earlier in the United States and on which the fifth co-owner for 20% of this patent was in fact the company itself freescale semiconductor and according to the theory this led either the US government or Blackstone itself to get rid of that plane in order to either prevent this breakthrough technology from reaching China or to take control of it totally in the case that it was Blackstone now the military angle is pretty simple either the United States military intercepted the plane and shot it down or they intercepted it and then escorted it to Diego Garcia or they told Malaysia hey you need to divert that plane or we're going to shoot it down so these are the three big theories on that end if one of these scenarios were the case it seems most likely that they would have informed Malaysia ahead of time of the diversion and that inm Marat would have been in on it to prevent anybody from looking for the plane near Diego Garcia most likely in this scenario the US government would have instructed the Malaysians to divert This Plane hence the lack of communications and the inmarsat diversion this of course does not explain the debris sightings in the South China Sea nor does it explain how the United States kept all of this under wraps given how powerful China is militarily diplomatically and economically it would be a pretty massive risk to stability in the region for the United States to interfere in so Brazen a manner but that's also not really the only issue here to best explain this we should look at the Blackstone angle the patent in question is US 8671 381 B1 a system for optimizing number of dieses produced on a waiver put simply it was a system to increase the efficiency of modern semiconductors and while not necessarily a groundbreaking technological advancement freescale would stand to gain if they were the only remaining patent holder out of the five and according to this theory that is precisely what would happen if all four of these scientists died free scale would get complete rights to this technology additionally Blackstone was owned by a pretty big name Jacob Roth Shield who I've also heard pronounced rothshild and Rothchild I I I always heard it Roth Shield so that's what I'm going to go with and of course Blackstone sounds like a pretty Sinister name for a company it's actually a combination of the two founders whose last names were Schwarz and Petro or something like that and the root words of that well Schwarz is black and German and Petra is uh Stone in Greek so the deaths of these four patent holders would make Jacob rth Shield the owner of the patent but of course he couldn't just have the four of them assassinated that would make it a little bit too obvious what was going on so rth Shield as the theory suggests used his money and his influence to have this aircraft shot down killing all 239 people inorder order to disguise his intent and then had his cronies in government cover the whole thing up there are some problems however first of all it is not a given that ownership of the patent would transfer to free scale in the event of all four other patent holders dying that is not how inheritance law works even with patents if it were in their will that the Semiconductor Company would get all of their shares of the patent sure but otherwise the default is that those rights go to your next of kin on top of that there's a problem with the the order of events here the patent application was actually granted on the 11th of March so 3 days after MH370 went missing and then the patent wasn't even approved until April 3rd of the same year as for rth Shield's ownership of Blackstone that's another strike while he did own a substantial amount of Blackstone stock he was not a majority shareholder in fact there were at least two other shareholders who had equal numbers of shares to him meaning he owned the company no more than than any other average shareholder would he did sit on the board so he had a little bit more control but he owned the company in the same sense that anybody who owns shares of a company owns a company so yes he does own more of the company but he didn't have unilateral control over its assets and then there's another ownership issue which is that of Blackstone owning free scale because they bought free scale in 2006 and then put it back on the market in 2011 retaining only 25% of shares so when MH370 went down Blackstone stood gain little there they didn't own the majority of free scale so it wasn't like they were going to get the entirety of the patent rights and on top of that all four patent holders who were in fact the inventors of the technology have done work since 2014 three of them for nxp and one of them as recently as 2023 I do apologize if I get these names wrong but again I'm I'm not the best at East Asian pronunciation one who did work as recently as 2023 was Lee ying and then the other three are pedang Wong ziun Chen and zung Shen Shen I think actually all of whom have done work for nxp and in case I didn't harp on it enough nxp is in fact the company that free scale merged with in 2015 and they're Dutch and I can already hear I can already hear the people pointing out that mh17 had mostly Dutch passengers but that was the merger was after that a lot after that like a year and a half after that that means that the four patent holders are not only not dead but even if they were dead their rights would not transfer to free scale on top of that Blackstone does not own free scale outright anymore and to just drive the point home Jacob Ros Shield wasn't even the owner of Blackstone he was just one of many shareholders and no I did not take Snopes at their word I actually read the patents and SEC filings so we've gone over quite a few theories in this video but there is another this is where the fun begins this why I hate in the years that followed MH370 disappearance and especially the conclusion of the safety investigation governments and journalists alike if you consider those to be different entities at this point in time dismissed many theories on the grounds that they simply lacked the evidence the official narrative looked solid so long as nobody was lying and theorists were generally unable to provide concrete evidence that something else had happened to the plane but in 2023 a guy named Ashton Forbes started to post some pretty compelling arguments on formerly Twitter and these suggested a far more advanced type of incident occurred and he claimed to have the videos to prove it I first came across Ashton stuff in October of 2023 which is actually what spurred us to look into this case in the first place I also invited him onto the podcast to talk about it and he kindly accepted and that is the November 19th 2023 episode if you'd like to check it out Ashton's profile has been online since January of 2014 but there are no posts before August 2017 available now this could easily be because Ashton's just trying to protect his personal life his former presence on the internet because you know that's how that's how it goes you know you blow up and then it's going to be really embarrassing if people find out that you're like a Cowboys fan or something I am at this juncture obligated to say uh Birds okay merry Christmas everybody uh now according to Ashton's linked in as well as the conversation we had with him he worked as a consultant for a staffing agency as well as an it te consultant for hospitals Ashton's first post about MH370 covered the videos you are seeing on your screen right now one allegedly taken by an mq1 C predator drone and the other by a low earth orbit satellite specifically nr22 now I simply don't have the physics education to go into what Einstein Rosen Bridges colloquially known as wormholes are other than to tell you that scientists say that they are theoretically possible the idea is that you can essentially fold SpaceTime and create a tunnel between between two places allowing you to travel what would otherwise be billions of light years in several seconds I really don't get it myself but that's the explain it like I'm five version and I bring that up because in these videos it appears that the aircraft simply vanishes into a hole in reality in under a second and at this point I want to say that it is not my intention to tear Ashton down it is only my intention to put forward my opinion on these videos or more realistically myself and Thornbury because he went to school for film and he had some thoughts when we watched them while we're not really equipped to go into the physics of it what we can do is address the logic of how and why these videos exist as well as the possibility that they could have been faked now one thing that we've seen brought up on a few occasions is that these videos were originally uploaded as unlisted and then published at a later date if you are a YouTuber that's not abnormal at all every single one of our videos is originally uploaded as private and then published later on there are a number of reasons why you might do this in our case it's because usually Aiden finishes uploading the video before I have a chance to then go in and do the thumbnail and type up the description and get it scheduled in other cases you might upload something early to ensure that it avoids any copyright strikes and that if you need to change things you can then fix it in case everything Aiden said offc screen wasn't audible uh basically one other reason you might do this is because upload time varies by video so there's no way of accurately predicting exactly when your video is going to be available to publish on YouTube the satellite video was posted and published on May 19th 2014 and reeside andan the uploader of the video claims he received it on March 12th 2014 he posted the thermal imaging video allegedly from an mq1 C predator drone on June 24th 2014 and claimed receipt on June 5th 2014 now I do have to point out that the only evidence that he actually received these videos as early as he said he did is that he said he did but before we go into the VFX stuff I want to discuss the logic of the situation because if this video is real it's a really drastic decision by the US military to use that technology the fact of the matter is when it comes to the people on that plane there was nobody who was in a utilitarian sense Irreplaceable obviously every single human life is valuable and irreplaceable but in a purely like utilitarian sense nobody on that plane was Irreplaceable everybody was redundant and I mean that solely from the perspective of the businesses they were involved in not a single person on that flight was the sole member of a group who knew how to do something again morally every human life is valuable additionally only two people on the plane were American citizens and the 20 free scale employees were not VIPs of the company they were of course very well they were they were smart they were important to the company both freescale and their competitor Texas Instruments said that this was a horrible tragedy like these these people were valued it's just they were not like VIPs in my opinion that makes it very unlikely that this would be some sort of rescue operation that this was the only way that they could save the people on that plane and as I believe we've shown there was really no reason to abduct anybody on that plane and I don't mean that in the alien sense I mean that in the kidnapping sense that if they wanted to prevent any of these people from getting to China they would take out the whole plane or I I guess suck the whole plane into a wormhole I say that because again while this was a technology that would have made semiconductors more efficient it was in no way the kind of breakthrough that would give one military an edge over another or one economy an edge over another there are also technical questions about the crafts allegedly used to take these videos one of those is that the mq1 C predator drone which was allegedly used to take that thermal imaging video has a top speed of only 192 mph yet it seems to be easily keeping Pace with a Boeing trip 7 flying at least 500 mph additionally I could not find anywhere that the United States could have launched a predator drone within the 250 Mi range of that drone also according to publicly available information I could find no aircraft carriers that were in the region nor could I find any aircraft bases that they could have launched a predator drone from that's not to say that there were no predator drone capable aircraft carriers in the South China Sea area but rather that the predator drone only has a range of 250 Mi which I believe means it can only fly 125 M out before it has to come back and even if it is that it can fly 250 Mi and come back there was still nowhere that it could have come from it could be possible that there there was a place that it could have flown from that was not on the record but again that's I have no evidence of that also a predator drone would have had to catch a Boeing trip 7 Which flies more than two times as fast now it is always possible that there is a secret base somewhere from whence this aircraft came but in looking for one I could not find it if somebody knows there is one there feel free to let me know as for the satellite video I I find that one a little hard to believe because low earth orbit satellites move at a pace of 11.25 orbits per day or 177,000 mph that means that if this footage is simply raw IM in there is not nearly enough change in the angle of view on the aircraft or the clouds from those satellites in the course of 15 seconds they would travel hundreds of miles and again that is if this is raw footage not some sort of composite Imaging additionally in the satellite image which I will remind you came out before the thermal image from the mq1 C allegedly you cannot see the Drone despite the fact that in the drones video it actually passes through the wash of the jetliner and then appears to keep Pace with it from just a few hundred meters away it could be due to the frame of the video but there are a few points where I feel like that drone really should have been visible but I'm definitely not the best person to talk about physics or filmmaking and while we don't have a physicist on staff we do have a filmmaker so I'm going to toss this part of the video over to Thornbury so he can go through this in a bit more detail with all the correct terminology and not look as silly as I would thank you very much Mattis for those of you who are not familiar with me my name is a Thornberry I am the director editor just video production side of the lore Lodge and I handle everything behind the camera the editing all that fun stuff the main reason I'm here as he mentioned is because I have a background in that I am not a VFX person but I've done a little bit of FFX in my time and just based on the conversation that's been going on around this topic of MH370 and these two bit video specifically I wanted to throw in my two cents CU I feel like there are certain things that are being addressed well like the motion blur or the volumetric lighting and things like that there are some specific things that I think are being glossed over a little bit either by people who are not familiar with VFX or people who are familiar with VFX but maybe are not totally uh communicating it to people who know nothing about VFX I think some of the breakdowns have been great I think Nico did a really great breakdown uh of how he thinks that this might be VFX but I'm going to see if there's a couple places that uh I can throw in some of my experience and and my knowledge so the program that we have opened up right now is called Adobe Premiere for those who are not familiar with video editing this is a non lar editing software and essentially I can show you right now this is the video that you're watching uh in its first form so I'll play a little section here for you and according to Cindy she put them up on Twitter which is now of course so you know you already saw that portion of the video This is the first pass that I go through where I take the raw file of our recording shrink it down and then I'll add all the overlays and everything else into it after this so the reason I'm pulling a Premiere is because I'm not much of a VFX person I've done a little bit of work in After Effects which is a specific program for making visual effects or compiling visual effects elements but I thought that there were some elements about those videos that we could do in something that was even more paired down than that such as Adobe Premiere uh this is a program that's been around for a long time I started using it in 2013 it has not changed all that much since then so let's just dive into it here so here are the two videos that we're looking at specifically I want to focus on the one on the right first so the thing that jumps out to me specifically for this video and people have talked about the lack of motion blur when it's supposed to be six frames a second and people have talked about the volumetric lighting and things like that the main issue that I have is from what I understand I know a couple of people refer to this as just regular satellite imaging that's what it looks like I know it's supposedly ir and that's what confuses me even more because if I go into let's see I've got a couple of ir Clips here that we can review in this side of the screen so this is an IR clip it's called the they were from uh what was the name of the channel That I pulled these up from this was a YouTube channel by the name of Sierra Olympic Technologies hope you don't mind me referencing your material but anyway here we are uh so this was titled an evening uh on the water I think that was roughly the name of it so this is the sun is still out and things are still warm and you can kind of tell that through the rofs uh emitting a lot of heat signature there uh for those of you who don't know how IR works so the electromagnetic spectrum emits all types of wavelengths and our eyes can only perceive a certain narrow band of those wavelengths IR means infrared and those are the wavelengths in which heat is emitted uh you know infrared is heat so here we're seeing that on the roofs here uh a couple of different locations uh that might be a road in the background but basically anything that you see as white is going to be hot anything that you see as black or dark is going to be cold or at least cold by comparison to the other elements in the video uh we've got some others here I just ripped a few of them to make things easy here's one of Las Vegas you can see this plane coming in right here that is white by comparison of the rest of the surroundings also the cars are relatively warm the ground is relatively cool anyway so you're getting the picture so the issue I have here is if this is IR and it's supposed to be at 2: in the morning why are the clouds blown out to the point of being Overexposed that doesn't make sense to me specifically in relation to IR it makes sense that this would be white that the plane would be white just like like it is here but as you can see there are some clouds out in the distance and if anything they're cool they're they're comparatively very cool same thing here is they are this is in the evening so things are kind of cooling off but you know they are a dark gray if anything in the middle of the night they shouldn't be hot they certainly shouldn't be hotter than the plane so that confuses me additionally does look kind of like a regular image from the point of view of it being blown out like that and I want to demonstrate that so let's pull I have a couple of options here yeah let's try this one so let's go to a spot that look kind of similar to the video here we go I'm going to bring up the effects controls here bring this slider up so this is going to be important later uh this is how you control effects in editing software you can put in specific inputs of numbers so if I wanted to put in 14 was it 100 yeah 1400 instead of that I can but generally people are going to be using sliders like this you can make Minor Adjustments there anyway so that looks somewhat similar ideally we'd be a little bit closer in but let's try so let's go to effects controls uh or sorry effects browser here so let's go to video effects and let's try H generally we're going to want something color related let's try tint okay we compare that image to that image I think those look relatively similar as a matter of fact that looks like it has some more blue retained in it so why don't we drop the amount of tint slightly that looks a little more accurate and yeah so the main thing that's really getting me is is those highlights that are really blown out in the clouds like that bit there and we can zoom in a bit more that's actually probably a little bit better but to me that's a lot more similar than something like that to me that just looks a lot more similar than that and obviously you know it's hard to get IR satellite imaging but it's really more about the color temperature of things anyway so that's just one point that I thought was relevant to you know take a note of so the second element of this whole ordeal is let's see if we can get to that specific point oh yeah here we go so this guy everybody's been comparing it to this and specifically because these portions somewhat match with this section so what I want to do is explain slightly how using stock footage like this works so if I wanted to take the beginning of this and call it let's say a muzzle flash let's let's say I wanted to use the whole thing as a muzzle flash and by muzzle flash I mean you know pretending it's coming out of a gun what I would do is I would go into and this is just very rough within this program again that is been around since before 2014 has not changed very much since then so we're going to go into keying let's go color key cuz that's what I remember doing back in high school uh we'll go to effects controls for this we will choose black boom all right we're already starting to get rid of that color tolerance we'll adjust that slightly okay and then now we've already got an element that is slightly slightly more realistic in the sense of you don't have a black background you can put that in over some existing element in your frame if you wanted to now let's see if we can figure out how it would match in relation to this so let's let's find the beginning of that here let's find there we go so that's the first frame so we'll separate that so that way we know and then the frame that we think is going to match with that the best starts right there so that's going to be what we want to match to and then it'll evolve from there big comparison has been that generally fits pretty closely onto here and you know let's change the color tolerance slightly so that way there we go that's a little better it's a little closer let's take one more step and then I'll then I'll discuss a little further so obviously this is the wrong color that doesn't match properly so how would we get that to match if we wanted that to match let's take a look so I think the correct way to do this is color correction and then probably let's try tint again you know what I don't feel like dealing with because if we do if we did something like color balance uh that's going to be all this stuff and you know what I'm just lazy and I don't feel like dealing with that amount of time so we're mapping part of it to Black so that's gray now uh let's go it looks like there's a little red in there so let's go like a dark red all right and then and maybe adjust the tint no we'll do that maybe bring the red up slightly that's getting a little closer and then so let's feather the edges a little bit maybe oh yep now we're getting a little closer so oh yeah okay so let's see so that's a little bigger so maybe the maybe that tolerance needs to come back a bit and then maybe the edge feather needs to come down slightly oh there we go yeah the size of that little Dot's coming back now I think the biggest issue is that it's just a better resolution oh oh I'm liking that more that's close but but this is an important piece that I wanted to discuss so obviously it's not perfect uh but this is specifically why I wanted to bring this up as you're seeing me I'm adjusting these sliders and things are changing and I'm morphing it to best fit a pre-existing asset that then I have to try and mimic now a person who was designing this from the beginning they were designing this as an attempted VFX fake they wouldn't have to try and match this creation exactly they'd be making their own element from a piece of stock footage so you know if it was my original video let's say let's say I wanted to reduce the edge feather slightly have that you know there we go okay and then we could probably double layer it if we really wanted to and have a slightly different effect but I did this in about 5 maybe 10 minutes and I think it's pretty accurate and I think it's pretty good at to pick in the point I'm trying to make is that for a software that is not specifically designed to primarily function as a visual effects editing software to be able to do this in the amount of time that I did it with for somebody who has a much higher skill level than I do using an application that's specifically designed for this task I think it'd be pretty easy to create something that is about 99% accurate to what this existing footage is uh obviously you could duplicate the layer screen it have a little bit more of that gradient to give it a little bit more of a dynamic and unique look uh you know you could adjust the color a little more and the opacity a little more to match that a little bit but uh I've seen the argument that there are people out there who will not accept that this is faked unless a recreation matches pixel for Pixel and I hope what this communicated is that that's not how video editing Works uh we took the pre-existing asset we made a couple of specific changes in a couple of attributes with you know sliders or inputting numbers that we wanted to to get the desired look that we wanted uh the original VFX artist who did this which is what I'm assuming was done uh did not have to match a specific look or style they created it on their own and I think it's really important to recognize that the only way to get something pixel for Pixel match is if you knew the exact inputs and the exact effects that somebody was using and unless you're the original VFX artist you just kind of have to guess at that and that's what I did here obviously I could really spend a lot more time and get a lot closer but the point I'm trying to make is that that asset's pretty easy to switch to this so there's one more thing that I want to discuss about this video before I kick it back to Mattis uh and that is the thermal imaging of these two different thermal cameras so this one on the right here has been referred to as an IR satellite as and this one here has been referred to as a thermal camera the important distinction there is that they are the same thing a thermal camera is an IR camera they use different gradients and different patterns to show heat in different ways but they are both measuring infrared radiation so they are both thermal cameras now I'm going to bring this back here from where I cut it previously yeah so here the big thing about this one on the left is that this is a cold signature that this is you know black is cold and you know obviously the plane being green yellow and then even near the engines red hot this is cold and the whole idea is that this is some form of endothermic event it's a cold event the plane is white in this one just like in some of the other elements that we saw prior just like these hot roofs just like this very hot you know exhaust stack that is white so is that flash and so are the clouds which would indicate that that's hot based on on how IR technology works why on two thermal cameras on two infrared cameras are we getting the opposite reading this is somehow cold this is hot doesn't make sense because it's not possible you can't have one thermal imaging device register something as white hot like this and then have another thermal imaging device in the same vicinity registering it as cold especially considering that the important element of this Drone footage is supposed to be that it's supposed to be cold now there might be a counterargument that this is inverted somehow well generally this is the correct color scheme generally white is hot in thermal IR even if it was inverted it would then mean that in this one the clouds were cold the plane was cold and then the flash was cold but everything can't be cold because in this one the flash is cold but the plane is hot these can't be the same thing at at the very least if you do not believe that these are both entirely fake one of them must be the chances that one of them is fake and the other is real are low not impossible but low but based on what we've discussed today my personal opinion is that these are fake videos I hope to those of you who are not familiar with VFX or video editing or what I do on the channel uh that this was informative that this was interesting and this was beneficial uh I'd be really curious to see what people's thoughts are on this demonstration and yeah let me know what your thoughts below and for now I'll kick it back to Mattis to finish the rest of the video isn't he so sexy when he talks about film he also looks like a much younger version of the guy from Corridor crew Nico it's actually startling anyway enough of flattering my co-host I when we take everything about this this whole rigoll into account there are some very outlandish theories and then there are some not so far-fetched ones in my opinion based on the research I have done and presented I feel that it is extremely unlikely that Captain Shaw deliberately downed that plane I do also believe that there is Meaningful evidence that the plane may have been downed as a result of overabundance of caution by the Vietnamese Air Force or that it could have been the result of a lithium ion battery fire in the cargo hold governments may have made the decision to cover this up in order to avoid an international incident in both cases there also could have been liability reasons and it would have just been simply embarrassing for every regulator and Airline involved it is also possible that the aircraft was deliberately diverted by the United States Air Force and it did have the fuel to make it all the way to Diego Garcia or any other Airbase that NATO uses if that is the case however the question of why remains unanswered the freescale semiconductor Blackstone Group Jacob Roth Shield stuff I feel like we pretty thoroughly debunked and as for those videos that allegedly come from the m M q1c predator and NR nr22 it is our current opinion as of November 27th 2023 that those videos were most likely faked there are just too many technical issues from the air speed of the mq1 C all the way through to the VFX as always when we make videos like this new stuff does come out in the future and it may happen that we end up redoing something we may revisit it and if we really do come across something then we we will absolutely do a podcast episode to talk about it and give you updates and if you think we missed anything in this video or we got something wrong we are always open to being corrected I like I said at basically every juncture if you have evidence to the contrary of what we currently believe our goal is not to tell you that you're wrong it is to provide the most complete story given the evidence available and If that is a mission that you want to support you can subscribe to us for just $1 a month over on patreon there are higher tiers but all we ask is $1 you can also join us here on YouTube for $5 a month if you want to feel and look as awake as I do I hope I look awake right now because I'm wired but if you want to feel how I feel right now you can drink our coffee Mount Pocono perk from Tableau Roasting Company you can also wear our clothes so that you have attire and if you want to check us out on Discord that is bit. l/j jointhe Lodge we've also got several other channels those are the weird Bible the history Hut the lore lounge and my personal Channel Aiden Mattis where I stream Tuesday Thursday and Friday and that is is generally uh reaction stuff on Tuesday and then some gaming stuff on Thursday and Friday that's a more chill place that you can just come hang out and if you're wondering when the podcast I mentioned several times in the video is that is Sunday nights at 700 p.m. on this channel unless there is an Eagles game they can also be listened to or viewed for free on Spotify and anywhere else that you get your podcasts we also got these bad boys which these ones are a little dirty cuz I wear them every day and have worn them every day for like 7 months but they're custom llck Vans and you can get those from our buddy Jacked Up Kicks over on Instagram it is j a CK Dore upore kicks I think we'll put the correct one into the description he didn't pay for an ad slot we just think they're really cool and we would love to have him be able to make some money off of it so uh yeah that's uh that's everything for the video um hang on hang on this is Archie and uh we're signing off thanks for stopping by the L Lodge why is the camera still rolling I wasn't sure how much you wanted to do it it's also the first time you've ever done it where you haven't said I'm Aiden Madison oh true yeah all right here we go I'll do it that way again I'm Aiden Madison thank you for stopping by the L watch he's just chilling he's just here he's he looks like a model right now I [Music] know
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 659,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, flight 370, malaysia airlines, malaysian airlines, mh370 flight, conspiracy theory, missing plane, flight 370 crash animation, ashton forbes, mh370x, mh370, mh370 satellite video, mh370 ufo disappear, mh370 orbs, mh370 footage, mh370 documentary, mh370 pilot, what really happened to mh370, was mh370 shot down
Id: 0OM5EbJIzt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 48sec (4548 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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