Is NASA Lying About The Flat Earth?

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we knew that Flat Earth would have to make it into the rotation eventually I'm Aiden Mattis and welcome back to the L [Music] launch I don't know if it's just that I'm on the younger side of life or if this is something that sort of erupted in the last few years but I remember that growing up I didn't see a ton of stuff about the Flat Earth at least not stuff that took it seriously you'd have TV shows and movies make jokes about it you'd see somebody making a meme you'd see it as some sort of reference for ridiculous conspiracy but in the last few years and like I said maybe it is just because I'm on the internet now more than I was when I was in high school I've seen a lot of people who seem to very seriously believe that the Earth is not a sphere there are several different reasons why people seem to attach themselves to this Theory uh several different entry points some people start with the moon landing and they think the moon landing is fake and that drives them to believe the Earth is flat in and of itself and that's why we didn't get to the moon others point to the Bible and claim that the Bible as well as all of the other ancient religions all say that the Earth was flat and this only changed sometime in the last several hundred years so clearly at some point somebody tried to hide it from us but even in giving a couple of examples like that it doesn't quite capture the scope of what flat earther ism is because this is not necessarily one distinct clear set of beliefs it seems that flat earther ISM changes depending on who you're talking to different people have different motivations today as with many conspiracy theories whether you're looking at The Disappearance of MH370 or if you're looking at tartaria there are a number of different versions of it nobody is in perfect total agreement but they all do tend to agree on a few of the same core aspects with flat earthers when it comes to what they believe about the Earth well it's flat stationary enclosed by an ice wall at the edges with a solid Dome above and Earth is typically at the center of the universe as for the various celestial bodies the Sun the moon the stars all of the other planets those are typically either underneath or within the structure of the Dome itself and they're not out in the vast expanses of space they're also perceived to be local although the extent to which they are local varies in some cases they're only 3,000 Mi away and some cases it's more and in some less this tends to be because of differing beliefs on where the Dome actually is and what the Earth actually looks like some flat earthers believe that the ice expands in all directions endlessly forever and that the Dome is up over top of that which has its own logical inconsistencies that we can get to later but for now we're just going to move on past that others believe that the circumference of the earth is actually a diameter of the earth so it would still be about 25,000 mil but rather than that wrapping around it goes from point A to point B across a flat map now if you look at a lot of ancient maps of the world and we're talking you know really early Maps a lot of the time this is what they look like where there is the land is all at the center clustered around in a circle and then there's water Beyond it if you look at most flat Earth maps from the 1800s they are going to give you basically the world map as we know it the main difference is that it's not a globe it's it's just a flat plane now when most people try to address the concept of Flat Earth in the 21st century they'll try and take a scientific angle they'll try and use mathematical proofs to show that the Earth is round and that this cannot be questioned but I wanted to start somewhere else I didn't want to look at the the specific modern beliefs I wanted to understand how flat earther ISM developed how did people come to believe that something so objectively false is true and I know that if you believe the Earth is flat that statement probably turns you off you probably don't want to finish watching the video you're probably writing a comment right now as I'm speaking saying that I'm not open-minded and I'm not considering all the possibilities or if you're more conspiratorial that I am some globalist controlled Shield who's just trying to hide the truth from you and that the Masonic Bible on my bookshelf is proof of that in reality the Masonic Bible which may or may not be out of frame right now is just a King James redl Bible there's nothing special about it it doesn't say anything that your King James Bible doesn't but as I was on Twitter arguing about this over the last few weeks almost everybody accused it of being some Masonic conspiracy run by the Jews and what I want to start with in this video is you know going over the history where did the flat earth begin why did people start to believe this again and what evidence if any at all will Flat Earth Believers be willing to accept to prove that they are wrong so in this video my goal is not to deride the common flat earther it's not to insult people who are just simply out there in the audience it's to address the arguments made by the people leading the movement by those who are literally profiting off of the misrepresentations they are giving to others and I believe that the best place to start if we want to do that if we want to get to the bottom of what flat earther ism is is with the history of the movement and with the history of astronomy in general but just in case anybody does not take what I promise are well entioned efforts very well I did think it might be best to scrub all of my personal information off of the internet first and that's why I wanted to introduce you to our partner for today's video delete me are you familiar with the phrase If the product is free you are the product that's typically used in relation to things like social media free online guides and stuff like that and that's because 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that is constantly adapting to the market as it plays that's why they created an online privacy solution that evolves and constantly improves to address these challenges if you like to try delete me you can use our special relationship with these guys to get 20% off any consumer plan using the code lur Lodge to take advantage of this offer you can simply go to join delet Lodge or to the link in our description once again that is join delet Lodge or Cod Lor Lodge to get 20% off any consumer delete me plan now we just hope that the flat earthers don't delete me for this [Music] video Once Upon a Time the idea that the Earth is flat was not so derided as it is today in fact many ancient societies around the globe believed that the Earth was a flat disc a rectangle or an infinite plane of some kind in Asia the Chinese for example believed that the Earth was flat specifically that it was a flat square with a round Dome over top sometimes described as a sphere which enclosed the Earth that was a square now in the case where it was a sphere it wasn't the Earth that was a sphere it was the the cosmos above across the Pacific Native Americans held varying views on the substance of the planet often related to their flood stories but what they typically didn't seem to care about all that much was the shape of the planet itself they didn't really talk about it being flat or round certain groups like the Algonquian tribes believed that the Earth had simply sprung up from the bottom of the ocean via Supernatural means sometimes there's a turtle that pulls it up and this is where we get the concept of Turtle Island other times there's a muskrat that pulls it up it really changes depending on the tribe in fact in certain versions like the the Navajo don't seem to have this creation cosmology at all it's totally different moving into more familiar territory with near and Middle Eastern cosmologies you did typically have a flat Earth often it was perceived as us living on a disc of land or at least a disc of land masses that were a drift in an Endless Sea or sometimes a limited ocean the Egyptians for example believed in a flat disc of land sitting in the middle of an expansive ocean with a hard Dome over top that held the sun stars and moon the Israelite view is often suggested to be the same a belief in a flat Earth with a doed roof over top of it we will Circle back to the Israelite View later on because it's a little bit more complicated than that makes it seem but for now I want to keep moving through where we are at the moment and where we are right now is the Mediterranean Sea which was pretty much the domain of the Greeks for a long time and for much of Greek history up through a lot of The Classical period even they held similar views to the Egyptians some argued for a flat disc with water around a circular land mass While others claimed that the planet was suspended in the air and others still suggesting it was on a pillar of some kind in any of these cases the Earth's surface as we know it still would be a flat disc as far as we know however it was probably the Greeks possibly with Egyptian influence who first began to question the idea that the Earth was flat part of the issue is that we're not precisely sure when this started to happen we just know that most people consider Plato to be the first person to make a claim that the Earth is in fact a sphere however this is something that Plato started saying only after he returned to Athens from his time in magn Gracia specifically the city of Croton where he was studying Pythagorean mathematics so this could suggest that Pythagorean mathematics is in fact the origin of belief in a spherical Earth though because Pythagoras had quite a bit of influence from ancient Egypt it could also suggest that the Egyptians were beginning to come to this conclusion as well a possible source of evidence for this claim that the Egyptians believed this as well and that they were the impetus for the Greeks looking into it comes from Herodotus who in his history tells of an expedition sent by the Egyptians around Africa allegedly sometime around the year 600 AD the Pharaoh Neo II hired some Phoenician Sailors to depart from the Red Sea go around Libya which was at the time what they called Africa and return to Egypt through the pillars of Heracles and then by coming up the Nile allegedly what happened is that the Phoenician Sailors embarked into the Red Sea sailed South and turned West to go around the tip of Africa and then as they were heading due West they looked up into the sky and saw that the sun oddly enough was on their right side and what's particularly interesting about this account from Herodotus and What Makes Us think that it might have some Merit to it is that Herodotus isn't telling this as something that happened and was Fantastical in this incredible journey instead he's actually doubting that it happened at all because the sun should have been on their left because as far as anybody knew at the time if you were sailing west the sun was always on your left of course today we know that the reason the sun is on your left as you're sailing west in the northern hemisphere is because the sun is to your South when you're heading west in the southern hemisphere the sun is to your North for the Greeks who lived entirely north of the Tropic of Cancer the sun was always distinctively to the left when you headed west and to the right when you headed east so for it to be to the right seemed impossible to them they had literally never experienced a situation where you could be heading west and have the Sun to your right while historians today are unsure if Herodotus invented this story or if it actually passed to him through oral tradition as he claimed it could be that Pythagoras while studying in Egypt heard about this Expedition and brought that story back with him to Italy and there his students would have studied and tried to figure out was the earth actually round whatever was going on over there it seems like it convinced Plato who brought it with him back to Greece Athens specifically but the problem there is that that Plato didn't really leave anything in the way of mathematical reasoning for us to follow that task seems to have fallen to Aristotle Plato's best known Protege and the tutor of future ruler Alexander the Great Aristotle did claim that the Earth was a sphere and while he did not provide a mathematical proof he did provide a pretty bulletproof astronomical reason Aristotle had done some traveling himself and he also had read multiple travel logs of people had gone up and down between Greece and Egypt and what he found was that these contain mentions of stars sometimes even constellations that were visible in one place but not the other he also observed that constellations visible in the southern sky from Athens appeared higher in the sky at night if you traveled south to Egypt and in observing lunar eclipses he found that the Earth's shadow on the moon was round it wasn't endless it wasn't a flat square or anything like that it was round so because there were stars visible in Egypt that one could not see in Macedon there were constellations which appeared higher further to the South than they did to the north and because the Earth's shadow on the moon during an eclipse was round he determined that the Earth must by logical reasoning be round be spherical it's spherical spherical Aristotle also offered two estimations about the Earth in regards to it being round those being that it was 400,000 staia in circumference or 45,000 mil which was not correct and as far as the climate of of the earth goes he also suggested that there were probably two cold polar regions two warmer temperate regions and then a tropical Zone in the middle today we consider these to be six there's two polar two temperate and two tropical and then the equator but for all intents and purposes Aristotle was right there is a Zone around the inator that is generally tropical today we just call these the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer now I think it's also important to give you a timeline on when these people lived and what was going on in the world at the time Plato lived from 427 BC thereabouts to around 347 BC and Aristotle from 384 BC to 322 BC and this is the end of the classical era of Greek history this is the era most people think of when they think ancient Greece the Democracy of Athens the battle of thermop the pipian and Persian Wars the ancient Greek philosophers that is the Classical period Socrates on down to Aristotle all of the stuff that you remember about ancient Greece from High School probably took place during that period the major change what ended the classical era was not just the progressive works of the great philosophers changing the way that Greek culture worked but also the actions of a man by the name of Alexander of Macedon Alexander of Macedon properly Alexander III of Macedon or most commonly known as Alexander the Great was the son of Philip II of Macedon who went about doing something macedonians really hadn't done before and conquering Greece they discovered something very similar to what the french discovered during the medieval period which is that horses good in battle he also discovered something that the English of the Middle Ages discovered which is that very long spear also good in battle Philip II used very long Spear and man onor horse to conquer much of what is Greece proper and then Alexander Used very long Spear and man- on horse to conquer basically the entire known world after that what I mean by that is that in 335 BC Alexander III of Macedon began a series of conquests that would spread Greek culture across basically the entirety of the Known World East of Sicily in this period where everything was Greek to everyone was called the helenistic ERA this may be one of our first lingua Franca situations in history where one language becomes the language of the elite the language of math and science and technology and at that time it was que Greek what this did for the science is was create an unprecedented opportunity for the sharing of knowledge across cultural and National benef boundaries it also meant that you had Greek thinkers coming into direct contact with Egyptian technology Egyptian history Egyptian religion in a way that was a lot more intimate than ever before and one example of one of these Greek thinkers who ended up surrounded by Egyptian everything was aatosan who lived from around 276 to around 194 BC so this is a guy who is living through basically the rise of the Roman Republic as well around the year 240 BC erat who was working and living in Alexandria Egypt heard about this well in cin Egypt which was about 5,000 stadia away and what he had heard about this well is that during a particular time of the year at noon the sun would shine directly straight down into the well there would be no Shadow to the sides you could see clear to the bottom because the sun was directly overhead and using that information he conducted an experiment where by measuring a shadow in Alexandria at the same time he knew that there would be no shadow in sine he was able to demonstrate the distance between those two points on a circle the distance he gave was 242,000 stadia which were not sure exactly what the dimensions he was using were because there are mentions to the ratio ofat eratosthenes so we think his stadia may have been slightly different from what we tend to think of stadia ranged because it even basically up until the metric system existed there weren't really standard units of measurement the imperial system system wasn't even perfect like the imperial system is very standard now but it was not 300 years ago point of the matter is accounting for the variation and how long stadia could be they determined that his measurement equaled somewhere between 24 and 29,000 Mi which basically means he was spoton that's the right answer we ultimately were able to actually measure the circumference of the earth and it turns out it's 24,901 mil so aatosan could have been completely correct he he could have actually been spot on but either either way he was definitely in the neighborhood far more than you would expect somebody to be unfortunately the exact method by which aanes did this has been lost and much of what we know about it comes from a simplified version produced by cleomedes sorry for the looking at the notes but I couldn't remember how to pronounce the name off my I I couldn't remember if there was an N his version survived and it suggests that the method involved measuring shadows in different locations 5,000 stud apart at the same time of day noon and what he found was since the angle of these sh Shadows which of course there was no shadow in C but the angle of the shadow in Alexandria from a pole he erected was about 7° at noon since 7° is approximately 151st of a circle he just did 5,000 stadia times 51 and he got around 252,000 stadia technically I think that adds up to 255,000 stadia but there was also some some stuff to do with the the way that numbers worked and the fact that 252,000 is divisible by every number between 1 and 10 so that may be why he chose to work with 252,000 because it was just a simpler number to divide and multiply with like they they weren't going to space they didn't need to be super exact they just had to have a general idea of how far they needed to travel and what kind of supplies they needed to bring this was important because the reasoning of Aristotle for why the Earth was a sphere combined with the mathematical proof of the circumference created by aatosan gave the world a new way or at the very least cemented a developing way of looking at everything rather than this being a flat disc of unknown scale it was a sphere of known proportion and as I said a few minutes ago this was during the ascendency of the Roman Republic so as Rome just sort of absorbed the helenistic world to its East they adopted these same beliefs about the proportions and shape of the earth it's also possible that the Romans came to this conclusion even earlier considering that the Pythagorean that came up with this were in southern Italy now of course in 500 BC when Pythagoras lived Rome was a tiny Kingdom up in central Italy and definitely didn't extend South by the third Century it certainly did eventually Rome would go on to conquer essentially the known civilized world and as a result the educated people of the known civilized world at least in Rome sphere fully believed the Earth was a sphere what wasn't known and wasn't proven at the time was where the Earth actually fit into the structure of the Universe at the time of people like aatosan and even Aristotle it was believed that the Earth was the center of the universe that everything was going on around us whether we were on a flat disc or if we were a round ball everything was centered on the Earth the Sun the moon the stars they all went in a circle around the earth and this concept of a universe with Earth at its Center lasted a lot longer than the belief in Flat Earth did and when I say it lasted a lot longer I mean nearly two Millennia however even back during the BC period period there were challenges to this Paradigm today everybody knows about Galileo and most people are at least familiar with the names cernus and Kepler but these were far from the first people to suggest a heliocentric model or a belief that the sun in fact was at the center of at the very least our solar system if not the universe much as with Plato and the spherical Earth it seems very possible that Pythagorean Scholars were the first to suggest a model of the universe where Earth was not at the center the first individual so far far as we are aware to posit a heliocentric model of the universe was aristarchus of seamos who lived during the 3rd Century BC now we only know of the work of aristarchus through Archimedes who himself was a contemporary of both aristarchus and aanes what Archimedes tells us is that aristarchus believed that it was the earth that moved not the sun specifically he believed that the sun and stars were in fixed positions overhead while the Earth orbited around the Sun in a circle and rotated on its own axis 3rd Century BC then in the second century the saluca astronomer solucos or solucos of Salia put forward his own version of the theory unfortunately like aristarchus we only know about uh solos' discoveries through the works of other authors however when I say other authors I'm talking about contemporaries I'm not talking about people 500 years later just to be clear and while it seems that solucos generally put forward the same Theory as aristarchus he also added a belief that the universe was not fixed or set in place but rather infinite but despite the best efforts of aristarchus and solucos most people of the time seem to have held to the Aristotelian geocentric model which would later be improved upon with the toic model of the 2 Century ad there are a few key differences between the Aristotelian and toic models but the one that I think is probably the most important to our discussion right now is that Aristotle put forward a stationary spherical Earth at the center of a un of further spheres concentric to one another while tmy put forward an earth that revolves in a small circle around the true center of the universe tm's cosmology remained the standard for over a thousand years until a late medieval polymath by the name of Nicolas kernus set another Revolution into motion see what I did there a member of the Polish mertile class cernus became a Canon of the Catholic church and went into the Sciences he was known for advances in several Fields including e omics but the most famous contribution he made was to the field of astronomy cernus put forward a model where the Earth as well as all of the other planets in the universe all six of them revolved around the sun which was of course at the center of the universe I'll will be honest kernus was not as close as they presented him to us in high school kernus also pulled off the most hardcore version of the uh will you elaborate on that no meme ever by dropping his heliocentric theory in 1543 and then dying of a stroke the same year Believe It or Not eraser head is my most spiritual film mhm elaborate no I won't um but had cernus lived there would have been some pretty hardcore debates between him and a guy by the name of Giovani Maria tasoni cernus being dead meant that tasoni was basically doing the old man yells at Cloud meme arguing that kernus was using math to try and prove his point like a naughty little boy doas these objections didn't really do a ton during the the exact time period when he was making them and the Catholic church only really started to crack down on this whole heliocentrism thing in the 1600s and that's partially because in 1609 Johannes Kepler built upon the capern model by demonstrating that planets moved in elliptical orbits around the Sun among other things formerly known as Kepler's laws of planetary motion fortunately for Kepler nobody really gave a damn until 1610 when Galileo Galilee decided there just wasn't enough beef in the astronomy fandom he presented troubling new observations such as moons around Jupiter but what Galileo did that was so important was essentially demonstrate that there were other bodies in space that had things orbiting around them Jupiter had moons and he also observed Venus orbiting the Sun which proved that things orbited stuff other than Earth he also saw mountains on the moon the Jesuits were immediately displeased with Galileo's arguments and findings and they argued against him until they looked through telescopes and realized he was right in the years that followed the Catholic Church argued with Galileo about things like gravity and mostly used the Bible as the source of their arguments which brings me to well the the modern Flat Earth [Music] movement the world gradually began to accept that the Earth is a globe which orbits the Sun during the 1700s and by the industrial era the prevailing theory was the one we are familiar with today a small minority however held on to the belief that not only are we at the center of the universe but also that the Earth is flat the seminal Flat Earth work was zetetic astronomy by the English writer Samuel Ral bootham thank you England this is all your fault Ral bam conducted the Bedford level experiment in which he placed a telescope 8 in above the water of the Old Bedford River a flat canal and had a boat row away from his position with a 3-foot flag placed top it Ram's argument was that if the Earth was curved then over the course of that 6 miles there should be about 11 Ft worth of curvature but what Ram observed was that as the boat rode away from him the whole six miles he never lost sight of the flag therefore the Earth must be flat he used this experiment as along with some scriptural arguments to write several works I won't call them books cuz they're not all books but several Works between the years of 1849 and 1865 these Works included zetetic astronomy Earth not a globe and the inconsistency of modern astronomy and its opposition to the scriptures and his cosmology is likely very recognizable an early version of the map used most commonly by flat earthers today in his work he presents the Earth as a flat disc with the North Pole at its Center and an ice wall surrounding the outer edges with the sun moon and stars only a few thous mil overhead if I remember correctly cuz I neglected to write it down he said the sun and moon were 3,000 m overhead and the stars were 3,100 M overhead at this point you may be wondering well is it possible that Ral Botham was a con man that he was saying all of this to publish books to the feeble-minded or something like that but I must tell you Ral bam was a man of impeccable character this is a man who chose to go out of his way and provide charity by taking in a 15-year-old girl as his wife I mean this is a man who responded to the question of Why do ships holes vanish before their masks as they go over the horizon by literally running away from his own lecture allegedly allegedly Ram's suggestions his his writings didn't didn't really attract that much attention until 1870 when a man a supporter of his by the name of John hamton put out an open wager to anyone who could prove the Earth is curved the exact details of the wager seem to have been obscured by time but in some way it seems that this was likely you had to use water I guess in any case the British scientist Alfred Russell Wallace accepted but he used a slightly different experiment he took two poles and placed them so that the tops were 13 ft above the water level 6 Mi apart from one another he then went to a nearby bridge and set up a telescope that was also at 13 ft above the water level and looked out at the two poles and what he saw was that the pole further away from him appeared lower since the tops of both poles were at the exact same height above a level surface the only way that the one further away could be lower than the one nearer by is if the Earth curved which like that alone it's done it's over would think it's a level surface there's no grade it's a canal yep it doesn't move correct ah despite this complete reputation by Alfred Russell Wallace hamen continued to publish flat earth materials for many years and also sent Wallace a whole bunch of death threats eventually Wallace took the death threat threats to the courts and said hey please commit this guy to an asylum for both his own good and my safety some flat earthers will probably tell you that Wallace made all of this up the overwhelming evidence is that he didn't as for Ram's part and how he responded to a complete reputation of all of his theories and the proof that his own experiment was faulty he said it was perspective and not curvature but the problem was that the telescope was level to the two poles it was at 13 ft perspective would only take account in this instance if the top of the poles were higher than the telescope now for the scientific community of the late 1800s Wallace's experiment was all they really needed he had shown that the Earth was not flat that the Earth is in fact curved and he had shown that Ram's experiment when replicated produced results antithetical contrary to Ral Bam's theories for the Flat Earth Community however this was not enough to convince them of something the Greeks had known since at least the 4th Century BC so they kind of doubled down in in 18 93 a Woman by the name of Lady Elizabeth blunt once again an English person founded the universal zetetic society and the universal atic Society published a flat Earth magazine entitled the Earth not a globe review as with Ral bam she firmly believed that the Bible was explicitly in support of a flat Earth her mission statement being propagation of knowledge related to Natural cosmogeny in confirmation of the Holy scriptures based upon practical scientific investigation now you all may know I'm something of an amateur biblical scholar myself so I thought this would probably be the best place to start with my analysis of their [Music] arguments for me part of the reason I decided to take on Flat Earth was as a defense of my Christian faith and to show the world that no matter what flat earthers say the Bible is not a flat Earth book for those who may not know my background I am a historian of the Medieval Era by training and as a result I've read a lot of the philosophic and religious texts of late Antiquity and the Middle Ages and one thing that is completely absent from almost all of them is any serious consideration or argument that the Earth is flat while there were a few Christian writers who claimed the Earth was flat or that we just don't know the shape of the Earth the greatest minds of the church totally rejected a flat Earth perhaps the most famous and relevant example would be Thomas aquinus who in his commentary on Aristotle's physics wrote the fact that the Earth is spherical is demonstrated by natural science by a natural method it could furthermore be demonstrated in astronomy from the figure of the lunar eclipse or from the fact that the same stars are not seen from every part of the earth and the agreement between aquinus and Aristotle is not a retcon it is not a response to changing scientific beliefs because Augustine of Hippo said similar things in Augustine's fifth century literal comment AR on Genesis he refers to the Earth as a globe several times he does this at least twice directly in book 1 CH 25 and again in book 10 chapter 8 taken together with the many other works of late Antiquity and the Middle Ages one can reasonably conclude that early Christians who were surrounded on all sides by Greek philosophy logic and all of their other traditions and paradigms believed the Earth to be a sphere and so the question I had in approaching this segment is why in the face of all of the evidence do flat earthers still cite the Bible Well an early example of this argument can be found in Professor Orlando Ferguson's map of the square yes square and stationary Earth published in 1893 now this map was an ad for a book he was selling for 25 cents which he said would give you essentially all the secrets of the universe uh and it said that there are 400 Bible verses which support the Flat Earth and reject the globe Theory located at the bottom of that map are a set of Bible verses a a series of examples of what he would be covering in his book each verse is implied to show that the Bible presents a flat Earth cosmology but upon closer inspection one will realize that all of them are being wildly misrepresented he first cites Exodus 17:12 specifically the Clause reading and Moses's hands were steady until the sun went down he seems to be implying that because it is the Sun that appears to move then the sun must be rotating around or over top of the earth even though the sun going down can be fully explained using a heliocentric model and I want to point out that a lot of the argument here from the Bible is interpreting the Bible in One Direction and pretending it can't be interpreted the other way sure you could interpret Exodus 17:12 as saying it was the Sun that was moving but you can also interpret it Exodus 17:12 as saying that night was coming and the Earth was rot rotating away from the sun because the sun's position in the sky is not the important aspect of the verse using this as if it's somehow directly correlated or the correct cosmology is ridiculous the next verse used is Joshua 10:13 specifically so the sun Stood Still and the moon stopped which suffers from the same issue as the previous example nothing about the sun stopping overhead in this verse implies that the Earth is flat or stationary the language is describing an event as seen from the earth so the only appears to stop is a perfectly reasonable alternate explanation or interpretation of the verse These biblical arguments only work if the interpretation given by the flat earthers is the only one which could reasonably make sense and in these two verses it's not leaving aside the Myriad issues with a literal interpretation of this verse there's no reason that it only works on a flat Earth model this is because the earth going by Flat Earth rules isn't actually spinning so there would really be no consequences if the Sun and Moon stopped rotating overhead especially if it was just for a few hours one time in any case neither of these first two examples directly addresses the shape or substance of the Earth but he believes that 1 Chronicles 16:30 does reading tremble before him all the Earth indeed the world is firmly established and it will not be moved in The New American Standard Bible it is implied that this means the Earth is a stationary immovable object now rule one of interpreting the Bible is don't take verses out of context context and the context here is crucial given that this is a prayer of Thanksgiving and not meant to be taken in a literal sense it's meant in a metaphysical sense this is not a statement that the Earth doesn't move earthquakes having been recorded earlier in the Bible but rather is an exaltation of the establishment of Jerusalem as the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant it's literally a prayer of thanks remarking that the people of Israel will not be driven from their lands and will retain them through God's protection Psalm 136 six is next reading to him who spread out the Earth above the waters which of course must be read with the understanding that Psalm 136 is a poem this is metaphorical language not a literal description of how the earth was formed and either way if you look at what's said it's hard to understand how this is a reputation of the globe model why on Earth would spread out only apply to a flat planet and not a globe and if you consider what above actually means here it's not saying that the water is flat at the bottom of everything and the rest of the stuff is above it it's saying that in terms of elevation it's higher there are things that are underwater that are above other things that are underwater in fact there is water that is above the water it's just gaseous Ferguson goes on to site Isaiah 1210 as the sun shall be darkened in its going forth but Isaiah 12 only has six verses he meant Isaiah 13:10 which is typically translated as for the stars of heaven and their constellations shall not give their light the sun will be darkened in its going forth and the moon shall not cause its light to shine this is of course a prophecy and not a description of the cosmos and what the prophecy is describing has absolutely nothing to do with cosmology at all it's talking about the destruction of Babylon by an army from far off lands later revealed to be the mees the same event is actually described in Daniel 5 and6 but without any of the details about a darkened Sky because that's about the city itself being taken and it also doesn't focus on the combat or what's going on outside it focuses on the warning of uh what's going to happen in the sake of Isaiah however given that it's prophecy a literal reading is simply not necessarily the best course of action but even if you do take it literally there's nothing in the verse that constitutes a reputation of the globe model the argument seems to be that because the sun is described as going forth that means it's not us moving around it but once again everything is being described by people on Earth who are observing things from Earth and thus it's going to look like it's the sun that's moving even if it's not like relativity seems to be a really big problem for the Flat Earth Community not just the theory of relativity but really any relativity in general if anything this verse seems to be a prediction of something like a lunar eclipse or perhaps a volcanic eruption the latter being the more likely considering that verse 99's language reads to make the land a desolation an eclipse would not cause desolation but a a volcanic eruption certainly would so while it's unclear to what Isaiah is referring at the end of the day the same issue takes told in no way is this exclusively possible on a flat Earth model in fact it can be explained in a way that doesn't even involve Outer Space if we go with volcanic plume following Isaiah 13:10 which I will remind you he cited as Isaiah 1210 despite the fact that Isaiah only has six verses he moves on to verse 1112 in which he notes it makes reference to the four corners of the earth once again in context this is not a claim that the Earth is flat or rectangular or stationary like chapter 13 this is part of a prophecy and it can only be properly understood with the context given in chapters 1-10 in the first part of the book of Isaiah Israel is being rebuked both criticized and warned of a coming judgment however they're also given the promise that after they have been judged they will be restored to greater glory than ever before first however they would be scourged and Scattered by Assyria and then by Babylon before finally a Remnant would return and they would inherit the Kingdom chapter 11 specifically speaks of a period yet to come when God will once again gather the children of Israel Jacob the line of Jacob back to Judah the language used the four corners of the earth follows the very specific mention of Assyria shinar and Elam to the east pathos Kush and Egypt to the South HTH to the North and the islands and coastlands to the West this tells us that this is a metaphor for from all over the Earth rather than a literal description of the Earth's shape and this is made crystal clear in the Hebrew which directly translates as the four wings of the earth not the Four Corners with these factors in mind it's very plain to see that this verse in no way implies that the Earth is flat but he doesn't stop with Isaiah 11 no he continues on to Isaiah 14 which contains the phrase the whole earth is at rest and you can probably guess where this is going the full verse makes it very obvious that Ferguson is misconstruing the text reading the whole earth is at rest and quiet they break forth into shouts of joy in arguing that the first six words of verse 7 are to be taken completely literally Ferguson is necessarily implying that the Juniper and cedar trees spoke out loud this is because verse 8 reads even the juniper trees Rejoice over you and The Cedars of Lebanon saying since you have been laid low no tree cutter comes up against us what do you think Aiden do you think the Juniper and cedar trees were speaking with mouths only if the people that were looking at them speaking with mouths were standing in front of certain burning bushes mhm once again verse seven is not a description of the Earth's shape but part of a taunt to be taken up against Babylon after they are defeated by the Mes in fact that information that this is a taunt against Babylon to be taken up when they are defeated by the mes is quite literally in the chapter right before this Isaiah is actually where most of Ferguson's Quotes come from with chapters 29 30 38 40 52 54 and 58 also listed chapter 29 is actually the one brought up right after chapter 14 but it says nothing about the shape of the Earth and and there's no actual quotation involved so I can't track down what Ferguson meant to quote we've already seen that he tends to mislabel chapters and that actually gets worse but next up is Isaiah 31 which is presented woe to the rebellious children saith the Lord that take counsel but not of me this of course has absolutely nothing to do with the shape of the earth whatsoever it seems to be referring to the fact that the Northern Kingdom of Israel either had already fallen or would fall to idolatry depending on when believe that the book of Isaiah was written Isaiah 38 is mentioned next with so the sun returned 10° given by Ferguson as evidence that his model was correct off the bat he truncated the verse which in full reads that it's the sun's shadow that will return 10° not the sun itself in either case this was a sign to King Hezekiah of Judah that God would fulfill a promise to give him 15 more years even taken literally this verse in no way proves that the Earth is either flat or stationary as one could make the argument that God rotated the Earth rather than moved the Sun and of course that's ignoring the fact that God could have just pushed a cloud into the right spot I also do want to make it crystal clear to everybody watching the video that I'm not sitting here telling you that the Bible is literally accurate to everything it says the Bible is full of metaphor and allegory and it may be wrong I personally believe that it's not so my intention here is not to say well what he says the Bible says is wrong but what I say the Bible says is right but to say the Bible doesn't say what he says it says he moves on next next to Isaiah 40:22 and cites it as saying it is he that sth upon the circle of the earth though this is of course yet again an incomplete quotation read in full the verse is clearly and entirely metaphor referring to the inhabitants of the earth as like Grasshoppers and to the heavens as like a curtain spread out like a tent to live in these are all metaphorical language they are quite literally similes Isaiah 525 is presented as he that spread forth the Earth which is neither the full verse nor is it actually from Isaiah 52 at all it's from Isaiah 42 and the full verse reads this is what God the Lord says who created the heavens and stretched them out and who spread the Earth and gave its Offspring who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it as with all of the other arguments so far this one does not prove that the Earth is flat or stationary as something could very reasonably be stretched or spread out over a ball just as much as it could a table now some argue that a better translation for spread out here is hammered out but that still doesn't mean that the Earth will be flat or the solid as the Bible is full of allegory and metaphor there is so much symbolic language in the Bible that it makes your head spin when you try to interpret it Ferguson does not let that stop him however because he moves immediately on to Isaiah 54:24 presented as that spreadeth abroad the Earth myself and once again Ferguson was off by a full 10 chapters this is actually 44 the same issues present with the Flat Earth interpretation of Isaiah 425 are present with the interpretation of Isaiah 44:24 that being that this is isn't something that is exclusively possible on a flat earth Isaiah 58:13 which as you can probably expect is correctly 4813 is read as my hand hath laid the foundation of the earth and my right hand hath spread out the heavens when I call to them they stand together now foundation of the earth could apply to quite a few different things including the physical makeup of the geological layers of the planet so there's really no reason given the rest of the Bible to say that this verse implies a flat stationary plane we are finally set free from the book of Isaiah with a shift to Jeremiah 31:35 which is arguably the strongest point that he makes in that the passage refers to the fixed order of the moon and stars for light by night this is preceded by the statement that God made the Sun for light by day and followed by the claim that if this fixed order departs from me God then Israel will also cease to be a nation before me God forever I'm actually not sure how this helps Ferguson argument because it would suggest that the sun moon and stars are stationary and don't move at all which his whole argument is that they do move but another reading could simply be that all this is saying is that the sun stars and moon are fixed in order of their distance from Earth beyond that the language certainly appears to be symbolic and is typically interpreted to mean that so long as the sun moon and stars are in the sky God will watch over his people the final example given by Ferguson is acts 2:20 which actually brings us into the New Testament ain't that swanky uh in which Peter references a prophecy given by the prophet Joel about the coming of the end times it's predicted that the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes but this of course is in the context of Blood Fire and Vapor of smoke on the earth put together much like in one of the verses we looked at earlier this sounds a lot like a combination of a lunar eclipse and a volcanic eruption and it sounds nothing at all like proof of a flat stationary Earth why do I say it looks like a lunar eclipse and a volcanic eruption well lunar eclipses make the moon appear to be red and volcanic eruptions would certainly cause blood fire and Vapor of smoke and the ash would likely block out the Sun so the sun would be darkened alternatively because if the ash were blocking out the sun it would probably also block out the Moon another possibility would be that there's a solar eclipse then a lunar eclipse then a volcanic eruption which if that happened I actually would assume where the end times were coming I mean the weekend before this video came out there was a solar eclipse where absolutely nothing happened and everyone assumed the end times were coming well not everyone but probably the same people who are mad at me for this video as I previously stated Ferguson was advertising a booklet which claimed that he had 400 Bible verses which quote unquote condemned the globe Theory but if these are the ones that he chose to use for his advertisement I'm confident that the other 384 are no more convincing as I investigated the the alleged biblical reasoning for a flat Earth one question I had was why the sudden Revival of a flat Earth cosmology two Millennia after the Western World had left these beliefs behind as it turns out much of the controversy of the 19th century was related to the conflict thesis a belief held by some members of the scientific community that science and religion were fundamentally at odds with one another the now overwhelmingly rejected conflict thesis really came into its own and was fully developed in the latter portion of the 19th century but it began to coales in the earlier portion and one example ex Le is the work of jeanan anine latron lron a French archaeologist argued that the belief in a flat Earth was upheld by medieval churches and that this was done out of a belief that the Bible says the Earth is flat he expressed his criticisms in on the cosmographical ideas of the church fathers in which he used the work of several Christian authors of late Antiquity in the Middle Ages the text however is riddled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations latron cites the sixth century Christian Author Cosmos IND kloes and his work Christian topography as evidence that the early church that the medieval Church even believed in a flat Earth but the problem is he fails to recognize that Christian topography was never really accepted by the church it was never popular in reality Christian topography Flat Earth cosmology had very little impact on a church and people who when educated firmly believed that the Earth was a sphere at this point in history the real subject of debate as I previous ly mentioned was not the shape of the Earth but its position in the universe and in a very ironic twist latron actually criticizes diodorus of Tarsus seus of gabala and yeus of czara for claiming that there was a heaven beyond the heavens what these men said was that Earth was surrounded by a lower Heaven which is visible and that beyond that was another Heaven which was larger and not visible of course they were right considering that the atmosphere forms a visible blue sky above us and then there is the vast expans of space beyond it it's also possible that they were even more right and that they were talking about everything up through the mesosphere as being the actual visible heavens and then everything from the mesosphere out into the exosphere being invisible Heaven would all still be part of Earth's atmosphere but visible and invisible in looking at the works of men like latron one could argue that the modern Flat Earth movement developed as a response to anti-religious and anti-dogmatic efforts from the scientific Community but it's kind of hard to draw any direct connections between latron and uh ralb Botham you know there's I don't know that ralb Botham ever readed lron and that's what brings us to the modern contemporary Flat Earth [Music] movement whatever the impetus for the Resurgence of Flat Earth cosmology was it did take root within a small and passionate minority particularly in England under the leadership of lady Elizabeth blunt so the work of roboam and the zetetic astronomers and then later on lady blunt and the work of the universal zetetic Society eventually pequ the interest of a sign maker by the name of Samuel shenton and a sign maker back in the 1920s would have been what you would think of as a basic graphic designer for marketing today this is a person who you would hire to design and create signage shenton was born in 1903 and he began to take an interest in the Flat Earth idea when he was in his 20s and as The Story Goes shenton's interest in Flat Earth began in the 1920s after he had witnessed the Zeppelin raids over Britain and he thought hey if the Earth is moving 1,000 mph then in order to travel long distances why don't we just float an Airship way up into the atmosphere let it stay there as the Earth revolves underneath it and then when the correct spot is beneath it we can just lower the ship back down it will use very little energy and it will be very efficient and quick and once he formulated this idea he started to wonder hey why hasn't anybody else thought of this why has this not been done it hasn't been patented you know this is this is really cool of course the reason was that it didn't work with the laws of physics and Engineers knew that the atmosphere moved with the Earth shenton however was unwilling to believe that he simply didn't understand the laws of physics and instead decided there must be some Grand conspiracy and after reading Ral botham's athetic astronomy he was convinced that the man was on to something however shenton felt that the zetetic societies didn't really focus enough on science sence that yes they were right about the scriptures but that wasn't going to be enough to convince the scientific Community they needed to use practical science shenton then undertook to create his own version of The Flat Earth cosmology which still had a flat disc with the North Pole at the center and an ice wall at the edges the sun 3,000 Mi above the Earth's surface and then a few more things he had to address a few things like eclipses and the seasons which the previous models just didn't do in order to do this he posited that the sun cast a narrow beam of light more like a flashlight than a glowing orb and along with the Moon it rotated in circles which varied in size throughout the year which accounted for the seasons summer in the northern hemisphere would mean a smaller Circle and summer in the southern hemisphere would mean a larger Circle the sun according to shenton was 32 mi in diameter as was the moon but the difference between his and Ral botham's cosmology was that the moon was 450 mies closer which could account for eclipses at least for solar eclipses however this doesn't make any mathematical sense sense because if the moon and the sun are the same size but the moon is closer to the Earth than the sun is then the moon should appear in this case with the numbers given 15% larger not the same size nevertheless shenton followed up on his new cosmology by founding the international Flat Earth research Society in 1956 and his goal through the international Flat Earth research Society was to use modern science to prove the arguments the claims that were mostly based upon scripture of the former zetetic and Universal athetic societies this of course was terrible timing as the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 in October of 1957 thereby providing irrefutable evidence that things could in fact surpass the insurpay that Sputnik wasn't actually in low earth orbit it was just rounding around in circles over top of the earth it did somewhat help the Flat Earth cause that Sputnik 1 was not equipped with a camera but few years later the tyros 1 satellite was and it took a picture of the planet from space It should be mentioned that tyros 1 was not the first craft to take a picture of Earth from space in 1946 a captured V2 rocket was used to do that from within the atmosphere just at the edge of space and then another satellite took one a few years uh before tyros 1 but it didn't really turn out so in tyros 1's images return to Earth that was really the first time we got a good Glimpse at our planet from orbit not from the atmosphere not a shoddy image but a true picture of the Earth from orbit from space it wasn't the whole earth though so Samuel shenton maintained his stance even with 1961's first orbital flight completed by Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union you might sit there and argue hey well the Soviets were just lying they were just trying to freak NATO out but uh Al Shepard completed needed a piloted space flight a month later the difference between these two flights was that Yuri was not piloting a spacecraft he was simply up there for 108 minutes while it went around the planet whereas Al Shepard's Mercury Redstone 3 nicknamed Freedom 7 was piloted but did not actually complete an orbit of the Earth the United States wasn't all that far behind the USSR however and in February of 1962 NASA put Astronaut John Glenn into orbit John Glenn's orbital Mission posed a significant problem for Samuel shenton NATO and the USSR had now both claimed to have put a man into orbit so were they both lying according to shenton yes but by 1968 in the face of mounting photographic evidence from the vcad mola lunar orbiter and surveyor missions as well as the ATS and Dodge satellites shenton finally offered a path to concession shenton was a man of science at least in his own mind and he wanted to be perceived as somebody who made decisions made his beliefs based upon the facts presented to him to that end he said that if Apollo 8 returned and Apollo 8 was ongoing at the time if Apollo 8 returned with photographic evidence he would accept it there were a few stipulations and he was quoted as saying if they show us a very clear picture of the Earth from space and the picture does not show all of the continents and the edge of the picture is out of perspective then it will prove that the Earth is round basically if you show me a photograph and Earth is in the middle and space is to the side Di and I can't see all of the continents then that means the Earth must be a globe we do also get some important information from that same article from the AP in which he says if the Earth is a planet it would have to be traveling around the Sun at a million milph and we have never had evidence that the Earth is moving around the Sun of course this whole full color image by Apollo 8 thing was kind of a moot point because both the ATS and Dodge satellites had already by this point produced full images of the entire Earth from space and they fit the stipulations you could not see all of the continents and the edges of the picture were black Earth was in the middle both of those photos were released exactly 30 years before I was born regardless on December 21st 1968 the Apollo 8 astronauts took a picture of the Earth from space which fit all of the parameters given by shenton the only possible shortcoming here was that a tiny sliver of the planet was in Shadow due to the position of the spacecraft which was not directly between the Earth and the Sun but rather slightly to the east there was a shadow over the Eastern Atlantic basically everything east of the Prime Meridian appears to be in Shadow but you can still see probably 95% of Earth in the image the reason for this of course is that it was just nighttime in Europe and Africa like that that's it the mission produced a few more photographs of the earth some parts covered in Shadow but with enough enough there to see that it's definitely a globe at least for any person with a functioning brain but Samuel shenton was no such person as you might expect rather than simply admit that he had been wrong Samuel shenton instead insisted that the USSR and NATO were both lying because for some reason they want us to think the Earth is round he didn't change his opinions when Humanity landed on the moon a year later either despite all of the video photographic and testimonial evidence astronauts he claimed are hypnotized into believing they go to space even with their training those chaps wouldn't have the nerve to be fired off on top of an explosive a rocket and the lack of observations they bring back is negligible now I will say that describing a lack of observations as negligible in this context actually doesn't make any grammatical sense but even more importantly uh but these guys were often fighter pilots their entire job was to strap themselves to a jet with guns now of course piloting a jet and piloting a Saturn 5 are a different thing but come on man and before anybody says it in the comments cuz I know you will the moon we landed on it it happened if you people insist on making me do a video on the moonlanding conspiracy I will do so but I will also say that Buzz Aldren just does not seem like the kind of guy to lie about that and before you take what was very clearly just a joke and make it into something serious like a certain somebody tried to do and we covered his tartaria nonsense that was a joke me saying that we landed on the moon however was not a joke and if you challenge me on it I will make a video actually you know what even better if you want to see the moonlanding video I'll make this very easy for you uh just comment moon in any case the same article which quoted shenton as saying that for some reason they just want us to think the Earth is round uh It also says that shenton may be the last Flat earst Earth not earther in the world but as you all know that was wishful thinking that's because Samuel shenton was the archetype for the modern flat earther a man so overconfident in his own intelligence that no amount of evidence could ever sway him he was convinced that his understanding of both theology and science outstripped that of men of the cloth and Men of the lab coat it didn't matter that he had been proven Wrong by his own parameters or that the overwhelming majority of theologians agreed that the firmament of Genesis 17 was never a solid Dome and that's something I want to quickly [Music] address the word that appears as firmament in some English Bibles comes from the Hebrew word word raaka and rakia is better translated as expanse or to expand firmament in English language Bibles is a result of St Jerome translating rakia as firmamentum in the Vulgate Bible the Vulgate was a fourth Century translation of the Bible into common Latin the Latin spoken by the average person rather than the classical Latin of The Poets and it was translated primarily from the Hebrew texts available at the time with the gaps being filled in by the sepagan the Greek Greek language translation of the Hebrew Bible today Modern English translations such as the English Standard Version or the American Standard Bible as well as their newer 20th century versions translate Genesis 17 as God made the expanse rather than God made the firmament it's possible that Jerome chose to use firmament instead of expansum because of the use of the Greek word stereom in the Septuagint stereom can be translated directly into English as Foundation framework or firmament but firmament is referential to the King James Geneva and Dey rymes Bibles basically the only reason that stereom can translate to firmament in English is because of that mistranslation in the Bible as for the septuagenarian it is always used in the verb form to mean to hammer out to spread out to stretch out or or basically to expand and the noun form is never used to mean solid Dome structure of course that doesn't mean that the ancient Hebrews perceived of the earth as being a globe it does appear that they may have perceived of Earth as a flat world with a solid Heaven above it though this is not necessarily what the text itself says it's just their interpretation of it and there's really no need in the Old Testament for God to correct that in an essay that he wrote on the ancient Hebrew cosmology the late Dr Michael Heiser wrote I'm appalled that people who follow Christ are so easily LED astray into embracing beliefs that are demonstrably contrary to reality this level of willful ignorance dishonors God and he was right to do so because a literalist interpretation of the Bible is an untenable one with many verses or chapters being pure allegory or metaphor including the very Parables of Christ himself there was no prodigal son there was no Vineyard there were no talents all of these were madeup stories that Jesus Christ used to teach Concepts to his audience and to be clear that's not me saying that the Bible is a madeup story I'm saying that in the Bible Christ told fictional stories so as we close out this video I have to ask the question how is it that in the face of overwhelming scientific and scriptural evidence people in the year of Our Lord 2024 still believe that the Earth is flat that is what we will be covering next time when we dive into the 21st century and really the internet era of Flat Earth belief how did a movement that was down to as the LA Times put it the last flat earst manage to see such a massive Revival with the dawn of the internet but for today we're going to leave it right here giving you the history and the biblical side of things before we jump into everything else because I needed a break and this video is already pretty long so with all of that said if you want to support what we're doing here at the lore Lodge you can subscribe to us on patreon for just $1 a month or you can become a member here on YouTube for $5 a month that will get you access to the returning and revised drunk folklore Drunk History Podcast where once a month Aiden and I will sit down with a bottle of whiskey and proceed to tell you the most 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roasting company they also have a bundle that you can get that includes ours and stui SL history of everything and by the way stui history of everything has his own coffee with Tableau as well he's also just a cool guy we like him check his content out and if you want to get updates on this channel and what's going on know exactly when new videos come out or what we're working on you can always go join our Discord it is bit. ly/ jooin the lodge and I think that just about does it yeah we'd just like to thank the me one more time for sponsoring this video go check them out if you want to get rid of your internet presence and make sure that people aren't buying your data without your consent and uh that about does it I'm Aiden Madison thanks for stopping by the lore [Music] Lodge
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 242,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, flat earth, flat earthers, flat earth society, flat earth conspiracy, flat earth debunked, is the earth flat, debunking flat earth, conspiracy theory, flat earth debate, the earth is flat, flat earth theory, flat earthers vs scientists, round earth, flat earth proof, flat earth theory explained, flat earthers realizing the earth is round
Id: mlhHjZItk4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 47sec (4067 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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