Did Dave Chappelle "Savagely End" Dane Cook's Career?

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there's a story a clip from a story on YouTube with you and Dave Chappelle I'm sure you know the story I'm talking about the Laugh Factory where it's supposed to be Dane's night and Dave Chappelle shows up not true that none of that story is true no and apparently the guy Titan the guy that yeah yeah okay so you know the whole thing yeah but the guy that told the story even told the story by saying I heard this thing and I don't know but I heard and it was like he prefaced it by saying that Dave came in and basically because it was my night that Dave did a set and then said hey everybody join me outside for a cigarette and then the the original and then the crowd just followed Dave out and the guy was like this like 2006 or seven let me tell you something Dave and I were both at the peak of our power at 2006 and seven you know him with the Chappelle show and just everything in his life that was happening and you know me from this meteoric like the two people you're not leaving a room at that era was me and Dave I mean I'm not trying to sound like you know so like it it's just not true so he didn't say let's go outside I'm gonna go no I just saw David summer camp I did his uh his yellow spring show like he's like I adore that guy we would never do anything to try to um to underhand you know to to take away from one another both of us know probably more than most people that um you know this isn't uh this isn't the job that uh this isn't a good look in this job to try to take something away from somebody else yeah and Dave would never do that and people that believe that I know it's a good story and it sounds fun to tell but it's like he would never have done that too there's a lot like six million views on that straight yeah maybe this will get 12 million views and everyone will see we'll see actually it's such a good story it's like let it be out there you know how it is yeah it's all but the title of it is like Dave Chappelle savagely ruins ruins Dane Cook's career right that's just so ridiculous yeah I mean I was also um in a magazine article once that said I was dating uh Rihanna well and um she came to the show and then it was this whole breakdown of like we went to the Pacific Palisades and like for years my friends were like man what was that like I'm like never met her you know these things just had it's fodder it's like um the internet is ready this is what the internet is it's just waiting for one person to say it so everybody can believe it one person says it we've seen it recently with people that something really terrible has said one person says it and then everybody runs with it yeah and it's like that on the good side and the bad side sometimes people can say something that like uh this person's a hero because they once saved the dog from a fire and that person I called the fire department but I never ran into the and so that's all the internet's waiting for us one good sounding story to go let's latch onto that it's like a big game a broken telephone
Channel: CVV CLIPS
Views: 65,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dane Cook, Dane Cook Interview, Dane Cook Comedian, Dane Cook Stand Up, Dane Cook Feud, Dave Chapelle, Dave Chapelle Interview, Dave Chapelle Stand Up, Stand Up Comedy, Comedy, Comedian, Chris Van Vliet, CVV Clips, dave chappelle dane cooke, dane cook savagely ended, dave chappelle savagely ended career
Id: oUboix2lNp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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