Did Chelsea Bottle It? & Ten Hag vs Carra | Stick to Football EP 21

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Gary last week you got um six points six with um three B it managers are going to be NY you get NY and emotional I already really get NY but managers get get NY they do I think when they changed that City then took the game to a whole new level the Liverpool fans started to realize it the kids started to play and the Liverpool fans sang a song I don't know it was for about 5 minutes he thought oh here we go will cut winner most expensive player in British football we've got two young kids here just run over them i' probably um want someone like a Denzel how you go you well you well I'm very good how was s Lucia it was good you're well I'm very well I'm very how are you right here you good I'm very well you're on good form Nev I'm well yeah I'm well I'm well why' you park so badly yeah no you know the way you parked the way you parked was is like the way you are it it just felt very clumsy yeah and selfish it felt very selfish yeah yeah I'm going to go selfish because there's not and la la lazy as well yeah it's one I think it's one of the things I I get frustrated about most when someone parks that badly it's just badly parked and the car the car's actually turned there I'm on the line but I'm within the lines yeah but then we have to push over you're not within the lines because like your wheels over the line bro you know what people talk about there's not enough hous now for people there's not enough parking spaces is there yeah of course you think you want to go big yeah to big car too big and you park somewhere okay you might be on a double where can I physically Park to go there it's it's impossible do what rashford does just P out what you like yeah yeah I hate people what you like and get a ticket but just they just keep getting tickets and like for the ticket I think Fabian bz had something like 160 parking tickets I always remember going to the general office and it was like a parking ticket you just used to bring them in give them to the general office and did they pay them didn't sorry we one second just pause a sec what's up just sorting out some issues what so we we can't talk with the we're justat we're talking F okay why you stopping the joy my job I don't want to be it's not your job we just you can still do the issues you might have a job this no we need him we need him for the Super Six predictions don't Bey to our man stat Angus lo I think you should be able to appear right for a year a paring Fe right to like two three grand and you just POG no I just wish you could like just pee I've got like the if you got the freedom of something to or something but you can pay so if you go to like an NCP in Manchester you can pay for a season pass I know but you still got to drive to the NCP don't you like just put it up on the like straet Corner must you know what so must be a be a great invest I say that all the time there's no up did just recurring solid income basically yeah you must be we just said that what did you have to come in with a fancy word do you know what I mean that's what we were saying huh what did you say what you I didn't hear what you said he said there must be a good investment yes recurring solid why you saying that you mean just just say you make a few quid what was it I saw I'm not the poet La was with you um G with the with the hope you're well in in an in because always do will yeah I know but just just yesterday I found you do like I'm on text so basically you 20 text a day as an example I so hope you're well I so hope you're well hope you're good you find out when did that start cuz that wasn't always a thing it's just a feeling bro I know it wasn't a thing it's like then then they go back and say hope you're well and you answer it's like you know what I mean it's a bit like isn't it just being isn't it just being manly just like hope you and then bam carry on I'm not how many minutes a day can that take out you day predict 14 but if you times that by seven that's 98 minutes a week you times that hope you well you're un like you're you're spending like a couple of days a year dealing with I hope you well I thought I wasn't it's true I do hope you well all the time yeah you don't I've never se you text you say hope you well I think not no I do you met all Alan partage on us yes yeah because like for you to sit down do a video and to talk about hope you're I just start about I thought is he well but when did you start when you start when when did it start it never happened like five six seven years ago you never said to people every time you text them you'd say hi what um will you can you make sure you're here at 9:30 I think you know you have say hope you well I think it's after C is it it say hope it's a new thing it's it's not this is not been going on for 25 yeah definitely when did it come in family hope you well hope you're good hope you're well are you are you do you really hope the well I genuinely do well and now you get the Crux of it it's now becomes a bit of a I mean are you really interested no you you do want people well I think it's are you interested in the answer I if they come back and say yeah well I've just done this I've just done that oh God started the whole conversation yeah but when you say they they feel like you're feeling yeah it's like why would you even need to say you obviously you hope that the well of course you do but you don't need to see it do you no that was my point why when did it come in when did it start you know what I mean it's like a CO it's just I feel like you always say like hope you're okay look after yourself take care is ter of something I just can't see is inter how you finish a text I always think where it's like okay see you soon take it easy and then it's like someone gives a thumbs up you give a smiley face I think I think as soon as you give someone the thumb it's end and the new one I like on the WhatsApp is that like you don't you don't have to just give a thumb underneath you can click on their message and a thumb and that means like abely I don't want to speak to you no more to be fair off stop tting no I that one the thank you I do praying hands in a heart PR hands in a heart boy just doesn't reply do you really no he just a selfie self strange face I love really selfie right you do send a selfie to everybody no not yeah just it's a closure you doing a podcast this morning by the way no voice over I get a lot of voice over work yeah oh I know you do radio tea bags yor tea kit tea bag nice one Jill take that bag you do tea bags on you which tea bag rephraser T and it's t not Yorkshire tle tle tle you do kitchen stuff I think I'm a bit warm it's nice you a free kitchen you were the one texting us about get one of them nice even know the know but yourself a nice people voice over for what Jill he was telling this about kitchens and he was saying get yourself a nice what's it called AR even know what the hell idea sorry you don't have oven do you yeah in the kitchen I did yes eats the whole house what's the thing that everyone's got KN an air fryer oh yeah I got them for my birthday is there any sugar did you cook any sugar [Laughter] no though no we've got I mean I've never cooked in my life but I mean just talks about get in the be amazing AR it gets cooked a lot quicker in like a full chicken you can knock off an hour off you can how long do it normally take a full chicken uh half an hour more about an hour 40 depending I mean you've never cooked a chicken no I've never cooked anything no you have cooked I mean you've cooked chicken breast Haven you like chops for like a curry or something like I be nothing in my life my god I've never cooked anything I why you not cook a full chicken cuz that's like proper cooking is it but you you must have done some chicken no you must done chicken strips or even chicken nuggets nothing is that chicken us when you're younger your mom didn't let Mom would never let us anywhere near would yeah it wouldn't let us I mean like obviously young kids okay there's a sub Story come up from righty here a i in the woods I had a fox us to feed it no it's just like because it's it's strange cuz I don't cook I put me I'll put me breakfast in the [Music] microwave welcome to to stick to football brought to you by Sky and this week we're going to be talking about Eric tenh hard's Manchester United and his bite back against Jamie carrier's analysis of his Midfield about the carabell Cup Final and about whether I overstep the mark by using the word bottle I do want to start see you because I didn't realize you were at L doing the game we were doing this concert and we just kept seeing through Harland Highland Harland Highland it means he's kept scoring right no it was good it was to watch him live listen l l up against it but him and the Brian we still still go watch them live when they in that the two best players Brant were Fant Brant to watch to be you know they were fantastic you know the you know the thing was is that you know it's CFA cup and you know we' done all the stuff at the top about Luton with their deduction and coming through the leagues and you know they're playing one of the best teams in Europe and you know this is what it's about the magic of the FA Cup three minutes SP the game the reality yeah the reality come because what happens is is that when you get players of that caliber but like you see where aangi took the ball from Lon didn't do too much wrong maybe obon could have come across and stopped him from running straight but he he took three players on from his own box yeah yeah got into the just and passed the great ball into Nunes and then no one picked de brck but the thing is is they didn't do much wrong they got totally punished for every single mistake in and around there and Kevin De Bron doesn't need much space to to you know I mean to make it happen and there's so much space for for harand to run into the poor fellow who was marke him you're getting a breakdown of the game you it just but can you feel it can you feel but it was just so it was so good to watch simply because we tried to set it up as old city are going to have to make sure that they're focus and that and L are going to have to be perfect and it's exactly what it was game's dead quickly because you actually um the team come through on your phone didn't it and you went look at that team that Pep's picked yeah and he's like all these sometimes you think about like Manchester Derby on Sunday Big League games Champions League and he just picks like a really strong team in a game where he think does take a chance with anything does he you know what I mean they were really strong they were really strong they got everyone in they've got a few day you know when people talk about the game Nick but the game is on Sunday you know PL nice it AR they yeah but yeah you know I mean it's a home game I think it's when you're traveling in Europe was where year that's can take its toll but I I obious felt he was going to go strong last night and he was always going to play people like Howen and de BR still getting them up this can't you can't talk about city as oh yeah this part of the season and they're changing the team up that that team last night could he's play comfortably in the Premier League against probably anyone you know I mean let's not forget that you know I mean you know when you said about L and not doing much wrong though the amount of times the ball just went into harland's feet I'm like think they should havei just screening it it was so like in set through it started to stress us out a bit I was like annoyed need like a Roy ke in there you know screening because they just totally took advantage well that's why you'd have to be critical of Lon a little bit and the manager he kept saying after we committed we're going to be brave but you have to use your brain you have to sometimes sit in we almost gone One V on since against City missing they do Play One V one JN Stones right is like I watched it against Bournemouth and that I don't know what he said to just go and do anything but he's breaking from all the way back there and all the way into like being the ferv man f up with Harland John Stones is doing something that I think's been talked about in football for sort of like even football before I Bobby moard yeah rard or sort of England it was sort of obviously long time before us but you know Bobby Moore came out with the ball and then the next one was going to be Rio to do that and then obviously Jon Stones is doing because you got a manager like Pep Guardiola but we hear about players being good on the board at the back but he's the and about people going into Midfield Like Beckham B when you a kid Beck B did this like the sweeper and stuff but I've never seen anyone do what Jon Stones is doing where he's actually popping he's just like almost like just going not where he wants because obviously there's got to be some sort of structure to it but I haven't seen that before where like it and and we've got fullbacks now going into Midfield Pep's forgot that one he's doing a center back in there H to do that of Liverpool he probably come out with the ball wouldn't he but it feels like JN SS has actually running Beyond people yeah he's he's he's doing his in the center half he's passing it through lines if he gets into the Midfield he's passing into fs and going to follow him and if they hold it he's going going Beyond them he's doing everything in every Department I think with stores cuz didn't pep try it with the fullback but then I think they were missing kind of the outlet then to the fullback so then he changed it to the center half and it still keeps that wit within the pitch so I think when they changed that City then took the game to a whole new level because they can have people filling in behind but when it was the fullback coming in it felt like they were missing that I think a good point that keeping Walker in that sort of position you know there cuz obviously sometimes orever is their left back they have they struggle at left back to get they have four backs now don't think that's probably one of the reasons why Al do you think like you think he does it though car because he thinks like everyone's copying my fullback thing now so what I'm going to do I'm going I'm going to change it up the one who do do something different they fullbacks now are like center backs aren't they so even if Aki plays he's really a center back normally you have a your fullbacks are nor they've been Wingers and they go to fullbacks or you've had a center back and they go to fullback is at the moment he's playing center backs are fullbacks and then when they've got the ball Jon Stones go forward and they come in don't they I got imagine when you were playing in the day and you ended up in the middle of the par be in trouble wouldn't you like not in trouble but get yeah what's going on you would you would have been because you there's no need to be it's not being in there it's actually CU if you're in there receiving the ball and you're facing play you're all right if you then turn and you're basically back to play oh my you just feel like lost you know the biggest thing I talk from last night is that Roy we speaking about it just then when we was coming here them two teams are in the same league that was it was like you're watching how good city were that them two it could have been could could have been could have been more you know I mean big worry massive is a [Music] worry talking about Midfield you did a piece on Monday Night Football which has obviously caught the attention of Eric tenh hard where you talked about uh and it's something that's been said probably for a minute one of the season the gaps in Midfield that Manchester United have but I was two questions I don't if any of you saw the piece but Eric tags obviously responded yesterday quite strongly against you in the sense that he said that they're not subjective comments um when he said objective and I mean I'm not the clever as you know last night we who did we meet last night the poet of La po La yeah poet La po of La no go this is quite interesting because can I just say before you go sub up a lot of sub me both no but can I just say from J people L haven't you but can I just say from James point of view when I done the I done a a kind of a short um analysis of it on the match of the day but it's blatantly it's obviously blatantly there for everyone to see yes Jamie done a deep dive on it but even man united fans are seeing the spaces and what's going on so I was very surprised they would come back your I saw your piece on on on Sunday morning you did the piece where AI was getting into that space earli in the game straight he did did so yeah but the thing is gal it's not something it's not like Jam's finding something that's like oh wow this is something that even the man united fans can see what's going on there's spaces in all over the place what did you say basically that it I mean it wasn't anything different that we've already done this season and to be honest I wanted to do this on Monday Night Football two weeks ago because United I think have won four games on theat V didn't they so they beat Villa I think they beat wolves in the midweek and they quite fortunate it was Luton was just an end to end game so I was actually coming in to the show thinking I'd like to do man united when they've won so it doesn't actually look like you're saying oh they've got CU what I was basically going to say was this is not sustainable you can't keep doing this and you're being a little bit lucky winning these games so different things happen there you know shows different people put their input in different things happen the weekend but I actually looked at and the reason I chose United this weekend it wasn't the results it was more the performance is what I wanted to analyze and I felt they've got forest in the cup and then they've got City in the league now they tough games for them and if they lose them I thought everyone will be like 10 out or going into it so thought let's do it before every else does it if the result so that was the thinking it wasn't so much the uh the result but it was basically what we've been seeing all season yeah they're easy to play against yeah yeah but it's almost like teams now well most teams I press from the front and we press high and everyone's up to the halfway line but man united were doing two separate things he were like the front six were like really going manto man pressing and then the back four were like miles behind like you'd rather one all the other and it was just it was the time to do it I mean does anybody disagree with the point that obviously Caris m made it on M today around the sort of the easy to play against the gaps in Midfield anybody no one can disagree yeah you can see that it's not it's it's not reol can't understand why he had he had a go even West Ham a few weeks AG when they beat West Ham they were getting record amount of opportunities and shots and balls into the area whatever so of villa we obviously done the Villa Game recently and Villa again the way I look at it they're very easy to get it passes how the big startat this is this is unbelievable I think Sheffield United have did the most shots as you'd expect and man united a second waste and Sheffield United met like numbers in terms of like shots against goals against they're on Coast be the worst team defensively we've ever seen in the Premier League at this moment if they carry on how they are till then you know the next 10 or 12 games they'll be the worst and man united the second worst behind defensively do you think it's mad that he's gone away and watched you do that and then come back at you I find that mad CU I'm like as a manager surely you just score the training the next day like are you going to watch your and no disrespect I know your analysis is very good but as a manager of a team but question somebody I'm guessing asked him a question in the press conference wasn't it but he's obviously seen it he's obviously seen it because they're going to get information from their press officers that this might be coming at yet that obviously Jam's made some points towards him and I think managers do react and they're especially if they're asked a question it's not as if he's G you come back at that Roy would you come back up when you look at let's face it I think that when you look at the way man united are playing in the spaces quite damning how easy it is so why why would he come back at that yeah for everyone he did he actually to be fair he didn't say I've watched it and Jamie was right he said he watched it and Jamie was wrong wow yeah but no said he said that for the first 30 minutes I agree but then after that I didn't agree well the the piece was the first half you know and don't forget they did ConEd a goal like that in the in the last kick of the game the 96 minutes so I've got no thing when someone text me like 5 minutes before from sky that obviously they've done hogs around your house outside your yeah listen I've got no I would never go back or I've got no problem with that cuz to be honest I'm quite emotional I I sometimes think I know we're saying you shouldn't do it you know you've been there but I actually think I know the personality I am if I felt felt something I know I know I'd probably say something at some stage and and start I saying don't so I've got no problem with it saying it the biggest worry for me is sort of as a man united fan was that what are you going to do about it why is that still happening because this is tag obviously I don't care what anyone says you know we're talking about his job and things that but to get the man united job and to be manager of Ajax getting them to the um semi-final of the Champions League he's obviously a top manag he knows what he's doing you know he's worked under Pep Guardiola at Bay Munich so he's not an idiot but I'm thinking that is I can't believe that has been left that long that you're still having the same problem you not pressing up I go but and I don't want to be just pined on a Maguire but there's always that worry with Maguire of man united coming up and squeezing the pit like all team there's that with him all the time and I think that's where there is gaps where they're they're frighten to death to come all the way up because I think anything over the top he'll be in trouble with that Ro is that like what I'm saying is what to do with now that was killing them now say well okay we're going to protect Harry so come on we've all got to go so the front six you've got to come back 10 it's very simple the front six got to come back 10 or 15 yards or the back four got to go 10 it's like it's one or the other but it's like they're doing both think like Martinez then he cuz I thought that munz from munz from P he did well didn't he I was looking at the clips on the Su he's brilliant you know watching that performance I'm sure held it up well didn't he held it up well he really AR even when AR won some he only Ed it down there bam he got it laid it off and even the last goal you could see um it was his involvement but dragged har in because Harry had to go and then what happens is there there's got there's no cover from Harry so once he lays that in and then triari comes on you know what I mean and he's running there's no Pace there wasn't no Pace to stop him so it's probably someone like Martinez then Harry can go in you know what I mean with abandonment and just like I'm going to just try and stop him because they got Pace maybe if they do get but they they didn't have [Music] that how much do you pin on the manager for not correcting this issue that's repeatedly happened over the last six months how much do you pin on the players for potentially not sort of if you like following instruction how much do you where where do you wait but in the game though do you not think in the game like you've played in games where like your from players will go press and if you're not in a position to go with them Lads hold back or women whatever like in the communication piece has you have people that sometimes go off on a tangent they'll start pressing Lads we just s sit in because they've gone off or all go together there there is Jam as well yeah but there is J as well because we used to work on it a lot at Arsenal and there's times where you know you you don't go you don't go on your own like we see sometimes Bruno he'll just go and then you see massive space so what happens J is that you're meant to in training you worked on that to such an extent that you know now we can't go now because we're not we're not set here so let's wait and then bam we'll wait for the trigger point which I thought some of the time against yeah like Fernandez is not going to do it rashford won't do it they might do it for five or 10 minutes and the evidence is there so if you've got a team that's not going to press we talk about leopards in spots then man united are never really going to be good but that press the side of it but but what you say there Jill I I you see the clips okay the defend and couns actually get them sent looking at them on the white Scouts but then I thought I always like to watch the first half of a game because I always think second half Subs come on you know you might be winning or losing things CH so the second half might not be the plan you know but the first half is the plan of a manager what he's been building off for two or three days so the reason what you've just said there I used a clip from the kickoff so there's nothing else going on in the game straight from this kickoff you must know exactly what you I need my job is to press him or his job just so that's why I used that clip and that was the criticism because the young glad in Midfield it looked like he didn't really know was it f or Noob KOB he didn't know whether he was there there was a player in front of him and there's a player 15 yards behind him he didn't to go to that there he kept and this was like 20 seconds into the game and I'm thinking you know what to do in 20 seconds into the game especially from a kickoff it goes back with all go or whatever it you know the plan was I do blame I blame center backs I think if there a player there if there's a player there Coby's there and there's a player in front I'd expect a Defender here to say yeah kobby drop back one or go and I'm going in and and literally if I was there I I would always say to the player in front of me or even the player there you know screen go press he always wor we're talking about this level of players playing for Man United or this level of Premiership that you're we're breaking it down to this when there's a player got that that that eventually Basics yeah they are Basics but if you're not getting the basics right then you are trouble but if you can't communicate with a center half and you're talking about whatever about Center halfes of man united the whether we raate them or not these are experien international players and you've got a young player Man United midfield and it's a big respon then they have to help him out that's the game it's funny like 20 years ago when Bonitas came in we have depending on the opposition we played we we always talk about the block so are we are we high are we mid block are we deep so if we're playing someone at home who were expecting to beat it's high everyone's own manto man the way you see probably most teams playing most games now if we playing a good side comes to anfield if we're playing Arsenal United whatever we're a mid block we're not going mad we're just staying here and not that it worked too often but if it was hry or someone who was like off the scale quick he he cuz I used was my job to organize the back for where's the line he just say a little bit deeper than mid block or whatever it was so there was there was always a plan yeah exactly I wish it was but there was always a plan of where we should be in relate defensively and that was like that longer and I feel like obviously coaching and you know wake analysis everything has has moved on from then so when I see a team who was just like I I can't believe what I'm the only thing I ever remember about s Alex actually saying to us about where to play sometimes if we were say winning a game he Tes the back for you know 5 10 yards outside your box second don't be worried about that we'll get on the count he would say that it was a simple instruction but when you then that was an instruction just to go a little bit deeper and then we Counterattack and then obviously if you chasing the game you push up and you try and get after them it's like my point at that level you when You' have players you don't about plans everyone's got a plan as Mike Tyson said until you get punched in the face but then it depends on what's happening in the game the situation of the game if you start quickly if they star and they surprise you that's where you sus out your teammates go Lads it's it's time to talk in listen we no plans on talking in early but listen they've startable they surprised us they've got an early goal or we've had to change something but that's what the experience I don't think I've ever done as a player looked over at the manager at the bench and went what you got sus it out yourself you get the feel for it don't you like if you go Chas the game or you'd have your senior players I'm not saying I was doing that at nning and fars but you'd have your Stewart pierer these players go this what this is what we going to do for next 5 10 15 minutes or we've actually got them on the back foot we go for it spot on and I don't think that happens as much now I don't want to sound like an old Pro going out in our day and stuff like that because I think the game is so much better now you know the quality the pitches what we see from the teams but when when I think of what people say now we always want to press high or we always want to do but if both teams want to press high and both teams want to be on the ball someone's got to be defending so this idea that like oh we don't want to defend deep even if your idea is to press High sometimes your team going to push you back so you still got to be able to defend the edge of your box you still got to know what you're doing in that situation and if you are under pressure I remember the times when we'd have a Stevie a lot of the time under Bene as it' be a number 10 not really a Center Midfield player but if if you were getting a bit of a doing you just say to Stevie just fill that space and we'll have three in there so you're almost protecting us we get through the next 10 minutes and then just go back to but that's manag bang on done the loot manager you know I list him after the game and again he's doing a good job and he said no we're fully committ we're not changing no ways you going but when you've considered four or five goals maybe you do have to go lad let's take our medicine tonight instead of all this that's management same for my players that's where your senior players have to help these young players go look glad so we're at it we're really at it we're too up let's go for it or List we're hanging in there I just think that again this idea of enough plan and I suppose where we get criticized really and people might have a go all of us and go CU we can't sit there with a screen and go he's got to go the game is not like that it doesn't situation change someone takes a bad touch someone takes a good touch some a Winger might be doing better against your fullback than you taught before the game you thought I thought we'd be on top of these yeah we were talking about teams but when we played at candry at Southampton a latia you go let's and we're supposed to be two or3 up here but there and that's where you change your you change your game plan but you don't you don't look over the bench and go what do we do you go sort it out yourselves again it's like a midfielder when we'd have a striker a Canton or these brilliant players and we were up against it just come in and help us it's it's funny you say I always go back to sort of John Barnes when he comes to Liverpool and he talks about this so he's gone from Watford graem Taylor's the manager that was when he tells the St he like a lot of coaching a lot of instructions you come to Liverpool who were like the team who were winning everything and you're thinking this is going to be on another level and it was basically working out yourself that was what a lot of it was it was like well if you're ask G that story all the time doesn't he you know if you're asking us what to do we I think what what we're all in agreement on here is that whether it's the players on the pitch that aren't sorting it out or the coach in The Dugout it's not being sorted out and we're seeing a basically a repeat every single week of huge gaps in Midfield and these sort of what would be chances being created so just I want to touch on touch on from each of you on if Cara's done a detailed piece on Monday Night Football on Eric tenh hard's Midfield should Eric tenard come into a press conference as a Manchester United manager which is a position of real sort of stature and sort of statesmanlike position and you know and if he has watched it which you know he may have done should he actually be in a position where he's talking in detail about a a pundit's piece an analyst's piece on a television program you know that that's the sort of question I ask should he get involved in that or should he just say look you know to be honest I was busy last night with the family preparing for the games look I've not seen it but you if he wants to bat it off or to be fair I'm not interested what Jamie car says I'd have the mindset of if I came in was someone said that going again I said J has played the game he's enti to his opinion and leave it at that you think but do you think Eric tag was right to take but we've seen loads of managers doing we've seen Lords of maners to react right though think do you think do you think it tells you about their mindset and their current state of mind that they're in a place whereby they're actually getting if you're like you used to say don't don't sweat the small stuff yeah is he sweating the small stuff well well he seems to be with that reaction of course but that's where the pressure comes it's on the back of a poor result so managers do that many press conferences I'd always give them the benefit of Doubt when you say what should they say they're getting asked question every now and again they will like we see pep sometimes you go peps Pep's got to cheer up a little but pep but Pep's in the zone these managers are under huge pressure and they will react sometimes to a question you go no that was a straightforward question so I'd always give the manager the benefit if he reacted that way he didn't lose his head did he he wasn't going no but he just said I kind of disagree with it and he's entitled to do that so I don't think it's I don't think it's a big deal I I think um I think that when you when you look at the evidence what what Jamie is putting forward like I said I done one myself I I probably wouldn't have come on that one I would have gone with Roy I would have said listen you know he's he's played a game at high level he you know he's obviously got his opinion he's trying to give people insight into what they're doing but I don't think I would come for that I wouldn't come for in fact I don't think I'd have come for anything but me like I've said many many times I could not be a manager too emotional as you know very emotional and I wouldn't be able to deal with all the stuff that comes with it so if I'm going to see a piece on on um on a program a popular program with analyst showing the weakness and the frailties of my team that's not the one I'm going to that's not the one I'm going to it's not the fight to have think I wouldn't have given any energy I don't think I think as a coach and a manager you come in answer the question and then you get back on the training pitch obviously you'd rather be more interested in the coaches and the people that are on the ground with your team I just think it's just wasting energy really in my opinion he's he's not going to your analysis was very good thanks were you surprised that I'm not I'm not bother about being bothered were you surprised that he were you surprised all I would say is now we're still talking about it other people will talk about it and people will say well okay maybe have a go with me you know people might have a go with him but people might think what what what was I talking about and look into it more so I think there'll be more people now going oh yeah that is a massive problem I mean we all know but even like people who are not probably into you know the the way Manchester United play I think more eyes will be actually on this now than what there would have be in the fact that he's I must admit when I saw it yday my heart sank a little bit from a United perspective that he was getting involved in that you know because the reality is he might be secretly or privately annoyed and think that there's some points you've made that are wrong but actually we have conceded a lot of chances I'm not going to win this one we've just lost a game I've got a big game against not let's not look like I'm even interested in that you know that that was my bit of yeah but he's also got to try and defend himself just a couple of way of looking it I get that that one's not the one no I know it is but if he's asked a question he's got and it he's just been beaten he's going to you know managers are going to be NY you get NY and emotional I very rarely get NY but managers get get NY so when sometimes he's trying to be positive and go I'll defend man united I'll say yeah but deep down them problems you've discussed are there he knows that and they're not going to with the same players them problems aren't going to away [Music] no let's move on to the carabal cut final um and it you're right in yeah I'm just I just want to hear what you got to say for yourself oh you not upy about my comment go let's let's move on to that because obviously I um moving on to sort of look I think marito poino got asked about that after the game I think he's absolutely right to be able to respond to that he was directly after G it wasn't a piece of analysis that was done 24 hours later so I I think that he's absolutely right to respond to it and I'm not going to sit here and say it was an instinctive in the moment I had one minute to think of that line because Peter Dr you knew that that big moment cut final that's the commentator's moment he gives his you know Peter was on for probably 30 35 seconds I knew Cara would coming next I could feel him next to me sort of wanting to come in Liverpool have scored he's there he's literally jumped up he's turned around to his mates he's literally like that so I know he's got to come in and I'm then thinking like I got progressively more Angry during extra time with Chelsea and I I thought to myself right it was initially I was going to use Bow's name but I didn't do because I didn't want to personalize it and then I was like shall I say it is it too strong so I was thinking that as I was saying it sometimes when you think that you might think well that's best thing is not yeah you yeah but do you know something I felt as though I felt as though it needed to be said well that particular line though guys very harsh right it was harsh it's a it's a harsh line but there's two things so after the game I went to the producer I said look was that harsh he said might be a touch harsh but he said we're on television we're entertain one of the biggest moments of the season last minute goal and secondly did you think that they bottled it I said well they froze in that extra time there's no doubt I've got no doubt they playing with fear and froze I was actually going to do a roll back on my podcast the day after that was on sky and say look you know I shouldn't probably use that word bottle because it's it's an emotive word but then when I heard that Marcio thought the team were playing for penalties I thought that is the epitome of actually freezing that is he's had in some ways and I absolutely love Mito poino so to me when I when I think of it today people say oh it was a great line I don't think of it a great line but I think of it as a line that a line stick that's what makes so so I think about it I don't feel proud about that though in any way shape or form I remember my David Louise comment 10 years ago and I regret that CU it was personal so I don't personalize a line anymore so when I said that basically he's a playst um it's like watching a four-year-old in the stand with a PlayStation controlling him I regret that line that personalized it and it stuck with him and what's the big what's I me what's the problem with bottle saying the bottle bott's not cowardice bottles is it froze on the day we froze in games sometimes we froze in Champions League semi-finals or we didn't play we you know against Juventus or whatever it might sometimes you do freeze a little bit you know Manchester United in the in the year before they won the Premier League title against leads they bottled the running we bottled the running without Roy in 8 against Arsenal we've all bottled Runnings where we've got to so I don't you think the players sorry just do you think the players like young we have to go with the the car play were dealing with thought FR thought fro maybe maybe that word would have been better to use but I think more especially when you listen to listen to the the Chelsea fans they were more disappointed with the fact that the manager you know especially with his post his interviews saying he had to take players off with because they he saw players getting tired in a final right Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea play Chelsea um fans were more thinking we got a man here that's not won anything he doesn't know what it takes at this stage for them to be winning whereas you look at clock bringing on players young players who are helping to turn the game when you look at Chelsea's players is actually he's kind they seem like they were regressing in the game I don't think I would I would I would I would label that on the players i' probably label it on him more and I would have probably gone more for Bing I would have gone for the players but to for the because I think the players gal are reacting to what their managers 90 minutes he him right the last 15 minutes of that game everybody that was watching at home everybody's watching the stadium everybody felt that it was Chelsea's game because they were getting stronger and Liverpool were getting weaker in terms of players coming onto the pitch all all of a sudden they come out the first minute of extra time I go why are Chelsea sitting back what are they doing and then the Liverpool fans started to realize it the kids started to play and the Liverpool fan sang a song I don't know it was for about five minutes he thought oh here we go and it was turning and the Chelsea players were shrinking you could see what happens in Cup finals there's momentum so you were s up a strong gun in towards the last few minutes but then the the break might have just you lose momentum sometimes how many times you say they didn't want to break yet and what Liverpool have with their manager and with the young players coming on they've got that at a final you know they're coming on in a final you can feel like we're just talking about in the game you have to feel I no problem what you said listen you're entit to your opinion but stick with it then oh no no oh to be fair I'm not I'm I'm okay also with rowing back a little bit if you said something wrong so my question to you was you know in terms of the game I felt Chelsea did freeze in extra time I thought they froze the G the game was there for them and there's a lot of stuff about like Chelsea's team were young and and and all this type of stuff I the way I analyzed it on U M Night Football was the when I looked at Chelsea's Midfield I know they not 272 but it was a we 22 is no what I mean like Fernandez is 23 is he's 23 yeah yeah 21 yeah okay but he's the money is cost and I know listen but you'd expect a see if you're paying like a certain quality what I'm saying is that was him in 1993 you're the British transfer record you were still you were probably 22 23 so expecting when you're spending that type of money I know he's still probably going to improve and he's young but you're expecting a certain level of ability mentality personality and I just thought who they were up against it wasn't like the kids came on up front behind it was like will cut winner most expensive player in British football we've got two young kids here should went from go we've all played in big Us games every one of us where the was there for the taken and we didn't take it yeah oh yeah every one of us loads of games Cup finals League decis done yeah but you look at Chelsea who in chelse who in Chelsea's team when you look at you look at Van D you look at the Andy Robson you look at the experience that these young players are coming on for Liverpool played with and they're playing it obviously played well enough in the first team with them sorry G so as they get the pitch sorry not Robinson sorry I'm just talking about the experience of someone like uh van djk with these teams you're coming on you're playing with these players and training with them may they've come coming with a different mentality to these Chelsea players who are under pressure to try and perform in a final for a manager that's not won anything and you can see the momentum changing like the the you cannot not you can't negate the fact that the Liverpool fans and what they do in finals or smell blood SM and then that's when Chelsea for me the manager got to take a lot of the blame for that because them players they they they they froze well we don't know what the manager said I'm trying to think of what the manager would say at the end of sort of 90 minutes and and again I I go back to extra time we've all played extra time when let's be honest we all have the same sort of mentality where it's a bit like don't want to lose it we'll try and hope hopefully one of our attacking players will do something but I I hope I hope poino hasn't said that to when they've gone back out for extra time because Liverpool were hanging on for de life that message they had to be these have you've got to go you've got to play extra time differently the way most of us would play do you think to be manag we lost to Arsenal in a cut fight Arsenal would ever taken we had chances we missed and they winning on penalties so that I think when when the game's there for you think it's there for you they can slip by and Liverpool is not liver lipo Liverpool scored 118 minute so part of Liverpool's mindset might have been as well listen listen we've been to penalties before against Chelsea maybe that was part of their mindset they score a goal from a set piece and all of a sudden they win the cup and unfortunately when you do win it everything's a positive and you clock what everything right the young players come on we amazing all of a sudden we're criticizing Chelsea players but we analyze the game that's what football is played well you've used a lot and I used it in commentary your line two or three times in this in in the extra time where you say you've got to get over the line and I said Can this Chelsea team get over the line because my feeling was I don't think they can get over the line they don't believe they can get over the line the evidences from this Chelsea team over the last few months is that they're not going to get over the line but they had chances Liverpool's history must come into it well history does play A Part whether we like it or not where they can they know how to get over the line these games you whether you're at anfield or at Wembley you know or in Istanbul you know you've got to beat this team and if they smell anything and you know what the fans feel it as well and that's why they rallied at that time you know especially when the players started coming on you see them start you could see them just getting behind them and then you and right we go back to it everybody set pieces set pieces are huge and I'd be critical of Chelsea the players they had defending in big roles defending the near post and it cost them that's what I'd look at who's put these players in these big responsibility in big areas where you go you're attacking the first ball that's coming across and Van diy's getting across Strikers or Chelsea who waiting for the ball now you get people it's a huge I'd be more critical of Chelsea going who gave him the responsibility to defend that near Pok yeah he needed to go early didn't he was like he needed to but you look at you look at Chelsea's team but even there before yeah who in the chelse side apart from Thiago Silva for he's not he weren't playing who in Chelsea's side can recognize we're under the C because even you talk about the United game Arsenal you would know you're under pressure you couldn't do anything about it but for Chelsea who could recognize listen I could feel What's Happening Here not a World Cup winner though Ry I got how how old do you need to be before you become a leader I mean he's what is Young what is old now is 23 young is he I know the World Cup eight games is that enough for him to be at 238 games winning the World Cup somebody we didn't he we didn't hear anything about I don't look to be fair one thing is there was not for me I wasn't singling out any single player for Chelsea or even a manager or it was purely a feeling of the team just shrunk on the pitch and why did that happen because they were they were decent for parts of the 90 minutes should have scored as well but does that mean they bottled a dle point that's the word would you change the words would you change the words we all agree that maybe they let a Big C by them I don't put the same sort of if you like emphasis on bottling a game as anybody else I'm not saying they're continual bottle Merchants for the rest of their career or that they can't win a trophy in the next three months than win the FA Cup the next half an hour they bottled it in 90 minutes they played all right half an hour they B over the next few months if Liverpool don't win something or if Man City Len are you are we going to be saying or they battled it te like the narrative now though it feels like it it's not with Arsenal last year no no Arsenal last year to be fair I called that they would do that and they did right CU it was a feeling I had yeah but why why would the bottled why have to why people not listening to the fact that I'm accepting that in periods in our lives when we played in our career we bottled Runnings and people don't admit that that's what happens you freeze you get heavy legs you lose your energy comes too much for you that happened to me I don't think that's bottling it though I think that's just circumstances ARS as your injuries is there any situation where someone does bottle it what what would you class a situation there if so no one ever bottles it or you just lose a game is is not something where you think losing a game isn't bottling it but you shrink and how you with G but if you're saying if Liverpool turned up the weekend at we and they frozen they won 40 and they were toing with them you go I almost say that but they had great chances they lost an extra time on a SE doesn't that make it wasse than luk if they lost 40 we might say Liverpool are on a different level to them they're too good for them I would if they're actually there and Liverpool are there for the take is that not a biger would use that I would say I'd say like you said I'd say the same thing yeah but it's the connotation the way people feel about that word girl that's why I feel it's gone to his place to be it's a blue bottle say that Gary's had it rehearsed for a week or something oh we had yeah and he wasn't angry with Chelsea he was angry with Van D scor and to be fair you took it out on Chelsea but if you ever give up in a game surely you've never got I'm just going to give up I'm going to bottle it you've never been scared in a game have you but Jill I honestly I've played so I've played for so many games with England in Knockouts of tournaments where we were accused of bottling it for not going for it an extra time for sitting back the amount of times that word was thrown at us and how did you feel about that I got the next game right yeah no but you think that was Eng we've lost you we mentioned lusion I know we've lost a lot of big games but I never for once in my life felt in a team we lost a big game and we lar of chances we B it just finished on that because with England there were players who did live in fear of what the Press would say you've said it righty there were players who wereing anxious and fearful and and we're bottling it a little bit you know we I saw that it is bottling it it's not able to handle it it is I me do exactly I don't think I don't think it's got this nasty connotation to it's like scared you only being called scared or in fear a nasty connotation like weakness it's like you're a coward's b look at him he's bottled it it's not horrible fight or flight isn't it was there they just needed to grab it and we've all lost cup fight you did you lose a cup F to Arsenal no but what I'm saying is when you lost a big cup F you must have lost a cup cup did you feel afterwards we bottled it no when you had it in your hand did you if I'm thinking of a c where we dominated the opposition and didn't win it be like I think there's two separate things here there's the 90 minutes were saying Chelsea played brilliant they should have won it's like so why have you allowed that part of the game to get away it's there because football gets away from you unless unless winning this D and age it's like everything like Chelsea made the final would you straight away say that great Milan te B okay right okay I always like to get out that was a free had minutes they played unbelievably I always like to get out no I always like to get out what sort of like the sort of dictionary definition of of of a corner is this we've listen listen list countown a countdown excuse me masterminded chitat go on in girl to not do something because you're frightened to fail at something because you're frightened that they were in fear they were they thought playing Fe fear of failure right it's exactly what I the word isn't that what does it say is bottling it no it says bottling what does it mean if you've bottled something to not do something because you're frightened to fail that is where Chelsea were on Sunday just put it into nice words why didn't you why connotation around there why didn't you afterwards when you done that on there just say and by the way I've just looked it up and it says buttling it means because to be honest guys you billion pound Fe of failures you know what like I say it it feels it I was watching it with a load of Chelsea fans and they were you know what they were devastated yeah and and and and I got to say that the overlying factor I found what came out of it for me is that the man out was they were devastated they were disappointed in him they keep using the Tottenham line don't they that's what I keep he's a topten to feeds into it doesn't it it's a good topic do it it's a great topic we've had a good we've now got our super sick predictions [Music] SE before we start we just need to welcome to the show The Competition winner from when you did the oh s reom Martin in you come where's Martin yes Martin well Martin from Belfast who won our competition on super seven how much did he win sford three rexon one he got the right score brilliant has he all away from Belfast for this yes couldn't miss it couldn't miss it meet you man what up well done to meet lovely to meet you my friend he going to be part of the show can you take over from in over maryle we''ve got you a little gift open it up let's have a look so we've got the sford collaboration with Adidas and the sford lads club which is a nice little green jersey and it's a special one limited edition excellent thanks very much about the Salford City and Salford Lads Club sford Lads Club scar wow this amazing all the bits in the shop you get rid of and we've got a signed program from that match by myself and Roy cuz we're both at the game together what's that hat girl that hat was part of the actual prize but I thought you might like that hat it's salf Lads Club he he wears the sort of hat they' got a big head s problem small head we're going to talk about big head you Tred the on see with sure cuz it's he's going to pull this off it might be is it too big for you maybe oh yes there you go oh guys if you don't mind can I just jimy criet I'm not from B Jimmy Cricket oh yeah the Secret side I'm actually from B County from so just wanted it's in the west it's Roy have an idea yeah yeah yeah W ble West Northern Republic Northern just Northern we're on the T gold border okay this isn't right what we got then did you have you got a question yeah Martin staying we need him yeah I'll join you need some help you want to transfer then otherwise it's this you have to go over you can't transfer well Gary last week you got um six points six with um three it we ours yet we don't mind I wish was a bil if we had United 21 against Luton we've had a really can you say Jill cuz I picked the scores you got you picked that yeah yeah you're right actually Roy andil you got 17 points yeah top .7% high five they top 0.7% so absolutely top what .7% so .7 devast was suspended the other stri St sc% Jesus a big score oh that's closed it by half so you're that's not goodel city as well brilliant and then you 17 and you're now on you had one one Chelsea City no well time a that looks good brilliant well done Jill thank you and we took you to Salford match afterwards didn't we winner I'm frightened in U driver pick Roy came to pick us up for the sulfa game and we argued the whole way we late for the game cuz you were half an hour late no I wasn't you are Jack shop yeah Jack she's doing voice over she's doing I was working at the shop some of us have yeah we go first you go first she won Li pool you love a two1 okay for us got good attacking plays he'll score and nunz and Sal back last last year yeah they'll still be you think as think 3 3-1 Liverpool and that's really confident don't get carried away your I give you that one I like the um confidence Arenal oh wow but I've been at Old Trafford more times than HRI unfortunately all my mates were United supporters so I had you had to go with that's why the's why the's Spurs Palace Spurs Palace I think Spurs would be yeah Spurs win Spurs supp be terrible last week Palace new manager pal new manager I I'm two or three one isn't it what you reckon think well we pick one each you go with this one because it's X Palace yeah yeah you going and them we pick one each instead of us all debating so you've had that one um I don't want this m x Palace Tottenham Tottenham 21 good good job happy with that there's got to be a little yeah you're right you that every week I think to back on it this week yeah you can pick your one why I just think Palace will what what I'm going to go three botler botler Palace this 3 n Gary Jesus it's not nothing wow I don't 3 and0 what you think so do I think brenford Chelsea wow b game wow easy to bounce back after a defeat what's this on Saturday is this Saturday you want to pick this one or do you want me to go with this one you go you go this one is the brenford Chelsea game Saturday you go with you go Saturday manage Villa no he was he was assistant of villa one1 yeah one1 see wow Jesus that's I'm love brenford don't he love music we concentrate all right uh Jesus I think brenford beat given gos away but he thinks he thinks he thinks the same as us he takes one more he does no Chelsea will be motivated by that bring himself definitely I'm helping you we we're just giving you the thought we're just giving you he doesn't allow help does he he doesn't know what to do he has no idea what to do iment half telling him to go press and he'll just stay there he's guessing I know he's guessing 21 Chelsea that's what I like about when you do that I like I love bigger than that your go she'll go chill you're not Villa you seem to have an in with Villa Len I think Villa all do do you think yes no you do what you sure go yeah Luton unless Luton protect that you that area don't doubt yourself Jill she's doubting herself don't doubt yourself goals were good though they'll get goals do nothing think they scored a couple of goals nice goals last night get more yeah problem 32 filler wow I like it I can see that yeah I like that I can see that I can see that score I saved you last week yeah 31 that was last week 3-1 V won yeah great that's West H Bournemouth is it it's Burnley that he on sky as well I was even talking about that game yday uh Burnley bour easy one Martin do this you're doing this one better after don't give him it don't give them it don't give two bourem no we discussed you because we all a go Jo you've had a go yet I have I have I done Palace yeah pal you usually expert you go we can all discuss you're in you're in you're in the gang what about like a nil nil or something no I don't think I don't think Burnley can do a n nil I think I'm worry about the last one one n ball you going yeah one at time you don't think one you don't think it' be one nil 21 you think 2-1 again it's a it's a popular score yeah we go with 2-1 will be 2-1 yeah two1 bouth yeah but he loves the two1 I think it'll be that you can't you can't gain on us then do the should we you know what can we go Ro what are we talking this H again no no no just finish the B I think we should change that chose the same score as us we don't want to do the change score we need to catches up only a few do three make it a three make it three scor for remember I said one n in this game right remember be one you love B don't how big make it a two do make bur a two Jesus Christ make it three2 no no 10 okay City United go 10 n three or four I think so if rashford get get I say martial honest um you know what this this is a scary F concentrate here a scary fixture um I really feel like let's City one of these you know there's a fixture where you can't win yeah you know you're looking at that thinking if United win I don't want that but if City win I don't want that well you must want United to win for Liverpool I know I know but I'd prefer that i' love I'd love United to be a to win that game of course I would I I can't see it City's going to get a lot of goals City 3-1 or 4-1 City I think four I don't think United scor 3-1 let's go 3-1 City with them gap1 say1 back don't be copying us now no I was going to say three I think I think probably 31's probably about right City or United score yeah you know I like to have United with the goal to car yeah fernandz Corner what you going with uh I don't think I've ever predict I've not predicted that United will lose on this yet could botle it you never know you never predicted they'd lose no I don't think so see that's just pathetic Gary yeah but I think it's impossible for City to score less than three yeah you can't not score I think we go 3 we go what was the score last year was this was that was that that's going to be bigger I think disrespectful cheers thank you thank you very much cheers you ask us a question Martin Come on Martin we got some Community questions you're part of the community and fans that listen to the overlap okay so I suppose it's all soccer obviously given the nature of the program but outside of soccer who would you think would be an IDE guest when I go through each and what ideal gu oh an ideal who would you love on here outside of soccer oh outside of soccer oh actor singer oh it's a very good question outside actor someone in the music industry Harry starles Gary don't know Gary don't know didn't know that Harry starles at L I'm a fan of like boy bands or like R and Kon or something I tell you no offense R but I was I was I was thinking she might a a bit higher R Stewie R man isn't he be as well when he yeah man like like when he done it's the greatest um yeah um who am I going to go for was he Henry the e or something remember that one Boris Johnson um I go with Bob Dylan I was GNA slightly for you I say what Irish Irish yeah and it can be outside it can be gelic maybe CH and gillick he's not Irish is he um maybe maybe what about Bewitched is it's must be is that yeah we met jimm Barry M remember cro yeah yeah no maybe a singer maybe I'm I'm trying think some who's unachievable to get like almost like think you want to put out there in case he gets a little Beyonce or sort of Beyonce say on stick to football Barack Obama yes Barack Obama Barack Obama Obama that would be a good one would it you like him I like Bru being SE a lot I'm going to see him at Sunderland in May I think yeah he's in Bast in may as well yeah yeah he's T was on tickets any spare ticket can you still get tickets at Sunland Sunland yeah part of yourself I I would like Ricky J Ricky J that's the kind of guy I'd love him okay so what we got Ricky J Daniel de Daniel de and K Rod Stewart R and I'll go Barack Obama barama barama barama that would be amazing you could get that done you can get bar Barack Obama if he comes across I think we'll make some calls in I think he's a league he'd probably be cheaper than Roy thank you Martin thank you Martin got the wrong Martin sorry safe trip back to Bel fast Mana should there be a managerial transfer window yeah why no yeah so B they're talking they're talking about aligning the sacking of managers with the transfer window in summer and in January and you can't sack a manager outside of that there's a a suggestion a transfer Windows you buy them more like you can't sack them if you get sacked you can't what there there certainly a rule in in Italy if you get sacked you can't manage another club in that League or something that League or something isn't there yeah I so like so you'd have to be so you can them in the window sat them in the window in the transfer windows so just not not being factious or anything but you would you would have had to stay the manager you had to stay at Valencia even the end of the seon even your owners everybody wants you out you have to stay the players want no no no no this is this is why you negotiate realized I'm not I'm not in favor of a I needed to be because no no no no this is why you know this is why managers probably get payoffs and stuff because you should have the the capability to say you know what this ain't working man you know what I mean so we don't like the idea I don't believe I don't believe this but the flip side of that rating would that help the manager actually make him a little bit more secure and every and the players you couldn't go against them because you know b sometimes a manager the games up isn't it lot of man we think unfairly but always say I know I wanted a little bit more time but you you know exactly what you've got yeah but then if on the way to trying to get to where you're going it's not going well it's just keeps go it's going wrong that's everybody said you know what this isn't working they're not playing on theary and the end of the season it so there'd be two you wouldn't have to stay all season the big problem is the one that Ian points out there I think it's that gap between Janu end of January if you thinking you're going down and you've got sort of like three four months to the end of the season I think if it's from sort of Summer to January you probably think how much damage can manage do quite but you can recover it you can recover could you compare it to any other industry any business that might be struggling you wouldn't stick with the chief executive if the company was struggling so why do you think a manager maybe a relationship stick with them can only get rid of them in January it's not working it's not working no no no everyone gets ridden Jan don't you got get Christmas out way Christmas out the way you can't do it's too yeah you can't do Christmas I think we'll move on because I I think the Valencia finished for that conversation I don't think we like the managerial uh transfer [Music] window Everton anybody got anything particularly they'd like to say about Everton's Point reduction obviously down to six points which means they've now moved up to 15th in the league it puts pressure maybe a bit more pressure on brenford and or bit a lot more pressure on brenford than forest and it makes it tougher for Luton obviously as well um yeah I know feels about right how did they decide on the point that my mind I read something and it said they didn't have good faith and in the beginning when they were like negotiating and stuff and now the all returned Prem leag I think so basically the Premier League the prosecuting them if you like and then it's going to the independent commission I think the the frustration with Everton fans was a bit like h on the Premier League of Judge and Jor you know uh for that was the frustration and they felt that they colluded maybe with the independent Commission in are getting to the to the 10 points but I mean because it's never happened before this is the first time a team have been fine for this no one probably really does know do they what is right what should it Jame don't you think if that's the case and then they because remember they've made a mistake on two of the two and nine or something so there n there was nine sort of nine Char chares if you like and they got two of them wrong can you imagine yeah if you've got people who are who are doing that job and they've got to look over whatever it is and they get them wrong so they have to to the point they have to give points back and you know what are they going to do what man City's lawyers are going to do to people like this they're going to have them dancing yeah it's like ridiculous how they can get that wrong you know what I think they should have done personally what should happen is they should do what they're doing they right we're finding you we're finding you you're going to get 10 points and then then they say right we're going to appeal let them appeal do then we find out what happens after the appeal then you do the Judgment how you going to do it before now you get into this embarrassing situ there should just be I mean for breaking the sustainability rules the 105 million thing there should just be a set points that you get to d i that probably would make it easier but I think when I was reading this obviously I was I was I on a newspaper colum had a lot of EV fans coming back at me so I made sure I read it all so I was a bit like I understood what it was going on you like way now are you a lawyer yeah but I could this is interested in that the reason there isn't a an actual deterrent for this because they wanted to almost be it's it's a bit like if you know the sentence for something a crime you're going to commit and you might look at it and go I'll deal with that yeah way I said that you know thate thing if we spend a little bit more money and we stay up and we've got 100 we only got three point take that if it was three points or six points the whole point of them not having a sanction in place was to almost scare I don't know if scares the right way but almost P people off from breaking the rules because you don't know what the actual the amount of money is involved I would that's what I would do go to that that but then the time now that there comes to Nottingham Forest even though I agree with what you've just said they're not going to do them more than six points you can't now because there's there's precent so precedent will then say well okay for doing it you're just going to get six points the teams almost know now what they're going to get already because of precedent won't they well you just argued two points there so you're saying the first one's a problem I'm saying I get that but my point is would you think there should be a points thing or there shouldn't be no I think that well the first thing I think needs to happen is they need to make it in season so the three years5 million they need to make it that your losses need to be contained within one they need to do that that will deal with a lot of these issues cuz then you're not measuring all that's why everon are getting done so Everton's Fest one is actually from last season so this one now at the forest situation is is this season but the the problem with Everton is obviously because it's a three-year period this new sanction includes two of the old ones two years so what they're saying is we've already been punished for those three years and two of those years are in there so we can't get punished again and another six points when we've already been punished for those two years you understand what I mean so I think ever might get one or two points and Forest will probably get six it's just a big mess though isn't it CU it has such an effect on the league like if it's a stadium debt why can't the punishment then be Financial like the points because if you're suddenly chasing say you've lost 10 points you've got to chase 10 points you're going to play a different way of football maybe because you're like we got to go out there get the then suddenly oh we're going to give you some points back like and it's not just that team it's the team around them Forest going to be Forest are going to be in a bit of trouble aren't they a lot of trouble if they get the six point deduction MH anyway last question to end this episode of stick to football right it's the Oscars soon who would you play in who would you who would play you in a film and why oh God I'm going to pick someone really pretty like K and nightly yes we'll go with that do it other people say Peter Crouch [Laughter] bar I would say I would say AB be oh who am I going to go for righty come on you must have t this true yeah he has I've got IDE guarante he's going to say he does his own films 100% like who is it who is it I can't pick I can't pick um you know probably I probably um want someone like a [Music] Denzel um he's the best right I'm you're kilan Murphy definitely no he's not K Murphy he's K Murphy and pey bl is definitely K Murphy who who would you want somebody good looking like um yeah no I think K Murphy's good he's good to be he's good looking you fell out with him though didn't you I fall out yeah it's the one where he wouldn't do the picture why you trying pict what picture I would love a pict picture with anybody what you do on the you talk watch pey blind no I was talking to him for 0s and then had a they had a picture with me and then I had a picture with them and then just kilan wasn't the one he came in for the last bit I just said you r a pitch for you go he said I prefer not to yeah did I wouldn't even tell the story I just say I just respect him for that yeah yeah would you tell the story just leave it yeah no what I'm saying is I always you never forget that will you probably one of the only times I've ever asked for a pitch with what saying no you're place you me you're in his Ro environment and you're like he's in his own why I've got a cousin I've got a cousin who asked Neil F brother the cricketer for a pitcher about 30 years ago and he just said not just now and he still speaks about it he like roaring get Rory ly through his teth Lor who were you anyway who you singer who am I don't know John Bishop's not in a film is he to be a scer does [Laughter] it he doesn't have to be a scouter does he no no I could be Kendall Roy and you could be Roman you're Roman out of succession the little psychopathy one don't get succession little psych don't you get it I just yeah we'll go for ran Rome out of I used to get the look by like a guy out of a you don't have to look like him either you don't have to look like him Peter cow in character J Larry Hagman yeah you like that Dallas is brilliant brilliant Dallas Larry Hagman that yeah sh oh it's my age that my brilliant yeah it was a great program I love s pam pam pam no I'm going to go for aor no I'm going to go for Ricky Tomlinson oh for you yeah you look like him yeah got in the oh looking wise my ass yeah LLY not our P right well done everybody end of another episode and we'll see you next [Music] week [Music] w
Channel: The Overlap
Views: 1,781,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sky Sports, Sport, Football, Premier League, Champions League, Manchester United, Gary Neville, MNF, Monday Night Football, Jamie Carragher, the overlap, overlap, g nev, nev, overlap interview, interview, Stick to Football, Ian Wright, Jill Scott, Roy Keane, The Overlap on tour
Id: E1mKKWd7DnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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