The Highs & Lows Of European Football | Stick to Football EP 18

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you remember when M Cel train with us that's right I just remember the night before the B you struggled against him train somethingone get to Mi well Stevie lifted the trophy I'm not on any picture I'm at the back stretching me car and you see like players who have only played two games like the thing is he's doing all that but like the ball's not even near yet so even when they're walking over I can go like that and I've just come up with a TV concept the four of us are going to go in a manager Club you can the manager yeah yeah let's get that right's my role these roles oh the sweets are out the mini rolls brilliant yeah probably going to have three today I'm going to have I'm going to have one you're only going to have one this is the oh this is the one what doing we're talking about something about European I like that quiz what was the European one the European Cup winners that remember was like red star belade I I thought Monaco for some I just saw the red and white I thought it was Monaco mon that's Mourinho Porter I played in that game where he slid down the sh sline there's a great slide on it great knee slide how that was Phil Phil gave away a silly free kick and Tim parried it I know it's a team game buted I suspended for that you think about the ones that you missed a lot don't you I mean I'm I'm yeah you can't open it can you well you're cutting into the show the first question is what your best and worst times in Europe W we're talking about them now aren't we so let's just let's crack on with it while we're getting this done I'm sarting out my dates for some holidays as well please a mini retirement G yeah I need to relax I like your Co the cool ones it's really cool take my hat off to you well done it's nice yes just like I was skiing the other night it was like no big deal it's really cool thank you are they raspberry thank you very much sorry I don't understand sorry I don't understand sorry I don't understand him understand for 25 years sir these are amazing aren't they nice Jesus Christ so good I need to cut back love you I'm my chocolate and tick we had a lot of bad ones we were in the Champions League every single season and I'm going to run through them all now with you yeah yeah yeah a gothamberg ah you come back that's the 80s surely galatas text Gary proper intro a proper intro for last four months right right here we go [Music] right welcome to stick to football brought to you by skybe and this week we're going to hand the show over to you it's your community questions and I'm joined by Roy Ian and Cara and the first are related to the Champions League cuz it's nearly back with us what are your best and worst moments playing in Europe with your Club oh the war we had a lot of bad ones oh I'm not I'm not going to enjoy this chat I don't like looking back do remember that that Journey Barcelona in the new camp did you play well I was out there 4-0 y but again Gary let's get remember on about the champions league for going back to the time when we were involved you had to win the league and then when we were in the first was knockout and we couldn't play our strongest team cuz of the European rule do you remember those players to be left out that I was benefiting from it I was on the bench I playing yeah so game in Barcelona there was a few Lads missing one day there was a few didn't put schichel in goal did he is that right was it yeah yeah he wanted I think F said he wanted his best s of 10 players on the pitch so he was the one who sacrificed you play your strongest team but again if you were just talking about that game OB Barcelona were brilliant to be fair start oh my I've never seen Rio Romario and stof oh my God a few times there's a few teams I've played against and generally it was out of Barcelona Real Madrid nor a team has done it to me where you doubt AG yeah that you're good good enough yeah juvent little bit in the early days no no no I never had it with the Italian teams because did that was kind of a physical challenge but with the Spanish teams even the so-called Leicester SP technically they keep the ball and you were like Chase and you're like particularly barcel and real when they were in the zone and they had the top players you were like all the best getting the ball back they were that night Barcelona I'm going to say I touched the ball four times and that was in the warm-up we just could we couldn't get near him could we no it was four and we were delighted it was four what's what as at the time it was it was the the cut winners cup for me when we was playing and who was it I think um we ended up obviously we ended up winning it but I remember Palmer Paris San did you get suspended in the semi-final yeah yeah I was going to say spended a lot weren't you what you why you why' you going there gal I wasn't I wasn't suspended a lot I think you were yeah to be honest I was suspended a lot but like I remember that game cuz obviously I got I got um second booking in the the Paris sgain but they were they were so good because they had play for them janola George we up front valdo and even with um Palmer when we beat when we beat Palmer I think it was an underrated um Arsenal victory that one because I think when pal that year when we beat we beat Palmer Palmer beat Ajax in the semi-final and obviously Ajax went and won the Champions League the next year beating AC Milan um it was like so tough that's where I think the one nil to the Arsenal came from that was it wasn't football again but when you were like AR with strong english team it was when you started going and you still didn't know too much about you know Barcelona you still going into the unknown par you're still going we're the best team in England or we're man you know we're a good team and then all of a sudden you play against these teams I think when you play the the Bayern Munich the real madrids the Milan and all these teams I would argue honestly at times I've had tougher games in the early rounds of the UA cup because when you play them teams everyone's up for of the crowds you know the players are you've got you might have played against them International level I remember the early rounds of the UFA cup I remember we won the UFA Cup in 2001 the first game we played was against a team called Stow Bucharest oh my God they were all that bit everyone was quick and Sh you're like you're supposed to beat them three or 40 and you're like honest I think I think we won one n r and Drew away nil nil and it was the first round and I I always say the early rounds of the UFA cup are so tough because of you're going to sort of that Eastern Block it's just and and the crowd are not us up for you think you should win easy we had tougher games we got running track under it's just the you know what I mean like remember a couple we played we played against um or at France and they had a player in Midfield called quarantine Martins i' never seen anyone as good as that I couldn't understand how he wasn't at somewhere else Martin K was doing a man man Mark Jobing him it was like it was it was it was good that's why he look so good he was toying with him like jepetto and Pinocchio it was he was toying with him you're just watching him and you think to yourself this guy is unbelievable you know and I remember when we played we had to play um we played um AC Milan when they had the team that same team cuz remember they were was it 9 when they hammered Barcelona that was them how great they were we played that team with Desai ban um who was manager it wasn't capella was capella manager that team what I can't remember who the manager was but was it was um masaro was up front um beri at the back with Maldini and that but you know who it was you know like you say you see must have scored right you must no no I disallowed it I got disallowed I was devastated but like you know when you say you play against um teams and you think wow they're born to do it ban was unbelievable oh yeah [ __ ] H it was just like you're you're almost like no one could get there he was he was quick it was one touch he was he was running off the it was like this is unbelievable it's funny you know because you say you're playing them games and you think you know we've all played those games you think you're out your depth on you sit back in the G think wow I actually had more of them in the Premier League than in in Europe because I think if I think of us with Europe we actually quite successful in Europe and when we were going for the Champions League the four best teams or let's say the top six teams in the Champions League would was the top four from England plus AC Milan and Barcelona Ry Madrid were having a bit of a stick so we didn't we didn't really have that in Europe in sort of my time with julier listen you lost games don't get me wrong but that that feeling of sort of thinking wow you know sometimes are play against the Arsenal team on the venga you be like what or you go to Old traffic and get be3 you be like well that would you just never felt like you were in the game or you could you could get near to anyone I didn't quite have that in Europe because Europe for Liverpool is just it's just like you feel that's that's what it is that's what Liverpool's about European football and we've always done quite well in it and the journeys back after being beaten in Europe T going to the airport the one the one you get back to the airport 2 3 in the morning you forget which level you P your car and you walking around the car park pressing your button up the lights flash like honestly am of times happened to me I and even now I take a picture of the floor that mon if I go away in par car the am times so what was the bad ones for United because what I would say about United obviously the domination that he had in the Prem in the Premier League but then I think of what other teams did in that area sort of like and Milan Real Madrid lately uh going back s to Liverpool you think of Ajax man united never had that domination in Europe that I think you probably should have considered how dominant your way seen as you won two champions league but they were so far apart from each other that it wasn't like an ER of we definitely JY we definitely like if you look back and we we definitely left a few games go by but that's is that football anyway we can all sit here and go this game slipped by by Porto Dortmund Port l Monaco no you can't win them all what I'm saying don't I honestly teams United should win the Dortmund one I always remember the dortman one because I think Eric retired didn't he yeah that summer yeah I think there's almost well few I think it's like a week or so late it felt like but that's towards the end of the season yeah and it was like it just felt like a big Downer like a h and the problem was there were times where we would get knocked out of the Champions League quite a lot quars semis and it would actually dampen the league success a little bit because you still were carrying over from sort of like the loss in the Champions League I mean the Monaco when went I can still now feel the silence when trees scored for Monaco he shot from like 30 yards unbelievable goal and J the worst feeling I think in football Old Trafford I ever had was when a European team scored yeah because it was Eerie yeah it's not realism it's not like like because you knew in away goal counted double and you were done what was it like I mean that feeling it's like lusan and Porter for me the lusen game is the one that's still that's the one I see I broke my foot in the first game of that went after 20 minutes Z Roberto was playing against me the the lusen what I would probably say we right up there because we'd won the EA cup the year before we're in the Champions League for the first time we're playing Leverkusen obviously a good team what round you played him in we played him in the quarters before you was that the ballock side ramalo was playing Lucio was at the back but it was still a team that you think you can win and we won one0 at home and at that time we W amazing attacking wise but we always had this feeling that we because we've done it the year before we could go anywhere and get a clean sheet which just we're going to BM yeah what we've got no away goal against us we go there we go one nil down and then score to make it 1-1 you're thinking we're okay end up losing the game 4-2 and going out but it was when I think it still happens now we knew we would be playing you or whoever you were playing in the quarter and don't get me wrong you were a better team than us you winning the league but it was that spell if you remember on Gerard Hy I think we beat you four or five times in a row so even though you were going for the league it was still like we've sort of got United's number and yeah we didn't want you we didn't want you that did we beat did we beat Depo in the qu yeah but I remember them beating you in the you played them in the group cuz I remember that dep France yeah I was playing against France was about 50 Fran was 56 right okay he was a bit heavy in his belly he was like the same shape as you was no he was like short I couldn't get near him like he was the first player I played against properly I mean Del Pierre was a little bit like do you know when you're a right back and you're playing here but then the player goes and plays in the hole there the pocket and you think do I go in there cuz the left back's going round and he's like yeah it was horrible there's a couple that stick in my mind and I'm going to say this very because for legal reasons I think there are a few teams that we play against that weren't clean I thought we thought it at the time what were they were two what were they two pumped up they were two pumped must be the Italian teams honestly I remember mean gigs in the mid 2000 the only I wereit we certain teams I would be walking off and I'd be you're absolutely shattered and I again I remembered it and I've been looking at Players I played against couple of Italian teams you what and they looked like they not even played a match yeah honestly I I genuinely and I look back now and I think the sort of the stuff that can't we talk Bo dad are we not well I don't know I can't accuse people of but what I'm saying to just have we're not naming names of Club not close no but my point is I think that when you look back when you look back now what came out after in cycling and other sports and doctors and then you think and we thought we thought at the time there were things that like that I'm sorry physically we we were fit we we weren't drinkers we were fit we were that's not right there something not right I came off a pitch against natalan team I thought that's not right that's not right I'm sorry and I know that a couple of other Lads mid 2000s thought exactly the same thing that that to me is something that sort of yeah not investigator for all I think there was a coach over there called zon remember he he managed no no no no he docent people know about this no no no he he was he was he said it no he said it he accused clubs over there and it was like a big investigation he was saying in in Italian football he name two or three clubs who were saying what's going on behind the scenes it isn't right and yeah it wasn't right and I just think that to be to be fair that those moments I think were bad but that we had some were we naive I just I look back now and I think of some times of the the way in which we approach games because we were just attack work we would literally go for it you think about sometimes if we you know I wonder whether like we we all come together I even know the manager thinks it like you look back at say those games as Dortmund Monaco leusen yeah we never changed our shape our our mindset really was about he changed a little bit didn't he in 2001 too when he when he brought rude up front and put Sky there and you and Veron bit deeper or whatever that that was a change where he said right we need to get three in Midfield in Europe the sign of Veron was to get that three in Midfield to become more comp but you you say that listen you know better than me but I actually think the late 90s I remember it was a big thing that it was like canar doesn't do it in Europe and he used to play canar up front on his own a lot I remember they did and so he was going three in Midfield I think probably late 90s I remember at the time was like can oh he's not a center there was none of that false nine stuff and it was like you either a center forward or you know and it was like can's not a center forward and out now stri I I remember that late 90s you try to think about Eric and it's something to fair I don't speak about Eric a lot but when I think I was we were so young then we were 2021 when Eric was there but when I think the pressure and the responsibility and accountability he would take if we didn't win in Europe iel like he was he would carry that pressure do you feel that I felt that he literally it was abnormal cuz he'd won the in that season where he came back and he scored all the those goals to winers the league he almost felt like he had to do that I think in Europe that's good that's what saying unbelievable really the the way in which he assumed like sort of like I I always think that cuz he's such a legend for United and then after he went United went on to win you know champions league and then later on with Rooney and Ronaldo but he had that situation where he he obviously fell out with I think was Gerard Julio he never really had that he never got the world cup either did he in terms of what France did 19 do you think he even though he's such a legend do you think there's something where he didn't quite do it International level he he got banned from playing by by the manager but actually taking Manchester United to a European Cup do you think that's something I as you say that he really felt that but he said at the time after he retired after the Dortmund game that was that was why he retired he felt as though he couldn't the disappointment the that was it he had enough and it he just he was an emotional guy like that but that's what made him a great lad uh but I I I wouldn't look at Eric's career and look and say he missed out on that every player will have a we all analyze our careers and go we missed out on this and missed out that I think what done in terms of lifting United from from where they were and getting them over the line in terms of winning the Premier League and obviously at the time you have to win the league to compete in Europe no I I wouldn't kind of that doesn't tarnish but he he put pressure on himself for that that's what great players do and great characters do and that's why Eric was loved I think he enjoyed that colar up give me the ball and for Man United and it didn't quite work out in Europe I agree but I think at the time the challenges for United at the time was we couldn't honestly you couldn't play your best team it was a knockout straight away there's definitely more opportunities I think for teams players now to win the championship I'm not saying it's easier far from it but you got at the time again again you had to win the league and you couldn't play your strongest so all I think Eric would have probably had a few Hang-Ups about that of course like us all there stuff we look back on but it it wouldn't take away from what I felt what he done at man un night and that was he did lift the club and get him over the line first and foremost in terms of winning League titles and uh that's why I think the United fans obviously loveed to bit and I love the fact he was emotion and he did he did carry a lot of that what what age was any he left United was he 32 early 30s yeah was yeah and he but I think Eric was fed up with one or two other things as well I think after pitch and I think there was definitely issues with his contract whatever but yeah he that's I think makes him a great certainly a great character and he bril not a great lad but he was no he was a good guy in the dress room wasn't he good lad to go to battle with one of the things I'd say in terms of disappointments was the fact that we played Chelsea so often I think there's something Weir you know don't get me wrong some of my greatest memories like when we beat Chelsea in the semi-final it's great but we had them we played them four times and you know you try to play like a you just it doesn't something about playing an Engish United against Chelsea in the finals in Russ feel right does was a poor game though and you knew the games would take a lot more out of your emotion didn't you yeah the buildup in the pressure you play in Europe to play against obviously the best European teams but yeah that's just the way the obviously the game was going more English teams involved I never played against I don't think I ever played against english team in Europe ever played over 100 games in the Champions League I think but I don't think ever played obviously I didn't play in the final it was injured in 2008 I don't think you don't either no I did either actually am I allowed to blow me own trumpet just for the one time yeah for the one I've played more European games than any other English player in history wow well done James thank you well done thanks congratulations brilant 150 Ser that M yeah well [ __ ] H Giggs he played nobody's belsh isn't he you play did you play against Celtic and Rangers then did you play it against them my fa European game was Celtic at home remember when M manaman scored the goal the dribble at parkhead I I just got in the I was on the bench that night and my first European game was the retain of that so we drew two2 there and Drew nil nil around went through one away goals so that was my first one Celtic yeah we got beat against Celtic the Japanese boys scored and oh my God we absolutely killed them in the first I mean killed them and we just come put the ball on the back of that and they went and scored what's he called the Japanese Nakamura something like that yeah I think it is something good player him and he was obviously really good at set pieces Rangers remember we play against Rangers and the best that that roow was the best best atmosphere I've ever seen in my life was I Brook as the game was about I thought what the is this i' I mean Celtic was loud scor didn't he and Galatasaray was like but yeah Phil scored early on honestly for the first couple of minutes like before the game and and when the game start I've never seen anything like that in my life noise I Brooks honestly it was unbelievable staggering Celtic packs better at atere on yeah but anyway Phil Phil scored the winner nice one Phil Neville had a bad game that night H you had a bad one yeah I was putting his pet Lo on CR he was quick oh how quick was he oh my God he was quick how you just get put it over have a lot of difficult nights Jesus Christ every time we look at the game yeah was cut out yeah did you go in with him quick he was quick he was quick so you were you just really wanted to be up against a slow wide player they us pocket man Mitch man over Mars what was the best atmosphere so you said I Brocks I think galates was something special but I think I Brooks for noise was the big because galatas Stadium Alis samien Stadium it was open it was a bowl but it was open to didn't have the sort of roof obviously I bro has the roof around it so for I think for nastiness and hostility galatas that was unbeliev everyone always mentioned take and the right I always think like Olympiacos and places like that are absolutely M yeah pan in the stadium they're in the stadiums they got different voice like boxes than we have something got something going on in there have they got microphones in the inside the heads or something I we played um we played Torino we played Torino like in the couple CP and I've never that that atmosphere was amazing with the the Pyro and the whistling all game it was like defining you know you win someone's ear you can't hear it was different score no I didn't know do you remember we bought out in Milan sanero uh to play Inter in the second leg of the quarterfinal 99 and they were throwing oranges at us on the pitch was it do you remember that you don't remember no apparently the only Tred the bad players no I don't honestly orange yeah weird it's a mad tunnel of sanero isn't it yeah I love the sanero just so B like all the stadiums are like it now you can drive in and you go up underneath and I remember when we when we got there they all had on it was like [ __ ] going they just come off a spaceship they all hading this long black coat so when they came in Geo had Ked them out on the GE long Co we W in had tuob tracksuits and stuff and had this long coat they all [ __ ] came in like Darth Vader it was like it it's so intimidated but they look smarter than you oh they look amazing they look really good they really did look good it was so intimidating amazing they were I was good to BL all them stadiums on you you know you're a kid grown up watching the lands and all these you know these teams in the stadium did you want to play the big I I wanted to play I always remember when we the UEA cup 2001 the draw and it was obviously ourselves Barcelona alz and I think a jamman team I'm not sure it was but it wasn't like a Munich or a Dortmund and the draw happened and we got Barcelona and we were watching it on TV and I was like yes but a lot of people going what I'm thinking I want to play them want to play in the new camp AB you know it's like cuz the other teams we in like big names I was like we want to play the of course just like yeah did I used to like it going over there the day before and training stadium that was you can take it in more can't you when you go for the warm up in the game you've got to like but when you you sort of just look around aren't you but the beauty is when you when you play some of them big teams and when you're playing for United or big club and in England you're kind of and then you come up against these teams and they but they look at you as going as big as you P you know have a fire you go oh this is going to be a battle here you know they didn't care you remember when Mel train with us that's right I just remember the night before the B struggled against him train hey he kept dropping in something get to Mi what we CH TR one B 60 yard Bobby joined in yeah he did again yeah so basically one night was the bar we're playing Barcelona I think was night we lost 4-0 it was lost four I didn't think he'd start him f one session he's straight in think the manager he got three tickets for a concert enjy yeah M will train with us night before the game it was quite relaxed it was nice I know but you I used to hear all that stuff as well you know me I know it's the night before but imagine these L joining TR imagine that happening now [ __ ] [Music] ridiculous let's talk about Arsenal shall we cuz obviously it's a sore point is it for Aral it is I remember once I remember when I signed cuz obviously they won the league the year before I came you have like you said you have to win the you have to win the league to get in it and we we ended we I I wasn't eligible until until after the Benfica game we went there and I was that straight into knos right even then I think so I think so they gave you a do at home didn't oh [ __ ] me you know the thing is that we went over I think it was 3 31 at home it's might have been four who was it Benfica a guy called Isis right when you play over sounds a good player yeah I remember the um the headlines was cry your Isa out like but like you know what it was one we went over there and I think we think we drew with them Kevin Campbell Kevin scored a couple but then they came and they they [ __ ] they done they beat us counterattacking and I think off of the back of that that's when George Graham kind of changed everything to make us more defensive you know what I mean because like we got absolutely torn to sh threads on the on the Counterattack at home we couldn't get near them and did you have to play at wemble a few G is that that was that was after that was after because obviously after that we didn't I didn't get to play it it's funny it's funny what you say there because if you go back sort of I know you gone back a long time but obviously Liverpool's success in Europe a lot of it they speak about goes back to Ajax beat Liverpool 5-1 with Yan K in the 60s and you know all this I'm not sure exactly what you would have been probably 60 early 70s no I think it might have been a little bit K's only like about 18 or 19 he's absolutely just ripped Liverpool to [ __ ] bill shankley is the manager and when you think about Liverpool winning years later it wasn't I don't think hugely exciting football with Wingers and because it was really solid going away from home getting your nil nil using the anfield crowd a lot of the finals I don't think were great spectacles you know Liverpool winning one- nil in finals or you know Roma penalties I think one n at Wembley against uh in 78 Le Bru yeah winning one nil against so when you talk about that I think that probably happened to Liverpool to of 20 30 years before in terms like we can't play the wi Forest do the same though did were Forest like clean sheets but the away goal was a killer course the way go was a killer I mean you were done weren't you but do you think I think that was I I thought that made your European football amazing you thought it was better with your way goal 100% because one one goal could take you from losing to winning whereas now it's just like if you get a goal you go from losing to draw or Draw to winning it could just completely when the team scores against you and knocks you back doesn't it so quiet it it's so quiet it's like everybody realizes oh no they've got an away goal I it was specially away goal but that l i there certain games I again I know you have to move on and like but luse and that I can see I can still see all's chance in that game I stood behind him you're asking a player who would you want to certainly had to Target and oi over the bear we had one against I still I'll bring it up when I see him now I still mentioned a chance he missed forget what it brilliant he was I you you had to take that chance [ __ ] hit the target egg we need to get o on the podcast yeah I get that video Welcome Tock football obviously like when we Us in the final when we was in the final like you know the second the second year and Naim from the halfway it was devastating cuz like I started thinking out like I'm going to take take a penalty I'm probably he's going to probably get a [ __ ] looked over naim's just [ __ ] you know when you see him just [ __ ] is that last minute righty [ __ ] last second that last second it was like to rip your heart out and let you see it before you [ __ ] fall over and he and the thing is when he hit it I just thought I saw you looked at the goalie and you could see he was [ __ ] backtrack he's like Jesus and then when you saw it going [ __ ] hell a bit of skill you know something the opportunism is what I just thought to myself you know what I mean you're not expecting it cuz I'm like I said I'm thinking about yes the penalties okay where you going to put it yeah thinking and then bam he does that and then what happened was is that because I was this side and all their fans Z aragos they were all down there and you know when you see other fans erupt just [ __ ] my heart was broken trampled upon because also you never played the year before when they won it no got suspended that was another one F the most ridiculous challenge in the S the Fell's [ __ ] going that way and I'm tackling him he's going back towards goal and I tackled him on the line he was suspended more than me righty who's winning the Champions League this season well before before I ask before I ask that which which are the English clubs that are left in it man city how are they going to Fair who left in it remind us of the draw I think man the draw Man City going to do it we've got Arsenal against Porto and we've got City against Copenhagen we've got PSG soad PSV Dortmund Leipzig Real Madrid Bayern Munich Lazio Atletico inter Barcelona Napoli I I think there's only you can compete with City that's I think that's the only thing maybe Bayern Munich in terms of they have got names who I think if they go on the pitch they will not feel inferior but did did city city beat the I think over the two you just think over two that easy I thought the first game that first um the game that city won 3-0 at home is it the first half it was 3-0 to City I thought B was pretty good in that half it sounds crazy I thought by I agree I think Ry scores one doesn't the keeper should say were very good in that game I know it's 3-0 and ends up looking like a stupid statement but it was closer than that um I probably city of favorites CN again back to back I don't know no I'm not sure I just don't I think that but cuz you just think in Europe you don't want to take something a referee decision or the odd game doesn't go right someone's inj so I just don't know who can I just don't think there's that teams in your Madrid AR their best I don't think Munich are at their best PSG I don't think can Arsenal win it this year I'd love arsenal to defend well the counter attack well if we got there in the final with City I'd feel more confident I could see Arsenal losing to a team they should beat you know what I mean like that that mentality of not when GI you know you look at we've got to you've got to be more ruthless um with the chances you've got to see games off so as you can relax in games and at the moment we you know we're we're not taking those chances even though in the end we won the game but [ __ ] hell man if if we could take those chances I'd be more confident about going to play these teams because we're defending a lot better but I'd love arsenal to get city in the quarters interesting because I think Arsenal one of the few teams in there who maybe could knock City out but also is that for Liverpool for the league yeah cuz I think as you said before when you play an english team every ramps up in Europe the pr everything you don't your league games before and after it's like this game becomes so big and I think that probably would help Liverpool but you we don't want City to win it again do we Jesus if City got to the final against somebody I'd still probably want them to win simply how many European C United w three three City beond two City two too close to comfort there yeah I want P get tired we thought we were going to get close to you be a very long time though it could quite quickly at some point no Liverpool are just made for Europe they just if Liverpool are in the Champions League you think they've got a great chance of win just because of anfield and you know we talk about I always think what is it about you obviously you've got a great record in you but what is it what what is I think I think there's a a belief because it's it's almost like the opposite in the Premier League when we'd be going for the league and you'd almost think we got enough you but in Europe you think at anfield we take anyone on you know and you think of the atmosphere in the hist because you've been there before you believe you're going to do it again it's just like it's like yeah history history and helps other big European teams that does get you over the line and they do doubt they do even when you I remember when when City went there not longer and I was I remember doing a doing doing one of the shows I was doing and I was saying the thing is is that City I'm not sure if they understand Liverpool on a European night anfield it is different it really really is you know what I think helps we talk about anfield in terms of the atmosphere the size of the pitch I sometimes think of so when you are playing Ro when you play a good European team and you feel like you're chasing you can't get near them and Fields just that little bit tight smaller get in terms of size it can't be that it's smaller it's smaller than sort of an Old Trafford Old Trafford always felt massive yeah that much smaller if you know what I mean wouldn't be that maybe it's a psychological thing the crowd are right on top you but it's definitely it is definitely smaller but you feel like you're not going to out football European team you feel like we're going to get after them and get fast come to old traford and and they were good and they were at it and you were just off it it was big spaces big it never felt like that anfield you know what I mean but 2005 you know what I mean especially was that what Stevie scored right at the death day with that brilliant strike pios yeah yeah cuz like you look at that that Liverpool side and you just I remember Stevie done an interview and he was talking he kind of done an interview he was playing it down well you know we're just getting on with it you know what I mean no one no one fancied Liverpool to get to that final and then they got to that final and again the interview right was actually he was doing the press for that game so the interview came out the morning of the game wow and he was basically saying I need to be playing Champions League football because it wasn't about us winning the Champions League because if we' have gone out there obviously we not in the Champions leag That season but we were struggling in the league we didn't actually we qualify because we won it for the next season so what he was basically saying is that we need to yeah he was talk about maybe mov we don't get Champions League football so w we need to win this game and stay in it and then see where we go I sometimes I I do I think a lot about what would have happened there if if Stevie's shot goes past the post there's nobul I don't think Stevie Gerard's at Liverpool I think he moves on and you just think of know the dynamic of there you know a local player where would he have gone what would we have done with the money you know what I mean he might have said yes to me when I went [Laughter] into wow talk to us about t in the game that ultimately everyone says was your best game ever greatest game ever I don't I certainly wouldn't agree with that but I think it was a brilliant team effort to come back came to brilliant players and again good we should have been we should have been out of it in the first game if you remember juvent obviously excellent over time with us we scored lat on equalizer Big Goal two down over again the away goals comes into it and with some brilliant brilliant Strikers brilliant players it was just all that was me play yeah some to be about lipo talk about that you don't go tw0 down to that Juventus team and come back that was the thing that I thought at the time I always remember Beck's that game saying we'd had a difficult start the defense down that side in remember you holding someone on one of the goals show something the ball you a bad habit Ronnie Json was the same ball comes back someone is getting a g I've got my man he was my man that scored I didn't have someone else man the ball comes right in but he ends up putting it in like three yards from goal weird youan he's like one he's so close to go but B two nil down you asking where your goalkeeper is that what you're thinking no no just you just don't normally expect he just kept going and going Wonder went past the back post oh c scored in that game right but before that I think there was a deflection down that channel where I don't know if it was inagi off Yap and it went over Peter's head and lobbed into the far corn was like oh my God and then to be fair you scored the header that's really weird goals as a benefit you go listen if you get back to two you you scored the head and beex came up to me and he never beex was quite quiet on the pitch he said [ __ ] come on we going to do and [ __ ] for him to say that you know what I mean I always remember that but again you get that momentum in your season I know we keep going back Liverpool in the FA Cup that earlier in the season you get little breaks juvent the game should have been done Juventus let us off the hook in the first leg absolutely but then you punished them that was course well the second goal goes and it was yeah he know you know you know with the final you know you're saying about Juventus and you got like I I I swear to God that was if that was a boxing match [ __ ] that that was that's like fate fate and sort of like cuz Roy's not playing skols is not playing they've I think I don't say they battered they probably battered us probably for 75 minutes the barck Beckham I watched that game back for a book or two or three years ago Beckham was unbelievable in that game you know for some I I never feel Like Beckham gets the respected deserves as a player because people so oh is off the pitch stuff and all that his performance that night considering obviously Roy's out SC he out the responsibility he took that that night in getting the ball for him dictating the play knocking long passes he was all over the pitch there was a moment in that game though that it changed was when he moved from Center Midfield to the wide it changed Yori went back into Midfield with buty gigsy went left Becks went right and then we had Teddy and Olie up front Ted and and we ended up 442 for the first time gigy was played on right that night for 75 minutes never played with gigs in my life he never played with me York was up front with Co and then yesper was on the left and beex was in Central Central Midfield with buty were and we were just all over the place like the patterns that you see people like Giggs didn't know where I was I didn't know where he was same in the Midfield it was like buty did you practice that or we only found out well a couple of weeks before that Roy and uh schy couldn't play but because all the games that we had were like last game of the FA Cup Final we had the last game of the league you could practice your team for the wasn't like we had any games in hand to be able to work with it was like a a bit of luck at the end and good setpiece delivery you know come does that does that I mean I'm I still feel bad to this day about you skols not playing that day it's because obviously you know do you still feel that sing sometimes that little bit horri horrible feeling yeah you would do your standard answers when people ask you oh that's life but yeah it's heartbreaking when you miss a big game like that but your mindset at the time is again you're United you're going to be competing you're convinced you'd probably get back to another final y yeah you don't so so yeah you obviously scores the eventually did get back to another one I didn't and that's that's the reality and yeah that's the brutal side of the game isn't it but yeah you would be your you'd be you'd be heartbroken missing missing a big like that you you wouldn't miss it now would you cuz I think they cancel them did they just before I they do something yeah yeah you can't be suspended oh yeah just just my luck that but anyway but I again if we won it or go back to it remember I was injured anyway I got injured in a cup fin so you not would you not have been fit for the oh man it was no right no I was I was I think I was I don't know if I was still on crutches for them few days after a game didn't stop me going out in Barcelona I don't think you were on crutes when I saw you I left in my room I remember you about like modern players I'm rooming with Dennis so we go away and I obviously I'm suspended and I'm injured and I have a couple of nights out and I'm going back into the room and Dennis is kind of having trying to get some decent night sleep and I'm come back to the room 4 five in the morning and I'm not quite jumping on his bed waking him up but I bet he's thinking you any chance yeah I was just kind you you and schy went out at lunch on the day of the game didn't you we were hungry yeah cuz I always remember you walking back in at like sort of pre-match and thinking they look a bit Rosy yeah do you know what you know part you know and what it is sometimes when we're over and scores is the same you're you're feeling that you're feeling kind of out of it really it's awward you're not really involved so what do you do I remember I remember in the corners with with Becks with the Corners it's just like you know when it was happening he was thinking that something's going to happen now this is it mat he put two he put two corners in the [ __ ] but even when it breaks I think the first go where Baron don't clear properly little bits little bit composure kicked it to Teddy Teddy then bed it in remember the defender punching the floor was ITF can you can I say you see with um OE I was doing the same o O's go with O's goal with the cuz Teddy I think Teddy flipped it again the way he instinctive boom it was just again you know what I mean it's just like [ __ ] people think yeah but he's right there it was one touch finish oh mate I was very excited for United that you know what I mean you can't help but jump and then you think oh [ __ ] when I look back now you should you should have lifted the trophy really first time that night OB on the pitch I think I would no I don't agree with that come on we you K him chimp no no no I don't agree with that no when I see I'm not against other people doing or I know the rules have changed where I think you can't be suspended but at the time no I think said no if somebody said I would have been I would have been I would have been really embarrassed I would have been cringing actually I don't no we've been down at the end me that was like an hour after that was like really laid into it where the lads obviously sent on the pitch for definitely far and even then it's like come out and you're like really yeah you know it's you're cringing one of my regrets about when we Stevie lifted the trophy I'm not on any pitcher like that's [ __ ] why not I'm at the back stretching me c I'm getting cramp after the game so when you're act there's like a shot from up above and you see like players have only played two games the right back Spanish Dad h semi he's like rting he's on every picture and I'm stretching me c at the back and I'm thinking oh whenever I sign the pitch I'm signning [ __ ] over the whole semi's head I [Music] mean what is the one thing you did that was the biggest factor in you becoming a professional footballer oh [ __ ] know [ __ ] your M off wasn't he it's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing you know something we were talking about Marcus rashford last week weren't we about having that right group of people around him and you say that you you can't do the things that your friends are doing so if you're influenced by your friends slightly some lad you know you do there is that element of oh go on then and that go on then would done me that that go that go on then with there's no go on then I was going to go out I never I never went out in the first five six years my career at United till 16 to 21 I couldn't I don't think I could have done that's your personality and I think that to be fair I think to me it was work ethic work and to Fair love for the club work ethic listened trained wanted to do well I think those are things it but you've got all the rewards for that g i but they're the things but they're the things that to me are the biggest Factor what's the question what's the biggest factor in you becoming a professional football player I think also the other thing sort of a a different level not on a individual level but the club at the time for me the manager wanted to bring young players through he was Brave and the big thing was the Blackburn night I think changed the whole club where we won the league for the first time against black obviously we' won it the day before but that that that night was the best night in Manchester United's modern history changed the whole club forever that and then people say to me what's the most important trh that is the most important trophy unlock the doors we won the youth cup and we had belief but we were coming into a machine of a club that was like we we we were confident we were coming into a dresser room stable confident was winning and I think that changed everything timing timing you player timing and the club was made for us at that time again the dress room you walk into the manager you're playing for I came off to Forest obviously I played League of going walking with Brian KF give me an opportunity thrw me straight in you're you need someone to give you a break you've got to walk hard and train hard if you want to be professional football and take that opportunity the dress stream we walked into we keep talking about senior players being a good example I walked in was I can't pray St Pearce up I looked at St Pearson what a top Pro he was if I can't learn from him Dez Walker different personality but Dez Walker due respect for niga K these players are look and go if I can learn from what being a professional football is all about and then great messages great messages from Brian CL it's interesting you say that Ro about the sort of like what we came into and at that time Liverpool had a really talented group of young players and I don't dismiss that they some of them were as talented as we were like Matt manman and Fowler Jamie rnap um there's probably a couple of others to be fair Rob was would Rob involved in that and their senior players were big drinkers David th was it David Thompson he was a good talented real talented group at Liverpool there was one year where were the pushers close for the title I think it was 95 96 but our senior players I felt they they were more professional and I felt our senior players were more talented obviously but they were more professional and I felt I I think if those young Liverpool players would have come into our dress room and we'd have gone into that dress room think do you think United Li at the time go back now Rob or Brucey no I think I I I know what you're saying but I think that to me there was a there wasn't an excess that was like would put games in doubt I think that the Liverpool I always remember seeing a couple of them in cheerlead remember cheerleaders yeah bagely so so cheerleaders Wednesday night I went a couple of times right I remember the Liverpool Lads were over in the car they come over to Liverpool te night but the United Lads would go on probably like at one half but they were like I think four five I I but I I'll disagree with that you know there a few hours out with shy and other Lads we would be going home at 1:00 I think I think I think we' been on Fair to the Liverpool Lads as if you know the difference then I think the difference was and i' I've I've spoke about this a few times this was a team I was almost just getting into on the fringes and what I would say is the class of 92 had obviously amazing players but when you were coming into the team the best players was schmeichel Roy Keane can Liverpool's lads who came into the team were Liverpool's best players so F was Liverpool's best player on MC manaman uh obviously Stevie comes in you got Michael Owen as well so the and who was the senior players then at Liverpool the probably two senior players I can remember were John B and a rush absolute Legends but they were like at the right at the end Neil R would have been the center back but he wouldn't have been one of Liverpool's best experienced play no he no he he left them but we point was the you had them they they probably guided you whereas Liverpool's young Lads coming through were almost F at 18 19 Liverpool's best player yeah same with Mike alone same with Steven Gerard you know so it was never like that Roy Keane schmeichel Canon our figure you saw to looking up to to to to drag you along yeah it's a massive Factor the dressing room that you come into as a young player and the influences and standard bearers in the dress room is huge it's huge I think these United young Lads that have come through in the last 5 six seven eight years if you're a young like coming through at Liverpool you've got really good good chance really good chance if you're at City you've got a really good chance whereas if you're at United now you thinking he's guiding that dress room who s I came from rashford's got to be there so what I'm saying is me Ste you he's 26 who's older than him me Captain you then become the lead you got to grab it you what age you Captain uh you know when did Brucey leave and when Eric left when Eric left so when did Eric leave 96 97 right so what what age were you then i' would have been 26 27 yeah so Roy keing only Roy really started to assume the mantle of like the real sort of like I mean obviously he was playing unbelievably well before then but the real sort of like dominant inspirational Captain happened after 26 but Marcus actually is nothing like royen in personality I know what I'm saying he has to become be Roy ke he has to do it a different way like Stevie jard completely different player to rash what I'm saying is I was someone to be shouting and screaming at people on the referee and other players Stevie did it by sort of like his whole ability and the respect he have from the other players I'm not saying rashford's got to go around R Raven but just like his body language and being s you can just feel it when some I someone becomes a leader I feel like when I'm watching Trent Alexander Arnold this season even though his numbers might be the same just a body language just a feel that he's got on the pitch that he's getting old remember I came in from Club I had my three years at Forest again working with brilliant senior players but when I went to United I walked in again United just won the league and the momentum was there and obviously LS are coming through but I loved it I loved all the lads in the dress room you might go I know you remember can play tricks yet but I thought they were all not all 100% brilliant Pros cuz like like a few points like everything else but I looked around went what a good group of people these are par and sh like gig Rober these lad were like you had Brian Robson Steve Bruce Gary pal you just asked could gets forgotten dress room lad the dress room the cliff if you remember the cliff and again I'd come in and a big fee and at the time you go list come to United and expectations I want to do but I was looking on the group and just even the chat the bant our first preseason we got to South Africa and I'm going this is I couldn't believe how brilliant it was and I again I walk with good Pros I actually think you changed after iny left because iny was I think you in some ways not saying he was you in some ways in the dressing he was the tough love guy in the dressing room on he was the he he was hard with us but he was always fair with us in he was tough with us he literally if he made a bad pass he'd get on to us he massively high standard you said that about Peter was hard on you he was he was so so yeah B said but you could deal with that there's other Lads where we're talking about other tough love and put your arm on but at the time who Marcus T love obviously that's one of the problems at man united there isn't that core of players and you're we're thinking who is it where it we could just roll off here you just you could mention 10 players who would the younger players don't forget last season your turn the man united team going they've got leaders now they got M casiro should be dominating rashford is McGuire getting a hold of him no well I I I don't think he would be no at the moment he's not even playing but you don't have to be playing to get a hold of somebody exactly you were cing man united towards last year you said you didn't play Chang the music he's Roy Roy he's been Harry's been undermined as a leader in that Deion by having the captain since second off he's been undermined completely I get that he must feel completely dejected by What's happen but going back to the question is the biggest factor is the biggest factor in your career then the fact that you came into big dressing rooms and with great leaders but what about on an individual level what is the biggest factor in you being a success I supp OB keep that the hunger was always a big one for me never relaxing even when you taught you done well and you won a league title you got want to win more you get a new contract I want to keep going you don't want again I always said Don't Take Your Eye Off the Ball keep that keep that focused and don't don't don't relax I I think I think for me it was training the way I played I think that was a big thing for me uh and that wasn't just me waking up in the morning thinking I've got a train right that [ __ ] all week we are no but I I I couldn't help I had when I was a kid I wanted to win that so every day in I couldn't not treat like a game and train you listen sometimes some Lads have a little day they're just about training I that was the big thing for me training the way I play was that every player carrier at Liverpool when you were there because that was every player at United I think we always trained like play you mentioned where did Liverpool go I remember I was speaking to Robbie fower about we and he said there was days at Liverpool so we're saying how come Liverpool didn't kick on with all these Lads coming through and Robbie did say a couple times you we maybe didn't train like whereas the one thing I say at United whatever we were up to or not when we trained it was proper in whether Robbie saying that in terms of like because people say oh you know Roy Evans you know was a manager was a little bit weak on the players and he was the manager who gave me my chance but I just think that's a personal standard of like every day you know just like being aggressive putting challenges in you know I always remember sort of with bonitz and it used to frustrate the attackers we worked a lot on sort of being organized we'd have offside in training I used to piss the attackers off but in my head I be thinking right we got to get the line up we got to drop off I've got stop Tores SC I've got to stop Suarez you know like and if you had a bad session you'd be like the next day like so I think that was something that meant that I went into every game almost feeling like okay I'm right cuz I had to be right I think me and you were pretty simil like that cuz you you didn't have like no one would say you were unbelievable ability there so you were lightning quick so everything had to be right for me to perform on the Saturday and I think the other thing that helped me is the city I'm from in that a little bit of not arrogance but a bit of cocky that bit of like I'm better than them I should be playing so yeah but a bit of I'd go and speak to Roy Evans at 18 and go well why is why is Michael Thomas playing ahead of me I should be playing and and actually believing it you know going on to the training pitch and yeah I I think probably probably coming in as late as I did it's probably recognizing that the opportunity was there you know I played a lot of Sunday football I used to do a lot of training by I still try to do dog and do stuff and then when the opportunity for Palace came is recognizing this is it this is it and then having a manager like Steve Copple who he saw something very raw but he saw something and he was the one who justed to always pull me aside and say things about how hard you have to work this isn't going to be easy because you've come out of Sunday football you need to learn how to be a striker making the runs linking the play why you have to hold the ball here why you have to make that run so he can come in here all these things Steve Copple he he instilled in me the hard work that's coming and I wasn't afraid of it cuz the opportunity was something that I was desperate for since the age age H H hon honestly the what driven me I think you obviously played street football and Sunday football but I think you when you played for Arsenal and for England you played like a street football and a Sunday football you never left that sort of idea that you have to run as hard as you can fight as hard as you can scrap as hard as you can you carried that sort of mentality from Sunday football into like the highest level it's funny because I remember Steve he said he told me something cuz when you're when you're playing and you're playing in the buildup playing what they want you to do because you have to link and I used to lose the ball a lot and I remember emphasizing how important it is for me to keep the ball but he says never change the way you you you want to finish when you get in in the last third you know I'd shoot from anywhere he said never change that it was confusing because like you'd get from from from the older players [ __ ] hold it and then you get from Steve Copple good effort I always remember Rooney and Sir Alex toward the boss towards the end when Wayne started to drop in a bit and he used to he stopped turning and running at people and stopped running behind he became more of a sort of like a linked player and passing long balls and sort of dropping into mid and that was the one thing I remember he must have bollocked him I don't know 15 20 times a season for like the last three or four years that I was there for dropping into the left dropping in he said get you he want him to stay up front and turn at players and take the ball on the back foot and do those things never lose that bit that made you s like a street footballer yes and it's funny I remember we played played against playing in the cup against some artle pool orever it was and the defender just kept going on at me about being a you're a Sunday morning you're a pub player you're a Sunday morning player and I remember say to him [ __ ] this 38,000 here [ __ ] I'm big time you [ __ ] you know I mean we should do a demo right of me and you on Corners what do you know do used to do Gary you know I mean even when like you know the thing I used to love about him is so the corner be over there I'd always be marking righty right doing this right so the thing is he's doing all that but like the ball's not even near yet so even when they're walking over I can go like that and he he I have the crowd behind the go I'd go like that to him and I go like that and Gary like and it was like it was so funny they go way but to be honest I never scored one he always hold you know like you're saying he's [ __ ] holding you there other players scoring you know what I mean yeah but still I wanted to score I wanted to say cuz I used to like there was something about IM and Phil that used to annoy me I don't know what it was used to call some [ __ ] chuckle Brothers here you know what I mean op I don't know what it was cuz they were so serious jedwood jwood but like they was they were so serious and because at the time you know obviously being as jealous as I was of man united cuz it was so good it was so good you kind of jealous of them and it was tough never had an easy game against them it was brilliant I loved it I loved it I love being at that level just love playing against in those games which player that you've played with it's difficult question this it might be something do you feel had the hunger all we've all talked about hunger and hard work preparing training working hard we've all talked about those same qualities which player do you feel that had those qualities but then I don't got a big contract or something they won a trophy then went and you saw it go straight away and anybody you can think anybody no not not in and around I played with yeah just where you think you can just see that like sort of think he's gone a little bit there shy was a bit laid back was was he Sharie was very laid back l a good guy but maybe Sharpie would be frust admit that maybe he with that little bit maybe I think sh would be honest enough to say that because sha was so laidback and the manager was always on his case you know to be fa again obviously went up the lead got a bad injury but I think Sharpie might look back and go and and I think he'd be the first to admited that he did CU he got I mean people people may remember may not remember before gigy came in he was literally like the S of was it t he was at was it t yeah and he went to United he scored that go Arenal it was a three hatrick at Arsenal in the leag C he murdered us and he literally was like the poster boy wasn't he he murdered us so I think shie would be would say that maybe he didn't have that real hunger and desire to to maintain that over a long period of time I think at Liverpool I can't think of someone in terms of of that but I've seen players drop off when someone comes into your club and they make a brilliant start and all the fans are getting you know excited everyone thinking this is a play and I'd always think see what he like when he has a little bad Spell absolutely you know that thing of can you get through that and that was the thing that I felt certainly playing for a big Club the scrutiny supporters the press and that I always thought someone was a I thought well he's got something about him if he goes through that sort of couple of months that we all go through where you think it's not happening for you you go out the team and you come back in the crowd are on you a little bit can you come out the other side and I always felt there was probably two or three players we can think of thought we all thought we got a star when they first come in and the first little bad spell you think oh they don't ever actually back it's too they almost don't want to be in the team rather than going I'm going to embrace this come on let's have it you know that you're talking about managers right giving you tough love I go back to Sharpie I remember he got interviewed recently he was on you know when he was scoring goals Sharpie was into all the dance and stuff and he was and he really enjoyed his football and off the field as well and he said towards him when the manager he obious say when Ferguson was having a him he went and he said admit he went I just sto listening at the end you know about that Tough Lover a manager you went I just sto listening listen anymore yeah yeah it's funny yeah but you said that was with George Graham in the end I just you know he's just like talk he's just talking at you I'm not even listening no more he was too you know something I'm not even going to complain you know he was the one that put me on that um that stage with Arsenal and we get on very very well but like um it was it was tough to the point of you know you'd be driving home and I'm like [ __ ] hell man it's surely can't be like this it's should be like this [ __ ] hard I can't work any harder than I am in train I can't do anymore you know why I think the boss was unbelievable for 20 odd years because one he stayed out of training all week and you know he never got involved in training he never heard his voice actually during the week that much you certainly never heard it in a sort of like a forceful way or do this or do that because it was always kiddo Carlos Kos Steve McLaren renie manstein all those people so you never heard his voice during the week and then all of a he changed his assistant managers every three four years he had a different voice I think play managers who are coaching every day if they're on the pitch every day and and then hear on the same voice on Saturday it's like you know what I mean I don't know if that was the same with like but we we didn't get the same voice we literally had didn't hear his voice that we for the majority of my career You' think of sort of Julia and bonitz foreign coaches they weren't managers they were coaches so I it' feels strange to me if you come on the training pitch and the manager wasn't there it almost feel like I know he's there but if he's not he's not like something almost like having a supply teacher come in you know it's just like that I'd always feel a bit weird if if the manager wasn't there so listen obviously I before I before I had it with Brian KF Jack CH I I I played for certainly two or three great managers who done literally no coaching during the week and I love that I I I didn't want to hear the manager all the time and then on a Saturday where you're thinking this is obviously come alive in a business starts so again it goes to show whatever you've been brought up with or whatever managers you were on Brian kff was the same you very rarely see Brian kfer if trenum was G on he'd be in the background yeah the same at United right do you think that actually happens now the reason I mentioned because it was a foreign thing I think probably most managers in those days probably didn't too much training but even the British coaches do does klopp do most of the sessions during the week listen they've got two or three people I'm sure to get split up but I don't think year and klopp sort of sat in the office no no down the pitch sure but is yeah oh no I I think he would be involved I think owners I think ownership I think ownerships want to see somebody out there Co I think it's more a lot of the owners if if you're involved in a club no one as a manager with that style and obviously not with that power where these managers have won trophies and he's just coming in and doing one or two sessions I bet they go no we want more than that from our a lot of it's the job titles now for a lot of managers now is head coach it's not the man you better do some coaching see you look at at Pep and even again coming off the pitch the other day he's he's still I can't see him not being on there every I literally you know I look at him how he is and he looks quite intense and it gives it makes me nervous not if I had to if I had to work under him he makes me nervous one of the best things that I obiously don't see what club does any day of the week but one of the best things that I think he does have just remembered it is standing in the warm-up he stands there 6' three and he literally stares at the opposition at the closest point to them where the team are warming up and he make he's looking at them right in the eye he does it believe doing that he I think it's intim it's intimidation why does he does he say think he has been yeah he will have been intimidation I think he L stands there like mening I think he I remember interview he got asked about it and he sort of said it wasn't for that he just wanted to see what they were doing or whatever but he def listen I don't believe that but he definitely he said something about playing Dortmund in the in his first season at Liverpool he played Dortmund in Europa League and he said if I've got it rightly I'm sure he said something about like that was definitely to sort of let them let them know I'm I'm the Liverpool manager I'm not Dortmund anymore and like I'm you know because to them he's he's a God isn't he FL he's just left and he definitely said there was something in that uh I mean what I I've seen other managers but they've got a good relationship with him go and speak to him I've seen David Moes do it a lot and I think that's actually quite a clever thing to do you're actually I'm joining them and we're having a little chat so he's not actually looking at the I've SE I've SE I don't know if he gets on well with Mo but I've seen MO used do a couple of time I think I have looked at and thought I think that's what I'd do if I was a manager I'd go to speak to him to make sure he's almost like the players don't feel like they you know he's got his eyes on them I thought the boss I mean obviously you were Captain so you'll know this that he basically you couldn't go out could you until he was at the front of the actual dressing room at the door and literally he would be he'd wait for every player to go past he'd be looking down the corridor at the referee's room and the away dress alic he'd be literally staring he he'd be stood waiting at the door you'd be Roy ke waiting to come out and literally be staring down the corridor at the referees room and the away dressing room and he every single play would walk past him and he' shake the hand and looked that it it was every week I didn't realize it happened actually that much until I became captain and Roy left obviously so was that his his intimidation absolutely I realized when I was Captain because like say some of the players out there at the back and say wait wait wait you're looking you seen what he's doing I thought he's [ __ ] actually eyeballing the referee I remember do an anfield the first time I played against Man United and anfield tunnels really small and it did feel like there was a huge is there all mine games isn't it yeah I always remember one that was John Gregory I always remember this and he did the same at Villa come out I don't know what you're laughing at but we Villa were top remember Villa started the season top of the league and we hadn't started that well and we we conceding goals and I always remember being in the tunnel and shouting really loud saying clean cheat you in the game clean cheat you in the game and it wasn't was in you going out thinking but he he had that sort of like [ __ ] he wasn't he probably a bit flash or whatever but I just thought he was he's it all flash but it was always sticks me man I was only a young kid going out thinking fck hell yeah he's probably right the score we won 42 I knew was a good end in here yeah they beat us 5 n right well that's it unless there's anything else we want to get our chests um I always feel it sad at the end of an episode it's nice isn't it once it starts and then you when you get in yeah but you're on about defeats and Europe and disappointment just has it brought you down a little B no no no no no not me you know what it does when we I always I always it always makes me feel I wish I was back in I want to be back in a dressing room I wouldn't want to be back in there in coaching and as a player why do you come and be car's assistant at sford he's done that I've done that ATK I remember with car one I've never seen um a manager when I was there you know you know what the year what I done at MK do made me say I can't be a manager can't be a manager when you look year you were there a whole year yeah he was there a whole year and I thought no it's it's it's not for me and I remember one time I can't remember I might have been Preston and like it's like right we're walking like this coming off cuz it's half timee and you know it's like normal this like normal talking and we're walking I say okay and then he went injested room and his [ __ ] head explo it went red like a CH and he he blasted into these players to the point and then he told them to [ __ ] get back out you know what I mean and when they came out and he went back to me like normal like yeah so know like to looked to me like so yeah so right you and I went Carl you can't [ __ ] do that bro you're going to you're going to have a heart attack man if you're going to carry on going from zero to 100 and then going back to normal that cannot be good for your body my friend and I had to say that to him because as good as he is as a coach when he gets angry it's scary I said this is this what it does is this what it does you because if I get into a place where I'm a manager and I get to my Angry place I don't know what he's obviously not listen he got send off about two weeks after about he's calmed down a lot he's calmed down a lot but like he's he's he's very good but like I say I have no quals you people say yeah well y on there talking about management this and that I said it's not for me I would not be able to deal in that place I would not be able to work in that environment I cannot do it but as a player love to be back in the dressing room playing we have our weekly update on you any conversations in the last couple of weeks about getting back into it or yeah what's going nothing all quiet I think don't uh I'll be here for a while I think something happened what's happened some come on right something's I can tell you're right I know you're right I could tell there is something because you could when you start smiling doing that face someone someone's tried to set the piss out you there I what people do that all the time going all the time yeah no no well J well we're talking about going back into management and yeah I think the longer you you're out of it and the more you think the last few chats we've had about going back to it even before Frank came in you do ask yourself and I'm I'm swaying out towards the Min not going back into it yeah I just think it's not it's not worth the hassle and uh people constantly disrespect you or whatever sometimes it's offers I can't see where a time was where's the joy in in the management you looking at Pep who's Ultra successful I remember watching Wenger when he was successfully looking at klopp having to come out now you know saying he's exaust where's the when did they actually get joy in what what happens what whatever about Pep's level pep and klopp and all these Bo but when you go down a certain level and you you have any sort of chats or discussions about going back into work I'm not joking you people think you're like everyone thinks you're so desperate you sign anything and I know the managers out there doing that absolutely that's why they can do that I'm cutting people I've just come up with a TV concept the four of us are going to go in and manage a club for the last three weeks of a season right any clubs in the 92 pre premier league and efl want three weeks of management team to go in three weeks just you can who the manager yeah yeah let's get that right's my role these R you you can be you can be manager you you can be assistant manager you've done that before we'll be the we'll be the analysts that will do opposition and the Monday Night Football so so we'll prepare them for the like sort of the the pulse match the pre-match we'll do that so we all the work they get the glory right no Li three weeks end of a season I think we should offer our services up to a club to have a little bit of a go because I I think they just have that little three weeks of a taste of it would be nice actually just to see what it's like just to go in the dressing room I don't want to do it full time no interest in doing it would that are we up for it I want i' want no it have to be Sunday morning we have to get no yeah I'd love to Sun I went to watch a Sunday morning game the other day it was unbelievable for great no can't do that just in case we get them too many points let's go let's go forest green forest green they'll take us that be Lee one we're going there and give him some love need like them chairman out there what an offer let's do it R four of us did you get paid yeah oh yeah oh yeah I forgot about that brilliant another week well done well done G love you Jamie I like this jacket on you thank you nice nice very ni very nice jellies are nice can you get a picture of course you can bro of course you can can I get my lemons in you're a [Laughter] [Music] lemon
Channel: The Overlap
Views: 1,928,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sky Sports, Sport, Football, Premier League, Champions League, Manchester United, Gary Neville, MNF, Monday Night Football, Jamie Carragher, the overlap, overlap, g nev, nev, overlap interview, interview, Stick to Football, Ian Wright, Jill Scott, Roy Keane, The Overlap on tour, champions league, ucl, treble, uefa cup, europa league, arsenal, man city, 1999, mick hucknall, italian drugs, cheating, istanbul 2005, gerrard, cantona, old trafford, anfield, stick to football questions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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