DIAMOND THIEF - Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animation)

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Hey, Steve? I'm heading out to get some items. Do you want to come help, or? Huh? What time is it? It's... three in the afternoon? Yep. That's way too early. Okay, Mr Grumpy Pants. Enjoy snoozing all day! I'll just be grabbing all the loot for myself instead. Cya later! I would go with her but I just want to lie around all day. Hi, Steve! Wow, you're up early. Anyway, I've been working on this chest with a fake bottom to it. No idea what it could be used for but I thought it would be cool! Cya-later alligator! Urg, New Guy. He's so annoying. I wish he'd actually say something useful for once- Sorry, you did what now? A fake chest. Okay? It's like a normal chest. Uhuh. But when you put stuff into it... Uhuh. The items fall below it! New Guy, that's perfect! With this, I can take all of Alex's best items without her even knowing! I'll take one chest to-go. Thank you! Okay, here's the plan. I need to sneak into Alex's house. Carefully remove her chest. Yoink. Quietly dig a little hole in the ground. Bam! And lastly, but by no means leastly; gently place down my fake chest. She's not going to suspect a thing. All of her hard work will soon be in my hands. Muhahaha! What do you think of my evil laugh spooks? Pretty good, huh. (-ouch.) Oh boy, here she comes. Spooky, down the hole! Phew, feels good to be home. Huh, I don't remember leaving a pickaxe here... Oh well! What do you think we're going to get from this, Spooks? Food, diamonds, riches beyond our wildest dreams?! This is it? I've hatched this whole brilliant plan for some lousy string and a book?! Well, that was a waste of time. That's some good thinking, Spooky. If we stay down here, we can wait for her to find more items! I wonder how long that'll take? Hello, Alex. I'm moving house and have a bunch of stuff I don't need anymore. Do you want them instead? Well sure, but only if it's a couple of things. Where are you moving though? Oh, let me show you! I'm moving from this to... this. I'm going to have so much more room! Huh. I guess that is how you spell "lost." Spooky, it looks like we're in business. Hm, that's weird. The chest isn't filling up. So, you're saying you want more stuff? Well no. That's not what I- Hey, guys! She says she wants more stuff! More stuff? I love more stuff. More stuff is the best kind of stuff. Alright, that's enough for one day. We should get out of here. Uh-oh. Spooky, without my pickaxe we're stuck. Do you hear me, Spooky?! Stuck! We're stuck. I'll never get to eat cake again -And done! Wow, you all had a lot of stuff. Uh... Alex... a little help in here... What the? Did you hear that? I can explain. Aaa, the chest, it talks! Ben, hurry! You'll miss it. You didn't invite HIM, did you? Am I late? No-no, you're just in time. Alex, it went up! Did you see it? It went up- It went back down again. Two million. I did it! I mean, WE did it. I feel silly for asking, but, what does the number mean? Two million what? I have no idea. Alex, you got anything? Not a clue. But, I do feel proud for some reason. Like, a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I have that feeling too. I mean, it's either that or the soup I had earlier. Oh, dear. It's definitely the soup.
Channel: Blue Monkey
Views: 8,494,487
Rating: 4.9132104 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft animation, blue monkey, animation, alex and steve, alex, steve, alex & steve, alex and steve life, minecraft life, baby, diamond, steal, hidden base, secret base, villager, how to get diamond, caught, villager raid, steve stole, thief
Id: F46zpL1tKw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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