Diamond Jubilee - National Service of Thanksgiving, St Paul's Cathedral - Part 2 of 2

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prayers now with eight different readers let us give thanks for the witness of the Christian Church and the communities of let us give thanks for the lifelong service of Her Majesty as monarch of this nation and realms as head of the Commonwealth as defender of the faith and as a servant of the people we pray that God will continue to bless and guide her and that she may continue to find love joy and peace in her life and in her duties Lord in your mercy hear our prayer o God who provided for thy people by thy power and rulest over them in love folk save so to bless thy servant our queen that under her this nation may be wisely governed and thy church may serve thee in all godly quietness and grant the tree being devoted to thee with her whole heart and persevering in good works unto the end may by thy guidance come to thine everlasting Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord let us also give thanks for the rich inheritance of custom and values which we find in this United Kingdom and throughout the realms and Commonwealth we pray that we may grow closer together in our partnerships of government business and civil society Lord in your mercy hear our prayer go to force the Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and furthers with their continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in the winning glorify thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life for thy name's sake we askings amen let us give thanks for the witness of Christian Church and of communities of faith throughout the world as the growing respect for the traditions and wisdom of our brothers and sisters we prayed our God will bless our common witness that as we share together in faith and service there may be a powerful symbol of faith oh I love wonder God Lord in your mercy hear our prayer teach us good Lord to serve thee as they deserve hist to give and not to count the cast to fight and not to heed the wounds to toil and not to seek for rest to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do thy will now and forever amen let us give thanks for the members of the royal family for their service to this country as well as for the support they give to her majesty we pray that God will bless all that they do to support and encourage public and voluntary service through their work with institutions with the state charities and other organizations but together we may honor one another and seek the common good Lord in your mercy yea Almighty God the fountain of all goodness we humbly beseech thee to bless Philip Duke of Edinburgh Charles Prince of Wales and all the royal family and do them with I Holy Spirit enriched them with I heavenly grace prosper them with all happiness and bring them to thine everlasting kingdom for Jesus Christ's sake amen as we give thanks for Her Majesty's reign of 60 years and the example of a life symbolized by duty and sustained by faith so we thank God for the blessings we have received at his hand and for that grace which he has bestowed on us in the beloved Almighty God father of all mercies we thine unworthy servants do give the most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men we bless thee for our creation preservation and all the blessings of this life but above all for thine in estable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ for the means of grace and for the hope of glory and we beseech thee give us that due sense of all thy mercies that our hearts may be unfaded ly thankful and that we show forth I praise not only with our lips but in our lives by giving up ourselves to thy service and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with the antlia Holy Ghost be all honor and glory world without end our men God grant to the Living grace to the departed rest to the church the Queen the Commonwealth and all humankind peace and Concord and to us his servants life everlasting Armand you we'll now hear the choristers of the diamond choir with some poles and the Chapel Royal singing the new anthem by William Todd the call of wisdom Wow grandpa's you god of time and eternity whose son reigns as servant not master we give you thanks and praise that you have blessed this nation the realms and territories with Elizabeth our beloved and glorious Queen in this year of Jubilee grant her your gifts of love and joy and peace as she continues in faithful obedience to you her Lord and God and in devoted service to her lands and people's and those of the Commonwealth now and all the days of her life through Jesus Christ our Lord amen the Bishop of London the right reverend Richard charters go forth into the world in peace be of good courage hold fast that which is good render to no one evil for evil strengthen the faint-hearted support the weak help the afflicted honor everyone Lord and serve the Lord rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit the blessing of God Almighty Father Son and the Holy Spirit be amongst you and remain with you always the recessional music by William Walton played by the cathedrals organist Simon Johnson and that magnificent instrument - this service of thanksgiving today procession of clergy moves away from the high altar of simples towards the break Western through the claw clicking this 41 children of the dining sang the music of William Todd with words from Michael Handel drawn from that lesson from Proverbs that we had the Old Testament lesson which opened the service which Bush was can't believe we preached about dedication and public service the procession pausing for a moment to bow in respect to standing without the given military of course he was in hospital company by the Prince of Wales who will accompany her for the rest of the day in the Dukes plays the great tile sword of the City of London borne by the Lord Mayor alderman David wooden part of this magnificent array moving now through the grand marches of the Cathedral it has been a service intended to catch the public side of this occasion the archbishop talking in his sermon about that theme of common humanity public service and dedication but also a service that's exhibited something of the intimacy that is so entwined in these Jubilee celebration days and was obvious on the river on Sunday and the crowds Grand Marquis Palace at the concert last night and in every aspect of this celebration which has brought people onto the rather cold and sometimes wet streets of London in celebration an intimacy natural for the sovereign whose public deeds have been so embedded in the life of the nation and in all our lives for so long only the second Diamond Jubilee the first celebrated excite the door of this Cathedral but this a magnificent occasion in the precincts laid out by Chris for ran at them the 17th century started the 18th and a building which has stood as a beacon in the City of London for all that time with the power to thrill I think it even for Londoners it can catch the breath when they catch a glimpse of it or or see it looming through some unexpected vista street you could think of London with ads and Paul's on the skyline and even as it has been encroached upon by taller glossy buildings it has retained that dignity and its power to thrill Queen the South follows the procession of clergy towards the Great West door outside which she will find a very happy crowd waiting to greet her she moves on to mansion house in the city here far away for a reception other members the royal family will go to guild hall just a little bit further on Prince Wales I think will accompany the Queen in the absence of the Duke of Edinburgh and then she will go on to the Palace of Westminster where the city livery companies have laid on a magnificent lunch and from there the carriage procession will take her out Whitehall through Admiralty Arch down the mile back to bottom palace where weather permitting we should say there will be a Vulcan II appearance that tradition of such occasions and the fly past but now the colours the music the ceremonial and the grandeur of this magnificent bring the service to a close as the bells ring out across the City of London and to all of you who have joined us to listen or rush to the service of thanksgiving we cheer from the crowd gathered at sight simples at the end of this national service of Thanksgiving The Herald's flanking the great west door and the new dean of sinkholes accompanying the queen as she acknowledges the cheers and the waves and the flags of this crowd the car is ready and it's a very short journey now for her majesty from Saint Paul's Cathedral to the mansion house for a relatively brief reception there with senior members of the City of London Corporation and then after that there'll be a formal lunch at Westminster ball the Queen and her lady-in-waiting lady Farnum are in state Bentley ready for this short journey having heard the Archbishop of Canterbury who is just months away from his on the timer from that post giving a strong and direct message relating the Diamond Jubilee in the Queen's lifelong service relating that to the lives of millions of others and asking them to reflect on their own lives and whether they can understand and maybe commit themselves to a greater degree of public service Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall leaving st. Paul's and day will be attending a separate reception at guild hall the queen who was company detest imposed by the Lord Mayor of London bearing great pearl sword symbol of his authority and as we mentioned earlier the exchange of the sword a symbol of the respect the authority of the sovereign within the square mile of the City of London because the relationship between the City of London and the sovereign hasn't always been a very smooth one and Simon Schama is still with me as we are enjoying these images and Simon the fact that the queen is now going to lunch in the City of London and does tell us a little bit about the state of that relationship it does one of the things we have in this wonderful morning is the most expansive community to whom the Queen so much the Commonwealth and it is we must never forget how extraordinarily is the the problems of Empire washed into a genuine community of perfection and Commonwealth and then we have the littlest we knew anyone the square mile of the city which is very rightly rather indomitable proud of its the pedigree of its provisions the city government goes back to something called the portal spins in the early Middle Ages it predates Parliament so part of the magic of our constitutional arrangements that the sovereign is prepared to accept the sense of integrity and independence that the city has even at the most ceremonial level it was when actually I think it was in the 17th century and no actually much material so much earlier at the sovereign allowed the city to elect the sheriff the sheriff was really basically the Royal cop in the city so the sovereign to be clever and subtle enough to do that was a mark of how subtle and attentive really it's a reciprocal relationship of delicate attentiveness and thread without work well that attentiveness is still in evidence today because we've seen the Lord Mayor of London with the Queen and bearing that pearl sword and in fact this reception at mansion house takes place at the official residence of the Lord Mayor that is the location for this reception that the Queen will be attending a relatively smaller number some 250 people there members of the City of London Corporation and their partners and guests there'll be a much bigger reception at guild hall which is not too far away one of the most historic buildings within the city of London and that's being attended by other members of the royal family and but as I say the Queen won't be lunching at mansion house she'll be lunching at the Palace of Westminster a little later on a plenty of entertainment later on as well at mansion house today because we'll see the Commonwealth anthem formed by the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and choir too so they'll be singing the anthem specially composed for this occasion the referee modest pace Simon as befits the day what it means and of course people want a good look at the Queen and I mentioned earlier on the absence of carriages because of course in previous occasions and even for this Queen's Golden Jubilee and silver jubilee the carriage did allow people to have a very good grand view of the monarch this is rather different yes we hope that the weather will allow the the public view and the carriage it is very important I think what we've seen over this whole weekend is enormous outpouring of love and affection because the country is going through such a tough time it's we are we live in a culture here where money and celebrity image and power everything and there's something wonderfully simple and innocent of all those tempting kinds of strategies of corruption and people respect that in the Queen enormously Lord Merrill City of London David working and his wife Elizabeth Ruth the Queen and the very impressive figures around the door there are the pikemen and the Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company and an impromptu rendering of god save the queen as the as the Monica rise so that'll it mansion-house that's the reception taking place there should take well up to an hour maybe a little less than an hour and these are the arrivals that gilds all a much bigger reception here for most of the congregation at st. Paul's Cathedral so up to 2,000 people attending this reception and most of the members of our family will be here too we're looking here Simon at the modern part as Prince Harry emerges there the modern part of guild hall but the ancient part dating back to the 15th century is one of the most spectacular and impressive buildings in London yes and there's a great deal of paneling and there's a tremendous amount of civic heraldry again part of the art of doing us in our wonderfully peculiar way is that the commoners really got to enjoy the sort of sense of self-importance with a little bit of heraldry there's one officer in the city corporation who glories in the title of chief commoner which sounds like an oxymoron but only in increments could be celebrated as chief common I think that's what I would want there and of course today we are still they're still with us in the sense that we have the Court of Common Council as well which is which is all to do with the the ranks of authority in the city to the Prince of Wales Duchess of Cornwall deriving some nice music being played and and the reception at guild hall itself will also be attended a little later on by the Lord Mayor the City of London once the mansion house reception is over more pikemen and Musketeers who are lining the way into the guild hall reception I'm Prince of Wales who delivered a very effective and moving and witty speech last night at the concert mummy but we had a repeat of mummy that's right but it was a moving tribute and of course mentioned the fact as well that his father was in hospital unable to attend theaters I thought here the Queen miss Prince Philip allatra in the service actually
Channel: RedSquirrelCrossing
Views: 390,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hm the queen, diamond jubilee celebrations, thanksgiving service, st paul's cathedral, city of london, guildhall, mansion house
Id: 42TZ11arVis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2012
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