Diamond Clarity Comparisons- Avoiding Over Spending SI1 vs VS2 VS1 VVS2 VVS1 IF FL - diamond sho

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[Music] welcome to Diamond City this is Osiris from Arizona GA trained diamond expert and I'm here to teach you a little bit about clarity now in reality everyone wants the best diamond for the best price so diamond clarity I particularly think it is lower in the importance to a certain extent right because if you get too low in the clarity grade you're gonna see a black diamond that doesn't shine however when you have an internally flawless diamond and a vs1 your naked eye will not see the difference when you have a internally flawless versus an SI one sometimes even that site - you're not going to see the difference with your naked eye this is a James Allen website this is what it looks like when you click on you pick diamonds and you look for a loose diamond start with a diamond I'm gonna start with a round diamond round diamonds here we go so just for fun I'm gonna be at a one carat here and I'm just picking you know eye color here and I went to an SI one si one for me is the sweet spot okay advanced options like GI a and a GS okay so si one is the sweet spot for me okay sometimes I do go lower but I try to be here okay so I pick low to high in price and I start evaluating right off the top you could notice right here the diamond has a lot of black specks okay I tend to kind of scroll I put the mouse in the middle I scroll through this diamond right here you can see has a nice big black speck right here okay this one looks clean so right there you know that si ones I clean okay so utilizing this view you could already see if the diamond has a blemish if it appears the diamond is I clean from this view then I think it's worth looking into I'm gonna go right over here this one from here looks pretty good I'm gonna click on it okay here we go so notice here you see a black little bent blemish that's an inclusion and you see very small little dots here okay this is a diamond example that is probably priced right it's at four thousand and this is something that would be a hundred percent I clean in real life okay this is a for example this is a twenty times zoom diamond okay I barely see this magnified I'm gonna zoom out a little bit starting to feel a little more realistic though your naked eyes gonna see okay you have to evaluate it a little differently yes you're gonna see a little dot here a little tiny tiny dot but in real life your one you're saving money and when you saw this - your significant other she's gonna be like wow this stone is beautiful she's not going to notice that little dot because she doesn't have microscopic vision okay so again this is just me driving home the point now we had a 1.24 4900 not bad this is also appears to be I clean yeah pretty good I mean this is a very light spot here now this is a very large black circle I might I might shy away from it but because it's very opaque this circle right here it's very light in color so this makes me feel comfortable I'm gonna go ahead and show you a si one I would not feel comfortable with this is a perfect example of an SI one I probably wouldn't feel comfortable with it's a very large black spot right in the center right where the cutlet is you see kind of a white blank spot here it stands out a little stronger so this is an SI one I probably would not buy let's see see this one looks great look at this I mean I can't even I don't even see I barely even see an issue twenty times magnified so again this is an ideal situation see I could show you this stone and internally flawless stone and you're not gonna tell the difference magnified let alone in person okay now here's a here's a Nega here's a weird example of an SI one how much worse is this si one looked at the last okay when it comes to grading typically let's say this is the largest inclusion in the diamond okay that's where the si one grade comes from now if there's 20 other inclusions that are a little smaller than this but scattered all around you're still gonna have an si one grade so it's a little confusing but this is a diamond I probably would not buy notice it's a lot of black spots everywhere as you zoom out you know you could see some reflections in there this is a diamond I would avoid okay now as we go here's another tip right now we're looking for rounds if you're looking for sir an emerald cut if you're looking for an emerald cut the rules change okay could you see why it's very clean it's not a lot of cuts that that run across each other and create sparkles and distractions you pretty much see right through to the bottom okay this this holds a problem for the si1 clarity grade okay this will stand out so if you're looking for an emerald cut you want to probably go on the vs2 vs1 range okay see this room right here looks clean that's perfect here you can see a white blemish that's pretty loud from here maybe that would be I clean but for the most part you're seeing stones that are not going to give you issues the center is clean okay you see a small dot here on the side that's a that's I would say this is negligible I don't think this will be a this will be an eye clean stone this won't be an issue in real world use okay this one on the other hand you could tell from right here you have something right on the center right on the center so this is the diamond to avoid the other one I would I would pick that one up okay let's get a little bit more daring let's go ahead and go into i1 s i2 category okay this is a little harder to find a good diamond now is it possible yes but it's harder to find rounds ideal as you could see right here these are looking these are looking really ugly okay I would avoid all these okay notice the price the price is very you're going from a 4,000 toe of $4,000 diamond to 2300 that's substantial savings okay so let's look for that substantially good diamond here that's pretty I clean look this is looking pretty good here that's not bad see here's the hard part the center looks good notice right here this is the i1 it's white in nature it's pretty large and that's what gives it to i1 grade but it's hard to see it's very hard to see this is an ideal I won there's also another blemish right here and long in nature but because it's kind of grayish it's not very strong it's hard to catch it so this is an example of a good I won okay you're paying twenty four hundred dollars versus four thousand okay there's nothing wrong with the I won it could save you money you just have to evaluate it this one I would not buy I could see from right here this will be an issue this one looks pretty good just from here see that's giving you reflections all over this is something you probably want to avoid but it's a gorgeous I mean this is a gorgeous cut like I'll sharp these lines are Wow look at this one I barely see anything this one looks amazing once again notice down here it's a large inclusion that's white in nature you could put a prong right on top of here and save money so 2,900 versus 4000 it's also an H color so you're getting better color excellent stone the cut looks very nice but the blemish is white in the corner so again these are ways to shop let's go ahead and compare 2900 and let's go to a realistic diamond grade here we're gonna go to vias one for comparison I believe that one was an aged color and we just jumped to 50 to 40 versus 2900 so again it's it's a numbers game you want to compare and see what you could find but there's definitely bargain stones out there if you look and you understand the process hope this helped please email me info diamond city at gmail.com please go to the links below I have it directly goes to an article on my site that talks about the clarity and gives some more samples I hope I hope this hmm I hope this video helped use the links below to go to my website I have a clarity blog up so I could have more samples for you to see there please drop me a line if you want to ask me any questions if you have any diamonds you've been looking for or want me to evaluate I could help you thanks again for stopping by guys hope this video helped please subscribe to the channel if you want to see more tips or email if you any help thanks guys see you soon [Music]
Channel: That Guy Osiris
Views: 50,226
Rating: 4.8444791 out of 5
Keywords: diamond clarity, diamond buying, diamond shopping, engagement ring buying, engagement ring shopping, james allen, diamond buying buide, clarity
Id: KCjj1ix-nyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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